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Jen, A Pony-Girl Story

Synopsis: Jennifer Fforbes a executive PA and an enthusiastic

amateur pony-girl is tricked into becoming a full time Pony.

"She certainly is a beauty Jack" Phil Reilly agreed.

Jack Newbold gazed lovingly at her long swan neck so supremely

elegant in the dazzling white backless ball gown she wore as his

partner at the Pony-club Ball.

"Yes Phil she is," Jack agreed.

Phil turned and spoke seriously to him, "But not a winner"

Phil had an eye for these things, Phyllis Reilly, statistically the all

time most successful Pony-girl trainer in America,

Phil continued, "You pay top dollar for my time Jack but I can only

do so much."
"But Phil," Jack pointed out, "Jenny came second in deportment, she

is an amateur, Phil, it's unprecedented"

"Yes, she's good Jack," Phil agreed, "Fantastic actually, by far the

best I have trained, but the occasional evening and Saturday is all I

have, and the other girls she competes against are in full time

training, guys don't work in an office all week and play pro football

on Saturday, and this is the same. I have done all I can but I don't

get the time to get the details right."

Jack looked at Phil, and again at Jenny, Jennifer, his PA and

fianc�e, whirling around the dance floor in a Viennese waltz, talking

and dancing with owners so soon after her near triumph.

"I need a win Jack," Phil reminded him.

"I know Phil," Jack agreed, "Second is no good to you, its that top


"I can't force you," Phil admitted.

"What exactly could you do differently with more time?" he asked.

"Arms, she can't get her elbows together," Phil suggested, "The

lashing looks wrong, ugly that's where she loses points, with

training she would be so much more elegant."

"How about if she came straight from work?" he suggested.

"She would find it too much," Phil explained, "No she needs to be in

full time training, or back off, accept she is just making the numbers

up and I'll find someone else to work with."

"Show me the barn again," Jack requested.

They left the genteel gathering it the high oak panelled Ballroom,

the small orchestra playing, the rich and elegant members dancing,

diamonds glittering, against thousand dollar suits, down

interminable passage ways to emerge into the cool night air, the

Gravel crunched as they crossed the moonlit yard, an owl hooted in

the distance.
They rang for the watchman and looked idly back at the Grecian

columns framing the front entrance to the mansion and the

incongruous Art Deco ball room add on they had so recently left.

A voice on the intercom, "Yes"

"Phyllis Reilly and Jack Newbold to see Oriel"

"Come on in," the voice replied.

The lock clicked and the handle was suddenly free, they walked in.

A typical high airy American Horse barn, hard concrete floor, the

rows of stalls with blue painted top and bottom stable doors, A guy

in blue coveralls beckoned.

They walked towards him past the doors to the individual stalls,

sound of rustling and breathing indicated many were still occupied.

"Hi. how is she," Phil asked as she saw the young stable lad who

answered the intercom.

"Fine, disappointed of course," he replied.

"Does she understand what she did wrong?" Phil asked.

"I guess so, you're the trainer," he replied.

"Here she is." he announced as he opened the top element of the


Oriel stood passive, her back to them, Jack noted her arms brought

behind her back and bound tightly together from wrist to elbow,

now in her training tack, the tarnished brass and worn leather no

head dress plumes or tail, but still the high polish of her boots the

task of fitting and removing them not to be undertaken lightly.

"Hi Oriel" Phil stroked her shoulder, "are you disappointed/"

Twice she stamped her left foot.

"Do you want to talk," Phil asked.

She replied with a very firm single stamp.

"Do you need a cock?" Phil asked.

She stamped twice, Phil looked at Jack quizzically,"It would mean a

lot to her," she said.

"But she is filthy!" he replied. Her dung on the stall floor and the

stains on her buttocks showed where his concerns lay.

"Quiet," Phil ordered, "Either you help her or it will have to be my

riding crop."

The young stable lad in blue coveralls coughed quietly, "I have a

bucket of warm water and a sponge if you wish to mount her sir."

"Thank you," Jack replied, "Yes Mrs Reilly will attend to her while I

adjust my dress."

Jack felt strangely self conscious as he watched the young man

carefully soaping Oriel's rump and legs and the exquisite care with

which he cleaned the soft folds of her rather pronounced lower lips,

Oriel's breathing had deepened and Jack sensed the love Jenkins

felt for his charge, and saw how she responded.

"Is there anything going on between those two Phil?" Jack asked.

The young guy blushed bright crimson, but before he could deny

anything Phil laughed. "I don't know but by the size of that bulge he

sure wants to!"

The coveralls strained, as the young man stood aside, to allow Phil

access to his charge and Oriel squealed in delight as the handle of

the riding crop loosened up her vagina while with her other hand

Mrs Reilly caressed her nipples,

"She is hot and ready for you," Phyl suggested.

Oriel bent over offering her rump to him, "I think she wants you,

ah." Jack suggested to the stable lad.

"Jenkins sir," The lad explained.

"It's against policy. Jack." Phil warned but Jack over-ruled her.

"I guess we can make an exception here, if you want to, Jenkins?"

he suggested.
"Yes sir, thank you sir." Jenkins agreed.

"Get on with it then," Phil suggested as she handed Jenkins a

condom and as she watched Jenkins undid a few buttons and

pushed his shorts aside to release his manhood. he pulled her part

way from the stall so she could bend forward displaying herself to

him properly and he grasped her round the waist and prepared to

enter her, he was tempted to use the smaller tighter hole but

ploughed instead into her waiting cunt and started to pleasure her.

"I dreamed of this Oriel." he whispered in her ear as he humped into


Jack remembered her when he had first known Oriel, she had been

an office junior, and before his father had seen her potential and

paid for full time training, they had snatched brief moments of sex

in the stationary store, long ago now, before his father's accident.

He watched as Jenkins cupped her breasts in his hands, nicely

rounded, not to big so as to sag. maybe a B cup but it was long

since she had worn anything so whimsical as a bra; leather, leather

corset. leather boots leather straps, and a silver plated bit, the

uniform of the Ponygirl showed off her bronzed flesh.

"It must be three years now" Jack muttered.

"Yes Jack, and just one third place," Phil reminded him, "She needs

her thighs done again, and she forgot the routine, perhaps we

should accept she will never be more than a supporting act, a good

looking one. Jen is our best prospect by far if only we could get her

arms right, her elbows together."

Jack watched Jenkins thrust into Oriel with renewed vigour and was

gratified to see how Oriel ground back equally as hard, her muscles

milking his rock hard cock, "I'm coming Oh god oh gosh" Jenkins

squealed as his face contorted in ecstasy.

He pulled out staggering backwards, Phil grasped his member

pulling off the condom and wiping it with wet then dry cloths, he

stiffened, once more to his embarrassment then the the same

thought crossed their minds together, then a shake of the head.

"No leave her." Jack ordered. "I think we should consider asking

young Jenkins to keep her satisfied if she performs well, how about


"I got carried away sir." he apologised.

"No, you did well,"Jack reassured him, but unless Oriel improves

she will have to be retrained as a girl, maybe you are the guy to

help her through the changes?"

"I guess," he said expectantly.

"See she much more content now," Jack observed, "do you want

Jenkins to fuck you regularly?"

Oriel stamped twice, gently.

Jack smiled, Ponygirls were his father's passion, the family tradition

indeed but for the war his Grandmother would have been all

America champion 1942. and his Mother had been a very successful

Jack now handled the stud's affairs, his father watched from his bed

since the stroke, but Jack's dilemma was desperate, his fiancee, was

possibly the best natural pony girl of all time and if trained she

could clean up the next season but untrained she could be his wife

right now.

"We need wins, Jack," Phil reminded him, "The operation is barely

breaking even, we need results, Fifty Thousand for second Two

Hundred and Fifty thousand for the win Jack, that's the difference."

A transport arrived and they watched as the pony-girls were let out

of their stalls one by one and led up the tailgate ramp to be

secured, each girl in her own tailored foam insert, exactly matching

her breasts, with a chin rest and straps, often he girls travelled lying

on their fronts but this one had them leaning forward, but strapped


"Thats Colin's string," Phil explained, "Achante missed a hurdle or

she would have beaten Jen."

Jack sat on a straw bale, "I don't know, I sleep with her Phil," he

"No shortage of wlling replacements" Phil took his hand and placed

it on her own warm crotch.

"I want her to have my babies," he added.

"Plenty of time," Phil observed, and they made their way back to the


Part 2.

"You are quiet."

Jack Newbold observed as Jennifer Fforbes, his PA drove her

Corvette through the tortuous turns of the highway back to town.

"You were second overall, are you not pleased?" he asked

"And twenty seven places ahead of the next amateur" she smiled.

"Phil says it was the arms" he probed.

"Always why was I not first, never the success," she sighed.

"But you are so close, Jen," Jack observed

"I can't help it," Jen explained, "I need to work and that spoils my

posture, and I like my work, I don't want to sacrifice that for

transient success.

"You don't need to work, you will be paid to train," he assured her.

"What live like an animal? no thank you, I do this for you," she

replied, "I think I do enough"

They drew up outside the apartment, "Are you putting the car

away?" he asked

"No," she explained, "I want some time to myself, I will sleep at my

own place."

He waved goodbye as she drove off.

He made his way to bed.

A clock struck Four A.M. he sat frustrated and concerned, he needed

Jen here, in the apartment, taking his cock, he looked across at the

big house, where an army of nurses ate the companies profits as

they nursed his father.

He remembered a calling card, a street girl, a call girl, anytime she

had said, call anytime, he dialled, "Its four fucking twenty what do

you want," she replied.

"Hi its Jack one thirty two Greebe " he identified himself.

"House call is a hundred dollars and I can be with you in twenty

minutes." she suggested.

"Make it ten," he ordered.

She arrived in ten, her tracksuit soaked with sweat despite the cool

night air, she was no beauty, her wide snub nose fat lips, her huge

tits sagging and heaving, her fat hips, but she was willing, willing to

turn out in the middle of the night for him.

He sat by the door in his bath robe and as soon as she entered the

hallway he was undressing her, the tracksuit spilled down round her

ankles and his condom clad member speared easily within her

voluminous cunt, her ebony skin gleamed and his pink Penis in its

clear condom made a strange contrast as it pistoned in and out.

"What your name again," he asked.

"What ever you want it to be lover," she replied.

"Stay till morning?" he requested.

"I want breakfast," she countered.

"Of course, waffles?" he offered.

"Lovely" she agreed.

He stiffened again

"Anal is extra." she reminded him.

He reflected, Anal was not on the agenda with Jen, foreplay; one

fuck, vaginal, position optional, then sleep, those were Jen's

unwritten terms, yet here with a cheap street whore everything was


He woke around eight thirty and rang Jen, he got her answer

machine, perhaps she had gone to training.

"Girl trouble huh," He turned as he heard the voice behind him,

"Come back to bed and forget her" she offered.

"I got Waffles," he offered.

"Later" she took his hand and led him away, he gazed at her

sagging breasts, dirty short black hair, and her sopping wet cunt.

"How much extra is this" he asked.

"On the House, I guess you will be needing me real often from here

on in"
He drove her home, to a street corner on the way to Church


Sunday, Training day.

Phyllis rang, "She didn't show Jack"

"You maxed out anyway"

"But she missed a marker, Jack. She is becoming overconfident, she

needs to revise"

"Well she spent the night at her own place and is not answering her


"She didn't say where she was going"

" I guess she is probably with her parent's up at the lake, I will try

their number and get back to you"

Jack rang the Oxbow lake number, Jen's father answered leaving

Jack in no doubt that Jen was unhappy, overworked, undervalued

and generally depressed, and no, his presence would not be

welcome at the lake house.

The news was no surprise to Phil, "Its either proper training or I am

out of here, it's my reputation"

Jack could only agree to talk to Jen again.

He took the Chrysler, the Lotus sat next to it built like a race car

and ideal for the mountain roads, but Jack wanted to work off some

anger, he cruised at a sedate 55 round bends more suited to 35, the

tyres squealing engine just rumbling in a manner the lawmakers

could never have envisaged when they posted the limit on the

mountain road, he took the right fork, left led to Oxbow, right to

Indian Bend. He drove slowly into the small town.

The Motel had vacancies, customers were scarce this time of year,

he signed in and took a stroll, he found what he was seeking in the

first bar, perhaps 20, the shortest of short leather skirts, silicone

breasts, blonde hair from a peroxide bottle, blue eyes, the courtship
took two minutes sealed with a twenty dollar note and they walked

towards the lakeside.

It took another twenty for her warm moist panties to join his spare

change in his jacket pocket and twenty more for her to lie in the

forest at the roadside where he had a clear view across the lake to

Oxbow, it was ironic, Jen pranced around naked in front of hundreds

of people as a Ponygirl yet she would never do this.

The girl was as eager as he, she loved her job as much as she loved

the money and was happy to agree when Jack suggested he

upgrade the motel room to a double, he paid cash for the upgrade.

He drove back in the early morning, leaving the girl to take

breakfast and check out, he never asked her name, he loved her

briefly, now he had moved on a hundred dollars poorer.

He called at his apartment and changed, no messages, he was at

the Office by nine.

Jennifer was there before him.

"We need to talk, Jack"

"Over Dinner?"

"No here after work," she suggested.

The day dragged, clearly she had made a decision,

The sounds of the five o'clock rush faded and Jack called Jen

through to his Office, he sat on the edge of his desk as she came in.

Graceful, like a gazelle or racehorse, and elegant in her cream

business suit with her translucent white blouse adding a touch of

naughtiness by revealing her black brassiere beneath.

She sat facing him.

"You wanted to talk?"

"Where are we going Jack?"

He shook his head,

"Up the aisle I guess, get married and have kids."

"But you seem obsessed with me as a Ponygirl."

"Jen remember the Ponygirl contacts are the bedrock of our

Company, and yes, you are fantastic as a Ponygirl,"

"It's just words Jack"

"Your Dad said you needed a break, so I have arranged cover from

next Monday if you need a few days to rest"

"You don't need me here?"

"Yes I of course I do but if you need a break"

"There is no passion Jack"

She stood to leave, he reached out to her catching her under her

arms, he lifted her and reached out to kiss her.

"Put me down" she insisted.

He turned her so she stood against the desk and hooking his

thumbs into the waistband of her skirt pulled it up to her breasts

revealing her black thong and her bare thighs above her black self

supporting stockings.

"No Jack"

He reached around behind her and taking his paper knife he sliced

easily through the waistband of her thong sending it fluttering to the


He moved to his own belt loosening it and his buttons and zipper to

release his rampant tool,

"Jack the door's not locked"

"So who cares?" he queried.

"Oohh Jack"

He thrust fiercely into her, pounding her into the desk, and issed her

passionately on the mouth, drawing blood.

"Oh god, Jack what came over you" she asked as he pulled out and

spunk dripped over his expensive pants and down her legs.

"No passion you said." he reminded her.

She threw the ruined thong in the waste paper basket.

Jack watched her glide from the Office and then heard her leaving

the building, he watched from the office window as she drove off in

the Corvette.

He went down to the secretaries office, one girl alone remained,

"Hi you are Rebekah, am I right." he greeted her.

"Yes Mr Newbold," she replied brightly

"You are working late," he observed.

"Yes," she agreed.

"No eager waiting husband or boyfriend waiting for you?" Jack

asked jovially.

"No sir!" she answered.

"Would you consider filling in for my PA Jen Fforbes," he asked,

"She needs a break"

"What would that involve?" she enquired.

"Holding the fort stalling people the usual," he joked.

"Nothing else?" she enquired.

"Ah what have you heard," he asked.

"You expect, ah. comfort," she suggested.

"Is that a problem?" he asked.

"I guess not but don't tell my mom," she replied coyly.
"I won't if you don't." he reassured her.

He smiled, "Good that was easy, I will send personnel an email,


"Goodbye, sir, and thank you" she replied.

Jack thought when he had first met Jen, yes she was highly

qualified supremely competent and the rest, but his father had

picked her out for him for her perfect physique.

But that was ages ago and Jen had moved on from mild incredulity

at the Ponygirl scene to visiting an event, to curiosity, and then

competition, no one seriously expected her to be so good, but she

was potentially world class.

He rang Phil, "I think we have to put her in training,"

"When do you think?" she asked.

"Thursday," he said decisively, "She is due for training on Thursday

evening, just get her tacked up and go from there, I have arranged

cover at work, so if that's Ok."

"Professional bit?" Phil enquired.

"Yes and a Tattoo, but no nipple piercings." he ordered.

"Navel and clit OK?" she asked.

"Yes," he confirmed.

Phil made notes.

"What about Oriel?" she asked.

"Yes, she is hopeless," Jack agreed, "Lets get her in rehab, then Jen

can take Oriel's place.

Jen drove herself to Phil's place, the dirt road running up the side of

the valley away from the highway and over the high ridge before

plunging down to the ranch, the fields cut from the surrounding

forests and the barns blended into the dramatic foothills while to the

north the snow capped high mountains brooded.

Jen parked the Corvette in the Barn and walked over to the office,

Phil was waiting, "Coffee?" Phil asked.

"No thanks," Jen replied.

"That was a wonderful performance on Saturday," Phil declared,

"You nearly lost out when you missed a marker, and your posture

was not quite perfect but hey, well done"

"I had to rest Sunday," Jen explained.

"I know," Phil explained, "We will just have a little try out round the

Jumps this evening, in training tack I think, then we can have a

She ushered Jen into the dressing room, Jen undressed, hanging

her business suit neatly on a hanger then her blouse and

underwear, finally sitting naked while Phil helped her on with the oh

so tight fitting knee length boots, the Iconic Pony-girl footwear,

shaped and braced for the weight to be on the ball of the foot where

the moulded sole left the horse shoe imprint, the shape of a high

heel yet no heel which so many found impossible to master, walk in

even without jumping or running.

The broad leather belt around her waist came next then the harness

under and over the base of her breasts fastened behind, then the

wrists held in leather cuffs and her elbows and the problem, which

should ideally touch yet hers were five inches apart at best, then

the bridle, over the head with a ring at the back through which Phil

expertly pulled Jens Hair making the pony tail.

The Tack had evolved, to suit the needs of professional top flight

ponygirls but with aesthetics paramount, so the hands behind the

back, elbows together covered by a leather sleeve, to which a tail is

attached for competition, the breasts and crotch left bare to avoid

chafing, and the bridle coming down between the eyes to the bit, a

rubber bit between the teeth for amateurs but the metal bit behind
the teeth for professionals, normally the rearmost lower teeth

needed to be removed for this.

Girls needed to feel confident in the tack so Phil always insisted Girls

Tack up for training, and ignored anyone casually watching,

although this far off the highway strangers were unlikely.

Phil led her round the ring, dressage was always the same but the

Jumps differed, not very high but the crowd did love a mishap

sending a girl plunging into the sand tits first,

"You need to do a half stride out of four so you are right for five

other wise fine, try it again, a half out of four then a half out of five

to get back ready for six and that should be it." Phil explained,

"Good Pony"

Jen looked at Phil, she usually said "Good Girl"

Jen looked forward to a shower and a diet coke then the drive home

to snuggle up to Jack.
They made their way to the tack room, usually Phil slackened her

bridle and removed the bit so they could discuss the events as they

threaded through the crowd, but today she seemed preoccupied.

The tack room was on the end of the main barn, itself divided into a

number of cubicles, stall where the full time Pony-girls lived, mainly

former hookers and dropouts. Living like animals while their bank

accounts swelled so they could get a decent re start in life,

"Oriel has left," Phil pointed to a Cubicle door swinging open, the

cubicle barely a metre square with a treadle operated water hose

and a drain in the floor, where Pony-girls spent the hours of

darkness, harnessed to the overhead beams so they had to sleep

standing to toughen up the ankle muscles. Phil guided her to the

cubicle, "See."

Jen stared in disbelief at the nameplate on the door, "Newboldstud

Jen," she mouthed as she read it.

"See you have been accepted for full time training, well done." Phil

praised her.
Jen struggled and kicked, she needed to escape she had not agreed

to this, a whip lashed suddenly she felt the sting on her buttocks

and stood still in shock.

"Good Pony, do you want supper?" Jen asked, "One stamp for no

two for yes."

Jen nodded.

"I will try you with a high collar so no nodding and shaking all

right?" Phil warned.

Jen nodded.

"Come along then we will see about food," Phil announced and she

led Jen to the medical room and sat her on a bench.

Mr Abrams the Vet stood by, Jen panicked but was helpless as Phil

inserted a Jaw spreader and cranked her mouth wide open, Phil took

out the rubber bit and Abrams quickly yanked out her two rearmost

lower teeth, she screamed with the pain.

"Poor cry baby Pony," Phil chided her as they slipped the silver

plated brass professional bit behind her teeth and secured the

bridle, Jen felt it clamping her tongue, as she tried to shout out.

"That can stay in all the time, you will soon learn to eat and drink

with it," Phil assured her.

The pain was intense but then she felt something pulling her

elbows. a ratchet clicked as the force and pain became intolerable,

the crackling, squelching and crunching of joints breaking or

dislocating in the pursuit of beauty, finally as her elbows touched

she passed out.

She woke, swinging form the harness in her stall. she spotted the

drink hose and operated the treadle giving herself a drink, it tasted

strange, peppermint, perhaps?

A strange man was there, behind her, "Breakfast" he announced as

he released her from the harness and set a bucket down before her,

re-fastening the harness to a hook on the wall, she knelt thrusting

her head in the bucket, the whip cracked, "Bend not Kneel"
She tried but it was awkward, At least the food was edible, she

thought, like Muesli with lumps of apple, and carrot. Her Arms and

teeth ached.

Phil led her out, she thought about a swift kick but Phil swished the

whip and she thought again.

A man waited by the door, nondescript in a plastic suit he held a

spray gun and sprayed her all over as Phil made her halt.

"Sunblock antiseptic and insect repellant, smells awful but you get

used to it." he explained.

Phil took Jen to the Jumps, something was wrong, her rhythm,

"You are breathing better Jen, taking longer strides, leave out the

half steps."

She tried again.

"One Forty Two, that's three seconds faster than yesterday Jen,

that's brilliant," Phil announced, and then suggested she "Have a


The other professional Pony's stood round the water trough, Jen

dipped down and drank, then the others in turn came up to rub their

heads against hers, their breasts touching also in a sign of


"Free time Ponies, do your business then we have a nice run later"

Phil shouted.

Business, Jen mused as she sat on the grass, a man with a whip

approached, "Ponies don't sit" she jumped up, "rolling round in the

dust is OK"

She lay on her back

"Ponies lay on their fronts," Phil announced.

She rolled with some difficulty, her weight now on her breasts felt

strangely stimulating.
The run was exhausting, miles and miles of forest tracks chased by

men on motorcycles and Phil n her quad bike ready to encourage

slowing ponies with the whip, and by sun down the Ponies were

exhausted they ate from their buckets in the dying rays of the sun,

the beauty of the mountain country all around and then back to

their stalls to sleep.


Jen thought back to how it used to be, when she first came to

Newbold Associates, she knew they were into property and

investments but the Ponygirl involvement was a surprise.

Jacks father, Jack senior, had first let her discover this facet of the

company's activity.

"I need someone to accompany my Wife and I to the Pony Girl ball

with the Crown Prince, take notes and all that"

"I guess I can do that" she had answered.

"You know about Pony Girls," Jack senior asked.

"Know what?" Jen asked?

"Well you had better look at these", and he produced pictures of a

naked lady dressed harnessed like a Horse. "My Mother, nineteen

forty one"

She did not know what to say, "She is beautiful" was the best or

was it worst thing she could think of to say.

"My wife did some but we had young Jack and that was that: So you

are not shocked?" he asked.

"No Sir!" she had said more confidently than she felt.

"Then that's a date," he confirmed.

They drove out, Old Jack, his wife and her Jen, in the Limo to the

glittering Ball, Pony-girl memorabilia was displayed and pony-girl

portraits hung round the sides of the Ballroom.

"Are you thinking of joining?" A girl her age asked, Jen stared in

disbelief at the girl dressed in the leather pony-girl uniform, her

breasts and sex revealed to plain view yet with her bit hanging

loose she was talking to guests quite un-self-consciously.

"Oh no, just taking notes." Jen told her .

"You should join, the facilities are divine," the girl suggested,

"gymn, pool, sauna!"

"Is it expensive?" Jen asked.

"No, silly, as long as we perform, compete in a few shows we get it

all free, " the girl assured her.

"Perform"? Jen questioned.

"As Ponies," the girl confirmed

"Oh I could not do that," Jen replied.

"I thought that at first, the girl told her, "but, gee when I tried it

was fantastic, the guys drooling, you see they can't touch, only

look, the arena you see" the girl motioned to an approaching figure.

"Look here is my Trainer,"

Phylis Reilly had entered Jens life.

"Ah Miss Fforbes, Jack said I should look you over." Phil greeted


"And you are?" Jen asked.

" Phyllis Reilly, best damn Ponygirl trainer there is, come and see

the girls"

She followed Phil down to the Pony Barn and recognised Sandra

from accounts, and Bob Andrews' PA standing around, dressed in

full Ponygirl regalia, Jen felt over-dressed in her business suit.

"Is it not horribly uncomfortable with that thing in the mouth, and

why they have all got their hands tied," Jen asked.
"Oh no I show you, do you see," Phil ushered her into a small room

lined with lockers where the girls changed, she took a bridle from

the wall,

"Its soft see" she said as she placed it on her head pulling her hair

through the loop at the back, then she had added the rubber bit,

"Heffog lump," Jen answered.

"Yes it is hard to talk, look you're dribbling," Phil slid Jen's jacket

from her shoulders and wiped the spittle with a tissue, before

hanging it in a locker, her white blouse and skirt followed and Phil

quickly and loosely fitted the belts around her breasts and round her

waist. she quietly cuffed Jens hands behind her back and attached

them to the main belt.

"Comfy" Phil ignored her reply but closed the door before pulling

down her panties.

"Regulation underwear only, she slid regulation pants up her legs, a

vee of canvas front and rear with a cord tied with a bow at each
side, she also removed Jens Bra replacing it with a similar canvas

and rope creation to preserve her modesty.

Finally Boots, high heeled boots in black leather, "Not proper boots

it takes months to learn to walk on the balls of your feet but these

give something of the idea"

Jen had started to admire herself in a mirror when a bell sounded,

"Novice deportment, come along you might get a prize"

Phil led her from the room and she was relieved to see several

similarly attired girls in front of her

Jen had followed and as the ball room floor cleared she and thirty

other young ladies had paraded round the hall, Phil had her stop by

the Judges where she got several 5s and then they crowded round

to hear the judging.

"Third place Miss Reilly's entry," the head Judge announced.

"You got a third," Phil beamed, "That means you can join the

intermediates, quickly, see if you can manage the heel less boots."
She had managed the boots somehow, although they felt very

strange and without further ado they went to follow the other

Intermediates contestants out Jen noticed they all had bare

buttocks and bare breasts, she wondered why and as they entered

the arena Phil pulled the knots and her own knickers fluttered to the

ground and her bra disintegrated into canvas and string.

She felt humiliated yet the crowds cheers seemed to please her,

fingers pointing at her, not the others but her, she had straightened

up, playing to the crowd, "Push your breasts out they are a bit

small," Phil had whispered, and that was her introduction. She did

not get a prize for Intermediate but Old Jack was ecstatic and his

wife so thrilled that Jen had been talking for fifteen minutes after

Phil removed her bridle and bit before she realised she was actually

naked in a room full of people as indeed were most of the other


Jen also met the Crown Prince and Jack's son, and many other

influential people, and had signed up as an associate member

before the fairy-tale ended and she re emerged as an ordinary girl

It was Jack senior who had sealed her relationship with Jack, she

could not believe she had done it, looking back, but Jack senior had

asked point blank if she liked Jack, and when she said yes, he

said "Enough to let him fuck you"

She had been so embarrassed, but said "Yes"

"Stupid boy is shy, come over the house at seven, Phil is coming

and I'l get this show on the road."

And in he stables, with straw on the floor, Phil had helped her

undress then dressed her in full tack, and waited,

"Little present in the Stables for you son" Jack senior advised his


And Jack saw her and fell in love, she clutched a piece paper in her

tiny hand "Yes" it said

"Can I?" he asked.

She waved the paper and soon her was deep inside her, wrenching,

tearing her almost virgin cunt, the bit stifled her cries as he

pleasured himself and took her too through he pain to ecstasy.

That had been the high water mark of their passion, the last time in

the office had run it close but she now realised he really saw her as

an animal not an equal.

Training Again

The morning sun brought the morning routine

Phil arrived, "We will try you with the high collar," she announced,

"It will feel strange but it keeps your head up."

She placed the leather against Jen's neck and started to tighten the

straps, Jen fidgeted

"Where is it tight?, Top, one stamp for no two for yes, Top?" one

stamp, "Middle?" one more "Bottom?" Phil asked.

Stamp stamp, Phil loosened the strap, "better?" Stamp Stamp.

Suddenly anger flared and Jen lashed out at Phil with her foot , how

dare they kidnap her like this.

"Stop or feel the whip," Phil ordered and Jen stilled.

"Bad Pony, Pony must not kick, Pony will do damage," Phil spoke as

if she were some kind of half wit but Jen felt something being

tightened round her legs, just above her boots, holding her thighs

firmly preventing the swing needed for a kick.

"Pony needs something to calm her" Phil gently caressed Jen's

breasts, despite herself she felt her nipples start to stiffen, she felt

something cold, on he nipple contracting squeezing maddeningly

she could not see.

"Jack said no piercings so these are clamp on, see, she showed her

the tiny clamp on silver bell, " little nipple bells, pretty, make Pony

look pretty" she was unable to respond. She felt an unwanted

sensation within her, dampness, surely she she should not find total

helpless a turn on.

Jen felt Phil's fingers stroking her clit then the fingers slipped within

her, tormenting her "I wanted you so much, you never guessed did

you," Phil cooed as she eased a finger into the warm inviting moist

cavern between Jens legs,

"You will like this," the finger withdrew Jen felt suddenly lonely, she

wanted it back, the attention, then something larger, something

cold and hard easing within.

"You like that don't you?" Phil asked.

No she couldn't like it, she felt Phil fiddling between her thighs the

collar prevented her seeing the tripod with a dildo on top which Phil

had assembled beneath her.

"There just bend your knees," Phil ordered and Jen obeyed and the

intruder eased in, Jen straightened in surprise, "Yes you can

pleasure yourself." Phil advised her and adjusted the tripod to ease

the dildo further within Jen's sex.

Jen did not want to pleasure herself, she should be at work but she

relaxed sinking down onto the dildo, then straightened, and down

and up, and down and suddenly as she struggled to find a

comfortable position, she instead settled into a comfortable rhythm.

Phil watched, as slowly the rhythm became established, she loved

watching her ponies pleasuring themselves, especially as their juices

flowed sloshing noisily around the cleverly shaped dildo head, which

encouraged the juices to flow and leak down the ponies' legs.

"Relax," Phil whispered, as she slid her small whip from the long

pocket of her horse riding pants, "listen to your instincts, just be

yourself, you're free you're a pony it's just you and me, my love, no

need to put on an act"

Jens movements became faster her breathing more ragged. Phil

encouraged her "That's it race for me pony." Phil gently tapped

Jen's buttocks with the whip in time with her thrusting, then as the

tempo increased so skillfully did Phil increase the slashing from the

whip, turning Jen's unblemished pale pink buttocks to a rosy pink

and then a checker-board of livid red marks.

Jen squealed helplessly into her bit and then suddenly she was


"Good pony, release the tension, let it all go, let go." Phil

encouraged as she took her whip and ran the handle through Jens

fluids as they ran down her thigh, then as climax approached Phil

laced the whip handle against Jens anal bud and pushed hard.

Jen squirmed with primeval pleasure and thrust ever harder as Phil's

gradually eased the whip further and further up inside her, and then

with a single kiss on Jen's neck, something seemed to erupt within

her, she realised her legs were all wet and she was soaked with

sweat, and she was horribly aware that the whip still hung from her

anus, the strands tickling her legs as she moved, but all was peace

and tranquillity, she swung limp only the harness keeping her on

her feet, and as she did so the dildo forced ever deeper, and she

sought to find a comfortable position and a gentle rhythm restarted.

Jen tried to resist but instead she took a big drink from her

dispenser and refreshed she allowed herself to take pleasure from

the aparatus once more.

Phil returned at lunchtime, Jen was completely exhausted covered

with glistening sweat, her juices flowed down her legs. Phil removed

the dildo and bar and tripod and led her out to join the others.

She rolled in the dust to dry her sweat and realised she was doing

what a real pony would do, she was learning, the air smelled good

the view magnificent, she had food and drink and was worn out

from pleasure, perhaps life was not too bad after all.

"I have a new toy for you, Jen," Phil told Jen as she led her back to

her stall, Jen looked in disbelief. "It's a trainer," her stall was now

divided into two by a polished wooden rail at almost crotch height,

she would have to stand upright, but then as Phil pushed her inside

she felt the rail first pushed against her crotch and then something

was forced into her unwilling tight vagina.

She realised it was the dildo from earlier, or a similar one, but now

the wooden rail held it firmly against her and she felt something

In fact unseen Phil was securing the dildo to the wooden rail, the

rail fitted into stout A frames was far more secure than the tripod

and as Phil showed Jen a foot treadle released a stream of soothing

lube whenever it was needed.

Jen screamed into her gag, but Phil closed the door and wished her

"Good Night!"

Jen thought of her predicament, she wished she was home with

Jack, and as she wished she realised she was growing damp, the

dildo stopped hurting, she found it soothing, and gently rocked up

and down, she didn't know Phil was watching nor did she hear the

door open and it was not until later that she realised that Phil had

helped her to her first orgasm of the long night with her little whip.

Phil went away, but Jen could not sleep, every time she sank down

she became aroused and every time she became aroused she had to

relieve the tensions, she came to rely on the foot treadle for lube,

as her own juices were temporarily overwhelmed but by morning

she was completely exhausted.

Phil collected Jen from her stall and led her across the soft grass of

the meadow, the soft rain fell nd Phil found Jen a nice muddy

depression in the field. "Lie there and rest." she ordered. and

thankfully Jen lay down.

"Roll over," she suggested, and as Jen rolled in the soft mud Phil

smiled approvingly she knew now that she had an obedient animal

she could work with.


Phil never ceased to be amazed how quickly the ponies learned, her

early days had been with four leg ponies and they had been

stubborn as mules, she held out a sugar lump and Jen ducked down

to snaffle it.

"You did very well as an amateur on the Saturdays but as a

professional the big difference is the Sunday, Cross Country, and if

we go international the Carriage section"

Jen flashed her a quizzical look.

"They do a lot of Carriage work in Eastern Europe and the Far East

so each summer when we have the International Pony-Girl show all

four disciplines are catered for, but you need a podium at All

America to get there."

Jen saw a diminutive Oriental Girl approaching in riding gear pulling

a small cart with one hand.

"This is Su Li your handler for the Carriage class, you have all the

relevant tack so stand while she hooks you up then trot round a bit

get the feel.

Jen stood, quietly.

"She bloated and her hair grow Uggh, I do wax later yes?" Su Li


"Yes, she used to shave," Phil explained.

"She like Girl?" Su Li asked.

"Not yet, she was Jack Newbold's fiancee," Phil added.

"Ah" Su li agreed.

Jen found the cart strange, she had to step sideways to turn, the

cart kept her straight and her collar stopped her turning her head

she relied on peripheral vision.

The ring had a number of obstacle, the challenge a clear round

without Cart or Pony knocking anything over. she felt the cart

striking obstacles and tried to run wider

Su li climbed aboard the Carriage, Jen barely noticed her weight,

she could be only four and a half stone and she followed Su Li's

instructions, to achieve a clear.

"Proper way is with blinkers" she fitted the blinkers to the harness

and suddenly Jen's world was a tunnel, she could not judge where

to turn, crash, they hit a marker, slash, the whip, correcting her.

"Wait for command, don't think obey," Su Li ordered.

Jen ran on mind focussed on Su Li wishing only to obey, to be

spared the whip.

"That OK, now blind," Su Li altered the blinker setting and Jens

world disappeared

She trotted carefully then Su Li encouraged her with the whip and

she cantered then ran, learning to trust Su Li.

Saturday was quiet, Phil was Judging at an event upstate, so Su Li

used Jen and the cart as transport to check the Cross Country

course, the hills proved tiring and soon Jen was sweating profusely,

they returned at mid day and Su li fed and watered her, at the

water trough leaving her attached to the cart.

"Take a knap, Su Li ordered flicking the blinkers shut.

Jen drifted into a deep sleep, sleeping while standing now came

naturally, she had no idea Jack was standing inches from her, this

beautiful animal with matted blonde hair, ugly pubic stubble,

covered with dirt and dust, could this be the woman he had so

recently worked with.

His Cock stiffened

Su Li shook her head and they walked out of hearing range.

"Phil say no Fuck till after next weekend, then only if she get

podium," she explained.

The afternoon dragged, Jen lay in the dust, doing nothing, standing

in the hot sun, A man came, she felt something at her crotch, fabric

then something hot sprayed on, they were waxing her, in the open,

in full view, the pain was intense as the strips were removed, but Su

Li's whip slashed calming her, she suddenly felt naked, but Su Li

harnessed her to the Cart once more and leaped aboard and they

hurtled down the paddock before returning more sedately.

"One last piece then you know all tricks for Carriage pull," Su li

promised as she fiddled with her ear, the sound suddenly distorted,

she came around the other side, "Ear Plugs, so be sure you obey

whip and reins, no see, no hear all is feel"

Jen Trotted on she feared a tree was right in front but soon the

comforting slap of the whip told her Su Li was still there, the tug of
the reins a comfort Su Li was now her eyes and ears and

Judgement, she could truly relax, she felt so calm, running blindly

naked yet the inner peace spread a warm glow through her, She

and Su Li far closer than she and Jack, like relationship between

man and dog, perhaps she thought.

The ear plug moved, "Su Li loves her little Pony, I call you Sue Lee

too now"

Jen stamped twice, Yes, Sue Lee and Su Li.

Evening came, and darkness, Jen, Sue Lee as she now was, stood

waiting for sleep but she saw lights, a torch. Su Li. Su li opened

her stall and led her out, out into the moonlight.

"This is naughty but I want to do it" Su Li whispered.

Extra tack lay by the water trough, leather with a dildo, a strap

on? Something extra to go around her breasts, wider stronger and

something metallic each side hanging from the waist belt.

"This modified pony boy tack, be careful with me, I ride you, you

pleasure me much OK."

Jen stamped twice and watched as Su Li stripped naked then using

the water trough as a platform climbed aboard, Jen heard Su Li's

gasp and realised she must be riding on the dildo strapped to Jens

back, she felt Su li's hands beside her cheeks her breasts against

her back, her naked feet in stirrups against her thighs,

"Run for me my beautiful lover, make me so very happy, make me

come, do it for me," Su Li pleaded.

Jen felt the love flowing she jogged carefully then speeded up the

rhythm sending Su Li bouncing up and down,

"Thats it oh my god, keep going, don't for gods sake stop Ohhh" Su

Li gasped before she flopped exhausted as Jen brought her back to

the trough.

A shout rang out "You Naughty Girl," Phil was back. "You know you

shouldn't do it, now relieve Jen and put her away," she stormed.

"No second thoughts, ill do it."

Jen found someone washing her crotch, she forgot how dirty she

must be, then realised how aroused she was, fingers explored, then

the tiny hand slipping inside her.

"I said I'll do her Su Li" Phil ordered but Jen was already squeezing

Su Li's wrist with her cunt muscles and clearly enjoying the


Jen shouted out but the sound was muffled muted like a horse

whinnying in pleasure as she clenched and unclenched her muscles.

"I call her Sue Lee, like General Lee." Su li announced.

"Yes, I think that's good." Phil agreed, "we had better get her

loosened up."

Su Li led Jen back to her stall, still with her fist deep in Jen's cunt,

Su Li walked backwards with Phil's guidance until she was was just

outside the stall, Su li withdrew her hand leaving Jen frustrated and

Jen eagerly stepped into her stall, the beam was lowered and as Jen

waited in anticipation she was disturbed to find the dildo pressing

against her anus instead of her cunt, Phil pressed the lube treadle

and operated the hydraulic lift to raise the A frame into position, Jen

screamed, her body was seemingly being torn open. but gradually

and excruciatingly painfully she sank down.

The tears flowed down her face leaving trails in the dirt, and she

tried to remain still, but the intruder filled her so completely that

she had to readjust her position, she felt damp, she realised she

had wet herself, or was it cunt juices, she didn't care, her bum

suddenly felt nice and filled, somehow safe, and the more she

squirmed the nicer it felt.

Phil and Su Li left Jen for an hour, then they lowered the A frame

and released Jen, she staggered slightly but Su Li quickly changed

the Dildo and as Jen silently screamed once more they raised it into

position again.

The pain was unbearable, Jen almost passed out, the dildo was

huge it pressed on everything, her bladder, it even pulled the skin

taut over her clit, in fact every tiny movement irritated her clit, she

relieved her bladder, which relieved the tension slightly but she
could not help herself and before she realised she was thrusting up

and down, forcing the dildo in and out of her ass.

Su Li waited for Jen to cum but she seemed incapable, so she

carefully fitted the earplugs and put felt pads inside Jens blinkers to

blind her before leaving Jen's whole consciousness devoted to the

pain and pleasure of her anus.

Eventually the dildo became loose, Jen flopped against the harness

which Su Li had secured overhead, and she slept.

Training continued, Tuesday saw a change of routine as the vet

checked her arms, she found them too painful to move but they

looked good, and they sorted out a seat for her, Ponies have to

travel on their fronts to avoid damage to the arms so foam has to

be shaped to spread their weight evenly, so they use the same foam

system as a Formula one car, fill a bag with foam and lie on it till it

By Thursday afternoon the seat was ready, the Ford panel van

bearing the ranch Logo pulled up, the seats leaning forward at 45

degrees, the centre one labelled "Sue Lee" the driver guided her in,

adjusted the height, tightened a belt round her waist and went to

shut the door,

"Does she need plugs?" he asked.

"Yes better," Phil replied.

The driver opened a locker and pulled out a tapered plastic rod,

wiping it on a rag he thrust it up Jens slightly moist cunt until it

filled her, and she felt something against her crotch and it withdrew.

"Number three and," he said as he plunged it into her anus,

"Number six."

Phil recorded the sizes as the driver lubed the correct plugs and

forced them into her.

"Its funny, the way them look human yet shit like animals," he

Jen was hurt, how dare they say that she did not shit like an animal

she used proper bathrooms, then the realisation, there were no

bathrooms. She was not even aware when she was doing her

business, had she lost her mind. The foam gripped her breasts, she

felt the warmth, and she felt gloriously full below and the swaying of

the vehicle, she could see the road ahead, she vaguely remembered

something about it but the pleasure in her crotch was a much nicer


They drove for an hours acclimatisation, returning towards evening,

they released her and led her to the wash area by the barn Su Li

removed the rear plug and soft shit oozed onto the floor, she eased

the hose pipe in an inch or two and Jen recoiled in shock at the cold

water as it flushed her out, then the front and wee emerged in a

gentle trickle.

They led her to the trough and left her, with ear plugs and tunnel

vision from the blinkers she felt lonely, she wanted to be told what

to do, she fretted then went exploring, she found a short post near

the fence, it had a smooth rounded top.

She played with it finding it slightly too tall to step over easily.

"She found it" Su Li and Phil watched as the pony realised the


Jen raised herself on one leg and sat down on the post, it slipped

easily inside her then she set her own favourite rhythm and started

to gallop towards orgasm, gradually the workers stopped their work

to watch as she writhed in her private ecstasy yet watched by so


"She no good for man after this," Su Li observed.

"I think you are right Su Li," Phil agreed.


Rebekah was out of her depth as a PA. Jack quickly realised how

much he had relied on Jen but Rebekah was willing enough.

He approached personnel
"Its not working, can you find someone else," he asked.

The office grapevine did overtime, and Rebekah stormed into Jack's


"So what did I do wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, it, well it's not working is it?" he explained.

"You 're not here, dreaming about her, that's the problem," she

protested, "I guess she would drop her knickers for you at a

moments notice and you think I wont!"

"Hey, no that's not it!" he defended himself.

"Well I can't drop my knickers because I left them in my drawer,"

she announced, "If you want me I'm yours"

"Oh Becky come here," he said reassuringy.

He intended to comfort her hold her but his hand strayed to her hot

buttocks then the bud of her arsehole and soon his fingers were

sticky with her juices.

"Guess I got carried away there." Jack apologised.

"For god's sake don't leave me like this, do something" she implored

and was relieved when he dropped his pants and entered her,

He came it seemed in gallons.

"I should have done you sooner, sorry, we'll do it first thing

tomorrow or I could come home with you," she offered.

"I'd like that, how about in the elevator, in the morning" he


"Oh I never done that before!" she giggled.

Suddenly the tension had gone and the work flowed smoothly.
All America.

All America loomed, Jack arranged a Lear Jet for the thousand mile

trip to the venue high in the Rockies, a ski resort usually shut down

at this time of year, the tempo of training changed, and the diet.

Drugs were banned and the stimulants and pain killers had to be

reduced then stopped, the food had to be standard horse feed, and

the girls noticed the drop in nutrition, needing to eat far more each

day, but carrots and apples and sugar lumps remained unrestricted

so they still got their little treats.

Jen's arms started to hurt as the painkillers were reduced but she

had little time to reflect on this.

The Cross Country was to be very hard and technical relying on the

Ponies judgement while the optional Carriage class stressed

obedience to whip or rein, failing to use ear plugs or allowing vision

would lose point five of a point so could not be considered

Just a few days in which to reach a peak of perfection.


The Lear Jet whined down on final approach, Jack in the front Cabin

with the owners, Jen in the back with the Ponygirls, they watched

the mountain sides almost brushing the wingtips as they dropped

down to a landing at the private strip, the plane taxiing way along

the taxi way to stop outside the Pony Barn,

They dis-embarked, cloaks were thrown over the Ponygirls to

protect them from prying eyes and soon they were settled in the

barn, Jen felt terribly lonely, handlers were not allowed into the

Barn until the morning of the event but the Stalls were

standardised so she found the water easily, a total stranger

removed her plugs and allowed her to relieve her bowels but she

really needed her dildo, or a cock.

The barn seemed full, Jen imagined how noisy the place would have

been if they had all been talking, and was grateful for the

comparative silence, but the frustration kept her awake, morning

came. the food was , bland, no fruit, she did not like it then Phil and

Su Li arrived.
They led her to the wash area stripping her tack leaving her naked

except boots and bridle before hosing her down with the hose pipe

and shampooing her hair, then drying her before dressing her in her

best highly polished harness, black leather and silver and attaching

the tail and feather plumes.

"Pony looks very pretty," Su Li told her, and looking at the reflection

in the wet floor Jen agreed, she was beautiful, but very frustrated,

What wrong Pony, tell Su li"

She bent her knees moving up and down.

"Pony need fuck?" Su-Li asked.

Stamp Stamp,

"Su Li help Pony" she reassured her.

Jen felt Su Li's fingers probing her, the relief, so refreshing, then

Su-Li's whole tiny hand inside her, her breathing steadied.

Phil appeared "Come along, Oh I see," she broke off.

"She was tense." Su-Li explained.

"Yes, whatever, you look pretty tense yourself now," Phil observed,

"If I may make an observation."

Su-Li nodded agreement and announced, "She is coming, Come

Pony, Come"

Jen obeyed, she wished there was a man to fulfil her needs but for

now she was content.

She picked her way elegantly through the Jumps and then preened

and pranced through dressage, the crowds, hundreds of the most

influential people packed into the indoor arena, usually an Ice rink,

for Ice hockey but for now her platform, her audience.

Jen knew she was a favourite with the crowd from their claps and

cheers and when they held their breath, she was sad when her turn

ended, and she was taken to the holding ring where anyone

prepared to pay ten thousand dollars could check the Ponies at close

quarters, she became used to the hands feeling her buttocks and
under her breasts, even a finger against her arsehole checking for

ease of entry, but each time she moved away.

"Stay Pony, it's Sheik Fisal, nice rich owner, you let him feel you,"

Su-Li cautioned her.

He checked her cunt.

"Hold, don't show me up." Su-Li cautioned.

"House-trained?" He enquired.

"Only slightly," Su Li replied," she has only recently been full time

but she is well acclimatised to Barn life."

The conversation jolted Jen's consciousness, House-trained? she

had a degree in media studies.

"She is beauty, good for breeding." Sheik Faisal announced as he

wandered off.
The afternoon brought cross country, 120 Ponygirls lined up across

the meadow and funelled towards the exit gate, Jen held back

anxious to avoid injury then down into the river bottom with the ice

cold mountain melt water, she stopped and drank, as Su Li had

advised her, then up the steep slope, she climbed easily, the runs

with Su Li as passenger paid off as she stormed upwards hurtling

past other girls, the track narrowed to single file slippery with


Su-Li had warned her some irgls fouled the track to slow pursuit so

she picked her way with care, yet still she was overhauling the other

girls as she continued on and on following the orange markers

indicating the way, finally there was just the one familiar figure in

front, was it Tigerpet three, yes, just ahead she caught up, she was

sure she could out-sprint Tigerpet.

Su Li said Tigerpet was really Priscilla who used to work at Burger

king, but Jen wanted to follow someone rather than risk taking a

wrong turning, then as they hurtled down the slope, a Pony came

past, too fast, she could not take the right turn and crashed through

the trees making her own path.

Jen was grateful for the long runs with Su Li. she thought of Su Li's

juices running down her arse crack as she ran in the fields at home,

her beautiful home in the valley with her friends, she remembered a

time before when she was always tired and always indoors, she

shuddered at the thought, she dreamed of Su Li and the man that

owned her, she hoped he would give her a well done fuck if she did

well, She thought of the Sheik, the selfish man, he could have made

her come but he didn't.

Tigerpet's tail was her marker then the river again, up to her

breasts, she would need her boots off and dried, she thought, they

really ought to use the spares she thought, she saw Tigerpet tiring,

Jen so used to carrying Su Li's weight that without it she powered

past Tigerpet up the incline and raced for home, she felt the tape

across her breasts and knew she had won, she relaxed, one hours

exertion, the river had washed much of the dirt away, so she

glistened with sweat and as she relaxed her bowels unclamped and

soiled her legs afresh.

"Look she's doing a poo," someone commented.

A girl tugged her companions arm, Jen recognised the owner, soon

the girl would be joining her naked, in competition, the girl had all

the right attributes, long neck, high breasts good hips, take the

stupid green dress and underwear and there was probably a

beautiful Ponygirl waiting beneath. She walked over and rubbed her

head against the girl's.

"Ooh, she likes me" the girl exclaimed.

"Tell her she is pretty," her companion suggested.

"Yes pretty pony, clever pony, lovely bells," the girl touched the

bells on her breasts and a shock wave of pleasure shot through

Jen's exhausted body.

"Come away or you will end up wanking her," the young man with

the girl insisted.

"Hey" she protested,

"Yes look she is dripping," he pointed out.

The Girl looked and giggled. Jen realised she was dripping, she

needed something now, and that something as the back of a judges

chair, a bit low perhaps but she rode it to climax to raucous cheers,

it was supposed to be a private moment but she curtsied as people


"And Third Place, Samora Lass, from Samora Ranch Colorado," The

Loudspeaker bellowed, the cheers were deafening for the local

favourite, she heard something about Tigerpet Three,

"And the Winner is from Newbold Stud its Sue Lee."

Jen stood stock still, then she remembered she was Sue Lee now,

she alighted to the top step and they pinned a rosette on her, and

then gave Phil a cup and a man she ought to know came and took

the owners trophy. then it was back to the Barn.

She wanted a cock, a big hard cock to fill her and pump juices in her

to cool her passion, it was not fair, fists were all right, dildos OK but

she wanted a nice warm cock and nice creamy spunk. They brought

her a man later, they called him Jack but he used a rubber and she

was denied the spunk she craved, she kicked him.

Jack was horrified, it was like screwing a Donkey, not that he had

ever screwed a Donkey you understand.

"Will she ever be a woman again Phil?" he asked.

"She should be OK, quite often they can wait table and do cleaning

after rehab," she reassured him.

"But Phil!" he stood near Jen in the Barn, in his Jacket, his trousers

neatly folded underpants round his knees, peeling off and discarding

the rubber,

Phil stepped forward and held him close to her , "Let her go Jack,

her mind has gone, she's not the woman you loved, she's just a

beautiful exotic animal now."

Jack returned to Rebekah and the dance, introducing her to the rich

and famous, "my new PA"

Sunday was an anticlimax and the soft mountain rain fell as the

Carriage class was decided, Achate decided on precision at the

expense of speed and was rewarded as the fastest, overall after

penalties, Acastra Star could not stop and hit the guard rail gashing

her leg and losing twenty seconds in time penalties to come second

and after penalties for running the wheels over some of the markers

Jen was third.

The Barn emptied, Jen left wondering what was to happen, then Phil


"We are going to the world finals. You are in, 3rd in All America and

a third in the Carriage, you're in.!"

Jen wanted a cock not World finals.

The Lear Jet took them to a disused Military airfield then they were

loaded in the hold of a 747 freighter and flown across the Atlantic.

They landed at night and only in the morning could Jen appreciate

the splendour of the Desert facility, standard size stalls but gold

taps, and marble floors round the drains,

Su Li and Phil fussed over her, oiling her skin against the heat

polishing the tack, fiddling, getting her treats, sugar lumps.

The state vet came and checked her over,

"You are registered here as an equine not human, in case of

problems, simplifies paperwork," They told her.

She didn't care she wanted a cock.

Then the show, much the same as before, bigger, foreign languages

but less support, she was no favourite, a Russian, much large than

her seemed favourite, she could not see the other Americans but

with 34 countries Ponygirl federations represented, each

sending three competitors there was much to be done.

Dressage and Jumping were held simultaneously, Jen did dressage

first then jumping, gaining a quick clear round, but she was in a bad

way, she needed cock, badly, Phil should have realised but when

captive, with no stress, or threats, the mind has less to concentrate

on so little things take on mammoth proportions and Cock to Jen

was the big thing.

The Ponygirls were brought to the ringside, standing on the running

track around the arena outside the jumping ring.

"This is what you will have to do next year if the World Council ratify

it," they were told, Real Jumps three feet high, not eighteen inches,

set out like a proper pony arena.

Jen felt a shock run through her, a vision of beauty, "Yes its a

Ponyboy" someone annouced.

The man stood adorned with leather and gold belts, his huge prick

lolling flaccidly.

"They have them some places but we are nor serious in the States,

the top ten in the world will do a demonstration, that is Dimitri,

world number one," they were told.

Jen's world had shrunken to Cock, Dimitri's Cock, they were to clear

three foot fences next year, and the trackside fence was two feet

six, Jen had no reins on or other way to restrain her so she edged

away from Phil then sprinted for the fence clearing it easily and ran

towards Dimitri, he looked surprised and pleased he trotted towards

her as the announcer went mad in Arabic.

They rubbed heads then Jen turned bracing herself against a jump

while Dimitri guided himself into position, the crowd held their

breath, even the announcer ceased his jabbering and Dimitri thrust

carefully inside her then sure of himself began to thrust harder and

harder, the audience thought it a pre arranged show, while the

owners and trainers worried about disease.

Jen was in heaven, from no cock to super cock he was stretching

her beyond anything, bigger even than Su Li's fist he pounded her,

the crowd mesmerised, then with guttural cries from their pony

throats the seed emerged spraying out around the base of his prick,

he staggered back exhausted, Jen would have turned cartwheels but

jumped over the fences instead as at last officials tried to catch her.

They took her to a small room, where two large women stripped her

naked, her bridle, chest and waist belts, wrist restraints, and arm

sleeve and boots all stacked on the table.

"Disqualificato" they explained in a language she once understood,

Phil and Su Li arrived.

"Tell them it was not pre planned, please Jen" Phil pleaded.
But weeks of inability to speak made her speech unintelligable

"Jen want Cock, nice big Cock" was as much as they got from her.

They had to find Jen some clothes, Su Li's green dress somehow

stretched over Jens larger frame but the effect was almost


Jack arrived in response to Phil's frantic cell phone calls.

"Jen why?" he asked.

She looked at him, faint recognition in her eyes.

"Need cock in here," she said pointing as she raised the hem of the

green dress she wore.

"Jack" Phil commented.

"Jack she moved her arms"

Jen's hands in front not behind, Jack knelt before her and she held

his face in her hands and kissed him.

"I missed you Jen" he lied

"I need a cock," she replied

"Yes my cock wants you too." he reassured her.

"No Fuck" A guard stepped forward,

"No Fuck until find if she have Dimitri Son"

"I'll sort this out" Jack announced as he left.

He returned, "Jen has to have a small operation, and Dr Abdul will

perform it right now"

They wheeled her away on a trolley.

"I sold some eggs." Jack announced.

"What," Phil queried not understanding.

"Her eggs, the one they think Dimitri fertillised is going in one of

their women a secretary or something," Jack explained "they take

five other eggs and then two more they fertillise with my sperm and

put back in her, boy and girl."

"You sold your Fiance's eggs?" Su-Li asked incredulously, .

"Five hundred thousand each." he grinned

"You always a lucky bastard" Phil announced

"You'll get a percentage!" he replied

"So you get a cock-crazed airhead for a wife and twins," Phil


"Sure do." he agreed.

"You always were a lucky bastard," Phil sighed..


It was the next day before Jack realised what he had done, Jen was

resting when he went to see her in the hospital, and she lay

peacefully on the crisp white sheets, a simple white gown covered

her and she lay bereft of all her embellishments.

Jack arranged for Jen to be kept sedated and for her to be flown

home and he flew home, if not with her then at least on the same


They took Jen to Phil's place and made up a bed for her in the tack

room, uncertain as to how she would react when the sedation wore


Jen woke in a strange bed, she sat up and looked around, the bed

was in a shed of some sort not a room, her stomach hurt, she

needed the bathroom, and she swung her legs from the bed, but as

she steadied herself by grasping the bed frame with her hand she

realised she had little strength and sprawled across the bed

She tried again and made her way to the door, it opened onto a

courtyard, she turned to try another door, and as she pushed the

handle someone opened it from the other side, she looked past a

young man and saw the doors to the stalls of the pony-girl barn

facility and in the distance Phil with a girl in full show pony-girl


"Bathroom, Please." Jen asked, as she saw th man standing there.

Simon Jenkins looked at her incredulously.

"You're a Pony-Girl, you don't use bathrooms." he reminded her.

"But I need to go." Jen insisted.

"She's in rehab, Simon," Phil shouted from the far end of the barn,

"Send her indoors."

Simon led Jen gently indoors, into Phil's house and into the

bathroom, then he shut the door and stood and watched.

"Hey get out." Jen ordered.

"No, you're not well, I help you." Simon suggested but Jen brought

her knee up under his groin and he doubled up in pain.

"Bad, Pony," he shouted as he pulled his short whip from his pants

pocket and gently tore her white hospital gown off her, before

slashing the whip across her back leaving an ugly red mark.

"Simon, she's in rehab!" Phil shouted as she opened the door to

check what was happening, "Leave her alone! Get out!"

They left Jen alone, her arms hurt and she had no strength in them

but she held her torn gown around her and went to find Phil.

"What happened to me?" she asked, "I can't seem to remember, did

I have an accident?"

Phyllis started to gently probe, "What do you remember?"

"The Pony-club Ball, and coming to training then it all goes hazy."

Jen confessed, "Oh god I should be at work!"

Phil smiled, maybe Jen wasn't going to need rehab after all.

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