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Shanika at the Plantation Club by Neal

Synopsis: Shanika Wilson is a young black woman in need of an

income. She learns of a club where white folks can experience the

fantasy of a sanitized idealized version of the old slave days.

However, she can make more money there in a week than she used

to make in a month as a receptionist. So she signs a contract and is

transported to the club where she is auctioned off to successive

owners to be used as a sex slave.

Shanika at the Plantation Club

by Neal

Chapter 1 - The Interview

Shanika was puzzled as she got off the bus. She knew that her

interview at the Plantation Club wouldn't actually be on the

but she wasn't expecting it to take place in a second floor office

over a row of shops in a suburban commercial district. She also felt

out of place here, only a few miles from the city where she lived,


saw no black faces other than her own.

She was self conscious as she scanned the addresses, looking for


number on the note she held in her hand. Passers by would glance

briefly in her direction and she walked down the sidewalk and then

look away. Shanika looked like an everyday African American


dark brown eyes, chocolate complexion, collar length straightened

black hair in a stylish perm, and maybe a few extra pounds. She

wasn't used to drawing the attention of strangers this way. Hadn't

they ever seen a black woman before?

Finally she found the door with the right address on it. It was

between a diner and a hardware store and it opened onto a narrow

staircase. At the top of the stairs was a wooden door. A speaker


with a button was mounted next to the door. Shanika pressed the

A woman's voice came over the speaker. "May I help you?"

"Yes," Shanika spoke towards the speaker, "I have an appointment


an interview."

"Your name, please?" replied the voice.

"Shanika Wilson."

There were a few moments of silence before she heard a buzzing


and the mechanical clicking sound of the lock. "Come in. I'll be

with you in a minute."

She opened the door and entered the room. There were no

windows, only

another door. There was a small bench with what appeared to be

clothes hooks, much like in a fitting room. She sat nervously on the

bench to wait.
After a minute or two the other door opened and a light skinned


woman came into the room. Shanika estimated her to be at least in


forties. She had short cropped hair and was dressed like a

professional secretary.

"Good afternoon, Shanika. I am Yolanda Thomas. We spoke on the


yesterday. I hope you didn't have any trouble finding the office."

Shanika stood. "No, no trouble at all."

"Good. Now before we go any further I want to make sure you

understand the nature of the position you're interviewing for. What

do you know of the Plantation Club?"

"Well, my girlfriend told me it's like a theme park where white men

can make like they're in the old south or something like that. She

didn't know too much about it, she'd just heard it, that's all."
"Let me make it clear for you then," said Yolanda. "The Club caters

to white men who want the experience of being slave owners. We

recruit black women like you to serve as slaves. Once we accept


you will live at the club for the duration of your contract. You will

be well compensated at the end, but while in our service you will be

treated as a slave. You will perform manual labor, cooking and

cleaning, but primarily you will service our club members sexually.

Do you understand?"

Shanika was silent as she absorbed what she'd just heard. Yes, her

girlfriend had told her pretty much the same thing, but now the

reality was sinking in. She really needed the money though. All


had to do was tough it out for a short time and she'd be set for



"I understand," she replied.

"Good. Now I'm going to take you and introduce you to the

Mr. Richards. Please remove your clothing," said Yolanda.

Shanika suddenly felt a knot in her stomach. "Excuse me? You

want me

to take off my clothes?"

"That's right, missy." Yolanda was getting impatient. "I told you

your primary function at the club would be sexual. You'll be naked

most of the time, so if that's going to be a problem for you, you

might as well leave now. Mr. Richards will want to 'see the goods'."

Shanika thought for a moment and started slowly unbuttoning her

blouse. She'd actually put some thought into how she had dressed


the interview. Somewhat businesslike, a little sexy. It turned out

that it wasn't going to make any difference.

"Come on, girl! I'm not looking for a strip tease! Get those clothes

off. Mr. Richards is waiting to see you." Yolanda crossed her arms

over her chest as she waited for the younger woman to disrobe.
Shanika removed her blouse and hung it on one of the hooks over


bench. She slipped off her shoes and unzipped her skirt and


out of it.

As she rolled her stockings down Yolanda spoke. "Now let me give


some advice. Mr. Richards is 'old school' and you better treat him

with respect. You will follow his instructions promptly. You will

speak only when spoken to and answer his questions 'yes, sir' and


sir' when you do.

Her stockings now removed, Shanika unclasped her bra, revealing


large, somewhat saggy, breasts. She couldn't look Yolanda in the


as she proceeded to pull her panties down and stepped out of them.

She was now completely naked, standing before the older woman.
"Hmmm," said Yolanda thoughtfully as she looked Shanika up and


"you've got some meat on your bones. Don't worry about that, girl!

Mr. Richards is gonna like that!"

Shanika felt her face warm with embarrassment under Yolanda's


"Let's go." Yolanda opened the interior door and entered the


on the other side. Shanika followed, flinching slightly as she heard

the door close behind her.

She felt very vulnerable as this woman she had just met led her


through the hall of the strange office suite. It was quiet. The only

sounds she could hear were the clicking of Yolanda's heels on the


floor, the soft slap of her own bare feet as she walked, and the

pounding of her heart in her chest.

Finally they arrived at their destination, a wooden door with a

frosted glass window. Shanika could hear a woman's voice through


door. Yolanda knocked on the door and then opened it and walked


She looked back at Shanika and motioned for her to enter, too.

Sunlight streamed through the venetian blinds on the windows


the room bright. There was a desk with a young blonde haired


woman sitting behind it. She she looked up at Yolanda and glanced


Shanika as she spoke on the phone. Shanika immediately looked

away an

instant after their eyes met. The white woman was definitely


than Shanika and obviously slimmer. She couldn't have been more


twenty two years old. The whole scene was quite ordinary other


the fact that Shanika was buck naked standing there with two fully

clothed, professionally dressed women.

Shanika looked around the room and saw that there was no

furniture in

the room other than the woman's desk and the chair she sat

in. She

felt very self conscious even though neither of the two women were

paying her any attention. She shifted her weight from one foot to



As Yolanda stood quietly waiting for the white woman to finish her

phone conversation, she took notice of Shanika's

restlessness. "Stop

fidgeting, girl!" she whispered, "stand still, eyes down!"

Another jolt of embarrassment made Shanika's cheeks feel hot

again at

the older woman's rebuke. She looked down at her bare feet on the

carpeted floor.

Finally the white girl hung up the phone. "Hello, Yolanda," she said,

"what have we got here?" She looked over at Shanika's nude form,
standing with eyes downcast.

"A new girl for Mr. Richards to see, Miss Debbie. She's the one I

told you about yesterday."

"Hmmm..." Debbie continued to look Shanika up and down. "She's

little plumpy..."

"Yes, ma'am, Miss Debbie, but I think Mr. Richards will like her,"

replied Yolanda. Shanika couldn't help but notice how Yolanda, old

enough to be her mother, was clearly subservient to this white girl

barely out of her teens!

"Well, Yolanda, you always seem to pick good ones!," laughed

Debbie as

she stood up and came around from behind her desk. She walked


Shanika, checking her out from the back. "I just don't understand

some men, girl. What guys see in a big assed colored girl like this,

I'll never know!"

"Anyways, " she continued, "I'll let Mr. Richards know she's here.

You can go now, Yolanda. That's all for now."

"Yes, ma'am," replied Yolanda. "Thank you, ma'am." Yolanda


the door behind her, leaving Shanika alone with Debbie. She didn't

know what else to do so she just kept looking down at her feet. She

could feel a cool breeze from the air conditioner on her bare skin as

Debbie continued to look her over.

After what felt to her like an eternity, Debbie opened the inner

office door and poked her head in. "Mr. Richards? Yolanda just

dropped a new nigger off for you to see."

Shanika was stunned at the matter of fact way Debbie referred to


as a nigger! Like she wasn't even there listening to it!

"Good, Debbie. Send her in," said a male voice from the inner


Debbie stepped back from the door. "Go on in, girl," she said to
Shanika. "Mr. Richards will see you now."

Debbie stopped her as she approached the door. "Whoa, there,


she said. "What do you say to me?"

Shanika looked up to see the cross look on Debbie's face. What was

she talking about? Then she remembered Yolanda's exit. "Uh,


you, ma'am," she said quietly as she looked back down at the floor.

"Well, I guess that'll have to do for now," said Debbie with an air of

exasperation. "But you better learn to do better than that!" She

shook her head and sat back down behind her desk. "I swear...!"


said to herself. Looking up, she noticed that the Shanika still stood

where she'd stopped. "Well... Get on in there, girl!"

"Yes, ma'am," Shanika said and proceeded through the door.

Mr. Richards was an older white man with greying hair. He was

over some papers on his desk as Shanika entered and stood just


the door. "Close the door," he instructed her without looking up.

She closed the door behind her and continued to stand quietly. She

was very aware of her nakedness as she waited for Mr. Richards to

finish what he was doing.

Finally, he turned towards her, looking her up and down. She felt


gaze upon her as he eyed her full brown breasts, her large nipples


areolas so dark they were almost black.

"Turn around," he ordered. She complied and he drank in the view


her big black ass. "Not bad," he said, "not bad at all. Now spread

your legs and bend over."

Now, this was humiliating! Shanika had been embarrassed at her

nakedness up to now, parading her brown body around, but this

was much
worse. She was being told to present herself like some kind of

animal! But she'd come this far and wasn't ready to give up. She


as instructed, spreading her legs and bending over for this middle

aged white man.

"That's right," he said, "spread wider and grab your ankles. I want

good look at you." Shanika heard him get up and step closer to her.

She felt his hand on her ass, rubbing on one cheek and then the


Finally he ran his hand down the crack of her ass, over her asshole,

then her pussy. Her legs shook a little as she felt his fingers on

her sex.

"Very nice. You are one fine negress. Yolanda sure can pick 'em."

Richards sat back down. "Stand up and turn around, girl. Keep


legs spread and put your hands behind your head."

She did what she was told, turning and facing him with her legs

as far as she could while keeping her balance. She then placed her

hands behind her head, lacing her fingers together, never once


up at the man she was displaying her naked body for.

Richards looked her up and down, feeling his dick harden in his


There'll be plenty of opportunity for that later, he thought. He

stared at her full black breasts and then down to the thick curly

black pubic hair on her crotch.

"Yes, you are one fine looking negress. Step closer to me." He

glanced up at her face as he reached out to caress her breasts.

"You've got a fine set of nigger tits, girl." He rolled one nipple

between his thumb and forefinger and then the other. He reached


to her pussy. "Cunt's too hairy though. I don't like a bitch to have

a thick bush. It'll have to go."

He reached between the black girl's spread legs and pressed his


flat on her vagina. "Mmmm, nice and soft. Even with the bush," he
continued to talk to himself. Shanika felt a finger probe at her

opening. "Damn, girl! You're wet!" he chuckled.

She couldn't believe it, but it was true. This stranger examining her

most private parts, commenting on them like she wasn't there, was

actually getting her excited. She felt ashamed that being treated

this way was turning her on. She felt she had to say something, but

what? "Uh, I'm sorry, sir," was all she could come up with.

"Don't apologize for a wet pussy, girl," he looked up at her as he

continued to finger her. "No, don't be sorry at all. It's perfectly

natural. I've been in this business for years and I've learned that

nigger girls love to be handled this way. They might not like to

admit it, but I know it's true." He withdrew his finger from her

pussy and held it to her nose. "See? Anyone can tell."

Her nostrils filled with the scent of her musk. She wanted him to

replace his finger inside her and continue what he'd started. She


very confused, humiliated by being treated like some kind of sexual

animal but aroused at the same time.

He sat back in the chair. She would just have to stay frustrated.

"You can stand at ease now." Shanika lowered her arms and stood


her legs closer together.

"Let me explain how the Plantation Club works," he began. "Our

facility sits on hundreds of secluded acres where we have a main

house, kind of like a hotel for our members, as well as private

cabins. The members come to the club in order to enjoy a taste of


way things used to be. A time when a white man could purchase a


negress like yourself and enjoy her services however he

liked. Some

of the members bring their wives or girlfriends and we even have


single white women as members.

"Slave girls are recruited and signed to contracts for providing

services for a fixed length of time. A weekend, a week, a month,


a year or longer. At the end of the contract, they are paid and
provided transportation back to wherever they want unless they


to stay on for another contract.

"Anyways, we bring them to the club where we get them ready for


members. They're put on display for inspection by potential buyers

and then sold at auction. The slave's entire contract may be sold or

a day or anything in between. The high bidder pays for his


and can then enjoy her services anywhere on the grounds: a room

in the

main house, one of the private cabins, or even just out in the


"Slaves serve their masters however the master desires. Most


use their slaves for sex and similar amusements. They are also


as domestics, cooking and cleaning and whatnot, especially by


term masters.
"The slave girl must always remember her place in the order of


She must be obedient and respectful at all times. When given an


you will carry it out immediately and to the best of your ability.

You will address your owner as "Master" or "Mistress" unless they

instruct you otherwise. You will address other white folks as "Sir"

or "Ma'am". You will not speak unless spoken to. Failure to follow

these rules will result in punishment. Never forget that you are just

a nigger to be used by your owner. You exist to serve him. Masters

are forbidden to seriously injure or disfigure slaves, but other than

that restriction, your body belongs to your master to do with as he


"Do you understand?" asked Mr. Richards.

Shanika was still absorbing what had just been explained to

her. She

was being asked to surrender her body, her whole person in fact

Surrender herself and just be a nigger to be used. The idea

her and scared her. But there was a part of her that was excited by

it. She felt a tingle between her legs imagining herself as a slave.

Naked, examined by strangers and sold. Plus she was desperate for



"Yes, sir," she heard herself say. "I understand, sir."

"Excellent!" exclaimed Mr. Richards. He looked her naked black


up and down slowly as he spoke, his eyes lingering on her chocolate

brown breasts.

"I think it wise to start with a short contract. Hopefully you'll

want to extend it, but it's best not to make commitments you may


be able to keep. What do you say?"

"Yes, sir. I'll do that. Just a weekend." She couldn't believe she

was agreeing to this, but her desperation (and desire) got the best


"Fine, then," Mr. Richards said, "I'll have the contract drawn up

right away."

He got up and went to the door and opened it, calling out to his

secretary. "Debbie, draw up a weekend long contract for this nigger

and arrange her transportation to the club"

He turned to Shanika, "You may go now." He winked at her, "but


sure I'll see you later."

"Thank you, sir," said Shanika as she stepped back into the outer

office. Once again she felt the coolness of the air conditioning on

her bare flesh. Her nipples were hard and she could still smell the

faint scent of her musk.

Debbie went to the filing cabinet and produced a form and a pen.

"Fill in your name here, the date here, and sign here," she said,

indicating the appropriate places on the form.

Shanika did as instructed and bent over Debbie's desk to sign the
document, her breasts hanging and swaying slightly as she wrote.

Debbie took the signed paper and filed it.

Turning towards Shanika, Debbie wrinkled up her nose, "Whew! I


you liked talking to Mr. Richards. I can smell that poontang from

here! Let me check. Open your legs for me, nigger," she


Not knowing what else to do and feeling completely at the power of


young white woman's will she complied and moved her feet further


where she stood. Debbie looked Shanika in the eye as she reached

between the colored girl's legs and stroked her black pussy. Debbie

smiled as she felt how wet Shanika was.

"Mmmm, you like this, don't you?" cooed Debbie. "You like my

hand on

your coochie, don't you, you black slut?" She then stuck her finger

into Shanika's vagina and at the same time kissed the surprised

colored girl on the mouth. The young white girl forced her tongue
between the negro's thick full lips. Shanika couldn't help feeling a

wave of pleasure at her touch and pushed her pussy towards


hand, driving her finger in deeper.

"I think you and I will have some fun," said Debbie. She stepped

back, still smiling, and picked up the phone. "Yolanda! Get your

black ass in here and get this nigger ready to go to the club."

She winked at Shanika and hung up the phone. Then she reached

out and

pinched her nipple. "Tell me you're a nigger slut. I want to hear

you say it." The white girl looked at her, still smiling, increasing

the pressure on her sensitive black nipple.

Shanika hung her head. "I'm a nigger slut, ma'am."

"That's right." Debbie let go of Shanika's nipple. "And you want me

to play with your nigger pussy, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am."
"Well... ask me!" Debbie looked over her shoulder at Mr. Richards

office door. It was still closed. She looked back at Shanika.

"Don't be shy."

"Uh, please, ma'am. Please play with my nigger pussy." Shanika


a powerful wave of shame and desire. This white girl was purposely

humiliating her, but still she couldn't deny the pleasure she was


Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Too bad!" laughed Debbie. "No time now. You have to get

going. But

I'll see you tonight. For sure."

Yolanda poked her head in. "Are you done with her now, Miss


"Yup, take this nigger away."

"Let's go, girl," Yolanda told Shanika.

They left Debbie's office. Shanika could still feel the heat of shame

on her face as well as the wetness between her legs from her


with Debbie. The two black women walked down the hall, with only


clicking of Yolanda's high heels and the sounds of Shanika's bare


on the linoleum floor breaking the silence. At last they reached the

reception room where Shanika's clothes were as she had left them.

"Get dressed," ordered Yolanda, who stood watching Shanika's


move as she put her clothes back on. She felt as if she had been

naked for much longer than the short time she actually was there.

"Go home and get ready to spend the weekend away. Don't worry


packing anything. The club will provide anything you'll need.

There'll a van here tomorrow morning to pick you up in front of the

door to the street. Be here by ten o'clock," Yolanda instructed.

"You may show yourself out now." At that Yolanda left through the
door that led back to the offices where Shanika's "interview" had

taken place, and she was alone.

Shanika finished dressing and left. She felt as if she were in a

dream as she went down the stairs, out the door, and onto the


It seemed as if every person she encountered on her way to the bus

stop was looking at her, knowing what she had just done, knowing


she was about to do...

Chapter 2 - The Journey

Shanika arrived the next morning with plenty of time to spare. Not

having been instructed as to what to wear, she just wore jeans and

tee shirt. She was very nervous, but excited. The van parked in

front of the door to the office looked like a delivery truck, not a
passenger van. A white man who appeared to be about Shanika's

age was

behind the wheel reading a newspaper.

"Excuse me, sir," she said, "I'm supposed be meeting someone here


a ride"

The driver looked up from the newspaper, slowly looking Shanika up


down. "I see. And what are you supposed to be?" he asked,


to let his eyes rove over Shanika's form.

It took a momement for her to understand the question

properly. She

glanced around to see who might be listening. There were people

about, walking down the sidewalk, just going about their

business. No

one seemed to be paying her any attention other than the


glance. Like yesterday, she was the only black.

Looking down, she replied quietly, "A nigger, sir."

"Hmmm," he smiled, "A nigger, eh? Any special kind of nigger?"

Remembering her exchange with Debbie the day before, Shanika

had a

pretty good idea what the right answer was. But saying it to some

stranger while she stood in the street wasn't easy.

Barely audible, she spoke the words she thought he wanted to

hear. "A

nigger slut, sir."

The driver was clearly enjoying Shanika's discomfort. "What was


You'll have to speak up, girl."

"A nigger slut, sir," she spoke clearly and looked up into his

grinning face.

"Well," he said, "you ain't the only nigger slut today and they ain't
all here yet," he said as he opened the door and stepped out. "You

might as well make yourself comfortable." He led Shanika around


the back of the van which had double doors with no windows. The

bumper served as a step. He opened one of the doors. There was

black curtain just inside the door that she couldn't see past.

"Get in," he instructed.

The driver watched as she did as she was told and climbed into the

back. It was dark, and after the bright daylight outside she couldn't

see very well.

"Strip," the driver ordered her. "Niggers don't need no clothes. Put

'em in one of them boxes. You'll get 'em back afterwards."

She looked around the back of the van. A couple of empty


boxes were on the floor along with a few closed ones. Then she


back out the door where the driver stood with his hands in his
pockets, waiting for her to disrobe. Even though it was so much

darker inside the van than outside, she wasn't sure passersby


see her.

Resigned to this latest humiliation, she pulled her tee shirt up over

her head and dropped it into the box as the driver watched. She

slipped off her sandals, unbuttoned her jeans, pulled them down,


stepped out of them. As she straightened back up and began to


her bra, she looked back at the driver. His eyes were fixed on her


"That's fine, girl," he said, still staring at her chest. "Take your

time, I'm enjoying the show. Don't be too embarrassed. It ain't


I ain't never seen no nigger's tits before."

She removed her bra, revealing her ample brown breasts to the


white man. Finally she slipped her panties off and stood in the back
of the van. Anyone on the sidewalk could see her naked black body


they looked carefully enough.

"My, but you look good from here, girl! I may just have to get with

you later!" He paused as he continued to appraise the colored girl's

body. "Go ahead and pack those clothes up."

Shanika bent to pick up the clothes on the floor of the van and


them in the box under the watchful eye of the driver.

"You know, girl, I ain't never seen no nigger didn't have a fine big

black ass. And you ain't no exception!" he said. "Go on through the

curtain and find a seat. We'll be on our way soon. One more nigger

to go." He closed the door.

She stepped through the curtain and discovered benches on each

side of

the van's dimly lit cargo area, with maybe enough room for six on

bench. Presently there were three women on one bench and one on


other. Like Shanika, all four were completely nude. They all


but none spoke as Shanika sat down next to the lone woman facing


other three.

Her neighbor was young, no older than twenty, slender with long


She looked away rather than meet Shanika's gaze.

Looking across at the three women on the other bench she was


to see such a resemblance between them. All three were fairly


lighter skinned women. The older of the three looked to be almost

forty and had very short cut hair. The other two were just


eighteen or nineteen years old. Both in long thin braids. They

easily be related. The older woman looked at the floor while the


younger ones watched Shanika.

A few minutes later Shanika heard the rear door open and someone

climbed in. "Get those clothes off, girl," she heard the driver say.

"You know the drill." After a minute or so she heard him say, "It's

good to have you back again! I'm definitely going to have me some


that this time!" Then she heard the door close. Apparently the


driver watched all his passengers undress for their journey to the


The curtain was pulled aside and a woman about the same age as

Shanika, though much thinner and darker in complexion, stepped in


sat next to her on the bench. She had close cropped curly hair,


pronounced African features, small breasts, and narrow hips.

"Hi," said Shanika nervously. She wasn't sure if speaking to the

other girls was allowed. "My name is Shanika. This is my first


"I'm Nydia," the recent arrival replied quietly. "Keep it down, girl.

We ain't s'posed to be talkin'." She paused. "First trip, eh? Why

you here?"

"Mainly I need the money," Shanika replied. "A friend of mine had a

friend who knew a girl that spent a summer at the club. She made


much in three months as I made in a year even when I had a

job. This

girl told my friend's friend that it wasn't so bad and it wasn't like

being some kind of street whore or nothin'.

The van proceeded slowly, stopping and starting frequently. They


still in traffic.

"No, you ain't gonna get robbed or beat up by a pimp," said Nydia.

"But you will be spreadin' those legs for the white men. Spreadin'

those lips and that ass, too. It's a lot safer than bein' some 'ho,
and you get to keep yo' money, but you got to be a slave to those

white men. They do what they like and you do like they say. They

like to fuck and they like you to suck."

"They all different. Some just want to stick they dicks in

you. Some

like to make you crawl around like a dog. Some like to slap you

around some. The club don't let 'em beat you bad, but you will get

yo' face slapped and yo' ass whipped.

"Once, one of 'em whupped my ass with a switch, turn me 'round,

whupped my tits, then my thighs, an' between my legs. Girl, it hurt

bad! They was welts all over me! I was cryin' an' beggin' him to

stop an' he pushed me on the ground, shoved his dick in me and


fuckin' the shit out of my poor whupped pussy!

"So I kept beggin' him, 'Please, Massa, don't hurt yo' nigger no mo'!

You hurtin' yo' nigger's pussy so bad, Massa! Please, have mercy


yo' nigger!' Well, that got him so hot he 'bout 'sploded in me right

away. Then he pulled out of me and stood up. I couldn't believe it

when he stood there and started pissin' on me!

"He peed on you?" Shanika was incredulous.

"Shit, yeah," replied Nydia. "And it burned like hell where he'd been

whuppin' me with that switch. He had another girl take me and

hose me

off. That was the worst I ever got while I was there. The club

wouldn't let 'em do much more than that."

Now the van picked up speed. They must be on the interstate now,

thought Shanika.

"How come you're going back, then?" she asked.

"Well, you ain't gonna believe this, girl," Nydia said, "the money's

good and all that, but sometimes at night I be thinkin' about that

time that white man whupped me and fucked me and I's just some


bitch to him. I think about that and my coochie starts to tingle and

I gets to playin' with it... I can't explain it, but I want to go

back and feel that way again. I can't tell nobody, but I got off on
bein' a nigger for the white man."

Shanika felt a wetness between her legs. Nydia's story was getting

her excited. She was surprised at herself, but then she


how she felt yesterday, presenting herself to Mr. Richards. That got

her hot. And Debbie! That white bitch! But she liked the way it

felt when Debbie's hand was between her legs, her finger probing


black pussy as she stood naked and vulnerable in front of the


professionally attired white girl.

Shanika noticed that the other women were listening to

Nydia. Even

the girl on the other side of Shanika on the bench had turned to


her. The older light skinned woman sitting across from her didn't

seem to be paying attention, but the two younger girls were

hanging on

every word.
Finally, one of the younger girls broke the silence. "Did you really

like it?" she asked. "How could you like it when that man hurt you

like that?"

"Like I say, I can't explain it," Nydia looked her in the eye. "Maybe

you'll find out for yo'self."

The younger girl looked around. "My name is Traleen, and this is


sister, Shonelle," she said, indicating the other young girl. "And

this is my Aunt Geraldine." The older woman quickly glanced

around at

the others as she was introduced.

"We live with Geraldine now," continued Traleen. "She told us


the club and how we could be set for a year if we just stayed there

month! She's been there a few times and said it wasn't too bad,

but I

never heard 'bout nothin' like you was just sayin'"

"How old are you, girl?" asked Nydia.

"I'm eighteen," said Traleen. Shonelle nodded in agreement.

Shonelle asked the long haired girl, "What's your name?"

"Leesha," she said without looking at her. Leesha was alone in her


They rode on in silence. Finally she could tell they were off the

interstate. It must be a rural road, she thought, since they didn't

seem to slow down. Fifteen minutes later the van slowed and


off the road. This new road was rough, perhaps unpaved. They


and they heard the rear door open.

The driver pulled the curtain aside, and stepped between the


Bright daylight streamed in the open door making it difficult for

Shanika to see. "We're at the club now," he announced. "Until you

are sold, you will be chained." He opened a foot locker that was on
the floor of the van. It contained steel collars, cuffs, and chains.

"Take a collar and put it on. Cuffs go on your wrists and ankles," he

said. "I'll take care of chainin' y'all up."

Shanika stepped to the foot locker and removed a collar. It was


and heavy. It had a hinge on one side and a clasp on the other.

Several eye bolts were attached to the outside of it. She opened it

and closed it around her neck, fastening the clasp. The cuffs were

similar, though of course smaller. She attached one to each of her

ankles and wrists. The other women did the same while the driver

supervised them.

"Ok. You first," he indicated Nydia, "come here."

Nydia stood and stepped forward. The driver took a short chain


two feet long and connected each end to one of Nydia's ankle cuffs.

Next he fastened the two wrist cuffs together in front of her with a

short chain only a few inches long. Finally he clipped a chain on the

front of her collar.

Shanika watched in fascinated horror as Nydia was placed in chains,

realizing that the same fate awaited her. "You're next," he said to

Shanika. She stood quietly as he attached the chain between her

ankles. He had Shanika hold her hands outstretched and fastened


together as he had Nydia. Finally he attached a longer length of

chain to her collar.

"Now you," he said.

Leesha stood up. The pretty black girl stood passively as he


the chain between her ankle cuffs and fastened the wrist cuffs

together with a short chain in front of her. The chains jingled as

the young woman shifted on her feet while he attached the chain


connected to her collar.

The women waited quietly and patiently as the driver repeated the

procedure on each one.

When he was finished, he turned back to Leesha. "On you knees,

nigger," he ordered. The girl had a puzzled look on her face.

Whap! He gave her an open handed slap across the face. "Get on


fuckin' knees!" The other women all watched as the long haired girl

got on her knees on the floor.

"They don't like me using the niggers' pussies," he explained as he

unzipped his fly and dropped his pants to his knees revealing his

fully erect white cock. "Chaining you bitches up always gets me


and I'm gonna bust a nut in your mouth." He put the tip of his cock

at Leesha's lips. "Suck it, nigger!"

Her lips parted and the driver's dick slipped into her mouth. The

other captive women watched as Leesha's head bobbed up and

down on his

stiff white cock. Her sucking made slurping sounds as he grunted


began thrusting into her mouth. Her chains jingled to the rhythm as

he fucked the black girl's face. He quickened the pace of his thrusts
and the girl made gagging sounds. "Oh, yeah!" he cried, "that's the

way. Suck it good, bitch. Ah! Here it comes!"

He grabbed her head by the hair and his whole body stiffened

momentarily before he started ejaculating in the girl's throat. She

tried to swallow, but started choking on the white cock in her


He pulled out and semen dripped from her lips and onto her breasts.

"You better learn to do what the fuck you're told, you dumb nigger.

When you're told to suck, you'll fuckin' do it or get the shit slapped

out of you," he said as he pulled up his pants.

He then turned to Geraldine and attached the end of her collar chain

to the back of Shonelle's collar. Next he connected Shonelle's chain

to the back of Traleen's. Traleen's to Nydia's and Nydia's to

Shanika's and finally Shanika's chain to the back of Leesha's collar

as she continued to cough and sputter, his cum all over her face and


The driver led the slave girls, now daisy chained together, through

the door to the outside. Shanika was scared by the scene she'd just
witnessed, though part of her wondered why he hadn't chosen her


his use.

Chapter 3 - The Auction

The light was even brighter outside the van and Shanika was

momentarily unable to see. She heard her chains clank and jangle


she stumbled out the door and onto a dusty stretch of ground. As


eyes adjusted to the light she saw that a few white men had


to watch the new slaves be unloaded.

She could feel the heat of the sun on her naked dark colored

flesh. A

light breeze blew against her skin, providing a little relief. She
looked around, trying to see past the men who were checking out


new arrivals.

She was on the edge of a large dusty courtyard. What appeared to

be a

weathered looking barn sat to the right side and a larger two storied

white clapboard sided building was on the left. On the far side

opposite where she stood Shanika saw several rows of wooden


set in two sections with an aisle between them. At the head of the

aisle was a raised platform with steps leading up to it. On the

platform was a podium and what appeared to be another, smaller

platform also with steps leading up to it. There was a table

immediately to the left of the platform. Beyond the platform was a

path that led into a wooded are. A few cabins were visible there.

Shanika saw Yolanda and Mr. Richards, whom she'd met at the


yesterday, approaching them. The white man walked slowly past


line of chained colored girls, looking each one over, smiling and
shaking his head as saw Leesha's cum drenched face.

"Ok, get these niggers into the barn and get 'em ready," he said to

Yolanda. "Some of the boys are already chompin' at the bit to


'em out so hurry it up. Get rid of the bushes. Leave the braids on

those two light skinned bitches, I like 'em, but I want the others


"Yes, Massa," Yolanda replied and jerked the chain attached to the

first girl's collar. "Let's go," she ordered and led the slave girls

into the low building. Shanika shuffled along as the chain between

her ankles didn't allow her walk normally. Her eyes fixed on


shapely black ass.

"Well, well," said Yolanda to the long haired girl, the cum starting

to dry on her face and breasts, "I see Massa Steve likes you best!"

Shanika watched as Yolanda detached her chain from Leesha's collar


led the pretty slave girl to a low walled stall with a wooden stool in

it. She couldn't see what was going on, but she could hear the buzz
of electric hair clippers. After a few minutes the girl was led back

out, her hair cropped to her scalp, her pussy freshly shaved, and

tears running down her cheeks.

Yolanda led Leesha to another stall where there was a hose and


of soapy water. She took a brush from the bucket and proceeded to

scrub the girl's dark brown body from head to toe. Shanika could


her flinch as the brush touched her nipples and between her legs.

Replacing the brush into the bucket, she hosed her down. Finally


returned the dripping girl to where the others stood and watched.

Without her long hair it was hard to believe she was the same girl.

"All right, missy, your turn," Yolanda said. She released Shanika's

collar from the chain of the girl behind her and led her to the stall.

"Sit," she said as if talking to a dog. She proceeded to cut off

Shanika's hair. She had never worn her hair so short, she felt the

sensation of cool air on her scalp.

"Stand now," ordered Yolanda. She traded places with Shanika and


on the stool herself. Yolanda used the clippers to shear the negro

slave girl's pubic hair off. Next she produced a razor and shaving

cream and shaved her pussy smooth. Shanika had never been

more naked

in her life. She was then led to the next stall.

"Do you have to pee?" asked Yolanda. It had been long trip and she

hadn't relieved herself since she left home what seemed so long


"Yes," she replied. "Where do I go?"

"Right here!" she laughed. "Where do you think you are, missy? If

you've gotta pee, you better squat over the drain and let it go. You

won't have another chance for a while."

Shanika hadn't prepared herself for this indignity. Not only was she

to be led around naked by a chain like some kind of animal, but she

would have to relieve herself with an audience.

"Well? Get on with it!" Yolanda said impatiently.

Finally Shanika squatted over the drain as instructed. She could


the sound of her urine splashing on the concrete floor near the


She stood when she was finished, but she couldn't look at Yolanda


as she got the brush out of the bucket and started scrubbing her


The brush was rough and it hurt her skin. She winced as she felt


stiff bristles on her sensitive nipples. Yolanda continued to scrub

her, almost as if she was washing a car.

"Spread those legs," she ordered. "The Massas don't like a nasty


Shanika did as she was told and spread her legs, exposing her

sensitive sex to the harsh bristles. The scrubbing left her skin

feeling raw.
Yolanda worked down her legs and then hosed her off with cold


Her nipples hardened and she broke out in goose flesh. She was

thoroughly humiliated by this treatment. Naked, virtually hairless,

forced to urinate in front of Yolanda, and finally hosed off like a

farm animal. She wondered what she must look like now.

Yolanda led Shanika by her collar chain back to where the other


girls were standing. She took Nydia next, and one by one Shanika

watched as her fellow slaves were shorn, shaved, and

scrubbed. Only

Shonelle and Traleen were spared the shearing since Mr. Richards


their braids.

"Time for you to look pretty," Yolanda told them as she reconnected

the daisy chain of collared slave girls. "The auction will be held

once the bidders have had a chance to look you all over."

She led them out into the courtyard. Again Shanika couldn't see
immediately as her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. The sun


good on her naked flesh, warming her after being hosed down with



There were eye bolts mounted as anchors every ten feet or so on


side of the barn they had just come out of. There was a wooden


at each station. One by one Yolanda disconnected a slave's collar

chain and attached it to an anchor until all six women were so


Yolanda walked away as two men approached, looking over the


merchandise. They were immediately drawn to Leesha, who stood

seemingly unaware of her surroundings. Probably still stunned over

the loss of her hair and the earlier rape of her mouth by the driver.

Then they walked over to Shanika. "This nigger is kind of chunky,

don't you think, Dave?" asked the first man.

"Yeah, but she's got a nice pair of boobs," replied the second. Then

to Shanika, "Turn around, nigger. Let's see that black ass."

Shanika shuffled her feet and turned around to display her ass for


two men.

"Bend over so I can see the goods, proper like," said Dave.

She did as she was told. She couldn't spread her legs too far apart

because of the chain.

"Shit, man, I can't hardly see her cunt! Fucking chain won't let her

legs spread out. Sit down and spread those legs, nigger. I want a

better look at that coochie." She sat and spread her legs to show


men her freshly shaved pussy.

"That's more like it!" said Dave. "I like this one's pussy, Rick.

Sometimes they're too pink. I like a nigger with nice black pussy

lips like this bitch here."

"Yeah, not bad. Not bad at all," replied Rick. "I still want to

check out those fat light skinned niggers, though. Eddie says the


bitch's the mother of two young ones!"

"No shit!" exclaimed Dave. "Man, wouldn't that be sweet? I'd fuck

the daughter while her mama sucks my balls! I bet they sell 'em as

set, what do you think?"

"If they do, they won't be cheap."

The two men lost interest in Shanika after a moment as she


her most intimate parts to them. They wandered off to look at


who was attached to the station next to Shanika, a few yards away.

She watched as they had that girl turn for them then sit and spread

her legs as Shanika had done for them.

After a few minutes another man walked over to where Shanika

sat. He

was middle aged and balding.

"Stand up, nigger," he said. Shanika struggled to her feet under the

man's gaze.

"You know how to suck cock?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," she replied.

"Any good at it?" he smirked.

"Yes, sir, I can suck cock good."

"Ever take a cock up the ass?"

"No, sir. Never."

"I may just put in a bid on you. Get me a piece of that fat black ass

of yours. I bet it's nice and tight since it ain't been fucked. You

ain't lying to me are you, nigger?"

"No, sir. I ain't lying." Shanika wished this man would go away. It

was bad enough to be displayed like this without this disgusting


man going on about fucking her up the ass.

"Bend over and spread your cheeks so I can see for myself just how

virgin that black asshole is."

She did as he ordered, turning, bending over, and spreading her ass

cheeks for him. After a minute of not hearing anything further from

him she looked around behind her only to discover he had moved

over to

check out Nydia. Shanika stood, waiting for the next potential


After a minute or two a couple approached. It was Debbie from

Mr. Richards office and a young white man she hadn't seen before.

"This nigger's hot, Bobby," said Debbie. "She came out of Uncle

Carl's office yesterday all hot and bothered. I mean I could smell

her pussy from across the room. I know he doesn't fuck the niggers
when he interviews 'em, so she must have just been gettin' off

prancin' around naked for him."

"No shit!" Bobby replied to Debbie, but his eyes were fixed on

Shanika's nude black body.

"No shit. I checked her cunt and it was drippin'! Fuckin' nigger

started humping my hand she was so horny!" Debbie smirked at


who hung her head in shame as the young white couple talked

about her

as if she wasn't there.

"Damn!" exclaimed Bobby still staring at Shanika's bare

breasts. "You

mean you fingered her pussy? I didn't know you liked girls."

"Jesus, Bobby!" Debbie rolled her eyes. "It's not that I like girls.

There's just something about playin' with some horny nigger like


She can't do shit about it. Just take it and like it. It's just the
power, I guess. The power to do what I want with her and make

her do

shit. That's what I like. Don't you?"

"Yeah, I like that," said Bobby. "I want to buy her, Debbie. Buy her

and fuck her. Is that ok with you? I mean it's not like I'm fucking

some other girl or anything. She's just some nigger. It's almost

like whacking off."

"Oh, I think you'd like that pussy better'n your hand!" laughed

Debbie. "Go ahead. Buy the nigger and fuck her if you want. But


me play with her, too."

Debbie looked Shanika in the eye and licked her lips. "So would you

like that, girl? Want me to play with that pussy?"

Shanika cast her eyes down. "Yes, ma'am."

"How about my boyfriend fucks me and then you eat me?" Debbie


"You want to suck my pussy, you nigger dyke?"

Shanika looked around without looking either of them in the eye.

"Yes, ma'am." She could see Bobby shifting uncomfortably, trying


hide his hard on.

"Yes, ma'am, what, you stupid bitch?" Debbie was enjoying


the black slave girl.

"Yes, ma'am, I want to suck your pussy."

Debbie laughed. "I bet you do." She turned to Bobby. "Let's go

check out the others."

Debbie and Bobby walked over to torment Leesha leaving Shanika


for the moment.

Another young white man approached Shanika. He was alone and


stood drinking in the vision of the naked black slave girl.

"Hi, there," he said. "What's your name?"

She didn't think she could be surprised by anything, but this


did it. "Shanika, sir."

"Hi, Shanika. I'm Roy. Is this your first time here? I don't think

I've seen you before."

"Yes, sir."

"I think you're pretty. Do you mind having to be naked outside


with all these guys looking at you?"

"No, sir."

"I was thinking of bidding on you," said Roy. "Would you lift your

arms and put your hands behind your head for me? I really like the

way that makes a woman's breasts hang. You've got such beautiful

Shanika did as Roy asked and put her hands behind her head.

"That's hot. I love that pose. Could you get on you knees like that?

And spread you legs? That's my favorite pose for a girl."

She kneeled down before Roy, spreading her legs as far as she


for him.

Roy reached in his pants to adjust his hard on. "Man, that's hot!

You are so hot! If I put in the high bid for you, do you think I

could, you know, do it with you?"

"Yes, sir," Shanika said, looking up at him from her knees. "You

could do whatever you wanted with me. I'd be your slave."

"Wow, that would be great!" exclaimed Roy. "Just what could I do


"You could do anything, sir. You could fuck me. In my pussy. In


mouth. In my ass. Between my tits. Anything."

"Would you like that? Would you want me to do that to

you?" asked


"Yes, sir," she replied, "I'd like that."

"So, how come you're a slave?" he asked.

"Because I'm a nigger, sir."

"I better go. I'll be bidding on you, Shanika."

"Thank you, sir." Shanika watched from her knees as Roy walked


The sun continued to beat down on the chained slave girls. Yolanda

appeared carrying a bucket of water. She offered a cup of water to

each girl. When it was her turn Shanika gulped the water down
greedily, holding the cup in her cuffed hands. She hadn't realized

how thirsty she was. Yolanda scooped another cup of water for her


then went to Nydia with the water bucket leaving Shanika alone


Shanika saw that there were more men here now. Occasionally


slave was led by and fastened to an empty station. She hadn't seen

these girls before and she imagined that they had already been here

for awhile and were about to be resold. Some were young, not


twenty. She saw a skinny woman with short cropped hair and small

droopy breasts who had to be old enough to be Shanika's mother


led by. A couple of them were quite fat with huge breasts. One


pregnant. All were black and naked except for their chains. She

noticed that all of them drew interest where they were on display


potential buyers.
In the center of the courtyard, the benches were beginning to fill

with the white men and the occasional white woman who had been

inspecting the displayed slaves.

Mr. Richards stepped to the podium. "All right, folks. Get to your

seats. We're going to start with the short term sales. All bids on

these niggers are for a day. After that we'll move on to longer

terms. We'll start in ten minutes."

The white folks continued to take their seats. Shanika again felt a

knot in her stomach. She had just spent a couple of hours naked in

the hot sun, her private parts on display to these white strangers,

many of whom talked about her and her body amongst themselves

as if

she wasn't there hearing every word. That experience had been

humiliating enough, but now she was to be sold like livestock to

whoever would pay the most for a day of her forced servitude. Her

body to be used for their pleasure like some kind of fuck toy.

Yolanda came for Leesha first. She unclipped her chain from the

anchor and led her through the crowd to the platform. Leesha

scared and just looked down at her feet as she climbed the stairs to

the platform and then again up the stairs to the block where all


see her fine naked body. She raised her arms and placed her hands

behind her head, looking down the whole time.

"Ok," said Mr. Richards. "Let's begin. Now this nigger is a first

time slave. Nice and young the way I know you like 'em. Just look


these tits! Firm and full. Fine tight ass, nice figure. I bet she's

got a sweet pussy on her, too. I'm gonna start her off at 100. Do I

hear 100?" A hand went up.

"I've got 100, how about 125? 125?" Another hand went up. The

bidding continued until Leesha went for 400 to the fat man who


Shanika if she'd ever been fucked in the ass. Shanika knew what he

had in mind for Leesha.

Leesha's expression didn't change as Yolanda led her down the

and presented her charge to her new owner, who led her away into


big house to enjoy his purchase.

Next up was a big black girl who might have been in her early


or younger. Each of her breasts was almost as big as her head, the

dark areolas were so big she probably couldn't completely cover


with her hand. Her massive mammaries and big black ass shook as

Yolanda led her up the stairs to the block. Her thighs were so big

that her shaved pussy was barely visible as she displayed herself to

the bidders.

The bidding got up to 500. A grey haired white man, who wasn't


more than half the slave girl's weight, stepped forward to claim her.

He smiled happily as he led the big colored girl towards the main

house, her black ass shaking and her chains jingling as she shuffled

behind him.
The auction continued. Yolanda had gone over to the display area


returned to the platform leading a skinny dark colored woman with

small sagging breasts, who looked to be in her forties. She hung


head down as she displayed her body to the bidders, hands behind


head, legs spread as far as her ankle chains would allow. The


bid of 100 wasn't met and she went for 50 to heavy set white man

in a

plaid shirt and overalls.

The poor negress suffered more indignity when the man forced her


follow him like a dog on her hands and knees across the dusty

courtyard as he pulled on her chain. She had difficulty keeping up

with him with her wrists chained together. Her chains rattled and


drooping breasts swung as she crawled. She fell forward into the

a couple of times making her new master wait as she struggled back


her hands and knees.

A slender girl who looked more Asian than African in spite of her

brown skin fetched 400. A pair of college aged white boys seemed

eager to enjoy their purchase as they went into the woods towards


cabins. The one holding her chain tugged at the petite girl hard

enough that she stumbled on her tethered ankles several times as


led her away.

A pregnant slave girl who was black as onyx went for 300 to a well

dressed young man about Shanika's age. He rubbed the negro girl's

bulging belly and squeezed her swollen breasts as she stood


with her eyes downcast before taking her off to serve his pleasure.

Yolanda then came for Shanika. She heard her chains jingle as


led her, shuffling towards the platform and up the stairs onto the
block. "Raise your arms, hands behind head, legs spread"


Yolanda. Shanika complied.

Mr. Richards began again. "This is one fine negress here

boys. She's

hot to trot I can tell you. You fellas who like a real nigger type

are gonna love her. Just check out these big ol' titties! Look at

the size of the nips on 'em! Yeah, she's got a bit of a belly on her,

but, man, that ass! She's ready to fuck, I'm tellin' you! Let's

start her off at 100. How about 100?"

The sun shone in Shanika's eyes and she couldn't make out who


bidding on her.

"Ok, 100. 125?" Mr. Richards continued. "I've got 125, who'll go

150?, 150, who'll go 175, ok, 200? 200, good, 225? 225 it is, how

about $250? 250? This nigger is a fine one, boys, I ain't lyin'.

Let me here 250!"

There was a pause in the bidding. Shanika strained to see who was
bidding. "225 once. 225 twice. Sold for 225!"

Shanika had just been sold.

Chapter 4 - The First Master

Yolanda led Shanika down the steps to the front of the

platform. The

chain connecting her ankles clanked on the steps. Her new owner,


new master, was facing away from her, signing a slip of paper.

He turned to face his purchase, his new black slave girl. Shanika


relieved to see it was Roy. Yolanda handed him the chain. "What


you say, girl?" she whispered to Shanika.

"Thank you for buying me, Master," she said to Roy, eyes downcast.
"It's my pleasure," he replied as he led her off into the woods. "You

may address me as Massa now that you're my nigger. I'm also


to that down home style of speech from my niggers. It would

please me

to hear it from you while you're in my possession."

"Yes, Massa. I do my best fo' you, Massa." Shanika felt silly

talking this way, but she wanted to please her new master.

"Good girl!" said Roy. "I've got a cabin for us this way," he said

and tugged on her chain causing her to stumble. After a short while

they came to the cabin. It appeared to be a small one room cabin


of weathered wooden planks in a clearing. It had a front porch.

As he led her into the clearing he turned to Shanika. "I expect I'll

be enjoying you for some time once we're inside. If you need to

relieve yourself, better do it now before we go in."

"Where, Massa? I do needs to pee."

"Why, right here!" he replied. "Niggers can just go in the woods.

Now hurry it up, I'm anxious to get started on you."

Shanika squatted and peed on the dusty ground. Her urine

splashed on

the ankle chain and flowed into a puddle between her feet as her

master watched. She stood, embarrassed, when she was through.

"That's a good girl. Now let's go inside."

Roy led Shanika into the cabin. There was a table, a couple of

chairs, and a bed. Roy sat in a chair and pulled Shanika's towards

him by the chain on her collar. He unfastened her wrists and


the cuffs, placing them on the table. Next he removed her ankle

cuffs, leaving them on the floor.

"That's better," he said to himself. Then to Shanika, "I think I'll

just leave the collar on. There's something about a chained nigger

bitch that makes me just want to put my cock in her. Turn around,

face the bed, and bend over. Spread those legs wide."
Shanika complied. She bent over, resting her body on the bed,

spreading her legs as wide apart as she could.

"Excellent!" She felt his hand on her ass. Gently caressing her

chocolate colored flesh. He rubbed on each cheek briefly before his

hand drifted down between her legs and started rubbing on her bald

pussy. She trembled slightly as he pushed a finger into her and


out again.

"You are one hot nigger bitch all right. Your pussy is sopping! You

love this, don't you?"

"Yes, Massa, Ah sho' do." she heard him unzip his pants.

"You are so fucking hot that I just can't wait any more to try out

that black pussy. I probably won't last long. You won't mind too

much, I hope?"

"No, suh, Massa. You jus' use yo' nigger's pussy how ever you like."
She felt him enter her easily, she was so wet. He started slowly,


in a few seconds he was slamming his white cock into her black cunt


fast and hard that she could here the slapping sound of flesh on


along with the creaking of the bed supporting her. In less than a

minute, before she even had a chance to begin to reach a climax,


heard him grunt and felt him cumming in her. As he pulled out she

heard him collapse back into the chair.

"You've got a sweet pussy all right, girl. Why don't you just stay

like that for me for now. Your big black ass is a fine sight."

"Thank you, Massa. I's glad you happy wit' me." Shanika stayed


over, displaying her ass and freshly fucked pussy for her new


The scent of her musk was in the air and she could feel his warm


mixed with her own juices running down her legs.

After a time, as the cum was drying on her black skin, he was ready

for some more fun with his new slave girl.

"Why don't you turn around and kneel before me?" asked

Roy. Shanika

stood, her joints a little stiff. She turned and knelt at her white

master's feet. "Keep those legs spread for me," he said.

The chain from her collar rattled on the floor as she settled on her

knees, spreading her legs as far as she could for him. He reached


with one of his legs and rubbed her pussy with the top of his foot.

Her cunt was still wet and sticky from the quick fucking it got


"Good girl. Now arms up, hands behind head, mouth open. This is


a nigger slave should display herself for her master," he explained.

Sitting up in his chair he reached out with his hand and caressed her
face and ran the palm of his hand over the stubble that had been


hair. She watched his face with her dark brown eyes as he used his

finger to trace her lips and then her chin. His hand moved down to

her breasts and he gave one a squeeze before he took the thick


nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She gasped as he pinched


painfully. She saw him smile at her reaction and pulled her nipple,

lifting her breast. He reached his other hand to her other breast


took that nipple in the same manner, lifting both breasts, pinching

both nipples.

"Does that hurt?" he asked.

"Yes, Massa, a little," she responded, still looking into his face.

He pulled harder, stretching her black tits out from her body.

"How about that?"

"Ah! Yes, Massa, it hurts."

He then twisted both nipples at once. Shanika cried out in pain.

"Shhh," he said softly as he continued to man handle the colored

girl's mammaries. Shanika tried to endure the pain quietly, but

grunted and moaned occasionally. He looked up from her breasts


into her eyes. "You're my nigger whore, aren't you?"

"Yes, suh, Massa. I is yo' nigger ho'." Her eyes were tear-ring up,

it was hard for her to maintain her posture.

"I like hurting nigger girls like you. I hope you don't mind," he


"No, suh, Massa. You do like you want."

He gave her nips one last tug, causing her to cry out again, and let


"Now I'd like you to suck my cock. Suck it like the nigger bitch you
are." He moved forward in the chair, giving her access to his stiff

white rod. Shanika bent forward and took the head of it between


dark brown lips.

"Go ahead and use your hands, girl. You know how to suck a white

man's cock." She moved her hands from behind her head, her


were stiff from having held her display position for so long. She put

one hand around the base of his cock and gently rubbed his balls


the other. She bobbed her head up and down on it, stopping to lick


every once in awhile with her wet pink tongue. She could taste her

pussy juice on it still.

"That's it, girl. I knew you were a cock sucking nigger whore. Just

the kind of nigger I like best." He was loving the feel of the

colored girl's mouth on his white dick, the sound of her slurping at

it. Having just fucked her, he was in no danger of cumming soon

ending the pleasure he was enjoying. His slave continued to


service him as he held her stubble covered head in his hands. The

sound of her chain rattling gently which each thrust of his dick into

her mouth reminded both of them of her status as slave. A slave to


used for his pleasure.

"Ok, that's enough sucking for now," he said. She let his cock slide

out of her mouth and looked up at him with her big brown

eyes. Saliva

drooling from her lips and chin. He took her chain is his hand and

stood up. He pulled on the chain, lifting her to her feet.

"Bend over and present your nigger ass to me," he ordered. As she

bent over she heard him stepping out of his pants.

"I'm going to take my hand to your black ass now. Is that all right

with you?" he asked.

"Yes, Massa, please beat my nigger ass." Shanika knew that this

hurt. She wished he'd just do it instead of asking her like that.

Actually having to ask for this treatment just added to the

humiliation of the entire scene, but that's probably what he had in

mind, she thought.

Whap! Whap! He slapped each cheek. Shanika had to restrain


to keep from trying to cover her poor sore ass with her

hands. Whap!

Another slap on the same spot as a previous one. She couldn't help

but cry out.

"Just a couple more," he promised. "I just want to warm it up a

little, that's all."

Whap! Whap! Whap! Her tears were flowing freely now, her ass

was on

fire from the spanking.

"There, there," he said running his hand gently over her ass. He

could feel the heat and could see the hand prints he left. "That

wasn't so bad, was it?"

"No, Massa," she sobbed.

"Shall I continue?" he teased. "I'm really enjoying this."

No more! she thought. But she said, "yes, Massa. Please beat on


ass some more." She choked back the sobs as she spoke.

"Well, I think I'll stop for now anyways, but it's sweet of you to

offer. Why don't you come here and sit in my lap?" He sat in the

chair and held his arms out for her. Shanika stood and gingerly sat

in his lap. Here eyes were red and tears rolled down her

cheeks. She

was still sniveling and her nose was running. He reached over to

where he'd dropped his pants and produced a handkerchief from the

pocket and offered it to her. She wiped her face and blew her nose.

"Thank you, Massa," she said.

"I thought you took that very well for a first time slave girl," he
praised her. He held her until she seemed to have recovered from



"Ok, time to get on the bed," he announced. They stood and


sat on the bed. Roy pushed her on her back. "Grab your legs


your knees and spread 'em out for me." She did as instructed,


her legs apart, splaying her black pussy for him obscenely. She


feel the cool air on her cunt and and asshole. He admired the view


her bald nigger gash and her welt covered ass.

"Tell me again what you are and what you're for. I never get tired


hearing it."

She looked up at him from between her spread legs. "I is yo' nigger

'ho, Massa. Yo' cocksuckin' nigger 'ho. I is fo' you to fuck. Dats
all, Massa. I is a nigger slut fo' you to fuck how you want."

"Have you ever been had your pussy spanked?" he asked


"I'd love to smack that cunt up a little before I fuck it."

"No, Massa, never." Shanika was a little scared at this. Her ass


burning from the beating and her breasts were still sore from the

treatment they'd just received.

"Just a couple to warm it up, that's all. Is that ok?" he asked.

"Yes, Massa, please beat yo' nigger's pussy." She felt herself

starting to cry again even though he hadn't started on her sensitive


Whap! Whap! Both blows landed right between her legs, but she

continued to hold her legs back, offering up her womanhood to his


"All right. You've had enough now," he said. She flinched when he

put his hand between her spread legs. Her pussy lips were red and

swollen. Her cunt was hot from the spanking.

"Ok, you can let go of your legs now," he said, removing his hand.

She lowered her legs and squeezed them together in an effort to


the pain.

"I know I'm a bastard for this, but seeing you like this, the hand

prints on your body, and where they are, I've just got to fuck you.

Would that be ok?" he asked.

Her poor pussy was burning still and he wanted to stick his dick in

her! How could he take such pleasure in her discomfort? But she


what her answer had to be.

"Yes, Massa. Please use my pussy," she said, her eyes wet with


She opened her legs to give him access so he could mount her.
"Good girl," he said as he climbed between her legs. She cried out


he pushed his hard white cock up her sore black pussy. "Shhh," he

murmured quietly, "hush now, girl." He started gently thrusting


her abused cunt.

He kissed her face as he slowly began to pick up the pace. She

whimpered as he started to pound into her harder and harder. He

kissed her on the lips but she was lost in a mix of pain and the

beginnings of arousal and didn't kiss back. Her moaning grew


as he fucked her harder still kissing her unresponsive lips until

finally he could hold back no longer thrusting his hard white cock

deep inside the poor black slave girl, filling her with his seed.

He lay on top of her for awhile before he got up and dressed.

Shanika, sore and unsatisfied lay on the bed, semen dripping out of

her pussy onto the bed sheets. Her thighs exhibiting several hand

prints from the spanking she'd endured. She knew she was just a

nigger to be used, and she had just been well used indeed.
"You're kind of a mess, girl. Let's take you outside and clean you up


Shanika got up from the bed. Roy took her chain in his hand and


her out the door and down the steps into the clearing. It was

twilight and the air was much cooler than earlier in the day. They

had walked almost to the tree line when Roy spoke to her.

"I want to make sure you understand your place as my nigger. Get


on the ground. On your knees. Display yourself like I told you."

Shanika kneeled in the dirt facing her white master. She spread her

legs and placed her hands behind her head.

"Open that mouth, girl," he instructed as he unzipped his fly.

She knew what was coming next, but obediently did as she was

Roy took his cock out and hit Shanika in the face with a blast of


urine. She closed her eyes as the stream hit her forehead. He


lower, directly into her open mouth. She sputtered and choked as


emptied his bladder in the slave girl's black face. As the stream

subsided it went lower on her body, her breasts, then her belly.

Rather than shake it off, Roy stepped forward his crotch in her face.

"Clean it off, nigger," he demanded. She licked the tip of his now

flaccid cock with her pink tongue and then took it between her lips,

sucking gently. He stepped back and his dick popped out of the


girl's mouth. He pushed it back into his pants zipped his fly.

"Ahh," he signed. "The pause that refreshes!" He reached for the

chain and jerked her to her feet. "Now to get you cleaned up!"

He led her through the woods back to the main area. It was dark in

the woods and Shanika stumbled often. She was wet with her

piss and she could taste it in her mouth.

At last they reached the main building. It was lighter there in the

clear and the outside lights were on. Several white men were


around near the side of the building along with a white woman and

couple of naked black slave girls. They all watched as Roy led

Shanika in their direction. As they drew nearer, Shanika recognized

Debbie as the the white girl as well as Shonelle and Traleen, the

teenage sisters who had arrived with her earlier that same day, so

long ago.

"Damn, Roy!" exclaimed one of the men. "I see you went to town


this nigger!" Debbie and the white men smirked at Shanika while

Shonelle and Traleen looked down, embarrassed for her. Shanika


wet and reeked of urine and semen ran down her leg from her well


and abused pussy.

"Just came by to hose this nigger off!" Roy replied. He led Shanika

to where a garden hose was attached to a spigot on the side of the

building. Dropping her chain he picked up the hose and turned on


water. Starting with her head, Roy sprayed black girl up and down

with the cold water. She sputtered some as he hosed her face. The

force of the water was hard and it hurt her tender breasts.

"Turn around now. Got to get your nasty black ass!" Shanika


obediently as Roy sprayed her back and ass. "Bend over, nigger. I

can't get that asshole with you like that." She bent over, her legs

spread. "C'mon now! Spread those cheeks!"

Humiliated, she reached behind her and spread her ass cheeks,

revealing her puckered black asshole and swollen abused cunt to


small group of onlookers. She could here laughter from them as


directed the stream right into the crack of her ass. He left it

there, the cold water blasting her asshole and then her pussy. She

could feel the liquid entering her most intimate parts as she listened
to the amused chatter of crowd watching the proceedings.

Finally it stopped and Roy turned off the water.

"I think that nigger was startin' to like it too much!" Shanika

recognized Bobby's voice, Debbie's boyfriend. "So, you gettin off on

that, bitch? C'mon you can tell us!"

"No, suh. I ain't gettin' off on it, suh," replied Shanika to the

taunt. She looked at the ground as she spoke.

The white folks all laughed.

"Tell us what mean old Roy did to you, girl!" said Debbie. "He can

be a real bastard!"

Shanika thought for a moment and looked at Roy.

"It's ok. Go ahead and tell 'em," he said. He turned and winked at

the others.
"Well, Massa took me home an' fucked me after he buy

me." Shanika

still couldn't bring herself to look up at her audience. "Then he

pinched at my tits and..."

"Udders," Debbie interrupted. "Niggers have udders. Like

cows. Get

it, bitch?"

Shanika felt her face flush and started again. "Iz sorry, Ma'am. Iz

tries to gets it right fo' you." She continued, "Massa, he was

pinchin' on my udders and dey wuz hurtin' an' den he make me

suck his

cock a while. Den he whupped my black ass wit' his hand an' it


He make me hold my legs open so's he can spank my pussy and

then fuck


"Roy! You *are* a bastard!" laughed Debbie. The other white folks

laughed, too. "Go, on..." she prodded Shanika on.

"Well, ma'am, dat's all dey iz. Massa took me outside and peed on


face so he bring me here so's to clean me up."

"Why you poor, poor nigger!" Debbie laughed again. "You're so


and respectful, you don't deserve that! I hope he had the decency


make you cum! Didn't he?"

Shanika didn't know the right answer so she told the truth. "No,

ma'am. Massa din't let me cum."

"I think we should fix that right now!" Debbie looked around. "Why

don't we have these niggers right here take care of you?" She was

looking at Shonelle and Traleen.

"All right, all right," said Roy. "Go ahead. Maybe I was a bastard.

Lie down and spread those legs for us. Nice and wide. We'll have


feeling better in no time."

The ground was muddy after she had been hosed off, but Shanika

did as

she was told and laid on her back, opening her legs for the white


Debbie turned to Shonelle and Traleen. "Go get to lickin' on that

bitches cunt, niggers. You make her cum, or I'll slap the black off

your asses myself!"

The two teenage slaves looked at each other. Neither had ever


a woman's pussy before, and didn't like the idea too much, but the

alternative was worse. They went over to where Shanika lay, legs

spread, on the muddy ground. Both got on hands and knees, but it


Shonelle who went first, putting her face right between Shanika's

thighs and she started gently kissing one. Traleen did the same as

her sister, softly kissing along the other one.

Shanika was sorry that the young sisters had to share in her own

humiliation, but at the same time their ministrations felt good after

all she had suffered.

"You niggers better start eatin' some pussy!" urged Debbie,

unsatisfied with the pace of the show the slave girls were putting on

for their owners.

Shonelle kissed her way over to Shanika's slit and began kissing her

swollen pussy lips. Tentatively at first, she poked her tongue out

and began licking the older black girl's vagina. She could taste

Shanika's growing excitement and ran her tongue along the length


her pussy. Shanika, tuning out the onlookers, began to relax a little

and allowed herself to enjoy the pleasure that the young slave girl

was giving her. She moaned quietly as Shonelle pushed her tongue


her entrance and then lapped up her gash all the way to her clit.

Traleen continued to kiss Shanika's thighs while her sister started

sucking gently on her clit. Shanika started bucking her hips in

response and Shonelle alternated between licking her pussy and her

"Let me now," Traleen whispered to Shonelle. Shonelle moved out


the way to allow her sister at Shanika's sex. Traleen had been

watching her and took over running her tongue flat on the darker

girl's pussy. Shanika moaned loud enough for the small crowd of


white folks to hear. They moved in for a closer look as she ground

her cunt into the young teenagers face.

"Get to work on her udders, bitch. Suck 'em good!" demand


Shonelle went on hands an knees to where she could reach


breasts and started licking her nipples, which hardened


She let the nipple slide between her lips and Shanika put her arms

around her as she suckled. Traleen licked faster and Shonelle


harder and Shanika bucked her hips harder, moaning loudly as she

neared orgasm. Finally she could hold back no more, and in spite of
the humiliation of cumming in front of the leering white men and


cheerleader, she cried out in pleasure. Traleen continued licking


sucking her pussy as Shanika's orgasm came in waves. Shanika


Shonelle tightly to her breast and unconsciously squeezed Traleen's

head between her thighs. Gradually she relaxed her holds on the


teenage slaves as she came down from her climax.

"Woo hoo!" cried Debbie. "Now that was an orgasm! I never seen

nigger cum like that before! You bitches'll have to do me

next!" The

young men also voiced their approval.

"Ok, fun's over. Get up, you nigger dykes!" Debbie ordered. The

slave girls got to their feet, all with mud on them where they'd been

on the ground. Traleen's face was shiny with Shanika's cum. "So,

girl, what do you say?"

Shanika looked at Debbie, "Thank you, ma'am."

"Oh don't thank me! Those nigger dykes are who did it."

Shanika looked at the two sisters. "Thank you," she said quietly.

Traleen smiled, happy to have given her new friend such pleasure.

"C'mon now," cried Debbie. "Kissy, kissy! Go ahead now. I know


boys want to see it. Tongues and everything!"

Shanika leaned closer to Traleen, and touched her lips to hers. The

slave girls put their arms around each other and kissed. Shanika

could taste herself on the the young girl's mouth as she pushed her

tongue between her lips as the smirking white girl had instructed.

They broke their embrace and Shanika turned to Shonelle, putting


arms around her and kissing her on the lips. She felt Shonelle's

tongue against her own as she gently probed the light skinned


"All right! Break it up now!" Debbie reached in and grabbed the

chains attached to the sisters collars and tugged them away from

Shanika. "Damn, you bitches are filthy! Somebody turn on the


Line up so we can clean you up!"

The three black slave girls, who had just shared a moment of


together for the amusement of their white masters, were now

forced to

stand in a line, as the dirt was hosed off them like livestock.

Once the hosing down was complete, Debbie and Bobby each took

one of

the slave sisters and led them away by the chains hooked to their


Roy grabbed Shanika's chain and hurried her back to the

cabin. "Damn,

girl. That was hot! I'm gonna have to fuck you all over again! That

ok with you?"
"Yes, Massa. Please use yo' nigger's pussy."

As soon as he got her inside, Roy picked Shanika up and laid her on

the bed, and stripped off his clothes. His white cock was standing

straight and tall as he climbed between his slave girl's legs and

pushed it into her pussy and started pumping furiously.

Shanika was spent and sore from all that had transpired.

"Tha's right, Massa. Use yo' nigger. Use yo' nigger's pussy." She

wanted to hurry him along and knew that dumb nigger talk was just


he wanted to hear. "Oh, you fuckin' yo' nigger 'ho now, Massa.

Fuckin' her good."

Roy pounded into her cunt like a man possessed. "Tell me you're


whore, nigger. Tell me you're my fuckin' whore!"

Yes, that's just what he wants, thought Shanika. "Yes, Massa, Iz


fuckin' nigger 'ho. Use me, Massa. Fuck yo' nigger, Massa!"
Roy stiffened and spasmed, grinding against her crotch as he let


another load of seed into Shanika. Although she'd gotten no

satisfaction from it, she was glad that Roy was finally spent. After

a while he rolled off his slave girl and fell asleep.

Shanika lay awake, wondering what kind of master she'd end up


tomorrow until she finally drifted off to sleep.

Roy woke up hard the next morning, Shanika asleep beside him. He

spread his slave girl's legs and reached between them discovering


black pussy was dry. Wanting one last piece of her ass before

returning her for resale he spat in his hand and rubbed it on her

crotch, rolled over between her legs, shoved his stiff white cock into

the sleeping black girl, and started fucking her.

Shanika awoke just as Roy finished with her, rolled off, and got up.

Momentarily disoriented, the events of the previous day started

back to her.

"Time to take you back," said Roy. "I hope I wasn't too mean to


You are one hot bitch, and I just couldn't control myself."

Shanika stood, feeling the wetness between her legs as Roy's


began to leak out. "Thank you, Massa. Iz glad you liked me." Her

bladder was bursting. "Iz got to pee, bad, Massa. Please take me


"Sure thing," he replied, grabbing her chain and leading her outside.

She was less self conscious this morning as she squatted and began


piss on the dusty ground in front of the cabin as her master watched


"You like watchin' yo' nigger pee for you, don't you, Massa?" she


looking up at him, smiling.

"Er, yeah," he replied. In spite of just having cum in his slave

while she slept he could feel his cock getting hard again. Shanika

noticed it, too.

"You want yo' nigger to suck yo' dick now, Massa? I suck it good fo'


He stepped over to Shanika's squatting form and she reached up


unzipped his fly, pulling his cock out, looking him in the eye the

whole time. She smiled as put it to her lips and gently sucked on it.

She played with his balls with both hands while she held his cock in

her mouth, running her tongue over the head. She started sucking

harder and then was bobbing her head up and down on his stiff


prick. One hand moved from his balls and grabbed his shaft and

started masturbating him. She looked into his face with her soft

brown eyes as she continued to work him. She could feel his balls

start to twitch and could tell he was close. She jerked him off

harder and just as he started to cum she let his cock out of her

Shanika looked up at Roy, smiling at him as he ejaculated in her


There wasn't so much since he'd already come that morning, but


took some on the cheek and chin. The semen dripped off her face


her breasts as she kissed the tip of his cock. This caused a thin

string of cum to stretch from his cock to her lips as she leaned her

head back. She leaned forward again and licked the remaining


off and replaced his cock into his pants and zipped his fly up.

Roy pulled her to her feet by the chain and led Shanika back to the

cabin and had her put on the wrist and ankle cuffs she had on when


bought her. He fastened her wrists together in front of her and

replaced the chain between her ankles. Finally he led her back

outside and through the woods to the main building, his semen


off her black face as she shuffled along, her ankles shackled. She

smiled at him as he handed the chain to the waiting Yolanda.

"You are one fine negress, let me tell you, girl," he said. "I'll be

bidding on you again. That's for sure." He turned and went into the

main building leaving Shanika behind.

Chapter 5 - The Gift

Yolanda tugged at the chain connected to Shanika's collar and led


to the barn where she had initially been shorn and shaved to be

prepared for resale. The older black woman took the young slave


to one of stalls equipped with a hose to get her cleaned up. She

started by spreading shaving cream on her pussy and used a razor


get it nice and smooth the way the bidders liked it. Next she

scrubbed her down with a bristle brush and a bucket of soapy water.

She was more gentle with the brush when cleaning Roy's sperm


Shanika's face. Finally Yolanda hosed her off with cold water and

her back outside.

Today wasn't an arrival day. No new slaves had been recruited for

sale. Only slaves to be resold would be auctioned today and


noticed fewer bidders were gathering near the platform.where she


been sold the day before. Yolanda attached Shanika's chain to an


bolt mounted on the wall of building to display her once again to

prospective buyers.

There were at least a dozen white men checking out the


Shanika had learned to display her body to them by placing her


behind her head to get her breasts to hang nicely and then turn


to show off her thick black ass whenever someone approached.

Occasionally she'd be instructed to bend over or sit with her legs

spread for a more intimate inspection.

Right before the auction a middle aged white lady walked towards


stopping before she got as close as the men usually did. Shanika

displayed herself for the woman.

"You're pretty for a colored girl," said the woman.

"Thank you, ma'am," replied Shanika.

"How old are you?" she asked.

"Twenty eight, ma'am." answered the black girl.

"I need to have a better look at your... uh... you know, between


legs," the older lady stammered.

"Yes, ma'am," said Shanika, who sat and spread her legs wide so


white lady could get a good look at her pussy.

"I just want to see that you're... uh... you know, healthy, if you
know what I mean."

"Yes, ma'am." She didn't know, but it didn't matter. If the white

lady wanted to see her pussy, Shanika would show it to her.

The woman looked her over again and hurried to the next slave girl



And then it was time for the auction. Shanika watched as a young

nervous looking teenage slave girl, maybe nineteen at the most,


sold for 450. A scruffy looking white man, old enough to be her

daddy, happily led her away in chains.

Nydia, who Shanika remembered from the ride to the club, was


The slender black woman seemed to be a returning favorite as the


went all the way to 600 for her. Two twenty-something white men

exchanged high fives when their bid proved to be the winner. They

took Nydia off down the path towards the cabins.

Then it was Shanika's turn. Yolanda led her to the block through


dusty court yard. She felt the eyes of the white folks on her as she

climbed the steps up the platform and up on to the block. She

displayed herself to the bidders without having to be told.

One man she recognized from last night started the bidding off. He

was part of the group that watched Shonelle and Traleen bring her


orgasm at Debbie's instructions. Then the white lady who had


to Shanika prior to the auction raised the bid. It went back and

forth with the lady finally putting forth the winning bid at 300.

Yolanda led her down the steps and presented her to her new


The white lady signed the paper and accepted Shanika's chain.

"Thank you for buying me, Mistress" said Shanika, without being

prompted. She was learning quickly to be an obedient slave girl.

"Yes. Uh, no need to call me Mistress. It sounds kind of strange to

me," she said. "My name is Helen, all right?"

"Yes, ma'am, Miz Helen," Shanika replied.

Helen spoke to Yolanda, "I've arranged for a suite in the main


can you have the girl sent to me in half an hour? I've need to


to a few things first."

"Yes, ma'am," replied Yolanda. "She'll be delivered to your room


Again Shanika was to be an object. Something to be sent up to this

white lady's suite like breakfast from room service. She watched as

the woman walked away and disappeared into the main house.

Yolanda led Shanika to the side of the platform, securing her chain


an iron post set into the ground. "You'll wait here until it's time

to deliver you to your mistress."

She recognized Shonelle and Traleen as they were led to the auction

block. Apparently the two sisters were to be sold as a set. There

was barely room for both of the large light skinned teenagers to

display themselves to the potential buyers. The bids increased

quickly with three separate parties participating. The girls finally

went for 950. Their new master seemed quite pleased to be leading


two girls towards the main house.

As Shanika watched them heading away she saw a short negro girl

wearing an old cotton skirt and a denim work shirt approached her


the direction of the main house. Younger than Shanika, she wore a

bandana over her close cropped hair. The girl also wore a thick

leather collar fastened with a silver colored buckle around her neck.

"I is s'posed to take you to yo' mistress now," she said, reaching for

the chain that hung from Shanika's collar. The girl led her at a

slower pace that made it easy for the shackled slave to keep up,

leaving some slack in the chain.

They entered through a service entrance and then went up a narrow

staircase. Shanika's ankle chain clanked on the wooden steps as


climbed. At the top of the stairs the negro girl pushed open a door

and led the chained black woman through. Shanika felt the plush

carpet under her feet as she was taken down the corridor. The


reminded her of a nice hotel.

A heavy set black woman with short graying hair in a faded grey


dress and white apron was vacuuming floor. She looked up from


work and exchanged nods with the girl leading Shanika to her new

mistress's room. Shanika became more aware of that she was


naked and in restraints as the old housekeeper looked right at her,

the gray haired negress's eyes slowly taking in the slave girl's nude


They walked past her and she returned to her task. The negro girl
knocked on one of the doors and looked Shanika up and down as


waited for an answer, there eyes met as the door opened.

Helen was wearing a robe and had a towel around her hair. "Has it

been a half hour already?" she asked. "Well never mind. Bring her


and put her where she'll be out of the way for now."

Shanika felt as if she were luggage being delivered to a traveler's

hotel room. The negro girl let go of the chain leaving Shanika

standing near the wall in the entrance way. She looked around her

surroundings and saw a couch and two big easy chairs facing a


wooden coffee table. A desk and chair were facing a wall with a

doorway in it. Through the open door, She could see an old


four poster bed.

"Don't forget, I want champagne sent up on ice in half an hour,"


instructed the young negro girl.

"Yes'm. I won't forget," she answered and left, closing the door

behind her.

Helen took the towel of her head revealing her wet auburn colored

hair. The white lady stepped into the bathroom and Shanika heard


sound of a blow dryer start up. The slave girl stood where she'd


left and waited, wondering what this white woman was up to.

After a few minutes she heard the blow dryer stop and Helen


from the bathroom still in her robe. She removed the robe and

hung it

up. She was wearing shear panties but no bra. Shanika saw her


white breasts and pink nipples. Tan lines clearly showed the


with the rest of her body. Helen seemed totally oblivious to

Shanika's presence while she put on a shear negligee gown. She

no modesty and made no effort to hide her nudity from the black


girl. It was as if she were dressing in front of a pet.

She briefly stepped back into the bathroom and emerged wearing


lipstick, spraying herself with perfume. Finally she walked over to

Shanika, looking her over carefully.

"I didn't get a good chance to look you over properly earlier. Open

your mouth," she ordered.

Shanika complied and the white lady pulled her bottom lip out and


the top examining her teeth.

"Lift your arms."

Again, Shanika did as instructed. "Hmmm, kind of stubbley, but


isn't much time and it's not that bad," she said to herself.
"Ok. Come with me," she ordered. The older woman picked up the


on Shanika's collar and led the negro slave girl into the bedroom.

The links jangled as she shuffled where she was pulled to.

"My husband will be here soon and I want everything to be just so


him. You are not to speak, just do what I say. Is that clear?" she


"Yes'm, Miz Helen," replied Shanika.

"Now I want to get these chains off of you. I'm afraid they'll catch

on my gown." Helen removed the wrist and ankle cuffs and then


her naked slave girl over again. "You know, I think I'll leave the

collar on. John will get a thrill out of it."

There was a knock on the door to the outside hall.

"Oh, shit!" exclaimed Helen. "That might be him. Quick, I want you

on your knees facing away from the door."

Shanika turned around, her back towards the doorway to the living


of the suite and got on her knees.

"Now bend over with your face on the floor. I want your ass up in



The slave girl bent over pushing her black ass up and placing her


on the carpeted bedroom floor.

"Spread you legs more. As far as you can, but keep that ass up."

Helen had lost whatever inhibitions she'd had ordering her black


girl to do her bidding.

Shanika complied, spreading her legs as wide as she could as she


another knock on the door.

"Stay like that," ordered Helen, who left the bedroom, closing the

door behind her.

Shanika heard muffled voices followed by the outer door closing.

Immediately the bedroom door opened.

"It was just the champagne, but John will be here soon," she said,

thoughtfully inspecting the slave girl, her most private parts

obscenely presented to her.

"Damn, that just won't do," she said, more to herself than to


"I like the kneeling and face on the floor, it's so deliciously

submissive. But I want him to be able to see what he's getting

without crawling around like some animal. Get up on the bed, same


Climbing on to the bed, Shanika again assumed the position with


ass in the air, her legs spread wide, her face on the

bed. Apparently

crawling around an animal was fine for the young black slave girl.
"That's good. He'll be able to see everything this way. Stay like

that," Helen instructed as she laid out Shanika's chain past the

kneeling negro girl and hung it over the far side of the bed. Shanika

heard the bedroom door close and she was alone, waiting to be

presented to Helen's husband.

Time progressed slowly for the naked colored girl. She waited

patiently, bent over as if in supplication. Her legs spread wide

giving anyone who entered the room an eyeful of black ass and


She felt her muscles stiffening in the cool air. She was alone with

the sound of her own breathing and heart beating to keep her


After many minutes passed Shanika heard a knock on the outer

door. A

few seconds later she heard muffled voices, a man and a woman.

Helen's husband must be here, she thought. The voices continued,

broken occasionally by laughter. After a few minutes she heard a

pop, followed by more laughter. They must have opened the


thought Shanika. More time went by, the naked slave girl simply

waited to be used.

Finally she heard the bedroom door open and felt the breeze it


on her bare flesh.

"No peeking, now," laughed Helen. Shanika couldn't see the door


her position on the bed but could sense another presence.

"Ok, you can look now," Helen giggled. "Happy birthday, darling!"

"Holy shit, Helen!" a male voice exclaimed. "How did you

know? You

know I had a feeling when you called me to come up here, but I

couldn't believe you'd really do it!"

"Well," Helen said softly, "you're a wonderful husband and I thought

'What would John like more than anything?'. And this is what I


up with. A nigger girl for you to use! She's ours for the rest of

the day."

"I don't know what to say, Helen," the man said, "this is great!"

Shanika heard the sounds of the couple kissing.

"Go ahead, go and touch her. I know you want to!" said Helen,

obviously pleased by her husbands reaction to her gift.

Shanika shuddered as she felt the man's hands on her ass, gently

caressing her.

"Don't be shy, John. You can play with her pussy or whatever you

want. It's ok. You'll be able to fuck her and everything! It's not

like your cheating on me with another woman. It's only a nigger!"

Helen's voice suddenly got sultry. "But I get to watch."

His hands roamed to her pussy and rubbed the entire length of her

slit. Shanika wiggled her ass a little in response. Encouraged, the

caresses continued and she felt his finger penetrate her.

"Wow, she's really wet," said John. "She must like it like this." He

put a second finger in Shanika's vagina.

"Probably," said Helen. "So what do you want to do first?"

"I don't know," replied John. "This is just so cool!"

"Well, you've been bugging me to go down on you even though you

know I

don't like it. Why don't you have the nigger suck your cock?"

suggested Helen. "I want some of that cock myself, so if you get off

in the nigger's mouth first I'll be able to get a nice long fucking."

"Sounds good to me. How about we go in the living room so I can


in one of those over-stuffed chairs?" he asked.

"Grab that chain and bring her on out," she replied.

John slipped his fingers out of the slave girl's cunt and grabbed the

chain. "C'mon, girl. Let's go, I've got something for you."
Shanika got up and John led her into the living room where Helen


already waiting. He undressed and Shanika could see his white cock

was fully erect and throbbing. He sat in the chair and pulled her

towards him by the chain. She dropped to her knees, knowing what


was expected to do.

She started licking the tip of his cock and the up and down the


John moaned with pleasure. She reached one hand up between his


and began caressing his balls as she took his white cock between


dark lips. She sucked him and used her tongue on him even while


was in her mouth. His hips started bucking gently and she felt his

hands on her stubble covered scalp.

"Oh, yeah," murmured John as Shanika began bobbing her head up

down over his shaft. She was slurping loudly as he bucked harder.

Helen got out of her chair and walked behind John's. She reached


and began gently rubbing her hands on her husbands chest as the


girl continued to suck him off.

"You like that, baby?" Helen whispered to him. "You like having


nigger suck your cock?"

"Uh, huh."

"Mmmm. I thought you would," she cooed. "Just relax and enjoy


We've got all night. You can use her however you want. She's your

nigger tonight. All yours, baby. My gift to you."

John clutched Shanika's head in his hands and thrust his white cock

into the negro girl's mouth faster and faster.

His breath quickened and he groaned. Both Helen and Shanika

knew he

was close.

"You gonna cum now, baby?" asked Helen. "You gonna cum for

me? All

up in your nigger's face? That's right, baby, fuck her black face.

Cum in those big soft nigger lips. It feels good, doesn't it baby?

Your nigger's mouth feels good for you?"

"Oh, yeah," gasped John. "Oh, yeah."

Suddenly John started cumming, quickly filling Shanika's mouth


hot sperm. She continued to suck and tried to swallow as much as


could, but semen started to leak out from between her lips, running

down his glistening member.

"That's it, baby. Let it all go. Keep cumming for me," Helen coaxed

in a husky voice. "Right in the nigger's face."

He spasmed a couple more times and then relaxed. Shanika started

licking up the cum that had leaked from her mouth, sucking it up


the pubic hair on his cock and balls.

Helen came around and kissed him deeply and he released

Shanika's head

and put his arms around his wife. Finished with the tongue bath


was administering, she moved back out of the way of the couple,

remaining on her knees, waiting for further instructions.

The white woman slid into her husband's lap and they continued to


as John wound down from his orgasm.

"Thank you, darling," he said. "That was fantastic."

"Well, I'm glad you liked it," she replied and kissed him again before

getting up. "How about some more champagne?"

Helen walked over to the table where a champagne bottle in an ice

bucket and two champagne glasses sat. She filled both glasses and

walked over to her husband who stood to accept on of the glasses.

They silently toasted each other, kissed, and went to sit on the


to enjoy their drinks.

The couch faced the spot where Shanika kneeled on the

floor. Helen

whispered in her husbands ear and then spoke to the black slave


"Display yourself like you did at the auction, girl," she ordered.

Shanika spread her knees wide and placed her hands behind her


thrusting her full black breasts forward. Her chain hung between

them. There was small amount of semen on one cheek and her


"Isn't that darling?" Helen asked John. "It almost gets me hot


our little nigger girl showing off like that!"

John stared and the negro slave girl drinking in the sight her

displaying her young black body to him. "Yeah," he agreed. "It's


Helen put her hand between her husband's legs. "My, my, my!" she

laughed. "I think you'll be ready for action again soon!"

"I think I'm ready now!", he replied, standing up. He helped Helen


and the two of them walked to the bedroom. "You don't mind if I


the nigger, too, do you? I'd love to have her with us. It'd be like

a threesome."

"You're the birthday boy," she replied, "but this time I get the

present! Bring her along." Then she spoke to Shanika. "Come


girl. Don't get up. Stay on all fours. Like a nigger dog."

John picked up Shanika's chain and she put her arms down and

forward on her hands. The black slave girl followed the white


into the bedroom on all fours, led on a leash. As she went along

behind them like that she couldn't help noticing that tingling feeling

in her stomach and the wetness between her legs.

Helen laid on the bed, opened her gown, revealing her breasts, and

motioned to her husband to join her. He climbed into bed with her


sat on his knees looking at her. Shanika's chain was still in his

hand. He bent over his wife and began to kiss her pink nipples,

taking one into his mouth and gently sucking on it. His ass in the

air, he tugged at the slave girls chain.

"Lick my ass, nigger," he ordered, momentarily letting his wife's

nipple slip out of his lips.

Shanika climbed into the bed and put her face up to the white man's

ass. She began to kiss it. Again and again, moving closer to his

asshole. When she reached it, she kissed it a couple of times and

then began to run her tongue over it. John moaned and his dick

as she pushed her tongue it. She reached between his legs and


massaging his balls as she rimmed him. Moving her hand forward


started squeezing his raging hard on, causing him to gasp. Shanika

kept licking, running her tongue between his asshole and balls and

back again, pausing to push it in. Each time she did it he groaned


pleasure and pre-cum started dripping from his cock.

Noticing how worked up her husband was, Helen told him, "time to


me. Time to fuck your baby, Daddy."

"Pull my panties off, nigger," she ordered Shanika. "Pull them off,

my little black bitch."

The black girl stopped tonguing the white man's ass and moved


to remove Helen's panties. The white woman lifted her hips to allow

her slave girl to pull them down her legs and off. She spread her

legs and her husband got between them, mounting her.

"Now put them over your head, you black bitch," she said. "No


The panties were wet and smelled of Helen's musk. Shanika put

them on

over her head as ordered. Even this latest humiliation did nothing


dampen her arousal. She listened as John plowed into Helen's cunt.

She could hear the slapping sound of flesh on flesh as he pounded


wife's pussy. She almost put her hand between her own legs in


to get some relief for herself.

"That's it, Daddy. Fuck baby's pussy. Fuck it good," cooed the


woman. The vigor of John's fucking increased. "Fuck me,

Daddy. Fuck

me! Oh, yes. Yes! Yes!" Helen climaxed loudly and her husband

couldn't hold back any longer.

"Here I cum, Baby," he cried. The bed creaked in time to the


couple's fucking and gradually slowed as they lay spent.

"Oh, Daddy!" cooed his wife, "you were wonderful!"

Shanika listed as the two gradually caught their breath. Finally, she

felt the bed bounce a little as John rolled off Helen and lay on his

side next to his wife.

"Daddy?" she said to her husband in a little girl voice. "Would it be

ok if I have the nigger go down on me? I've always wanted to see


it would be like to have another woman eat me."

"I was hoping you'd want to do that!" he replied. "I fantasize about

that allot."

"Thank you, Daddy!" she exclaimed.

"Ok, girl. Take those panties off and come and eat me." she said to

Shanika. "Suck all that cum out of my pussy like a good nigger."
The slave girl took her mistress's wet panties off her head and saw

the white woman lying before her with her legs spread. Her


semen was leaking out of her pussy. Some in her curly brown pubic

hair and some in a puddle on the sheet between her legs.

Shanika had never gone down on a woman before. She hadn't even

had a

lesbian experience until the day of her interview. That was just

getting fondled a little by Debbie, and last night she was on the

receiving end from Shonelle and Traleen. She considered herself

completely straight and didn't find the prospect of eating Helen's

cream pie very appetizing. But she was a slave and she must


her mistress.

The colored girl leaned forward on her hands and knees and crawled

between the white woman's legs. She put her mouth right in front


mistress's sticky, wet, cum covered pussy.

"Kiss it!" ordered Helen. "Kiss it, you black bitch."

Shanika pressed her black face into the white woman's crotch and

kissed her. Then again. She could feel the the combination of


and pussy juice smeared on her as she put her lips to Helen's


fucked pussy. She kissed it a few more times before she poked her

pink tongue from between her brown lips and started licking. She

pushed her tongue into her hairy white cunt and started lapping up

mess left by the woman's husband.

Helen responded by closing her thighs on the negro girl's head,

moaning with pleasure.

"Oh, you are a good little pussy licker. Such a good licker!" she


The black girl continued to lap at the white woman's cunt and then

started to flick her clit with her tongue. Helen responded with

another loud moan and squeezed Shanika's head tighter between

thighs. Her hips started bucking, literally masturbating herself on

negro slave's black face. Shanika licked and sucked furiously.

"That's it, my little nigger pussy girl. Lick me good. Suck my

pussy, my little black bitch. Make me cum."

The bed creaked in time to Helen's thrusts. Shanika could barely

breath as she continued to service her mistress.

"Oh, oh, oh!" she cried. "Oh, kiss me, Daddy. I'm almost there!"


said to her husband. At that Shanika felt new wetness on her face


the white woman climaxed. "Mmmm," she moaned.

At last her humping subsided and she released her grip on her slave

girl's head. Shanika sat back, gulping for air. The scent of the

white woman was strong and the black girls face was shiny with her

juices. She saw that Helen had her arms around her husband and


held her as she came down from her orgasm.

Shanika just sat there on her knees, waiting for further orders, as

the mix of pussy juice and semen dried on her face. Her own pussy

throbbed with unsatisfied desire.

"Damn, that was hot, baby," said John breathlessly. "I always

imagined what it would be like to see you with another woman, but


was incredible."

Helen looked up at him. "I thought so, too." She pulled him toward

her and kissed him again.

"You're not going to believe this, baby, but I'm ready to go again,"

he said, "I mean that was so hot, I'd have to be dead not to get


again after seeing it."

"But, Daddy, your baby's exhausted!" she complained. "Why don't


use the nigger's pussy? I bet she's ready to be fucked."

"Her face is a mess," said John.

"Then bend her over and fuck her!" replied Helen. "C'mon, Daddy,

Hurry up and use the nigger's pussy and come back to me!"

"Turn around and bend over, nigger. Time for you to get some


cock in you," he ordered Shanika.

The cum covered negro girl turned around on her elbows and knees,

displaying her sex to the white man.

"Oooh, look!," exclaimed Helen. "She's just like a little nigger

monkey presenting like that! Use her, Daddy. I want to see you


the little black bitch."

Her husband required no further prompting. He went up to Shanika


easily slid his stiff white cock into her wet black pussy and started

pumping with no preliminaries. He fucked her hard and

fast. Shanika

gasped and her chain jingled melodically with each stroke. She had
been denied any pleasure for herself up to now and she was ready


explode. She could feel his balls slapping against her and his hands

gripping her hips. She could tell an orgasm was building up inside

her just as John grunted and ejaculated weakly inside her leaving


frustrated and unsatisfied.

"Oh, man," he said as he lay beside his wife. "I've had it. I

thought I could fuck that nigger bitch all night, but that's all I've


Shanika, not knowing what else to do, remained on her elbows and

knees, her cum covered face resting on the mattress at the foot of


bed. Her ass was in the air and a little semen ran out of her used

black pussy and down one leg. She wished that John could have


a little longer, she had been so close.

Helen rolled on her side and ran her fingers through her husband's

chest hair. Then she looked at Shanika. "All right, fun's over. Off
the bed, nigger. Get on the floor where you belong."

The black slave girl got off the bed and laid on the floor at the foot

of the bed like she was the family dog. Meanwhile the white couple

held each other in post-coital bliss.

She must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew,


was streaming in the bedroom window. John and Helen were

stirring in

their bed. Shanika was cold and stiff on the floor, a crust of dried

cum on her face and between her legs.

"Well, Daddy, it isn't your birthday anymore, but you're present's

still here," she giggled.

"Sorry, baby. I'm not recharged yet. Maybe twenty years ago I'd


raring to go," he explained.

"Ok," she said, "I'll call and have them take her back. I've got to

take a shower."
Helen picked up the phone next to the bed. "This is room

205. Could

you send someone up to take this nigger away?" There was a


"That's right, we're through with her now. Thanks."

In a few minutes there was a knock at the door. "Time for you to


girl," she said to Shanika. She handed the slave girl the ankle and

wrist cuffs. "I'm sure they'll want these back, too."

Helen went to the door with her slave in tow. The same negro girl


the bandana and work shirt was there. "Here girl, we're all done


this nigger." She handed the negro girl Shanika's chain.

"Yes, ma'am," said the girl who then pulled on the slave's chain and

led the naked black girl to the service stairway.

Once again, they encountered the old cleaning lady pushing a

housekeeping cart. The gray haired black woman looked Shanika


Shanika lowered her head in shame knowing what a sight she must


She was led down the stairs and outside into the sunlight. The


girl pulled on Shanika's chain to hurry her towards the slave barn

where she would be made presentable again.

Chapter 6 - The Departure

It was hard to imagine that the weekend was almost over. It


like a long time since she'd started out down the path that led here,

but a week ago she hadn't even heard of the Plantation Club.

This time it was the young negro girl who led Shanika to the wash

stall in the barn. "No need to shave that coochie since you be goin'

back today," she said. The girl looked the other way as the slave
girl squatted over the drain and relieved herself. She soaped her


scrubbed her, and turned the hose on her.

Yolanda appeared as the negro girl finished hosing Shanika off.

"Massa Richards wants to see you," she said.

She picked up the black slave girl's chain and led her from the barn,

and across the courtyard to the main house, Shanika shuffled her

shackled feet in an effort to keep up with older black

woman. Yolanda

pulled Shanika along into the house, past the service stairs leading

to the guest rooms, and down a plushly carpeted hallway. They

came to

a door marked 'Private'.

"When you're presented to Massa Richards, you will display yourself

properly. Hands behind head, chest out, legs spread, eyes

down. Is

that clear, missy?" Yolanda asked.

"Yes, ma'am," replied Shanika.

"Good." Yolanda knocked on the door.

"Come, in," called Richards from inside. Yolanda opened the door


led the chained slave girl into the room. He sat in a leather

upholstered chair behind a large wooden desk. There were two


chairs in front of the desk, presumably for visitors, but he made no

indication to the two black women to sit.

Shanika stood in front of Mr. Richards desk as she had been

instructed. He watched as she spread her legs apart as far as the

ankle chain allowed, clasping her hands behind her head. Yolanda

stood to one side, holding Shanika' chain.

"So, girl, how have you enjoyed your time here with us?" he asked


black slave standing naked in front of him.

"I likes it jes fine, Massa," she replied, continuing to look down at
the desk top.

"Good, good," he said, coming around from behind the desk. He


at Yolanda. "Wait outside, Yolanda," he said to her.

"Yes, Massa," she said, letting Shanika's chain down. She left the

room and closed the door.

"It's my custom to photograph every slave that serves at the club,"


said, opening one of the desk drawers. He produced a camera and

pointed it at her and the flash went off. "Open your mouth," he

ordered. She complied and the flash went off again.

He walked slowly around the colored girl, drinking in the vision of

the chained slave displaying her naked black body for his pleasure.

He lined up a full length shot from behind her and snapped the


"Bend over as far as you can," he instructed. She did as she was

and he took another picture. "Good. Now stand back up and turn


one side, so I can get a profile." Again she complied. The camera

flashed. "Now face me." She turned to face the camera, her mouth

still open. Another flash. "Hands down, mouth closed." Flash.

"Eyes up. Look at me." Flash. "Excellent!"

He sat in the guest chair directly in front of her and reached


her legs, stroking her black pussy. "Excellent," he said softly,

"nice and wet. Just the way a nigger girl should be."

Shanika had been aware of her growing arousal and could feel the

dampness between her legs. His touch brought her pleasure and


squatted slightly to give him fuller access to her sex. She closed

her eyes as he reached his free hand up and began to caress her


black breasts.

"Mmmm," she murmured as her excitement mounted.

"What's wrong, girl?" he asked quietly, "didn't you get to cum


I would have thought a fine negress like you would have been



"No, Massa," she replied, her voice husky, "my massas dint let me


at all. Only time I cummed wuz when Miz Debbie made two nigger


suck my coochie."

"Poor, nigger. Would you like to cum now?" he asked as he rubbed


pussy faster, slipping a finger into her with each stroke.

"Yessa, Massa. Ah sho' do wants to cum," she gasped.

"Ok," he said, withdrawing his hand. "Sit in the chair. I want to

watch you make yourself cum."

Shanika opened her eyes, disappointed that he wasn't going to


her off. But she needed to cum bad. She quickly shuffled over to


other guest chair. She stumbled, causing her chains to jangle, and

then sat in the chair, spreading her legs wide and reaching her

shackled hands down to her crotch and began rubbing herself


as the white man looked on. Her breathing quickened as she got


"You must ask me permission to cum, girl. Niggers can't cum


asking first," he said.

The chains on Shanika's manacles jingled almost continuously as


masturbated. "Please, Massa, kin I cum?" she asked breathlessly.

"Yes, girl," he replied gently. "Cum for your master."

"Oh, ah, ah," she cried out lost in the throws of her orgasm. She
barely noticed the flashes of the camera. She was still breathing

hard when she heard him open the door to let Yolanda back in.

Shanika's scent was heavy in the air. She looked up and saw

Mr. Richards and Yolanda looking down at her. Her hands were still

between her legs. She felt very exposed like this having just shared

this most intimate act with the older white man. Her legs gaped


open, her black pussy glistened.

"Stand up, girl," said Yolanda, picking up her chain. Shanika stood.

"Display," she commanded. The slave girl resumed the position she


been taught. Her heart was still beating rapidly, having not

recovered completely from her self induced climax.

Mr. Richards stood beside his desk. Shanika stood before him, her

chest out, her legs spread, and her hands behind her head.

"Your contract is up today and you'll be transported back in a little

while. You've done well here this weekend. You're a good slave

and a
fine nigger," he praised her. "Please contact us again. You'll be

welcome here."

"Thank you, Massa," replied the slave girl. Without prompting, she

got on her knees, bent forward, and placed her head on the floor in

front of her master's feet, resting it there for a moment. Then she

kissed each foot and got back on her feet.

Touched by her submissive display, he reached out and touched her

cheek. She turned her head and kissed his hand.

"You are one fine negress for sure," he said. "I do hope you'll be


He looked at the older black woman. "Yolanda," he said, "you may



Yolanda jerked on the chain and Shanika turned and followed her

out of

Mr. Richard's office. His eyes followed the slave girl's black ass as

she shuffled away.

The colored lady led her, still in her chains, across the courtyard.

Slave girls were being brought out and put in their stations for

display and the white men were circulating amongst them,


their potential purchases.

Shanika could see the van waiting ahead. Yolanda led the shackled

black slave girl to the rear door and opened it. She removed the

cuffs and collar from the naked colored girl. It felt strange to

Shanika to be entirely free of her bonds. She looked longingly over

the scene before her, feeling a twinge of excitement as she recalled

her own moment on the auction block.

"Get in and get dressed, girl," said Yolanda. Shanika leaned forward

and kissed the older black lady on the lips before climbing into the


Yolanda smiled, a little surprised at the display. "Oh, you'll be

back, missy," she said. "You'll be back."

Chapter 7 - The Return

Several weeks had passed since Shanika's weekend at the


Club. Some mornings she would wake having dreamed she was still

there: naked and chained, standing on the auction block, the lust in

the eyes of the white folks as they bid their money for her black


As she came out of her slumber, she'd become aware of her

surroundings: her bedroom in her apartment, the sounds of the city

outside her window. Gradually the clarity of the dream would begin


fade until nothing remained except a slight sense of longing and a

tingling feeling deep inside her.

It almost seemed like a lifetime ago for her, even though her hair


only now grown to be stylishly short instead of slave stubble. Had it

really been her?, she thought. The whole adventure seemed like a

dream and lately her mind had kept wandering back there.
In the end all it took was a phone call. The arrangements were


and here she was, stepping off the bus and walking to where the


waited to return her to that other life. She recognized Steve the

driver as he watched her approach.

"Well, well, well," he leered. "Looks who's back. I was hoping I

hadn't seen the last of you." He climbed out of the van and went

around the back to open the door. Shanika followed without


"Hop in, nigger," he said. "Get those clothes off. You know what to


She stepped through the door into the van. She'd forgotten how

exposed she felt undressing here, just a few feet from the sidewalk

where the occasional pedestrian walked by. Nobody seemed to look


way, though, except for Steve. She had his full attention. Shanika

pulled her tee shirt off and slipped off her sandals. She came

dressed in clothing that would be easy to get out of knowing that

she'd be traveling nude. Like a slave.

"That's ok, take your time," he encouraged her, "I could watch you



She pulled down her pants together with her panties revealing her

naked black pussy. Although she had let her hair grow back, she


to keep her pubic area shaved.

"Ah!" exclaimed Steve, "bald coochie! Damn, girl! You're making it

hard for me to keep from just jumping up in there and havin' me


of that!" Her face burned with embarrassment as she noticed that


elderly white couple looked her way from the sidewalk having


Steve's outburst. She doubted that they could see her in the


inside the van, but she felt exposed anyway.

He licked his lips as she removed her bra, her full black breasts

spilling out. He watched intently as she bent over to put her clothes

in an empty box on the floor, displaying her ample negro ass to the

grinning white man.

"Now that is one fine booty, I'm tellin' you. I mean, even for a

nigger that's a fine booty." He paused for a long moment. "Well,

might as well get comfortable for the ride. Two more to go and it's

off to the ranch."

Steve's comments made her flush with shame. It was if he was


a prize animal instead of a young woman. But mixed with the


she felt that familiar tingle again.

He closed the door and she stepped through the curtain into the


lit cargo area. A very large, very dark black woman with short

cropped hair sat on the left bench. She looked up and smiled at

Shanika. Next to her sat an older, perhaps in her late thirties,

colored lady of average proportions. This woman had very distinct

African features: broad nose, thick lips, dark skin, short nappy hair.

She, too, smiled at Shanika as she looked around to see her fellow

human cargo.

On the right sat Nydia, who Shanika remembered from her first


to the club. She sat down next to her.

"Well, girl, where've you been?" asked Nydia. "I thought fer sure


be back sooner den dis."

"It took me a while to work up the nerve to come back," she replied.

"I just couldn't believe how it was there and how I felt about it."

"I knows what you mean," said Nydia. "When I first gots home, it


didn't seem real. Like it didn't really happen. But I kept thinking

'bout it all da time."

Shanika nodded. "Yeah, it was strange. I mean those white folks

treated me like I was some kind of thing. Leading me around like a

dog. The way they looked at me... The way they used me for their


pleasure like I didn't matter. Like I was a sex toy or something.

Something to fuck. Something to amuse them. It was so


and degrading.

"But... I don't know... something about it was exciting. I got so

turned on by it. But I was so ashamed that I liked it. To be treated

like an animal. Like a slave. It was so confusing. But at the end I

just gave myself over to it. When I got home I couldn't believe


I'd done there.

Nydia smiled at her. "I knows it, girl. An' now you knows it. It's

what I trys to tell you las' time."

The two black women sitting across from them were listening as


spoke. "That's why I come back," said the older one. "My name is

Yvonne. I don't mean to butt in, but that's exactly why I come

It ain't for the money. It's for the thrill of it." She lowered her

voice. "My husband thinks I'm visiting my momma. He just can't

do it

for me like this. When we're having sex, I'm thinking of those


white men. He never looks at me like they do. They see a sexual

animal when they look at me. A bitch in heat. A nigger. None of


care if I get off or not. Neither does my boring husband. But he

just goes through the motions like he don't care. Those white men

love to use me. And so help me, I love it, too."

The big colored girl joined the conversation. "I'm Bernetha," she

said. "I used to work in an office. The people there made me feel

bad 'cause I was so big. I could tell the way they talked. I know

they was makin' jokes 'bout me. I couldn't stand it. But at the club

it's all different. I been there a bunch of times. Those men be hot

for me! They think I'm sexy and they want me bad. A couple of


at the auction I went for more than any of the other girls there."

Just then they heard the van door open up.

"Get on up in there you two," said Steve. The women heard


on the other side of the curtain. "Now get them clothes off!"

"But people might see us!," complained a female voice.

"Tough shit," scoffed Steve. "You better get used to it. Niggers

wearin' clothes. Tha's just stupid. Don't you worry none 'bout that.

Jes get yo' black asses naked and do it now!"

"I tol' you already," said a second female voice. "You do like you


"You listen' to yo' momma, girl," Steve said. No more complaints


heard, just the sounds of the two unseen females undressing.

"All right then," spoke the driver. They heard the door shut and two

women entered from behind the curtain.

One was thick though not fat and appeared to be the same age as
Yvonne. The other couldn't have been much older than

eighteen. She

was very dark and had big soft brown eyes that looked around at


fellow passengers, clearly uncomfortable to be seen this way. Her

long thin braids hung down past her shoulders.

They settled on the bench opposite Shanika, the young black girl

sitting nervously with her hands clasped in her lap.

The motor started and they began to move.

"Is this your first time?" asked Shanika.

The girl nodded looking at the floor. The older one addressed them

all. "I'm Maya, and this is my daughter Darla." Darla looked


at the others as her mother introduced her. "She got no use for

school, jus' boys. Well, she'll get plenty of that where we goin'."

"That's fo' sho'," said Nydia. "Them white boys'll want some of that,

girl. You just do like they say, an' you be fine. Don' you worry

"I know," answered Darla. And then to her mother, "I said I could


this. You'll see."

They rode on in silence. After a while they turned down the rough

road and were almost there. The trip didn't seem as long to


this time. Finally they stopped and the rear door opened.

Steve pulled the curtain aside and outside light poured in. The


black slave girls blinked at the sudden change in brightness.

"You all been here before," he said opening the foot locker where

their shackles were stored. "You know what to do. Get those


and cuffs on and be quick about it."

They each gathered up the hardware that they'd be wearing during

stay at the club and began to put it on. Darla looked frightened at

this in spite of her brave talk earlier. Maya, having finished

putting the steel collar and manacles on herself, helped her


The young girl shuddered as the collar clicked around her lovely



In spite of her growing nervousness, Shanika could feel the


between her legs as she finished putting the cuffs on. The driver

looked up at her as he finished attaching the chain between her


"You one excitable nigger, ain't you?" he said and reached his hand

between Shanika's legs. "You soaking wet! Fuckin' A!"

Shanika looked away from him, embarrassed by her condition. All


other women looked away, too, except for Darla who watched with


eyes wide.
"Shit. You so fuckin' wet, they gonna think I busted a nut up in

there," said the driver. "Bend over, nigger, and show me that

ass. I

might as well get some of that coochie now."

This humiliation only made her more excited. She turned away

from the

white man and bent over, resting her hands on the bench. Her


jangled as she moved. She could here the clanking of the other


shifting around. She heard the drivers zipper and then felt his cock

enter her wet black cunt.

"See, it slides right in." Steve was breathless. "You sure are one

hot nigger bitch." He slammed his dick into her again and

again. The

sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the van along with the

scent of her musk. He grunted which each thrust and her chains

jingled in response.
Two minutes was all he could last. "Take it, bitch," he

growled. She

felt him ejaculate into her wet black pussy. His cock started

softening immediately and he withdrew from her and slapped her on


ass. "That's a girl. You like that white cock, don't you?" he asked.

"Yas, suh," she agreed though she hadn't been close to cumming.

"All right, fun's over. Stand up," he ordered, pulling his pants up.

Shanika turned and stood. She could feel his semen running down


leg as he attached the chains between the slave's collars. She


around at the other women who had just witnessed the driver using


to relieve his excitement.

He led them out, with Shanika in the lead. He like to have


negress he'd just used as the first of the daisy chain of slave girls.
She surveyed the scene before her. Nothing had changed. The


barn, the main house, the platform, and the auction block were just


she remembered them. It was early, and only a few men had


over to check out the new merchandise. Soon enough she'd be on


block and off to satisfy some white man's lust.

Yolanda came through the small crowd and accepted the chain from


the driver. She looked over the slave women, her eyes stopping

momentarily on the trail of wetness on Shanika's thigh. She looked


at the driver who met her gaze.

"She was like that," he lied.

"Yes, Massa," she replied.

Steve closed the van door and made his way towards the main


Yolanda led the chain of slaves to the barn to be prepared for


and eventual sale.

"Well, missy, I see Massa Steve has a new favorite," she observed.

Shanika felt her cheeks grow hot with shame knowing that the older

woman had noticed she had just been fucked.

"No matter," she continued, "we'll get you all cleaned up now."

As they entered the barn, Shanika noticed another slave was being

washed ahead of them. Mr. Richards stood nearby watching the

proceedings. He came over to Yolanda when he saw her with the


colored women and looked each one over.

"Hmmm," he said. "What is it about these braids that I love so

Then he focused on Darla's face instead of her hair. "How old are



Darla looked back at her mother and then to Mr. Richards again.

"Uh... eighteen?" she stammered.

"Yolanda, leave the braids on the girl, shear the rest," he said.

He then turned to Shanika and reached out to touch her cheek. "I

remember you, girl. I was hoping you'd come back." He looked her


and down, noticing her bare pussy and raising his eyebrows before

looking back at her face. "Nice."

Shanika looked into the older white gentleman's eyes for a moment


then looked down and smiled, a little embarrassed. "Thank you,

Massa," she said, "I's honored you remember dis nigger."

"Nice," he said again. At that he walked away and outside.

The older colored lady turned to the slave girl. "My, oh, my. I

think he might want you for himself, missy." She unclipped the


girl's chain from Shanika's collar and led her to the stall.

"No need to shave that coochie, is there?" she said as she sheared


Shanika's short nappy hair with the electric clippers.

"No, ma'am," she replied.

"Let's go over here now." Yolanda led the hairless slave girl to the

hose stall. "If you've got to go, you better do it now."

Shanika was feeling good about herself, remembering the warm


sensation she got from pleasing the Massa. This new humiliation,

however, urinating in front of Yolanda and the slave girls like an

animal, brought her quickly back down to earth. She looked at the

ground as she squatted over the drain and emptied her bladder


the older woman's watchful eye.

When she was finished peeing she looked up at her fellow

slaves. They

all were looking away except for Darla who stared with a panicked


on her face. Obviously the young black girl hadn't been prepared


this kind of degrading display. She was starting to realize what she

was in for.

Yolanda got out the brush and bucket of soapy water and began to


Shanika down. The bristles were harsh on her sensitive flesh,

especially her nipples and tender, recently used pussy. Next she


the cold shock of the water from the hose as Yolanda rinsed her off.

Next it was Darla's turn. The young woman stood stoicly as Yolanda

shaved her pussy hair off. Led over to the drain, the older woman

told her to squat. Darla shook her head.

"Listen to me, missy," scolded Yolanda, "you better not be pissing


in the auction yard. Massa will have you whipped for that. Best you

do it now."

"I can't," whimpered the young negro girl, "not with everyone


"That's too bad. Don't cry later that you weren't warned," Yolanda

told her. She proceeded to begin scrubbing the colored teen with


rough brush causing her to start fussing. She cried out as the brush

scrubbed over her black nipples and pressed her thighs together as

Yolanda went to scrub her freshly shaved crotch.

"You better open those legs, girl," warned Yolanda.

"No!" cried Darla, "that brush hurts!"

Whap! Whap! Yolanda slapped the insolent slave girl twice across


face. "What did you say to me?" Yolanda was angry. "The word no
isn't in your vocabulary anymore, missy. You'll do what you're told,

and you'll do it immediately!"

"It hurts!" whimpered the shocked teen, her eyes wet with

tears. "Not

on my pussy. Please ma'am?"

"Open those legs now, bitch!" Yolanda ordered, "or you'll be sorry


your disobedience. Massa would be happy to have you whipped."

Still sniveling, Darla parted her legs. Yolanda scrubbed her crotch

hard causing the poor negro girl to cry out in pain.

"Don't you *ever* disobey me again," the colored lady said in a


that made the teen cringe. "This is your first time here so I won't

report you. Believe me, if I did, you'd be the main event on the

whipping post. Then you'd wish all that was happening was getting

your nasty coochie scrubbed."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I swear I'll do what you say," sobbed the girl.
"I'll pee now if you want."

"Well, all right then," Yolanda said, her voice softening, "that's a

good girl."

Darla squatted over the drain, her eyes red, tears still running down

her face. Her vagina burned where the brush had rubbed her raw.

Slowly she began to release her piss, first in fits and starts, then

in a steady stream. Afterwards Yolanda rinsed the humiliated girl

down with cold water from the hose and returned her, shaking, to


with the other slaves. She couldn't look the others in the face, not

even her own mother.

Yolanda led the big colored girl over to the stall to be shorn. She

stood quietly as her hair was clipped off. Like Shanika, Bernetha's

pussy was already bare. She didn't flinch as she was scrubbed with

soapy water, even lifting her breasts so that Yolanda could get


the huge black udders.

Eventually all the slaves were ready for display and Yolanda chained
them together again and led them outside into the hot

sunlight. The

number of bidders had grown slightly in the time the negro girls


being shorn, shaved, and scrubbed. Each of them were led to their

individual stations, a stool beside the exterior wall of the slave

barn, and had their collar chain attached to a nearby anchor point.

"Don't forget, girls, hands behind head, chest out, legs spread,"

Yolanda reminded them, "look pretty for the Massas and


Bidders circulated amongst the displayed colored girls. Darla was

attracting a lot of attention, as the younger slaves usually did.

Shanika watched as she assumed the position as she'd been


when a potential buyer approached her. Beyond her, Shanika saw

Darla's mother, Maya, sitting on her stool with her legs spread,

showing her coochie off to an older white man. Shanika looked the

other way and saw a white couple speaking to Nydia. Past her, the

girl, Bernetha, was bent over with a young white man enjoying the


of her big black ass. She could just see Yvonne further along, her

hands clasped behind her head.

Shanika displayed her black body for a thirtyish white man who

approached her. "Let's see your pussy," he ordered. She sat on the

stool and spread her legs. He looked her over without further words

before moving on towards Darla.

Few of the other men spoke to her. Displaying her front to them


turning was usually what they wanted to see, though more than a


liked to check out the coochie.

As this went on, Yolanda brought other girls out. Probably for

resale, thought Shanika, since they hadn't come out with her in the

van. She recognized a few, the teenage sisters Shonelle and


though their aunt Geraldine was nowhere to be seen. She

the pregnant girl from her last visit, though she seemed ready to

burst now. Even the older skinny negress who didn't make

minimum bid

was chained to the wall in the display area. Shanika still felt a

little sorry for the poor woman and the way she'd been led from the

auction block like a dog on her hands and knees for fifty dollars.

Finally, the auction was about to start. Mr. Richards stood up to the

podium and the bidders began to take there seats on the benches in

front of the platform. Yolanda led the first slave to be sold up to

the block. It was Darla, the young negro teen.

"What do I hear for this fine young nigger?" asked Mr. Richards. "I

understand she's just eighteen years old. Maybe she's no virgin,


she's pretty and I bet she's nice and tight. I think we can safely

start at 250."

The bidding was fast and furious. Darla was obviously a prize slave

girl. Shanika saw Maya looking on as her teenage daughter was


for 650 to a well dressed older white gentleman. He beamed as he

accepted her chain from Yolanda and led her towards the main


Maya was next. She had half hoped that Darla's buyer would have


around and bought her, too. Some Massas liked to have mother


daughter to use together. Not this time, though. She was pretty,

with smooth brown skin, a little on the thick side with nice full

breasts. Maya was sold for 400 to couple of young white men who


have been college students.

Yolanda then came for Shanika and led her to the auction

block. This

was the scene she kept playing over and over in her head since her

first visit. She'd even dreamed of it. Now it was real, she thought,

as she climbed the stairs and turned to face the crowd in display

position, chest out, legs spread as far as the shackles and chains on

her ankles allowed.

"Now this nigger really understands her place in our world," said
Mr. Richards. "I promise you won't be disappointed with her. Fine

looking, well behaved, and hot to trot to boot. What am I offered


her? Who'll give me 100?"

There were only a couple of bidders for her, but finally Shanika went

for 450 to the thirtyish white man who spoke to her earlier. He was

ordinary looking, brown hair, green eyes, average build. She


he wore a wedding ring. Yolanda handed the collar chain over to


"Thank you for buying me, Massa," Shanika said to the man, her


respectfully downcast.

Once again, naked, shorn, shaved, and shackled, Shanika was the

property of a white stranger.

Chapter 8 - The First Time

Shanika's new owner tugged on her chain. "Let's go, girl," he said

and led her away towards the main house.

Shanika had never entered the main house other than by the


door until this time. Right in through the main entrance and into


lobby the white man pulled her along. He brought her right up to


front desk.

Shanika saw that Debbie, the petite young white girl, was behind


counter. She was dressed in a grey jacket with a white blouse. She

was wearing bright red lipstick, her blonde hair was tied back in a

pony tail with a scrunchie. She took a condescending look at the

black slave girl as she shuffled behind her master with her chains

rattling. Shanika felt totally out of place in these surroundings as

she stood there nude, shorn, no makeup whatsoever: a naked beast

standing amongst the well dressed guests in a luxury hotel. Her

cheeks burned with shame

"May I help you?" Debbie asked, smiling broadly, her blue eyes

sparkling as she turned to the white man.

"Yes, I have a reservation for Howard. A suite," he replied.

"209," said Debbie. "Your wife already checked in." Debbie glanced

at Shanika again and winked at her.

"Thanks," he said.

He led Shanika to the broad staircase that went up from the lobby


second floor suites. She struggled a little on the carpeted stairs

with her ankles chained together. He knocked on the door of suite


A short brunette haired woman opened the door and let him in. He

tugged Shanika in after him and closed the door.

"Is Brian here, Cheryl?" he asked.

"No," replied his wife. "I wanted to wait to see what you came up

with before I got him. I'm still not sure this a good idea, Matt."

"Believe me, hon, it's for the best," said Matt. "He's of an age now

that he'll just get into trouble. This way his curiosity is satisfied

with no angry phone calls from some girl's father."

"I don't know..." Cheryl looked the chained negro slave girl over.

"Isn't she a little old? Couldn't you get one that was closer to

Brian's age?"

"There was this one girl they said was eighteen," he replied, "She

would have been perfect. I just wasn't ready to spend 650 for her.

This suite is already costing us plenty. I even had to pay 450 for

this nigger here!"

Cheryl still hadn't taken her eyes off of Shanika, who stood by


in her chains, listening to them discuss her purchase price and how

she wasn't his first choice.

"How old are you, girl?" she asked naked black slave.
"Twenty eight, ma'am," Shanika replied without taking her eyes off



"Well, that's not too bad," said Cheryl. "At least she's younger than

we are."

"Go ahead and fetch Brian now," Matt instructed his wife. "I'll get

the nigger ready."

"Ok," replied the white woman. "I brought some clothes for the girl

to wear. Get those chains off her and get her dressed. I don't want

my son's first experience to be so... so... rude. I'm uncomfortable

with this enough as it is."

"Don't worry, hon," he said. "It's going to be fine. You'll see."

"And another thing, Matt," she looked sternly at her husband. "I

don't want you messing around with this slave girl. She's supposed


be for Brian."
"I'm telling you, don't worry!" the white man was exasperated.

Shanika was embarrassed to be here hearing all this. They spoke in

front of her like she wasn't ever there. She couldn't believe what

these white folks were up to.

"I'll be back soon." Cheryl let herself out leaving Matt alone with

his black slave.

The white man looked at her naked brown body, his eyes lingering


her full, saggy breasts, her belly, and her smooth shaved pussy. He

reached out and ran his hand over her soft warm flesh, taking extra

time to touch her breasts and gently pinch her nipples. He let his

hand drop lower and she parted her thighs to give him access to her

vagina. He caressed her pussy with the palm of his hand, running a

finger up and down her slit. She could feel her heart beating faster,

her breath quicken, and the growing dampness between her legs.

He noticed her reactions to his touch and looked her in the face. His

green eyes meeting her dark brown ones.

"You feel nice," he said. "Too bad I promised I wouldn't fuck you."

His hand was still at her pussy, stroking her. She closed her eyes

and let herself forget the humiliating circumstances and concentrate

on her arousal and the pleasure she felt at his touch. She let out a

whimper and parted her thighs even wider as he penetrated her

with a

finger. She felt his other hand on her breast, gently brushing his

fingers on her brown skin.

"I can't help myself, girl," Matt finally said. He dropped his hands

from her body and walked over to one of the easy chairs, dropped


pants, and sat down. "Come over here and suck me off."

Shanika was disappointed that Matt withdrew his touch, but did as


was told. She shuffled over in front of where he sat, her chains

jingling softly. She got on her knees, awkwardly since her wrists

ankles were each shackled together, leaned her bald head forward


began to lick the white man's cock and balls.

"Ahh," he moaned as she took him between her thick African lips


began to gently suck on the head of his penis. He reached his


out and felt the scratchy stubble on her head, holding it as she


to move her mouth up and down over his shaft. Completely losing

himself in the act he started fucking the black girls face. Shanika

choked a little, but continued to suck her master's white cock.

"Oh, fuck," he said in a husky voice, "fuck, oh, fuck!" Shanika felt

his hot semen flood into her mouth. She tried to swallow it, but

there was more than she could take and some leaked out of her


He relaxed his grip on her head and she could feel him softening in

her mouth. When he opened his eyes and looked down at her he

see her looking back at him, her big brown eyes meeting his gaze,


cock still in her mouth, cum running down her chin into his pubic


"Don't tell my wife about this," he said. "She'd flip out."

"No, Massa," Shanika answered. "I won't tell her yo' bizness."

"You are one great cock sucker, girl," said the white man, "my wife

could learn a lot from you." He paused. "But she can't know about


"No, suh, Massa," said the slave girl, "dis nigga won't tell. I clean

you up good now." Shanika licked up the cum from his flaccid cock


sucked the drops from his hair. He watched as she finished and

straightened up. Still on her knees she sat back from him, wiped


semen from her chin on her hand, and licked it off.

"Ok," he said, "now to get those chains off and some clothes

on." He

gazed down at her as he leaned forward. She offered her wrists to


and he removed the shackles. Then he took off the collar. She lay


her back and raised her feet to him so he could get the ankle cuffs

off her.

He looked down at her with the ankle chains in his hand, her legs

slightly spread. She noticed where he was looking and spread her


wider, providing her master with a nice view of her sex. Presenting

herself like that always pleased the white men and make her feel


"Enough of that, girl," he smiled, "or I'll have to fuck you, too.

And you're supposed to be for my son." He got up and went over to


desk where the clothes she was to wear were. He handed them to

"Get dressed. They'll be back soon."

Shanika put on the wrap around skirt and denim shirt. They were


clothes that the negro attendant girls wore here at the club.

"When they get here, I'll introduce you to Brian..." he paused.

"Shit! What is your name, girl?"

"Shanika, Massa," replied the slave girl.

"That's a pretty name. Shanika." He paused again. "Anyways, I'll

introduce you and tell him what this is all about. He's getting older

now, and I don't want him getting into trouble with girls. I want


to know there are ways to satisfy himself without risking getting


nice girl pregnant. My dad brought me here when I was

sixteen. Maybe

that was a little late, but I never forgot it. I want it to be

special for him. Understand?"

"I understan's, Massa. Dis nigga treat you boy good," she said.

"Great!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, and afterwards I might want to... uh... you know... slip away

with you?" he stammered. "You look mighty fine to me right now. I

mean, I love my wife, don't get me wrong, but, well, damn, girl!"

Shanika was embarrassed to be praised this way. "I's yo' nigga,

Massa. I do whatever you say." He'd certainly warmed to her after

cumming in her mouth, she thought. She smiled at him and felt the

tingly sensation she'd missed back in the other world.

They both turned towards the door as they heard it open. Cheryl


returned with Brian, a teenage boy that Shanika thought was kind


cute. He had brown hair and green eyes like his father. The white

woman shut the door. Brian stared at the colored slave girl, who

stood next to his father as he sat in the easy chair Shanika has just

sucked him off in.

"Brian," said Matt, "this is Shanika."

"Hi," said Brian.

"Pleased to meet you, Massa Brian," said Shanika, who curtseyed

slightly for the boy. Cheryl looked on silently.

"You know your mother and I understand about what it's like to be a

boy your age," continued the father, "at least I know I do. And we

also know how easy it is for a boy your age to get into trouble with

girls. So we've brought you here to meet a nice colored girl that


can be with and not get into trouble with. My dad brought me here

when I was old enough, and now I'm bringing you."

Brian was obviously embarrassed by this. Shanika could see him


"Cheryl," said Matt, "I think you're making the boy uncomfortable


being in here. Maybe you could go down to the bar or

something. This
is guy stuff here."

"All right, Matt," she replied, "you've gotten him this far, after

all." She went to the door and looked back for a moment. After a

long few seconds she opened the outer door and walked into the


"I'll be down in a few minutes," he called after her as she closed the


"Ok, Brian," he asked, "better now?"

The boy nodded shyly.

"Shanika will do whatever you want," Matt explained, "so just tell


what it is and she'll do it. It's natural for a boy to want a girl to

do things, and it's natural for a nigger girl like Shanika to do what

you want. Ok?"

"Yeah, dad," replied the boy. He looked up at Shanika, who smiled


"I'll just leave you two alone, then," said the father. "I'll be back

up in a couple hours. We'll be down in the bar if you need anything.

You can even use the phone to call us there." He winked at the


"But I doubt you'll need to." With that he closed the outer door

after himself leaving Brian alone with Shanika.

Brian walked over to the colored slave girl. "So you'll do whatever I


"Tha's right, Massa," agreed Shanika, "anything at all."

He stepped closer and tentatively reached out his hand and touched

her. He looked up into her face as he put his hand on her breast


started to feel her through the denim shirt she wore.

"Can we sit on the couch?" he asked.

"Yes, Massa," she answered.

The moved to the couch and sat down together, close enough to


He reached out and once again was squeezing her breast through


shirt. Still looking into her face he started on the other one.

Shanika could feel her nipples harden.

"Can I see your boobs?" he asked awkwardly.

"'course you can, Massa," she answered and began to unbutton her

shirt. "An' you ain't gotta ask or nothin'. You jes tells me what

you want an' I do it. You jes do what it is you want. I ain't yo'

girlfriend, Massa, I's yo nigga."

She opened her shirt for the boy and displayed her brown breasts to

him. He stared at them and reached out to feel them. He squeezed


and then the other and then the first one again. His fingers brushed

over her hardened black nipples.

"You've got nice boobs," he said, "they're so soft."

"Thank you, Massa," she said, slightly embarrassed.

The white boy continued to fondle the negress's breasts as Shanika

held her shirt open. She could feel she was getting wet from the

boy's clumsy attentions.

"Let's lie down," said the teenager.

They arranged themselves with Shanika lying on her back, her shirt

open, and Brian laying on top of her, his head between her breasts.

The white boy began to kiss the slave girl's nipples. One and then

the other. Then he started sucking on them. The colored girl began

to involuntarily gently buck her hips.

"You like that, girl?" he asked, looking up at her, one hand on each


"Yes, Massa," she cooed. "I surely do."

He went back to her tits, sucking harder, making slurping

noises. She
could feel his cock hardening through his jeans against her leg. He

moved himself up and kissed her on her soft thick lips. She


the kiss and felt him push his tongue into her mouth. Her arms

wrapped around him as he kissed her deeply. She could feel him

pressing his crotch against her leg.

"I want you to take off you clothes," he said, getting off her and

standing beside the couch looking down at her.

Shanika sat up and removed the shirt, dropping it on the floor. She

stood and took off the skirt and stood naked in front of the horny

white teen. It was a little embarrassing for her to be displaying her

self like this for the adolescent white boy.

"You don't have any hair down there!" he exclaimed. He sat back


with the colored girl facing him, his head at the level of her crotch.

He reached out and touched her pussy, she instinctively spread her

legs apart so he could put his hand between her thighs. He reached

further and ran his finger down her slit as his father had done

earlier. He looked up at her as he pushed his finger roughly into her

vagina. She spread her legs wider.

"You're so wet down there," he murmured. He leaned his head


"And you smell so..." he inhaled her musk, "so good.

"Lie down on the couch and spread your legs," he instructed as he

stood. Again she felt a strange mixture of shame and excitement,

being ordered around by this teenager.

She did as he told her and watched as the boy took off his clothes.

His cock sprung out when he dropped his pants. Once he was


he lay down between the colored girl's legs and tried,


to enter her. Shanika reached down and gently took hold of him


guided him into her wet black pussy. He propped himself up on his

hands and thrust his cock deep into his slave girl. Shanika looked

into his eyes as he thrust again and again. After the next thrust his

eyes grew wide and he gasped and spasmed, she felt the warm

of his semen inside her. He collapsed on her and she put her arms

around him.

"Shit," he said, "I didn't mean for that to happen so quick."

"Tha's awright, Massa," she spoke soothingly to the boy, "Tha's


They laid like that for a few minutes then the boy got up and stood


front of the couch.

"I want you to suck me so I can fuck you again," he stated. She


surprised as the boy went from being sweet to being

demanding. She

sat up, leaned forward, and took his soft cock into her mouth. She

could taste her pussy on him mixed with his cum. The colored girl

felt his cock begin to grow. Boys could just spring back to life, she

thought as she slurped on him.

"Get on you back again," he ordered, "and spread your legs."

His cock was rock hard again. She laid back down and he mounted


this time sliding his dick into her without any assistance. He

immediately began pounding into her pussy hard. Being ordered to


by a white boy half her age made her aware of her lowly status as a

slave. A fuck toy for any white man, even this boy. But she loved

the feeling it gave her.

"Oh, Massa!" she cried. "Oh, Massa! Oh you fuckin' yo' nigga


The boy responded by pumping even harder. She could feel her



"Fuck me, Massa! Fuck yo' nigga! Ah! Ah!" Shanika felt waves of

pleasure wash over her as the young white boy continued to pound


her black cunt as if possessed.

"So, you're my nigger?," he asked breathlessly, "my nigger bitch?"

"Yes, Massa! I is yo' nigga bitch," she cried out, panting. "Oh,

Massa, you fuckin' yo' nigga bitch!"

He thrust once more into her, deeply, and she felt him cum in her

again, grunting with each spasm.

"Oh, Massa..." she sighed.

Again they layed together, the white boy and his colored girl. His

cock in his black slave's pussy. Slowly coming down from their


After a while he rolled off her and got to his feet, looking down at

the sweaty negro slave, her legs spread, her cunt glistening wet, a

dribble of semen running down the crack of her black ass. He


at the floor between the easy chairs and noticed the steel shackles

and chains.
"Were you wearing those?" he asked, indicating the hardware on



"Yes, Massa," she replied. "I's a nigga slave girl and I gots to be

chained up. I's not 'allowed to run free."

"Put 'em on," he ordered. "I want to see you wearing that stuff."

Shanika rose and went to where the instruments of her bondage


She put on the ankle cuffs and chains, then the wrist cuffs, and

finally the steel collar. He stared at his bound slave, his mouth

open. She handed him the collar chain that masters used as a lead


assumed the display position, hands behind her head, her chest


out towards him, and her legs as far apart as the ankle chain


His eyes followed the line of the chain from her collar to his hand
and back again, then up and down her naked black body from her


covered head, her dark brown eyes and full thick lips, her out thrust

saggy brown breasts with the hard black nipples, her slightly pudgy

belly and smooth shaved pussy, all the way down to her shackled


"Damn, you're beautiful," he sighed.

"Thank you, Massa," she smiled, "you da bes' Massa dis nigga ever


Brian blushed at the compliment from the older much more


colored girl. At the same time, blessed with youth as he was, his

cock began to rise, which didn't escape Shanika's notice.

"So, Massa, you want to use yo' nigga again?" she said, glancing


his growing erection, a wry smile on her face.

"Yeah," he said. "Let's go in here." Leading her by her collar

chain, the white boy and his negro slave girl went into the suite's

adjoining bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed.

"I want you to suck it," he told her.

Shanika dropped to her knees and began licking the white boy's


From his balls to the tip and back again. Over and over, stopping to

slip the tip between her thick lips, releasing it with a slurping

sound. Back down to his balls, she gently drew one into her mouth


then the other. Brian moaned with pleasure. She moved further


running her tongue behind his balls and then began to lift and


his legs.

"What are you doing?" he asked breathlessly.

"Jes you relax, Massa," she said softly, "you been so good to yo'

nigga, I's goin' be good to you."

She licked further down, over his asshole, and began tracing circles

around it with her tongue.

"Ohhhh...," he murmured as he enjoyed the feel of her soft wet


on his sensitive bud. She started to push her tongue in firmly and


grabbed the backs of his thighs, spreading himself out to her. The

colored girl continued to rim her master as he made soft guttural

sounds. His cock was rigid and with him holding his legs for her she

was able to firmly grasp his shaft and began to masturbate him.

"Oh, fuck!" he said, his voice husky. "Oh, fuck, that feels so good."

Shanika continued to pump his cock and tongue his ass. It didn't


long before he came in several long spurts. She released her grip


him as she felt him soften in her hand. She leaned back and smiled


him, still on her knees. She had a couple of spots of semen on her

face and another one in the stubble on her head.

He sat up and looked at her, amazed at the pleasure she'd just



"That was fantastic," he said. "I've never felt anything like that


"Thank you, Massa," she replied. "I's happy to please you."

"You've got some spunk on your face," he said with a sheepish look.

"I don't remember ever shooting off like that before."

"Tha's fine, Massa. I like wearin' yo' cum. It means I's yo' nigga."

The phone beside the bed rang a couple of times before Brian


it. "Hello?" he said. "Yeah... Oh, anytime now... Ok... Bye."

"It was my dad," he told her. "Mom's ready to go and he wanted to

sure it was ok for him to come up. I better get dressed." He


a moment. "Are you s'posed to get dressed?"

"No, Massa," said Shanika, "niggas don't wear no clothes here."

Brian led her into the front room and then gathered his clothes from

the floor and dressed. He was just finishing when there was a


on the door. He went and opened it and let Matt in.

"Well, sport," he smiled broadly as he eyed the negro girl, cum on


face and running down her leg, "I see you had a good time."

"Yeah, dad," replied his son, "Shanika was great. Thanks."

"That's ok. It's kind of a family tradition."

"Can I come back here again?" Brian asked.

"I think that can be arranged," said Matt, smiling at his son. "Your
mom is already going out to the car. I've got to take the girl back

now." He thought for a second. "Would you like to lead her

downstairs? She's your nigger after all."

"Yeah," the boy said and picked up the chain to Shanika's steel



Father and son walked out the door, the boy leading the slave girl


the chain. They went down the stairs and past the front

desk. Debbie

was still there and looked up from the magazine she was reading


took in the scene and smirked at Shanika, making the black slave


feel like a whore parading through the lobby.

"Look, kid," explained the father, "I'll go take her back, you go out

and wait with your mom."

"Ok, dad," replied the boy handing the slave's chain to his father.
He went out the door leaving Shanika alone with Matt.

"Come along," he urged her, tugging on the chain. They went back

through the lobby, Debbie watching curiously, and down the hall to


service door.

It was dark out. The courtyard containing the auction platform and

benches was deserted and only lit by the moon. Matt led the slave

girl to the platform.

"Bend over, nigger," he ordered her, "I've got to get a piece of


Shanika turned around and bent over, resting herself on the table

where the masters signed the papers for the slaves they'd

purchased at

the auction. She spread her legs so the white man could easily


her vagina. She heard him unzip his pants and let them drop. His

cock was hard and thicker than his son's. Her pussy was still wet

from the fucking she got from the teenage boy.

Matt penetrated her quickly and started pumping fast once he felt

himself inside the slave girl's cunt.

He grunted with each thrust, his hands on her hips. It was almost


if he were using her body to masturbate with and it was over before

she felt much of anything.

"Uh, uh!" he croaked as he ejaculated in her vagina.

He pulled up his pants and Shanika stood up, her pussy full of cum

from both father and son.

"You did good with my boy, girl," he told her. "You've got a sweet

pussy. We'll be back for sure, but don't ever let on to my wife that

we... uh... you know."

"I won't say nothin', Massa," she answered. Again she felt


Ashamed to be used this way by this man after the special time she

spent with his boy.

"Let's go back in." Matt led the wet fucked slave girl back into the

main house and through the lobby towards the desk. Shanika could


the squishy wetness between her thighs and the semen running

down her

legs. Debbie eyed her as they approached.

"We're done with this nigger, miss," Matt said to Debbie, releasing

her chain from his grasp. "We won't be staying the night."

"No problem," the white girl replied and grinned evilly at Shanika,

"I'll take care of her."

Matt hurried out the door leaving the naked black slave girl alone

with the fashionably dressed blonde.

Chapter 9 - The Bitch

So Shanika found herself standing in the luxurious lobby of the main

house. Wooden paneling, fine carpeting, and a high ceiling


with a glass chandelier. She stood at the front desk with her head

hanging down. Naked, except for the two sets of shackles that

fastened both her wrists and ankles as well as the steel slave collar

around her neck, the black slave girl contrasted dramatically with


the opulent surroundings.

Debbie stood behind the desk, her gray jacket and skirt


her white pleated blouse. Despite her professional attire, carefully

applied makeup, and red lipstick, the youth of the attractive blue

eyed blonde girl was apparent. She looked with disdain upon the

humbled negress.

"Just look at you!," exclaimed Debbie as she looked the colored girl

over. Drying spots of semen in her stubbley hair and on her face

along with the lines of wetness running down the insides of her legs

gave Shanika the appearance of a well used slut. Which she was.
"Gross!" continued Debbie as she picked up the phone and dialed


digits. "Come to the desk right now," she commanded into the


and hung up. The two women stood silently on either side of the


desk and waited. The blonde's nose wrinkled in disgust, the black

girl's head hung in shame.

A negro girl dressed in a denim shirt and a wrap around skirt


from the direction of the service entrance.

"You called, Miz Debbie?" the girl said with her eyes downcast, not

looking up at the white woman.

"Yes... About an hour ago!" Debbie's voice dripped with irritation.

"Take this filthy nigger out and scrub the scum off her. Clean up

that nasty coochie and hose her off." Debbie smiled evilly and


at Shanika. "Then bring her back to me."

The negro girl stepped towards the slave and slowly took hold of the

chain on her collar.

"Now, you stupid monkey!" she yelled. "What's wrong with you!"

The attendant quickly led Shanika back towards the service

door. The

poor slave girl almost stumbled in her shackles as she could barely

keep up with the hurrying servant.

They went outside into the night. The air was cool after the heat of

the day. They passed the table where Matt had just had his way


Shanika, a quick one before he rejoined his wife and son for their

trip back to where ever white folks like that lived.

She led her to the slave barn. Once there the young attendant got


the bucket and a rag and began to wash the slave girl down.

"You had yo' se'f a time, I kin tell!" she exclaimed. "You all

nasty!" Shanika felt her cheeks flush. Even this young negro girl
was revolted by her used condition.

The negro girl washed Shanika's head and face. "I ain't gonna use


brush on you, girl. It hurt too bad. Don't tell Miz Debbie I din't

scrub you. She pretty, but she mean."

"Thanks," said Shanika. "I'm Shanika. What's your name?"

"Elois," replied the girl as she ran the cloth over Shanika's chest

and under her arms. "Lift up yo' arms."

"How did you end up doin' this?" asked the slave girl as she


with her instructions.

"My momma work fo' Mr. Richards," said Elois. "I be helpin' fo' a

long time now. Spread yo' legs some mo'."

Shanika opened her legs further so the negro girl could wash her


used pussy. It felt strange to her to have this girl bathing her like
this. Of course, she realized, Elois may have been like a servant,

but she herself was like livestock, at best a pet.

"Time to rinse you off, girl. Dis water be cold," she warned and

turned on the hose. The icy water shocked the slave girl. She still

hadn't gotten used to it in spite of number of times she'd been

subjected to it.

"Well, I gots to take you back to Miz Debbie," Elois said and picked

up the chain. "Let's go."

Shanika followed as the negro girl led her back to the main house


in through the service door. The lobby was quiet. Elois brought the

black slave to the front desk. Debbie sat in a chair behind the

counter, talking on the phone and sipping soda through a straw

from a

paper cup.

She looked up at the negro serving girl and dismissed her with a


shake of her head. Elois was slow to understand causing Debbie to

roll her eyes and give the young negro girl a dismissive wave. Elois

walked away, her head down. Shanika was left standing there in


chains in the plush lobby in front of the dark wooden paneled desk.

Debbie chatted on, ignoring the naked slave girl.

Shanika didn't know what else to do, so she stood and waited,


down at her bare feet on the lobby carpet. She tried not to


on Debbie's phone conversation. Not so much out of politeness, but

because she was humiliated at being ignored in favor of a discussion

of the trivialities the white girl was going on about.

Debbie made slurping noises as she finished her drink and laughed


the person she was on the phone with. Shanika didn't look up. The

conversation continued for a few minutes when the slave girl was

startled to feel something cold hitting her. She looked up to see

Debbie, still chatting, smiling at her.

The white girl reached into the paper cup and flicked a piece of
crushed ice at her and restrained a giggle when it hit the colored

girl in the chest. Shamed, Shanika looked back down at the floor.

She felt another piece of ice hit off her breast. Then one hit her in

the face. She stood stoically as Debbie amused herself with this


of pelting her with crushed ice from her drink, never stopping her

phone chatter.

She stood and walked around to the front of the desk, Shanika


smell her perfume she was so close to her. "Look, I've got to go

now," she said into the receiver. "Somebody's at the desk." She

giggled at her joke and hung up.

"Stand back," she ordered the colored girl, "I want to see if you're

presentable now."

Shanika stepped back as instructed.

"Come on now. You know how to display yourself," she said

impatiently, her hands on her hips. "Do it, nigger."

The black slave girl slowly clasped her hands behind her head and

moved her feet apart. She held her head up and her chest out, but


eyes remained downcast.

"That's better. Now jump." Debbie grinned at her.

Shanika jumped, her chains jingling and her breasts bouncing.

"I like the way your floppy boobs bounce," said the white girl. "Do

it again. Do it until I tell you to stop."

Her cheeks burning, the black slave jumped again and again. It was

hard, what with the weight of the chains on her, and her heavy


were sore from swinging as she jumped up and down.

"What do boys see in a fat dumb nigger like you?" she

taunted. "Maybe

they just like a pussy they can fuck without having to ask nice. You

think that's it?"

Shanika didn't know what to say so she just kept jumping, though

slower as she was tiring from the exertion and her breasts were



"Answer me, bitch!" she said crossly. "They like you 'cause you're

just a nigger slut, isn't that right?"

"Yes, ma'am," replied the colored girl.

"Yes, ma'am what?" she asked. "What are you agreeing with?" The

young blonde raised her eyebrows.

"Yes, ma'am, I's a nigga slut jes like you say." answered Shanika.

"Tha's why da white massas like to fuck me."

"No. You're not a slut. You're a bitch. A nigger dog," said Debbie.

"Stop that jumping and get down on the floor where you belong."

Shanika got on her hands and knees. Debbie picked up a pen from


desk and threw it across the lobby. "Go get it. Fetch, doggy."
Her chain dragging on the floor, the black girl crawled across the

carpet after the pen. She grasped it in her hand and turned around

and began to crawl back to her blue eyed tormentress.

"Bad dog," Debbie scolded, "Doggies don't carry things in their


Pick it up like a good doggy and bring it to me."

Humiliated, the negro slave girl set the pen on the carpet and


forward, her face on the floor, and picked it up in her mouth. She

crawled back to the front desk where Debbie waited for her.

"That's better. Good dog." She came out from behind the

desk. "Drop

it," she ordered.

Shanika let the pen fall out of her mouth onto the floor at Debbie's


"Now that's the way to play fetch," she said, picking the pen up and
throwing it out the main entrance door. "Go on, doggy. Fetch it."

The slave girl turned and went after the object of her mistress's

interest on her hands and knees. The carpet hadn't been vacuumed


that day and Shanika picked up bits of sand and dirt in her knees


hands. She crawled as fast as she could, her chains jangling with

each step.

The main entrance door was open and the pen sat on the top step

outside. Wet with her saliva, the pen had also gathered up some


but she picked it up in her mouth the way the blonde girl

wanted. She

returned to her and dropped the pen at her feet.

"Good dog!" she said, praising the humbled slave. "I think I should

take you outside now. We don't want any accidents in here, do

She picked up Shanika's chain and led her on hands and knees back


the door and down the front steps. The rough cement of the


stairs scraped the colored girl's knees painfully. The night air was

cold on the negress's naked body. Debbie pulled her along across


dew covered grass and stopped.

"Time to do your business, doggy," she ordered. "Lift that leg and

pee for me or you'll be sleeping outside."

The poor slave was already cold and sore. What was one more


act? thought Shanika. She raised one leg and let loose a stream of

piss onto the ground. Steam rose off the spot where her warm


hit the cool grass.

"All done?" asked Debbie. She jerked the chain hard. "Ok, back

inside." She walked quickly. Shanika fell forward a few times trying
to keep up and not be choked by the steel collar around her

neck. The

white girl led her captive through the lobby and around behind the

front desk.

"Roll over," she instructed. Her chains jingled as the negro slave

girl lay on her side and rolled onto her back.

"Stop there, girl," Debbie said. "Stay on your back like the black

slut you are. Lift your arms over your head so I can see you all

stretched out for me."

She rolled her chair over to where Shanika lay. She unbuttoned the

gray suit jacket she was wearing and sat in the chair, kicking off her

black pumps. She starting rubbing her nylon stockinged feet on the

prone slave girl, one foot on her pubic area, the other on her

breasts. The young blonde played with one nipple and then the


with her big toe.

"Mmmm," she cooed, "you like being my doggy? You like having

white mistress's feet on you? You do, don't you, girl?" She waited

for Shanika to respond for a few seconds and then gently kicked at


breast when none was forthcoming. "Answer me, nigger," she said


"Yes'm, Miz Debbie," said the humbled slave.

"I wonder if you're telling me the truth?" Debbie mused. She


her other foot over and put her toe between Shanika's legs. The


girl felt a wave of shame flow over her as she parted her thighs to

give the smiling white girl's foot access to her most intimate parts.

Debbie poked her toe into the slave girls slit and moved it down to

the entrance to her vagina and penetrated her slightly, probing


"My, my, girl," said Debbie gleefully. "You're all wet! You love

it!" She looked thoughtfully into Shanika's brown eyes. "You see,

the coochie doesn't lie," she explained. "Your nigger mouth lies, but
the coochie? Never. You love it all right and you can't deny it.

You *are* a nigger slut!"

Shanika was mortified. But she knew it was true. The whole time


young blue eyed mistress was tormenting her she could feel the

excitement from it. She was shamed to be receiving such


treatment, but the fact she was aroused by it thoroughly humiliated

her. Even now she was opening her legs wider in the hope the


girl would press her foot against her cunt harder. She knew she

was a


Debbie smiled down at the negro slave on the floor in front of her.

"I want to try a little experiment to prove you're a nigger slut," she

said, pushing back in her chair and withdrawing her foot from

Shanika's crotch. "Get on your feet."

Shanika struggled to her feet, chains jangling, and stood before her
mistress. Debbie leaned forward and began to remove her


Shanika wondered what she was thinking of. Finally she removed


collar and set the hardware on the desk. Now free of her bonds, the

black slave waited for what the pretty blonde girl had in mind.

"I'm going to give you a choice now," stated the young white

woman. "I

assure you that you're free to choose either one and that I'll abide

by your wishes."

Shanika was confused by this. She looked into Debbie's blue eyes


a puzzled look on her face.

"Here's the deal," the white girl smiled back at her. "There's a room

in the back with a cot in it. I'll let you go back there and spend

the night. I'll leave you alone until morning when you have to go to

the barn to get ready for tomorrow's auction. You'll get an entire

night of unmolested sleep."

"Or..." her smile broadened. "You can lie back down on the floor in

front of me like a nigger dog and I'll play with your pussy some


with my foot. I might not let you cum. I'll probably think of some

other delicious ways to degrade you and have you service me."

"So what's it going to be?" Debbie slowly licked her bright red lips,

her blue eyes sparkled. "I know I'm a bitch," she smiled, "but I'm

serious. I'll let you in to that room and you can sleep peacefully

until morning. I won't even chain you back up until then. No

surprise punishments or anything; whatever you decide."

Shanika was speechless. She was tired and sore. But that tingling

feeling was throbbing now. Her mouth was dry, her cheeks burned


she felt light headed. She could hear her heart beating fast in her

chest. She looked down at the blonde girl in her fine gray suit,

clean white pleated blouse as she stood naked before her.

Slowly, wordlessly, Shanika dropped to one knee and rolled onto her

back at the white girls feet. Debbie smiled down at her

"I knew it," she said softly. "You *are* a slut. A horny nigger

slut. And right now you're my nigger slut, aren't you?"

"Yes'm, Miz Debbie," answered the colored girl.

"Tell me," prompted Debbie. "Tell me what you are. I want to hear

you say it. So we both know for sure."

"I's yo' nigga slut, Miz Debbie," replied Shanika from her position on

the floor. "I's yo' horny nigga slut."

"And what do you want me to do?" asked the white girl.

"Play wit' my nigga coochie, ma'am" answered the shamed slave


"Very well, slut. Twist around here and pull your legs up,"

instructed the young blonde woman. "The wider you open yourself

up to

me, the better I can get at that nigger cooch."

Shanika wiggled around on the floor to position herself as she was

told, her head pointed away from her seated mistress. She grasped


legs behind her thighs and spread herself out so wide that her pussy

lips parted and everything from her clit to her asshole was plainly

visible to the white girl.

The young blonde reached her leg forward and placed her foot


onto the prone slave girl's crotch and pressed firmly. Debbie could

feel the colored girl's wetness through the nylon stocking she wore.

Without thinking, Shanika began to rock, rubbing herself against her

mistress's foot.

"That's right, girl," Debbie cooed, "hump your mistress's foot like a

good little nigger." She pressed harder and Shanika humped faster.

"You know, I've only been working here for a couple of years, but


learned a lot in that time," mused the white girl as the negress

continued to masturbate herself against the sole of the blonde's

"The niggers that come back are sluts," she continued. "Every one


them. Most of them come here for the money at first, and plenty of

'em never return. But the one's that do? Those are the sluts.

They'll take the money, sure. But they come back because they


niggers and they *are* sluts and they love it. They love being a

nigger for the white folks. Just like you love being my nigger right

now. Don't you?"

"Yes'm, Miz Debbie," panted Shanika, still rubbing herself on her

mistress's foot, her floppy black breasts jiggling. "I sho' do love

bein' yo' nigga."

"Hmmm," she said, "you sound kind of breathless girl. You better


be thinking about cumming without permission. That just wouldn't


Niggers don't get to cum unless they ask first. And they better ask

nice. Niggers better beg for it."

"Kin I cum, Miz Debbie, ma'am?" asked the colored girl, "Please,


"Oh... I don't know...," Debbie smiled wickedly. "Haven't you


cum enough for one night? I bet that white boy I saw you with


you cum. That black coochie of yours was just dripping with his goo

when he led you down the stairs. Everybody could see it.. It was

positively obscene!"

"Please, Miz Debbie!" Shanika cried, humping furiously and


close to orgasm. "I gots to cum. Please, ma'am, let yo' nigga


"Well, since you're begging so sweetly, all right," she said softly,

"you have my permission to cum for me." The white girl began


rubbing the negro's pussy with her foot.

"Oh, thank you, Miz Debbie, ma'am," the slave girl said


"Thank you for lettin' yo' nigga cum... Oh!... Ah!!"

"That's it, girl," cooed the blonde, "cum for your mistress. It's all

right. Cum for your mistress like a good little nigger girl should."

"Ah!! Ah!!" cried Shanika as her naked black body writhed on the

floor beneath the white girl's foot. "Oh, yes! Oh! Ah!!" The

orgasm washed over the negro slave girl's body in waves as she

continued to grind her cunt against her mistress's stocking clad foot,

leaving it wet and sticky. Finally her spasms subsided and she


to catch her breath. Debbie withdrew her foot and looked down on


black slave girl.

As she regained her senses, Shanika started to become aware of


surroundings and what had just taken place. She was totally naked


lying on the carpeted floor of the plush lobby at the feet of fully
dressed white woman at least six years her junior. She had

masturbated herself to orgasm, on this girl's foot, no less, and had

begged her for permission to cum. It was the most humiliating


she had ever done. Why did it feel so good, she wondered. She


ashamed that she loved it so much.

"What do you say, girl?" asked Debbie, her blue eyes looking


into Shanika's face.

"Thank you, Miz Debbie, ma'am," she said sincerely, "Thank you fo'

lettin' yo' nigga cum."

"Well, you're welcome," replied the white girl. "Now let's do

something about this." Debbie rolled her chair forward and put her

foot, wet and sticky with Shanika's juices, in front of the colored

girl's face.

Without further prompting, the negress began to lick her cum off

mistress's foot. She continued until the stickiness was gone.

"Good girl," Debbie praised her. She stood up, towering over the

prone negro slave, and pulled her panty hose down and stepped out


it. "Get up," she ordered as she proceeded to remove her panties,

pulling them down and holding them in her hand.

Shanika scrambled to her feet, and wanting to please her mistress,

stood with her legs far apart, her breasts thrust forward, and her

hands clasped behind her head as a show of her submission.

The white girl smiled when she saw that her slave had assumed the

display position for her.

"You are just precious," she said kindly. "Now you've got me all

excited, too. See?" She held the crotch of her panties under the

colored girl's nose. Shanika could smell the strong scent of the

white girl's musk.

"Open your mouth," ordered Debbie. Shanika complied and the

white woman stuffed her soiled panties into the slave girl's mouth.

"That's right," she cooed, "you just hold onto those." She looked

into Shanika's brown eyes. "You're still my nigger slut, right?" she


Unable to speak with the her mistress's cotton underpants in her


she quickly nodded her agreement.

"Very good," she said. Then, looking at her watch, "Time to lock up.

Want to come along with me, girl?"

Again, Shanika nodded.

"Ok," said the blonde. "Now get back down on the floor where you

belong and you can follow me. Don't drop my panties."

The negress got down on her hands and knees and followed her


around the lobby, her mouth stuffed with the white girl's

undergarment. Debbie closed the front door and locked it and then
went to the light switch to turn off the overhead

chandelier. Shanika

scampered after her on all fours like a puppy.

"Now we can go to my room. Up the stairs. You first," she

instructed. "I want to watch that big black ass up ahead of me. I'm

starting to see how cute it is."

Shanika crawled up the stairs with Debbie behind her. She waited


her mistress at the top since she didn't know which way to go. The

white girl passed by her and went to the room at the end of the

hallway near the door to the service stairs. The young blonde


her fingers and slapped her thigh to call the black girl over to her

as she unlocked the door.

They entered the room, mistress first, slave on all fours following.

Debbie closed the door and walked to the bed that was on one side


the room. She removed her jacket and skirt and reclined on the

still wearing the white blouse.

"Come here, girl," she called, "up on the bed."

Shanika crawled to the bed and as she climbed up onto it, Debbie

spread her legs revealing a thick bush of dirty blonde pubic hair and

pink pussy lips.

"Time for you to please me, nigger girl," she said. "Drop those

panties and eat me."

The negress let her mistress's underwear fall from her mouth and

crawled between the young white woman's legs. She immediately


to kiss her pink pussy lips up and down the length of her slit. After

a little of that she started to lick her. Tentatively at first and

then lapping her like a puppy. From her opening to her clit, the

black slave girl ran her tongue over her blonde mistress's vagina.

Debbie murmured with pleasure and opened her legs

wider. Shanika

pushed her tongue in the white girl's pussy and gave a few thrusts
before running it up to her clit, which she gently took between her

thick African lips. She alternated between flicking at it with her

tongue and drawing it into her mouth, softly sucking on it. Debbie

responded by bucking her hips.

Shanika returned to licking the length of the white woman's sex and

drawing her pussy lips into her mouth and sucking on them. Gently


first and then harder as Debbie's bucking became stronger. The


girl's scent was heavy in Shanika's nostrils as she rapidly thrust her

tongue in her mistress's cunt, fucking her with it, stopping only to

suck on her pussy lips to give her tongue a rest.

"Mmmm," moaned the white girl, "that's the way. You suck your

mistress's pussy like that. Just like that." Her thighs closed on

Shanika's stubbley head and squeezed as she felt a climax building


her. Debbie humped her slave girl's face hard and fast. Shanika

gasped for breath, but the blonde woman, lost in her pleasure,


"Oh!," she said in a surprised voice, her blue eyes open wide. "Oh!"

She shuddered and the colored girl was rewarded with a rush of


on her face as her mistress came on her.

It was several minutes before Debbie released her grip on her black

slave's head.

"You are a good pussy eater, girl," she signed, "it's what you were

born to do. A nigger slut born to suck white pussy. That's what you

are. Isn't that right?"

"Yes'm, Miz Debbie," she replied from between the white girl's legs,

her face shining with her mistress's juices. "I's yo' pussy eatin'

slut, ma'am. Yo' coochie suckin' nigga."

The white girl ran her hand over the black slave's head, feeling the

scratchiness of her close shorn hair.

"Ok," she instructed, "get off the bed and come with me."
Shanika got back on the floor and followed her white mistress into



"On your back, nigger girl," she ordered, "I think I'd like a little

more of that tongue."

The colored girl lay on her back on the cold tile floor as ordered.

Debbie got on her knees with her slave's head between them,

positioning her vagina over the negress's mouth.

"Let's get that tongue working again," instructed the blonde girl.

Debbie's pussy was soaked and it didn't take much tongue lapping


Shanika to get her rocking back and forth, using the black slave's

face to masturbate against.

"Oh, yeah," she cried, "oh, yeah. Right there, girl. Use that tongue

on me. Suck your mistress's pussy. Suck it, slut. Oh! Oh!!"
The young white woman came in the colored girls face again,


her with a fresh dose of pussy juice. She lifted herself slightly,

allowing Shanika to catch her breath.

The black girl was surprised when she felt another jolt of hot liquid

on her face. The pungent smell of urine filled her nostrils as her

mistress emptied her bladder on her slave's face.

"Drink it, nigger girl," she commanded. "Drink my piss, you slut."

Shanika tried to swallow, but there was so much. She choked and

sputtered even after Debbie was through peeing on her. The white


stood up and looked down on her debased slave girl. The


negress valiantly tried to suppress her coughing, her head lying in a

pool her mistress's urine.

"Now you truly are my nigger," she stated. "No matter how many


use that black body, you will always be my nigger. Isn't that right?"
"Yes,m, Miz Debbie," she sputtered. "I's always be yo' nigga."

"Good girl," she said and stepped over the negro slave, carefully

avoiding the puddle of piss she lay in on the floor. "Now get this

mess cleaned up and get showered. Be quick about it."

Shanika stood up, urine still dripping off her face and down onto her

chest. Using a towel she mopped it off the floor and stepped into


shower. It has been a while since she'd bathed in hot water. It felt

good as did the warm feeling she got from having served her white

mistress and earning her praise.

The slave girl found her mistress lying in bed when she emerged


the bathroom, clean and dry. Debbie looked up at her and sat up.

"That's all the fun for tonight girl," she said, "but I'll give you

another choice. You can spend the rest of the night in the cot

downstairs I told you about or you can sleep on the floor near my

Which do you prefer?"

The negress replied immediately, "I wants to stay here wit' you, Miz


The white mistress smiled. "That's sweet," she said. "Display for


The colored girl was used to the position and stood with her legs

spread in the proscribed manner. Debbie reached between her


thighs and stroked her pussy as she looked into her eyes. She


forward and kissed each of Shanika's black nipples and looked back


at her.

"You're a good nigger. Get yourself a blanket from the closet and

come lay her on the floor next to my bed," she said. "But first,

let's have a kiss."

Shanika bent over to meet her mistress's red lips. Debbie kissed


black girl hard and pushed her tongue in her mouth. She broke off


kiss and settled back into her bed.

"Go on, now, nigger girl," she said, smiling, "go get a blanket and

come lie down here where I can see you from my bed."

As instructed, Shanika went to the closet, found a blanket, and

brought it with her to the spot on the floor she was to spend the

night next to her mistress. She saw that Debbie's eyes were


closed as she lay on the floor, covering herself with the blanket. It

wasn't long before she was asleep, too.

The next thing she noticed was the sun streaming in the window.

Shanika sat up on the floor, remembering where she was. Debbie


stirring in her bed.

"Well," asked the white mistress, "did you sleep well?"

"Yes'm, Miz Debbie," she replied, "I surely did."

"I better take you back to the barn now. I'm sure they're already

scrubbing today's niggers down for the auction." Debbie got out of

bed and Shanika saw her naked for the first time. The white girl


pale skin and small perky breasts with pink nipples. Her waist was

slender as were her hips. The slave girl watched as her mistress


to the closet and got out a pink robe and put it on.

"Let's go down and get your chains on," she said. "Can't have


running around free." Debbie walked to the door and opened it.

Shanika simply got up from her spot on the floor onto her hands


knees and followed her blonde mistress into the hall.

Debbie beamed at her, noticing her on all fours. "Awww!" she


"You're still my nigger doggy? That's sweet. I wish I didn't have to

give you back so soon. We could have such fun together!"

Shanika followed the white woman down the stairs over to the front

desk. Her shackles and collar were still there.

"Ok, stand up, doggy," she coaxed. The colored girl stood patiently

as Debbie put her back in chained bondage. "I think you can walk


rest of the way," she said and led the slave out the service door and

into the bright morning sunlight. It was early enough that there


still a chill in the air, the negress's brown skin broke out in goose


Yolanda appeared, walking out of the slave barn and approached


white mistress and her black slave girl. Debbie handed the older

colored lady the chain attached to Shanika's collar.

"Take good care of my nigger girl, Yolanda," she said. "She's been

very good doggy." Debbie leaned towards Shanika and planted a


kiss on her thick black lips. Giggling she turned and walked back

towards the main house. The two black women, the elder in work


and wrap around skirt, the younger in chains, watched as the


girl's pink robe disappeared through the service door.

"Well, well, missy," observed Yolanda. "Now you're Miz Debbie's

favorite, too. You do get around."

Shanika hung her head, imagining what the older colored lady must

think of her.

"Time to get you ready for sale, girl," she said. "Those white men


showing up soon." Yolanda then led the chained negro slave girl


the barn. Shanika wondered what lay ahead for her even as she

remembered warmly what had already taken place.

Chapter 10 - The Gala

Elois, the negro attendant, dressed in her usual denim shirt and


around skirt, took Shanika's chain from Yolanda as the two colored

women entered the slave barn. The young negro girl led the black

slave to a stall. After brushing Shanika's teeth she lathered her up

and began to shave her pussy. She was just about finished when

Mr. Richards walked in. He stood with Yolanda and spoke quietly to

her as he watched the attendant lead her charge to the wash stall.

"Time to pee," instructed Elois.

In spite of being forced to urinate in front of her keepers, Shanika

was embarrassed to have to squat and relieve herself while

Mr. Richards looked on. She tried to avoid looking in his direction

the entire time Elois soaped and scrubbed her.

The hose water was as cold as ever, and being rinsed in it left the

colored slave girl covered in goose flesh, her nipples rock hard.
Mr. Richards walked back out the door and Yolanda approached her.

"Well, it looks like you won't be going to auction today, missy," said

the older colored lady, "Massa Richards wants you up to the big


for the big party tonight." She turned towards Elois, "Get those

chains off her, girl, and be quick about it. Don't want to keep the

Massa waiting."

Freed from her shackles, Shanika followed Yolanda as they walked

up to

the main house and into the service entrance. The older negress

knocked on Mr. Richards office door.

"Come in," he called.

The slave girl followed Yolanda in and then assumed the display

position in front of the older white man's desk.

"Tonight is a special night at the Plantation Club," he said. "It's

the annual anniversary gala commemorating the opening of the


This is no ordinary shindig, it's strictly black tie. You'll be

serving our guests in the main dining room."

He stood and walked around the front of the desk to face

her. Looking

her up and down, he ran his hand over her head and down to her


Shanika reflexively parted her legs further, but he didn't move to

stroke her pussy.

"I want her to look her best, Yolanda," he instructed. "She needs to

be waxed."

"Right away, Massa," she replied. "Let's go, missy."

Yolanda led the slave girl out of the office and into the next room

down the hallway. Inside was what appeared to be a doctor's


table, complete with stirrups. "Get up there. You know what to

Shanika climbed onto the table and lay down, placing her feet in the

stirrups. Yolanda adjusted them so that the colored girl's legs were

splayed wide, facing the door. She began to rummage around in


cabinet under the table.

"I'll have to go get the wax," she said, "I'll be back. Don't go

away." Yolanda left the room leaving the door open. The black


could look down between her legs and see out into the hall. A negro

girl dressed in the usual denim shirt and wrap around skirt was

vacuuming. She looked into the room and stared momentarily at

Shanika's sex but looked away as soon as their eyes met. The


girl returned her concentration to the carpet and the displayed

negress felt a fresh wave of humiliation.

Yolanda returned shortly and applied the wax to the black slave


pubic area. Mr. Richards came into the room as she began to peel it

"Sorry, but I love this part," he said.

Shanika cried out in pain as the stubble was pulled out of her tender

flesh. The colored lady stepped out of the way when she was


and Mr. Richards came forward to run his hand over the slave girls

smooth pussy.

"Mmmm," he murmured. "That's just fine. Good work, girl. You

may go


"Thank you, Massa," replied Yolanda and she walked out of the


Just then a tall white man with salt and pepper hair stopped in the

hallway outside and looked into the room.

"Carl Richards! You old dog!," he greeted Mr. Richards and stepped

through the door, his eyes darting between the white man and the

girl's vagina. "What've you been up to? Other than playin' with the

niggers that is!"

"I wasn't sure you'd be able to make it this year, Jake," he replied,

extending his hand to his old friend.

They shook hands. Shanika looked on, mortified at her obscene

condition. She dared not move without instructions from Mr.


"I'm just making sure everything'll be ready for tonight," said Carl.

"Yeah, right!" laughed Jake. "She looks ready now!"

"Say," suggested Carl, "not to early for a drink is it?"

"Never too early," Jake replied.

"Step into my office," he said and then turned to Shanika, "you, too

girl. Come in and look pretty."

Carl and Jake walked into the office with Shanika following. Jake


in one of the chairs and Carl went around, sat in his chair, and

pulled a bottle out of a desk drawer along with two glasses.

"Why don't you pour, girl?" he said to the negress.

Shanika picked up the liquor bottle and poured some in each glass.

She stood by as the two old friends clinked glasses and sipped their


"Say, Jake," said Carl as he took another sip from his drink, "Did I

ever tell you about my first nigger?"

"What's this?" asked Jake, "Another of your tall tales?"

"No, seriously," he replied. "It all started when was a boy. I was

thirteen or fourteen, I don't remember for sure, it bein' over fifty

years ago."
"I was livin' at home with my widowed momma. My daddy got his


killed during the war so she had to work in an office to support us.

She didn't have a lot of spare time so she hired this colored lady

named Beula to come over and do the cleaning and laundry and be


for when I got back from school. She'd make our supper and have


ready when Momma got home and then take care of the dishes

before she

went off to where ever it was she lived.

"Beula always used to call me 'Mister Richards' when ever she spoke


me even though she was at least as old as Momma. I asked her

one day

why she did that. She told me, 'It's 'cause I'm a nigger and you a

young white man, Mister Richards. I gots to show you respect and I

gots to do things the way you like. That's all.'

"It was around that time I started to really take an interest in girls
and started noticing the female form. And there wasn't no form


female than Beula. She was a large woman with big nigger tits and

great big booty. I wanted to feel those titties in the worst way.

"One day I asked her, 'Since you a nigger, you got to do what I say,

right?' She agreed. So I says, 'then open up your blouse so's I can

see your boobs.'

"So she says, 'Mister Richards! You know that ain't right! I's

older'n yo' momma! That ain't nothin' for a polite young man to ask

lady. What would yo' momma think?'

"I told her my momma wasn't going to know about it and she


tell her 'cause she had to do what I say. She didn't have much to


about that, and I was already committed so I tell her again to show

her boobs. Damned if she didn't unbutton her blouse and lift her


ol' bra up and let 'em pop out. I couldn't believe she'd really do


Jake spoke up, "Now you're bullshittin' me, Carl. You and your good

old days stories. Ain't no middle age lady gonna show her hooters


to some young punk. Don't matter if she's a nigger or not, it ain't

gonna happen."

"I shit you not," said Carl. "She did it. They was fuckin' *huge*!

I went over and felt the hell out of her titties. They was so soft!

She couldn't hardly look at me while I did it. She just stood there,

looking off to one side. I tried to squeeze on 'em, but they was too

big for me to get my hands on."

"Anyways, once I had enough, I told her she could put 'em away. I


afraid she was gonna tell my momma what I did when she got

home, but

she never did. It took me a couple weeks to work up the guts to tell
her to do it again, but I did. That time she didn't argue or nothin'.

She just opened up her shirt and let me do what I wanted. I even

kissed and sucked on her nipples and she didn't say anything or try


stop me. Afterwards she'd act like nothin' happened.

"This went on for months, but more and more often. At night I'd


about those big nigger tits and how soft they were and how she'd


let me do what I wanted. Then I started to get some other ideas.

"I wanted to see how far she'd go, so I told her I wanted to see her

naked and that she should take off her clothes. She said that me

havin' her titties was enough and that it wasn't right for me to be

carryin' on this way. I told her she had to and finally she gave in

and stripped down to her underwear. She had a big ol' white bra for

them big nigger tits, and big ol' white cotton drawers for her big ol'

black ass. She wanted to stop there, but I wouldn't let her. Finally

she got all naked, right there in the kitchen.

Jake couldn't hold back. "You tellin' me she took off all her clothes
'cause you told her to? Just some kid? You had me goin' up to


but come on, Carl!"

"Are you gonna keep interruptin' me?" asked Carl. "Or do you want


hear this story?"

Jake didn't say anything. Shanika stood quietly. She wanted to


more of the story that the old white man was telling.

"All right then," he continued. "She did. She took off everything

and was standin' there buck naked for me to see. Man, she was a


to behold. Those big nigger tits and plump belly and she had a bush

of curly black hair. I was sittin' in a chair at the kitchen table

and I made her come over to me so I could touch her. I felt those


black boobs and then I went for that bush. It was kind of wiry but

still pretty soft. I pushed my hand between her legs, but she didn't
want to let me so I had to tell her spread 'em. She kept looking


from me and opened 'em up.

"Her coochie was real soft and warm, I tried to finger her, but she

was pretty dry, so I just kept feelin' it on the outside. I never

felt a girl between her legs before and it was great. I put my finger

in her crack and it felt kind of wet so I tried to finger her again

and this time it went right in. She made a noise and I was afraid I'd

hurt her or somethin'. I took my hand away and asked if she was


but she wouldn't say nothin' so I told her she could get dressed.

"Once she had her clothes on again I asked her if she was ok and


said she was and I asked about how she got wet. She says, 'I ain't

just a nigger, Mister Richards, I is also a woman. An' when a


gets her privates played with like that she gets wet.' See, I didn't

know shit then and she had to explain it to me.

"It was quite some time before I dared try anything again. But

when I

did, and told her to get naked, she just did it without talkin' or

complainin'. She'd just stand there, lookin' the other way while my

hands had their way with her. An' when I'd go to finger her


it'd already be wet. It smelled good, too. I never smelled nothin'

like that before, but I liked it. I don't mind tellin' you I'd have

to go whack off pretty soon after I let her get dressed again.

"I wasn't so bold as to do it too often, but I did it now and then.

It must have been over a year after I started playin' with her that I

came home from school early one day. Beula was still makin' the


I found her in my room and she was surprised to see me that time


the day. It's funny, but I could tell by the look on her face that

she knew what I wanted now.

"'Mister Richards, it ain't right what you want.' she said. 'An'

what's that?' I asked. She told me, 'I is older than yo' momma. It

ain't right!' But I didn't care. I told her to take off her clothes
and lie on my bed and spread her legs out.

"She was beggin' me, 'Don't make me do this, Carl. What would yo'

momma think?' I told her my momma wasn't gonna think nothin'


she wasn't gonna know about it. So she got naked and lay on my


bed and spread her legs for me. I couldn't believe she was doing it!

Well, I pulled down my pants and hopped in bed between her

legs. She

didn't even look at me the whole time I fucked her. Bein' a kid, I

didn't last very long. I got up and pulled up my pants, but she just

lay there looking away from me. Those big floppy nigger tits were

hanging over sides of her chest and I could see a little cream in her

coochie. I told her she could get dressed again so she did and went

downstairs to start supper.

Jake said to Shanika, "Pour us another drink, wench! Listenin' to

this tall tale is makin' me thirsty!"

"You never fucked that old nigger, Carl," said Jake. "No fuckin' way.

I mean if your old lady found you pokin' the cleanin' lady she'd fire
her ass. No fuckin' way she'd risk that."

Shanika returned to the desk and poured each white man another


from the bottle.

"You can say whatever you want," said Carl. "I was there. I know

what happened. It ain't no lie. I fucked that old nigger. As it

turned out, plenty more times, too."

"I'd get home from school and call her up to my room. She'd come


get naked, and lie in my bed. I'd get in and fuck the shit out of

her. She wouldn't look at me but I could tell she was humpin' me

back. Sometimes she'd make little noises, like sighs and whimpers.

I'd bust my nut in her and say she could get dressed and she'd go

about her business. It was great!

"I mean, it actually got to where sometimes I'd come home and go

to my

room and she'd just come up and knock on the door. 'I figger'd

want some,' she'd say or somethin'. I'd let her in and she'd strip

down and get in my bed and I'd fuck her. For the most part,


the most she'd do was hump back a little with her head turned to


side. I tried to kiss her, but she wouldn't kiss back, so I just

kissed her thick nigger lips anyways. I didn't think she liked it too

much, but I was so horny I didn't give a shit. Then again, a couple

times I came home and she was already in bed waitin'! I figured I


her totally trained to be my nigger.

"When I was sixteen I got me a girlfriend. She was so pretty. Betty

Lou was her name and she had long blonde hair and big blue

eyes. Once

I started going with Betty Lou, I kind of stopped messin' around


Beula. Actually, I started to feel kind of ashamed at the way I'd

been treatin' her all this time. She was sweet and kind and I took

advantage of her somethin' terrible.

"I remember that it'd been awhile since I'd had her up to my room


she said to me, 'Well, Master Carl, now you got yo' white girlfriend,

you don't need no nigger no more?' So I told her, 'No, Beula. An'

I'm truly sorry for how bad I treated you. You been nothin' but nice

to me and I am shamed what I did.' And that was that. I didn't


her do nothin' after that.

"I was tired of school and Betty Lou started goin' out with some


poor sucker. When I turned seventeen, Momma signed the papers

so I

could go in the army. The night before I was to go, I was out on


porch and Beula was leaving to go home for the night. 'I'm gonna


you,' I told her. And she said, 'I'll miss you, too, Carl. Jus' like

I miss comin' up to your room.'

"I didn't know what to say for a moment. 'I thought you hated

I told her and she said, 'I didn't hate it at all. I's a old colored

lady, no husband since the war, and I had me a fine young white


just couldn't get enough of my coochie. How could I hate that?' I

was so confused. 'But you wouldn't even look at me! After a time I

felt like maybe I was rapin' you.' She laughed at that. 'No, you

wan't rapin' me or nothin'. It just wasn't right, me, older 'n yo'

momma, carryin' on wit' you. But I wasn't gonna stop you. You

understands, Carl?'

"At that moment I think I did understand. I told her I'd give her a

ride home. I took her to her small one room apartment in town. I

walked her to the door and then told her to let me come in. She


me it wasn't right, but I told her she had to do what I said. We


in and I told her to strip down and she did it with no argument. I

got naked, too, and we went into her bed. I fucked her like I never

had before and she looked into my eyes and told me she was my


I never came so hard in my life before. An' thinkin' of it now, I

never did after, neither.

"I spent the night with her and we did it again in the morning. That

day I went to the train station and went off to boot camp. I never

saw her again. When I got out of the army later she'd gone away to

live with family someplace or other.

The room was silent for a long moment.

"Bullshit," said Jake finally with a smile. "You old liar. None of

that ever happened."

"It did, old friend," Carl replied quietly. "No lie." He drained his

drink. "Look, I've got to go check on a few last minute items for the

big to do."

He noticed his friend kept eyeing Shanika. "You horny bastard. I


you want to fuck my nigger, don't you?" he asked.

"Well..." Jake said.

"Look, she's ready for tonight so no pussy, ok?" said Carl. "I've got
to get going so you can have the office to yourself. Use her mouth

and don't make a mess." He laughed.

"Thanks, Carl," he said, "I don't mind if I do."

"Leave the door open when you're done and my girl will come and


the nigger away." Carl left the room, closing the door behind him.

Jake unzipped his pants and slipped them down to his ankles.

Shanika knew what to do. She kneeled before him and took his

cock in

her hands, gently caressing it. She leaned her head forward and


to lick his shaft, occasionally running her tongue over his balls. He

started breathing faster and she took the tip of his white cock in

through her thick lips and sucked. He moaned with pleasure. She


more and more of his dick into her mouth, all the time stroking the

base of it with her hand.

Whether it was her ministrations or that he was already heated up


Mr. Richards story, it didn't take long before she felt him stiffen

and then release a hot gush of semen into her mouth. Respectfully,

she swallowed all she could and stood up. Wordlessly, Jake pulled


his pants, opened the door and walked out leaving Shanika with his


drooling off her chin and her cheeks burning with shame.

In a few minutes Yolanda came in and looked at her shaking her


She took out a handkerchief and wiped off the slave girls face.

"Let's go, missy," she said and Shanika followed her through the


to the lobby and a set of double doors. Yolanda opened it revealing

large high ceilinged room with a dozen cloth covered tables with

chairs around them. Two other naked slave girls were setting the

tables. She recognized Nydia and Yvonne.

"Here's where you'll be serving later," said Yolanda. "Right now

you'll help get the dining hall ready."

Shanika joined in and help set the tables and otherwise prepare for

the gala. The slave girls worked silently under Yolanda's watchful


Finally they were finished. "All right, girls. Into the kitchen."

Yolanda led the slave girls to the back of the hall and through a

swinging door to the kitchen where the meal was being prepared by

negro girls in kitchen whites. Trays of hor'dourves were on a side

table along with trays of glasses of champagne.

"Guests are arriving in the lobby," she instructed. "Circulate

amongst them and offer them something to eat or drink. No


Expect some grabbing so don't drop anything. You've each been


personally for this by Massa Richards. Do nothing to shame him or

yourselves. When you run out, come back here for more."

Each slave girl took a tray and headed back out through the dining
hall into the lobby. A couple of dozen white folks were already

there. Mostly men, all in elegant jackets and ties, but also several

women, each in a long evening gown. The naked black women


amongst the formally attired crowd offering them hor'dourves and


Shanika had begun to become used her nudity in the presence of


white men and women, but to be completely exposed amongst


elegantly dressed people had her mortified. She looked around and


Nydia and Yvonne. They seemed so totally out of place, but none of

the party goers seemed to take much notice of them or their


Her tray empty, she headed back for the kitchen and felt a pinch on

her ass. She didn't turn around, but kept walking. She didn't break

stride or even look down when she felt a hand squeeze her

breast. She
went through the double doors away from the crowd and through


dining hall to the kitchen. More trays were ready to be taken out.

She reached for the tray closest to the screen door that led from the

kitchen into the courtyard. She looked and saw that it was twilight,

glancing around she saw Debbie in a flowing gown and open toed


heeled shoes. She wore eye shadow in addition to her traditional


lipstick. She had a pearl necklace on with matching earrings.

The white girl appeared to be leading a tall black man towards the

kitchen door. He was at least a head higher than she was even


she was wearing her blonde hair up. He was naked except for the


chrome studded black leather collar he around his neck. Shanika


he was completely hairless other than his eyebrows. She was

first because she hadn't seen any black boys at the club and second


the obviously subservient posture he struck in spite of the size

difference between him and his white mistress.

"Stop here," she commanded him. She turned and looked up at

him, her

face turned angry. In one move she reached out her hand and


his testicles, Shanika saw him wince in pain.

"On your knees, nigger!" she barked and virtually pulled him down


the balls, her leaning forward, him dropping to his knees as she

released them. "What's the idea staying up on your hind legs like

that, boy?"

"I's, sorry, Miz Debbie," said the chastened negro boy.

"I'll say you are!" she said. "Now you listen to me, boy. You stay

here and wait for me. This will only take a few hours. I don't want

you talking to these nigger girls. If I catch you so much as looking

at them wrong, I'll put a hurtin' on you. And you know I'll do it!"

"Yes'm, Miz Debbie," he drawled, "I won't talk to dem nigga girls."

Her voice softened. "Now you be a good nigger and I'll save you


of my supper and try to sneak away and bring it out to you."

"Thank you, Miz Debbie," he said.

"All right then, boy," she said, putting her hands on her hips. "You

may pay your respects before I go."

The slave boy bent over on his knees, resting himself on his elbows.

He crawled like that for the couple of strides required to reach her.

He proceeded to kiss and lick each of her toes that was exposed

through her shoes. When he'd done both feet, he rested his head


the ground before her.

"Good boy." she said quietly and then turned and walked out of

around the building, heading for the front entrance. The black boy

sat back on his knees, presumably to wait for his mistress's return.

He looked around and he saw Shanika through the screen door


what had just taken place. His eyes went immediately to the


and he hung his head.

Shanika was startled by Yolanda's voice. "You there! What's the


up, missy? Get a tray and get back out there."

The slave girl quickly did as she was told, returning to the guests

with a full tray. She couldn't get the image of Debbie and the black

boy out of her mind. She hadn't ever seen anything like it.

Soon it was dinner time. The guests took their seats and were


While they ate, Shanika and the other slave girls made sure their

glasses were full. Afterwards they cleared the dishes away, and


served the white diners their dessert.

She was in a constant state of shame and excitement. Serving the

elegantly clothed ladies and gentlemen while she was completely


She never saw the hands, but she felt them as she moved from

table to


"You, there!" called Carl towards Shanika, "Come up here!"

The negro slave girl immediately hurried to the head table. She


feel every eye in the room on her naked black body. Mr. Richards

pushed his chair away from the table and turned it towards Shanika.

She wasn't quite sure what to do.

"Display, girl," he said softly.

Facing the entire room of formally clad white folks, she slowly


out her legs and put her hands behind her head. She looked at the

floor, unable to look at all the white faces pointed in her direction.
Carl reached his hand out and caressed her breasts causing her


to become erect. He reached between her legs and softly stroked


sex. She parted her legs still further.

"She is so wet!" he told the assembled diners. "This is one of the

most responsive niggers I've come across. Ain't that right, girl?"

"Yes, Massa," she said quietly.

"Tell them. Tell them what you like," he laughed, "I already know!"

"I's wet, Massa," she said, feeling light headed, her face was


with embarrassment. "I likes it when Massa play wit' my coochie."

She heard some laughter and opened her eyes. Every white face in


room was looking at her. She felt Mr. Richards finger enter her and

she gasped.
"So you like that, do you?" he asked, playing to the crowd.

"Yes, Massa," she said, shaking both from the humiliation and the

excitement, "I likes what you doin' to my coochie. It feel real


She tuned out the audience and just concentrated on her master's

touch. She felt another finger reach for her clit, as Carl continued

to manually work her pussy. She gave in completely and began


back against it, grinding herself against his hand. Gradually she

unconsciously lowered her hands, her master said nothing. He just

kept stroking her faster and faster.

"Oh!" she exclaimed amidst the whimpering noises she made, her


closed. "Ah!" She could hear the sloppy sound of her master


his hand in and out of her soaking wet pussy. It was the only sound

she could hear as the room had gone still. Every eye was on the


slave girl as Carl brought her near climax.

"Oh, Massa," she whispered, feeling it build inside her. She had put

the onlookers out of her mind. She focussed entirely on the



"Oh! Kin I cum, Massa?" she whispered.

"Louder," he prompted.

"Massa," she said louder, "kin I cum? Please, Massa?"

"Yes, you may," he told her. "Cum for your master like a good



"Ah!" Her eyes opened as if startled and her jaw

dropped. "Ah! Oh!"

Carl felt her gush on his hand as the negro slave girl tensed and


relaxed. It was a quiet climax. A quiet climax in a silent room.

She could hear only her own breathing and heart beating.
"Thank you, Massa," she said softly. She got on her knees before


and he reached out with his hand, sticky with her cum, and rubbed


on the stubble on top of her head. She backed away from him far

enough to be able to bend forward and touch her head to the floor


front of his feet.

"Good girl," he said, "now go to the kitchen and have your supper."

Shanika kissed her masters feet and rose up. She slowly went to


kitchen, her eyes straight ahead. She could feel the eyes of


in the room on her along with the squishy wetness between her legs


she walked. She pushed open the door and walked in. The other


girls along with the kitchen help and Yolanda all looked up from the

table they sat at as she entered the room.

"Well, girl," said Yolanda, "damned if you ain't Massa Richards'

favorite, too.

Chapter 11 - The Dirtballs

The next morning the cycle began again. Elois, the young negro

attendant prepared Shanika for the day.

"Yo' coochie so smooth, girl!" she observed, stroking the slave girls

waxed pussy. "Won't be needin' to shave you for a while!"

The experiences of the previous evening were still fresh in Shanika's

mind. She closed her eyes and remembered the touch of Mr.

Richards on

her as he masturbated her to orgasm for the amusement of his


guests at the anniversary gala. It was embarrassing to have so

white folks watching as she stood there naked with his hands


her legs, but it felt good and he seemed almost proud of her. She


humiliated having to ask permission to cum, but even now she could

feel herself moistening with the memory.

After Elois was through washing her off, Yolanda took her and


the black slave girl on with her collar and shackles so she'd be ready

for the auction. The heat of the sun had burned off what was left of

the morning chill by the time the older colored lady led the negro

slave girl to her station in shackles. She chained her there by her

collar. She sat on her stool waiting for prospective buyers of her

body to come by and take a look at the goods.

Mostly it was solitary white men who came by to check Shanika


Sometimes there would be couples who mostly spoke quietly to


other so that she couldn't hear what was said. Occasionally a group

of two or more white men would inspect her at once.

She displayed herself in the proscribed manner as they approached


turned slowly around to give them a complete view. Frequently


want to see her bend over with her legs spread wide so they could


everything. As often as she was forced into this demeaning


she never got used to it and felt a fresh wave of humiliation each


Sitting on her stool with her legs spread to show off her genitals


also a favorite demand of the bidders who inspected her. This, too,

left her face hot with shame in spite of having repeated the display

so many times. The colored girl didn't understand why the shame


felt was alway accompanied by a tingle of excitement and a familiar

growing wetness between her legs.

At one point, a group of four white men walked over to her station.
All wore blue jeans, tee shirts, and work boots. Shanika assumed


display position for them.

"If you want big tits, Ed, you've gotta be ready for her to be on the

chubby side," opined a bearded, fortyish white man who was quite

chubby himself. "These nigger's ain't a bunch of Playboy bunnies

after all."

"I'm just sayin' there ain't no reason we gotta settle for no fat

fuckin' bitch just so we get one with more than a handful of tit

meat," replied the skinny, younger one. "Auction ain't for over an

hour, Al. One could still turn up."

"Boys," advised the oldest of them, a gray haired white man

wearing a

baseball cap with a farm equipment logo on it, "if'n there's a nigger

like what you want here, you can count on her costing more than


got. We just gotta pick out one we can all agree on. Shit, most of

'em look good enough to fuck to me."

"I like this one, Cy," said the youngest, a little younger than

Shanika with blonde hair. "She's kinda pretty and she got big


Kinda looks like that colored girl works in the office. And look at

that booty! Man, oh, man!"

The slave girl completed her turn and faced them standing with her

legs apart and her hands behind her head.

"Jesus, Bo! You horny bastard! You like all of 'em," said Ed. "Now,

me, I got refined tastes." He spoke to the negress, "Bend over,

bitch. Show us that big black ass."

Shanika turned around and bent over keeping her legs as far apart


the chain connecting her ankles allowed.

"See, she ain't too fat," observed Al, "You can see her coochie even

though she can't spread her legs all the way. I'd fuck her in a

"What wouldn't you fuck, Al?" asked Ed. Cy and Bo laughed out


"Plenty more niggers to look at, boys," said the older white man.

The group moved on leaving Shanika burning with shame. These

men just

looked on her and the other slave girls as so much fuck meat, she

thought. All they saw was tits, pussy, and ass.

The parade of bidders continued. The negress posed as demanded,

exposing herself to potential buyers. The sun grew hot. Yolanda

moved down the line of slave display stations with a bucket of cool

water. Shanika drank thirstily when the older colored lady handed


a cup.

"Auction'll be starting soon," she said before she moved on to the

next girl.

After a few more bidders inspected the negro slave girl's body,
Mr. Richards took the podium and the auction began. Yolanda led


after slave up to the block where they were sold to the highest

bidder. Shanika was one of the last to go up.

She shuffled in her shackles behind Yolanda as the older black


led her to the platform. Once she had climbed up onto the block


assumed the display position and the bidding began.

"This nigger never fails to please. You can see she's quality

merchandise," Mr. Richards went on. "She knows her place and


always ready. Let's start her off at 100. How about it gentlemen,


I hear 100?"

The bidding went up to 350 for Shanika. She came down from the

platform to be handed over to the four white men who had taken an

interest in her earlier. She noticed there were few bidders left and
saw Yolanda leading a skinny older negro with droopy breasts up to



"Thank you for buying me, Massa," she said to the eldest of the


who now held her chain.

"Hang on there, fellas," said Bo, the youngest. "We had 400 and


spent 350. Let's see if we can get this scrawny one cheap. Two

niggers gotta be better than one."

"Ok," said Ed, "but you get to fuck that one."

Al, the heavyset one, laughed at this.

"What're you laughin' at?" asked Bo defensively. "You tellin' me you

wouldn't fuck her?"

"We ain't got her, yet," Cy reminded them.

Shanika recognized the slave who had only fetched 50 when she

was at

the club the first time. The poor negress was led away on all fours,

like a dog, after she was sold that time. This time she climbed the

steps, assumed the display position with her eyes downcast looking


the dirt in front of the platform.

"This one may have some miles on her, boys, but there's still plenty

left," Mr. Richards called out. "She knows how to do what you like.

How about 100 for her? Do I get 100?"

Like last time, there was no answer from the bidders for 100. The

older colored slave stood in shame on the auction block, unable to

fetch the initial minimum bid.

"Ok, looks like somebody's gonna get a bargain," said the


"What do I hear for this nigger?"

"Fifty bucks!" shouted Bo.

"I've got 50," Mr. Richards said to the bidders, "how about

75?... 75?... going once... going twice... sold for 50!"

"See? I got us another nigger," said Bo proudly. "Ain't you glad

y'all brought me along?"

"She's older than your momma, Bo," said Al. "But I'll fuck her."

The skinny negress came down the steps and was presented to Bo.

"Thank you for buyin' me, Massa," she said, her eyes still downcast.

"Hook 'em up and let's go to the cabin, boys," instructed Cy.

Bo hooked the older slave's chain to Shanika's collar and Cy led


both away. The other white men went along, too. They all headed

towards the path the led to the cabins.

Upon arrival at the cabin, Shanika noticed that it was larger than


she'd been in with Roy on her first visit. When they went inside she
saw there were two bedrooms off the main room, which had a table


several chairs and another bed. There was a counter with a sink


the back wall and an ice chest sat on the floor in front of it.

Cy let go of chain and sat in one of the chairs. "Get the chains

off'n these niggers," he said. "They's just for show anyhow. These

bitches ain't goin' nowhere no how."

Ed removed Shanika's chains while Bo did the same for the skinny

negress he'd bought. Al sat at the table. Ed finished with Shanika

and gave her a slap on her big black butt before taking his seat. Bo

was taking his time and some how managed to give each of his


droopy tits a squeeze while ostensibly taking off her collar. The

older colored woman's shackles now off, Bo joined his friends.

"Make yourselves useful and go get us some beers out of that there

cooler," Cy ordered. The two slave girls walked to where it was.

Shanika bent over to get the cans out of the ice, the white men's

all drawn to her ample ass.

"I haven't seen you before," whispered the older slave to Shanika.

"I'm Jackie. I've been coming here for years."

Whap! Shanika looked around. Ed had stood back up and held a


made from a narrow straight green wooden stick. Jackie startled,

stood up instinctively putting her hands on her ass where a red line


"No one told you to talk, nigger," scolded Ed. "Fetch those beers.

No more yammering."

Shanika went back to fishing beers out, handing two to the


Jackie. They put them on the table.

"Open 'em up!," said Ed, exasperated. "You s'posed to be servin'

The younger colored girl popped the tops of the beer cans and


them out. Jackie stood silently and watched.

"I think the fair way to do this is play a little game to see who gets

first dibs," said Cy. He produced a deck of playing cards and began

shuffling them. "Here's what we do. I'll deal out five cards to each

of us, and we'll pick which nigger we want in order, high hand first.

You all agreeable?"

The other three nodded their agreement.

"I'd like a better look at what we're playin' for," Al chimed in.

"How about we get 'em up on the counter there and squat for us, all

pretty like? I mean it ain't every day we get a couple of nigger

bitches to do what we want with. I say let's put 'em where we can


'em proper like."

"That's the first good idea I've heard you come up with, Al," said Ed.

He looked towards Shanika and Jackie. "All right, ladies, get up

there and show us what you got for us."

Using a chair to help, the two colored girls climbed up on the

linoleum counter top. One on each side of the sink. Shanika


down and opened her legs so wide she could feel the tension in her

thighs. Jackie did the same.

"Say, that *is* nice," observed Cy. And then to the negresses, "Put

your hands on top of your heads."

The black slave girls did as ordered.

"Damn!" said Bo incredulously, "So long as I sit down, I can even


their assholes like this!"

Although she had been forced to show off her naked black body so


times before, there was something especially demeaning about

displaying her sex so obscenely. It was if she was nothing but tits,

cunt, and ass to these white men.

"That's right,' said Ed with satisfaction. "They look just like the

nigger fuck meat they is."

Shanika shuddered. It was almost as if he had responded to her


thoughts. Mortified, she felt that tingle again, betrayed by a part

of herself she seemed unable to control. She knew her pussy was

getting damp.

She watched as Cy dealt the cards. No one picked up their hand


they were all enjoying the view of their negresses, completely


to them for their amusement. And they *were* amused. She


them shifting in their seats trying to adjust their hard ons.

"Looks like I go first," Cy observed. "Three jacks. I think I'll go

first with the plumpy nigger." With that he took a long swig of beer.

Shanika was quietly pleased to be first choice even if it was with the

gray haired old man.

Roused from gaping at their captive black sex slaves, the others

picked up their cards.

"I'm next," said Ed. "Two black queens. You'd think I'd get both

those colored girls. But I'd rather have sloppy seconds with chubby

than old droopy tits there."

Jackie hung her head and her shoulders dropped when she heard


comment. Shanika felt kind of sorry for her.

Bo had ace high. "Well, I'll take her. She's got a pussy. I don't

mind suckin' on those little floppy tits. I think I'll like 'em just

fine." Jackie perked up at being chosen at last.

"I ain't got shit," said Al, "I ain't proud, just horny. I'll take

whichever one's available to me first."

Cy pushed back from the table, unzipped his pants, and dropped

them to

his ankles. "Over here, girl," He said, patting his thigh. "Time for

you to do your stuff."

Shanika carefully climbed down from the counter and went over to


It was clear to her he wanted his dick sucked. She dropped to her

knees and started licking his cock and balls. She heard the sound of

a chair sliding on the floor followed by pants being unzipped. As she

took Cy's white cock between her thick black lips, she felt another

cock probing between her legs.

"Oh, man," said Ed. "This nigger is hot! Her cunt is dripping! I

think she likes you, Cy." She felt Ed's cock push into her pussy.

"So long as she sucks my dick good, I'll like her, too!" he replied.

"That's it, nigger. Suck it good. Suck it like you was born to suck


Shanika started bobbing her head up and down on Cy's cock as Ed


up the pace, drilling her from behind.

"What're you waitin' for, bitch?" she heard Bo say. "Get your nigger

ass over here and suck my dick."

She heard Jackie get down off the counter and walk across the floor.

Shanika imagined what it must look like, two black slave girls on

their knees servicing their white masters. The thought made her


excited. Much more excited than Ed's thrusting into her made her.

"Agh," croaked Ed. He grunted and she felt him ejaculate inside her

vagina. "Man," he gasped, "that was good." He pulled out and


her on the ass. She continued to work Cy's cock with her mouth.

"Out of the way," said Al, "my turn." She felt the big man's gut

against her ass as he pushed his dick into her cunt and started

banging her.

Meanwhile she could hear Cy's breathing quicken. He was ready to


She started to bob and suck at a faster pace. Al continued to pound

her pussy.

"Fuck!" exclaimed Cy, "oh, fuck! That's it. Suck it you nigger
whore. Suck yo' daddy's dick. Suck it!" He started to cum in her

mouth and she sucked harder. "Oh, baby, that's it! Suck yo'


dick, nigger!" She let his rapidly receding erection slip out of her

mouth and a little semen drooled from her lip down into his gray



"This cunt's just too sloppy," said Al breathlessly. Shanika felt him

withdraw from her pussy and then start probing for her

asshole. She

had never been taken anally and the sharp pain she felt when Al


his cock up her ass made her cry out.

"Take it, bitch," growled Al. "Take it up your ass the way a nigger

was made to take it."

"Oh, Massa," she cried, "You hurtin' yo' nigga bad! Please, no mo',

Massa!" She felt as if she where being split in two. "I's sorry I so

sloppy, Massa. Let me suck yo' dick. I suck it good fo' you. Please

don't fuck yo' nigga's ass no mo'!" Tears rolled down her face.
Her pleading had the desired effect as Al couldn't hold back any

longer. He grunted wordlessly and filled her ass with cum.

She looked over at Jackie, on her knees she had grasped Bo's cock


one hand and was stroking it while holding the head in her mouth

slurping on it.

"That's enough of that," Bo panted. "Turn around. Time for you to

get butt fucked, nigger."

Jackie immediately let go of his hard white cock and turned around,

presenting herself to him like a bitch in heat to be mounted. He got

on his knees and shoved his saliva coated dick up her skinny black

ass. She grunted and exhaled noisily as he pushed it in until his

balls were slapping against her neglected pussy. She dropped from


hands to her elbows

He began to slam into her and her droopy tits swung back and forth

response to his thrusts. The room reeked of sex and rang with the

sound of flesh slapping flesh. Shanika watched from her hands and

knees, semen leaking out of all three of her openings. The other

white men had taken their seats and were enjoying the show.

"Yeah!," cried Bo, still slamming into the skinny negro slave , "I'm

gonna cum up you nigger ass, bitch. Ah! Ah!!" He stiffened,

emptying himself into the colored woman's rectum.

All was quiet for a moment other than the sound of heavy


Bo stood up looking down on the still kneeling form of the older

negress he'd just violated. He was young enough to be her son and


had just used her in the most humiliating way he could think of. He

paused for a minute, drinking in the scene and then reached for his

pants on the floor.

"Damn, Bo," said Cy. "You just 'bout tore that poor nigger girl up!"

"She'll get over it," the young blonde man replied. "I need a beer.

Fetch me one, girl."

Shanika stood up. She could feel how sore her ass was and how


her muscles were after being used by the white men while kneeling


the hard wood floor.

"Not you," he stopped her. "I want *my* nigger to get it."

Slowly, Jackie got to her feet.

"No, no. Not like that. On your knees. Do it." Bo was feeling

powerful after having his way completely with the older black slave.

She sank back down and walked on her knees over to the

cooler. She

returned to him where he now sat and placed the can in front of him


the table.

"Now go get one for each of my friends like a good monkey,"


They all watched as Jackie went back to the ice chest on her knees.

The white men in their chairs, Shanika standing nearby. The


black slave girl felt bad for the older negress as she was being

tormented this way.

Jackie retrieved three beers and held the cold cans to her chest with

her arms to keep from dropping them. When she got back to the


she carefully put one in front of each of her masters.

"Back on the counter, you two," demanded Al. "Let's see how you


after the workout y'all got."

Jackie, still on her knees, went to the counter, climbed up and

reassumed the humiliating wide open squatting position. She put


hands on top of her head and spread her legs wide. Shanika did the
same. Splayed out like this, she could feel the semen dripping out


her cunt and asshole. It formed two creamy white puddles on the


"Damn, there's spunk coming of every hole on that chubby one,"

observed Ed. "Kind of disgustin', but that's a well fucked nigger

whore for ya."

"So what do we do now?" asked Bo.

Cy sipped on his beer. "Relax, boy. We got all day to enjoy these

niggers. You got to learn to slow down and enjoy yourself. Here we

are, havin' a beer takin' in the sights." He nodded to the two slave

girls. "Take it easy."

Ed picked up the green wood stick and swished it through the air.

"Man, I'd like to try this out on one of those bitches," he said. "I

bet they'd squeal like pigs gettin' whupped with it."

"Which one?" asked Al.

"Shit, I dunno," Ed replied. "I think the chubby one would be more

fun. On the other hand, I did just fuck her. Maybe I should whup


skinny one."

"The thing to do is have a contest of some kind," said Cy. "Then


whichever one loses."

"How 'bout we take 'em outside," suggested Al. "We could make

'em pee

for us like dogs. Then whup whichever one makes the smallest


"Jesus, Al!" Cy exclaimed. "You are one nasty motherfucker, you



"I like it," said Ed. "Al is full of good ideas today. I say let's

do that." He swished the switch through the air a couple more

"All right," sighed the older man. "Bo, get the rope. Al, bring the

niggers out."

Cy and Ed got up and headed for the door. Bo went rummaging in

duffle bag on the floor. Al went to the counter.

"Ok, you heard the man," said the fat white man, his eyes drawn to


slave girls' intimate regions as he spoke. "Hop down from there and

let's go outside."

Slowly, Shanika and Jackie climbed down and stepped towards the


"No, no, no," chided Al. "Down on all fours. Like nigger dogs."

Resigned to their station, the two colored girls did as they were

commanded and got down on their hands and knees and crawled


the door.
"That's better," he said. "Out you go."

The afternoon sun was still high in the sky and it was hot outside

compared to the shade of the cabin. With Al walking behind them,


negresses awkwardly came down the steps and crawled through the


to where the other three white men stood.

"Squat, dogs," commanded Ed. "Squat and piss on the ground.

Whichever one of you makes the smallest puddle gets this." He

swooshed the switch through the air.

The younger black slave girl was having trouble starting the flow in

front of an audience that was watching her so intently. She could

hear the sound of Jackie's urine hitting the ground where she


next to her. Shanika looked away from the white men and finally

managed to start a trickle going. She just couldn't do anymore.

"Well, what d'ya know?" said Bo. "I woulda thought the big one

make the biggest puddle. Looks like *my* nigger is the pissin'


"Tie her hands," said Cy. "Then put the rope round this here tree so

her arms are up. Ed'll be able to get at her good that way."

"Let's have your hands," Bo ordered Shanika.

She submissively held out her hands, the wrists touching. He


the rope around her wrists several turns and then wrapped the rope

around the turns between her hands, binding them tightly. He led


to the large tree in front of the cabin and threw the other end of the

rope up over a low limb, tying it off around the trunk. Shanika now

stood out from the tree with her bound hands stretched over her


She had to stand on her toes some to relieve the pressure of the


on her wrists.

"Looks good," said Ed. "I think I'll get warmed up on her ass."
He walked around behind the tied slave girl, drew back his arm, and

layed the switch across the negress's ass with a resounding thwack.

Shanika yelped at the blow. A red line appeared where she'd been


Thwack! She yelped again. Another red line. Thwack! Again she

yelped. Again a red line on her black ass. Thwack! This time he hit

a spot for the second time. She cried out. "Ow!" She felt him run

his hand over her cheeks.

"I can feel the welts rising," reported Ed. "Nice and warm, too."

She heard him step back.

Thwack! "Owww!" she cried. Thwack! Thwack! She tried to avoid


blows, but she was stretched to her toes by the rope and couldn't


anything except twist around.

"Dance, monkey!" yelled Bo. Cy and Al laughed. Thwack! Thwack!

Shanika's tears flowed freely. Her ass was burning.

"Do the front," suggested Al. "Whip those udders!"

Ed didn't need any more encouragement and walked around the



Thwack! This blow went across the top of her breasts. She cried


in pain. Thwack! Thwack! The last one hit one of her black


"Owww!" she sobbed.

He reached out and ran his hands on her breasts. She tried to


from his touch, but she couldn't, tied as she was. It hurt where he

touched the welts. Her face was wet from tears.

"I know I just fucked you, nigger," he said to her, "but whuppin' you

like this is gettin' my dick hard."

Thwack! Right across her thighs. Thwack! Another one to the


Thwack! A little higher, this blow left a red line that crossed her

slit. She cried out again.

"Ok, that's enough," said Ed releasing the rope from the trunk of the

tree. Shanika lowered her arms as the rope went slack and tried to

rub on her sore breasts but it was impossible with her hands still

tied together.

"Lie down and spread 'em," he ordered.

She couldn't believe he was going to fuck her again after having just

beaten her with the switch. She felt completely degraded as she lay

in the dirt and spread her legs, offering her welted sex to her

tormenter. Ed stood over her and took off his pants revealing a

raging hard on. He quickly got down on the ground between the


girl's legs and slid his hard white cock into her abused black pussy.

"So, who's nigger are you now, bitch?" he whispered huskily to her.

"Let me hear it."

"I's yo' nigga, Massa," she replied, still sniveling having not

recovered yet from the beating.

"That's right, bitch," he said, pumping faster, "you're mine. Mine to

whip. Mine to fuck. Ain't that right?"

"Tha's right, Massa," she said back to him, "I's yo' nigga to whip


fuck. I's yo' nigga."

He continued to pound her sore pussy as the other three white men

looked on along with Jackie, who also watched with fascination.

Finally he tensed and Shanika felt him cum inside her.

"Man, what a ride," he said, rising to his feet above the used slave

girl. Shanika lay in the dirt, her face streaked with tears, three

welts across her breasts and three more across her thighs. Semen

leaked out of her vagina and down the crack of her ass.

"Get up," her ordered as he put his pants back on.

She did as ordered and looked around as she got to her feet. Bo


sitting on the ground leaning against another tree. Jackie was on


knees, her head bobbing on Bo's cock. Obviously, watching


debasement had aroused the young white man so much that he

needed some

relief in his slave's mouth.

Cy stepped forward and removed the rope from her wrists. "Come


with me," he said, "and we'll get you cleaned up."

Ed had wandered over to where Bo was getting sucked off by Jackie


Cy led Shanika into the cabin. He found a clean cloth and wet it at

the sink and sat in a chair. The colored girl stood quietly as the

old white man wiped off her face. He resoaked the cloth in cool


and gently cleaned the dust from the welts on her black body.
"Old Ed really went to town on you, girl," he said, "I didn't realize

what a mean streak he has."

The cool wet cloth was soothing to the young slave girl and she


to feel a little better.

"Open your legs so I can get at that fine coochie of yours," he said

softly. She complied and felt the wet cloth between her legs as Cy

gently clean the semen and dust off her.

"There you go," he said. "Now come and sit in my lap."

She felt even better now and sat in the old man's lap. He was kind


grandfatherly in a way. It was hard for her to imagine that this was

the same man whose cock she had in her mouth earlier. He stroked


back with a calloused hand. He brought the other hand to her


and squeezed it gently. She started as he brushed a rough hand

over a

"Did I hurt you, girl?" he asked.

"Tha's ok, Massa. You touch what you want," she told him. "I's yo'

nigga, too. It don't hurt too bad no mo'."

He continued to fondle her saggy black breasts, squeezing them and

lifting them.

"You got fine titties, girl," he praised her. "Even for a nigger.they

fine. Colored girls all got nice titties. Nice booties, too. But

you are a fine picture of a negress."

"Thank you, Massa," she said, warming to him, "I's glad you like


"Oh, I like you, girl," he replied. He moved his hand down between

her legs. She parted them so he could get at her sex. "Yeah, you


fine. And well trained, too. Opening those legs up for me like that

without being told. With some niggers, it takes a long time to train
'em so good." She felt his fingers on her pussy. In spite of the

pain she'd felt earlier, she noticed the tingle was starting inside.

Just then she heard a yelp from outside. Then another. Then

footsteps on the wooden porch floor. And voices.

"Get on in there, girl!" she heard Bo's voice.

Thwack! The sound of the switch on flesh. Another yelp. Then


appeared, crawling on all fours she scampered into the cabin. Bo


right behind her, brandishing the switch. Thwack! He smacked her


the ass with it. She yelped again. Shanika could see several welts

forming on the older negresses' black flesh. Ed and Al followed,


"That's right, Bo!" laughed Ed. "Beat that nigger like the dog she


"No, Massa!" cried Jackie, "No mo'! You beatin' my poor black ass
raw! Please, Massa! Please fuck yo' nigga an' don' whup her no


"But I feel like whuppin' your bony black ass!" objected Bo. "I

already done fucked you enough."

"God dammit, boys!" Cy raised his voice. "Can't you see I'm


a peaceful moment here? You fools got to raise such a ruckus?"

"Sorry, Cy," whined Bo. "We was jus' havin' some fun, that's all."

Jackie cowered against the wall.

"Y'all got to think up something better to do," said Cy. "Fun's fun,

boys, but enough's enough."

"You ain't our daddy, Cy," said Ed. "'sides, we done whupped this

nigger much as we wanted anyhow. All fucked out, too."

"Go clean that poor girl up some," said Cy to Shanika, handing her

cloth he'd used on her.

Shanika went over to the sink and rinsed the cloth out. Jackie stood

up and the younger woman wiped off her face. Rinsing the cloth


again, she continued to clean the dust off the older negress's body.

She rubbed it over her chest and breasts, lifting one small floppy tit

to get under it, and then the other. She rinsed it again and brushed

the dust off her back, she'd apparently been on her back outside.

Another rinse of the cloth and she used it to get the dust off her


She soaked the cloth under the tap again and went to clean the


from between her legs. Jackie parted her legs to give her access.

Shanika squatted on the floor wiped down the older colored


legs. As she was finishing she noticed that the only sound in the

room was Jackie's breathing, which was getting heavier. She


towards the table where the white men sat and saw she had their


"That's hot," said Al. "Seeing them niggers like that's kind of like

the girlie show they got in the city. Why don't you two get down


each other? I'd like to see that."

"Al, you old pervert!" said Ed. "Another fine idea. I'm all tuckered

out. Let's just have 'em put on a little lezzie show for us."

"See, I knew you boys could come up with somethin' better," Cy


"Finish what you doin', girl. Then give her a nice wet kiss. Then

let's just see where it goes."

Shanika couldn't believe this. After all that had gone on, now they

wanted to watch the objects of their torment make love for their

amusement. She had never been with a woman before she got


with the club. And until now she had only serviced her mistress's at

their command. This was different. And to do it in front of the

leering white men shamed her completely. But she knew she must

do as


She looked up at Jackie and their eyes met. The older negro


smiled down at her. Shanika stood and leaned forward to press her

lips to Jackie's.

"Better'n that!" complained Al. "I want to see some tongue. Kiss



Shanika felt a fresh wave of humiliation. She fought to forget the

onlookers and focus on Jackie. She looked into her dark brown


She did look sweet, she thought. She put her arms around her and

pressed her lips to those of the other colored woman and kissed


Then again. She felt Jackie's arms go around her. They pressed


lips together and Shanika started pushing her tongue into the other
black girl's mouth. Jackie's tongue met hers. In spite of

everything, she could feel her growing arousal.

They stood there kissing for the white men for several

minutes. Their

tongues in each other's mouth. Their arms embracing each other.

Shanika felt Jackie's hand running over her back and caressing her

ass. She reciprocated and began to rub on her new lover's

skin. She

ran her hand over the raised welts on Jackie's soft skin, causing the

older negress to flinch slightly. She pulled her hand away.

"Sorry," whispered Shanika so that only Jackie could hear her.

"That's ok, baby," she whispered back. "It feels good. Don't stop."

Shanika returned her hand to Jackie's ass, gently running it over her

soft flesh trying to avoid the welts left by the switch. She also

resumed their long deep kiss.

"Enough of that. On the floor and get down to business," instructed

This reminded Shanika that they weren't alone and as much as she


to block it from her consciousness, this intimate act was for the

amusement of their masters and not their own pleasure. They lay


the hard wooden floor, Jackie on her back, Shanika on top of her.

Kissing her one more time, the younger woman began tracing her


down to the older negress's breast.

Holding one floppy tit in her hand she ran her tongue around the


brown nipple. It was already hard. She started to suck on it,

eventually she was able to draw the entire breast into her

mouth. She

could feel Jackie barely humping against her thigh.

Switching breasts, she licked the other nipple and then sucked the

whole tit into her mouth. She had never suckled a woman before,


it felt strange to her, especially with Jackie's small floppy breasts.

She felt the older slave's hands on her back, rubbing her as she

licked and sucked her breasts.

"Now you," she heard her whisper. They reversed positions, with

Shanika on the bottom. Jackie held the young negro slave's


on each hand as she gently licked and sucked her nipples. Shanika

could feel herself getting more excited. The older black woman


her way down her belly to her pussy and started lapping her tongue

along her slit.

"That's it!" exclaimed Bo. "Eat that poontang! Get over her face so

you can sixty nine!"

Her face hot with shame at the reminder of their audience's


Shanika looked up to see Jackie straddling her head making her


available to the younger colored girl's mouth. She reached her


to the older negress's ass and pulled her down so she could lick her
cunt. Thus interlocked, the slave girls licked and sucked each

other's pussies. Gradually, Shanika began to tune out the onlookers

and concentrated on pleasuring Jackie as she was pleasuring her.

After a few minutes of this she heard one of the men get up and


towards them. A pair of hairy white knees rested on the floor above

her head and a pair of white hands lifted Jackie off Shanika's mouth.

She watched as a hard white cock was shoved into the black pussy


her face and began fucking it.

"Don't stop eating her, girl," said Bo's voice, "I never fucked a

nigger dyke before. You can lick my balls, chubby."

Shanika was shamed to be interrupted this way, but strained her


up to comply. She felt the tingly feeling from Jackie's ministrations

fade as she began using her tongue on her master's testicles. She

could hear the soft slurping sounds mixed with the slap of flesh on

flesh as the fucking display continued before her eyes. She

discovered that all she had to do was hold her tongue out since Bo's
fucking motion would drag his balls back and forth over it.

"Oh, fuck, this is great!" he gasped. "Oh, man! Ah!"

She watched as he shoved his cock hard into Jackie's cunt as he


He slipped it out while he was still ejaculating, spraying the outside

the the older colored woman's pussy and Shanika's face. Semen


off Jackie's labia as well as out of her vagina on to Shanika's

immobilized head.

Every time she thought she'd experienced the worst humiliation

possible, it would be surpassed. To have her face used as a cum

catcher this way left her totally debased.

She saw Bo stand up finally and Jackie continued to lick her pussy

until Al ordered her to stop.

"My turn to fuck this nigger," he announced, "but I want her on top.

Clean that shit off your face and come here, bitch." He went to the

bed on the other side of the room and lay on his back. "Mount up."
Shanika got to her feet and rinsed her face off at the sink. She


over to the bed and got up on top of Al, straddling him between her

thighs. She lowered herself onto his cock and started humping him.

"Oh, yeah," he sighed, "that how to do it."

He looked up at her as she bounced on his cock, her breasts


with each thrust.

"You like that, Massa?" asked the young slave girl. "You like havin'

yo' nigga fuck you like this?"

"Yeah," he said. "Fuck me like that." His closed his eyes as she

continued to move herself up and down on him.

She was getting tired and wanted to finish him. She'd learned what


"You gonna cum in yo' nigga, Massa?" she cooed. "You gonna cum

all up

her coochie? Huh? "

"Oh, yeah," he murmured.

"You gonna cum, now? You gonna make me yo' nigga?" She was


hard and fast. Her breasts were swinging back and forth. "Please,

Massa. Please cum in yo' nigga. Please, Massa."

His eyes opened suddenly and she felt the warm jolt of his


"Tha's it, Massa," she whispered to him. "I's yo' nigga now. All

full a yo' cum. Yo' nigga slut."

She looked up and saw that Jackie was sucking Ed off as he

watched her

fucking Al. Bo was drinking beer, glassy eyed. Cy was looking at

her, or at least her tits, anyway. She was just a thing for these

white men to put their cocks into. A nigger fuck thing. Her
intimacies an amusement for them. Sexual entertainment. But

somewhere inside her, the idea thrilled her. She didn't understand

why, only that it did. And that shamed her more than any


she'd suffered directly from them.

The next morning, Shanika awoke on the bed in the main room. Al


gone and it was Bo between her legs. It wasn't the first time she'd

been fucked in her sleep at the club, waking to a stubble faced


man with his cock in her cunt. But it was always a humiliating

experience. She felt like she was less than a slut or a whore. She

was just a black pussy for white men to use. It didn't matter to


if she was asleep when they did it.

He ejaculated in her vagina with a grunt and got off of her, not

noticing that she was now awake. She watched him walk

outside. Cy

came over to her carrying her collar and shackles.

"Time to get you back," he said.

"Don't you want to fuck yo' nigga first, Massa?" she asked. Of the

lot of them, Cy had been the kindest, caring for her after the

whupping she'd gotten from Ed.

"Sorry, girl," he said, "I'm an old man now. I just don't have it in


She wasn't sure why, but she got up on the bed on her knees and

assumed the display position she knew the white men liked. Her


were spread, her breasts thrust forward, her hands clasped behind



"You sho I can't do nothin' fo' you, Massa?" she asked. "I's yo'

nigga. I does whatever you like."

He reached his hand out and ran it over her breasts and then down

between her legs, still sticky with Bo's semen. Even though she'd

just been fucked, his touch was the first pleasure she'd felt that

"This is enough," he said. "You're a fine nigger. I wish I was

younger. I'd do you up right now." He put the hardware on the


"Get this shit on. I gotta get you back."

Now shackled and collared again, Shanika shuffled out and down


stairs of the cabin to where Cy waited with Jackie. He hooked the

older colored woman's chain to the younger slave girl's collar and


them silently to the slave barn. The other white men were nowhere


be seen.

Yolanda was in the courtyard and accepted the chain lead from Cy.

"These two are fine niggers, girl," he said. "I'll have to come back

by myself some time so's I don't have to share 'em.

He walked away. Yolanda led the two black slave girls into the barn
to get them ready for the day.

Chapter 12 - The Coworker

Yolanda unhooked Jackie's chain from Shanika's collar and handed


black slave girl off to Elois, the young negro attendant.

"Damn, girl," said Elois looking at the welts on Shanika's body,

"what'd you do to get that?"

"Nothin'," she replied. "My massa jus' like to whup on me. He got


'cited by it he jus' push me down an' fuck me."

"Damn," Elois shook her head. "I try to be careful washin' you."

Since her pussy waxing the day of the gala, Shanika still didn't need

to be shaved so Elois took her straight to the wash stall. She

squatted and relieved herself while the attendant girl got the bucket
of soapy water to wash her with. It was a relief for her to pee

without an audience for a change.

Elois returned and used the cloth rather than the harsh brush on

Shanika's welted flesh. It still stung her, especially on the spots

that Ed had hit more than once with the switch. The cold hose


actually helped numb the lingering pain and ease the swollen lines

across her chocolate brown skin.

The girl returned the negro slave to Yolanda, taking Jackie in

exchange. Shanika stood with the older colored lady and watched


Elois fretted over Jackie's welts as she prepared to shave her pussy

smooth. Yolanda heard someone approach from outside and went

out the

door only to return a minute later with Bernetha, the big black slave

girl who had accompanied Shanika to the club a couple of days


Unlike most of the slaves, Bernetha had long braided hair,

favored by the club director. Mr. Richards had insisted that she not

be shorn and her long braids were spared the clippers. The fat


girl glanced at Shanika, her eyes drawn to the marks on her body.

"That hurt bad?" she asked.

"It looks worse than it feels now," replied Shanika. "Ain't you never

been whupped like this?"

"Yeah, I been whupped worse," said the big girl. "I had a massa,

whupped on my boobs and left 'em bruised for days afterwards. He


me lie on my back and hol' my legs open so's he use his stick on my

coochie. Good thing they won't let em use anything worse than that

here. That man woulda tore me up. I's lucky he got so horny doin'

it. He jus' threw *that* stick down and put *his* stick in me, if'n

you know what I mean. I was cryin' an' shit, but he didn't care. He

jus' wanted to bust a nut in his nigga."

"So why you come back if they treat you so bad?" asked Shanika.
"Like I tol' you on the ride here, these men, they crazy for me," she

said, looking Shanika in the eye. "An' I like the rough stuff,

believe it or not. 'sides the club won't let 'em hurt you too bad."

"When I get led up to that block, they all lookin' at me like they

gotta have me", she continued. "An' I stands up there while they

biddin' fo' me and I feels all 'cited 'bout it. Some strange white

man 'bout to buy me an' use me an' I's already wet fo' him an' I


even know which one it'll be. Don't you feel that way?"

"I think I do," replied Shanika. Just hearing Bernetha's description

of the auction experience had her feeling tingly and she grew


at the prospect of displaying herself for her potential white masters

and mistresses. She was looking forward to being led to the block

herself and sold to a stranger to use for his own gratification.

But at the same time, she felt there must be something wrong with


to want that kind of treatment. She could only admit it to someone

like Bernetha who understood.

Another arrival sent Yolanda back outside, this time returning with

Maya and Darla, the mother and daughter who had also made the


with Shanika. It seemed they had been purchased as a pair the last

time they were sold.

Maya looked none the worse for wear other than the streaks of


semen on her chin and chest, but her teenage daughter, who had


so sure of herself on the trip, now just stood humble in her chains,

eyes focussed on the ground in front of her feet. Like her mother,

she too wore her previous master's cum on her young black body,


more, especially on the insides of her thighs. She had obviously


used repeatedly.

"So you still all full of yo'self now, chile?" said mother to

daughter. This was probably the first chance they'd had to speak.
"Now you full of white man's spunk. Now you know what bein'


all about."

Darla didn't respond or even look up.

Elois finished hosing Jackie off and brought her back to where the

other slaves waited.

"Take this disobedient one next, girl," Yolanda said to Elois,

indicating Darla. "And use that brush on her nasty

coochie." Yolanda

still remembered the hard time the young girl had given her upon



The attendant girl led the shamed teenager away to where her


could be shaved. She showed no reaction to the razor. When her


area was smooth Elois brought her into the wash stall and she
immediately squatted over the drain and urinated. She looked up

for a

moment to make sure that Yolanda noticed her cooperation.

Darla stood stoically as she was scrubbed with the brush from the

bucket. She spread her legs obediently and suffered the harsh


on her tender nether region without complaint.

Hosed off, she was returned to the gaggle of slave girls. Elois took

Bernetha off to be shaved.

Yolanda put her hand under Darla's chin, lifting her head, and the

teenager looked up into her eyes. "Good girl," the colored lady

praised her. "You're learning now."

Darla's expression softened a little and when Yolanda took her hand

away the teenager held her head up, her eyes straight ahead. She

looked into the wash stall where Bernetha was squatting and peeing

into the drain. She continued to watch as Elois bathed the big

colored girl, scrubbing her dark flesh with the brush.

She saw the slave girl lift one of her large breasts and then the

other to allow the young negro attendant to get the brush under


The large negress even squatted some so that the harsh scrub


could be used on her sensitive pussy. The teenager was proud that


hadn't flinched either, even though the rough treatment hurt.

After Bernetha was hosed off it was Maya's turn. Darla watched a

little gleefully at first at the sight of her mother suffering the

indignity of having her pubic hair shaved off by the the young negro

girl. She especially enjoyed watching her shame as she was made


squat and urinate in front of her like an animal. The teenager took

some delight in seeing her scrubbed down with the painful scrub


and rinsed off with cold hose water.

All the slave girls were now ready for inspection. Yolanda chained

them together and led them out into the yard, leaving each one at

individual station. The white men, and a couple of white women,


already standing around waiting for the spectacle to begin.

Shanika dutifully displayed herself to potential buyers as she had

many times already. Clasping her hands behind her head caused


saggy breasts to hang nicely and spreading her legs plainly showed


her slit. Turning to show off her ample ass completed the routine.

Bidders gathered to watch and then moved along to inspect the


human merchandise.

Another lone white man approached her and she assumed the


position for him. Something about him seemed familiar, but so out


place that she didn't know him.

"Shanika?" he asked incredulously. "Is that you?"

"Yes, sir," she replied, trying to remember, "I's Shanika."

"Jesus, Shanika!" he said, "Don't you remember me? It's

Dave. You

were the receptionist where I used to work. I barely recognize


He began to drink in the vision of the naked slave girl, displaying

herself so erotically for him.

She did remember him now. Dave. The computer tech. She'd


him when he asked her out over a year ago. She'd forgotten about


quickly when he got a better job at another company.

"Yes, sir," she said her face burning, "I remember."

She was mortified at this development. It had never occurred to


that someone from her other life might find her here. Back then,


was too fine. She wore slightly sexy business clothes from the high
class stores at the mall, had her hair and nails done every week,


spent a lot of time on her make-up before going to the office. She

was biding her time as a receptionist until she could move up to be

secretary and then and executive secretary.

The nerdy white boy was not the kind of person to get involved


She had her sights set higher. But now, she stood naked and


her black body on display for his inspection. And later that black

body he'd desired would be available as merchandise for him to

purchase and use however he desired. His eyes slowly took in her


breasts and shaved pussy. She noticed him do a subtle double take

when he noticed the fresh welts on her flesh.

"What are you doing here? I heard there were layoffs, but, Christ!"

He spoke to her but was unable to break his gaze away from her

"I's a nigga slave, sir," she said, humiliated by the words she must


"I never heard you talk like this either. I can't believe it's you,"

he said and paused for a moment as he looked her over

again. "Jesus,

you're hot. I mean I thought you were attractive before, that's why

asked you out, but now... Jesus!"

"Thank you, sir." she replied, trying to think of him as an



"Sit down and spread your legs, Shanika," he ordered. His little


was overcoming the inhibitions in the big one. She was a slave now

and he was a potential buyer, he thought. Might as well examine



The colored slave girl complied and spread her legs for her former
coworker. He gladly took a long look at her black vagina.

"Man, how I've dreamed about what you might look like naked and


here you are," he said, never taking his eyes from her private parts.

"So you're a nigger now, are you?" he asked rhetorically, his voice

hardening. "Well, I came here to buy a nigger. I kept thinking


you so I came here to buy a nigger to fuck. And here you are. A

nigger. This is going to work out perfectly. Stand up and bend


nigger. Spread those cheeks so I can see the asshole I'm gonna


my dick into."

Shanika stood, her legs trembling slightly. She turned and bent


as Dave commanded. The colored girl felt light headed and her face

was hot with shame. This was just the latest humiliation in a long

line, she thought, her heart pounding in her ears. She reached her

hands behind her, pressing the chain of her wrist shackles painfully
against her body, and spread her ass cheeks, displaying her asshole

for the white man's inspection.

"This is so sweet. It took me a while to get up the nerve to come


here," he continued, "But it looks like I picked the right day. You

look good, Shanika. Good enough to fuck. And today that's what's

going to happen."

He turned and walked down to the next station. Even as he had


showing off her sex to him, he kept looking back at Shanika.

A white couple approached and her attention was directed away


Dave. The man looked her up and down, while the petite woman

concentrated on her saggy breasts, blushing when she realized she



As they moved on, Yolanda moved down the line to water the slave

girls. Shanika was thirsty from the hot sun, but running into Dave
had really made her mouth go dry. She drank from the cup the


negress gave her and wondered what lay ahead.

"It's almost time to start, girl." said Yolanda, moving on with the

bucket of cold water.

A white teenager walked over to Shanika's station next. Ordinarily

being forced to display herself for a boy so much younger than she


humiliated her greatly. But all she could think about was Dave and

what he might have in mind for her. She remembered how crushed


seemed when she dismissed his offer of dinner or drinks after work.

She was ashamed to remember that she'd even taken a little delight


putting the nerd in his place at the time.

"Show me your cunt, nigger," ordered the white boy.

Shanika sat and spread her legs for the teenage boy. He smirked at
the power he had over the black woman. He obviously knew she

had to

do what he said and he loved it.

"Not bad," he commented. "Now get up and bend over. Show me


your fuck holes."

She stood and turned around and bent over, spreading her cheeks


the leering white boy.

"I've only got ten bucks," he laughed, "so I hope you go cheap!" He

walked away, leaving her alone in the degrading position.

Mr. Richards took the podium. "All right, settle down, folks," he

called, "We're gonna start now."

Shanika stood and turned back around to watch the proceedings.

Yolanda walked by her leading Bernetha to the auction block. The


black girl's breasts and ass trembled with each step. She held her
head high as she climbed up on the platform and displayed her nude

body for the crowd. Hands behind her head, she slowly turned


to give them a good look at her ample charms.

"We're gonna get goin' with this fine negress." he

announced. "She's

a big girl so she's got plenty to offer. They say the softer the

cushion the better the pushin'! Whoever buys this nigger will find

out that's no lie! I'm gonna start her off at 200."

The bids started noisily. Bernetha was obviously a highly desired

prize. She finally went for 650. She smiled slightly as she was led

down to her new owner, a little chubby himself, and obviously


to have won the bidding for her.

Yolanda came for Maya and Darla next, leading the chained naked


and daughter to be sold together. With just enough room on the

to accommodate them, the two black women assumed the display


side by side.

"Now here's an opportunity we don't have every day," called out the

auctioneer. "A mother and daughter, a terrific combination of

experience and youth. She may be a little young to have an


year old child, but I guess this nigger got started early. I know

they'll go high, so let's start at 500."

Mr. Richards obviously knew his business since the bids went up

quickly. Maya and Darla went for 1350 to a nicely dressed white


who looked much closer to Darla's age than Maya's.

Finally it was Shanika's turn. Yolanda led her through the crowd to

the platform, her bare feet shuffling in the dust, her chains jingling

softly. She climbed up on the block and faced the crowd with her


spread and her arms up, hands behind her head in the proscribed

"I can attest to the excitability of this next negress," said

Mr. Richards. "This nigger's always ready and knows how to please


master. Do I hear 100 for her?"

When the bidding got to 500 there were only two white men left in


auction, but each was determined to get her. 675 was the winning


Yolanda led Shanika down and handed her chain to Dave, who


broadly at her.

"Thank you for buyin' me, Massa," she said humbly, her eyes


Dave looked her up and down as he held her chain in his

hand. Yolanda

went off to fetch the next slave girl up for auction.

"So it looks like I have you after all, Shanika," he said with a sense
of satisfaction. "Want to go on a date with me now?"

She looked up at him with a puzzled look on her face. Their eyes

locked for a long moment.

"Get down on the ground, nigger," he commanded her finally. "Get


and lick my shoes."

Shanika saw she was the center of attention. She could see


hadn't reached the back benches yet as she led Jackie to the block.

All eyes were on her as she dropped to her hands and knees. With


ass in the air facing the crowd she started licking the dust off of

Dave's sneakers.

He stood reveling in the attention from the onlookers and his black

slave girl's total humiliation. Without further instruction, Shanika

continued to run her now dry tongue over her white master's shoes.

She could hear the sound of foot steps along with a chain dragging

across the wooden steps to the platform.

"Let's go, bitch," ordered Dave turning and tugging on her

chain. She

crawled along behind him, a black dog on a leash. He led her slowly

away from the platform as Mr. Richards began his spiel for Jackie.

"This negress has skills," he called. "She may have some miles on

her, but there's no substitute for experience. I'm going to start her

off at 100. Do I have 100?... I have 100. How about 125?...


125! Ok, how about 150?..."

The sounds of the auction faded as the white man led his black


down the path into the woods towards the cabins. The rough


hurt Shanika's knees. They came to a cabin after a few minutes. It

might of been the one she'd spent the day with Roy in, Shanika


sure. Dave led her to the porch steps and put her chain on a hook

that was mounted on the railing.

"Stay," commanded Dave. He disappeared inside leaving Shanika

on her

hands and knees in the dirt, chained to the porch railing.

Had she really treated him so badly back then, she wondered. She

hadn't realized how mean he could be, he seemed so nice and


of her at the time. It was hard to believe he was now calling her

nigger and treating her like a dog. It was harder still, to believe

that her pussy was wet as a result.

He came back outside with a camera.

"I wanted to have something to look at later," he said, snapping a

picture of his slave girl on her hands and knees in the dirt. "Look

at me," he commanded and snapped another when she did.

"Now I want you to squat and spread that coochie all out for me,"


said, looking through the view finder.

Shanika tried to comply, but her ankle chain wouldn't let her spread
her feet far enough apart to keep her balance. She fell into the dirt

a couple of times before Dave took the chain off the cuffs. Then she

was able to lean against the porch and display her sex for her white

master. He clicked a couple more pictures.

"Now pee," he ordered. "Pee on the ground." When he noticed


was forthcoming, he raised his voice. "I said pee, bitch. Don't put

on that shy act with me, you whore."

She had been trying to urinate for him, but she was so embarrassed


was hard. Once the flow started, though, it gushed out. She heard

the shutter click again and again as the puddle of piss formed in

front of her.

"Look at me," he commanded again. "I want a picture of your face

while you're forced to pee for me. I know it'll be a favorite."

She looked up at him with a defeated look on her face. He kept

snapping pictures until the flow of urine subsided.

"Damn," he said, looking at the camera. "I shot a whole memory


already! I'll call it 'pissing nigger' in my photo album. What do

you think about that?"

Shanika didn't think he really expected an answer and hung her

head in

shame. Dave plucked the chain from the hook and jerked it to get



"Ok. Step over your puddle and get back down," he

instructed. "I'm

taking you inside and I don't want you covered in your own filth."

She rose and stepped over the urine soaked spot on the

ground. She

noticed the chain slacken and started to look up at her master to


why he was just standing there.

Whap! She felt the sting on her face as he bitch slapped her.
"I told you to get back down, nigger!" he growled. "Now do it


I slap the shit out of you."

She immediately dropped to the ground, tears forming in her dark


eyes. He jerked the chain again and led her inside. She scrambled


keep up as she crawled up the wooden steps and across the

porch. The

chain between her wrists clanking as it was dragged along the floor.

"Get up on the bed," he directed her. "On your back."

Not wanting to anger him further, she quickly climbed up on the bed

and rolled onto her back. He came over to her and removed the


connecting her wrists, leaving the cuffs on.

"Now hold your legs open," he ordered. "I want to see that coochie

spread out nicely."

Shanika held her thighs just above the knees and spread herself out


far as she could. She could see him reloading his camera. Finished,

he walked back to her and snapped several flash pictures of her

obscene display. The black slave girl stared expressionlessly into

the camera.

He set the camera down, removed his shoes and pants, and


the wide open slave girl. She continued to look into his face as he

admired the view of his slave in her humiliating pose of total


"So, you want to be fucked now, nigger?" he asked.

"Yes, Massa," she said, not knowing the answer he wanted to hear.

"Please, Massa, suh. Please fuck yo' nigga."

"No," he said, pausing briefly as if to consider her request. "You

can stop showing off now, monkey. I'm not going to fuck you just

Let go of your legs. I've seen enough of that nasty nigger cunt for


Shamed again, she released her thighs and rested her legs on the


He climbed up on the bed and straddled his colored slave girl's


facing her. He leaned forward and spat on her chest between her


"Lube those udders up, cow," he said. "I'm gonna fuck you 'tween


titties and spray you in the face."

Shanika used her hands to spread his saliva between her

breasts. He

scooted up and lay his hard white cock in her cleavage.

"Hold them together," said her master. "I want to pretend they're a

pussy, so hold 'em tight."

She put a hand on the outside of each breast and pushed them


around his dick. He started stroking off slowly, looking down into

her face. The negro slave girl looked up into his eyes trying to find

a sign of approval from her master.

"So you're a nigger now, are you?" he asked as he fucked her tits.

"Yes, suh, Massa," she replied. "I's a nigga now. Yo' nigga."

"My nigger, huh?" he mused. "And what would I do with a fucking

nigger?" The bed creaked in time to his strokes.

"Anything, Massa," she answered. "I's yo' nigga. You kin do


wit' yo' nigga. An' I do whatever you say."

"You like having your tits fucked this way, nigger?" the pace of his

stroking picked up. "You like being used?"

"Yes, suh, Massa," replied the colored girl. "I likes fo' my Massa to

use me."
"Kiss it," he instructed, thrusting longer until the tip of his dick

was touching her chin on the up stroke.

Shanika leaned her head forward so that his stroke brought his cock

head to her lips and kissed it. She kept kissing it on each up

stroke. He thrust further and she parted her lips, allowing him to

penetrate her mouth. She gave it a little suck each time and made

soft slurping noise as he withdrew.

"Oh, man!" he cried. "Open you fucking mouth, bitch. Here it


He got up slightly so that he was only resting his upper body on one

hand and grabbed his cock with the other. Shanika opened her

mouth as

her master had commanded and looked up into his face.

"Oh, yeah!" he said huskily, "yeah..."

The white man then ejaculated into the open mouthed black girl's


The first shot was strong and left a line of semen across her lips,

nose, forehead, and into the stubbley remains of her hair. The


was equally strong and landed slightly to the right of the first

leaving a line across her eye. The third followed the second as Dave

grunted and continued to stroke his cock off into Shanika's

face. The

next ones were weaker and he pointed his penis between her lips,

landing a few more loads of cum in her mouth as his orgasm


He sat back on her, resting some of his weight painfully on her


He looked down on her cum covered face.

"Now that's a picture I've got to have," he said getting up. "Hold

your legs open again, cum face."

He returned with the camera and snapped several pictures of her

expressionless face, dripping with his semen, staring into the


Without further instructions, she continued to hold her breasts as


had while he was masturbating against them. He took more


close ups at first, then wider angles as he stepped back,


her humiliation.

He set the camera down and walked back to the foot of the bed and


her from her spread legs up to her semen covered face. He noted


her vagina was spread wide enough to clearly see the opening as


as her clit and asshole. She saw him cock an eyebrow and reach for

her pussy.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed. "You are fucking soaked!" He seemed

genuinely surprised. She was totally humiliated at this revelation.

"You liked that! I can't believe it! I treat you like some nigger
dog, worse than you could do some street whore, and you get off on


He pushed finger into her vagina. She unconsciously pushed back

against his hand.

"And now you're humping my hand!" he said

uncomprehensively. "You are

a total slut! So that's the way it is. Why do I never learn? Chicks

don't like nice guys. They like bad boys. Nice guy asks you out and

you're all 'fuck off, pal'. Bad boy slaps you around and you're on

your back spreading your legs like 'do me now'. Shit!" He withdrew

his hand and paced back and forth as Shanika watched him from

her back

on the bed.

"Well, you're in for treat, Shanika," he said as he stopped pacing


faced her. "I'm a bad boy now. And you are a nigger dog. A


nigger animal. And now I know how to treat a nigger dog. You're

gonna love it!"

He stepped closer to the foot of the bed, drew back his hand, and

slapped her thigh with a resounding smack. The colored girl


and gasped. Smack! He slapped her again, this time on the other

thigh. Smack! He planted one right on her splayed pussy and she


her hold on her legs.

"Pick those fucking legs back up, nigger," he growled. "I haven't

even started yet."

Tears ran from eyes, mingling with the drying semen on her

face. She

grabbed her legs again and presented her vagina to her master for

further abuse.

Smack! She yelped. Smack! She yelped

again. Smack! Smack! Smack!

"You didn't want to give that pussy up to me, huh?" he said

"But how about now? You want to give it up now?"


"Yes, Massa!" she sobbed, "Please, Massa! Take yo' nigga's pussy.

Fuck yo' nigga's pussy. You hurtin' me, Massa!"

Smack! Smack!

"No shit." he said. "It's supposed to hurt, you stupid monkey. Keep

those legs open. I'm not done yet. And, you know what? I think


tired of your pleading. Beg me to beat you instead. That's what I

want to hear."


"Oh, Massa!" she cried, her pussy burning, "Please beat yo' nigga!

Beat yo' nigga's pussy, Massa."

"That's more like it," he said. Smack! Smack! Smack! "I guess
that's enough for now. My arm is tired. Let me get a couple of



Again he got the camera and this time took several pictures of the

hand prints on Shanika's thighs as well as her swollen pussy lips.

Then a few more of her tear stained, semen covered face. Finally


wide angle shots showing the completeness of her degradation. He


the camera away as the beaten slave girl sniveled while continuing


hold her legs wide open for her master.

"I've got to take a piss," he announced. "Outside, you."

She let go of her legs and went to wipe her face with the back of her

hand after getting up.

"You better not do that!" he warned. "You'll wear my cum until I


otherwise. Now get your black ass outside."

She went out the door, semen dripping off her face onto her


"All right. Lie down," he said, indicating the wet spot where he'd

forced Shanika to urinate earlier. "On your back."

She layed down on her back in the dampness left by her own piss.

Naked from the waist down, Dave grabbed his cock and proceeded


empty his bladder onto the prone slave girl.

"Open your fucking mouth, bitch" he demanded.

She complied and he directed the stream of piss onto her face and


into her mouth. She started sputtering as the hot liquid splashed on

her nose and mouth making it difficult to breath. As the stream

finally subsided he stepped closer to her and shook the last drops


onto her body. He then turned and went back inside leaving

coughing and sputtering, lying in a urine soaked puddle in the dirt.

As she got over the coughing and got her breath back she turned


head to one side to let the piss that had pooled up on her face run

off so she could open her eyes. The smell wasn't as strong as she


expected but her eyes burned. She could see the blue sky through


tree tops.

After a few minutes he reemerged from the cabin carrying a bucket


water and the camera. After snapping a few pictures of his debased

slave girl he threw the contents of the bucket on her without


to rinse her off and then returned inside. He came back out having

refilled the bucket and set it on the steps.

"Get up," he ordered. "Clean your nasty self off. You're a fucking

She stood and went over to the bucket. There was a rag in it that


took out and started to use it to wipe the semen and urine soaked


stuck to her face off. She could hear him taking more pictures as


cleaned herself off but she couldn't bear to look at him until she was

finished. He came down the steps to look her over.

"Turn around. You've still got dirt on your back," he observed and

took the cloth and cleaned the rest of it off. He then picked up the

bucket and emptied it over her head to finish rinsing her.

"I guess you'll do now," he said. "Now back inside."

She wasn't sure what the right thing to do was so she took a step to

where the ground was dry and got down on all fours. She started to

crawl towards the steps.

"Get up on your hind legs, girl," he said. "I just finished getting

you cleaned up. Go in and get dried off."

The fact that she was trying her best to do what he wanted in spite


what he'd done to her wasn't lost on him. He admired the view of


from behind as he watched her go up the steps and into the

cabin. He

waited for a minute and then followed her in. She was just finishing

drying herself off with a hand towel that had been hanging on a peg

near the sink. He sat in a chair at the table, setting the camera


"Come here." he said.

Shanika walked over to him and still trying to please her master

assumed the display pose in front of him. Looking up at her


there, legs spread wide, breasts thrust out, hands clasped behind


head, got his dick stirring. He reached up and caressed her breast,

tracing a finger along a fading welt left by the beating she'd taken

at the hand of a previous master.

"How's you get these?" he asked.

"My massa beat me with a stick," she answered. "Massa beat my

ass, my

udders, and my coochie. It hurt me bad."

"Worse than what I just gave you?" asked Dave as he looked down


saw the welts on her thighs.

"Yes, Massa," Shanika told him. "Dat stick hurt worse'n any slap."

"Why'd he do it?" he asked, moving his hand down and touching the


that ran across the colored girls slit.

"He jus' like to beat his nigga," answered the slave girl.

"Did you like it?" he moved his hand between her legs and started


stroke her pussy.

"No, suh." she responded. "It hurt too bad."

"You're wet," he said.

"I knows it, Massa." She felt her face flush.

"You like having your pussy touched?" he asked.

"Yes, Massa." The colored girl shifted on her feet as she felt her

arousal growing. "It feels good."

"You want to be fucked?" He started to probe her vagina with his

finger. He felt her legs tremble.

"Yes, Massa," she replied. "I sho' do."

"You want it in your pussy or up your ass?" His white cock was

standing at attention.

"Whatever you want, Massa," the black slave girl said. "I's yo'

nigga. You kin use me however you want."

"Go get on the bed. On your knees," he instructed. "Stick that big

black butt up in the air for me while I decide which hole to stick my

dick in."

Shanika got on her hands and knees and went over to the bed. She

climbed up, and resting her head and shoulders on the mattress,

presented her ample black ass out like an animal for her master's


She felt him climb in behind her and gradually, but steadily, slip his

cock into her pussy. He pushed his entire length inside his negro

slave girl and began to slowly move in and out.

"So, you my nigger, girl?" he asked, fucking her.

"Oh, yes, suh, Massa," she answered. "I's yo' nigga fo' sho'."

He continued the slow pace of his thrusts and felt her moving to


them. This went on for a while before he started to pick up the


fucking her harder and faster.

"Oh, Massa!" she said breathlessly, "You fuckin' yo' nigga good."

Her master said nothing. He just continued to pump his negro slave


"Massa, kin I cum?" she panted, remembering her place in spite of


excitement. "Please, massa. Kin yo' nigga cum now?"

"I don't think so," he answered. "Maybe later. I think I'll use your

other hole now. That ok with you?"

"Yes, suh," she said, hiding her disappointment. "Please use yo'

nigga's ass, Massa."

He withdrew from her well lubricated cunt and pushed his cock up


black asshole causing her to gasp. He felt how tight it was and


he wouldn't last long. She whimpered as he fucked her.

"Does it hurt?" he asked as he pumped in and out of his slave girl's


"Yes, Massa," she responded. "But it ain't so bad. You use yo'

nigga's ass like you want."

"Good," he said. "It's supposed to hurt." He started pounding her


She felt his balls slap against her now neglected pussy as he used


black body for his own gratification. Her pleasure didn't matter to

him. In fact, he preferred to deny it to her in order to make it

clear to her that her sole purpose was for his use.

"Ow!" she cried out as he slammed into her ass with more force.

"Please, Massa, please cum in yo' nigga's ass! She hurtin' now,

Massa. Please, Massa, suh!"

"I'll cum up that ass, bitch," he said huskily. "Fuck!... Ah!..."

Her pleading pushed him over the edge and spasmed into the negro

girl's rectum. "Ahhh..."

Shanika could feel him ejaculate deep in her bowels. She felt like a

used animal this way, denied any pleasure for herself. She ached


some relief, but none was forthcoming. At last he withdrew from


and stood up admiring the view of his fucked slave girl. Her pussy

glistened with her own juices and semen drooled out of her ass.

Obediently, she maintained the humiliating position, waiting for his

instructions. Shanika saw the flash from his camera go off several

times as he recorded her debasement for future reference.

He sat in one of the chairs and continued his enjoyment of the


The woman he desired so much but seemed out of reach to him was

ass up

in front of him, his seed leaking out of her as he watched. Now she

was his property. No need to coax or cajole. No need to wine and

dine. No sweet talk even. Her desires were irrelevant now. She


just his slave to use as he pleased.

"Ok, quit lying around and get me cleaned up," he said at last.

Shanika climbed off the bed and crawled over to him on her hands


knees. He watched as she moved to take his cock into her mouth in

spite of it having just been up her ass.

"Stop!" he ordered. "Jesus, you are a total whore." She looked up


him, her mouth open, her tongue already partly sticking out. "Go


the cloth and clean off my dick. I haven't decided what all I want to

do with that nigger mouth of yours yet. I don't want it all shitty."

Embarrassed, but secretly relieved, she got to her feet and walked

over to the sink where the bucket and wash cloth were that she'd


on herself earlier. She rinsed the cloth out and returned to her

master. Kneeling before him she gently cleaned his cock off with it.

She went to the sink and rinsed it out again when she was finished.

Returning to him she again displayed herself for him. He reached

between her legs to check her pussy.

"Wet." he stated. "I bet you still want to cum, don't you, nigger?"

"Yes, Massa," she answered. "I shorely do wants to cum. But it


up to me no mo'. You is my Massa an' I is yo' nigga. I can't cum

'less you say I kin."

He pushed his finger into her vagina and ran his thumb over her clit.

Her legs trembled and she gasped as she felt pleasure from his


He continued to play with her sensitive private parts and she started

to rub her pussy on his hand. Abruptly he stopped and withdrew his

hand leaving Shanika frustrated.

"Get on you knees," he ordered as he reached into the overnight

bag on

the table.

She kneeled obediently as he produced a red ball gag on a black

leather strap. Though she hadn't been gagged by any previous


she understood what she was to do and submissively opened her

mouth to

accept it. He pressed the ball between her thick lips and cinched


strap up tight, buckling it behind her head.

"I want a drink," he said, "so we're going to the bar at the main

house. You won't need your mouth for anything there, and I think


gag makes you look precious. In fact, I'll just get another picture."

He picked up the camera and took a close up of Shanika's gagged


her thick lips stretched around the red plastic ball. She was already

beginning to drool. He stepped back and took a picture that


her entire kneeling form, her brown eyes looking pitifully into the

lens, a string of drool extending from her chin to her breasts.

He stood and picked up the chain dangling from her collar. "Get


he instructed, "and put your hands behind your back." The black


girl stood and her white master fastened her wrist cuffs directly

together in the small of her back.

"Now you're ready to go," he said, satisfied.

He led her out the door. It was getting dark out and Shanika's

nipples hardened in the slight chill in the air. Dave led her down

the path towards the main house. They walked in silence during the

few minutes it took to get there. The white man lost in his own

thoughts, the negro slave girl forcibly silenced by the large ball gag

that filled her mouth. Her jaw began to ache and she continued to

drool onto her swaying breasts.

As they approached the main entrance Shanika could see a few


folks standing around in the grass in front of the building. As they

drew closer she notice that one of them was Debbie. Their

however, was diverted in the other direction. On the ground, she


Bernetha and Jackie. They were in the classic sixty nine position

with the big black girl on the bottom and the skinny old negress on

top. Both were busily sucking the other's pussy to the delight and

amusement of the gathered onlookers.

Debbie turned as they walked by. She looked Shanika in her


face and then to Dave.

"I'm going to the bar," he said. "Would you look after my nigger for

me? I'll only be a few minutes."

"No problem," said Debbie, a smile forming on her bright red lips.

Dave handed her Shanika's chain and went inside. The petite


girl pulled the negro slave over to her by the chain attached to the

steel collar around her neck.

"Hmmm," she pondered, "I see your master thought of something

new to
do with that mouth of yours. Too bad. It's such a talented mouth."

Debbie's hand went straight for Shanika's crotch. The negress


opened her legs allowing her access to her vagina.

"And dripping wet, too," she observed. "Why am I not

surprised. You

are one of the friskiest niggers we've ever had here. I declare, that

coochie of yours is always ready, isn't it?"

Shanika nodded, her mouth full.

"You want me to play with your nigger coochie?" she cooed. "Is


what you want?"

Shanika nodded again.

"I don't know if I should. Your master might not like it." said the

white girl. She began to lightly stroke the slave girl's pussy.

"Have you been a good nigger?" she asked.

Shanika nodded, longing for her to touch her pussy instead of just

teasing her.

"I bet you have," she said. Debbie pushed a finger into the colored

girl's vagina. The black slave started to rub herself on the white

girl's hand.

"You're still my nigger, aren't you?" the blue eyed girl smiled

sweetly at the gagged negress.

Again Shanika nodded. Debbie rubbed the slaves pussy faster and


in turn humped harder against the young blonde's hand.

"You are such a horny bitch. Didn't your master make you cum?"

This time the colored girl shook her head.

"You poor thing!" said the blonde haired tease. "Well, I'm sure he

has his reasons." At that she withdrew her hand and rubbed her

fingers, sticky with Shanika's juices, under the slave's nose.

"Sorry, sweetie," she said, "I better not do anything to upset your

master. He paid good money for you and if he doesn't want you to


then that's the way it is. Do you want me to play with those udders

of yours? Would you like that?"

Shanika nodded with less enthusiasm. She knew better than to say


but all having her breasts fondled would do would be to make her


hornier and no closer to release.

Debbie put one had under each breast and began to lift and knead


Shanika closed her eyes and felt her arousal grow.

"My, my," said Debbie, "you appear to be drooling. It is so cute I

can barely keep my hands from between your legs. I do *so* want


make you cum. Should I?"

The gagged black girl nodded vigorously. The petite white girl


"Too bad," she laughed and turned her attention back to the show


on by the two slave girls on the ground lapping at each other's


Shanika also looked down and saw Jackie kneeling with her ass


at her. Bernetha's head was between her legs. She could see the


black girl's pink tongue between the older negress's labia. The

gagged slave imagined how good it would feel to have that tongue


her pussy, licking her clit.

Finally, Dave appeared and picked up Shanika's chain.

"Hey, thanks for watching my nigger for me," he said to Debbie,


turned away from the spectacle to face him. "I hope she wasn't any

"No trouble at all," Debbie replied and winked. Dave thought the


was for him. Shanika knew it was for her and felt the shame


on her face.

"Let's go girl," he said and gave the chain a short jerk to get her


The black slave was aware of the wetness between her legs as she

walked along behind her master. The aroma of her own scent was


from where Debbie had wiped her sticky fingers off under her nose

They reached the cabin. Dave led his slave inside, sat on a chair,

and pulled Shanika over to him. He grabbed a breast in each hand


began to suck on the nipples. First one and then the other. The

negress stood silently as the white man enjoyed himself with her
mammaries, her jaw aching from the ball gag and her wrists


behind her back.

"You drooled all over your udders, you clobbering cow." He scolded.

He resumed sucking on them anyways.

His mouth on her nipples felt good to the colored girl. But although

it added to her arousal, it only made her more frustrated. He


between her legs and she eagerly spread them apart to encourage


touch. At last she was rewarded as he began to stroke her


wet pussy.

She imagined how ridiculous she must look, naked, hands fastened

behind her back, her mouth stretched around a big red ball gag,

drooling from her chin to her chest, desperately humping the hand

of a

fully clothed white man while he sucked on her breasts. She felt

a big black sex thing. Her mouth was put away, her breasts and


in use. She was so ashamed and so wet.

"Mmmff", she said through the gag. "Mmmff!"

He stopped stroking her and stood up. Unbuckling the gag he took


out of her mouth.

"What?" he asked.

"Massa, I jus' want to cum so bad," she said breathlessly. "I know I

gots to get permission first. Please let me cum, Massa!"

"Is that what all this is about?" he asked. "Not yet, you horny

bitch. No cumming for you. Maybe I'll use that coochie

later. Maybe

I'll let you cum then. You be a good nigger, and maybe you'll get to

He sat down and resumed stroking her pussy. "Your pussy is nice


soft even if it is always wet. I just can't keep my hands off it.

But you better not cum. You ask nice first. Maybe I'll let you.

Maybe if you beg pitifully enough you'll get what you want."

He slipped a finger into her vagina, then two, and started rubbing

her. He pressed the heel of his hand against her clit. His slave

girl responded by grinding herself against it.

"Now, Massa?" she pleaded, "Kin I cum now? Please let yo' nigga



He slowed his masturbation of the slave and lowered his hand to


the pressure of her humping against it.

"No," he replied. "Maybe I should fuck you now. Would you like


You want your master's dick in your pussy, nigger?"

"Yes, Massa," she cried. "I shorely do. Please fuck me, Massa.

Please fuck yo' nigga! I gots to cum!"

"All right. Go lay on the bed," he said. "Show me how bad you


it. Make me want to fuck you."

She stood up and he took the wrist cuffs off her. She walked


to the bed and lay on her back. She spread her legs with her legs

bent showing her genitals off to him.

"Here I is, Massa," she said huskily, "Ready for fuckin' You kin jus'

come here and fuck me now. Please, Massa! Please use my


Please fuck me, Massa!" She was totally humiliated by her


display of wanton lust. She was a bitch in heat.

Flash. The shutter clicked as Dave took another picture to

commemorate the occasion. Flash. A picture of the black slave girl

begging for his cock. He undressed and climbed between her

legs. He

slid his cock into her sopping wet black cunt.

"Oh, thank you, Massa," she exhaled. "You gon' fuck yo' nigga now.

Oh, fuck me, Massa. Please fuck me."

He slowly began to move his white cock in and out of his slave girl's

black pussy. She responded by meeting every stroke.

"You are sloppy wet, girl," he said. "Put those legs down and


them together."

The negress did as instructed and he moved his legs so that they

straddled hers. Her cunt had a firm grip on him now and he began


fuck her faster.

She humped right along with him, as he pounded into her.

"Oh! Oh!" she cried, "Oh!!"

The bed creaked loudly in time with each thrust.

"Kin I cum, Massa?" she asked with an urgency in her

voice. "Please,


"All right, Shanika," he answered, breathing hard, "you can cum


"Oh! Massa!" she cried. "Oh! Oh!.... Oh!!"

He kept pounding his slave girl's pussy hard through her orgasm


even after it subsided.

"Oh! Thank you, Massa," she cooed, "You so good to yo' nigga. Oh,

Massa, you usin' me so good."

That was all her master could take. "Agh! Oh!" he came hard and

filled her with his seed. In spite of having already cum twice

recently he managed to get several strong shots into her as she

gripped him tightly inside her.

He sought out her thick lips, with his own and kissed her deeply.

Over and over again. She wrapped her arms around him. They


for several minutes. Ultimately, Dave rolled off Shanika and

gradually they both fell asleep. Master and slave.


Dave awoke the next morning feeling something soft and warm


his legs. Shanika was gently sucking his cock. He could feel


hardening in response to her talented mouth. He reached his hand


to her and stroked her stubble covered head. She looked up at him,

his cock still in her mouth and let it slip out.

"You want yo' nigga suck you off, Massa?" she asked sweetly, "Or


wanna use my coochie? I's still yo' nigga. Use me how you want."
"Get on me, girl," he said. "I want you to fuck me."

The colored girl straddled her white master and slipped his cock into

her cunt. She started humping him slowly, gradually building to an

easy moderate tempo. Dave watched contentedly as her heavy


breasts swayed while she fucked him. She smiled as she looked


his eyes. After a time she sped up some.

"Kin I cum fo' you, Massa?" she asked, smiling happily. "Kin I,


"Yeah," he replied, a little disoriented. "Come for me, girl."

Shanika continued humping him even more vigorously and he felt


going past the point of no return.

"Oh, Massa!," she cried. "I's cummin' fo' you, Massa!... Ah!...

"Oh, yeah," he murmured. "Ohhh...." He released into her warm


as he looked into her dark brown eyes.

She felt him cum inside her and let herself down on top of

him. They

lay like that for a long several minutes.

"Time to get up now," he said. "I've got to get you back."

Shanika put her shackles back on while Dave dressed. He led her

outside into the morning sunlight.

"I gots to pee, Massa," she said. "I rather do it here fo' you than

back in the barn. Ok, Massa? I knows you like to watch me."

"Yeah," he said.

Shanika squatted and pissed in the dust looking up at him, still

smiling. When she was finished they walked down the path towards

main house and the slave barn.

"What if I see you back in the city somewhere?" he asked, "What do


do then?"

"I still be yo' nigga, Massa," she replied. "We do what you want."

Yolanda saw them approach from the barn and came out to accept

Shanika's chain from Dave.

"Goodbye, Shanika," he said. "Take care of yourself."

"Bye, Massa," she replied as he walked back to the cabin to collect

his stuff.

"You knew him from outside?" asked Yolanda.

"No," Shanika responded. "Not really."

Chapter 13 - The Old Man

Shanika and Yolanda stood together watched as the negro slave


most recent master disappeared down the path to the cabins.

"It's time for you to get ready to go back home," Yolanda said.

"Let's get you washed up." The colored lady led the black slave into

the barn and handed her chain over to Elois, the young attendant.

Maya and Darla, the mother and daughter, had already been bathed


were waiting for the rest of the slaves making the return trip to be

ready. The older married negress, Yvonne, stood with them. All


watched as Elois soaped Shanika up and hosed her off.

After chaining them all together, Yolanda led them across the

courtyard to the back benches of the now deserted auction area.

"The van won't be here for a while, ladies," said she said, "so you

might as well get comfortable." The slave girls all sat on the bench
facing away from the platform so they could see when the van


"Yvonne?" asked Shanika, "How is it you started comin' here? You


you was married when we rode out."

"Well, that's an interesting story," she replied. "But it starts way

before I ever heard of this club."


"I was only sixteen at the time. Momma didn't want me going to no

public school. She said it was full of punks and low lifes and I was

gonna have a chance to really learn somethin'. So, she sent me to

catholic school. We weren't catholics or nothin', but she thought it

was better than what else there was.

"I had to ride the city bus to get there instead of the school bus,

but so many of the other kids who went there did that, it almost

seemed like the school bus when we were on it. We all had to wear

uniforms. I had a black and yellow plaid jumper that I wore over a
white blouse. White knee socks and saddle shoes. Keep in mind


this was twenty five years ago.

"That was the first time I ever thought about bein' a slave. We was

studyin' the civil war and there was first hand accounts of negro

slaves and a couple of those old time photographs. There was a

diagram of how they layed the captured Africans out on the deck of


slave ship for transit, but the pictures that stuck in my mind showed

real slaves standing in front of wooden shacks and there was this


drawing from the time that showed slaves being sold. They was


clothes, though, not like at the club.

"I was one of the only black faces in the class and I remember how


other kids looked at me afterwards. I couldn't tell if it was because

they was embarrassed for what their great great great granpappies

or if they saw me as a real life negro and wondered about me bein'


"Well, I know I thought about me bein' a slave. Like in the pictures.

At night I'd think about bein' sold to some white massa who'd take


to his plantation and make me his house nigger. I knew it was


twisted shit I was thinkin' about, and I was ashamed to think that

way. What would Momma think if she knew what her little girl was

imaginin'. But they was jus' my own private thoughts, so she


know. I remember I gave Miz Clitty a real work out thinkin' about

that shit, if you know what I mean. Playin' with Miz Clitty was

somethin' else she didn't know about. 'Course now, I know she


all about it jus' like every girl know about it.

"One day I was on the bus comin' home from school. It was real

crowded, like always, on the first one after school let out. As

usual, there was no place to sit, so I stood there holdin' onto one of
them polls. All of a sudden I felt somebody touch me. At first I

didn't think anything of it since it was so crowded. But I could

swear there was a hand on my ass. I didn't want to look around or


whoever it was know that I noticed. When we got to my stop I kind


looked when I was gettin' off, but didn't see anybody lookin' back at


"That night I remember I was extra horny and really went to town


Miz Clitty. I was the nigger house girl again, and Massa was puttin'

his hands all over my ass. After I got off, I thought about it some

more. I put the stuff from what happened on the bus into my


"The next day on the ride home I was standin' in the same place. It

jus' worked out that way. Then I felt it again. This time the hand

was rubbin' on me a little, not just stayin' in one place. I didn't

do anything but keep standin' there like I didn't notice. Whoever it

was took their hand away and then I felt it on my leg! They moved

my bare thigh and then put it back on my ass under my skirt but on


of my panties. I couldn't believe it! But still, I didn't let on

that anything out of the ordinary was goin' on. When I was gettin'

off at my stop I looked around and still couldn't see who'd been



"Man, did Miz Clitty get a workout that night! My Massa jus' loved

his little nigger slave girl. He couldn't keep his hands off her ass.

Of course I didn't mind 'cause it felt so good. I caught myself

startin' to make too much noise and I was afraid Momma would

catch me

playin' with myself. I didn't know how to feel about it all. I felt

kind of cheap havin' jus' stood there and not doin' somethin' to see

who was gropin' me and makin' 'em stop. But I was imaginin' it

was my

Massa on the plantation and it felt good.

"All through school the next day all I could think about was ridin'

home and havin' some stranger put his hands up my skirt and rub

on my
butt. I couldn't concentrate or nothin'. Time moved so slow, it

seemed like forever when the bell finally rang.

"This time I make sure to stand in the same place as before. I felt

strange since I was actually lookin' for it to happen again. When I

felt that hand goin' up my leg and onto my ass I jus' closed my eyes

and thought of my imaginary Massa doin' what the stranger was


The hand went away as we came to my stop. Whoever it was knew

that I

was gettin' off here. They really were feelin' *my* ass, not jus'

anybody's, since they remembered me. I looked around and finally

noticed a gray haired old white man wearing an old suit and tie. He

seemed like somebody's granddaddy or somethin' I couldn't believe


was him, but thinkin' back I remembered him bein' there the other


"Now my Massa had a face. I took care of Miz Clitty that night while

I thought about him. Not sittin' there on the bus in his wore out

suit, but on the porch of the plantation house in one of those white

suits. I know it sound stupid, but I was sixteen, and that's what I
thought a Massa should wear. He was rubbin' on me and smilin' up


me. And I was so proud to be his favorite nigger.

"You can imagine I couldn't keep my mind on anything at school the

next day. My last class just dragged on and on. The teacher


I wasn't payin' attention and kept me after class to give me shit

about it. She was all 'blah, blah, blah' and all I could think of was

that my Massa was waitin' for me. Yeah, I know it sound stupid for


to think of that dirty old white man as my Massa, but what can I


"I ran out to the bus stop, but it was already gone. I waited for the

next one hopin' he'd be on it but, no. I was real disappointed. That

didn't stop me from thinkin' about him that night. He'd be rubbin'


ass and I'd be standin' close to him and he'd say, 'You my favorite

nigger, Ruby.' That was my slave name for myself. Ruby the


one. I could hear my bed creak I was workin' Miz Clitty so hard, but
in my mind Massa was askin' me, 'You know you my favorite nigger,

don't you, Ruby?' and I'd smile at him and say, 'Oh, Massa, you is


kind.' Don't laugh, I know how it sound.

"When I got on the bus to go home the next day I got a lump in the


of my stomach when I saw he wasn't there. I had missed him the


before and now he wasn't gonna come back. It actually made me


Then it was the weekend. I couldn't wait for Monday, though at


we were together. Jus' the three of us. Massa, me, an' Miz Clitty.

"Monday on the way home, he wasn't there. Tuesday neither. I


givin' up hope. I was mad at that teacher for makin' me miss the


that time. I figger'd he'd stopped ridin' that bus when I didn't show

"So you know I was happy when I saw him there on

Wednesday. But for

some reason the bus wasn't as full as usual and I was the first one


and there were empty seats near the front. He was my Massa and

everything, but he didn't know it. He didn't even know that I knew

who he was. But now I'd have to go past empty seats so I could


in my usual spot. If he saw me do that, he'd know I knew and he'd

know I wanted it.

"My stomach was in knots as I walked past those seats. I saw him

looking at me while pretending to look out the window. I stood


where I usually stood and the bus filled up with my classmates. The

bus lurched and I almost lost my grip on the poll and fell on him! I

was so embarrassed! But I held on and stood there.

"Before long I felt his hand on my leg again. I could feel my heart

pounding and my hand was sweaty on the poll. He rubbed on my

again over my panties and then he moved it down to my bare leg


and then back up, but through the leg hole! He was rubbin' on my


ass! It felt so good and I go so tingly!

"We got to my stop and he took his hand away. I turned around


looked at him as I was gettin' off the bus out the back door. For the

first time I saw him lookin' back at me. He smiled at me. He had a

kind smile. Just like I imagined my Massa would have.

"I dropped my back pack on the floor when I got into the house and

went right up to my room. Miz Clitty wasn't gonna wait for bedtime.

Massa was smilin' at me and I was so happy and Miz Clitty was so


When I went to bed that night, Miz Clitty didn't get no rest.

"Thursday he was there. I was walking on air all the way to stand

near him. I didn't care about the empty seats this time. My secret

was out, at least to the gray haired old man. He watched me walk

the aisle, but other than the smile he gave me, he didn't let on he

knew me or anything.

"The bus filled up and lots of other kids were standing as the bus

pulled out of the stop. I felt his hand on my leg right away. He

went straight under my panties through the leg hole this time. He

even squeezed on me a little. I was so excited. I wasn't ready for

him to move his hand down between my legs and I made a little


when he did. He was goin' for my coochie and I wanted him to

touch me

there so bad. I moved my legs apart for him, but I guess my


like that scared him and he pulled his hand away. He musta

thought he

was gettin too bold with me or somethin' and didn't understand that

was trying to make it easy for him!

"I was relieved when I felt him put his hand back up on my bare ass

and start to go for my coochie again. He must have noticed I

my legs for him 'cause he put his hand there so that his finger was

right on my slit. He had to be able to tell how wet I was, too. I

was a little embarrassed for him know that, but with me opening up

like that for him, he had to know I liked what he was doing. He


started rubbin' on me. He sho' had Miz Clitty's attention!

"Now, I had boys fingerin' at me before, but they was

clumsy. They'd

accidentally pinch my tender parts while trying to shove their


in me and I wouldn't be turned on at all. My coochie'd be dry and it

would hurt. But Massa was gentle and it felt so good. Even better

than when I touched myself. I closed my eyes and I was in

heaven. Or

at least on the porch of the plantation mansion, My white Massa

playin' with Miz Clitty.

"I woulda missed my stop if I hadn't felt his hand go away when we


there. I didn't want it to end, but this was the end of the ride for

me. I went down the steps of the back door and turned around and
looked at him. This time I smiled at him, to make sure he knew I

liked what he was doin' to me. He smiled back and scratched his

mustache with the finger he'd been playin' with me with. Anyone


wouldn't think nothin' of it, but I knew he was smellin' my

scent. My

legs got all wobbly. Other kids tryin' to get off almost pushed me

out the door I was takin' so long.

"I stood and watched the bus go down the street and then went


Like last time, I dropped my backpack and headed up the stairs. Me

an' Miz Clitty must have been makin' too much noise 'cause Momma


and knocked on my door askin' if I was ok. It kind of spoilt the

mood. I told her I was fine, but it wasn't 'til I went to bed that

night that Massa an' me were out on the porch. This time he was

touchin' my coochie and playin' with Miz Clitty. He was smilin' an'

tellin' me what a good nigger I was. I was so happy and content.

"I fell asleep dreamin' about the plantation house with big green

willow trees in the front and a big grass lawn and Massa in his white
suit sittin' on the porch. And me, his favorite nigger, standin'

beside him.

"Friday. There he was on the bus, just like always. Lookin' around,

nothin' more than a smile for me. My coochie was wet and Miz


was ready. The weekend was comin', and though I was happy to


Massa sittin' on the bus, I was sad thinkin' I wouldn't see him again

'til Monday.

"I felt like a fool to have a crush like this on this old white man.

I was ashamed that I let him do to me the things that he did. I was

humiliated that I liked it so much and wanted it so bad. I stood


to him like always.

"And nobody knew. Nobody knew how I was carryin' on this

way. He

didn't even know what I was thinkin' while he was gropin' my ass

my coochie. We hadn't exchanged even a single word. Just a


That and the fact that I kept coming back.

"We pulled out of the stop, people bumpin' into each other while we

settled into the ride. Then I felt Massa's hand on me. I moved my

foot right away so my legs would be spread for him and he could

get at

my coochie easy. He musta noticed 'cause his hand went straight

between my legs. He also had to see how wet I was for him. 'Bout


only thing he didn't know was that he was my Massa and I was his

nigger. His favorite nigger, at that.

"He took his hand away when we got to my stop. I didn't look at his

face, but I bet he was surprised when this time I didn't get off. I

made up my mind to stay on the bus. The weekend was just too


The bus pulled away from the curb and in a minute his hand was


I wondered what he must be thinkin' seein' as how I was still there.

Whatever it was it didn't make him wanna keep his hands to

hisself! I

could feel him playin' with Miz Clitty and I could barely stay on my

feet my legs was tremblin' so much.

"The next stop must have been a popular one 'cause so many

people got

off. Now there were lots of empty seats and if I didn't sit down, I'd

be the only one standin'. He musta known about that since he took


hand away when the doors opened. There was a seat open next to

him so

I sat down. We kept goin' and we didn't say nothin' or even look at

each other. It was so weird, sittin' there, my coochie all wet from

this old man havin' his hand between my legs, and now we jus' sat

there like strangers sittin' together by pure chance.

"A couple of stops later he finally spoke to me, 'This is where I get

off.' He stood up and since I already came this far I figger'd I'd

just keep goin'. I stood up too and got off the bus with him. We

stood there together while it pulled away, leaving a cloud of diesel

exhaust behind. The other passengers who got off there all walked


to wherever they were going and only Massa and me were left on



"'Why'd you come here?' he asked me. I told him I didn't know,


really I didn't. 'Shouldn't you be home now?' he asked. 'Won't your

folks be worried?' I told him I sometimes got home late so they

wouldn't worry for a while. Then he asked me if I wanted to go


with him and I nodded that I did. We were on a street with shops


the street level and apartments on the second and third floors. He

opened a door that went straight to a narrow staircase. There were

metal mailboxes in the wall at the bottom of the stairs. Our

footsteps echoed loudly as we climbed.

"We went up one flight and then down the hall. He used a key to


the door to his apartment. It was small inside. There was just one
window that looked onto the street. There was a kitchen against


back wall and he had a table and chairs near it. There was a TV


the window on a table and a big easy chair with worn upholstery in

front of it. There was one of them oval shaped braided rugs on the

wooden floor. He had some pictures on the wall. They was all old


looked like school pictures. There was one of a young white man in


army uniform with a flag in the background. It was old, too.

"He sat in the chair and looked up at me. 'Why'd you come here?'


asked again. 'What do you want from me?' I was horrified to


that he might think I was here 'cause I wanted to make trouble for

him. What he did to me on the bus wasn't right, really. Folks

wouldn't understand at all. Even knowin' I liked it and wanted it

wouldn't make no difference.

"'It ain't nothin' like that, sir!' I told him. I liked him a lot,
and I trusted him and it hurt me to think he didn't trust me. But I

guess followin' him home like I done spooked him. I told him I liked

what he did and that he had to know that, seein' as how I kept


back. That made him relax some, but then he got angry with me.

"'What're you thinkin' of comin' home with some strange man?' he

scolded me like he was my daddy. 'You don't know me. A pretty


girl like you. I could be some kind of pervert who'd rape you and

leave you in the alley.'

"I told him I ain't never done nothin' like this before and that the

only reason I followed him home was that I liked him and was


miss him so much 'til Monday. I said I was sorry and asked him if


wanted me to go. I started cryin' 'cause he was so disappointed



"He had me sit in his lap and he held me like that. He didn't try
anything with me or nothin'. Just held me in his lap like a little

girl. I felt so close to him right then. So I started tellin' him

about my fantasy. About how I pretended we was on the plantation


he was my white massa and I was his favorite nigger.

"He seemed kind of surprised by that. He told me it wasn't right for

nobody to call me no nigger. So I told him it was ok and that the


I meant it wasn't no insult or nothin' hurtful. I said that to me,

bein' his favorite nigger was a honor and that it made me feel


"'So, you want me to be your massa,' he asked. I nodded at

him. 'And

jus' what does a massa do?' he wanted to know. I said that to me a

massa took care of his nigger and would touch her and praise her if

she was a good nigger and pleased her massa the way he liked.

"He kinda lost that granddaddy look in his eyes hearin' that. Now I

saw the same eyes he looked at me with when he was takin' in my

off his finger back on the bus the other day. He shifted around in

his chair some and I could tell his dick was gettin' hard.

"'I can't believe I never asked you this, girl, but what is your

name?' he asked. 'I can't be your massa unless I know your name'

thought about it for a second and said, 'Ruby.'

"'Stand up, Ruby,' he said. So I got up from his lap and stood in

front of him. He just looked me up and down, standin' there in my

plaid jumper and white blouse. I didn't know then that men really

liked the schoolgirl fantasy and seein' me all dressed up like that

with my white knee socks and saddle shoes was like something out

of a

girlie magazine. But I could tell he was really turned on by me.

"He didn't tell me to, but I reached up under my skirt and pulled my

panties down to my knees. His eyes were riveted on me. Then I


up the front of my skirt and showed my coochie off for him so he


want to touch it. It musta worked 'cause he reached right out for it.
He curled his hand and ran the backs of his fingers over my

bush. It

was like he was teasin' me. Miz Clitty wanted to be touched so bad!

"'You look so fine, Ruby,' he said. 'Such a pretty girl.' He put his

finger in the top of my slit and traced it down between my legs. I

spread as far as I could with my panties around my knees. He


in and started rubbin' on my coochie and pokin' his finger in me. He

played with Miz Clitty and I couldn't hardly keep standin'.

"'Oh, Massa,' I said, 'Is I yo' favorite nigga?' I even started using

that slave talk the white massas like so much. But then it was the

first time I'd ever done it out loud. I could tell he liked it.

"'Of course you are, Ruby,' he said. 'You're the best nigger a massa

could have.'

"It was just like my fantasy, except that we were in a one room


up apartment instead of the plantation and he was wearin' his same

wore out suit that he always wore. But I didn't care. I was Massa's
favorite nigger and he was strokin' on my coochie. That wasn't no

fantasy, that was really happenin'.

"His hand felt so good on me. He was gentle, but he was all in

control. He was playin' me like some kind of musical instrument. I

was so excited by it. I know he could tell 'cause he started

concentrating' all his attentions on Miz Clitty. He rubbed faster and

stronger as I got more and more excited. I could feel it comin'.

"I felt so submissive to him it was wonderful. When I was almost

there, I asked him, 'Kin I cum, Massa? A nigga gots to ask

permission.' Sayin' that made me tingle somethin' fierce and I


if he didn't say yes it wasn't gonna stop me.

"He liked that a lot. 'Yes, Ruby, you can cum,' he said, 'you such a

good nigger.' Oh, it felt so good! I never felt like that when it

was just me an Miz Clitty. Massa made me cum good. I sat back in


lap, my coochie was all sloppy now, but Massa didn't mind. He just

held me and I felt so safe and happy.

"After I calmed down I told him, 'Thank you, Massa. You so good to

yo' nigga.' And he smiled at me and said, 'Well, Ruby, you are my


"He told me that it was gettin' late and my folks would worry 'bout


and that he would walk me down to the bus stop.

"I told him, 'I gotta do somethin' fo you, Massa. You treat yo' nigga

so fine.' I could tell he liked that and it made me happy to please

him talkin' that way for him. But I wanted to do more.

"He seemed kind of flustered and said that there was somethin' I


do for him but he was too embarrassed to ask. I told him not to be

embarrassed about nothin' with his nigger and I'd do anything he


and not think poorly of him.

"I was kind of surprised when he asked for my panties, but if that's

what he wanted, I was gonna give 'em to him. I mean I was ready

to do
anything for that old white man right then and I mean anything. I


fooled around with boys before like I said, but I was still a virgin.

I would have given him that if he asked for it and been happy about

it. Tell the truth, I hoped that's what he wanted.

"They was still around my knees, I know, what a slut! I stood up


was gonna take 'em off for him when I started to get why he


them. So I pulled 'em back up so hard they kind of worked their


into my crack. I lifted up my skirt for him and spread my legs,

offering him my coochie.

"'Please, Massa,' I says to him, 'touch you nigga's coochie a little

first.' I was really wet already, but I wanted those panties soaking

for my Massa. I could tell he was pleased when he figger'd out what

was up to and put his hand on me. When he took his hand back I


him, 'Massa, would you take yo' nigga's panties off for her?'
"I was afraid he was gonna have a heart attack or something from


way he was breathin' after that, but I guessed he jus' really liked

the idea. He grabbed my panties with both hands and slowly pulled

them down. He had to lean forward and his nose was inches away


my coochie. I heard him inhale deep.

"'You like yo' nigga's scent, don't you, Massa?'

"'Oh, yeah,' he said, real quiet like.

"'Well, I hope her panties'll do 'til I see you again,' I said.

"He pulled them down the rest of the way and I stepped out of them


let my skirt fall back down. He stood up and looked into my eyes.

'You a sweet girl, Ruby. Thank you. I haven't felt so good in a long

long time, he said. 'Can I kiss you?'

"Can you imagine? He was so sweet! Here he'd just had his fingers
all up in my coochie and he was askin' if he could kiss me. I


I was gonna melt. 'You don't hafta ask that, Massa!' I told him,

''Course you can kiss me! I's not playin' wit' you when I say I's yo'

nigga. I *is* yo' nigga and you is my Massa. You can do whatever


want wit' me and I'll do anything you want me to. Jus' tell me what

it is an' I'll do it.

"So he kissed me right on the lips. Too bad my panties was already

off 'cause I woulda got 'em even wetter for him. I almost was


open my mouth for him and give him my tongue the way the boys


but it wasn't my place to start that. I wished he would, but it

wasn't my place.

"He walked me down to the bus stop and waited with me until it


It was gettin' dark and the lights were on inside the bus. I had a

hard time seein' him through the reflections on the windows, but I

waved at him and smiled.

"Momma didn't say nothin' to me when I got home late like that, it


a relief. I went up to my room and changed out of my school


'Course I had to put on new panties! It's funny. That night I left

Miz Clitty alone. I was afraid it would take away some of the


of Massa's touch. I went to sleep and dreamed about the plantation


"I got on the bus on Saturday and went over to Massa's apartment,


he wasn't home. I waited around outside for a while and then I saw

him walking down the side walk. When he saw me I could tell he


happy to see me. I went straight to him and walked with him back


to where he lived.

"'You sweet to come back, Ruby,' he said. 'I don't know what to

"'You ain't gotta say nothin', Massa,' I told him. 'I's yo' nigga

from now on.' I thought about it for a second and then asked him,

'You do want that, don't you? You want me to be yo' nigga, right?'

"'Course I do!' he said. 'Old man like havin' a fine sweet young

thing like you? I still can't believe it!'

"He unlocked the door and we went in. Everything was just like it


the day before. He kissed me on the lips again and I put my arms

around him. He told me I was still his favorite nigger. He so sweet.

He asked me if my folks knew where I was. I told him no. Momma

didn't ask where I was goin'.

"He said that wasn't right, and that I should have at least tol' her

when I be back so she won't worry. He was sounded like my daddy

again. Then he say he sorry, but he got to punish me. I didn't


what he meant and I hoped he wasn't gonna send me away. But

then he

sat down on one of the kitchen chairs and tells me to pull down my
pants and he watched while I did it.

"I knew I was in some kind of trouble with him and he was cross


me when he saw my little surprise for him. I don't know why, but I

got the razor I used for my legs and took off all my coochie hair for

him. I figger'd it was proper for a nigger to be shaved for her

massa. When he saw that he couldn't hardly stay mad at me.

"'You do that for me, Ruby?', he asked. I tell him yes I did. He

tol' me it was sweet, but he still had to punish me for makin'


worry about me. He tol' me to come over to him and I kind of


over to him since my jeans were down around my ankles. It's funny


even after all I did with him the day before, showin' him my coochie

and him fingerin' me I never felt embarrassed until now. Shufflin'

around with my pants down like that shamed me and I could feel


blush. I don't know if he noticed or not, me bein' a nigger an' all.

I also could feel I was gettin' wet. I bet he noticed that. I could
smell it my own self.

"He made me lay across his lap, and I knew he was gonna give me

spankin'. He rubbed on my ass a little and then he started hittin'


with the palm of his hand. For an old man, he packed a

whollop. The

sound of his hand on my ass rang off the walls. I tried not to cry

out so he'd be proud of me, but I couldn't hold back the tears. He

musta given me a couple dozen spanks before he let me get up. I


there with my pants down rubbin' on my burning ass. Well, my ass


have been burnin', but Miz Clitty was on fire! I never thought a

spankin' would get me so hot. It hurt at first, but now the heat I

felt made me so horny.

"'You understand why I had to do that, don't you, Ruby?', he

asked. I

nodded yes and wiped the tears out of my eyes and tol' him how

sorry I
was to disappoint him like I did and how I wanted to be such a good

nigger for him. He tol' me I was a good nigger and he had to spank


like that to make sure I stayed a good nigger.

"I looked at him and he looked a little flushed. I was happy to see

he was as turned on as me. I got down on my knees in front of


and even though I was afraid it might not be my place to do it, I tol'

him that he should let me do somethin' for him.

"I undid his pants and he got up a little so's I could pull 'em down.

His cock was standing straight up. I felt good I could get him like

that and then I leaned over and started kissing and licking on

him. I

pushed his legs open and started sucking on his cock and reached in

and started playing with his balls. He really loved that, I could

tell. His eyes closed and he put his hands on my head. Not like


boy who made me put his dick in my mouth all pushy an' shit. No,

just rested his hand on my head and stroked my hair. I kept


him and moving my head up and down on him. I looked up at him


he'd opened his eyes again and was looking right at me while I


him off. I let his cock slip out from my lips and grabbed it with my

free hand and started strokin' him off, still playin' with his balls

with the other.

"I looked up at him and asked, 'You like this, Massa? Is yo' nigga

treatin' you good?' He was so 'cited he just nodded, never breakin'

away from lookin' me in the eye. He was breathin' hard and I could

feel him buckin' into my hand. I smiled as sweet as I could and

kissed on the tip of his cock. I could feel the stirrin' in his balls

and knew he was about there. I took his cock head into my mouth

for a

second or two and then looked back up at him.

"'You wanna cum in yo' nigga's mouth, Massa? Huh? Or, maybe


wanna cum all over her black face. Do you, Massa?' I talked to him
in my little girl voice and I thought he was gonna explode. 'Tell me

what you want, Massa. You know yo' nigga do it fo' you.'

"He was gettin' all red an' his cock was gettin' all purple. Then I

barely heard him say, 'face.' So I smiled sweet at him again and


his cock close to my face and kept stroking it. Next thing I know

he's spurtin' all over me. I had cum in my hair, on my cheek, on


nose, and on my lips. I even got some in one eye.

"But I didn't care. The look on his face while he came all over mine

was worth a little sting in the eye. I was surprised an old man could

cum in buckets like that. When he stopped shootin' off I started

kissing it, all covered in his cum. Then I started in on it with my

tongue and licked it all clean for him. After I was done, I just

looked up at him again and smiled for my sweet Massa, his cum


off my face.

"He was all out of breath and said, 'Ruby, you're the best nigger a

massa could have.' All I could say to that was 'Thank you, Massa.
Tha's what I wanna be fo' you.' He tol' me to go wash my face off


get naked. So I did and went to sit in his lap.

"He held me like that, all naked for him, for a long while. Then he

kissed me and said I better get home so nobody would worry about


I stood up and he pulled me to him and kissed my nipples real soft

while I rubbed my hands through his gray hair. I felt his hand going

south so I spread my legs out for him so he could get to my coochie

like he wanted. I think he really liked it shaved the way I had it.

I was so glad to please him.

"He finally stopped, too soon, I thought, and I got dressed. He

walked me out the bus stop and waited with me until it came. I


know what people may have thought seeing us there together like


It was obvious I wasn't his grandbaby, but we didn't care. I got on

the bus when it came and watched him standing on the curb until

he was

out of sight.
"When I got home, Momma wasn't in the least worried. But at least

concern for her had earned me a spanking from Massa. I knew I'd


to think of way to tell him they were more of a reward than a


"Things went on like this for the rest of the time I was in high

school. I'd always be looking forward to seeing him on the bus after

school if he were there, and he usually was, I'd go stand on my


neither of us acknowledging the other. It was so naughty. No one

knew that this old white man had his hand up my skirt playing with


nigger's coochie the whole way along until empty seats opened up

and I

had to sit down. We'd get to his apartment and play. He was


frisky for an old man.

"Sometimes we'd play colored schoolgirl and I'd let my panties drop
and lift up my skirt for him so he could keep playing with my


naked coochie. He'd play with Miz Clitty until I'd beg him to let his

nigger cum for him. Usually he'd get so worked up from that game


I'd have to suck him off and I'd go home with cum on my plaid


"He learned that I loved the bare bottom spankin's he gave his


He seemed to like me with my pants pulled down for that, so we'd

usually save it for weekends when I wasn't already in my school

clothes. He'd warm my ass up and and I'd get all wet and next


I'd know he'd be putting Miz Clitty though her paces. I loved


while bent over his knee, my black ass squirming.

"But no matter how it started, it always ended with him tellin' me


I was his favorite nigger. And me going home wet.

"One thing bothered me, though, and that was that he wouldn't use


coochie for himself. He kept telling me I should save that for when

got married. It's funny. The kinds of things he did to me, and still

he was old school on that score.

"I never had a boyfriend the whole time in high school. Why would

want some boy when I had a Massa? It came time for me to go off


college and I went to visit him before I left.

"He bought a going away present for me, which was sweet, since I


he didn't have much money. It was an oversized red sweater with a


R monogram on it. I had already told him long before that my

name was

really Yvonne and that Ruby was the name I liked to have as a

"He said I should wear it when he wanted to feel him hold me. I

thought I goin' to cry.

"I tol' him that I wanted to give him somethin', too, 'I knows it

ain't my place to tell you instead of ask you, Massa. So I hopes you

forgive me, but I's got something for you and you gots to take it.'

"'What's that, Ruby?' he asked me. 'You my favorite nigger, how


I say no to you?'

"'I want you to take me and use me, Massa. I ain't savin' it for

nobody but you,' I tol' him.

"'I'm an old man. You're a young woman,' he said,. 'How could I

satisfy you that way?'

"I tol' him, 'I is yo' nigga. An' you is my Massa, You takin' me is

what satisfies me.'

"I stripped down for him and led him to his bedroom. I helped him

with his clothes and he lay on his back. I kissed him, and sucked

him, and then I got up on him. 'You jus' lay still, Massa. Yo' nigga

gon' take care of you.'

"He was old so I was gentle with him even though it was my cherry

gettin' popped. I put his cock in me and lowered myself down on

him I

felt the resistance and then a little pain. It wasn't near as bad

some girls make it out to be. 'Course Massa an' me been givin' my

coochie such a workout for long, maybe it was broke in some. I tol'

him, 'You got my cherry now, Massa. No matter what, you always

be the

one who got it.'

"I just kept goin' up and down on him. 'You fuckin' yo' nigga now,

Massa. You like that, don't you?' He looked up at me and

nodded. He

was a sucker for that nigger talk and I felt him release inside me.

'Thank you, Massa, I said. You too good to yo' nigga.' I bent over

and kissed him. Then I rolled off him and we held each other until


fell asleep. It was the first time I ever spent the night with him.
"He walked me to the bus in the morning and said goodbye. I was

sad I

was leaving, but he tol' me how important it was for me to go to on


college an' how I can come visit him anytime.

"The bus came and even though the sidewalk was crowded with


this old white man, my Massa, kissed his nigger right on the mouth

where everybody could see. I got on and went to the back of the


so I could see him there on the curb until he was out of sight.

"I saw him a few more times over the years I was in college. It was

far away so I didn't get back to the city too much. Last I knew he'd

gone to live with some nephew or other.


Shanika, Maya, and Darla were silent after Yvonne finished her

Even Yolanda was quiet.

"Damn, girl," said Shanika. "That was some story."

"Yeah," Yvonne replied. "So I got married a while after college to a

nice respectable black man. Momma was so proud. She never

knew about

my Massa. Now I love the white massas who play rough with me

and make

me feel like a nigga slut, but the old man was the best. I was his

favorite nigger."

Chapter 14 - The Ride Back

The sound of crunching gravel was heard and the van arrived,


up a small cloud of dust. The front door opened and Steve the


stepped out and went around the back. Pausing briefly to survey

negro slave girls waiting naked in chains on the bench, he let


in the back and closed the door after him.

Shanika and the others remained on the bench watching. They

knew it

would be a little while before Steve had the new arrivals in chains

and collected his gratuity. Five minutes later the door opened and


led his captive cargo blinking into the bright daylight.

The lead girl had long straightened hair that reached her shoulders.

She was quite shapely with dark skin and small breasts. She


to be in her mid twenties.

Behind her was another pretty slave girl but somewhat older. She


a medium complexion and slightly smaller than average, slightly


breasts. She sported nicely styled hair. Cute, thought Shanika, but

it would be gone soon enough.

Third in line was another light skinned negress with hair that would

have just reached her collar and she been wearing any clothes. She

was a big girl with big floppy tits and a nice wide booty.

The last in the line may have been a returning slave judging by her

short curly hair. Closer in age to the first girl, she was pretty and

petite and held her head high even though she was naked except

for her

shiny steel collar.

Yolanda led her charges to the van to exchange them with the


so they could be returned to where they came from.

Shanika could tell that the lead girl was also Steve's favorite,

judging by the semen in her hair and on her face which was still

dripping down onto one of her breasts. Well, she thought, that girl

won't have a problem washing her hair once she gets her head


bald in the slave barn.

Steve the driver admired the view of the four naked black slave girls

being led in chains towards him, having already lost some of his

interest in the ones he'd just delivered. Their wrists and ankles

manacled, they shuffled along, their bare feet kicking up the dust.

His dick stirring at the sight in spite of having just used one of the

new arrivals mouths for his pleasure. He was already trying to


which one of his next passengers he'd be using as a reward for his


"You'll be taken back to where you were picked up now," Yolanda

addressed the departing slave girls. "Your clothing will be returned

to you when you arrive. All of you are welcome to return here as

slaves if you so desire. You each have the number to call."

Yolanda looked at each negress in turn before handing Shanika's


to the driver and accepting the long haired black girl's from him in


"I felt this nigger's teeth and I had to slap her," he told her.

"Make sure to scrub her real good."

"Yes, sir, Massa Steve," she replied, eyeing the cum faced negro as

the driver grinned, looking on. "I'll see she gets proper treatment."

The colored girl under discussion hung her head.

At that Yolanda jerked on her chain and led the new negro slaves to

the barn. After watching them shuffle away, the sound of their

jangling shackles fading, Steve opened the door to the van. He led

the departing slave girls inside and removed their chains.

"Let's see," he said, surveying the female negro flesh available to

him. He looked at Darla. "On your knees, girl," he said to the black

teenager. "I think I'll have you suck my dick now."

Darla looked at her mother as she sank to her knees before the


He unzipped his jeans and let them drop around his ankles. The


colored girl reached her hands out and fondled the white man's


still wet from the servicing he got from the long haired negress he'd

just dropped off. Looking up into his face she leaned forward and
took his dick into her mouth as far as she could and started sucking

on it.

The other women sat on the benches and tried not to watch as the

teen's mouth was used by the driver. In spite of this, the young

black girl was very embarrassed to be performing the humiliating


in front of her fellow slaves, including her own mother.

"You gotta sweet mouth, girl," he complimented her. "You niggers


know how to suck dick good. Natural cocksuckers, that's what you

are." Each of the women were shamed by this comment. Darla


to slurp on Steve's shaft.

He turned towards Maya. "You this nigger's momma, right?" he

asked as

her daughter kneeled before him with his cock in her mouth.

"Yes, suh," the older black woman answered. "She my child."

"This black cocksucker here?" he leered at her. "This nigger who's

suckin' my white dick?" Darla continued to service him, moving her

head back and forth on his cock.

"Yes, suh," she said, looking away from him.

"You teach her to suck white man's cock this way?" he asked.

"No, suh," replied Maya.

"Well, she's a natural," he mused, taunting the humiliated mother.

"Think I should make her swallow? Or just shoot off in her pretty


"I dunno, suh," she said, her face burning. "You do what you want."

"I am." he said with an edge to his voice. "I'm fuckin' your kid's

face." The driver started actively shoving his cock in and out of the

black teenager's mouth causing her to gag and sputter..

"You wanna give her a break?" he asked, breathing harder, "Get on

knees over here. You can take over for a while."

Maya knelt beside her daughter and looked up at Steve. The white


took his cock out of Darla's mouth and started slapping her with it,

leaving saliva and pre cum on her cheeks. He turned slightly


the mother, his dick right in her face. She looked up at him and

opened her thick lips, offering him her mouth to use. He shoved it


and started fucking her face with the same vigor he used on her


Darla continued to cough, a thick strand of spittle drooling from her

lower lip, across her chin, and down onto her small adolescent


breasts. She looked to one side to see the sight of her mother's


with the white man's cock in it less than a foot away. She could


the slurping sounds from her as Steve's cock went in and out. The

force of his thrusts caused the older colored woman's breasts to


"Look at me," he commanded the two kneeling black women.

They both looked up in into his eyes. Darla drooling onto her chest,

Maya with Steve's cock in her mouth.

"Here you go, niggers," he said, gasping. He pulled his cock out of

Maya's mouth and ejaculated in her face. A big shot of semen hit


just below one eye and the second right on the bridge of her broad

African nose. He turned to her daughter, milking the cum out of his

cock all over her upturned face.

"Kiss her," he croaked. "Do it!" he growled when they hesitated.

Maya turned to her daughter and kissed her on her cum covered


A long string of semen stretched back to her lips as she leaned back


"On the lips, nigger!" he demanded as he milked the last of his

onto the young black teenager's mouth. The two women faced each

other. Darla leaned forward and kissed her mother with her semen

coated lips. The older negress returned her daughters kiss and then

kissed her again. She looked up at the white driver to see if he was

satisfied with the humiliating display.

Drained, he reached for his pants and pulled them up. "You niggers

still have a lot to learn. When I say do something, you bitches

better do it and fast. I'd slap your fuckin' faces if they wasn't

covered in my spunk."

They hung there heads at his rebuke and didn't look up again until

they heard him shut the back door after exiting the van. Maya and

Darla returned to their seats. With no cloth of any kind in the cargo

area and fearful of his reaction if they used the curtain, both slave

girls wiped his semen off their faces with their hands.

The heard the motor start and felt the van begin to move. They all

sat without speaking for several minutes.

"Are you ok, baby?" Maya finally broke the silence.

Darla nodded without looking at her.

Shanika looked at Yvonne to try to read her reaction to what they'd

witnessed. Shanika felt shame at sitting passively while the mother

and daughter were violated just a few feet away from her. What


her even more was the fact she could feel the display had left her


and aroused. She immediately turned her eyes away when Yvonne


her way.

"That white boy's one horny motherfucker," observed Yvonne. "He


just nasty."

"It wasn't so bad," said Darla. "And it wasn't the first time a massa

did that to us."

"That's for sure," her mother agreed. "Each massa did it."

"That must be strange," opined Shanika, "to be doin' sex like that
together, you bein' her momma and all."

"Yeah, but the white men love it big time," said Maya. "So we do


They felt the van turn and pick up speed. Back on the interstate


"The first day we didn't get bought by the same massa. I don't


the one bought Darla knew she was my child. He's jus' happy to

have a

sweet young thing for hisself. The ones bought be sho' knew,


And when they tol' the first one, well, that man had to have

me. Gave

those college boys six hun'ert dollars for me when they only paid


"Just now wasn't the first time we had to suck a white man off

together and take his spunk in our faces. The first man that bought

us, that was the first thing he did. Then he lay in the bed and had
us up on our knees on each side of him like we was displaying for


auction. He had us lick off each other's face. He had a hand on


of our coochies, puttin' his fingers all up in us the same time.

"Once his dick got hard again he had me on my back and fucked me


Darla rubbed her titties on him. I wanted to get him off quick so I

tol' him that nigga talk those white men love so much. I say 'Oh,

Massa, you like my baby girl's titties on you while you fuck her

momma? Ain't she nice? You gonna fuck her next, Massa? You


fuck yo' nigga's baby girl? Then she be yo' nigga, too.' They don't

last to long hearin' that.

"It was strange for me to see my momma that way," said Darla. "I

never thought about her like that before."

"Are you gonna go back?" asked Yvonne. "It don't sound like you

"I don't know," answered Maya. "We might have been lucky none

of our

massa's beat on us or nothin'. Might not be so lucky next time."

"Well, I be a little disappointed if they didn't," smiled Yvonne.

"Offerin' my body up to them to do what they want. It make me


like such a nigga. And when they whup me I's wet after. So I keep

comin' back."

"What about yo' husband?" asked Shanika. "Don't he see the marks



"I think he knows somethin's up," Yvonne replied. "He don't

ask. But

a couple of times I catch him lookin' at the marks and he gets all

flustered. Someday I may just tell him to see what he do about it."

"So you goin' back again?" Shanika wanted to know.

Yvonne laughed. "You know I am, girl! What about you?"

"I don't know," Shanika said thoughtfully. "It gets me excited, but I

know I should hate it, but I don't. I just don't know."

They traveled on in silence again. After a time the van slowed and

turned. They must be off the interstate, thought Shanika. Almost

back to the beginning now.

Finally they stopped and heard the back door open. Steve opened


curtain and shoved the boxes with their clothes inside across the

floor with his foot.

"All right, you can put your clothes back on and go," he said. "And

take your time. I could watch you niggers all day."

The colored slave girls dressed under the driver's watchful eye.

Shanika was the last dressed and when she stepped out onto the


the others were already gone. Steve climbed out after her and shut

the door.
"See ya next time, girl," he told her with a wink and a leering grin.

He got behind the wheel and drove away.

Shanika walked to the bus stop to wait for her ride back to her old


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