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MONOALONEL ANTIBODY PRODUCTION  Inhibitor can bind to both enzyme and enzyme-substrate complex

 Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are produced from a single clone of (ES).

immune cells.  Reduces Vmax by decreasing the concentration of active enzyme,
 Typically generated using hybridoma technology or recombinant while Km remains constant.
DNA technology.  All forms of inhibition affect enzyme activity, but they differ in their
 Hybridoma technology involves fusion of B-cells with myeloma cells mechanisms and effects on enzyme kinetics.
to create immortalized hybridomas. HUMORAL IMMUNITY:
 Hybridomas produce specific mAbs against a target antigen.  Mediated by antibodies produced by B cells.
 Recombinant DNA technology involves insertion of genes encoding  Antibodies circulate in blood and lymph, targeting pathogens and
mAbs into host cells (e.g., bacteria, yeast, mammalian cells). toxins.
 Host cells engineered to express and secrete mAbs.  Effective against extracellular pathogens like bacteria and viruses
 Purification of mAbs from cell culture supernatants. outside of host cells.
 Widely used in medicine for diagnostics, therapy, and research.  Functions include neutralization, opsonization, and complement
 Examples include cancer treatment (e.g., rituximab), autoimmune activation.
diseases (e.g., adalimumab), and infectious diseases (e.g.,  Memory B cells provide long-term immunity upon subsequent
palivizumab). exposure to the same pathogen.
Competitive inhibition:  Mediated by T cells (e.g., cytotoxic T cells, helper T cells).
 Inhibitor competes with substrate for binding to the active site of  Targets intracellular pathogens, virus-infected cells, and abnormal
enzyme. cells (e.g., cancer cells).
 Reversible inhibition that can be overcome by increasing substrate  Involves direct killing of infected or abnormal cells by cytotoxic T
concentration. cells.
 Increases apparent Km, but Vmax remains unchanged.  Helper T cells coordinate immune responses by activating other
Uncompetitive inhibition: immune cells and cytokine secretion.
 Inhibitor binds only to the enzyme-substrate complex (ES).  Important for defense against viruses, intracellular bacteria, fungi,
 Inhibitor cannot bind to free enzyme. and cancer cells.
 Reduces both Vmax and Km proportionally, maintaining the same  Memory T cells provide long-lasting immunity upon re-exposure to
ratio (Vmax/Km). antigens.
Non-competitive inhibition:
 Inhibitor binds to enzyme at a site distinct from the active site
(allosteric site).
FIRST-GENERATION VACCINES:  Antimicrobial peptides: Small proteins with antimicrobial properties
 Traditional vaccines made from weakened or inactivated pathogens. found in skin, saliva, and mucous membranes.
 Examples include live attenuated vaccines (e.g., measles, mumps,  Enzymes: Lysozyme in tears and saliva breaks down bacterial cell
rubella) and inactivated vaccines (e.g., polio, influenza). walls.
SECOND-GENERATION VACCINES:  Gastric acid: Kills ingested pathogens in the stomach.
 Subunit vaccines containing purified antigens from pathogens. CELLULAR BARRIERS:
 May include protein subunits, polysaccharides, or conjugate  Phagocytes: White blood cells (e.g., neutrophils, macrophages) engulf
vaccines. and destroy pathogens.
 Examples include hepatitis B vaccine (protein subunit) and  Natural killer (NK) cells: Recognize and kill virus-infected cells and
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine (conjugate). tumor cells.
THIRD-GENERATION VACCINES:  Mast cells: Release histamine and other inflammatory mediators in
 Recombinant vector vaccines using genetically engineered viruses or response to pathogens or tissue damage.
bacteria as vectors to deliver antigen genes. ANTIGENOCITY
 Stimulate strong immune responses without causing disease.  Antigenicity refers to the ability of a substance (antigen) to induce an
 Examples include adenovirus-based COVID-19 vaccines and immune response.
recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV)-based Ebola vaccine.  Determined by the molecular structure and complexity of the
 Nucleic acid vaccines utilizing DNA or mRNA to encode pathogen  Antigenicity is influenced by factors such as size, shape, and surface
antigens. features.
 Deliver genetic material directly into cells to induce immune  Antigens typically contain epitopes, specific regions recognized by
responses. immune cells or antibodies.
 Rapidly developed and scalable, offering potential for personalized  Foreign antigens often elicit stronger immune responses than self-
vaccines. antigens.
 Examples include mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech,  Antigenicity is crucial for vaccine development and immune system
Moderna) and DNA vaccines under development for various recognition of pathogens.
INFLAMATORY BARRIERS  Immunogenicity refers to the ability of an antigen to induce an
immune response in the body.
 Depends on factors like antigenicity, molecular size, complexity, and
 Skin: Forms a physical barrier to prevent pathogen entry.
 Mucous membranes: Line respiratory, gastrointestinal, and
genitourinary tracts, trapping pathogens and preventing their entry.
Immunogenic antigens trigger activation of immune cells, leading to  Inhibition impacts enzyme kinetics by altering the maximum
antibody production or cell-mediated responses. reaction rate (Vmax) and/or the substrate concentration at which
 Adjuvants may enhance immunogenicity by stimulating immune the reaction rate is half-maximal (Km).
system components.  Understanding enzyme inhibition is crucial for drug development
 Important consideration in vaccine development to ensure effective and studying enzyme function.
immune responses against pathogens. WHY FEMALE ARE DOMINANT TO AUTOIMMUNITY
 Variability in immunogenicity can affect vaccine efficacy and  Females tend to have a higher prevalence of autoimmune diseases
individual immune responses. compared to males, and several factors contribute to this dominance:
PSYCO-NEURO IMMUNOLOGY  Hormonal influences: Female sex hormones, particularly estrogen,
 Psycho-neuroimmunology (PNI) studies interactions between play a role in modulating immune responses. Estrogen can enhance
psychological processes, nervous system, and immune system. immune reactivity, potentially leading to increased susceptibility to
 Investigates how stress, emotions, and behavior influence immune autoimmune diseases.
function and health.  Genetic predisposition: Certain autoimmune diseases have a
 Emphasizes bidirectional communication pathways between brain, genetic component, and some genes associated with autoimmunity
endocrine system, and immune system. are more prevalent or have stronger effects in females.
 Stress hormones (e.g., cortisol) can suppress immune responses,  X chromosome: Females have two X chromosomes, while males
increasing susceptibility to infections. have one X and one Y chromosome. Genes related to immune
 Positive emotions and social support can enhance immune function function are located on the X chromosome, and the presence of two X
and improve health outcomes. chromosomes in females may contribute to increased immune
 PNI research informs understanding of conditions like autoimmune activity.
diseases, cancer, and mental health disorders.  Immune system differences: There are intrinsic differences in the
ENZYME INHIBITION immune systems of males and females, including variations in
 Enzyme inhibition involves the interference with enzyme activity. immune cell populations, cytokine production, and response to
 Competitive inhibition occurs when an inhibitor competes with the pathogens. These differences can influence the likelihood of
substrate for binding to the active site. developing autoimmune diseases.
 Noncompetitive inhibition involves the inhibitor binding to a site  Pregnancy: Pregnancy involves complex immunological changes to
other than the active site, altering enzyme conformation. tolerate the fetus, which may affect autoimmune diseases. Some
 Uncompetitive inhibition occurs when the inhibitor binds only to the autoimmune diseases improve during pregnancy but worsen
enzyme-substrate complex, preventing product formation. postpartum.
 Inhibitors can be reversible or irreversible, depending on their  Environmental factors: Environmental triggers, such as infections,
ability to dissociate from the enzyme. stress, and dietary factors, can influence the development of
autoimmune diseases and may affect females differently than males.
 Overall, the interplay of genetic, hormonal, immunological, and  Treatment involves acetylcholinesterase inhibitors,
environmental factors contributes to the increased susceptibility of immunosuppressive drugs, plasmapheresis, or thymectomy, aimed
females to autoimmune diseases. at managing symptoms and modulating immune responses.
BRONCHIOL ASTHAMA (AUTOIMMUNITY)  Understanding the autoimmune nature of MG informs treatment
 Bronchiolitis asthma is a subtype of asthma characterized by strategies and ongoing research for novel therapies.
inflammation and narrowing of the small airways (bronchioles) in MHC SELF AND NON SELF
the lungs.  Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules play a crucial
 While asthma is primarily considered an allergic or inflammatory role in the immune system by presenting antigens to T cells.
condition, autoimmune mechanisms may contribute to some cases.  MHC class I molecules are found on almost all nucleated cells and
 Autoimmunity in bronchiolitis asthma involves the immune system present endogenous antigens (self and non-self) to cytotoxic T cells
mistakenly attacking the body's own lung tissues, leading to (CD8+).
inflammation and airway constriction.  MHC class II molecules are primarily expressed on antigen-
 Autoimmune reactions in bronchiolitis asthma may target specific presenting cells (APCs) and present exogenous antigens to helper T
lung proteins or structures, triggering an immune response. cells (CD4+).
 Autoimmune mechanisms can exacerbate asthma symptoms and  MHC molecules bind and present peptide fragments derived from
contribute to disease severity in some individuals. self and non-self proteins.
 Understanding the autoimmune component of bronchiolitis asthma  Self-antigens are peptides derived from the body's own proteins and
can aid in developing targeted therapies to modulate immune are recognized as 'self' by the immune system, promoting tolerance
responses and improve treatment outcomes. and preventing autoimmune responses.
MECHENIA GRAVIS DISEASE AUTOIMMUNITY  Non-self antigens are peptides derived from foreign pathogens (e.g.,
 Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease. bacteria, viruses) or environmental substances and are recognized
 Autoimmune attack targets acetylcholine receptors (AChR) at as 'non-self,' triggering immune responses to eliminate the invaders.
neuromuscular junctions, impairing nerve signaling to muscles.  MHC molecules help distinguish between self and non-self antigens,
 Antibodies, primarily IgG, bind to AChR, leading to receptor ensuring that the immune system targets only foreign invaders while
destruction or blocking neurotransmitter binding. sparing healthy tissues.
 Results in muscle weakness and fatigue, especially in facial, ocular,  Dysregulation of MHC-mediated antigen presentation can lead to
and limb muscles. autoimmune diseases or susceptibility to infections.
 Thymus gland abnormalities, including thymic hyperplasia or
thymoma, are common in MG patients, suggesting a role in
autoantibody production.

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