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Arynov et al.

BMC Anesthesiology (2024) 24:71 BMC Anesthesiology


REVIEW Open Access

Alternative blood transfusion triggers:

a narrative review
Ardak Arynov1*, Dilyara Kaidarova2 and Barbara Kabon3

Background Anemia, characterized by low hemoglobin levels, is a global public health concern. Anemia is an
independent factor worsening outcomes in various patient groups. Blood transfusion has been the traditional
treatment for anemia; its triggers, primarily based on hemoglobin levels; however, hemoglobin level is not always an
ideal trigger for blood transfusion. Additionally, blood transfusion worsens clinical outcomes in certain patient groups.
This narrative review explores alternative triggers for red blood cell transfusion and their physiological basis.
Main Text The review delves into the physiology of oxygen transport and highlights the limitations of using
hemoglobin levels alone as transfusion trigger. The main aim of blood transfusion is to optimize oxygen delivery,
necessitating an individualized approach based on clinical signs of anemia and the balance between oxygen delivery
and consumption, reflected by the oxygen extraction rate. The narrative review covers different alternative triggers.
It presents insights into their diagnostic value and clinical applications, emphasizing the need for personalized
transfusion strategies.
Conclusion Anemia and blood transfusion are significant factors affecting patient outcomes. While restrictive
transfusion strategies are widely recommended, they may not account for the nuances of specific patient
populations. The search for alternative transfusion triggers is essential to tailor transfusion therapy effectively,
especially in patients with comorbidities or unique clinical profiles. Investigating alternative triggers not only
enhances patient care by identifying more precise indicators but also minimizes transfusion-related risks, optimizes
blood product utilization, and ensures availability when needed. Personalized transfusion strategies based on
alternative triggers hold the potential to improve outcomes in various clinical scenarios, addressing anemia’s complex
challenges in healthcare. Further research and evidence are needed to refine these alternative triggers and guide their
implementation in clinical practice.
Keywords Anemia, Blood transfusion, Transfusion triggers, Oxygen delivery, Oxygen consumption

Ardak Arynov
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Kazakh Institute of
Oncology and Radiology, Abay av. 91, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology, Abay av. 91, Almaty,
Department of Anaesthesia, General Intensive Medicine and Pain
Medicine Medical, University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Vienna,

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Arynov et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2024) 24:71 Page 2 of 12

Table 1 Hemoglobin levels to diagnose anemia at sea level (g/l) Table 2 Clinical trials demonstrating the impact of blood
Population Non-Ane- Anemia transfusion on clinical outcomes
mia * mild moderate severe Trials Study population Conclusion
Children aged 6–59 110 or 100– 70–99 Lower Smilowitz N.R. et 3,050 patients un- Blood transfusion was
months higher 109 than 70 al. [14] derwent orthopedic associated with increased
Children aged 5–11 115 or 110– 80–109 Lower Retrospective surgery mortality.
years higher 114 than 80 cohort study
Children aged 12–14 120 or 110– 80–109 Lower Glance L.G. et al. 10,100 patients Intraoperative RBC trans-
years higher 119 than 80 [15] undergoing general, fusion was associated
Retrospective study vascular or orthope- with increased risk of
Non-pregnant women 120 or 110– 80–109 Lower
dic surgery mortality and morbidity
(aged 15 years and higher 119 than 80
(septic, thromboembolic
complications, etc.)
Pregnant women 110 or 100– 70–99 Lower
Bernard A.C. et al. 125,223 general Intraoperative blood
higher 109 than 70
[16] surgery patients in transfusion (even one
Men (aged 15 years and 130 or 100– 80–109 Lower
Prospective system- 121 hospitals as part unit of packed RBC) was
above) higher 129 than 80
atic study of the ACS-NSQIP associated with increased
(The American Col- risk of mortality and mor-
lege of Surgeons bidity in general surgery
Introduction National Surgical patients.
Anemia is a clinical hematological syndrome which is Quality Improvement
characterized by low levels of hemoglobin and, in most Program)
cases, red blood cells (RBCs) [1]. The World Health Orga- Woldendorp K, et Thirty-nine studies Perioperative red blood
nization (WHO) identifies anemia as a global problem for al. [17] with 180,074 patients transfusion appeared to
Meta-analysis of after cardiac surgery be associated with a sig-
public health and according to an estimation using preva-
thirty-nine studies nificant reduction in long-
lence data from 1993–2005, 24.8% of the global popula- term survival for patients
tion was affected by this pathology. In particular, anemia after cardiac surgery.
is concentrated in children, pregnant and non-pregnant Li Y et al. [18] 6,752 patients who Blood transfusion was
women [2]. The global anemia prevalence in 2010 was Retrospective study underwent cardiac associated with worse
32.9% (more than 2.2 billion people) and the most com- surgery outcomes in cardiac
surgery patients
mon cause of anemia was iron-deficiency [3].Thus, ane-
Dae won Park et 1,054 patients severe Red blood cell transfu-
mia is considered to be the most common hematological al. [19] sepsis and septic sions were
syndrome in clinical practice. Propensity-matched shock. associated with lower risk
According to the WHO classification, anemia is defined analysis of a pro- of mortality
as a hemoglobin concentration below 129 g/l in men and spective observa-
119 g/l in women at sea level (Table 1) [4]. tional database
Anemia in the perioperative period and in critically ill Suk Yong Jang et 10,973 patients in the Transfusion group did not
al. [20] transfusion group show significantly worse
patients is a particular problem. The rate of preopera- Nationwide Cohort and results than the non-
tive anemia depends on age, sex, comorbidity and sur- Study 3,771 patients in the transfusion group
gical pathology and can reach up to 75% [5, 6]. Despite non
such a high prevalence in clinical practice, preoperative transfusion group
anemia has long been perceived as a relatively minor Wen-Chih Wuet al Patients with acute Blood transfusion is
[21] retrospective myocardial infarction, associated with a lower
problem that can be easily eliminated by blood transfu-
study 65 years and older short-term mortality rate
sion [7]. Meanwhile, numerous clinical trials suggest that
Yi Zheng et al. [22] 28,797 patients in RBC transfusion does
preoperative anemia is associated with poor outcomes a systematic review intensive care unit not increase the risk of
and increased mortality in both cardiac and non-cardiac and meta-analysis in-hospital mortality
surgery patients [8–12]. Transfusion of RBCs remains the
most common approach for perioperative anemia treat- the randomized ‘Transfusion Requirements in Critical
ment. Thus, the American Red Cross reports that nearly Care (TRICC)’trial, a restrictive strategy showed a simi-
16 million blood components units are transfused annu- lar 30-day mortality compared to a liberal strategy in
ally in the USA, with approximately 29,000 units of RBCs critically ill patients. However, mortality in the restric-
needed daily [13]. tive group was significantly lower among the subgroups-
As shown in Table 2, blood transfusion has varying patients with Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
effects on clinical outcomes—both improvement out- Evaluation II score of ≤ 20 and younger patients (less
comes and an increase in the risks of adverse outcomes. than 55 years) and was also lower during hospitalization.
A similar situation arises in studies comparing restric- Nevertheless, there was no difference in mortality among
tive and liberal transfusion strategies. For example, in patients with cardiac pathology [23]. In accordance,
Arynov et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2024) 24:71 Page 3 of 12

another multicenter randomized trial demonstrated an [37]. Thus, sustained perioperative hypotension and
identical mortality rate in septic shock patients between a increased vasopressor support might also represent a
liberal and restrictive transfusion strategy. The number of trigger for a more liberal administration of blood com-
patients experiencing ischemic events (including cerebral ponents. The concept of physiological triggers for blood
ischemia and acute myocardial ischemia), adverse trans- transfusion is based on the principles of anemia correc-
fusion reactions and requiring life support were compa- tion in terms of the oxygen delivery/consumption ratio.
rable in both groups [24]. Additionally, more recently, a The aim of our narrative review is to summarize the
systematic Cochrane database review analysed 48 trials current role of alternative triggers for RBCs transfu-
and showed that a restrictive blood transfusion strategy sion, such as the oxygen extraction ratio, blood lactate
led to a 41% reduction in the proportion of individuals level, central venous/mixed venous oxygen saturation,
subjected to red blood cell transfusions [25]. Authors oxygen content arterial-venous difference and ischemic
suggested that there is no evidence of influence of the signs on the electrocardiogram. Thus, we provide insights
restrictive strategy on mortality and morbidity (such into the physiology of oxygen transport and emphasize
as stroke and myocardial infarction). Nevertheless, the the importance of oxygen delivery optimization regard-
authors emphasized that in some patient groups, higher ing decision making in transfusion therapy. We give an
hemoglobin levels may be preferable, but there was insuf- overview of studies that which explore alternative trig-
ficient evidence to recommend applying a specific strat- gers and their limitations in clinical practice and current
egy to certain patient subgroups (traumatic brain injury, blood transfusion guidelines.
myocardial infarction, etc). Importantly, the authors
were of the conviction that hemoglobin levels do not Main text
always reliably reflect the need for transfusion in some Physiological basis of oxygen transport
patients. A further large meta-analysis also demonstrated Oxygen, discovered by Joseph Priestley in 1772, is the
a reduction in in-hospital mortality among critically eighth element according to the serial number in the
ill patients treated with a restrictive transfusion strat- periodic system [38]. Also among the pioneers and
egy [26]. On the other hand, a liberal blood transfusion researchers of oxygen were renowned scientists Carl Wil-
strategy improved survival and decreased complications helm Scheele and Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier. Oxygen
specifically in elderly patients and patients with cardio- plays an integral role in cellular respiration and is, there-
vascular diseases [27–29]. This issue is well described by fore, essential for the life of all aerobic organisms. Oxy-
Patel and co-authors, who, in a systematic review and gen partial pressure (tension) (PO2) in the atmospheric
meta-analysis, compared both cardiac and non-cardiac air at sea level fluctuates within 150–160 mmHg, while
randomized clinical trials, as well as observational stud- the transport chain of oxygen to the target cells is char-
ies, investigating restrictive and liberal strategies [30]. acterized by a physiological stepwise decrease in oxygen
The authors demonstrated that the results of randomized tension from inhaled air to the mitochondria. This phe-
studies in cardiac surgery were not in accordance with nomenon is called the “oxygen cascade” (Fig. 1) [39]. At
the a general assumption that a liberal strategy signifi- the onset of inspiration the progress of declining oxygen
cantly increases mortality and morbidity. Thus available tension occurs due to tracheal air humidification and
evidence supports the inconsistency of the hemoglobin alveolar carbon dioxide admixture and subsequently
level as a transfusion trigger, especially in specific cohorts due to diffusion of oxygen through the alveolocapillary
of patients. However, several modern guidelines suggest membrane and venous admixture and shunting [40, 41].
using the hemoglobin level as the only blood transfusion The partial pressure of oxygen continues to decrease in
trigger and in most cases recommend a restrictive strat- accordance with significant diffusion gradients between
egy [31–33]. the capillaries and the cytoplasm of cells and finally the
The main aim of blood transfusion administration is an mitochondria. Current measurements demonstrate
optimization of oxygen delivery rather than to approach a that tissue PO2 of most organs is in the range of 20–40
certain level of hemoglobin. Consequently, many authors mmHg under resting conditions [42]. At rest and under
and guidelines suggest an individualized approach to physiologic conditions, oxygen delivery to the tissue
blood transfusions, based not only on the level of hemo- still exceeds oxygen consumption by far with an oxygen
globin (which often cannot clearly reflect the need for extraction ratio near 25% [43]. However, the physiologic
oxygen delivery), but also on the clinical signs of anemia decrease of cellular oxygen levels can be further aggra-
and the balance between oxygen delivery and oxygen vated by pathophysiological states, as hypoventilation or
consumption [32, 34–36]. ventilation/perfusion mismatch, that will finally result in
One of the indications for blood transfusion may also tissue hypoxia.
be one of its physiological effects - increasing intravascu- Most of the oxygen (98–99%) binds to hemoglo-
lar volume and, consequently, increasing blood pressure bin, while only 1–2% of the total amount of oxygen is
Arynov et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2024) 24:71 Page 4 of 12

Fig. 1 Oxygen cascade (Explanation in text. With the permission from: Springer Nature, License Number 5,666,460,857,294) [39]

dissolved in the plasma and does not play a significant VO2– oxygen consumption, ml/min, CvO2 – total oxygen
role in the global oxygen delivery. content in mixed venous blood, ml/dl.
The term “total oxygen content” (СtO2) indicates the Oxygen consumption is also expressed as an oxygen
sum of the volumetric concentrations of both bound and extraction ratio (O2ER) or an oxygen extraction index
dissolved oxygen in plasma [43]: [43, 44]:

CtO2(ml O2/dl) = (1,34 × Hb × SO2) + (0,031 × PO2), (1) V O2 CtaO 2 − CtvO 2

O2ER = × 100% = × 100%, (4)
DO 2 CtaO 2
1,34- Huffner’s constant - describes the volume of O2(ml)
that binds 1 gram of hemoglobin at full saturation, 0,031- O2ER- oxygen extraction ratio, %, CаO2– total oxygen
the Bunsen coefficient reflects the volume of oxygen that content in arterial blood, ml/dl; CvO2- total oxygen con-
dissolves in 1 L of plasma for every 1 mmHg of partial tent in mixed venous blood, ml/dl.
pressure, Hb- hemoglobin concentration, g/l, PO2- partial Normal values of these indicators are 20–30%.
pressure of oxygen, SO2- hemoglobin oxygen saturation. To
calculate this indicator in arterial or venous blood, it is Concepts of tissue oxygen delivery
necessary to use the corresponding SO2and PO2values. Anemia and oxygen delivery
As formula (1) shows, PO2 equal to100 mmHg can only According to the classification proposed by Joseph Bar-
provide 3 ml of dissolved oxygen in 1 L of blood, while a croft in 1920, anemia leads to anemic hypoxia associated
saturation of 99% means that 134 ml of oxygen is bound with decreased blood oxygen content. According to this
at a hemoglobin level of 100 g/L. This clearly demon- classification other types are hypoxemic hypoxia due to
strates the low possibility of increasing oxygen delivery in lack of oxygen in the inhaled air or ventilation disorders
patients with anemia. and circulatory hypoxia - associated with acute and/or
Oxygen delivery is determined by the following for- chronic heart failure [45]. A few years later this classifica-
mula [43]: tion was supplemented with the fourth type named his-
totoxic (tissue) hypoxia by J.P. Peters and D.D. Van Slyke,
DO2 = CO2 × CO, (2) which is based on the blockade of respiratory enzymes
[46]. Hemoglobin in red blood cells has been traditionally
DO2 - oxygen delivery, ml/min, CаO2 – total oxygen con- viewed as a passive transport system for oxygen and the
tent in arterial blood, ml/l, CO- cardiac output, liters per main determinant of oxygen deliverly. Nevertheless, ade-
minute. quate local blood flow and thus tissue oxygen delivery are
Oxygen consumption is calculated using the following largely defined by the ability of the cell to generate ade-
formula [43]: nosine 5′-triphosphate ATP from oxygen. One important
fact of oxygen transport physiology is the independence
VO2 = (CtaO2 − CtvO2 ) × CO, (3) of oxygen consumption upon oxygen delivery:oxygen
consumption is constant over a wide range of DO2 under
Arynov et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2024) 24:71 Page 5 of 12

resting conditions, and decreases only when DO2 falls concentration of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate [60, 61]. It is
below a critical level (DO2crit) [47–49]. important to note that an increase in the level of 2,3-
In this context overall oxygen consumption remained diphosphoglycerate and, accordingly, a decrease in the
stable in healthy resting humans during severe acute lim- affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is a reaction that is
itation of oxygen delivery due to isovolemic reduction of typical for all types of anemia including chronic anemia
hemoglobin concentration to various low levels (Table 3). [61, 62]. In healthy volunteers a decreased tissue oxygen
However, globally maintained oxygen consumption availability with a concomitant increased oxygen extrac-
does not reflect the heterogenous difference inorgan spe- tion and a reduced mixed venous oxygen saturation was
cific oxygen supply and demand, and various organ sys- present at hemoglobin levels below 6 g/dL. Nevertheless,
tems might have different tolerances for anemia [50]. this hemoglobin concentration did not result in inade-
quate oxygen transport asassessed by plasma lactate con-
Adaptive responses to anemia centration [52].
The first line of compensation for reduced oxygen deliv-
ery is increased blood flow through the tissues i.e. Critical level of oxygen delivery
increased cardiac output [51]. During anemia an increase When the level of oxygen delivery decreases, oxygen con-
in cardiac index and heart rate associated with a sharp sumption is provided by an increase in oxygen extraction
increase in myocardial oxygen consumption maintains [57, 63]. The development of oxygen debt is indicated by
global overall systemic oxygen delivery [52]. Given a an increase in the level of blood lactate associated with a
constant systemic oxygen use, this fact requires that further increase in oxygen extraction and a decrease in
other organs, such as the gut or the kidney, must actu- the saturation of hemoglobin in the venous blood (Fig. 2)
ally reduce oxygen consumption [51, 53].Thus organs [64].
of a higher metabolic demand namely the heart and the This level of critical oxygen delivery can vary under
brain receive a greater proportion of blood flow and oxy- anemic conditions, as indicated by both clinical and
gen delivery [54]. Due to a limited blood flow response to experimental investigations. A clinical case that gave
anemia of the renal tissue, renal hypoxia is proportional impetus to this concept was presented already some
to the degree of anemia and at comparable hemoglobin decades ago [65]. The report refers to an 84-year-old male
levels, more severe levels of tissue hypoxia are observed patient with stomach cancer who underwent gastrectomy
in the kidney, relative to the brain. In this context the complicated by excessive bleeding with a blood loss of
kidney serves as an early central oxygen sensor activat- 4500 mL. The patient refused blood transfusions for reli-
ing local responses including the increased production of gious reasons and died 12 h after surgery. The patient was
serum erythropoietin as well as adaptive cardiovascular invasively monitored with a pulmonary artery catheter
responses in order to protect vital organ perfusion [55, and under conditions of hypervolemic hemodilution, a
56]. critical level of oxygen delivery-4.9 ml/kg per minute at
In contrast, the organism cannot compensate for a a hemoglobin level of 40 g/l was identified. In this case
reduced oxygen delivery due to a decreased cardiac out- oxygen consumption dependence upon delivery did not
put, as there are no physiological mechanisms available develop before at a very low level of hemoglobin has been
to increase the hemoglobin level or the oxygen saturation reached. However, experimental studies showed various
above a certain given level. Even an increase of red blood levels of hemoglobin that led to critical oxygen delivery
cells might than not be sufficient to increase oxyden in anemia (Table 3). The presented data demonstrate the
delivery adequately [57]. It is also important to remember imperfection of hemoglobin as a trigger for transfusion in
that elevating cardiac output may be unsafe for patients specific clinical situations.
with decreased cardiac functional reserve as commonly As seen in Table 3, the hemoglobin level at which criti-
observed in (patients with cardiovascular diseases or of cal oxygen delivery is achieved varies and depends on
advanced age). Moreover the majority to these specific age and comorbidities. It is important to understand that
patients receive ß-blocker treatment, which has been reaching the critical level of oxygen delivery in anemia is
shown to attenuate the cardiovascular response to acute associated with a significantly increase in mortality. This
anemia and to accentuate the risk of brain and heart isch- is well demonstrated in a study of patients with anemia
emia [58, 59]. who did not undergo blood transfusion (patient refus-
In anemia, arterial oxygen tension remains almost als for religious and other reasons) [70]. Moreover, it has
unchanged. However, anemia leads to a decrease in blood also been shown that reaching the critical level of oxygen
oxygen content, which is compensated by an increase delivery in anemia leads to a reduction in time to death
in cardiac output and an increase in oxygen extrac- and a limited time for intervention [70, 71].
tion by tissues associated with a shift in the oxyhemo- Nevertheless, a strong association between decreased
globin dissociation curve to the right by increasing the hemoglobin values and adverse events and mortality
Arynov et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2024) 24:71 Page 6 of 12

Fig. 2 Relationship between delivery and consumption of oxygen. There is an increase in the level of lactate and a further increase in oxygen extraction
with a decrease in the saturation of hemoglobin in venous blood when reaching the critical oxygen delivery (DO2- oxygen delivery, VO2- oxygen con-
sumption, SvO2-saturation of hemoglobin in mixed/central venous blood, OER-oxygen extraction ratio, DO2crit- critical level of oxygen delivery)(With the
permission from Elsevier Publisher, License Number 5,633,500,709,980) [64]

Table 3 Studies devoted to determining the critical level of DO2

has also been established even before a critical level of
in anemia
Trials Population Monitored indicators
oxygen delivery has been reached. Specifically, mortal-
J.A. Lieber- Healthy volunteers Identification of the criti-
ity rises sharply as hemoglobin decreases below 5-6 g/
manet et al. aged 19–25; acute cal level of oxygen delivery: dl [72], while oxygen consumption may become depen-
[66] normovolemic he- DO2crit = 7,3 ml/min/kg dent on delivery at even lower hemoglobin levels. Thus
modilution, hemo- in clinical practice anemia treatment usually is initiated
globin reduced from already well above this critical threshold and anemia
12.5 ± 0.8 to 4.8 ± 0.2 g/
induced organ injury due to a reduction of organ specific
J.M. Leung 55 healthy volunteers;Assessment of myocardial oxy-
tissue oxygenation might be a more relevant mechanism
et al. [67] acute normovolemic gen delivery and consumption for unfavourable outcomes.
hemodilution, hemo- imbalance based on ST-seg-
globin level 5 g/dl ment changes: three volunteers Blood transfusion triggers
had ST-segment changes on As noted above, the main and only purpose of blood
the background of tachycardia,
without clinical symptoms and
transfusion is to increase the oxygen– binding capacity of
completely reversible. the blood and, as a result, oxygen delivery to organs and
D.R. Spahn 20 patients over Assessment of CI, O2ER, ST seg- tissues. From a physiological point of view, the isolated
et al. [68] 65 years without ment changes: the decrease in hemoglobin level does not always reflect adequate oxy-
concomitant diseases hemoglobin was compensated gen delivery, which became the basis for the search for
of the cardiovascular by the increase in CI and O2ER,
alternative blood transfusion triggers.
system, acute normo- there were no changes in the ST
volemic hemodilution, segment in lead II, and a slight Modern requirements for an “ideal trigger” include not
hemoglobin level decrease in the ST segment was only high sensitivity and specificity and the possibility of
88 ± 3 g/l noted in lead V5. There were no its continuous monitoring, but also the ability to reflect
electrocardiographic signs of the degree of anemia compensation by the body, contrib-
myocardial ischemia.
uting to timely and reasonable blood transfusions [73].
D.R.Spahn et 60 patients with The decrease in hemoglobin
In the 1980s, an expert consensus, published in the
al. [69] coronary artery disease to 99 ± 2 g/l was compensated
who took long-term by an increase in CI and O2ER; Journal of the American Medical Association with rela-
beta-blockers and there were no electrocardio- tively liberal approaches to blood transfusion, clearly
underwent coronary graphic signs of myocardial states the need for an individualized approach in pre-
artery bypass grafting ischemia. scribing blood transfusion – assessment of clinical
* DO2crit – critical level of oxygen delivery- the level at which oxygen
consumption begins to depend on its delivery, ml/min/kg; VO2– Oxygen
parameter, mixed venous blood oxygen tension, oxygen
Consumption, ml/min; Hb- hemoglobin level; CI- cardiac index, l/m2 per minute; extraction level, and cardiac output [74].
O2ER – oxygen extraction ratio, % Further studies in search of an alternative blood trans-
fusion trigger suggested using the saturation of the level
of oxygen extraction, central venous/mixed venous oxy-
gen saturation, oxygen content arterial-venous difference,
electrocardiogram, serum lactate and others.
Arynov et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2024) 24:71 Page 7 of 12

Oxygen extraction ratio Arterial-venous oxygen difference

The oxygen extraction ratio reflects oxygen consump- This indicator was also described as an alternative trigger,
tion by the body, while, as mentioned above, its extrac- but is less common in the literature. The arterio-venous
tion increases with a decrease in the oxygen delivery oxygen difference is the difference between the oxygen
level, which ensures oxygen consumption at a constant content in arterial and venous blood:
rate. The level of oxygen extraction is one of the labora-
tory indicators of anemic hypoxia [75]. This indicator has A − VO2diff = CtaO2 − CtvO2 (5)
demonstrated diagnostic value primarily in reducing the
number of blood transfusions and served as a trigger for In a prospective observational study, A. Fogagnolo et al.
blood transfusions in a number of studies [75–79]. Fur- showed the benefits of using the arterio-venous differ-
thermore, the significance of this indicator as a criterion ence as an additional blood transfusion trigger: in the
for blood transfusion prescriptions was demonstrated group with high A-VO2 diff, blood transfusion was asso-
in earlier and experimental studies [80, 81]. It should be ciated with a decrease in 90-day mortality [91]. However,
noted that no large randomized trials of a blood transfu- another study devoted to this blood transfusion trigger
sion strategy based on oxygen extraction level assessment has not been found.
have been conducted.
ECG signs of ischemia
Central venous/mixed venous oxygen saturation One of the alternative blood transfusion triggers is isch-
Saturation of hemoglobin in mixed venous blood (SvO2) emic signs on the electrocardiogram (ECG). The physi-
is one of the indicators reflecting the balance between ological rationale for this trigger is a decrease in oxygen
oxygen delivery and consumption [82]. From a physi- delivery to the myocardium and consequently the devel-
ological point of view, SvO2 is considered an indicator opment of myocardial ischemia [92]. Changes in the ECG
that reflects the extraction of oxygen and disturbances in are often functional and reversible and may be associated
the ratio between its delivery and consumption [83]. The with tachycardia, but a number of authors indicate the
concept of using SvO2 as a blood transfusion trigger was possibility of using this feature as an additional physi-
mostly developed in the works of B. Vallet et al. Studies ological criterion for prescribing blood transfusion [93,
based on the physiological rationale demonstrated high 94]. Additionally, it is worth highlighting the low specific-
sensitivity and specificity of SvO2 as a blood transfusion ity of this trigger [73].
trigger [84–86].
However, the use of mixed venous blood hemoglobin Serum lactate
saturation is associated with an invasive method (pul- Another alternative trigger for blood transfusion might
monary artery catheter insertion) and high cost. In this be the serum lactate level, which has been widely recog-
regard, a possible alternative is the use of the hemoglobin nized as a reliable indicator of tissue hypoxia. A system-
saturation of the central venous blood (blood obtained atic review by A. Tran et al. showed the predictive value
from the mouths of the vena cava, ScvO2) [87]; normal of lactate levels for transfusion and haemostatic interven-
SvO2 values are 68–77%, and ScvO2 is approximately tions during traumatic hemorrhage [95]. On the other
5% higher [88]. In a recent study, N. Themelin and coau- hand, there area large number of reasons for the rise in
thors assessed changes in systemic oxygen delivery and blood lactate levels, such as shock, sepsis, severe liver
consumption after transfusions of donor RBCs and the disease, which sharply reduce its specificity as a blood
diagnostic value of ScvO2 in patients in the ICU [89]. The transfusion trigger [96, 97]. There are also no large ran-
authors have evaluated central venous blood hemoglobin domized trials evaluating lactate as an indicator for blood
saturation, blood lactate level, venous-to-arterial carbon transfusion.
dioxide (CO2) tension difference and cardiac index. Only It is important to note that changes in blood lactate
hemoglobin saturation of the central venous blood with a levels and ECG during anemia often manifest late, which
baseline value of less than 70% showed positive changes may lead to a delay in anemia treatment. Moreover, it
after blood transfusion, while the effect on clinical out- has been shown that blood transfusion has no impact on
comes remains unclear. It is necessary to remember that reducing lactate levels, which may also limit its use as a
a decrease in SvO2(ScvO2) can develop with a decrease trigger for blood transfusion [98].
in arterial oxygenation (hypoxic hypoxia), a decrease in
cardiac output (circulatory hypoxia), and in conditions Near Infrared Spectroscopy
accompanied by an increase in oxygen demand (fever, Near Infrared Spectroscopy is a non-invasive method
pain, convulsions) [84, 90]. for monitoring tissue oxygenation and can also be used
as a physiological trigger for blood transfusion. In a sys-
tematic review published by Crispin and Forwood, 69
Arynov et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2024) 24:71 Page 8 of 12

studies were included where Near Infrared Spectros- of Near Infrared Spectroscopy reduced the number of
copy was employed to measure tissue oxygenation and transfused units of red blood cells but did not impact
guide decisions regarding blood transfusion. For certain outcomes [99]. The benefits of Near Infrared Spectros-
patient groups (trauma patients), tissue oxygenation lev- copy in blood transfusion decision-making lie in its
els demonstrated low sensitivity and higher specificity non-invasiveness; however, the available clinical data is
for transfusion decisions. In other patient groups (car- insufficient to recommend it as a physiological trigger for
diac surgery, neurosurgery, and neonatal cases), the use blood transfusion.

Exercise capacity
Table 4 Red blood cell transfusion guidelines
As mentioned above, many authors recommend consid-
Recommendations Type of triggers recommended for use
ering not only the hemoglobin level but also clinical data,
Cross-Sectional Guidelines Population: general patients
for Therapy with Blood Oxygen delivery indicators:
including a decrease in physical exercise tolerance, for
Components and Plasma - increasein oxygen extraction above 50%; blood transfusion decisions [32]. Cardiopulmonary exer-
Derivatives [104] - decrease in oxygen consumption by cises are typically used to assess exercise tolerance and
more than 10% are employed to stratify the risk of patients undergoing
- decrease in the level of mixed venous elective surgery. An increase in mortality and complica-
oxygen saturation less than 50%
- decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen
tions risk after surgery has been demonstrated in patients
in mixed venous blood below 32 mm Hg with reduced exercise capacity [100]. Some patients
- decrease in the level of central venous with anemia also exhibit decreased exercise capacity,
oxygen saturation less than 60% which may be considered an additional trigger for blood
EKG signs: transfusion. In a prospective clinical study, Wright et
- ST segment changes;
- new diagnosis of heart arrhythmia ;
al. showed a significant improvement in exercise capac-
Clinical signs: ity after blood transfusion [101]. However, there is also
- tachycardia; insufficient data to recommend this method, and we sug-
- hypotension; gest that it should be assessed in conjunction with other
- dyspnea. clinical data.
Russian Clinical guidelines Population: cardiologicalpatients:
for red blood cell transfu- - increase in oxygen extraction above 50%;
sion [105] - decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen
Biomarkers of tissue hypoxia
in the central venous blood below 32 mm A special interest in the study of anemia lies in markers
Hg; of tissue hypoxia. Indicators such as methemoglobin and
- decrease in the level of mixed venous erythropoietin can serve as markers of anemia-induced
oxygen saturation less than 60% tissue hypoxia. It is suggested that an increase in met-
- an increase in the concentration of lactate
in arterial blood to more than 2.5 mmol/l
hemoglobin may be associated with an elevated risk of
Association of Anesthe- Population: general patients stroke, and assessing its level could be valuable in the
tists of Great Britain and Physiological triggers are not mentioned management of anemia [102]. Erythropoietin has also
Ireland: guidelines: the shown an increase in response to tissue hypoxia and may
use of blood components be considered a marker of anemia-induced renal hypoxia
and their alternatives 2016
[103]. However, further research on markers of anemia-
induced tissue hypoxia and their role in the decision-
Transfusion strategies in Population: non-bleeding critically ill
non-bleeding critically ill patients making regarding blood transfusion is needed.
adults: a clinical practice Suggesting using hemoglobin or he- As seen from Table 4, current mainstream recommen-
guideline from the Euro- matocrit transfusion triggers rather than dations from professional medical societies for blood
pean Society of Intensive physiologic transfusion triggers (condi- transfusion generally rely primarily on hemoglobin levels.
Care Medicine [33] tional recommendation, very low certainty
At the same time, several alternative triggers for mak-
ing decisions about blood transfusion have not gained
Clinical Practice Guide- Population: general patients
lines From the AABB [32] Physiological triggers are not mentioned, widespread acknowledgment within these recommenda-
but attention is focused on the insuffi- tions. However, many experts acknowledge the imperfec-
ciency of using the hemoglobin trigger as tions of hemoglobin levels as an isolated trigger for blood
an indicator of oxygen delivery. transfusion and the limitations in its application.
Practice Guidelines for Population: patients in theperioperative The recognition of the imperfections and limita-
Perioperative Blood Man- period
agement: An Updated Physiological triggers are not mentioned
tions associated with relying solely on hemoglobin lev-
Report by the American els for blood transfusion decisions underscores the
Society of Anesthesiolo- need for substantial clinical research into alternative
gists [107] transfusion triggers. Large clinical studies are crucial to
Arynov et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2024) 24:71 Page 9 of 12

comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness and safety large randomized trials. At the same time, the need for
of these alternative triggers, taking into account diverse personification of blood transfusion therapy is necessary.
patient populations and clinical scenarios. Vincent J.L., in one of his recent articles, gives a simple
A personalized strategy could consider not only hemo- example: a hemoglobin level of 80 g/l is safe in a young
globin levels but also other relevant clinical parameters, healthy patient with an injury and the same hemoglobin
patient-specific factors, and physiological considerations. level in an elderly patient with severe tachycardia and a
This personalized approach aims to optimize transfusion history of myocardial infarction can play a critical role
practices, ensuring a more tailored and effective inter- [36]. Current recommendations do not provide a clear
vention while minimizing unnecessary transfusions and solution to resolve this dilemma.
associated risks. The application and study of alternative triggers for
In essence, the call for large clinical studies and the blood transfusion are crucial for several reasons. First,
exploration of personalized approaches in the context traditional triggers for transfusion, such as hemoglobin
of blood transfusion decisions stem from the recogni- levels, may not fully capture an individual patient’s oxy-
tion that a more nuanced understanding of patient needs gen-carrying capacity and overall physiological status. By
and responses is essential to enhance the precision and exploring alternative triggers, we can potentially identify
appropriateness of transfusion practices. more accurate and tailored indicators of when a patient
truly requires a blood transfusion.
Conclusion Second, the use of blood products comes with inher-
Anemia is a fairly common clinical and hematological ent risks, including transfusion reactions, infections, and
syndrome with a decrease in hemoglobin level as the immunological complications. By investigating alterna-
main diagnostic criterion. Existing conservative drug tive triggers, we can aim to reduce unnecessary transfu-
treatments cannot always be used in patients in the sions, thus minimizing these potential adverse events and
perioperative period. The main treatment for anemia is improving patient safety.
blood transfusion, and the main trigger is the hemoglo- Moreover, studying alternative triggers can lead to
bin level. Sometimes additional triggers are used such as more effective and efficient blood utilization, addressing
clinical signs of anemic syndrome. However, the clini- the issue of blood shortages and ensuring the availabil-
cal signs of anemia are not specific and cannot always ity of blood products for patients who genuinely need
be used in the clinical practice. Numerous studies have them. This becomes especially critical in high-demand
shown that both anemia and blood transfusion are inde- situations, such as during critical care or perioperative
pendent factors that worsen outcomes. periods.
The generally accepted consensus between these two Furthermore, different patient populations may have
problems is currently being solved by a restrictive trans- distinct responses to anemia, making it essential to
fusion strategy with reference points to a lower threshold explore alternative triggers for blood transfusion in spe-
hemoglobin level. However this strategy does not take cific groups, such as critically ill patients or those under-
into account some features of patients with comorbidi- going surgical procedures. Tailoring transfusion practices
ties. As a result, studies on the threshold level of hemo- based on individualized triggers may optimize patient
globin in patients with various acute diseases remain outcomes and resource allocation.
controversial. This fact has recently been emphasized In summary, the application and study of alternative
by the results from the Myocardial Ischemia and Trans- triggers for blood transfusion are necessary to enhance
fusion (MINT) trial, which evaluated whether a restric- patient care, minimize risks associated with transfusions,
tive transfusion strategy (hemoglobin trigger, 7–8 g/dL) improve blood product utilization, and ultimately pro-
differed from a liberal transfusion strategy (hemoglobin mote better outcomes in diverse clinical scenarios.
trigger, < 10 g/dL) among patiens with acute myocardial
infarction. Although the groups did not differ signifi- Not applicable.
cantly regarding the primary composite outcome recur-
rent myocardial infarction or death at 30 days, the liberal Author contributions
A.A. played a pivotal role in conducting an extensive literature search and
treatment showed advantages in specific subgruoups review. He meticulously collected and organized relevant research papers,
[108]. This underlines again the importance of a multifac- books, and other scholarly sources. He identified key themes and trends,
torial approach which addresses multiple patient specific which formed the foundation for the article’s comprehensive literature review
section.D.K. brought a critical analytical perspective to the review article. She
risk factors and confirms the need for alternative blood was responsible for synthesizing the gathered literature, identifying gaps in
transfusion triggers. existing research, and providing valuable insights into the current state of the
Despite the availability and interest in physiologic field. D.K. also played a central role in structuring the article and ensuring that
it flowed logically from one topic to the next.B.K. contributed significantly
blood transfusion triggers, the level of evidence for their to the writing and editorial aspects of the review article. B.K. drafted all
use is extremely low, which is primarily due to the lack of article sections, weaving together the insights from the literature to create a
Arynov et al. BMC Anesthesiology (2024) 24:71 Page 10 of 12

coherent narrative. She also played a crucial role in revising and refining the surgery. Am J Med. 2016;129(3):315–23e2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
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Not applicable. Intraoperative transfusion of 1 U to 2 U packed red blood cells is associated
with increased 30-day mortality, surgical-site infection, pneumonia, and
sepsis in general surgery patients. J AmCollSurg. 2009;208(5):931–9. https://
Declarations doi.org/10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2008.11.019.
17. Woldendorp K, Manuel L, Srivastava A, Doane M, Bassin L, Marshman D.
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