Educational Psychology 771 - Activity 2 (25 April 2025)

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Section 1:
How will I convince fellow teachers of the neurological and grounding value of the act of
Teachers need to be informed that handwriting in itself can significantly improve children’s
neurological development meaning the development of the brain that consist of neurological
pathways which is influencing functioning and performance. Teachers would improve learners
reading capabilities, socialize skills, intellectual functions, focus, memory and attention span
skills when they motivate learners to implement their handwriting in the classroom context and
space. Practicing handwriting and implementing these various skills of neurodevelopment can
also keep learners away from neurodevelopment disorders (BCPN 2024). I will inform teachers
that handwriting will activate the functions of the brain which is responsible for sensory
processing, motor skills and cognitive functions that is involved in the formation of letters,
words and language (James & Engelhardt 2012). It also provides memory retention which is
crucial for the reinforcing of encoding and learning processes that leads to better recalling. It
also stimulates motor fine skills development that is essential for drawing and writing (Mueller
& Oppenheimer 2014). I will also inform teachers that handwriting also improves cognitive
processing, emotional regulation, personal connection, mindfulness practice and individual
based learning. Handwriting essentially offers an holistic approach (Villines 2021).
Section 2:
In what ways can teachers explicitly teach handwriting as a learning skill in order to enhance
overall learning?
The first strategy would be “multi-sensory approach”. This means that teachers can actively
engage learners in multi-sensory handwriting activities for the enhancement of learning. This
strategy does involve to incorporate visual elements, auditory and tactile into the instruction of
handwriting. This multi-sensory instruction of handwriting can writing fluency and letter
formation in that of learners. Teachers can then start using certain techniques like sandpaper
letters, finger tracing and writing sensory trays in reinforcing shapes of letters and motor
patterns (James & Engelhardt 2012).
The second strategy would be “modeling and direct instruction”. Meaning in providing
instruction directly in terms of handwriting skills and proper model formation of letters for
learners. Handwriting explicit instruction does include practice that is guided and modeling of
the teacher. This can lead towards an improving in handwriting speed and legibility. Teachers
can then start demonstrating letter technique formations, start providing verbal cues but also
guide learners in writing excercises and activities in helping them to in developing handwriting
proficiency (Berninger et al. 2006).
The third strategy would be “content areas integration”. This means to integrate instruction of
handwriting with area content learning in enhancing learning overall outcomes. To integrate the

practice of handwriting into the content academic areas and space can improve learners subject
knowledge and skills to write. Teachers can then start incorporating activities in handwriting
lessons across subjects like to write observations of science, narratives in an historical way and
math explanations. Through handwriting integration with that of content knowledge these
learners will start to reinforce handwriting defined skills while they are significantly engaging
with the content of curriculum (Graham & Harris 2016).

Section 3:
What did I like most about this activity?
I liked how the activity showed me the importance and significance in why teachers should
incorporate and motivate handwriting more in the classroom as it will promote academic and
learner success.
What do I think I learned from this activity?
I learned that learners need to practice handwriting more in classroom, as there is a lot of
positive factors when learners spend time handwrite things out. This will benefit them
How can I take what I have learned and apply it in the future?
I can use and take all of these strategies into my history and English classes, where a lot of
reading is done and ask learners to handwrite personal experiences with the work that we are
discussing. In history for instance LEARNERS COULD HANDWRITE reasons why world war 2
started. In English it could be critical analyzing a poem on paper.
What was most challenging or least interesting about this activity? How did I respond?
This activity was very educational in all aspects as it is providing certain tools for learners that
teachers can enhance in the classroom with regards to handwriting and neurodevelopment
disorders when it is not implemented.
What will I do differently in the future?
I will incorporate more handwritten activities in the classroom for learners to better their neuro-
cognitive functions.

APA Reference List

Berninger, V. W., Vaughan, K. B., Abbott, R. D., Abbott, S. P., Rogan, L. W., Brooks, A., ... &
Graham, S. (1997). Treatment of handwriting problems in beginning writers: Transfer from
handwriting to composition. Journal of Educational Psychology, 89(4), 652.
Brighton Center for Pediatric Neurodevelopment (BCPN). (2024). Neu·ro·de·vel·op·ment.
Graham, S., & Harris, K. R. (2016). Integrating writing instruction with content-area learning.
James, K. H., & Engelhardt, L. (2012). The effects of handwriting experience on functional brain
development in pre-literate children. Trends in neuroscience and education, 1(1), 32-42.
Mueller, P. A., & Oppenheimer, D. M. (2014). The pen is mightier than the keyboard: Advantages
of longhand over laptop note taking. Psychological science, 25(6), 1159-1168.
Villines, Z. (2021). How Handwriting Can Help Us Boost Our Mental Health. Psychology Today.
Retrieved from

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