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Prioritizing What’s Important to Me

Indicate to the left of each statement whether or not you feel the statement is important:
S for sometimes, A for always, and N for never.

1. _S__Come to the door for your date.

2. _A__Be joyful and happy always on a date
3. _S__Introduce all dates to parents.
4. _A__Give a definite “yes” or “no” when asked on a date.
5. _S__Never date someone you don’t know.
6. _S__Blind dates offer opportunities to know and meet others.
7. _S__Girls have to be more concerned about reputations than guys.
8. _S__Reveal information, feelings, and reaction about yourself to a date.
9. _N__Avoid talking about yourself.
10. _A__Encourage dating partners to talk.
11. _S__Have variety in people you date.
12. _S__Date only people of your same religion.
13. _N__Date only people of your same race.
14. _N__Date only people of your same nationality.
15. _S__Give the impression of having a good time.
16. _S__Never talk about other dating partners.
17. _S__Never talk about other dates.
18. _A__Live by your standards rather than by trying to please your date.
19. _N__A person who does not date is boring.
20._N__A person who does not date is ugly.
21. _N__Spend HOURS on the phone.
22. _N__Drop a date, especially if someone better comes along.
23. _S__Little “white lies” are better excuses for refusing a date than the truth.
24. _A__Flirting with a date is acceptable dating behavior.
25. _S__When leaving a message, always give a full name.
26._S__Jealousy shows how much one cares.
27. _N__Playing hard-to-get or pretending to be busy.
28._A__Dates don’t have to be expensive
29._N__Should one ever break a date to accept another?
30._N__Pretending to be someone you are not.
31. _S__Become interested in others and in what they enjoy.
32. _S__The more responsibility you show to parents, the more dating freedoms you receive.
33. List the - Be joyful and happy always on a date
statements that are - Give a definite “yes” or “no” when asked on a date
ALWAYS important: - Encourage dating partners to talk.
- Live by your standards rather than by trying to please your date.
- Flirting with a date is acceptable dating behavior.
- Dates don’t have to be expensive

34. List the - Avoid talking about yourself.

statements that are - Date only people of your same race.
NEVER important: - Date only people of your same nationality.
- A person who does not date is boring.
- A person who does not date is ugly.
- Spend HOURS on the phone.
- Drop a date, especially if someone better comes along.
- Playing hard-to-get or pretending to be busy.
- Should one ever break a date to accept another?
- Pretending to be someone you are not

35. Do you think as I would say the importance of these things won’t change as I get older
you get older--say 27 to say 27 years old because they’re the bare minimum and they’re not
years old--that the too specific or hard to follow. Many of them are just about respecting
importance of these your date because they’re a human with feelings and about respecting
things will change? yourself because you should be able to be yourself and find someone
Explain why or why who appreciates that.

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