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A fatigue damage map for 2024-T3 aluminium alloy

C . A . R O D O P O U L O S 1 , E . R. D E L O S RIO S 1 , A . LE V E R S 2 and J . R. YATES 1

Structural Integrity Research Institute of the University of Sheffield (SIRIUS), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sheffield,
Mappin Street, Sheffield, S1 3JD, UK, 2British Aerospace Airbus, Chester Road, Broughton, Chester CH4 0DR, UK
Received in final form 20 March 2002

ABSTRACT The propagation of a fatigue crack from an initial defect of the same order as the scale
of the microstructure through to failure has been modelled using a representation of
fatigue damage according to the Navarro±de los Rios (N±R) model. The fatigue pro-
cesses are presented in the form of a fatigue damage map (FDM). It is shown how the
map can be used to create a traditional S±N curve and to provide information suitable for
estimating fatigue lifetimes under damage tolerant conditions.
Keywords crack arrest; crack instability; fatigue damage map; microstructurally
dependent propagation; microstructurally independent propagation.
NOMENCLATURE D ˆ grain diameter
E ˆ Young's modulus
KIC ˆ fracture toughness
a ˆ crack length
dtip ˆ crack tip opening displacement
s ˆ applied stress
sarrest ˆ stress level at crack arrest
sFL ˆ fatigue limit
sMD ˆ stress level at the transition from microstructure dependent to microstruc-
ture independent crack propagation
stoughness ˆ stress level for static fracture
s1 ˆ crack closure stress
scy ˆ cyclic yield stress

Based on the representation of the crack and the plastic

zone by a continuous distribution of dislocations (as
Fatigue crack growth in polycrystalline materials can be proposed by Bilby et al.4), Navarro and de los Rios
related to the development of plastic deformation ahead developed the so-called N±R model to predict fatigue
of the crack tip.1,2 It is widely accepted that an essential crack growth.5 The model considers that any transgra-
feature of this process concerns dislocation motion and nular crack system is composed of three zones, shown
growth of slip bands across grains.3 The propagation of in Fig. 1: the crack zone, the plastic zone, and the grain
dislocations, however, is not unrestricted but is bounded boundary zone. Considering an equilibrium of disloca-
by features of the microstructure, particularly when the tions throughout the zones4 the stress concentration
extent of plasticity is small. In many materials, disloca- ahead of the slip band for the tensile crack opening
tion movement is constrained to lie on a plane by the mode is given by Ref. [5],
stacking fault energy and consequently dislocations pile
up against the grain boundary. The pile-up of disloca- 1 h  p i
1 1
s2 ˆ scy s1 sin n1 scy sin n2 ‡ s ;
tions will continue until the resulting stress concentra- cos 1 n2 2
tion ahead of the slip band is able to initiate slip in the 1†
next grain.
where s1 is the closure stress on the crack flank, scy is the
Correspondence: J. R. Yates. E-mail:; C. A. Rodopoulos. cyclic yield stress and s2 is the stress at the grain bound-
E-mail: ary. The fatigue damage parameters n1 and n2 represent,

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570 C. A. RODOPOULOS et al.

in a dimensionless form, the crack length and the crack to demonstrate the advantages of such an approach to
length plus the plastic zone extent, respectively. From design.
Eq. (1), it is clear that s2 increases as the crack tip
approaches the grain boundary. At a specific distance FATIGUE MODELLING
between the tip of the crack and the grain boundary,
referred to as the critical distance, the slip band stress Crack arrest
concentration is high enough to initiate slip in the next Using the simple concepts of dislocation pile-ups and
grain. On this happening, the stress is initially low but it slip band initiation ahead of the pile-ups as described
begins to build up as the crack tip approaches the next above, the condition for crack arrest is assumed to be
boundary. It should be noted that the critical distance is when s2 is unable to attain the level required to initiate a
not constant but increases with crack length. new slip band in the next grain, before the crack tip
The N±R model was originally developed for the pre- reaches the grain boundary. Figure 2 shows in a sche-
diction of short crack growth, however, further work matic way the conditions for crack arrest. Following the
revealed that repetition of the slip band initiation process same arguments as presented in Ref. [6], the condition
can be used to model the growth of longer cracks.6 As a for crack arrest is:
result, the dislocation model has been adapted to charac-
terize fatigue damage from crack initiation through to sFL s1
catastrophic failure. But, one of the limitations of the sarrest ˆ mi q ‡ s1 2†
model is that only transgranular cracks are considered. D

Even though the fields of fracture mechanics and fa-

tigue have made remarkable advances in the understand- where a is the crack length, sFL is the fatigue limit of the
ing of the physical issues involved in fatigue damage, the material and D is the grain diameter. The parameter mi is
design process within even the most advanced industries the grain orientation factor and is given by,7
still relies on huge databases to quantify materials, geom-  
etries and loading conditions. As a result, issues such mi 2a
ˆ 1 ‡ 0:5 ln 3†
as material selection and operational life remain an expen- m1 D
sive and time consuming process. In this work, Eq. (1) is
used to predict the development of different damage con- where 1  mi  3:07and i ('2a/D) is the number of half
ditions throughout the fatigue life which can be repre- grains within the crack system. It should be noted that mi
sented as a fatigue damage map (FDM). An example increases monotonically with i from a value of 1 until
based on the structural aluminium alloy 2024-T3 is used it reaches the saturated Taylor value of 3.07 (truly


s cy s

s1 s2



0 a iD/2 iD/2 + r
0 n1 n2 1 x/c

Crack Plastic Boundary 0 a iD/2 + r

zone zone o

Fig. 1 Configuration of the three zones of the N±R model in which 0 n1 n21 x/c
the equilibrium of forces are considered. D is the grain diameter, ro
is the width of the grain boundary and i is the number of half grains, Fig. 2 The maximum value of the slip-band stress concentration s2
i ˆ 1, 3. . . The stresses operating are: s is the applied stress, s1 is is attained when the crack approaches the grain boundary. At this
the crack closure stress, scy is the cyclic yield stress and s2 is the slip instance, if the slip-band stress concentration is unable to initiate
band stress concentration. plastic slip in the next grain, the crack arrests.

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polycrystalline behaviour). The hypothesis that m1 ˆ 1 is when the crack tip stress field is able to initiate slip bands
a necessary condition and is rationalized by the fact that, on two successive grains without growth. A further sim-
in many cases, crack nucleation takes place in grains that plification is that, at the transition, the plastic zone
are most favourably orientated so that the resolved stress extends over two grain diameters, see Fig. 4. Expansion
is at maximum. Whilst it may not be a sufficient condi- of Eq. (1) using the relationships cos 1 (x) ˆ (2(1±x)),1/2
tion, since other factors such as variations in grain size, sin 1 (x) ˆ p/2 ± cos 1 (x) gives,
the population of inclusion sizes and local variations
in the metallurgy will also affect the formation of cracks, 2  c p p p
sMD ˆ s 2 1 n2 † ‡ scy 2 1 n1 † scy 2 1 n2 †
the important point is that the fastest growing cracks will p 2
p p 
be associated with favourably orientated grains. A typical s1 2 1 n1 † ‡ s1 4†
output of Eq. (2) is shown in Fig. 3 in which the values 2
sFL ˆ 140 MPa, s1 ˆ 0 and D ˆ 44 mm were used in the
calculations.8 The parameters n1 and n2, as shown in Fig. 4, are,

i 4
n1 ˆ and n2  1 5†
Microstructurally dependent and independent crack i
Using Eq. (5), Eq. (4) can be rewritten as,
The fundamental difference between a microstructurally
dependent (MD) and a microstructurally independent 2  c p p p 
(MI) crack is that the propagation of the former is influ- sMD ˆ s 2 1 n1 † s1 2 1 n1 † ‡ s1 6†
p y 2
enced by microstructural features such as twin, grain and
phase boundaries, while the latter is dominated by the In the case of no crack closure, s1 ˆ 0, Eq. (6) becomes,
stress distribution ahead of the crack tip and the cyclic
yield stress of the material.6 According to Refs [9,10] the s
transition from microstructure dependent growth to 2 i 4
sMD ˆ scy 2 1 7†
microstructure independent growth takes place when p i
the crack tip plastic zone becomes larger than the grain
size. A rational assumption that could relate the effect of Eqs (6) and (7) represent the transition from microstruc-
the grain boundary to the above is that the transition ture dependent to microstructure independent growth
takes place when the ability of the grain boundary to for a given crack. In Fig. 5 the transition is plotted
block the progression of crack tip plasticity within one considering s1 ˆ 0. The cut-off value for the MD±MI
grain is overcome at the instance the load is applied. It transition is the crack instability limit, which is described
follows from this premise that the transition takes place in the next section.

200 s2

180 2024-T3 Aluminium alloy s cy

160 s1
Applied stress (MPa)

120 Crack growth zone
80 ro

Crack arrest zone
20 a
0 iD/2 iD/2 + ro
0 x
0.1 1 10 100
n1 n21 x /c
Normalised crack length (2a /D) 0

Fig. 3 The crack arrest curve for 2024-T3 aluminium alloy. Fig. 4 A schematic representation of the transition from
A fatigue limit of 140 MPa8 was used. Crack closure has been microstructure dependent to microstructure independent growth
neglected. according to the N±R model.

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572 C. A. RODOPOULOS et al.

800 600
2024-T3 Aluminium alloy
700 Crack instability Crack instability
Applied stress (MPa)

Applied stress (MPa)

MI growth
400 500


200 MD growth

2024-T3 Aluminium alloy
0 400
0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100
Normalised crack length (2a /D ) Normalised crack length (2a /D )

Fig. 5 Transition from microstructure dependent (MD) to Fig. 6 Crack instability for 2024-T3 aluminium alloy. The effect of
microstructure independent (MI) crack propagation. The cyclic crack closure is neglected.
yield stress was taken as 440 MPa.8 The other values used are as in
Fig. 3. The transition is bounded by the instability curve (see Fig. 6).
beyond its limits, and the disregard of increasing tearing
toughness in thin sheet materials, it is considered to be
Crack instability and fracture toughness
an adequate and conservative approximation. Thus, in
There are two competing static failure mechanisms to the section that follows, the construction of a fatigue
consider: plastic collapse and unstable fracture. Plastic damage map also includes conditions of failure by frac-
collapse can be modelled by the progression of the ture according to,
plasticity across the component. Fracture can be mod-
elled, in the simplest case, by the attainment of a stress KIC
stoughness ˆ p 10†
intensity equal to the fracture toughness of the material Y pa
appropriate to the section thickness of the component.
Solution of Eq. (1) in terms of n1 gives the position of where Y is the crack shape factor.
the crack tip in relation to the active microstructural
barrier at the instance the barrier is overcome as,6
0  1
s1 Combinations of different damage events as discussed
s mi p ‡ s1
Bp 2a=D C and modelled above lead to the development of an
nc1 ˆ cosB
A 8†
scy s1 FDM, shown in Fig. 7. In the FDM, there are five
zones of interest with each zone associated with a specific
damage event.
From Eq. (1) the conditions for general yielding can be Crack arrest takes place when the crack tip opening
estimated by considering that the crack tip plastic zone is displacement tends to zero. According to the model,
infinite. As a result, n1c ! 0 and Eq. (8) reduces to, the crack tip reaches the grain boundary before the cor-
responding crack tip plasticity is able to extend into the
sFL s1 next grain. In this zone, a crack of length less than a grain
sinstability ˆ mi p ‡ scy 9†
2a=D diameter will propagate to the grain boundary where it
will arrest. Equations 2 and 3, show that when a ˆ D/2,
A typical output of Eq. (9) for 2024-T3 aluminium alloy sarrest ˆ sFL. Thus, the fatigue limit represents the con-
is shown in Fig. 6. From Fig. 6, it is clear that, when the stant-amplitude limit under which cracks of depth less
cracks are small, failure by general yielding is only antici- than D/2 will not propagate to failure. Correspondingly,
pated when the far-field stress is close to yield. When for cracks longer than D/2, the propagation limit is given
the major crack is large in relation to the component by the arrest curve. It should be noted that the crack
dimensions, the reduction in the load bearing section arrest curve follows an almost identical pattern to the
will reduce the applied stress at which collapse will occur. well-known Kitagawa±Takahashi diagram.11
Failure by unstable fracture can be represented, in the A distinction between microstructure dependent and
worst case, when the maximum stress intensity factor microstructure independent crack propagation has
reaches the plane strain fracture toughness KIC. Although been a topic of fatigue research for many years. Micro-
this means the use of linear elastic fracture mechanics structure dependent growth is when transgranular cracks

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Crack instability
can be predicted by LEFM. This behaviour terminates
when crack instability commences. Two types of crack
instability are considered in this work. If the stress is
Applied stress (MPa)

MD growth MI growth high, crack instability is achieved by general yielding,

Eq. (9). Alternatively, for lower stress levels, the condi-
100 tions described by Eq. (10) are satisfied and instability is
dominated by fast fracture.
Crack arrest The boundaries between the zones are given by the
equations developed above. Within each area, the crack
2024-T3 Aluminium alloy
growth rate is known through an appropriate modelling
0.01 0.1 1 10 An example of the use of the fatigue damage map is
Crack length (mm) presented in Fig. 8. In this case, the material is assumed
Fig. 7 A fatigue damage map for 2024-T3 aluminium alloy in terms to be composed of uniform equiaxed grains, no crack
of applied stress against crack length. The effect of crack closure closure stresses have been included and the crack has
and crack shape factor was neglected. A value of KIC ˆ 34 MPa m, been assumed to form on the first loading cycle from a
was used for the fracture toughness. The initial crack length is 10 mm intrinsic inclusion, so the crack initiation period is
equal to a typical inclusion size of 10 mm. neglected. The last two assumptions will tend to under-
estimate the fatigue lifetime for a given initial defect. To
avoid the lack of similitude that results when the propa-
propagate along crystallographic planes. Because these gation of both short and long cracks are described by the
planes extend only to the grain boundaries, the latter act same Paris type approximation (da/dN ˆ CDK n), the
as barriers to crack propagation. This situation extends as propagation is expressed in terms of the crack tip
long as a single family of slip planes can accommodate opening displacement (da/dN ˆ C'dtipn'). Accordingly,
the crack tip plasticity. At longer crack lengths, crack tip the growth rate of da/dN ˆ 6.6  10 11DK,2.3 (m/cycle),
plasticity becomes more intense and can only be accom- reported for the 2024-T3 aluminium alloy15 is trans-
modated by multiple slip planes.12 At this point, a transi- formed into da/dN ˆ 17.7dtip1.58 (m/cycle), following
tion to microstructure independent growth ensues and the steps described in detail in Ref. [16].
the plastic zone extends to more than one grain. This It is well established that inclusions are common
assumption has been shown to be reasonable by Yoder sources for fatigue crack formation in 2024 aluminium
et al.10 who examined the transition from microstructure alloys. The work of Hillberry and coworkers17±19 has
dependent to microstructure independent growth for a clearly demonstrated that the statistical variability of
number of materials. Three stages of crack growth were
identified by de Lange13 namely: (a) the incipient crack
stage: growth within the limits of the first grain; (b) the 1000
hesitating crack stage: growth against the first grain Crack instability
boundary; (c) the running crack stage: still physically Toughness
4.8 × 10−6 m/c
small but endowed with propagation characteristics of a 1.5 × 10−8 m/c failure
Applied stress (MPa)

165,114 cycles
long crack. The idea behind the running crack is that 101,654 cycles

crack growth cannot be temporarily halted or perman- 100

ently arrested by microstructural barriers and therefore, MD growth MI growth

unless the crack driving force (effective stress) drops to a

Crack arrest
value defined by the crack arrest zone, the crack will
continue to propagate until failure.
It is worth noting that the microstructure dependent 2024-T3 Aluminium alloy

growth area expands into long crack sizes at low stress 10

0.01 0.1 1 10
levels. This is consistent with the fractographic observa- Crack length (mm)
tions of Schijve14 that structure sensitive crack growth
mechanisms exist in 2024-T3 aluminium alloy. Schijve Fig. 8 Fatigue crack growth and life prediction for 2024-T3
aluminium alloy according to the fatigue damage map and the N±R
also commented that structure sensitive crack growth
model at a peak stress of 200 MPa. A value of 10 mm was chosen to
appeared to depend on the applied stress level and was
represent an initial crack like defect in the form of an inclusion. The
more prevalent at low stresses. crack growth rates at particular combinations of defect size and
Within the microstructure independent growth zone, applied stress and the number of cycles spent in each growth phase
crack propagation is assumed to follow a behaviour that are illustrated in the figure.

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574 C. A. RODOPOULOS et al.

the inclusion size is a major influence on the scatter of Generalized Pareto Distribution, offer significant advan-
fatigue lifetimes. It is therefore considered that the as- tages over conventional log-normal descriptions of inclu-
sumptions made will have little bearing on the quality of sion size populations.
the lifetime predictions arising from the use of the fa- It should be noted that the N±R fatigue model and the
tigue damage map. fatigue damage map are independent concepts. The fa-
The crack growth rate at a particular crack length and tigue damage map is offered as a procedure for present-
stress range can be extracted from the map through the ing complex, interrelated fatigue data in a convenient and
underlying crack growth model. Furthermore, the accessible form. The N±R fatigue model is one of many
number of cycles taken to grow a crack from any arbi- fatigue crack growth models that could be used to con-
trary initial size to any other size can also be found by struct the fatigue damage map. Indeed, it would be pos-
integration of the growth equations. In Fig. 8, the sible to construct a fatigue damage map entirely from
number of cycles associated with particular crack sizes experimental data if sufficient information were available
and applied stresses refer to the duration of each phase to make the exercise meaningful.
of crack growth, namely microstructure dependent
and microstructure independent in this case. Such esti-
mates are a key part of inspection and maintenance
scheduling. The fatigue damage map is a useful and convenient way
Using the life estimates at different stress levels, the of describing the process of fatigue damage from the
fatigue damage map can also be used to create a conven- cracks of the scale of the microstructure through to the
tional S±N curve as shown in Fig. 9. The agreement with cracks that result in structural failure. The map presented
published experimental data15 is reasonable. However it in this paper is built upon the N±R model of crack
should be noted that, in its current form, the N±R model growth that has been developed to use readily available
is unsuitable for ultra-high cycle fatigue. The differences material parameters. Despite the simplifying assumption
between predicted and measured lifetimes reflect the used in the model, the map is an accessible way of pre-
statistical nature of fatigue, in terms of intrinsic defect senting the complex interactions between competing
shapes and dimensions, grain sizes and orientations, sur- failure mechanisms.
face defects and residual stresses, and the deterministic Although the map is based on a deterministic model,
nature of the model. the statistical nature of the formation of fatigue cracks
The fatigue damage map presented in this paper is from a population of inclusions could be introduced in
amenable to being developed into a probabilistic model the same manner as other models have been adapted to
by a Monte Carlo simulation technique, in a similar become probabilistic in nature.
manner to that presented by Laz et al.19 However, recent The fatigue damage map has potential applications in a
work on the inclusion sizes in clean steels20 suggests that wide range of design situations:
more sophisticated statistical approaches, such as the
 The map can provide the foundation for a comparison
between different materials under specific design specifi-
Reference [15]
300 Initial crack length 10 ±mFDM+N−R prediction cations.
 The map can be used to estimate the number of cycles
between specific fatigue damage events.
Applied stress (MPa)

 Life and crack growth predictions can be used in conjunc-
tion with nondestructive inspections.
200  The map is flexible enough to incorporate the introduc-
tion of additional physical events or material modifica-
tions, such as shot peening, that could alter the zones of
fatigue damage, such as plasticity and roughness induced
2024-T3 Aluminium alloy closure (via s1), corrosion fatigue (via scy , Kt ), and stress
100 ratio (via sFL, scy).
105 106 107 108
Cycles to failure
Fig. 9 Fatigue life prediction using the N±R model and the fatigue
damage map for 2024-T3 aluminium alloy. In the calculations, an
The authors are indebted to Professor Mike Brown (Uni-
initial crack like defect of 10 mm was used. Variations in initial flaw versity of Sheffield) for his useful comments, to Airbus
size, microstructure, residual stress and surface finish are thought to UK and the Royal Academy of Engineering for the
be responsible for the scatter of the experimental results. provision of a Senior Research Fellowship to ERR and

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