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Formative submission of ideas

Please write in the third person, as this is how you will write in your assignment

Please support these submissions with references.

BFI topic/area you wish to Experiences of women with GDM on infant feeding
investigate (be specific e.g.
experiences of breastfeeding
Why have you chosen this topic? Gestational diabetes Is a carbohydrate intolerance
(100 words): which develops in pregnancy, usually from 20 weeks
gestation (NHS, 2022). The prevalence of gestational
diabetes has risen to around 35,000 women yearly
Being diagnosed with pre-existing or gestational
diabetes (NICE, 2024). Some women experience
complicated births due to gestational diabetes, and
have a lack of education about breastfeeding and so
presume they can only artificial feed. Also,
breastfeeding limits the chance of diabetes developing
diabetes permanently, in both the mother and baby.
Neonates who are born to mothers with gestational
diabetes are at higher risk of hypoglycaemia
(Gestational Diabetes UK, 2023). Therefore, asking
mothers experiences on infant feeding may make their
opinions feel valued, and provide answers to
scientific questions- such as the effects of
breastfeeding on gestational diabetes.
Sample group (be specific – Asian women With gestational diabetes
pregnant person will not allow
you to answer L/O D effectively)
Why have you chosen this sample The MBRRACE report (Knight et al., 2022) suggests
group? (What social-cultural Asian women are at a “higher Risk” of maternal death
issues affect this group) (100 than white women, their likelihood of death is 15 in
words): 100,000. A systematic review of thirteen studies about
the ‘prevalence of pre diabetes and or diabetes across
different cultures’ identifies that south and southeast
Asian women with gestational diabetes have a higher
chance of developing type 2 diabetes postnatally
(Shivashri et al., 2022). A meta-analysis found a T2D
genome-wide poly-genic risk score is associated with
GDM in south Asian women (Lamri et al., 2022). So,
having an understanding on this may allow for
personalised care to be provided to women with Asian
What is your research question? What are Asian women with gestational diabetes
(No more than 20 words) experiences with infant feeding success?
Methodology (to be completed Qualitative research is based on individual thoughts
after your taught session and and feelings, it is usually collected through the use of
resubmitted) (100 words): You interviews and observations. It is a useful method of
Formative submission of ideas

Please write in the third person, as this is how you will write in your assignment

Please support these submissions with references.

will not be given feedback on the research which allows insight into opinions of
first parts of this form as you experiences by service users, thus alterations to
received this in the initial healthcare can be made and overall improving the care
submission of your ideas. provided (Busetto et al., 2020). Phenomenology is the
chosen methodology and it “simply means that a study
deals with ‘experience’”(Manen., 2017). However, it
shouldn’t be confused with therapy, it is simply to
examine how a certain group of individuals have
certain experiences. Once data has been collected it
will be ranked and classified and themes will be
drawn out from the data. (Manen, 2017).
References: Busetto, L., Wick, W. And Gumbinger, C. (2020)
How to use and assess qualitative research methods,
BMC; Neurological research and practice. 2(14), pp.

Knight, M., Bunch, K., Patel, R., Shakespeare, J.,

Kotnis, R., Kenyon, S. and Kurinczuk, J. J.(Eds)
(2022) Saving lives, improving mother’s care core
report: Lessons learned to inform maternity care from
the UK and Ireland confidential enquiries into
maternal deaths and morbidity 2018-20, MBRRACE-
UK [online]. Available from: https://hubble-live-
[Accessed 22/01/24].

Lamri, A., Limbachia, J., Schulze, K M., Desai, D.,

Kelly, B., Souza, R J D., Pare, G., Lawlor, D a.,
Wright, J. And Anand, S S. (2022) The genetic risk of
gestational diabetes in South Asian women, eLife
[online]. Available from: [Accessed

Manen, M V. (2017) But is it Phenomenology? Sage

Journals. 27(6), pp. 775-779.

NHS (2022) Gestational Diabetes. NHS [online].

Available from:
[Accessed 22/01/24].

NICE (2015) New thresholds for diagnosis of diabetes

Formative submission of ideas

Please write in the third person, as this is how you will write in your assignment

Please support these submissions with references.

in pregnancy. NICE [online]. Available from:
for-diagnosis-of-diabetes-in-pregnancy [Accessed

Paterson (2016) Breastfeeding after gestational

diabetes reduces the risk of diabetes in both the
mother and baby. Gestational Diabetes UK [online].
Available from:
[Accessed 22/01/24].

Shivashri, C., Hannah, W., Deepa, M.,

Ghebremichael-Weldeselassie, Y., Anjana, R M. And
Uma, R. (2022) Prevalence of pre-diabetes and type 2
diabetes mellitus in south d southeast Asian women
with history of gestational diabetes mellitus:
systematic review and meta-analysis. Public Library
of Science. 17(12), pp. e0278919-e0278919.

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