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Angela Bandis
Diana Shotton
Phillip McElmuray
Robert Górniak
Nagrania do zeszytu ćwiczeń
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Zeszyt ćwiczeń
Angela Bandis
Diana Shotton
Phillip McElmuray
Robert Górniak 1
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Teen Explorer 8 Workbook 1st Edition © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o. 2018
Angela Bandis, Diana Shotton, Phillip McElmuray ISBN 978-83-267-3278-2
Kim Ashmore (Starter, Writing pages)
Redaktor zarządzający: Małgorzata Gutowska.
Robert Górniak (Exam Booster, Collocations and Prepositions in Action,
Redaktor serii: Urszula Ruzik-Kulińska.
Phrasal Verbs in Action pages)
Redakcja językowa: Agata Wojtko, Graham Carr.
Nicholas Rattenbury (Skills Checkpoint pages)
Projekt okładki: Piotr Stopczyński.
Marjorie Jane Rosenberg (Review pages)
Skład i łamanie: Paweł Roguski.
Publisher: Sharon Jervis and Gavin McLean. Realizacja nagrań: Andrzej Rewak.
Editorial Manager: Claire Merchant. Dystrybucja: Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.
Commissioning and Development Editor: Kayleigh Buller. Współpraca redakcyjna: Izabela Michalak,
Editor: Nicola Stewart. Jolanta Sochaczewska-Kuleta.
Editorial Assistant: Georgina McComb.
Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.
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Cover Designer: Piotr Stopczyński. Druk i oprawa: Elanders Polska Płońsk
Text Designer: Wild Apple Design and Ken Vail Graphic Design.
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Recorded at: Soundhouse Studios.

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Starter p4
Unit 1 p 12
Video 1 p 17
Skills Checkpoint 1 p 18
Review 1 p 20
Unit 2 p 22
Video 2 p 27
Skills Checkpoint 2 p 28
Review 2 p 30
Unit 3 p 32
Video 3 p 37
Skills Checkpoint 3 p 38
Review 3 p 40
Unit 4 p 42
Video 4 p 47
Skills Checkpoint 4 p 48
Review 4 p 50
Semester Review, Units 1–4 p 52
Unit 5 p 56
Video 5 p 61
Skills Checkpoint 5 p 62
Review 5 p 64
Unit 6 p 66
Video 6 p 71
Skills Checkpoint 6 p 72
Review 6 p 74
Unit 7 p 76
Video 7 p 81
Skills Checkpoint 7 p 82
Review 7 p 84
Unit 8 p 86
Video 8 p 91
Skills Checkpoint 8 p 92
Review 8 p 94
Semester Review, Units 5–8 p 96
Collocations & Prepositions in Action p 100
Phrasal Verbs in Action p 101
Exam Booster p 102

Starter 1
A Lo
k at the family tree. Write ap
appropriate family-related words in the gaps. Then write some sentences
about your family in your notebook.
John + Helen
Hi, my name is Grace. John is my (1) ,
and Helen is my (2) .
My grandparents have got four (3) :
three (4) , and one
(5) (that’s me!). I’ve got one Anna + David Victoria + Robert
(6) . His name is Harry.
Victoria is my dad’s (7) , and my
(8) . Her husband Robert is my
(9) . Billy and Jack are my
(10) . They were born on Harry Grace Billy Jack
the same day. They’re (11) .
Anna is my (12) and David
is my (13) – I love them all!

B Complete sentences 1–7 with the name of C Write the following dates out in full.
the appropriate country.
Example: 5 / 02 - the fifth of February
Example: My uncle is Swiss. He’s from Switzerland. 23 / 03
1 My dad is Italian. He’s from . 11 / 05
2 We’re English. We’re from . 18 / 09
3 My grandmother is Dutch. She lives in . 02 / 11
4 My cousins are Chinese. They come from . 21 / 12
5 My parents are Spanish. They live in .
6 I am Greek. I am from .
7 My friend is French. She’s from .

D Complete sentences 1–7. Circle the correct option.

1 Diwali – or the Festival of Lights – last / lasts / is lasting for five days.
2 We always decorate / decorates / are decorating the house with candles.
3 It’s dark now, so I light / lights / am lighting a candle.
4 I don’t / doesn’t / am not put any candles in my bedroom.
5 This year we don’t stay / is not staying / are not staying at home.
6 This year we celebrate / celebrates / are celebrating with my aunt and uncle.
7 Do / Does / Are you celebrate Diwali?

E Put the words in the correct order. Make sentences.

1 buy / my / often / presents / parents / me
2 never / my / candles / I / put / bedroom / in
3 some / we / lanterns / usually / make
4 cousin / with / my /stays / us / sometimes
5 ever / grandma / I / hardly / my / help
6 are / amazing / lanterns / always / the

F Read the answers. Then complete questions 1–6.

1 What time the party ? The party starts at 8 o’clock.
2 When the Chinese ? The Chinese New Year is in January or February.
3 Where uncle from? My uncle comes from Greece.
4 Who with? I live with my parents and my pet cat.
5 What do during ? We decorate the house during Diwali.
6 Why is cousin with ? My cousin is staying with us while he’s learning English.

0 REVISION: Teen Explorer 7, Unit 1
Starter 2
A Read
d the descrip
ptions. Draw an
and colour in a picture of the person being described.
1 He’s got red hair, which is short 2 He’s got long, blond hair. 3 He’s got short, curly hair. It’s
and wavy. He’s got a beard and It’s straight. His eyes are brown. black. His eyes are brown, and
a moustache. His eyes are blue. He’s got a tan. his skin is dark. He’s wearing
He’s got pale skin and freckles. glasses.

B Find and circle the eight words used to describe C Complete the following sentences so that they are
people in the grid. The words are written either true for you.
vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.
Example: I am worried about my next exam.
C O P B P K C N 1 I am worried about .
2 I am always kind to .
F R I E N D L Y 3 I am scared of .
4 I am angry about .
Z Y T S V A U S 5 I am sad about .
Y O S I L L Y L 6 I am shocked by .

D Read the end of the traditional story called ‘Why Anansi has a Bald Head.’ Circle the correct option.
1 ‘Did you eat all the beans?’ asked / was asking Auntie.
2 Anansi looked / used to look at Auntie.
3 The beans were / were being very hot.
4 The beans used to burn / were burning his head.
5 He started / was starting to dance.
6 While he used to dance / was dancing, his hat fell off his head.
7 Anansi was / was being embarrassed.
8 He used to have / was having beautiful, long hair. Now he was bald.

E Read sentences 1–6. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline the mistakes and correct them.
1 We weren’t use to learn English at primary school. At secondary school we have three lessons a week.
2 I used go to bed at 8 o’clock. What time did you use to go to bed?
3 My brother and I used to watching cartoons. I don’t watch them anymore, but sometimes my brother still watches them.

4 My grandmother uses to walk to primary school with me. Now I go to school by bus.
5 I was used to play with Nadia and Karol. They live in Gdansk now.
6 I had two fish. I did used to keep them in a tank in my bedroom. Now I’ve got a dog.

REVISION: Teen Explorer 7, Unit 2

0 5
Starter 3
A Complete
omplete the sentences with th
the Present Continuous. Use the verbs in brackets.
1 What you (do) on Saturday?
I (go) to a wedding.
2 you (have) a party next weekend?
No, we (have) a barbecue.
3 John and Natalia (come) to the festival next month?
No, they (visit) relatives.
4 When Aisha (meet) her friends?
She (see) them at 7 o’clock tonight.
5 George (have) a sleepover later today?
Yes. George and his friends (play) computer games tonight.

B Match sentences 1–8 with sentences a–h.

1 I called him on the landline but I didn’t speak to him. a It’s too cold to go out.
2 We’re getting together tomorrow. b We’re meeting at the café.
3 I went around to her house. c She’s looking forward to it.
4 I’m staying in tonight. d I’ll call her back in a minute.
5 Jacob asked about you. e He hung up.
6 My parents are taking me away in the summer. f I think he was worried about you.
7 My best friend called me, but my phone was switched off. g They’re taking me to the mountains.
8 Lisa is going to a concert next week. h She wasn’t in.

C Answer questions 1–10.

1 Do you switch your phone off at night? Example: I don’t switch my phone off at night.
2 Do you go to school on Saturdays?
3 Do you usually visit relatives at Christmas?
4 In which year were you born?
5 How old were you in 2015?
6 Do you usually go on holiday in the summer?
7 What are you usually doing at midnight?
8 When do you usually have a shower?
9 What are you doing at the moment?
10 Is your birthday in March?

D Complete sentences 1–7 with at, in or on.

1 We took lots of photos the end of the party.
2 The birthday girl danced the middle of the room.
3 We had our picnic a field full of flowers.
4 Our teachers were standing the back of the school hall.
5 There was a present the bottom of the bag.
6 We drew a picture the top of the invitation.
7 Her mother sat the right hand side of the room.
8 I stayed ____ . I didn’t go out.
9 I like her. We get ____ very well.
10 The plane is leaving ____ midnight.

0 REVISION: Teen Explorer 7, Unit 3
Starter 4
A Who does these h
ousehold chor
chores in your home? Write sentences about them. Use adverbs of frequency.
Example: My dad usually does the washing up. I wash the car at weekends.
clean the bathroom do the washing up do the ironing sweep the floor vacuum the carpet
do the washing tidy the bedroom do the shopping wash the car water the garden

B Complete the gaps in 1–8. The first letter of each word has been given. Find and circle the words in the grid.
1 Al of bread. C A N J T T U N Z S
2 Ab of water. C R B C Q I B T E Q
3 Ap of cornflakes. X X A A E N L O A F
4 Ac of cola. C C R R Y S M K D B
5 Aj of olives. J V C T B O T T L E
6 Ac of orange juice. K W S O P A C K E T
7 At of tomatoes. U T T N T L D I J P
8 Ab of chocolate. Y K M O Q B P Y A U

C Complete sentences 1–6 with the words in the box.

cashier customer receipt shelves till trolley

1 A is a piece of paper which shows that you have paid for something.
2 A supermarket assistant puts the products on the .
3 The shop assistant puts the money in the .
4 A is the person that you give your money to in a shop or bank.
5 When you do your shopping, you usually put your purchases in a .
6 A is a person who buys things in a shop.

D There is a problem with the underlined words in sentences 1–7. Change them to make each sentence correct.
1 Would you like a few jam on your bread?
2 Shall I put a little prawns in the pasta sauce?
3 Your little brother ate a lot of olive!
4 We haven’t got any banana. Can you get some?
5 How many spaghetti would you like?
6 There isn’t much tomatoes left.
7 There are lots of biscuit still in the packet.

E Read dialogues 1–5. Circle the correct option.

1 A: What are / is you going to eat? 4 A: Oh, look outside at the black clouds. It am / is
B: I’m going to have / having a pizza. going to rain.
2 A: What pizza would you like? B: Oh no, I haven’t got an umbrella. We don’t / will
have to get a taxi.
B: I don’t know. Let’s look at the menu.
Oh, I going to / will have the four cheeses one. 5 A: Come on! The restaurant going to / will close soon.
3 A: Do you think the pizza will be / is OK? B: I know. And it not will / won’t be open tomorrow.
B: Yes, I’m sure it will taste / tasting really good.

REVISION: Teen Explorer 7, Unit 4

0 7
Starter 5
A Co
omplete the table with inform
information about your home. Then write a short paragraph that includes all
the information.

living room Yes. With a wood stove. bathroom

kitchen balcony
utility room garden No.
dining room patio
bedroom shed

Example: I live in a flat. It’s on the third floor. It’s got a living room with a wood stove … There isn’t a garden.

B Complete clues 1–7. Find the words in the grid and circle them. The words are written either horizontally
or vertically.
1 A helps keeps food cool.
2 You cook or heat up food with a . A D R Y E R X Z C
3 You use a to cut the grass. B L C O O K E R A
4 You can put drinks or magazines on a coffee . L A W N M O W E R
5 You dry clothes in a tumble . E F R I D G E Z P
6 You wash clothes in a washing . D R A Z E N G I E
7 A is a piece of thick material which covers the floor. W A X M T R H Y T

C Write the past participles of the following verbs. Irregular Verbs: Student’s Book p 170–171

come eat make sleep

do get see swim
drink know sing write

D Write five sentences, using the past participle forms from the table in C.
Examples: I’ve known my best friend for four years. I’ve never swum in the sea.

E Circle the correct option to complete the text.

I’ve got to clean and tidy my bedroom today. I’ve (1) already / still made the bed and I’ve (2) just / never put my clothes
away in the wardrobe. But I haven’t put my books back on the shelves (3) already / yet and I (4) still / just haven’t
vacuumed the carpet. I need to clean the windows, which is something that I’ve (5) ever / never done before. Have you
(6) ever / yet cleaned your bedroom windows?

F Complete the gaps with possessive adjectives and pronouns.

1 This bed belongs to me. It’s my bed. It’s mine.
2 Does this duvet belong to you? Is this duvet? Is this ?
3 This is my sister’s guitar. It’s guitar. It’s .
4 They’re David’s drums. They’re drums. They’re .
5 The room belongs to us. This is room. It’s .
6 This is my parents’ bedroom. It’s bedroom. It’s .

0 REVISION: Teen Explorer 7, Unit 5
Starter 6
A Complete sentenc
n es 1–10 with the names of places that are found in a town.
1 Can you get some bread and milk at the corner s h o p ?
2 Can you take this book back to the _ i _ _ _ r _ ?
3 My aunt’s a teacher. She works at the _ _ _ o _ _ in the village.
4 Can you go to the _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ c _ and get some stamps?
5 There’s a new exhibition about Ancient Egypt on at the _ _ s _ _ _ .
6 My grandmother is in _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ because she’s broken her leg.
7 I’m going to start a new exercise class at the s _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ r _ .
8 Can you change this money at the _ a _ _ ?
9 Let’s go to the _ _ _ _ m _ tonight. I’d like to watch that new film.
10 I’ve got a terrible headache. I’ll see if they’ve got anything for it at the _ h _ _ _ _ _’ _ .

B Read sentences 1–10. Decide if they are true (T) or false (F).
1 You can fill your car up at a fire station.
2 If something gets stolen, you should report it at the nearest police station.
3 When you need to see a doctor, you should go to a park.
4 You can watch big football matches at a stadium.
5 Police officers work at a petrol station.
6 You can play basketball at a swimming pool.
7 Engineers often work at a factory.
8 You can buy lots of different things at a shopping centre.
9 The theatre is a good place to go if you like watching plays.
10 You can buy a new car at a car park.

C Look at the map. Read questions 1–5 and write directions for each place.
1 Where’s the hospital?

2 Where’s the post office?

traffic POST
3 Where’s the car park?

4 Where’s the cinema? roundabout


5 Where’s the bank?

You are here

D Circle the correct option.

1 Look at that / those picture on the opposite wall. It’s 4 Can I use these / those stamps for these / those letters
very interesting. to Poland?
2 How much are this / these painkillers? 5 You need this / that bus over there to go to the museum.
3 I’d like to take this / these book out, please. 6 I often used to go to the theatre in these / those days.

E Complete sentences 1–10 with the correct article: a, an, the or – (no article).
1 How far is Moon from Earth? 6 My uncle is engineer on the cruise liner
2 We’re going to National Stadium in the Queen Elizabeth.
Warsaw in July. 7 Cardiff is the capital city of Wales.
3 Is there park near here? Yes, park’s 8 My brother plays drums in a band.
opposite the station. 9 There are a few small villages in jungle.
4 Atacama Desert is in South America. 10 Do you study German or French at school?
5 I had breakfast at that lovely new café
in the village.
REVISION: Teen Explorer 7, Unit 6
0 9
Starter 7
A Complete
omplete sentences 1–6 with th
the words in the box.

active boring competitive creative relaxing sociable

1 I love playing board games. But I’m always so – I hate losing!

2 At weekends, I like meeting my friends and chatting. I think I’m quite a person.
3 The running club is great if you are an person.
4 My mum loves gardening. She says it’s very after a stressful day at work.
5 I’m a person, so I enjoy making jewellery.
6 My friend doesn’t like origami. She thinks it’s . She says you just sit there doing nothing.

B Circle the correct option. Then match questions 1–6 with pictures a–f.
1 Can you do / go / play chess? a b
2 Have you ever done / gone / played yoga?
3 Do you ever do / go / play sailing?
4 Do you do / go / play athletics at your school?
5 Do you ever do / go / play hiking in the summer?
6 Would you rather do / go / play volleyball or basketball? c d

C Answer the questions in B. Write sentences that are

true for you.
Example: I can play chess but I can’t play it very well.
e f


D Each sentence (1–6) contains one underlined mistake. Write the correct word.
1 If you went camping next weekend, you’ll need a tent and a sleeping bag.
2 I wouldn’t go sailing next weekend if I am you.
3 If I will play a lot of computer games, I get tired.
4 My mum always cried when she watches talent shows on TV.
5 If you go to drama club, you would be more confident.
6 If I could play any instrument, I will play the viola.

E Complete these sentences, using a gerund or an infinitive. Write true sentences about yourself in your notebook.
Example: I prefer listening to music to singing.
I enjoy .
I hate .
I prefer to .
In the future, I hope .
I’m learning .
In the summer, I would like to .
Next year, I might .
I would rather than .
I had better .

0 REVISION: Teen Explorer 7, Unit 7
Starter 8
A Findd the names ooff ten sports and activities B Complete the table with the sports and activities
in the grid. The words are written either from the grid in A.
horizontally, or vertically.

S I L I N G O R E S U S I do
I’d like to do
T E N I S E S T A W A G I like watching
L I L I C Y C L I N G E I am not interested in

C Circle the correct option.

1 I’ve entered the marathon. Now I need to start 5 Who beat / won the tennis match?
coaching / training. 6 After school, I’m going to coach / lose the junior team.
2 Did the ball bounce / miss off the goal post? 7 He tried to throw the ball into the basket but he
3 She was so disappointed when she lost / raced bounced / missed.
the game. 8 The red motorbike has raced / scored ahead.
4 I was thrilled when Michael served / scored that 9 Is it your turn to serve / train the ball?
final goal!
10 She beat / won me by three points.

D Match 1–6 with definitions a–f. Draw lines between them.

1 An athlete is a person who a supports a sportsperson or team.
2 A champion is a person who b you play against in a sport or activity.
3 A fan is a person who c makes sure that everyone is following the rules of a game.
4 A manager is a person who d organises what a sportsperson or team has to do.
5 An opponent is a person who e has won a competition.
6 A referee is a person who f is very good at sport, and who competes in sports events.

E Write sentences, using these modal verbs: can, could, may, shall or should.
Example: You want to learn how to ski. State your intention. I shall learn how to ski.
1 You want to borrow a helmet. Ask for permission.

2 You are able to swim very well. Talk about your ability.

3 You were able to ride a bike when you were little. Talk about your ability.

4 Your friend does not drink enough water. Give some advice.

5 You want to serve the ball first. Make a request.

6 Your friend asks to borrow your racket. Refuse permission.

F Write three rules for your local swimming pool, sports centre or school in your notebook. Use some of
these modal verbs: have to, must, mustn’t, don’t have to or needn’t.

REVISION: Teen Explorer 7, Unit 8

0 11
1 Take a Break
Reading Skills Reminder
Sprawdzanie dostępności informacji
A Read the Skills Reminder. What option should • 1LHNWöUH]DGDQLDRIHUXMÈGRZ\ERUXRSFMÚ
you choose if you can’t find the answer in odpowiedzi Doesn’t say1DOHĝ\MÈZ\EUDÊMHĂOL
B Now complete the Skills Booster task. Doesn’t say.

To: Lille
To: Barney
From: Barney
From: Lille
RE: Greetings from Hawaii
Greetings from Hawaii

Hi Lille,
Hi Barney,
What do the task notes ask Thanks so much for your email. It’s good to hear from you. It’s
How’s it going?
for? How
Time,is your
price,holiday? I thought I’d write you an
place, etc.? great to be on our summer holidays, isn’t it?
email to find out about your holiday, and of course, to tell you about
mine! Things are fantastic here in Norway. The weather is amazing.
It’s been so sunny. I don’t think it’s as warm as Hawaii. Actually,
Hawaii is a really amazing place. It took us a really long time to get
at night it’s a bit cold, but I don’t mind. The area we are in is
here from England – 30 hours! But I’m glad I came. We’re staying
awesome. We’re near the coast, and we’re staying in a cottage that
on the Big Island, which has volcanoes. You can visit them and
belongs to my grandma. She doesn’t usually live here, as she has
watch them erupt. It’s such an awsome experience. Who can say
a flat in Oslo. She’s coming here in a couple of days.
they’ve seen a volcano erupt? I couldn’t until now! The weather has
been a bit strange lately, and it almost reminds me of England. It’s We’ve done a few things since we’ve been here, such as camping
quite cloudy, but definitely warmer. We’ve been to Punalu’u Beach, in the woods behind my grandma’s cottage. We’re hoping to see
which has black sand, and tomorrow we’re going sightseeing round the Northern Lights, which I’ve never experienced. We have to go
Hilo, the island’s capital. a long way to see them, though, but I think it will be interesting.

Tell me all about your holiday! Where did you decide to go? Where Well, that’s all for now. When do you return from holiday? We get
are you staying? What are the sights? back at the end of the month. I’ll see you then!

Bye for now, Talk to you soon,

Lille Barney

Skills Booster
Read the emails written by two teenagers. Are sentences 1–8 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)? If there is not enough information
to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C).
1 Lille travelled for more than one day to 5 Barney is unhappy about the cold nights
get to Hawaii. in Norway.
2 Lille had seen a volcano erupt before this trip. 6 A member of Barney’s family lives in Norway.
3 The weather was exactly like the weather 7 Barney and his family have visited Oslo.
in England during Lille’s stay. 8 Barney has seen the Northern Lights.
4 Lille plans to visit some other Hawaiian islands.

Vocabulary 1
A Write which continent these groups of countries belong to.
1 China, Thailand, India and Mongolia
2 Switzerland, Italy, Denmark and Poland
3 Peru, Argentina, Colombia and Chile
4 Egypt, South Africa, Morocco and Chad
5 the USA, Canada and Mexico
6 Australia, New Zealand and Fiji

B Complete the words in the sentences.

1 Ac is a place where people can put up their tents.
2 Some people prefer to stay in a y h because it’s cheap.
3 The couple booked a room at a lovely b and b .
4 Joseph and his family stayed in an Italian v with a view of Lake Como.

C Complete the text with these words.

agents guide parks resorts tourist weekend

My dad likes planning holidays his own way. He doesn’t like holiday (1) because they’re too
crowded. He won’t go to see travel (2) because he doesn’t want their advice. He never stops
at (3) information centres because he says they often give out the wrong information! So we
have a caravan, and we stay at caravan (4) and cook and eat our meals there. It’s fun,
but I always wish we could do something else for a change.
So last month I asked him to take us to Edinburgh for a long (5) . We drove there, which
took a few hours. We hired a tour (6) to show us the sights. I thought, ‘Oh, Dad’s going
to hate it,’ but actually, they really got on well. I’m glad my dad finally enjoyed some normal holiday stuff.

Edinburgh Castle,

Grammar 1 Grammar Guide p 142 in Student’s Book

Relative Pronouns
A Circle the correct option.
1 My aunt lives in a house that / who is red and blue.
2 My mum’s mum is the grandmother who / – lives with us.
3 London is the city who / which I have visited the most.
4 That’s the travel agent – / that is on the poster.
5 This is the guide book who / – I used in Spain.
6 Venice is a great city for parents whom / who have young children.

Take a Break
1 13
nagrania 1.1

Listening Kod: SU67VN

A Read the Skills Reminder. How many speakers B 1.1 Listen and complete the Skills Booster task.
will there be in each conversation?

Skills Reminder
Skills Booster
Przed wysłuchaniem nagrania
You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each • 3U]\MU]\MVLÚLOXVWUDFMRP&RMHïÈF]\"&]\P
conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. VLÚUöĝQLÈ"
For each question, choose the right answer (a, b or c). • 6SUöEXMSU]HZLG]LHÊFREÚG]LHWHPDWHP
1 Which continent is the man visiting? rozmów.
a b c
Africa Australia America ]LGHQW\ILNRZDÊNWRFRPöZL

2 How long are the couple going on holiday for? 4 When is Natalie’s flight?
a b c a b c

3 Where is the boy going to stay? 5 How did John feel on his holiday?
a b c a b c

Vocabulary 2
A Circle the correct option.
1 Did you live / take / stay a holiday when school finished? Skills Reminder
2 We were so tired after walking round Madrid, but it was great to
Szukanie wskazówek
take / stay / see all the sights.
• Poszukaj w opisach wskazówek
3 Hurry up and take / pack / stay your bags; we’re leaving for the
airport in 30 minutes! Z\UD]QDOHĝ\ZSLVDÊ
4 I don’t like seeing / wondering / taking photos on holiday; I don’t • =DVWDQöZVLÚRF]\PMHVWPRZDZRSLVLH
want to carry a camera around with me all day. ļRRVRELHSU]HGPLRFLHF]\QQRĂFL"
5 We wandered / saw / stayed along the beach all morning. • 3DPLÚWDMĝHSLHUZV]DOLWHUD]RVWDïDMXĝ
6 How many more days are we going to live / stay / take at this podana. Policz, ile liter ma dany wyraz.
hotel? It’s awful!

B Read the Skills Reminder and complete the Skills Booster task. Skills Booster
Read the descriptions of some words about travelling. What is each one describing? The first letter has been given.
There is one space for each other letter in the word.
1 If you travel to a country for a holiday, you are this. t
2 People often stay in one of these while on holiday. h
3 If you want to write to your friends and show them where you are, send them one of these. p
4 This is when you pay someone to show you round a place and tell you about it. g t
5 When you visit a large town for a short period of time, you’re having this. c b

1 Take a Break
Grammar 2 Grammar Guide p 143 in Student’s Book

A Read the Skills Reminder and complete the Skills Booster task.
Skills Reminder
Skills Booster
Dobieranie właściwej części mowy
Read the email about a day trip. Choose the best word • *G\SRGDQHRGSRZLHG]LZ\JOÈGDMÈ
(a, b or c) for each gap. SRGREQLH]DVWDQöZVLÚMDNDF]ÚĂÊPRZ\
Email Message
To: Jessica pasuje do luki.
From: Frankie • &]ÚĂFLPRZ\PRĝQDUR]SR]QDÊ
po charakterystycznych dla nich
How are you? I haven’t seen you for ages. I want to tell you about DSU]\PLRWQLNLZVWRSQLXQDMZ\ĝV]\PQD-est.
this (1) day trip (2) I took with my sister. She has just got • -HĂOLQDOHĝ\]DVWRVRZDÊ]DLPHNZ]JOÚGQ\
a car, so we went to a forest in the countryside. We drove through ]DVWDQöZVLÚGRNWöUHJRZ\UD]XVLÚRQRGQRVL
the forest (3) in order to look at everything properly. It was really
(4) ! We stopped, got out of the car and walked (5) through
1 a amazingly b amaze c amazing
the woods. We didn’t want to scare any (6) animals! The forest
looked quite (7) ; very green and full of plants. We’ll go again
2 a which b who c whose
soon, and you can come with us. My sister drives quite (8) , 3 a slowly b slow c fast
even though she has just got her driving licence. I’ll let you know 4 a beauty b beautiful c beautifully
when we go again. 5 a careful b care c carefully
Talk soon, 6 a hungry b hungrily c angrily
Frankie 7 a healthier b healthily c healthy
8 a good b well c better

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1 Jim was happy to see his friend, so he shouted to get his attention. LOUD
2 Michelle looked when she found out her friend had lied to her. ANGRY
3 Martin asked the teacher if she could help him with his homework. POLITE
4 The train travelled so that they arrived in Paris in less than an hour. FAST
5 Monica felt that she had forgotten to invite her friend on the trip. BAD
6 They welcomed their guests when they arrived at the house. WARM

Use Your English

A Look at the picture and complete the text.
Last holiday I spent two weeks trekking in Java,
Indonesia. Look! Here I am on the (1)
of the picture. I’m taking photos of Gunung Bromo,
the well-known (2) which is still active.
You can see an ash cloud in the sky. It was a great time.
I packed all my things into a (3)
and I was just wandering from place to place,
talking to local people and admiring
the breathtaking views. That was a great time!

Take a Break
1 15
Writing: a social media post Forms Reminder
Pisz ciekawie
A Rewrite these sentences so that they flow more smoothly. • Zdania w jednym akapicie powinny nyy
1 I’ve been in Spain for a week now. Spain is a great place. It’s great WZRU]\ÊORJLF]QÈFDïRĂÊDE\WHNVWVLÚ
to be here. GREU]HF]\WDïR
2 Our guided tour yesterday was quite fun. We went on a guided VLÚFLHNDZV]\LVSUDZLF]\WHOQLNRZL
tour to Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is an amazing place! SU]\MHPQRĂÊ

3 I’m quite disappointed in Venice. In Venice, the weather is very rainy. That’s very disappointing.

B Read the writing task below and then correct the mistakes in the sentences.

Read the social media post from your friend, Philip.

Write a post for your social media page and answer the
questions. Write 25–35 words.

1 You should write an email.

2 You will write about what you did yesterday.
3 Philip is in Bangkok.

C Read the example social media post. Correct the punctuation mistakes.

Use capital letters for

proper names.

Make sure there

are commas, full Remember to check the
stops, apostrophes and punctuation in your text
question marks where carefully.

D Read and complete the Skills Booster task below. Don’t forget to use the Useful Expressions on page 23
of your Student’s Book.
Skills Booster
Read the post on a social media site from your friend, Shannon.

Write a post for your social media page and answer the questions.
Write 25–35 words.
Writing Guide p 161 in Student’s Book

1 Take a Break
1 The Travelling Photographer
Before you watch Rajasthan,
A Look at the photos. Work with a partner and discuss these questions.
• Which photo do you like best? Why?
• Do you think pictures of people or places are more interesting?
• What can you learn about a place from pictures of its people?

a b c
Obejrzyj film
na stronie

While you are watching

B Watch the video and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 Steve’s first job was working on a newspaper.
2 Steve wanted to travel and see the world.
3 He has been working for National Geographic for 13 years.
4 Rajasthan is south of Mumbai.
5 Steve says he feels very comfortable in Rajasthan.
6 Steve is quite a shy person.

After you have watched

C Complete the summary of the video below, using these words.

colour face interested music people photographer places village

Steve McCurry has been working as a National Geographic (1) for

about thirty years. India is one of his favourite (2) because it is full
of culture and (3) . He travels to a (4) in
Rajasthan and photographs the people there. For Steve, Rajasthan is like another planet; the
landscape, (5) , food and religion are all strange and wonderful.
The (6) are gentle and friendly. He is shy at first when he meets
entertainers like snake charmers and fortune tellers, but then he relaxes and feels happy and
(7) in these people. When he takes their photos, he says that it is the
(8) , not just the eyes that tell their stories.

● Do you think Steve’s job as a photographer is interesting?

Why? / Why not?
How can faces tell stories?
Ideas Focus

Skills Checkpoint 1
nagrania 1.2
Kod: 1JE88W

Rozumienie ze słuchu
1 Where did the girl and her family stay?
a b c

2 What can’t the girl find?

a b c

3 What was the girl scared of?

a b c

Znajomość funkcji językowych

a The holidays are coming soon. Jak go o to zapytasz?
b We’re planning a holiday in Karpacz this year. a Where did you stay in Barcelona?
c I’m looking forward to the holidays. b Did you live in Barcelona?
2 &KFHV]]ZLHG]LÊPLDVWR-DN]DSURSRQXMHV]NROHG]H c Where did you go in Barcelona?
wspólne zwiedzanie?
a Why don’t we go sightseeing?
b Let’s go on a trip.
c I need to take a holiday.

Rozumienie tekstów pisanych

Hi guys!
1 When I first got here, I couldn’t find my hotel for about an hour. a 1-5-2-4-3
2 Anyway, I’m going to see all the sights tomorrow. b 3-1-5-2-4
4 After that I’m going to relax at the pool.
5 So I asked a man at a bus stop, and he told me where it was.
See you soon!

1 Take a Break
Tekst 1 Tekst 2
Grand Hotel – how to find us
Our hotel is marked by the symbol of a house on the map below. The car park is on the other
side of the river and is just a short walk away.
Grand Hotel Registration Form
Room Type: Standard Double Number of guests: 2
car park
12.07.18 16:30 15.07.18 3
tourist information
Arrival date Check-in time Departure date No. of nights
Guest’s: Janice Woodley +44 295 278 4632
Name Mobile Email
Payment Cash Credit card hotel
Total amount: $345
method: Transfer Debit card
Airport transfer: Remarks: Early departure
Vegetarian option on 15.07 at 4 a.m. railway station

Tekst 3

Znajomość środków językowych

This photo was taken in northern Scandinavia or Canada.
There are three people standing and looking at the
(1) in the night sky. It’s a beautiful place,
and I think it must be very (2) because
it is far from civilisation, and there are no other people nearby. You can
probably only hear the wind in the trees. I’m sure the people will
(3) a lot of photos because it is so beautiful.

Tworzenie wypowiedzi pisemnej

• opisz, co zrobili inni ludzie obecni przy tym wydarzeniu.

Take a Break
1 19
Review 1
Wysłuchaj Wysłuchaj
nagrania 1.3 nagrania 1.4

A Match 1–10 with a–j. Write the complete sentences below.
1 I really enjoy going a lots of photos to show my friends.
2 It is so much fun just to wander b the sights in Prague when you were there?
3 I need to take c weekend.
4 Do you always stay d information centre helped us a lot.
5 The tourist e around a city and see the sights.
6 On our last morning, we had a tour f my suitcase with too many heavy things.
7 Did you see g agent booked this trip for me.
8 I think I packed h on short trips when I can.
9 I love going away when we have a long i guide who showed us the old town.
10 My travel j at a youth hostel?

B 1.3 Listen to the dialogue. Match people 1–5 with places a–g. There are two extra places. Complete the table.
1 Stephanie a campsite
2 Stephanie’s Mum b villa
3 Stephanie’s Dad c caravan park
4 Michael’s Mum d luxury hotel
5 Michael e holiday resort
1 2 3 4 5
f youth hostel
g bed and breakfast

C Now label pictures 1–7 with places a–g from B.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

D 1.4 Listen to four questions. Match them with answers a–e. There is one extra answer. Complete the table.
a We have a long weekend, so we are going to take a city break.
b I am going to go sightseeing and take lots of photos.
c Sorry, I have to pack my suitcase because we are leaving tomorrow for a holiday.
1 2 3 4
d We love staying at luxury hotels or holiday resorts at the beach.
e My favourite activity is to wander around the small streets in the old part of a town.

1 Take a Break
A Connect these sentences, using who, which or that. Put ( ) around who, which, that if the sentence can be
written without these words.
1 This is the new puppy. We got him last week.
2 Here’s a photo of our holiday resort. We thought it was great.
3 I got a new phone. I lost it last week.
4 This morning we met our tour guide. He took us to a beautiful castle.
5 Have you met the new girl? I told her about your party.
6 That’s the hotel. We stayed there last year.
7 I have two brothers. They play basketball very well.
8 Where is your friend? I gave my book to him.

B Match beginnings 1–6 with endings a–g. There is one extra ending. Complete the table.
1 I am always glad when I can sleep a carefully and pack a sandwich, some healthy fruit and something to drink.
2 When I came home from school b sweetly and asked him to take a photo of us.
I ate my lunch c deeply and not wake up at all during the night.
3 She smiled at him d beautifully and won the singing competition.
4 My brother was shouting e politely for something, she usually says yes.
5 I always prepare my lunch f hungrily because I never had a chance to have my tasty snack in the break.
6 When I ask my ever-patient mum g angrily at his friend this morning but I don’t know why.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Now list all the adverbs and adjectives from the sentences.



C Write three sentences about some of the things you have in your school bag, which you can see around you
in the classroom or the people you know. Use relative pronouns to describe them. Then in the class read the
sentences aloud. The class guesses who or what you are talking about.
That is the boy who lives on my street. Do you mean Grzesiek?


D Correct sentences 1–6. Cross out the incorrect word(s) and write the correct one(s) at the end of the sentence.
There is one mistake in each sentence.
1 Europe is the continent who has countries that include Portugal, Poland and Germany.
2 South Korea, in Asia, has many high tech industries and produces products that sell good.
3 The people greet you very warm when you go to Australia.
4 My cousin, which lives in Peru, loves South American food.
5 We drove careful from one end of Canada to the other when we visited North America last summer.
6 It was exciting seeing wild animals eating hungry when we had our holiday last summer in South Africa.

Take a Break
1 21
Zdajesz egzamin ósmoklasisty?
-Ĕ=<.32/6., · 0$7(0$7<.$ · -Ĕ=<.$1*,(/6.,


Bogaty, pełnowartościowy zeszyt ćwiczeń, całkowicie
skorelowany z podręcznikiem, zapewnia doskonałe
utrwalenie i urozmaicenie materiału z podręcznika.

Przygotowanie do egzaminu Filmy National Geographic

Rozbudowane sekcje Skills
Opatrzone napisami filmy oraz
Checkpoint oraz dedykowana sekcja
kolorowe karty pracy do lekcji wideo
Exam Booster przygotowują do
zostały dostosowane do poziomu
egzaminu ósmoklasisty, jednocześnie
językowego uczniów.
stanowiąc powtórkę poznanego
materiału językowego.

Dodatkowe treści dostępne

dla ucznia pod kodami QR
Nagrania audio i wideo pomagają
w naturalny sposób rozwijać
umiejętność rozumienia ze słuchu.

Dodatkowe sekcje
Review i Semester Review
utrwalają leksykę i gramatykę,
prezentując poznane zagadnienia
w nowym kontekście.



FILMY NATIONAL który znajdziesz
lub wpisz kod na
'2=(6=<78Ą:,&=(ĩ GRFZLF]HQLDSO

infolinia: 801 88 10 10, 58 721 48 00

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