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Wisnu Aji Pradopo. Effectiveness of Reciprocal and Command Methods

on Learning Outcomes of Pencak Silat Movement PSHT Student Putra
And Putri SMP Negeri 255 Jakarta. Thesis: Physical Education, Health
and Recreation, Faculty of Sport Science State University Jakarta, July,

In general, this study aims to determine how the Effectiveness of

Reciprocal Methods and Commands Against Learning Results Movement

Pencak Silat PSHT Student Putri And Putri SMP Negeri 255 Jakarta.

This research took place at the place of research conducted in SMP

Negeri 255 Jl. Raden Inten II Duren Sawit East Jakarta. The time used during

the study from the research plan to the preparation conducted from May to

July 2017. Research and development carried out for the effectiveness of

methods of reciprocal and command to the learning outcome of the

movement movements pencak silat PSHT students and children of SMP N

255 Jakarta. This research uses experimental method using "pre test and

post test design" that is by conducting preliminary and final test in two groups

given different treatment. The population in this research is all students of

SMP Negeri 255 East Jakarta who have not got martial arts material of 40

1. Preliminary and final test results of the Reciprocal Method group

The results of the initial and final test results of the movement of the

upper stance using the reciprocal method obtained the mean value of

deviation (MD) = 3.05 standard error (SD) = 1.27, standard error mean

(SEmD) = 0.29. The result produces a t-count value = 10.51. The result of the

calculation is then tested with t - table at degrees of freedom (dk) = n - 1 = 20

- 1 = 19 with the level of trust () = 0,05 obtained the critical value t - table =

2.093. Thus the value of t - count is greater than t - table (t - count = 10.51> t

- table = 2.093).Based on the result of the data analysis, it can be concluded

that the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, the working hypothesis (H ¬ 1) is

accepted, it means that effective reciprocal method in improving the learning

outcomes of PSHT pencak silat movements in the students of SMP Negeri

255 Jakarta.

2. Initial test results and the final test of the command method group

The results of the initial and final test of the results of the upper jutsu

movement using the command method obtained the mean value of deviation

(MD) = (2,95) standard error (SD) = (1.12) standard error mean (SEmD) =

(0.28 ). The result produces a t-count = (10,53). The result of the calculation

is then tested with t - table at degrees of freedom (dk) = n - 1 = 20 - 1 = 19

with the level of trust () = 0,05 obtained the critical value t - table = 2.093.
Thus the value of t - count is greater than t - table (t - count = 10.53> t - table

= 2.093).Based on the result of the data analysis, it can be concluded that the

null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, the working hypothesis (H ¬ 1) is accepted,

meaning the effective command method in improving the learning outcomes

of PSHT pencak silat movements in the students of SMP Negeri 255 Jakarta.

3. Preliminary and final test results of the group of Command and

Reciprocal methods

The final test result data of movement movement in group of command

and reciprocal method obtained standard difference between two mean

(SEmx2x - my2) = 1.26, the value makes t-count obtained = 0.15. Then the

result of the calculation is tested with the table on the degree of validity (dk) =

(N1 + N2) - 2 = (20 + 20) - 2 = 38 and the level of trust () = 0,05 obtained the

critical value t - table = 2.021. Thus t - count is greater than t - table (t - hit =

0.15 <t - table = 2.021).Based on the results of the data analysis then H0

rejected and H1 accepted so it can be concluded that the command method

is more effective than the reciprocal method of PSHT pencak silat movement

results in the students of the sons and daughters of SMP Negeri 255 Jakarta.

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