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 Ques.1. The radiant efficiency of the luminous
source depends on
 The shape of the source

 The temperature of the source

 The wavelength of the light rays

 All of the above

 Ques.2. Lightwave travel with a velocity of
 3 × 1010 cm/s

 3 × 1012 cm/s

 3 × 1015 cm/s

 3 × 1018 cm/s
 Ques.3. Carbon arc lamps are commonly used in
 Domestic lighting

 Street lighting

 Cinema Projector

 Photography
 Ques.4. The unit of solid angle is
 Solid Angle

 Radian

 Steradian

 Candela
 Ques.5. Candela is the unit of
 Luminous flux

 Luminous intensity

 Wavelength

 None of the above

 Ques.6. The unit of luminous flux is
 Steradian

 Candela

 Lumen

 Lux
 Ques.7. The illumination is directly proportional
to the cosine of the angle made by the normal to
the illuminated surface with the direction of the
incident flux. Above statement is associated with
 Planck’s law

 Macbeth’s law of illumination

 Bunsen’s law of illumination

 Lambert’s cosine law

 Ques.8. Illumination level required for precision
work is around
 50 lm/m2

 100 lm/m2

 200 lm/m2

 500 lm/m2
 Ques.9. Which of the following will needs the
highest level of illumination?
 Proofreading

 Bed Room

 Hospital wards

 Railway platforms
 Ques.10. Which of the following will need the
lowest level of illumination?
 Displays

 Fine engraving

 Railway platform

 Auditorium
 Ques.11. Which of the following lamps gives
nearly monochromatic light?
 Sodium vapor lamp

 GLS Lamp

 Tube light

 Mercury vapor lamp

 Ques.12. The illumination level in houses is in
the range
 10-20 lumens/m2

 30-40 lumens/m2

 40-75 lumens/m2

 100-140 lumens/m2
 Ques.13. The luminous efficiency of a fluorescent
tube is
 5-10 lumens/watt

 15-20 lumens/watt

 30-40 lumens/watt

 60-65 lumens/watt
 Ques.14. One lumen per square meter is the
same as
 One lux

 One Candela

 One foot candle

 One lumen meter

 Ques.15.The standard wattage of 3ft.
fluorescent tube is
 10 W

 40 W

 65 W

 100 W
 Ques.16. For the same wattage which lamp is
 Sodium Vapor Lamp

 Mercury Vapor Lamp

 Fluorescent tube

 GLS Lamp
 Ques.17. The optical instrument used for the
comparison of candle power of different sources
are known as
 Candle meters

 Radiometers

 Bunsen meter

 Photometer
 Ques.18. Which photometer is used for
comparing the light of different colors?
 Bunsen photometer

 Grease spot Photometer

 Lummer Brodhum Photometer

 Guilds Flicker Photometer

 Ques.19. Which photometer is used for
comparing the light of the same colors?
 Bunsen photometer

 Guilds Flicker Photometer

 Both 1 & 2

 None of the above

 Ques.20. The Principle of the Simple photometer
is based upon
 Inverse Square Law

 Square Law

 Inverse Law

 Lambert cosine Law

 Ques.21. Two electric bulbs have tungsten
filament of the same thickness. If one of them
gives 60 W and the other gives 100 W, then
 60W and 100 W lamp filaments have equal
 60 W lamp filament has shorter length

 100 W lamp filament has the longer length

 60 W lamp filament has the longer length

 Ques.22. Light is produced in electric discharge
lamps by
 Heating effect of current

 Magnetic effect of current

 Ionization in a gas or vapor

 Carbon electrodes
 Ques 23. The color of the light given out by a
sodium vapor discharge lamp is
 Pink

 Bluish Green

 Yellow

 Blue
 Ques.24. The S.I unit of Luminance is
 Candela

 Lux

 Candela/m2

 m2/candela
 Ques.25. Which gas is sometimes used in
filament lamps?
 Argon

 Krypton

 Nitrogen

 Carbon dioxide
 Ques.26. The output of a tungsten filament lamp
depends on
 Size of lamp

 Size of shell

 Temperature of filament

 All of the above

 Ques.27. A zero watt lamp consumes
 No power

 About 5 to 7 W power

 About 15 to 20 W power

 About 25 to 30 W power
 Ques.28. Melting temperature of tungsten is
 2000° K

 2500° K

 2655° K

 3655° K
 Ques.29. The life of the incandescent lamp is
expected to be
 100 Hours

 200 Hours

 1000 Hours

 10000 Hours
 Ques.30. The source of illumination for a cinema
projector is
 Incandescent Lamp

 Mercury Vapour Lamp

 Sodium Lamp

 Carbon Arc lamp

 Ques.31. In the case of frosted GLS lamps, the
frosting of the shell is done by
 Ozone

 Ammonia

 Acid etching

 Saltwater
 Ques.32. Nitrogen or argon is filled in GLS
lamps to
 Reduce the glare

 Improve efficiency

 Change the color of light

 Retard evaporation of tungsten filament

 Ques.33. Which of the following lamp has the
least capacity to sustain voltage fluctuations?
 Sodium vapor lamp

 Fluorescent lamp

 Incandescent lamp

 Mercury vapor lamp.

 Ques.34. The light output of GLS lamps is
normally in the range
 10 to 18 lumens/watt

 50 to 80 lumens/watt

 100 to 180 lumens/watt

 200 to 300 lumens/watt

 Ques.35. In neon signs, argon gas is used for
 Yellow color

 Blue color

 Red color

 Green color
 Ques.36. Glare may result from
 Excessive lighting contrast in the field of vision

 Excessive luminance

 Either of (A) or (B) above

 None of the above

 Ques.37. In neon signs, neon with a mixture of
mercury gives
 Green color

 Blue color

 Red color

 Yellow color
 Ques.38. The electrodes of neon tubes work at
 Very low temperatures

 Ordinary voltages

 400 to 440 volts

 2000 to 6000 volts

 Ques39. Which of the following filament
material has the lowest melting point?
 Carbon

 Tungsten

 Tantalum

 Osmium
 Ques.40. While comparing tungsten filament
lamps with fluorescent tubes, all of the following
are the advantages in favor of tungsten filament
 Longer life

 Less costly

 More brightness

 Simple installation
 Ques.41. The operating characteristics of an incandescent
lamp arc materially affected by the departure from its
normal operating voltage. The total number of lumens
given out by the lamp increases with the increase in
operating voltage and the relation between them is :
 Lumens output ∝ Vn
 where n is a constant. The value of n for tungsten varies for
 0.5 to 0.75
 1.5 to 2.5
 4 to 5
 8 to 10
 Ques.42. In fluorescent tubes, ballast resistance
is connected in series with the choke
 When supply frequency is low

 To reduce radio interference

 When tube operates on dc supply

 To reduce stroboscope effects

 Ques.43. Filament lamps operate normally at a
power factor of
 0.5 leading

 0.5 lagging

 Unity

 0.8 lagging
 Ques.44. Which of the following is a cold cathode
 Sodium vapor lamp

 High pressure mercury vapor lamp

 Low pressure mercury vapor lamp

 Neon lamp
 Ques.45. Neon gas in sodium vapor lamp
 Changes the color of light

 Acts as a shield around the filament

 Assists in developing enough heat to vaporize the

 Prevents vaporization of filament
 Ques.46. The melting point of carbon is
 1800°C

 3500°C

 2500°C

 5500° C
 Ques.47. The level of illumination from a 100 W
incandescent lamp will not increase by
 Increasing the supply voltage

 Increasing filament temperature

 Increasing glass shell diameter

 Increasing glass shell length

 Ques.48. Which of the following material can be
used for the filaments in incandescent lamps is
 Carbon

 Tungsten

 Tantalum

 Any of the above

 Ques.49. A lamp has a mean spherical candle
power of 25, the total flux of light from the lamp
 25 lumens

 25 π lumens

 314 lumens

 625 lumens
 Ques.50. In a fluorescent tube circuit, choke acts
 Starter

 The power factor improving device

 Source of heat

 Current limiting device

 Ques.51. Luminous flux is
 Rate of energy radiation in the form of light
 Light energy radiated by sun

 Part of light energy, radiated by sun which is

received on earth
 None of the above
 Ques.52. For the same rating the amount of
radiant heat produced in which of the following
lamp is the least?
 Fluorescent lamp

 Filament lamp

 Sodium vapor lamp

 Mercury vapor lamp

 Ques.53. Which of the following lamp gives
nearly ultra-violet light?
 Vacuum type filament lamp

 Nitrogen filed filament lamp

 Argon filled filament lamp

 Carbon arc lamp

 Ques.54. The amount of radiant heat produced
by a fluorescent lamp is nearly what percent of
that of a filament lamp of the same rating
 80%

 60%

 40%

 20%
 Ques.55. Heat from the filament of a lamp is
transmitted to the surrounding- mainly through
 Conduction

 Convection

 Radiation

 No heat is transfered
 Ques.56. The arc has
 Linear resistance characteristics

 Positive resistance characteristics

 Negative resistance characteristics

 Highly inductive characteristics

 Ques.57. Arc can be produced by
 AC current only

 DC current only

 Either AC or DC current

 All of the above

 Ques.58. A body at the temperature T K radiates
heat in proportion to
 T2

 1/T2

 T4

 1/T4
 Ques.59. If a body reflect entire radiation
incident on it, then it is known as
 Black body

 Gray body

 White Body

 Transparent Body
 Ques.60. Which of the following is of high value
in case of induction heating?
 Voltage

 Current

 Frequency

 All of the above

 Ques.61. Induction heating process is based on
 Electro-magnetic induction principle

 Resistance heating principle

 Thermal ion release principle

 Nucleate heating principle

 Ques.62. In case of induction hardening
 Heating occurs uniformly in the part to be heated

 Heating occurs in the core of the part to be

 Heating occurs in the center of the part to be
 Heating is more at the core and less on the
surface of the part to be heated
 Ques.63. Induction heating, the depth upto
which the current will penetrate is proportional
 Frequency

 (Frequency)2

 1/(Frequency)

 1/(Frequency)1/2
 Ques.64. The method of heating used in an
electric room heat convector is
 Resistance heating

 Induction heating

 Dielectric heating

 Arc heating
 Ques.65. Highest power factor can be expected in
which method of heating?
 Electric arc heating

 Dielectric heating

 Induction heating

 Resistance heating
 Ques.66. Which of the following heating
elements can give the highest temperature in
resistance heating?
 Copper

 Nickel Copper

 Nichrome

 Silicon’s carbide
 Ques.67. Furnaces used for cremation use
 Resistance heating

 Induction heating

 Dielectric heating

 Arc heating
 Ques.68. Induction heating is possible
 On ferrous material only

 On magnetic material only

 On dc supply only

 On AC supply only
 Ques.69. In a domestic cake baking oven, the
temperature is controlled by
 Series-parallel operation

 Autotransformer

 Thermostat

 Voltage variation
 Ques.70. If the supply frequency is reduced from
50 Hz to 1 Hz, which of the following method of
heating will be least affected
 Resistance heating

 Dielectric heating

 Induction heating

 None of above
 Ques.71. Which method of heating is likely to
give leading power factor?
 Electric arc heating

 Induction heating

 Dielectric heating

 Resistance heating
 Ques.72. Direct resistance Heating is used in
 Electrode Boiler

 Salt-Bath furnace

 Resistance Welding

 All of the above

 Ques.73. Which of the following method is
suitable for heating of conduction medium?
 Radiant heating

 Eddy current heating

 Induction heating

 Indirect arc heating

 Ques.74. Which of the following is the desirable
property of resistance heating elements
 High resistivity

 High melting point

 Low-temperature coefficient

 All of the above

 Ques.75. Which of the following is the ideal
method of heating plastics?
 Oil fired furnace

 Resistance furnace heating

 Dielectric heating

 Coal-fired furnace
 Ques.76. If f be the frequency then the dielectric
loss is proportional to

 f2

 1/f

 1/f2

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