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WORLDWIDE Pa ess cd Test Procedure GMW3335 PMN ey Neh) Metallic Sheet, Mechanical Properties Testing 1 Introduction Note: Nothing in this standard supercedes applicable laws and regulations. Note: in the event of conflict between the English and domestic language, the English language shall take precedence. 1.4 Purpose, The tests described herein are used to determine properties required in product specifications or for failure analysis, Variation in testing methods are to be avoided by use of the stringent requirements to the allowable limits set forth in ISO standards. In some cases testing requirements may be unique or in conflict with these procedures, in those cases the requirements of the product specification will be followed. 1.2 Apy y. This standard covers procedures for mechanical testing of metallic sheet product. These flat or tubular sheet materials are typically aluminum and steel and are used in the manufacture of automotive bodies ‘or components. 2 References Note: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified. 2.1 External Standards/Specifications. ASTM E6 ISO 7438 Iso 10275 USA JIS Z 2248 ASTM E8/8M ISO 7500-1 Iso 17025 Iso 377 Iso 9513 Iso/Ts 16949 ISO 6892-1 Iso 10113 JSA JIS Z 2241 2.2 GM Standards/Specifications. mwa Gmw3399 omwisig2 emw3032 emw14400 3 Resources 3.4 Facilities. The laboratory must be certified to ISO 17025 or approved to the latest version of ISO/TS 16949, 3.1.1 Calibration. The test facilities and equipment shall be in good working order and shall have a valid ‘calibration label, Calibration in accordance to ISO 7500-1 and ISO 9513 is required. 3.1.2 Alternatives. Alternative test facilities and equipment may also be used. However, all measuring variables as specified in this standard shall be determined correctly with respect to their physical definition 3.2 Equipment. 3.2.1 Tensile Testing. Test equipment must fulfil the requirements of ISO 6892-1. There are two types of loading systems, mechanical and hydraulic, These differ in the capabilities of the rate of load application, All modern screw and hydraulic machines permit step-less variation throughout the range of speeds. Non-proportional test pieces are to be used for tensile testing all thicknesses of product governed by this test method. The values in Systéme International (SI) units are to be used for all reporting. Values determined by conversion from English (inch-pound) units shall be reported as such. Elongation values determined in English unit gage lengths (2 in) may be reported as SI unit gage lengths (60 mm) as applicable. © Copyright 2017 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 1 of 11 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3335 3.2.2 Bend Testing. Test equipment shall be in accordance with ISO 7438, and punch geometry shall be determined according to the respective material specification. Press hardened steels shall be tested according to procedures listed in GMW14400, 3.3 Test Vehicle/Test Piece. Steel sheet, aluminum sheet, and tubes manufactured from either sheet are to be tested according to procedures outlined in this document. 3.4 Test Time. Varies by supplier resources. 3.5 Test Required Information. Not applicable, 3.6 Personnel/Skills. Not applicable. 4 Procedure ‘4.1 Preparation. 4.1.4 Samples must have all oils, lubes, or dry films removed prior to measurement. Galvanized samples may have the zine coating removed, and the measured sample condition (with coating, without coating, and/or assumed coating thickness) shall be reported 4.1.2 Milling, water-jet cutting, or Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) fabrication are the preferred methods of preparation. Laser fabrication shall be allowed for press hardened steel preparation. During milling care must be taken such that minimal cold work is imparted to the edges of the reduced section 4.1.3 Samples shall be flat and free of defects such as scores, wrinkles, die marks, etc. One sample is needed for standard tensile test; sample orientation relative to the coil rolling direction is defined in the product specification. 42 Conditions. 4.2.4 Environmental Conditions. Conditions shall be defined appropriately by respective testing procedure specification. 4.2.2 Test Conditions. Deviations from the requirements of this standard shall have been agreed upon. Such requirements shall be specified on component drawings, test certificates, reports, etc. 4.3 Instructions. 4.3.1 Bend Test. Unless otherwise stated in this test procedure, the procurement, preparation, sample dimensions and measurement of bend test samples should follow the requirements of: + 180 377 Steel and steel products - Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing, To avoid coil edge effects, samples shall be cut out at a minimum distance of 50 mm from edges. + ISO 7438 Metallic Materials — Bend Test, and + Procedures shall be in accordance with respective material specifications, 43.1.1 Bend Test Machine Operating Parameters. For bend testing the referenced crosshead control speed as defined in Table 1 shall be used, Table 1: Crosshead Speeds Grosshead Control (mm/s) Ramp 0.3 Bend testing of press hardened steel shall follow the requirements set in GMW14400. 43.2 Tensile Test. Unless otherwise stated in this test procedure the procurement, preparation, and measurement of test samples should follow the requirements of: + ISO 377 Steel and steel products - Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing, To avoid coil edge effects, samples shall be cut out at a minimum distance of 50 mm from edges. * 180 6892-1 Metallic Materials — Tensile Testing Part 1: Method of test at room temperature. * ISO 10113 Metallic Materials — Sheet and Strip — Determination of plastic strain ratio. + ISO 10275 Metallic Materials — Sheet and Strip — Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent. Procurement of Samples. © Copyright 2017 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 2 of 11 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3335 For standard Plastic Strain Ratio (r-value) testing, one longitudinal 0° or one transverse 90° coupon is, needed, For Weighted Average Plastic Strain Ratio (r Bar) or Degree of Planar Anisotropy (Ar) testing, one longitudinal 0°, one diagonal 45°, and one transverse 90° sample are required. The r Bar and Ar are calculated from individual r-value tests. 4, ModuFR testing methods may be used for calculating r-values for process control of raw material. If this method is used, it must be specifically called out on the test report. In case of disagreements, the method specified herein shall be used 4, Care shall be taken to insure that the samples be cut exactly at 0°, 45*, or 90° to the coil ralling direction. Sample Type and Dimensions. The standard sheet type test specimen dimensions are given in Table 2, and the specimen drawing is shown in Figure 1. Subsize tensile specimens per ASTM E8/8M shall be allowed if sample size does not allow the use of standard size tensile bars. The following sample types andior test pieces may be designated by the local operating unit for test results + Type 1 (ISO I): According to ISO 6892-1 Annex B, type 1 in Tables B1 and B2 (corresponds to ASTM E8/8M Figure 1 - Sheet Type Sample) + Type 2 (ISO Il): According to ISO 6892-1 Annex B, type 2 in Tables B1 and B2, + Type 3 (ISO Ill): According to ISO 6892-1 Annex B, type 3 in Tables B1 and B2 (corresponds to Japanese Standards Association (JSA) JIS Z 2241 No, 5 specimen, JSA JIS Z 2248 standard sample preparation and dimensions are applicable instead of those specified by ISO 6892-1. All other aspects of GMW3335 must be followed to adhere to the requirements of GMW0xM-ST-S or GMWx00xM-AL-S specifications (M = metal, ST = steel, S = sheet, AL = aluminum)). Table 2: Test Specimen Dimensions Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 (ISO1=ASTM E8/@M- | (ISO II typical in Europe) | (ISO Ill - JIS 22241 no, 5 sheet type) sheet type) Gauge length Lo 50 mm # 0.10 mm ‘80 mm # 0.10 mm, 50 mm + 0.10 mm Width bb Not 12.50 mm # 0.25 mm 20 mm # 0.25 mm, 25 mm + 0.25 mm Parallel length Le minimum 87 mm 90 mm 60 mm Note 1: For the three sizes of specimens, the ends ofthe paraliellengih section shallot afer in wath by > 0,08 mm, 0.12 mm or0,12 mm, respectively. Also, there may be a gradual decrease in wlth from the ends tothe center, bt the width at each end shall not be more than 1% larger than the width atthe canter Independent of preparation method, the roughness of edges on parallel length (Rz) shall be Re < 6.3 pm. © Copyright 2017 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 3 of 11 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3335 © a> Original thickness of a flat test piece Lo Gauge length Le Parallel length Ly Total length of test piece bo Original width of the parallel length of a flat test piece So Original cross-sectional area of the parallel length Figure 1: Test Specimen Diagram Allother dimensions and tolerances of ISO 6892-1 Annex B and ASTM E8/8M for non-proportional test pieces apply if not defined in GMW3335. Tensile Test Machine Operating Parameters. 4, Test Speed, Ramp 1, as shown in Table 3, shall be used beyond yield strength (Rs, YS, or Sy-refer to Figure 2(a)) or beyond yield point elongation (As or YPE — refer to Figure 2(b)). Ramp 2, as shown in Table 3, shall be used subsequently. {a) Yield strength (R, or YS) at defined plastic extension (b) Yield point elongation (A. or YPE) (Refer to ISO 6892-1) (Refer fo ASTM E6 and ASTM E8/8M) e percentage extension e strain | percentage of plastic extension R__| stress S__| stress Rex___| upper yield strength ‘UYS | upper yield strength Ry __| proof strength at plastic extension YS, Sy| yield strength at an offset strain ‘As__[ yield point elongation YPE_| yield point elongation Note; Figure symbols correspond to ISO 6892-1 Figure 2: Definition of Yield Strength (Ry/YS/S,) and Yield Point Elongation (A./YPE) © Copyright 2017 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 4 of 11 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3335 Table 3: Strain Rate Control, Stress Rate Control and Crosshead Speeds "="! comane | Sosee24, | IS0eB52, ro4 re Method A1 Method B and A2 ASTM E8/aM, Conesperds | acy eaiem, | ASTM EB/BM, Method © Mahod 8 Method A Strain Rate | Sivess Rate Control | Grosshead | Grosshead | Grosshead Control Control Control Control toms) | Gms) | Gms) (s*) Type 1 ‘Type 2 ‘Type 3 simpe_| sample | sample Elastic Range © <180 GPa TONPos Ramp 1 | 0.00025 + 20% | E = 150 GPa: 30 MPals 0.02 0.03 0.02 Prat range o.cone8 "1 20% Ramp 2 0.0067 + 20% 0.0067 s+ 20% 05 08 04 Note 1: Sivan rate contol is the prefered control method, Siress rate control and crosshead speed control may be used ithe laborator/’s tonsile testing machine does not have the capabilty to use stain rate contol, The control method must be noted in test report resus, Note 2: For strain rate sensitive materials, nly the strain ale and crosshead speed contal rates specified in Ramp {shall be used, Strain fale sensiive materals are defined as those exhibiting an increase in engineering flow sltess of © MPa or greater following slran rate transition from Ramp 1 to Ramp 2 Machine grips should cover at least % of the gripped section of the sample. 4, Strain value and/or strain range for r-value test measurement is defined by the material specification. The n-value measurement range is defined by the material specification. Calculations shall be performed according to ISO 10275. 5 Data 5.1 Calculations. 5.1.4 Evaluation. Bend Test. The interpretation of results of the bend test shall be carried out according to the requirements of the material specification. In unclear cases, a magnification of 10x is recommended to determine the presence or absence of cracks. Press hardened steel parts shall be evaluated according to GMW14400. Tensile Test. 5AA.2.4 D ns and Symbols. © Copyright 2017 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 5 of 11 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3335 Ael2 le AL 4 Rafer to SO 66024 Raforto ASTM Eb and ASTM EaaM A: | percentage total ewtension at fracture zl elongation at factire “A___| percentage elongation after facture Eh ‘elongation after facture 7Asi__| percentage total extension at maximum force | Ele uniform elongation As percentage plastic extension at maximum force Percentage plastic extension at @ | percentage extension @ strain ‘ae | plateau extent plateau region me slope of the elastic art ofthe stress percentage | ‘Young's modulus (modulus of elasticity) R__| Stess 5 arene Re [tensile strength S. or UTS | (ulate) tense strength Ren | upper viol stronaih uys upper yield strength Rui | lower yield strength LYS Towor yield strength Resa | proof strength at plastic extension of 0.2% 48 0.2% off$20 vie strength at an offset strain of 0.2% Note: Figure symbols corespond to ISO 6882-1 Figure 3: Definitions of Parameters (Symbols) Elongation at fracture (4; or Ei) shall be determined with an extensometer. The detailed method of determination shall be stated in the lab report. Elongation is not to be used if the specimen breaks within 6 mm (0.25 in) of the gage marks (note as fracture at gage marks) or outside the gage marks (note as fracture outside gage) Elongation after fracture (A or El) can be determined by either the piece-fit method or with an extensometer. The detailed method of determination shall be stated in the lab report. Piece-fit elongation is generally higher than extensometer elongation. Elongation is not to be used if the specimen breaks within 6 mm (0.25 in) of the gage marks (note as fracture at gage marks) or outside the gage marks (note as fracture outside gage). Total extension at maximum force/uniform elongation (Axor El.) is determined at the maximum force sustained by the test piece just prior to necking, Uniform elongation includes both elastic and plastic elongation components. © Copyright 2017 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 6 of 11 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3335 Plastic Extension at maximum Force (As) determined at the maximum force sustained by the test piece just prior to necking, Plastic extension (4) includes only plastic elongation Proof/Yield Strength at a plastic extension/offset of 0.2% (Riaz or YSo.2x, or Sjezx) is the engineering stress at 0.2% plastic elongation (0.2% offset), see Figure 4(a), will be used for all samples without yield point elongation (As or YPE). For samples with yield point elongation, both the 0.2% offset yield and the yield strength at the lowest point of discontinuous yielding, see Figure 4(b), shall be reported, along with the percentage of yield point elongation (Ax or YPE), if required in specification. & es ry é g A g 1 ff fa) {b) Refer to 150 65925 Refer ASTM EB and ASTM ESIGN | percontage exension . stan | sress s 0088 Rov lower yield strength Lys lower yield strength %y YS (0.2% offset) | yield strength at an offset strain Reva | proof strength at pas extension of 0.2% | YS (07 elds Note: Figure symbols correspond to ISO 6892-1 Figure 4: Definition of 0.2% offset Yield Strength (Rpe2/YS) and Yield Point Elongation (Ad! YPE) .2.7 Weighted Average Plastic Strain Ratio (r Bar) is defined as: Tyge + Toe +2: + 12.8 Degree of Planar Anisotropy (Av) is defined as: Tage + Toe 2 5.2 Interpretation of Results. The data shall be evaluated by a person with documented training in metallurgical ‘science for conformance to the applicable specifications or requirements in question 5.3 Test Documentation. The test report shall be in the regional language and/or in English. The test report shall be written or transmitted in electronic form with the following required data, The degree of precision for reporting each measurement is defined in the examples. General information: © Test date. © Copyright 2017 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 7 of 11 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3335 + Laboratory + Operator. * Sample orientation (direction of rolling). + Sample source. + Type of sample (e.g., flat or tube), + GM material identifcation by material specification, grade, and coating * Material order/lot number where applicable. When available and noted, information about the order/lot manufacturing processes and location lines shall be documented and avaliable upon request. Base metal certifications provided by the manufacturer shall also be retained. Coating line source mill, annealing process (batch or continuous}, coil or sample identification shall be documented, + Type of tensile test specimen used ISO Type I (ASTM E8/8M), ISO Type Il, or ISO Type Ill (JIS No. 5). + Tensile testing parameters according to Table 3 A Bend Test. If required, the following values shall reported in SI units: + Thickness and width of test pieces used for calculations. * Bend angle and radius of bend, for example: Bendyao # 2r = OK. 5.3.2 Tensile Test. If required by specification, the following values shall be reported in SI units in the folowing manner (for symbols, see Table 4): + Thickness and width in mm of the test pieces as used for calculations * Modulus of elasticity (E) used for calculations in GPa. + Yield strength at 0.2% plastic extension (Rie2 or YSn2x or Syo2) in MPa. Upper Yield Strength (Rex or UYS) and/or Lower Yield Strongth (Ra. or LYS) may be reported in MPa if required by specification, for example’ Roa = xxx MPa. * Yield point elongation (Ae or YPE) reported as a percentage of the original gauge length Lo, for example: Ae = Xxx% + (Uimate)Tensile strength (Rn or UTS) reported in MPa, for example: Rx = 13x MPa. + Total extension at maximum force/Uniform elongation (Ax or El.) in %- with elastic strain - reported as machine measurement along with the gage length, for example: As. sonm = xxx%. The elastic strain component will be excluded in reported measurement of uniform elongation for steels (GMW2, GMW3032, GMW3399, and GMW14400) tested using ISO Type II tensile specimen geometry and all aluminum (GMW15182) specimens. This is alternatively termed the plastic extension at maximum force (A) + Plastic extension at maximum force (Ay) in % - without elastic strain - reported as machine measurement along with the gage length, for example: Apion = xx.x%. The method for calculation ofthe plastic extension at maximum force (A,) is outlined in Appendix A + Total extension at fracture/Elongation at fracture (Ax or Ei) in % - with elastic strain - reported as machine measurement along with the gage length, for example: El sewn = xx.2%. The elastic strain component shall be excluded in reported measurement of uniform elongation for steels (GMW2, GMW3032, GMW3399, and GMW14400) tested using ISO Type II tensile specimen geometry and all aluminum (GMW15192) specimens. This is alternatively termed the elongation after fracture/total elongation (A or Eh). + Elongation after fracture/Total elongation (A or El) in % - without elastic strain - reported as elther machine ‘or manual measurement along with the gage length, for example: Aron = x«.x%. The method for calculation of elongation after fracture/total elongation (A or Et) without elastic strain is outlined in Appendix A. + nvvalue reported with the measurement range, for example: ozo = XXX, Mroag= XK, OF Mux XK + Plastic strain ratio, r-value reported with the elongation measurement point percent, for example rao = xx.x. + Weighted average plastic strain ratio (r Bar), or Degree of planar anisotropy (Ar) reported if required with the elongation measurement point, for example: r Barao = x.xXx oF Aro = X.XK. ‘+ Kvalue reported if required with the calculation range Ky..= 2%. © Copyright 2017 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 8 of 11 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3335 Table 4: Symbols and Units for Reporting Test fsocasa+ |piece)"luan| & | Rox | Ru [Rez] Ro | ae | ae | av] a | a foe] Ws Se = [os|ns| ve [ors[we, pa pale [ml a [sruni am [am [era] uPa[uPo [wea [weal x [x |» Dw [% 6 Safety This Engineering Standard may involve safety requirements for hazardous materials, the method of operations and equipment, This standard does not propose to address all the safety issues associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to ensure compliance with all appropriate safety and health practices, This would include any specific training that may be required. The safety and health standards include site specific rules and procedures, company rules and procedures, and Government Standards. Contact shall be made with the appropriate site Safety and Health personnel for further direction and guidance in these matters. 7 Notes 7.4 Glossary. Not applicable. 7.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols. A Percentage Elongation after Fracture (without elastic strain) Ag Percentage Plastic Extension at Maximum Force (without elastic strain) Ast Percentage Total Extension at Maximum Force (with elastic strain) AL ‘Aluminum A Percentage Elongation at Fracture (with elastic strain) a Original Thickness of a Flat Test Piece bo Original Width of the Parallel Length of a Flat Test Piece E Young's Modulus, Modulus of Elasticity EI Elongation (with elastic strain) Eh Total Elongation (without elastic strain) Eh, Uniform Elongation (with elastic strain) e Percentage Extension Ae Plateau Extent & Percentage of Plastic Extension/offset EDM —_ Electrical Discharge Machining GSSLT Global Subsystem Leadership Team us Japanese Industrial Standard JSA Japanese Standards Association bo Gauge length Le Parallel length Lk Total length of test piece LYS Lower Yield Strength M Metal me Slope of the Elastic Part of the Stress-Percentage Extension Curve n Strain Hardening Exponent r Plastic Strain Ratio ar Degree of Planar Anisotropy rBar Weighted Average Plastic Strain Ratio {© Copyright 2017 General Motors Company Al Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 9 of 11 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3335 R Stress Row Upper Yield Strength Ra. Lower Yield Strength Ro Tensile Strength Re Yield Stress Re Roughness on Edges on Parallel Length s Sheet, Stress SI Systéme International S Original cross-sectional area of the parallel length sT Steel Se Ultimate Tensile Strength UE Uniform Elongation UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength UYS ——_Upper Yield Strength YPE —_Yiold Point Elongation ys Yield Strength 8 Coding System This standard shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, etc., as follows: Test to GMW3335 9 Release and Revisions This standard was originated in December 2002. It was first approved in December 2002, It was first published in February 2003, Issue | Publication Date Description (Organization) 1 FEB 2003 _| Initial publication. NOV 2010 _| Updated template, references. (Global Ferrous Metals GSSLT) 3 OCT 2015 —_| Strain and Crosshead Speed Control rates revised, Stress control rates added, dimensions for JSA JIS Z 2241 type 5 specimen added. Updated test specimen dimensions. Added deviations to bend testing of press hardened stee! and aluminum elongation calculations. (Vehicle Materials and Corrosion Engineering and Labs) 4 ‘OCT 2016 | Complete revision. (Ferrous Materials and Sheet Metals Global Subsystem Leadership Team) 5 MAR 2017 | Updated galvanized sample preparation conditions in 4.1.1. (Materials - Ferrous Materials and Sheet Metals Global Subsystem Leadership Team) © Copyright 2017 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 10 of 11 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS GMW3335 Appendix A: Calculation of Uniform and Total Elongation without Elastic Strain The following procedure shall be used to calculate total and uniform elongation without elastic strain Total Elongation (A) is the percent plastic elongation after fracture, as defined in Figure 3. Total elongation should be reported as Asorm oF Azorm, where 50 mm or 80mm indicates the gage length used. If A: is measured, A should be calculated by the following equation: A= A.- fracture stressime Where: ‘+ meis the elastic modulus or the slope of the elastic part of the stress-strain curve. + Ac= Total Elongation with elastic strain. Uniform Elongation (As) is the percent plastic extension at maximum force as defined in Figure 3. If As: is measured, As should be calculated by the following equation: Ag = Agt- UTSime Uniform Elongation with elastic strain. ‘= meis the elastic modulus or the slope of the elastic part of the stress-strain curve. * UTS = Ultimate Tensile Strength I the material demonstrates a plateau at maximum force or serrated flow, the following method may be used to calculate the Uniform Elongation. a. Determine the maximum force recorded. b. Evaluate the sequence of force values recorded before and after the maximum force. ©. Determine a plateau size, Ac, consisting of all consecutive data points wherein the force value is within 0.5% of the magnitude of the peak force value. d. Determine the Uniform Elongation as the strain at the mid-point of the plateau, © Copyright 2017 General Motors Company All Rights Reserved March 2017 Page 11 of 11

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