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Make → product / band

In stock → available
Retailer → vendedor
Order = purchase
Worth → valer la pena
Bargain → ganga
Shopping centers → centro comercial
Free of charge → fuera de cargos
Discount → descuento
Change your mind → cambiar tu pensamiento
Fit → adaptado
Give (money) back → devolver el dinero
Half price → a mitad de precio
Pay for → pagar a
Pick up → recoger
Price → precio
Receipt → ticket
Refund → reembolso
Sell out of → quedarse sin
Spend it on (something) → gastar en
Summer sale → rebajas de verano
Take (something) back → devolver a algun sitio
Till → a caja
Try on → probar
Value for money → valor del dinero


Be known for → Ser conocido por

Scenes of chaos → escenas caó ticas
Bring about → cause
Put strain on (someone) → presionar a alguien
Catch on → become popular
In advance → por adelantado
Meet demand → demandar
Trace (something) back → origin
At least that far → hasta ahí
Led to → llevar a cabo
Erupt → estallar

Block of flats → bloque de edificios

Building site → zona de obras
Housing estate → urbanizació n
Indoor shopping centre → centros comerciales interiores
Industrial estate → zona industrial
Office block → bloque de oficinas
Pedestrian street → calle peatonal
Residential area → area residencial


Do a job → hacer un trabajo

Do exercise → hacer ejercicio
Do nothing but → no hacer nada
Do you good → hacer bien
Do your best → hacer lo mejor
Do your homework → hacer los deberes
Make a decision → tomar una decisió n
Make a living → ganarse la vida
Make a mess of (something) → estropear
Make a plan → hacer un plan
Make a speech → hacer un discurso
Make an effort → hacer un esfuerzo
Make sure → comprobar
Make up your mind → decidir
To do (something) → hacer algo
To do with (something) → hacer algo con
Wouldn't do you any harm → no hacer ningú n dañ o


Adventure holiday → vacaciones aventureras

Camping holiday → acampada
Car journey → viaje en coche
Caribbean cruise → crucero caribeñ o
Day trip → excursió n
Guided tour → tour guiado
Long-haul flight → vuelo largo
Rail travel → viaje de rail
Seaside holiday → vacaciones en la costa
Self-catering holiday → vacaciones a tu gusto
Sightseeing holiday → vacaciones de turismo
Working holiday → vacaciones de trabajo
Various → vary
Dangerous → danger
Poisonous → poison
Mysterious → mystery
Humorous → humor
Careful → care
Peaceful → peace
Beautiful → beauty
Successful → success
Healthy → health
Cloudy → cloud
Hungry → hunger
Foggy → fog
Additional → addition
Original → origin
Financial → finance
Beneficial → benefit
Impatient → patience
Different → differ
Apparent → appear
Obeyent → obey
Unpleasant → please
Ignorant → ignorance
Tolerant → tolerance
Hesitant → hesitate
Attractive → attract
Protective → protect
Decisive → decide
Destructive → destroy
Catch on → finally understand something
CATCH UP= actualizarse de algo
Head for → go to a place
Come up with → have/think an idea
Turning out → gather (reunirse) or result (to be)
Come across → find something/somebody by chance
Get about → move around
Put together → produce something (by combining different parts)
Go on → happen
Turn into → change something (into something different)
Push up → make something increase
Bring about → cause something to happen
Draw up → design, prepare and write a plan
Turn down → reject (rechazar)
Set up → begin / start

Scramble → quick movement

Towards → hacia
Erupt → suddenly happen
Outbreaks → brote
Hunters → cazadores
Squabble → fighting
Fixture → fix elements
Bonanza → prosperity
Call in sick in → call to say that you are sick
Atrocious traffic congestion → atasco
Raced out → running
Accounts → contable
Cease → stop
Loss → pérdida
Approach → aproximar
Suit in → suceder
Craze → trend
Chains → cadena
Unruly → no adecuado
Unfolded in → desplegar
Strain → presion
Madness → locura
Embraced → accept
Set → location
Outstanding → destaca
Parcels → packet
Lands → superficie
Disposable → desechable
Accommodation → alojamiento
Reserve → persona reservada
Shoreline → zona costera
Poses → posar
Sandy → arenoso
Instalments → pagar a plazo
Destinies → destino (suerte)
Destinations → destino (viaje)
Runaway → fugitivo
Breakaway → reparar

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