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International Hope School Bangladesh

AY 2023-2024
Subject: Geography
Grade: 7
Topic: Revision Worksheet

Write down the answers to the following questions:

1. How do the Block Mountains form?
2. What is rift valley?
3. How many types of volcanoes are there according to its activity? Mention names.
4. Mention two of the characteristics of basic lava volcano.
5. Which type of volcanic lava is flowing slowly and solidifies quickly?
6. What is the pacific ring of fire? How did it form
7. How can a caldera be formed?
8. How does groundwater transform into geysers?
9. Mention two differences between the coniferous forest and deciduous forest.
10.What is the distribution of latitude in temperate forest?
11.In which type of forest can very few species of trees be seen?
12.Which benefits the deciduous forest get from the deep roots?
13.Magmas are typically found in which layers of the Earth?
14.What are earth's plates?
15.What is plate tectonic theory?
17.What is constructive theory of ocean floor?
18.What is subduction?
19.Define Fold Mountain with an example?
20.Where are Fold Mountains found?
21.What is the difference between compressional force and tensional force?
22.Define Block Mountain. Mention an example of a block mountain?
23.Identify two characteristics of Earth’s core?
24.How do tectonic plates move? Explain the movement of the earth’s plates with a
25.Why does the ocean floor expand?
26.What are the causes of forming the Mid-Atlantic Ridge?
27.Where are oceanic trenches typically formed?
28.Identify four characteristics of coniferous trees.
29.What is the relation between a rift valley and a block mountain?
30.What is Geyser? Which factor works to create a geyser?
31.Write a short paragraph about the Temperate Coniferous Forest?
32.Why do trees have thick barks and broad leaves in deciduous forest?
33.What is the classification of volcanoes according to the materials they eject?
34.Why do coniferous trees have shallow roots and needle like leaves in coniferous forest?
35.What are the three classifications of plate movement? Give a brief explanation of each
36.What is a vent?
37.What are the characteristics of the temperate forest? Mention four characteristics.
38.Classify volcano according to its activeness and definition.
39.Which type of volcano is commonly associated with the formation of secondary cones?
40.Draw a diagram of the structure of a volcano and label it. Write down the definition of
each of the labels.
41.Identify three characteristics of acid lava volcano.
42.In the Pacific Ocean zone, which tectonic plate movement is predominant?
43.What is volcanic plug?
44.How many types of folding occur due to the differences in the compressional forces?
Mention their names.
45.What geological feature is a lava plateau?
46.What type of changes do tensional forces cause to the rocks?
47.How many layers does the temperate deciduous forest contain? Explain each of the
48.Mention two similarities between the deciduous and coniferous forest.
49.Mention four differences between the deciduous and coniferous forest.
50.In which latitude can deciduous forests be found? Name two countries that have
deciduous forests.
51.What types of trees are commonly found in coniferous and deciduous forest areas?
52.What are the benefits of deciduous trees losing their leaves in winter in deciduous
53.Write down two features of mantle in bullet points.
54.Explain tensional and compressional force with diagram.
55.Explain the structure of a volcano with a diagram.

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