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Slide 2.


The USA of course never had socialist or communist movements as compared to other countries in
Europe, however, the threat it was highlighting Led to adopt socialist ideas for which after the great
depression a term the new deal came into me it embrace progressive policies to address the challenges
USA’s economy was facing after the great depression. This was an important step crucial for the
success of the state to control violence and turning into extreme communists. There were programs
addressing economic, injustices, social and political rights, fostering national unity, promoting
political stability and transparency, also inspiring rejuvenation for democracy and its reforms.
Americans in politics, realized the capacity of democratic governance is to respond to the needs of
people, especially during times of crisis. These new deal programs, initiated relationship, betterment
between the federal and the state government to create a balance of power among them. Their role in
the federal government was to regulate economic activity and provide social welfare benefits to
common citizens which increased their influence, overstate politics. Moreover the countries,
decentralized governance structure as mentioned about the distribution of powers, allows
experimentation, and adaptation to needs of the locals, and their preferences. People of the United
States have always been accepting to change, which has provided a solid foundation to built an
institutional framework for ongoing governance, which is, prone to changes and insures continuity of
democratic governance.
Slide 3. Institutional quality of USA WITH EXAMPLES
1. The USA oppose the rule of law which shows that actions taken by the government are governed by
legally approved principles and procedures, so to provide predictable and consistent application of
legislation to work in the interest of the public through the legal system. For example, in 1954 the
supreme courts landmark ruling in brown versus Board of Education, declared that there will be no
racial segregation in any public schools, there must be a difference to the rule of law which guarantees
equal protection under the law.
2. Another dominant feature of the US government is their separation of powers. The US Constitution
establishes a system which monitors and keeps check balance among their executive legislative and
judicial branch of the government. This prevent branch of the government from being over, powerful,
therefore ensuring accountability and oversight. For example, the Congress passes the law the
president enforces the law. The Supreme Court interprets the law. These are different responsibilities
that each branch uphold with which allows the process to be transparent, unbiased and free from
3. The USS federalism system with divided power among federal government and state governments
allows the government to experiment with innovation at different levels, where policies can be tested
and adapted to the needs of local people for example, marijuana legalization policies vary across
states some states consider marijuana as a recreational drug or for medical purposes, while other states
maintains strict Banning. The decentralized approach allowed states to differently regulate their
framework, according to the local preferences .
4. The biggest feature of the US institutional structures is there devotion to regulate a strong
framework. The framework govern various sectors of the society, considering finance healthcare
environment, consumer protection, and regulations that ensure safety of the market integrity and
affordable access to resources. For example, their environmental protection agency the EPA
establishes regulations that protect human health and sustain the environment such as their cleaner act
the clean water act. These are standards maintained for which the quality of air and water is regulated.
Make sure that the resources the public receives are safe to use and equitable.
slide 4
Meritocracy through Education
Ensures equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, fostering social cohesion and stability. This
strengthens the nation's moral fabric and reduces social unrest.
Accountability through Checks and Balances
Prevents abuse of power and promotes transparency in governance. Citizens can trust that no single
entity holds absolute control, leading to more responsible policymaking.
Independence through Decentralisation
Allows states to tailor policies to their specific needs and populations. This fosters a sense of local
control and responsiveness to citizen preferences.
Public Empowerment through Strong Regulatory Frameworks
Protects public health and the environment, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
This improves the overall quality of life for citizens and attracts investment in environmentally
conscious industries.
New Deal Programs
Provided social safety nets and economic stimulus during times of crisis, reducing poverty and
fostering a more stable and productive citizenry. This strengthens the nation's human capital and
economic potential.

Slide 6. Institutional features’ beneficial impact

Transparency and accountability are the foundational elements of good Governance in the US,
ensuring that decision-making processes and operations in the economy and society are conducted on
a balance with open responsibility. The accountability mechanisms, hold individuals responsible for
their actions, which reduces corruption, and promote ethical conduct. Moreover the citizens, feedback
system is streamlined in such a way that the leaders of the state prefer to take decisions in favor of
their societies.
Secondly, the rule of law and protection property rights in the USA, provide stable, legal frameworks,
which underpins economic growth and work under governance of the executive, legislative and
judicial bodies. Which uphold the legislation and are not influenced.

Public administration and effective government structures deliver services to the public because the
implement policies which allow them to manage resources effectively. This indeed requires a number
of higher officials who are willing to be transparent and process regulated.
Devolution of powers. Federal structures distribute authorities between national and regional
governments which prevents power manipulation and equally diverse needs to responsiveness.
Governmental collaboration. When the governments are involved in counseling forums and
collaborative promotion, The optimization of man and machine resources enhances public service
delivery, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Safeguarding minority rights. A qualitative approach to the betterment of the society, the constitution
safeguards the rights of the minority through constitutional safeguards, judicial oversight and security,
ensuring their safety in the society and representation in decision-making.

Slide 8
Constitution compromised: The Congress, which is a part of the government, often struggles to make
decisions and take action. This can lead to delays in important matters and prevent proper oversight of
the President and the courts.
2. Over power given to the president: Sometimes, the President, who is the leader of the country, can
become too powerful. This can happen when they weaken the independence of government workers
and ignore the rules that are supposed to keep their power balanced with Congress and the courts.
1. Political disputes:
This means that the two main political groups in the U.S., the Republicans and Democrats, argue a lot
instead of working together to solve problems. This fighting makes it hard for them to cooperate and
find solutions to important issues that affect the country.
2. Heavy influence of power:-
This means that rich individuals and big companies have a lot of influence over political decisions
because they can donate large sums of money to politicians. This can lead to laws and policies being
made to benefit these wealthy donors instead of regular people. It can also make people lose trust in
the fairness of the political system.
Increasing Executive Power:
This refers to the executive branch gaining more control, undermining checks and balances, eroding
civil service independence, and raising doubts about judiciary impartiality.

Slide 9
Simplify bureaucratic processes: Make government procedures easier and faster. For example, make it
simpler to get permits and licenses by combining forms and reducing the number of steps needed.
Invest more in technology: Spend more money on technology to make government work better. For
instance, create a website where people can do government tasks online, like filling out forms and
paying fees, instead of having to go in person.
Encourage transparency: Be open about what the government is doing. Update rules to make sure they
help businesses grow and come up with new ideas.
Strengthen regulatory frameworks: Make sure the rules are clear and helpful.
Encourage partnerships: Work with others to solve problems.
Implement measures to ensure transparency: Make sure people know what the government is
spending money on. Create a website where people can see how their taxes are being used.
Foster collaboration: Get different parts of the government, businesses, and community groups to
work together to come up with new ideas and solve problems. For example, start projects with both
the government and businesses to help with things like homelessness or getting better healthcare

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