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The Lost at Sea Simulation

You and four friends were on a sailing expedition in the Pacific

Ocean when a sudden storm hit, capsizing your boat.
Miraculously, all five of you managed to grab onto pieces of
debris and stay afloat. You find yourselves stranded in the vast
ocean with no sign of immediate rescue. The only supplies you
salvaged from the wreck are:

1-A small pocketknife.

2-A fishing net.
3-A waterproof tarp
4-A flare gun with three flares
5-A gallon jug of fresh water
6-A small box of protein bars
7-A map of the surrounding area
8-A small mirror
9- A first aid kit
Your task as a group is to rank these items in order of importance
for your survival. You must consider factors such as sustenance,
shelter, navigation, signaling for rescue, and medical needs.
Working together, prioritize the items to increase your chances
of survival until help arrives.

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