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Continuing Physiotherapy Education

Competency‑Based Physiotherapy Education


Competency‑based education (CBE) is an outcome‑based In 2009, a team of International collaborators, through

educational approach which is organized around a a group process, identified and came out with several
framework of competencies. The curriculum content important key definitions related to CBE.[2] They defined
is designed, implemented and assessed around this “Competency” as:
framework. [1] These competencies are derived from
the expected graduate attributes, and are based on “an observable ability of a health professional, integrating multiple
patient and societal needs, ensuring accountability components such as knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. Since
towards society. The CBE framework creates healthcare competencies are observable, they can be measured and assessed to
experts who are “fit to practice” rather than students ensure their acquisition. Competencies can be assembled like building
who are “fit to pass.” For more than 60 years, CBE has blocks to facilitate progressive development.”
been used as a curricular model for training students
across various backgrounds and disciplines.[2] Globally, The term competency is used for the skill and competence
CBE frameworks are used as reference guidelines for is an attribute of the performer’s ability to perform the
certification into entry level practice for various health skill.
Over the past century, education of health professionals
is constantly evolving. Recent recommendations call for
In our traditional curriculum, predefined educational
transformative reforms in health professions education,
objectives are to be achieved by students, who go through
including physiotherapy education.[3] Curricula across
a prescribed course of instruction in a specified duration
the world describe the “qualities and attributes” required
of time. Curriculum updation is slow and occurs after a
of a “competent physician” and focus on “enabling
period of time. Compared to the traditional curriculum, the
competencies” for the practicing physician.
CBE approach revolves around societal health problems
COMPETENCY‑BASED‑EDUCATION IN which need to be addressed, identifies the competencies
PHYSIOTHERAPY: GLOBAL SCENARIO required of graduates to address that problem, and has a
customised curriculum which helps the learner achieve the
Competencies expected at entry level practice in stated competencies.[3]
Physiotherapy are being followed by many countries.
For example, the Accreditation Council for Canadian While traditional curriculum focuses on performance
Physiotherapy Academic Programs, the Canadian of the learner based on what has been taught,
Physiotherapy Association and the Canadian Council of CBE concentrates on coping with expectations
Physiotherapy University Programs have formulated the determined by stakeholders outside of the educational
“Essential Competency Profile for Physiotherapists.” They prog ram [Figure 1]. CBE cur riculum produces
have mentioned seven roles for Physiotherapists who professionals who are fit to practice in the society, at a
wish to practice in Canada. These roles are of an Expert, predefined proficiency level, to meet local health‑care
a Communicator, a Collaborator, a Manager, an Advocate, a requirements.[6]
Scholarly Practitioner, and a Professional.[4] Competencies and
sub‑competencies are elaborated under these roles. Many Another major difference between the traditional
of these roles overlap at any given time. Competence approach and CBE is the time frame of education.[7]
in all roles must be demonstrated by a Physiotherapist, While the traditional approach has a fixed time frame
in order to practice safely and effectively. Similarly, with variable student outcomes, a CBE format has defined
New Zealand has identified 9 core competencies and 63 student outcomes, which must be achieved, irrespective
sub competencies.[5] of time frame. Thus, in CBE, different students may
144 © 2020 Indian Journal of Physical Therapy and Research | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Baxi and Palekar: Competency‑based physiotherapy education

take different time durations to achieve the stated With regards to assessment, more emphasis is to be put on
competencies. workplace based assessment, which allows for longitudinal
assessment. CBE programs and their assessment methods
A few other differences between the traditional model and are different in multiple aspects, when compared with
CBE are shown in Table 1 below.[8,9] conventional curricula. Faculty must receive training in
using newer assessment methods. A critical aspect of
this is the ability of the faculty to provide feedback based
CURRICULUM on direct observations of the skills demonstrated by the
Rather than focussing on “What Graduates need to
KNOW,” educators must focus on “What ABILITIES
the Graduates must possess.” The identified ABILITIES CONTEXT
should be then organised as Competencies for a Curriculum.
Educators can then work backwards and identify milestones There are several key challenges in the implementation
that trainees will need to accomplish as they acquire the of CBE, as there exists an incomplete understanding
predetermined competencies. and acceptance by teachers, learners, and educational
The next steps include modification of teaching methods, 1. One of the first challenges is the identification of core
selecting appropriate educational tasks, experiences, and competencies expected from a graduate, and coming
teaching–learning methods which will help learners develop to a consensus on them
the desired competencies in each area, and defining the 2. A major challenge is faculty training regarding integrated
achievements required to be exhibited by the students. educational strategies within their classrooms
3. In CBE, student assessment activities are more
frequently woven through the instructional modules
and designed to provide formative feedback on
performance and improvement toward achieving final
competence. Hence, incorporating newer assessment
strategies will pose another challenge
4. As with all new ideas, there will be resistance to change
5. Implementation issues outweigh the advantages.

Introducing competency‑based physiotherapy training

in India needs to evolve, although there may be a
long incubation period of trial and error of different
strategies. But with the benefit of the existing curricular
frameworks in use in different nations, this period can be
reduced. A competency framework suited to our national
context needs to be developed, which should also be
Figure 1: Differences between competency‑based‑education and feasible in our settings and within available resources.
traditional curriculum[3] A combined, organized effort in identifying general

Table 1: Differences between traditional education and competency based education

Traditional medical education Competency based education
Content Subject centric Learner centric
Focus is on content (“knows”) Focus is on outcomes (“does”)
Teacher responsible for content Shared responsibility between teacher and learner
Time Emphasizes time based learning De-emphasizes time based learning
Teaching-learning Focuson knowledge acquisition Focuses on knowledge application, attitude and skills
Little opportunity for feedback Feedback is incorporated in the process of training
Teacher driven Learner driven
Assessment Summative Formative
Indirect, subjective Direct observation, objective
Methods include written and viva Methods directly assess desired competency
Norm referenced (as compared with peers) Criterion referenced (compared with Objective standard variables)

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Baxi and Palekar: Competency‑based physiotherapy education

competencies and speciality competencies can be the 4. National Physiotherapy Advisory Group. Essential Competency Profile
for Physiotherapists in Canada Toronto: The Advisory Group; 2009.
first step to begin with.
Available from: [Last
accessed on 2020 Apr 25].
Despite the criticism and implementation challenges, 5. Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand. Physiotherapy Competencies
CBE promises to produce competent practitioners, who for Physiotherapy Practice in New Zealand; 2009. Available from:
can apply their knowledge, skills and attitudes in real‑life [Last accessed on 2020 Apr 25].
6. Telang‑Chaudhari S, Baxi GD, Bhalerao S. Competency based
practice. Success stories of institutes initially adopting education in Ayurveda: Need of the hour? Anc Sci Life 2014;34:119‑20.
a CBE curriculum might encourage others to adopt 7. Carraccio C, Wolfsthal SD, Englander R, Ferentz K, Martin C. Shifting
this method, facilitating the evolution of the Indian paradigms: From Flexner to competencies. Acad Med 2002;77:361‑7.
8. Herur A, Kolagi S. Competency‑based medical education: Need of
Physiotherapy Curriculum. the hour: Let’s do our bit…!!. BLDE Univ J Health Sci 2016;1:59.
9. Chacko TV. Moving towards competency‑based education: Challenges
Financial support and sponsorship and the way forward. Arch Med Health Sci 2014;2:247‑53.
Nil. 10. Lowe W. It’s only a matter of time: Clock hours vs. competency. Int J
Ther Massage Bodywork 2013;6:3‑5.
Conflicts of interest 11. Snell LS, Frank JR. Competencies, the tea bag model, and the end of
time. Med Teach 2010;32:629‑30.
There are no conflicts of interest.
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix,
Gaurang Baxi, Tushar Palekar tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and
Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Access this article online
Address for correspondence: Dr. Gaurang Baxi,
Quick Response Code:
Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Physiotherapy, Sant Tukaram Nagar, Pimpri, Website:
Pune ‑ 411 018, Maharashtra, India.

1. Frank JR, Snell LS, Cate OT, Holmboe ES, Carraccio C, Swing SR,
et al. Competency‑based medical education: Theory to practice. Med
Teach 2010;32:638‑45. Received: 28-04-2020, Revised: 11-05-2020,
2. Frank JR, Snell L, Englander R, Holmboe ES, ICBME Collaborators. Accepted: 21‑09‑2020, Web Published: 04-01-2021
Implementing competency‑based medical education: Moving forward.
Med Teach 2017;39:568‑73.
3. Frenk J, Chen L, Bhutta ZA, Cohen J, Crisp N, Evans T, et al. Health
How to cite this article: Baxi G, Palekar T. Competency‑based physiotherapy
professionals for a new century: Transforming education to strengthen
education. Indian J Phys Ther Res 2020;2:144-6.
health systems in an interdependent world. Lancet 2010;376:1923‑58.

146 Indian Journal of Physical Therapy and Research | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | July-December 2020

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