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1. Educational psychology apply knowledge of psychology

in the field of
A. Psychology

B. Industrial

C. Social sciences

D. Education

2. Classical Conditions was presented by?

A. Plato

B. Pavlov

C. B. F. Skinner

D. None of the above.


3. Which is the Master emotion?

A. Happiness

B. Worry

C. Anger

D. Fear
4. Which one of the following is the oldest method for the
study of behavior?
A. Observation
B. Standardized tests
C. Intelligence test
D. Introspection
Ans :

5. Which thing bring permanent change in the behavior?

A. Education
B. learning
C. Both A & B
D. All of the Above
Ans :

6. Educational psychology is concerned with the study of

A. Philosophy of education
B. Educational learning
C. Human learning
D. Teaching methods
Ans :

7. An assessment through which we can consistently

achieve the same results with the same student is called
A. Invalid
B. Valid
C. Reliable
D. Unreliable

Ans :

8. A systematic change in mental processes that underlie

all learning and performance is known as …………….?
A. Moral development
B. Intellectual development
C. Social emotional development
D. Cognitive development


9. What do you mean by cognition?

A. Act of Knowing or perceiving
B. Act of doing something
C. Act of working
D. Both B & C

Ans :

10. The overprotected child will tend to display

A. Aggressiveness
B. Immaturity
C. Negativity
D. Defensiveness
11. The use of technology to enhance the learning process
in education is known as…………?
A. Information Technology
B. Communication technology
C. Both A & B
D. None of the above

Ans :

12. In which of the following design it is not necessary to

have two different individuals or groups of subjects for
A. The control test or single group design
B. Multiple group design
C. Control group design
D. Design involving relation
Ans :

13. Cognitive Development deal with the Development


A. Emotions
B. Body Parts
C. Brain Development
D. None of the Above.

Ans :
14.Which one is the backbone of all developments?

A. Emotions
B. Body
C. Brain
D. All of the above

Ans :

15 . Emotional experiences are

A. Subjective
B. Objective
C. Impersonal
D. Not Known

Ans :


1. In an experiment the group which receives no

treatment is called:
A. Experimental group
B. No group
C. Control group
D. None one of these
2. Between the degree of coffee drinking if one finds a
positive correlation and the likelihood of heart attacks.
One can conclude that:
A. Heart attack caused by Coffee drinking
B. To drink a lot of coffee causes Individuals prone to
heart attacks
C. Heart attacks caused by an active lifestyle of certain
D. None of these

3. ______ are largely a result of motor skills :

A. Maturational process
B. Observing
C. Learning
D. other Practice

4. Which controls breathing and digestion the portion of

body is called ______.
A. Autonomic
B. Linear circuit
C. Axon
D. None of these

5. In part on classical conditioning Which of the following

clinical procedures are based?
A. Two chair technique
B. Token economy
C. Transference
D. Systematic desensitization

6. From an interaction of physical and psychological

factors that results to seem illness are called :
A. Conversion disorder
B. Psychosomatic
C. Hysterical
D. Somatic

7. Which method of gathering information about the brain

indicates the overall activity of the brain?
A. Electroencephalogram
B. Electrical stimulation
C. Studying damage to the brain
D. Positron Emission Tomography

8. The response of physiological and psychological to

stress referred to as :
A. Strain
B. Hypertension
C. Stressors
D. Transition

9. Rational-emotive therapy’s example which is developed

by :
A. Albert Ellis
B. Carl Rogers
C. Allen Bergin
D. Joseph Wolpe

10. Society explicit and implicit norm’s violation can be

viewed as not normal in the sense that the violation is :
A. Distressful
B. Dysfunctional
C. Deviant
D. A danger to one’s self or to others

11. A society establishes to govern conduct according to

rule of implicit and explicit are referred to as :
A. Morality
B. Culture
C. Conventions
D. Norms

12. peoples lost touch with reality when they are _______.
A. Psychopathic
B. Psychotic
C. Manic
D. Neurotic

13. We can define intelligence as:

A. The ability to think abstractly and learn from
B. Include all the factors that make one person different
from another
C. Knowledge of a great many facts
D. The ability to get good grades in school

14. Brain part that sends the signal that we named “alert”
to higher centers of the brain in response to incoming
massage is :
A. Reticular formation
B. Hippocampus
C. amygdala
D. Limbic system

15. Control of reflexes handled by the ____ :

A. Frontal lobe
B. Hypothalamus
C. Medulla
D. Spinal cord

16. As the occipital lobe is to vision, the _____ lobe is to

A. Temporal
B. cerebeller
C. Frontal
D. Parietal

17. Definition of abnormality which includes unhappiness

contain _____ aspect.
A. Deviance
B. Dysfunction
C. Danger to self or others
D. Distress

18.What are different Approaches of Psychology

18. distinguish fine details, the ability of the eye is called:
A. visual sensitivity
B. visual acuity
C. adaptation
D. visual dilation

19. _____ is control by the thyroid gland :

A. Metabolism
B. Sexuality
C. Emotions
D. Glucose absorption

20. A theory named as “Gestalt theory” emphasized:

A. Environmental stimuli
B. A flow of consciousness
C. Our tendency to see pattern
D. The atoms of thought

Set 3
Psychology MCQ’s from Past Papers
1. The growing period of puberty is …
a) non-normative events
b) normative age influences
c) stress events
d) none of these
2. Toy age is the age time of
a) babyhood
b) early Childhood
c) childhood
d) All of these
3. What is the main goal of psychology?
a) methods of therapy
b) understand, describe the behavior
c) compare the human mind.
d) control human behavior
4. What are the two phases of life-span development from
beginning to end?
a) infancy , death
b) conception , death
c) conceptio , old age
d) teenage , death
5. What is the definition of overt behavior?
a) person perform what he/she sense
b) do each and every thing
c) person perform what he/she see
d) none the above
6. Theory proposed by freud was which kind
a) S-R therapy
b) gestalt therapy
c) psycho-analysis therapy
d) all of these
7. What is behavior?
a) things that a person perform, which he/she sense
b) anything a person can perform
c) things that person perform, which are recorded
d) none
8. Schizophrenia disorder is a
a) emotional disorder
b) intelligence disorder
c) psychotic disorder
d) all of these
9. Which disorder is not common is females?
a) specific phobia
b) depressive disorder
c) bipolar disorder
d) all of the above
10. Which one is not the example of reflex?
a) blushing
b) biceps reflex
c) ankle jerk reflex
d) bar reflex
11. Which of the following is the symptom of schizophrenia?
a) deafness
b) dizziness
c) delusion, hallucinations
d) all of these
12. Who gave single factor theory of intelligence?
a) freeman
b) alfred binet
c) thorndike
d) none of the above

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