Oral de Inglês "Future and Old Jobs"

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Hi everyone, in this oral presentation, I will talk about the evolution of

work over the time, from ancient times to the prospects for the future.

Jobs have been a fundamental part of the human experience since the
dawn of civilization. In ancient societies, labor activities were often based on
subsistence, such as hunting, food gathering, and agriculture. As societies
developed, new professions emerged, such as craftsmen, merchants, and rulers.

Throughout the centuries, we have witnessed the Industrial Revolution

radically transform the way people work. Mechanization and industrialization
brought about significant changes in work practices. Factories replaced artisanal
work, and the division of labor became more common. Work became more
specialized, driving economic growth and mass production.

With the advent of globalization and the digital revolution, we have seen
further transformations in jobs. Technology has played a crucial role in
automating many tasks and creating new opportunities. We have witnessed the
rise of information technology-related professions, such as software developers,
data analysts, and cyber security experts. Additionally, social media and the
internet have opened doors to new forms of work, such as freelancers and
digital entrepreneurs.

However, when discussing the future of jobs, it is important to consider

the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Automation and artificial
intelligence have the potential to replace many repetitive, task-based jobs,
which will require adaptation on the part of workers.

On the other hand, automation can also create new jobs and allow
humans to focus on more complex and creative tasks.

Furthermore, the nature of work is changing. We are witnessing the

emergence of a skills-based economy, where lifelong learning becomes
essential. Workers need to be willing to acquire new skills and adapt to a
constantly changing work environment.
To address these challenges and prepare for future jobs, it is crucial to
invest in education and training. Governments, businesses, and educational
institutions must collaborate to provide lifelong learning opportunities in order
to empower workers for the challenges of the future. Additionally, policies and
social support programs are needed to ensure that no one is left behind in this

In conclusion, old jobs and future jobs reflect the evolution of society and
technology over time. As we move towards the future, it is essential to adapt to
changes and prepare for the challenges that will arise. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

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