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Day 1 - External Anatomy and Oral cavity

1. How long (metric) is your fetal pig? ___11 inches-28 cm_____________________

2. What is the age of your fetal pig? ________100-110 days____________________________

11 mm- 21 days 17 mm- 35 days 2.8 cm- 49 days

4 cm- 56 days 22 cm- 100 days 30 cm- Birth

3. What sense organs are located on the head & in the mouth?

_____Ears, Nose, Eyes,_Tounge______________________

4. What is the sex of your fetal pig? ______Male_____________________________________

5. Where does the digestive tract start & end? ______Starts at the mouth, Finishes at the


6. What is the purpose of saliva? ______to soften and moisten the small food particles


7. What is the function of the epiglottis? __________Acts as a switch to allow air into the

larynx and food into the esophagus.__________________________

Label the diagram:

Day 1 - Buddy Check List

Be able to locate the following organs:

1. Tongue _____x___________

2. Hard palate _______x_________

3. Epiglottis _________x_______

4. Soft Palate ______x_________

Day 2 - Abdominal Cavity

1. What muscle separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity? The diaphragm

2. What are the two dominant systems in the abdominal cavity? The liver and the small intestine

3. How many lobes are there to the pig’s liver? Four lobes

4. Write the function of the liver? Makes bile, which is used in digestion, it makes proteins and

immune cells, and. It filters and breaks down toxic chemicals from the blood.
Digestive System

4. Give the function for:

gallbladder produces bile that helps in the digestion and absorption of fats.

pancreas producing and secreting enzymes needed for the digestion of chyme and

the prevention of cell damage due to pH.

5. Name the ridges inside the stomach & give their function.
Inside the stomach are rugae, ridges that increase the surface area of the stomach and stretch out

to increase stomach volume when the stomach is full.

6. Give the function of the Cardiac and the pyloric sphincter & where can they be found?
Cardiac sphincter is found at the top of the stomach in the cardiac region. It connects the
esophagus to the stomach. It prevents gastric acids and stomach content going back to the
esophagus. Pyloric sphincter is found at the bottom of the stomach, and it connects to the

7. How do mesentery and villi assist in absorption?

The mesentery contains many blood vessels that diffuse nutrients absorbed by the villi into your

8. Food leaves the stomach as a soupy, partly digested material called

9. Function of the large intestine is

___to absorb water and salts from the material that has not been digested as food.



10. The straight, terminal part of the large intestine is the


11. The function of the Spleen is Absorb water from the chyme and return it to the body

. Label the following diagram:

Day 3 - Buddy CheckList

Be able to locate the following organs:

1. Liver _____x__________________

2. Gallbladder ________x___________

3. Small Intestine ________x_________

4. Large Intestine _________x________

5. Stomach ____________x_______

6. Pancreas ________x__________

7. Spleen ___________x________

Day 3 - Abdominal Cavity

Urinary System
1. In order, name the structures through which urine passes from the kidneys.

______________Kidney Tubule, Ureter, bladder, sphincter muscle,

2. What waste products are filtered by the kidneys and stored in the urinary bladder?

_______________Urea and excess water_______________________

Label the Diagram

Day 3 - Buddy CheckList

Be able to locate the following organs:

1. Kidneys ______x__________

2. Ureter ________x________

3. Urinary Bladder______x________________

4. Urethra ________x_____________

Day 3 - Thoracic Cavity

Respiratory System
1. What are the two dominant systems in the thoracic cavity?
the liver and the small intestine

2. The lungs are found in what body cavity? thoracic cavity

4. Where is the pharynx located? dorsal to the oral cavity

5. Give the function of the larynx. protect the lower respiratory tract from aspirating food into

the trachea while breathing

6. What keeps the trachea from collapsing? The hyaline cartilage in the tracheal wall

7. Name the large tubes that enter the lungs. bronchial tubes

Smaller tubes that branch from these? which branch into smaller tubes called bronchioles, are

sometimes referred to as bronchi or airways. People with asthma have bronchial tubes that are


Air sacs for gas exchange? Tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles (tiny branches of air tubes

in the lungs). The alveoli are where the lungs and the blood exchange oxygen and carbon

dioxide during the process of breathing in and breathing out.

8. Why do the lungs appear collapsed in the fetus? because they are filled with amniotic fluid

and they have never been inflated with air yet

9.What is the function of the thyroid gland? It plays a major role in the metabolism, growth

and development of the human body

Label the following diagram:

Circulatory System
1. What are the two top chambers of the Heart called? right and left atria
What are the bottom two chambers called? right and left ventricles
2.The systemic circulation pumps blood from left ventricle to the right atrium
3 The pulmonary circulation pumps blood from right ventricle to the left atrium
4. What is the function of coronary circulation?
delivering blood to the myocardium

Label the diagram

Day 4 - Buddy CheckList:

Be able to locate the following organs:

1. Larynx _____x___________

2. Trachea _______x_________

3. Right Atrium _______x_________

4. Right Ventricle _______x_________

5. Lungs ________x________

6. Thyroid Gland _____x____________

7. Left Atrium _______x__________

8. Left Ventricle ______x___________

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