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My Sae project is going to be me learning about birds and other things about them. I'm going to

learn how birds react to different kinds of foods and they will respond to me changing the food.

I’m going to go to the store and buy different brands of foods and test them on my home bird and

some public birds. My question is which food my bird likes and which specific different kinds of

birds do they like, for example if I buy food with corn in it and I buy food with peas in it. I’m

testing which one they would eat more and which one they would prefer over the other. It’s

important to know what kind they like because some pets refuse to eat food or stuff like that

because they got their food changed and big changes to a pets diet or even little changes can

really impact the pet and change how they act and do things differently because they don't feel

the same as I would assume. But some pets get easily used to new foods and new things because

they dont mind trying things. The whole point of my project is to figure out which ones do my

pets like because I would have to say my pet is very picky. They are selective of what they like

to eat and they won't just eat any random food they will only eat things with either specific

things in them or it’s just not something they don't like. I’ve never done anything like this with

my bird before so it’s important to do it so I can know what my bird likes and dislikes. I can also

know what random birds like. Some birds I will be testing on are Pigeons, Ravens (Hopeful) and

other home birds. This project is going to be very interesting because of many things about it. It

might seem like an easy project but I'm gonna learn a lot of new things about this because I'm not

really sure what type of birds like specific types of bird feed. When I buy bird feed I'm going to

make sure they are all different kinds so it’s easier for me to determine which ones they like

more than the others. This project is very important because it’s showing the different types of
ways the bird can process and enjoy its food. It’s also showing what kind of food it enjoys eating.

It’s not going to be always the same bird. My goal is to at least try and get different birds to get a

better result with this experience. I currently have 2 birds but I'm going to try it on multiple ones

like pigeons, ravens, home birds, and wild birds and I'm going to see if they would even eat the

bird seed. This study is important because it shows how a bird reacts to different foods and can

really show the emotions of the bird depending on the food. It also shows the huge changes that

can happen when you change a bird's diet or make it try new things it might not like. I’m going

to buy different kinds of feed that could hopefully make my bird at least try them. I know for a

fact that the different brands usually have different things in them like peas and carrots and other

types of things that are supposed to be “healthy” for the bird. Black oil sunflower seeds are good

for a bird because it provides good and healthy things the bird will need. It will also be one of the

most popular types of blenders that they sell. My goal on this project is to see if any of the

different types of birds I will be testing will give different results and reactions to my project. I

will be logging their emotions and how they react to me giving them new food. I will also be

logging if they eat the food or if they simply do not touch it and choose to ignore it. My

hypothesis is more birds are going to avoid it because most outside birds eat human food so if

they're not forced to change their diet they might not take the chance unlike birds who are in a

house. I also have a goal to see which bird likes a specific food and I want to see which food will

be the favorites of my bird at home. Another hypothesis is I hope that will happen is the birds

decide the want the food and they eat then I will really start handing out different types of foods

with specific ingredients and see if they would enjoy a specific one over a different one which I

will log what types I feed them, what times and other essential things that are needed for

important information for my SAE project. Hopefully the project will be successful and I will be
able to make something out of this project and figure out what type of bird seed is my bird's


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