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Today i´ll be presenting a comparison between image A and image B.

In image A we find a man who´s reading something in a restaurant, maybe it is a food menu, or a book
or his journal. What we actually know is that he seems really interested and concentrated, because of
his facial expression. In front of him there is food, fruits, croissants, a tee, a glass with water and
another one with a fruitshake. Next to the fruits, there are some red flowers. He´s well dressed,
wearing a black suit. We can guess he´s waiting for someone while he´s reading. The atmosphere in
this image is calm, peaceful and solitary.

Looking to image B we find a whole family, we see two children and their parents in a pinic in a rural
place. The father is looking at his son and the mother is looking to her daughter, probably they all are
talking about something while eating. If we look to the food in this photo we see a bottle of orange
juice, some bread, tomatoes and maybe a salad, and the two children are drinking, I guess, the orange
juice. The boy is wearing blue clothes, a common blue shirt and a blue short jean, he´s wearing similar
clothes to his father. The mother wears a dark pink shirt and some blue jeans, and finally her daughter
wears a sleeveless yellow t-shirt and a short jean. They all are above of a red and black cloth. I
suppose the family is enjoying the moment because of their facial expressions.

In picture A we see a man who is alone, while in picture B we see a family, four people. One thing they
have in common is that in both there is people eating food, but in different places. Another difference
is that the man in image A doesn´t look very glad like the family eating all together, I suppose that is
because he´s eating alone. These pictures are alike because of the situations and atmospheres
reflected. Also in image A night is coming and in image B it is daytime. This is all, thank you for the


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