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What Should Oakland Do About


● As you watch the video, listen to arguments in favor and
against sideshows and write them in the left or middle columns.
● After watching the video, complete the right column with your own ideas.

Evidence in favor of safe, Evidence against safe, legal Evidence I find most convincing
legal venues for sideshows venues for sideshows

If there were legal venues for Sideshows involve high-speed If sideshows has legal venues then
sideshows then the authorities driving, stunts, and large crowds I think criminal activity would be
would be able to better which increases the risks of reduced, it would benefit the
manage crowds, traffic, and accidents and injuries. economy nearby.
emergency services.
People might use legal shows to
Legal sideshows have the hide illegal things like selling drugs
potential to make money for or gang related activities.
the local economy through
ticket sales and concessions.

Draft your response to this question: What should Oakland do about sideshows, should they
legalize them? Must be at least two paragraphs and include your notes from above.

I think Oakland should legalizing sideshows because it would make things safer for everyone.
Right now, sideshows happen on the streets, which can be dangerous. But if they were legal,
authorities could control them better. They could manage the crowds, make sure people are
safe, and have emergency services ready if needed.

Legal sideshows could also help the city make money. People would buy tickets to watch, and
they might buy food and drinks too. This extra money could be good for businesses and help
the community grow. So, legalizing sideshows might make Oakland safer and bring in some
extra cash.

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