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Modish Public School

Periodic Assessment 2024-25

Grade V
Subject: Science
MM: 40 Marks
Duration: 1hrs 30 Mins
1. This paper consists of six Sections.
a. Section A: Multiple choice questions – 5 x1 = 5 Marks
b. Section B: Fill in the Blanks – 5 x1 = 5 Marks
c. Section C: True False – 5 x1 = 5 Marks
d. Section D: Matching Questions – 1 x 5= 5 Marks
e. Section E: One-word Questions – 4 x2 =8 Marks
f. Section F: Long Questions – 4x3 =12 Marks
2. Answer all questions.
3. Do not Write anything on Question Paper
4. All Answers must be correctly numbers as mentioned in Question paper and written in the Answer sheet
5. Read each question carefully and follow the questions.

Section A
Multiple choice questions – 5 x1 = 5 Marks
1. To keep burning fire needs
a. electricity, c. Air
b. water, d. Sand
2. The poison injected by a snake affects the
a. legs, c. Fingers
b. hands, d. Heart
3. A greenhouse gas among the following is
a. Methane c. water vapours
b. carbon dioxide d. all of them
4. Breathing problem is caused due to pollution of
a. Air c. Land
b. Water d. Soil
5. Covering a burning person with a blanket help
a. to cool c. run
b. reduce pain. d. cut off cut off air.

Section B
Fill in the Blanks – 5 x1 = 5 Marks

6. ___________ clothes should not be worn in the kitchen.

7. In case of minor burn and _____________ cream can be applied on it.
8. ____________ from vehicles cause air pollution.
9. Diarrhea is caused due to _____________________ water.
10. Never touch electric gadgets with _____________ hands.

Section C
True False – 5 x1 = 5 Marks

11. The crack plastic cover of a wire does not cause any accident.
12. Severe burn can be treated with warm water.
13. Polluted water kills the Organism living in water bodies.
14. Drying clothes near water bodies causes water pollution.
15. Land pollution also causes global warming.

Section D
Matching Questions – 1 x 5= 5 Marks

16. Match the following from Column I to Column II

Column I Column II
1. Nervous System a. Contamination of air, water, and soil
2. Rabies b. Carbon Dioxide.
3. Global warming c. Snake bite
4. Pollution d. Dog bite.
5. A crack in bone e. Fracture.

Section E
One-word Questions – 4 x2 =8 Marks

17. Tight bandage that helps to apply pressure to stop bleeding.

18. Twist in the joint of the ankle or the wrist.
19. The immediate help provided to an injured person before the arrival of proper medical aid.
20. A strip of rigid material used for supporting and immobilising a broken bone.

Section F
Long Questions – 4x3 =12 Marks

21. How does soil pollution harm us ?

22. What should be done in case a person clothing catches fire?
23. What are the different type of pollutions?
24. What are the symptoms of a fractured part of the body?


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