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1|Revised Corporation Code M o r e n o , Ye l l a h O .

XU College of Law

Illustrative Problems from Commentaries and Jurisprudence on The Revised Corporation Code of The Philippines (2020 Edition)
by Timoteo B. Aquino
(in Question Answer
31 Petitioner J. R. Da Silva, is the President of the J.R.S. No. The sale was not valid. The right to operate a
Business Corporation (JRS), an establishment duly messenger and express delivery service, by virtue of a
franchised by the Congress of the Philippines, to conduct a legislative enactment is admittedly a secondary franchise
messenger and delivery express service. On July 12, 1961, (Republic Act No. 3260 1 entitled "An Act granting the
the respondent Imperial Insurance, Inc. (Imperial) J.R.S. Business Corporation a franchise to conduct a
presented with the CFI of Manila a complaint for sum of messenger and express service") and, as such, under our
money against JRS. After JRS submitted its answer, corporation law, is subject to levy and sale on execution
Imperial and JRs entered into a compromise agreement together and including all the property necessary for the
whereby JRS admitted its liability. However, the judgment enjoyment thereof. The law, however, indicates the
obligation was not paid by JRS. A writ of execution was procedure under which the same (secondary franchise and
issued by the CFI and the following properties were sold at the properties necessary for its enjoyment) may be sold
the execution sale: “whole capital stocks of the under execution. Said franchise can be sold under
defendants J.R.S. Business Corporation, the business execution, when such sale is especially decreed and
(corporate) name, right of operation, the whole assets, ordered in the judgment and it becomes e^ective only
furniture, and equipment, the total liabilities, and Net when the sale is con_rmed by the Court after due notice
Worth, books of accounts, etc." Was the sale of the (1) (Section 56, Corporation Law). The compromise
secondary franchise, (2) corporate name, and (3) the agreement and the judgment based thereon do not
shares of stock valid? contain any special decree or order making the franchise
answerable for the judgment debt.

The same thing may be stated with respect to corporate

name of JRS and its capital stock. A corporate name and
capital stock are necessarily included in the enjoyment of
the franchise. Like that of a franchise, the law mandates
that property necessary for the enjoyment of said
franchise, can only be sold to satisfy a judgment debt if
the decision especially so provides. No such directive
appears in the decision. Moreover, a trade name or
business name cannot be sold separately from the
franchise, and the capital stock of JRS or any other
corporation, for that matter, represents the interest and is
the property of stockholders in the corporation, who can
only be deprived thereof in the manner provided by law.
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(J.R.S. Business Corporation, et al. v. Imperial Insurance,

Inc., G.R. No. L-19891, July 31, 1964).
32 Idonah Slade Perkins, who died on March 27, 1960 in New No. Such reliance is misplaced. In the _rst place, there is
York City, left among other properties, two stock no such occasion to apply such by-law. Assuming that a
certi_cates covering 33,002 shares of Benguet contrariety exists between the above by-law and the
Consolidated Inc. the certi_cates being in the possession command of a court decree the latter is to be followed.
of the County Trust Company of New York, which, is the The view adopted by Benguet is fraught with implications
domiciliary administrator of the estate of the deceased. at war with the basic postulates of corporate theory. It is
On August 12, 1960, Prospero Sanidad instituted ancillary undeniable premise that, a corporation is an arti_cial
administration proceedings in the Court of First Instance being created by operation of law ... " "A corporation as
(CFI) of Manila; Lazaro A. Marquez was appointed ancillary known to Philippine jurisprudence is a creature without
administrator but was later substituted by Renato D. any existence until it has received the imprimatur of the
Tayag. On January 27, 1964, the CFI of Manila ordered the state according to law.
domiciliary administrator, County Trust Company, to
"produce and deposit" the stock certi_cates with the
ancillary administrator or with the Clerk of Court. The
domiciliary administrator did not comply with the order,
and so upon motion of the ancillary administrator, the
Court (1) considered as lost for all purposes in connection
with the administration and liquidation of the Philippine
estate of ldonah Slade Perkins the stock certi_cates
covering the 33,002 shares of stock standing in her name
in the books of the Benguet Consolidated, Inc. (Benguet),
(2) ordered said certi_cates cancelled, and (3) directed
Benguet to issue new certi_cates in lieu of the ones
deemed lost, the same to be delivered by Benguet to
either the incumbent ancillary administrator or to the
Probate Division of the Court. Benguet questioned the
order invoking, among others, one of the provisions of its
by-laws which would set forth the procedure to be
followed in case of a lost, stolen or destroyed stock
certi_cate which provides that in the event of a contest or
the pendency of an action regarding ownership of such
certi_cate or certi_cates of stock allegedly lost, stolen or
destroyed, the issuance of a new certi_cate or certi_cates
would await the "_nal decision by [a] court regarding the
ownership [thereof]." Did Benguet validly rely on the by-
laws provision?
37 E Corporation is the registered owner of a parcel of land. F No, the position is not tenable. The acquisition by F
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Corporation was able to obtain possession of the parcel of Corporation of the controlling shares in E Corporation does
land. Later, a case was _led by E Corporation against F not create a substantial change in the rights or relations of
Corporation and a writ of possession was issued against F the parties that would entitle F Corporation to possession
Corporation ordering the latter to turn over the parcel of of the property of E Corporation. The rights, including the
land to E Corporation. Before the enforcement of the writ right of possession, over the properties of E Corporation
of possession, F Corporation acquired the substantial and belong to the latter. F Corporation as shareholder is not
controlling shares of stocks of E Corporation. F Corporation entitled to possession of the property because its right is
refused to turn over the parcel of land claiming that its only inchoate. (Silverio, Jr. v. Filipino Business Consultants,
acquisition of the controlling shares is a supervening Inc., G.R. No. J 43312, August 12, 2005, 466 SCRA 584).
event that justi_es the non-enforcement of the writ of
possession. Is the position of F Corporation tenable?
RITCHIE Corporation owns a beach resort with several No. Ed's contention is not correct. Ed is not the owner of
cottages. Ed, the President of RITCHIE Corporation, the properties of the corporation. As shareholder, his
occupied one of the cottages for residential purposes. interest over the properties of RITCHIE Corporation is
After Ed's term expired, RITCHIE wanted to recover merely inchoate. RITCHIE Corporation has a personality
possession of the cottage. Ed refused to surrender the separate and distinct from its shareholders and the
cottage contending that as a stockholder and former properties of the corporation are not the properties of the
president, he has a right to possess and enjoy the shareholders. Hence, as the owner, only the corporation
properties of the corporation. Is Ed's contention correct? has the right to enjoy and possess its properties. (1996
Explain. Bar)
Nine individuals formed a private corporation pursuant to No. The contention of S is not valid. S is not the owner of
the provisions of the Corporation Code of the Philippines. the properties of the corporation. As shareholder, his
Incorporator S was elected director and president – interest over the properties of the corporation is merely
general manager. Part of his emolument is a Ford inchoate. The corporation has a personality separate and
Expedition, which the corporation owns. After a few years, distinct from its shareholders and the properties of the
S lost his corporate position, but he refused to return the corporation are not the properties of the shareholders.
motor vehicle claiming that as a stockholder with Hence, as the owner, only the corporation has the right to
substantial equity share, he owns that that portion of the enjoy and possess its properties.
corporate assets now in his possession. Is the contention
of S valid?
56 What is a one-man corporation? Do such corporations A one-man corporation is a corporation where all the
enjoy the attributes of corporations? What should be done outstanding share belong to one person. Although there
to assure this? may be other incorporators or director, the same persons
hold shares only as nominee of the person who actually
owns the shares. Thus, a corporation functions for the
bene_t of one individual, who controls the corporation. It
is commonly called a one-man corporation.

A one-man corporation enjoys the attributes of

4|Revised Corporation Code M o r e n o , Ye l l a h O .
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corporations. However, it is a precondition that a

certi_cate of incorporation is issued by the SEC. However,
in order to avoid the operation of the doctrine of piercing
the veil of corporate _ction, the corporate business and
properties of the corporation should be kept separate from
the properties and business of the person who owns the
shares. The corporation should not be treated as a mere
conduit; otherwise, the attribute that the personality of
the corporation is separate may be disregarded.

Speci_cally, with respect to One-Person Corporation, the

attributes of the are also present but the rules on the
doctrine of piercing the veil of corporation _ction also
applies. (1970)
Marulas Creative Technology, Inc., an e-business Yes, with respect to Marulas but no, with respect to Y. The
enterprise engaged in the manufacture of computer multi- suit against Marulas will prosper because it is the party to
media accessories, rents an ojce and store space at a the contract. Marulas is an arti_cial being with a corporate
commercial building owned by X. Being a start-up personality separate and distinct from its ojcers and
company, Marulas enjoyed some leniency in its rent stockholders. As such arti_cial being, it is the lessee of the
payment; but after three years, lessor X put a stop to it ojce and store space and X is the lessor. Hence, if
and asked Marulas' president and general manager, Y, Marulas did not perform its obligations as a lessee, it is
who is a stockholder, to pay back rentals amounting to liable to the lessor X. The obligation to pay the rentals for
Pl00,000.00 or to vacate the premises at the end of the the ojce and store space is the obligation of Marulas, as
month. Marulas neither paid its debt nor vacated the part of its corporate liabilities and expenses.
premises. X sued Marulas and Y for collection of the
unpaid rentals, plus interests and cost of litigation. Will the The suit against Y will not prosper because Marulas has a
suit prosper against Marulas? Against Y? personality separate and distinct from its ojcers and
stockholders. Y, as president, general manager and
stockholder of Marulas is therefore not liable for the
obligations of the corporation if be merely acted for and in
behalf thereof. Generally, corporate ojcers are not
obliged to shoulder the liability of the corporation. (2000
Ronald Sham doing business under the name of SHAMRON The decision of the trial court holding Dick Seldon liable is
Machineries (SHAMRON) sold to Turtle Mercantile (TURTLE) erroneous. The President and General Manager of TURTLE
a diesel tractor. In payment, Turtle's President and cannot as a rule be held jointly and severally liable with
Manager Dick Seldon issued a check for P50,000.00 in Turtle Mercantile. Seldon was merely acting in his capacity
favor of SHAMRON. A week after, TURTLE sold the tractor as corporate ojcer when he issued the check to
to Briccio Industries (BRICCIO) for P60,000.00. BRICCIO SHAMRON and when he stopped payment thereof. The
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discovered that the engine of the tractor was corporation has a personality separate and distinct from
reconditioned so he refused to pay TURTLE. As a result, its ojcers, hence, the obligations of the corporation are
Dick Seldon ordered "stop payment" of the check issued not the obligations of the ojce even if the same ojcer
to SHAMRON. SHAMRON sued TURTLE and Dick Seldon. represented the corporation in the transaction (1995 Bar).
SHAMRON obtained a favorable judgment holding co-
defendants TURTLE and Dick Seldon jointly and severally
liable. Comment on the decision of the trial court. Discuss
C Steel and Nail Co., Inc., owned by X, had _nancial Yes. It is submitted that E Steel Corporation may be held
obligations to its employees. C ceased operation, and was liable under the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate
immediately succeeded on the next day by, and all its _ction. It appears that E Corporation is a continuation of C
assets were turned over to, the E Steel Corporation, 90% Steel and Nail Co., Inc. The given circumstances indicate
of the subscribed shares of which were also owned by X. that E Steel Corporation is being used only as a protective
May the E Steel Corporation be held liable for the _nancial shield of a corporation to evade the _nancial obligation of
obligation of C Steel and Nail Co., Inc., to its employees? its predecessor-corporation to its employees. While
Decide and give reasons. generally transfer of the assets of the corporation will not
make the transferee liable, the other circumstances in the
present case (such as ownership by X of the shares of C
and E) justify the piercing of the corporate veil (Claparols
v. CIR, 65 SCRA 613). (1978 Bar).
Tantalus Corporation, of which 97% of the issued Yes. The employees of Tantalus may proceed against
outstanding shares of stock were owned by Roger Mano, Suceso who may be held liable under the doctrine of
had _nancial obligations to its employees by way of piercing the veil of corporate _ction. It appears that
unpaid wages and allowances. Tantalus Corporation was Suceso is a mere continuation of Tantalus. The given
dissolved by shortening its corporate life and all its assets circumstances indicate that Suceso is being used only as a
turned over to Suceso Corporation, of which 95% of the protective shield to evade the _nancial obligation of its
subscribed shares were held by Roger Mano and his wife. predecessor-corporation to its employees. While generally
Then, Tantalus Corporation ceased to operate. May the transfer of the assets of the corporation will not make the
employees of Tantalus Corporation proceed against the transferee liable, the other circumstances in the present
Suceso Corporation to recover their unpaid claims? case justify the piercing of the corporate veil (Claparols v.
Discuss. CIR, 65 SCRA 613). (1978 Bar)..
Mr. Pablo, a rich merchant in his early forties, was a The plainti^ can ask the court to pierce the veil of
defendant in a lawsuit, which could subject him to corporate _ction and make the corporation liable for the
substantial damages. A year before the court rendered judgment obligation. It is true that a family corporation
judgment, Mr. Pablo sought his lawyer's advice on how to may be organized to pursue an estate tax planning.
plan his estate to avoid taxes. His lawyer suggested that (Delpher Trades Corporation v. IAC, 157 SCRA 349).
he should form a corporation, with himself, his wife and However, the factual setting indicates the existence of a
his children (all students and still unemployed) as lawsuit that could subject Mr. Pablo to a substantial
stockholders, and then, transfer all his assets and amount of damages. It would thus be dijcult for Mr. Pablo
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liabilities to this corporation. Mr. Pablo followed the to convincingly assert that the incorporation of the family
recommendation of his lawyer. One year later, the court corporation was intended merely as a case of "estate tax
rendered judgment against Mr. Pablo and the plainti^ planning". (See Tan Boon Bee u. Jarenci-0, G.R. No. 41337,
sought to enforce this judgment. The sheri^, however, June 30, 1988) (1991 Bar)
could not locate any property in the name of Mr. Pablo and
therefore returned the writ of execution unsatis_ed. What
remedy, if any, is available to the plainti^?
Eva owns 90% of the shares of the capital stock of CK Yes, the action may prosper against CK Corporation but
Corporation. On one occasion, CK Corporation, not against Eva. The liabilities of CK Corporation are not
represented by Eva as the President and General the liabilities of its ojcers because the corporation has a
Manager, executed a contract to sell a subdivision lot in legal personality separate and distinct from that of its
favor of Ed. For failure of CK Corporation to develop the ojcers and stockholders. The fact that Eva owns 90%of
subdivision, Ed _led an action for rescission and damages the capital stock of CK Corporation is not of itself sujcient
against CK Corporation and Eva. Will the action prosper? justi_cation to invoke the doctrine of piercing the veil of
Explain corporation _ction. There must be a showing of fraud,
malice or bad faith. (1996 Bar)
58 Plainti^s _led a collection action against ''X'' Corporation. Yes. “Y” Corporation may be held liable for the debts of
Upon execution of court’s decision, "X" Corporation was “X” Corporation. It is submitted that the doctrine of
found to be without assets. Thereafter, plainti^s _led an piercing the veil of corporate _ction can be applied in the
action against its present and past stockholder “Y” present case. Although mere interlocking directorship is
Corporation, which owned substantially all of the stocks of not by itself sujcient to justify the application of the
“X” Corporation. The two corporations have the same doctrine, there are circumstances in the present case that
board of directors and “Y” Corporation _nanced the support such application. Thus, the following facts are
operations of “X” Corporation. May “Y” Corporation be present: (1) X Corporation is without assets; (2) the
held liable for the debts of “X” Corporation? Why? stockholders are the same; (3) the directors are identical;
and (4) Y _nanced the activities of X Corporation. It is
believed that the mentioned circumstances are enough to
allow the piercing the corporate veil (CIR v. Norton &
Harrison Company, 11 SCRA 714 [1964]) (2001 Bar).
R Realty Corporation, lessor, obtained a favorable No. A corporation has a personality distinct and separate
judgment in a suit against GEE, lessee, for the latter's from its individual stockholders or members. The
failure to pay rentals. The judgment however was not obligations of the corporation are not the obligations of
executed because of the trial courts _nding that P2 million the ojcers and vice versa. It follows that payments made
was paid by GEE to R Realty Corporation tantamount to to the shareholders for obligations in their favor are not
full satisfaction of the judgment debt. It turned out payments to the corporation. Shareowners are not the
however that Pl million was the consideration in the pacto owners of the receivables of the corporation and vice
de retro sale drawn in favor of R Realty's versa. (Good Earth Emporium, Inc. v. CA, G.R. No. 82797,
ojcers/stockholders, JR and MR. Furthermore, the other Pl February 27, 1991)
million paid turned out as payment for a loan extended by
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JR and MR in favor of GEE. Can the payments to R Realty's

ojcers/stockholders be considered payment to the
In one case, the trial court rendered judgment ordering No. The sheri^ does not have the authority to levy upon
the defendant Mr. X to pay the plainti^ Mr. Y actual properties of a corporation that is not a party to the case.
damages in the amount of Pl,000,000.00. The sheri^ who He cannot do so under the pretext that the doctrine of
is enforcing the writ of execution to enforce said judgment piercing the veil of corporate _ction is applicable. Piercing
was not able to locate the properties of Mr. X so he the veil of corporate _ction is a judicial prerogative. Only
decided to levy upon the properties of ABC Corporation on the court can apply this doctrine.
the ground that ABC is a mere conduit of Mr. X. Is the
action of the sheri^ in levying the properties of ABC
Corporation valid?
65 Petitioner is a corporation sole organized and existing in No. The action of the ROD was not correct. The
accordance with Philippine laws, with Msgr. Trudeau, a requirement of at least 60% Filipino ownership of the
Canadian citizen, as actual incumbent. It presented for capital was never intended to apply to a corporation sole,
registration a deed of sale to the Register of Deeds of because the same corporation is only the administrator of
Cebu who denied it for lack of proof that at least 60% of the properties of the corporation sole and it is well settled
the capital property or assets of the corporation sole is that it has no nationality.
owned or controlled by Filipino citizens. Was the action of
the Register of Deeds correct? Give reasons for your
Global KL Malaysia (GLOBAL), a 100% Malaysian-owned
corporation, desires to build a hotel beach resort in the
Samal Island, Davao City, to take advantage of the
increase trajc of tourist and boost the tourism industry of
the Philippines. a. No, GLOBAL may not be allowed to acquire the land
on which to build the resort. The Constitution limits
a. Assuming that GLOBAL has US$100 Million to invest land ownership to Filipinos and corporations with
in a hotel beach resort in the Philippines, may it be Filipino ownership of not less than 60% of the
allowed to acquire the land on which to build the outstanding capital. The equity participation of
resort? If so, under what terms and conditions may foreigners in a corporation that will own land is
GLOBAL acquire the land? Discuss fully. therefore limited to 40%. In this case, GLOBAL is
100% Malaysian-owned.

However, GLOBAL can lease a parcel of land. The

b. May GLOBAL be allowed to manage the hotel beach 40% limit on foreign equity applies only to
resort? ownership of land and not to temporary use thereof
like a contract of lease.
8|Revised Corporation Code M o r e n o , Ye l l a h O .
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c. May GLOBAL be allowed to operate restaurants a. Yes, GLOBAL can manage the hotel beach resort.
within the hotel beach resort? Explain. Management of a resort is not a nationalized
activity; hence the law did not prohibit a foreign
corporation from managing a resort in the country.

b. Yes, GLOBAL may be allowed to operate restaurant

within the beach resort. While operation of a
restaurant business is considered retail trade, a
corporation will not be considered engaged in retail
business if the restaurant is a mere adjunct of the
operation of the resort which is an activity that is
not wholly or partly nationalized. (1995 Bar)
What is the nationality of a corporation organized and The corporation is a Philippine National under Section 3 of
incorporated under the laws of a foreign country but Republic Act No. 7042 for purposes of applying our
owned 100% by Filipinos? investment laws provided that at least 60% of the
directors are Filipinos. In addition, applying the control test
of corporate nationality, a corporation organized and
incorporated under foreign laws but entirely owned by
Filipinos is a Philippine national. Note, however, that the
corporation is not a domestic corporation under the
Incorporation Test embodied in the Corporation Code (now
the RCCP) because the corporation is one organized in
another country. (1998 Bar)
93 On September 15, 2013, XYZ Corporation issued to No. The suit will not prosper. The fact that Paterno holds
Paterno 800 preferred shares with the following terms: preferred shares does not give him the right to compel
"The Preferred Shares shall have the following rights, XYZ Corporation to pay dividends. It is still within the
preferences, quali_cations, and limitations, to wit: business judgment of the Board of Directors to declare
1. The right to receive a quarterly dividend of dividends and the Judgment of the Board is always subject
One Per Centum (1%), cumulative and to the requirement that there must be unrestricted
participating; retained earnings. Holders of preferred shares are not
2. These shares may be redeemed, by drawing creditors and dividends are not interest that is due.
of lots, at any time after two (2) years from
date of issue, at the option of the Paterno cannot likewise compel the corporation to redeem
Corporation; x x x." the shares because the express terms of the stipulation is
Today, Paterno sues XYZ Corporation for speci_c to the e^ect that the shares “may be redeemed” after two
performance, for the payment of dividends on, and to years thereby indicating that the redemption is not
compel the redemption of, the preferred shares, under the mandatory. Even if Paterno is holding mandatory
terms and conditions provided in the stock certi_cates. redeemable shares, it is subject to the requirement that
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Will the suit proper? Explain. enough assets are left to cover debts and liabilities. In
other words, there should be no e^ect on creditors (2009
103 A corporation was organized for a term of 50 years, The articles of incorporation shall be amended stating the
expiring in December 2006. Outline the steps to be taken term extension and the amendment must be approved by:
in order that it may extend its corporate life. (1) the majority vote of the board of directors or trustees
and (2) the stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the
outstanding capital stock or by at least 2/3 of the
members, in case of a non-stock corporation. (See Section
16, Corporation Code, now Section 15, RCCP.)

The approved amendment of the articles of incorporation

shall be submitted to the Securities and Exchange
Commission for approval not earlier than _ve (5) years
(under Section 11, Corporation Code) and now three (3)
years under Section 11 of the RCCP) prior to the original or
subsequent expiry date.

The amendment is deemed approved upon the inaction of

the SEC for 6 months after submission due not the fault of
the corporation or upon its approval. (See Section 16,
Corporation Code, now Section 15, RCCP.) The e^ectivity
of the amendment relates back to the date of its _ling
with the SEC. (1968 Bar).
120 The articles of incorporation to be registered in the The name of the corporation should be amended to
Securities and Exchange Commission contained the include any of the following words, "Inc.," "Incorporated"
following provisions: “First Article. The name of the "Corporation" or “Corp.” Section 1 of SEC Memorandum
corporation shall be Toho Marketing Company.” “Third Circular No. 14, Series of 2000 requires any one of those
Article. The principal ojce of the corporation shall be words to be included in the name of the Corporation. The
located in Region III, in such municipality therein as its form of the Articles of Incorporation under Section 14 of
Board of Directors may designate.” “Seventh Article. The the RCCP also calls for the use of the words "Inc.,"
capital stock of the corporation is One Million Pesos "Corporation," or "OPC" (for One Person Corporations).
(P1,000,000), Philippine Currency.” What are your
comments and suggested changes to the proposed The Third Article does not comply with the requirements of
articles? the law and SEC rules on the address of the corporation.
The RCCP provides that the Articles of Incorporation must
state the place where the principal ojce of the
corporation is to be established or located, which place
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must be within the Philippines. The RCCP also requires

inclusion in the Articles of Incorporation of the
City/Municipality and Province where the principal ojce of
the corporation is located. SEC Memorandum Circular No.
6, Series of 2016 dated June 9, 2016 further requires a
speci_c address. For purposes of complying with the RCCP
and SEC requirements, it is not enough to state the Region
where the principal ojce is located.

The Seventh Article is incomplete. Section 14(8) of the

Corporation Code (Section 13[h], RCCP) provides that if
the corporation is a stock corporation, the Articles of
Incorporation must contain the (a) amount of its
authorized capital stock, (b) the number of shares into
which it is divided, and in case the shares are par value
shares, the par value of each, and if some or all of the
shares are without par value, such fact must also be
stated. The names, nationalities, and residence addresses
of the original subscribers and amount subscribed and
paid by each must also be stated in the Articles. (1990 Bar
While the incorporation papers of XYZ, Inc. were pending No. H's suit will not prosper. The issuance of the Certi_cate
before the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for of Incorporation is an indispensable requisite for the
approval, A, the designated Treasurer in the Articles of existence of a corporation. In the given problem, the
Incorporation held real estate property worth P20,000.00 incorporation papers of XYZ, Inc. were still pending before
which E turned over for shares he (E) purchased in XYZ, the Securities and Exchange Commission for approval.
Inc. Before the certi_cate of incorporation could be issued, Hence, XYZ, Inc. is not yet a corporation and has no
H, who claims to be the owner of the said real estate juridical personality in order to have the power to sue or
property, _led an action against XYZ, Inc. for the recovery be sued in any court. (1978 Bar)
of possession of the same. Will H’s suit proper? Why?
May a corporation composed entirely of aliens be Yes, if nationalization laws do not require ownership by
organized and incorporated in the Philippines? Explain. Filipinos. The RCCP does not provide for a citizenship
(1970 Bar) requirement. There are businesses that are allowed to be
owned by foreigners. As long as the Constitution and
special laws do not impose a maximum equity
participation of foreigners, the directors and incorporators
of a corporation can all be foreigners. For instance, export
enterprises may generally be 100% foreign owned.
However, there are corporations where the Constitution or
special laws require that at least a 60% or a higher
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percentage of the outstanding capital stock to be owned

by citizens of the Philippines. For example, Filipinos must
own at least 60% of the outstanding capital in public
utilities and corporations that own land. In these cases,
the corporation cannot be composed entirely of aliens.
The proposed Articles of Incorporation of X Corporation Yes, the provision is valid. The provision constitutes a
provides: "That none of the stockholders shall engage in a reasonable exercise of corporate authority since a
similar, competing or antagonistic business or activity as corporation under the principle of self-preservation, has
that to which the corporation is primarily engaged in. The the inherent right to preserve and protect itself by
foregoing restriction must appear at the back of all excluding competitors or hostile interest. The provision
certi_cates of corporation." Is the provision valid and seeks to prevent a stockholder from creating an
binding? opportunity to take advantage of the information which he
may have acquired as such to promote his individual
interest to the prejudice of the corporation and other
stockholders. The provision is binding on the stockholders
because the Articles of Incorporation is a contract
between the shareholder and the corporation as well as
the State. Any person who intends to acquire a share in
the corporation does so with knowledge that its a^airs are
governed by the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation
(SEC Opinion dated August 12, 1998, Sec Bulletin Vol.
XXXIII, No. 1, June 1999).
May the composition of the board of directors of the Yes, the composition of the board of directors of the
National Power Corporation (NPC) be validly reduced to National Power Corporation may be validly reduced to
three? Explain your answers fully. three under the Revised Corporation Code. Section 13(f) of
the Revised Corporation Code provides that there must be
not more than 15 directors. There is no minimum number
of directors required under the Revised Corporation Code.
The same is true even if NPC is a government owned or
controlled corporation created by special law because the
provisions of the Revised Corporation Code apply
suppletorily to NPC. (2008 Bar)
123 “X” Company is a stock corporation composed of the
Reyes family engaged in the real estate business. Because
of the regional crisis, the stockholders decided to convert
their stock corporation into a charitable non-stock and
non-pro_t association by amending the Articles of
Incorporation. a. Yes, the Articles of Incorporation of X Company can
be legally amended to convert it into a non-stock
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a. Could this be legally done? corporation. What this means is that the
stockholders are deemed to have waived their right
to their respective share in the pro_ts of the
corporation and that is a gain not a loss to the
corporation. However, this should be without
prejudice to the rights of creditors who may be
b. Would your answer be the same if at the inception,
"X" company is a non-stock corporation? Why? b. No, my answer will not be the same. In a non-stock
corporation, the members do not have the right to
the assets and pro_ts of the corporation. The
present and future pro_ts of the corporation are
devoted solely to charitable purposes and cannot
be distributed to the members. If the non-stock
corporation is converted to a stock corporation by a
mere amendment of the Articles of Incorporation,
the non-stock corporation is deemed to have
distributed an asset of the corporation among its
members. The only way to form a stock corporation
is to dissolve the nonstock corporation and to re-
incorporate as a stock corporation. (2001 Bar)
Stockholders representing only 55% of the outstanding Both alternatives may be validly resorted to. The law
capital stock of A Corporation attended the scheduled provides that the stockholders may assent to the
meeting. Hence, the required two-thirds vote of the amendment so long as the assent is in writing and the
stockholders to approve the amendments to the Articles of written votes/approval should not be less than two-thirds
Incorporation, which was previously approved by the of the outstanding capital stock of the corporation. (SEC
Board cannot be obtained. The directors propose two Opinion dated August 16, 1999, SEC Bulletin Vol. XXXIIJ,
courses of action, namely: (1) to request the stockholders No. 2, December 1999)
present during the meeting to approve the proposed
amendment and then adjourn the meeting and allow the However, if the amendments involve extending or
board to convene another meeting in order to get the shortening the corporate term and/or increasing or
required votes; and (2) to solicit the remaining balance of decreasing the capital stock, only the _rst alternative may
the required approval/votes by way in writing the validly be resorted to because Sections 36 and 37 of the
absentee stockholders. Which of the two alternatives can RCCP require approval of said amendments in a
be validly resorted to by A Corporation? stockholders' meeting.
137 a. Can a corporation validly change its corporate a. Yes, a corporation may validly change its name.
name under its general power to amend its Articles However, the corporation must comply with the
of Incorporation? procedure for amendment of the Articles of
Incorporation. In fact, the right to change the
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corporation name is recognized under Section 18 of

the Corporation Code, now Section 17 of the RCCP,
but subject to the approval of the SEC. Section 18
of the Corporation Code provided that when a
change in the corporate name is approved, the SEC
shall issue an amended certi_cate of incorporation
under the amended name. The new provision
(Section 17, RCCP) is substantially the same and
states that: "Upon the approval of the new
b. Does a change in the name of a corporation result corporate name, the Commission shall issue a
in its dissolution? Explain your answer. certi_cate of incorporation under the amended

b. No, the change in name does not result in the

corporation's dissolution. The juridical entity is the
same although under a di^erent name. The
situation is no di^erent from a natural person who
does not cease to exist due to a change of name.
(See Philippine First Insurance Co. u. Hartigan, 34
SCRA 252) (1976 Bar)
The Court of Appeals (CA) dismissed outright a Certiorari No. The dismissal was not proper. A corporation that
Petition on the ground that petitioner BDO Leasing and changes its name is in no sense a new corporation, nor
Finance, Inc. (BDO) lacked "legal capacity to initiate or _le the successor of the original corporation. It is the same
the instant petition" on account of the change of name of corporation with a di^erent name, and its character is in
petitioner BDO from "PCI Leasing and Finance Inc." to no respect changed. A change in the corporate name does
"BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc." The CA opined that since not make a new corporation. Hence, with petitioner BDO's
the Board Resolution and Special Power of Attorney issued change of name from ''PCI Leasing and Finance, Inc." to
by petitioner BDO authorizing its ojcer to initiate the "BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc." having no e^ect on the
appropriate court action on behalf of the company was identity of the corporation, on its property, rights, or
still under the name of "PCI Leasing and Finance, Inc.," liabilities, with its character remaining very much intact,
and considering that petitioner BDO has already changed the Board Resolution and Special Power of Attorney
its name, the aforesaid Board Resolution and Special authorizing its ojcer to institute the Certiorari Petition did
Power of Attorney have no more binding e^ect. Was the not lose any binding e^ect whatsoever. The ojcer
dismissal proper? remains authorized to _le a petition for the same entity
which is now named BDO (BDO Leasing and Finance, Inc.
u. Great Domestic Insurance Company, Inc., G.R. No.
205286, June 19, 2019).
145 Mamuhunan was invited by his friends to invest in A Corp., No, the two defenses cannot be raised because they are
a newly organized _rm engaged in money market and not available. It cannot be argued that there was a de
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_nancing operation. Because of his heavy investments, facto corporation. The Articles of Incorporation was not
Mamuhunan became the _rm’s president and, as such, _led with the SEC, hence there can be no attempt in good
purchased a big number of computers, typewriters and faith to incorporate.
other equipment from Taktak Corp. on installment basis. A
Corp. paid the down payment and Taktak Corp. issued the The defense that the corporation is a corporation by
corresponding receipt. To his chagrin, Mamuhunan estoppel is not also a valid defense. Although there was a
discovered that the Articles of Incorporation had not been corporation by estoppel, the same can be invoked only for
_led by his friends on that date so he hurriedly attended the purpose of protecting third persons or creditors. It
to the matter. No sooner had the certi_cate of cannot be invoked by persons who represent themselves
incorporation been issued by the SEC, A Corp. became as stockholders of the corporation by estoppel. However,
bankrupt after three months. Upon being sued by Taktak Mamuhunan can invoke the defense of good faith to limit
Corporation in its personal capacity, Mamuhunan raised his liability only up to the extent of his investment. Sec 21
among its defenses the doctrine of de facto corporation of the Corporation Code (now Sec 20 of the RCCP) makes
and corporation by estoppel. Can the two defensed be liable as general partner only those who assume to act as
validly raised? Explain. a corporation knowing it to be without authority.
155 Three out of _ve directors of X Corporation resolved to Yes, R's argument is tenable. Under Section 22 of the
assign the corporation's right of redemption over its Revised Corporation Code, only persons who own at least
remaining assets, the lots mortgaged to a bank. A deed of one share of the capital stock of the corporation can be
assignment was subsequently executed in favor of M who directors. Ownership of shares is determined by the books
then redeemed the said properties. However, R, who was of the corporation. Since the three directors are not
the highest bidder at the public auction, assailed the stockholders in the corporate books, they are
validity of the deed of assignment for being an ultra vires automatically disquali_ed to be directors. The three
act of the Board of Directors contending that the three directors ceased to be directors when they ceased to be
directors who made the resolution were not among those stockholders of X Corporation. Hence, they cannot validly
listed as stockholders of X Corporation in the stock and approve and execute transactions in behalf of the
transfer book and thus they cannot execute any corporation. (Pena v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 91478,
transaction for the corporation. Is the argument of R February 7, 1991)
tenable? Explain your answer.
156 A claim was _led by Ms. CO against the National Irrigation No. The defendant in this case is NIA, which is a
Administration (NIA) for the latter to pay compensation for corporation organized under the law. Hence, all actions
the portion of her property used in the construction of the shall be done only through the Board of Directors of NIA.
canal. The Regional Trial Court rendered a decision in favor Without being duly authorized by resolution of the Board
of CO. On appeal, the decision was ajrmed by the Court of the corporation, neither SE nor CG is authorized to sign
of Appeals. SE, as Project Manager of the NIA, _led a the certi_cate against forum shopping accompanying the
petition for certiorari. The veri_cation and certi_cation petition for review. (Santiago Estaban, Jr. v. Vda. de
against forum shopping were signed by CG, the Onorio, 360 SCRA 230)
administrator of the agency. It was contended that said
petition must be dismissed because of failure to comply
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with the provisions of Section 5, Rule 7 of the Revised Rule

on Civil Procedure on certi_cation against forum shopping.
No Board resolution was attached to the petition. Can SE
or G sign the certi_cate against forum shopping
accompanying the petition?
PAW is a domestic corporation organized to operate a No, the acts show that the president was duly authorized.
customs bonded warehouse. To obtain a license for the AP, the president of PAW appears to be authorized. The
operation of a bonded warehouse from the Bureau of conduct of the president shows that he had been in the
Customs, Mr. AP, the corporation president, solicited a habit of acting in similar matters on behalf of the company
proposal from Mr. SS for the preparation of a feasibility and that the company had authorized him to act and had
study. The initial proposal of SS was accepted by AP. Later, recognized, approved and rati_ed his former and similar
upon AP's request, SS sent another proposal to PAW for an actions. Furthermore, a party dealing with the president of
operations manual and seminar/workshop for its a corporation is entitled to assume that he has the
employees. The manual was sent to the Bureau of authority to enter, on behalf of the corporation, into
Customs which thereafter issued a license in favor of PAW contracts that are within the scope of the powers of said
to operate a bonded warehouse. SS likewise conducted a corporation and that do not violate any statute or rule on
three-day training seminar for the employees of the public policy. In this case, AP was the one dealing with SS
corporation. Alleging non-payment, SS subsequently _led from the very beginning.
a collection suit against the corporation. PAW resisted the
claim on the ground that the second contract for services Besides, SS has reason to believe that AP's conformity to
did not bind it because it was entered into by its president the contract in dispute was also binding on the
without authority of the Board of Directors. Is the corporation. It is well-settled that if a corporation
contention of the corporation valid? knowingly permits one of its ojcers, or any other agent,
to act within the scope of an apparent authority, it holds
him out to the public as possessing the power to do those
acts; and thus, the corporation will, as against anyone
who has in good faith dealt with it through such agent, be
estopped from denying the agent's authority. (People's
Aircargo Warehousing, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, C.R. No.
117847, October 7, 1998)
The Board of Directors of X Corporation issued a resolution No. The corporation cannot validly raise such defense. A
authorizing its Treasurer and General Manager, Mr. A, to corporation has the power to borrow funds and dispose of
secure a loan from Y Corporation, a _nancing company, assets in the ordinary course of business. In the exercise
and to sign all papers, documents or promissory notes of such power the Board authorize one or more corporate
necessary to secure the loan. Another resolution was later ojcers to sign loan document or deeds of assignment for
approved by the Board authorizing Mr. A to act as the the corporation. The Board is the one empowered to do so
signatory in securing a discounting line with Y because Section 22 of the Revised Corporation Code
Corporation. Mr. A was authorized to sign all instruments, (Section 23 of the Corporation Code) provides that unless
documents and checks necessary to secure the otherwise provided in this Code, the corporate powers of
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discounting line. Later, Mr. A signed Deeds of Assignment all corporations formed under this Code shall be exercised,
and assigned postdated checks of X Corporation to Y all business conducted and all property of such
Corporation. A endorsed the checks by signing his name corporation held by the Board of Directors or Trustees. In
at the back of the checks. The checks were all dishonored this case, Mr. A was duly authorized by the Board of X
prompting Y Corporation to demand payment from X Corporation to sign the Deeds of Assignment and to
Corporation. Corporation denied liability on the checks endorse the checks. A signed the Deeds of Assignment as
raising the defense of lack of authority of A to sign the agent and authorized signatory of X Corporation under an
Deeds of Assignment and asserting that A signed the authority expressly granted by Board resolutions. Hence,
deeds and indorsed the checks in his personal capacity. the signature of A on the Deeds of Assignment binds the
Can the defense be validly raised by X Corporation? Board of Directors and X Corporation itself. (Great Asian
Sales Corporation u. Court of Appeals, No. 105774, April
25, 2002
X Corporation sold its ice plant to Y Corporation who in No. An ojcer acting in good faith within the scope of his
return executed a mortgage over a property to secure authority to terminate the services of the employees
payment of the purchase price. As a result of the sale, X cannot be personally liable for damages. In the absence of
Corporation terminated all its employees and paid their evidence that one acted maliciously or in bad faith in
separation pay. Y Corporation thereafter, sold the same ice terminating the services of the employees, his act shall be
plant to Z Corporation, Mr. Q, the General Manager of Z deemed to be within the scope of his authority and as
Corporation owns one half interest in said corporation. such was a corporate act. Hence, he cannot be made
Due to failure to pay the balance, X Corporation personally liable. (Sunio v. NLRC 127 SCRA 390)
extrajudicially foreclosed the property and was the highest
bidder in the public auction. Subsequently the latter sold
the ice plant, subject to the right of redemption by Y
Corporation, to Mr. T who rehired X Corporation's previous
employees. Thereafter, the ice plant was redeemed and
possession was obtained by virtue of the mandatory
injunction. However, Z Corporation did not re-employ the
re-hired employees and through Mr. Q terminated their
services. Can the corporate ojcers like the general
manager be held personally liable for damages on account
of termination of services of the employees?
Billy Bomba had been employed by DAD Realty No. A corporation acts through its directors, ojcers, and
Corporation as a pump operator in 1990 and had since employees. While acting for the corporation, the directors,
performed such work at its Maharlika Subdivision. In 1999, ojcers and employees are not liable to persons with
Bomba _led a complaint with the Labor Arbiter against whom they are transacting. Obligations incurred by them
DAD Realty Corporation and its Vice President Tita Gloria, while they were acting as such corporate agents are
for wage di^erentials, overtime pay, incentive leave pay, corporate obligations. Although there may be exceptional
13th month pay, holiday pay and rest day pay. The Labor circumstances that may justify solidary liability, there is
Arbiter found that Bomba was indeed entitled to such nothing in the problem that indicates that solidary liability
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sought amounts. Is Vice President Gloria solidarily should be imposed on the ojcers.
obligated with DAD Realty Corporation for the corporate
Where the board of directors of a corporation consists of 9 Five members constitute the quorum. The Revised
members, two having died during their term of ojce, 1 Corporation Code (and previously, the Corporation Code)
being abroad, what would be the quorum? How many provides that a majority of the number of directors as
ajrmative votes would be necessary to pass a resolution? _xed in the Articles of Incorporation shall constitute a
Explain. quorum for the transaction of corporate business. Vacancy
does not reduce the quorum. If _ve members are present
the majority thereof or three may pass a resolution unless
a greater number is required under the RCCP (previously,
the Corporation Code). (1970 Bar)
On December 9, 1985, Matatag Corporation revalued its Under the Business Judgment Rule, the acts of the Board
assets. On the basis of reappraisal, the Board of Directors within the powers conferred upon them cannot be
also declared cash dividends for all stockholders. On reviewed by courts. They are generally binding on the
December 16, 1985, Matatag Corp. amassed substantial stockholders and the courts. The BOD is authorized to
pro_ts in a highly lucrative transaction. Some minority exercise absolute but sound discretion on matters
stockholders, however, did not want to complicate their regarding the operation of the Corporation.
income tax problems for 1985 and refused to accept the
cash dividends. They also _led suit to compel the other Declaration of dividends is one of those actions that are
stockholders to return to Matatag Corp. the money within the discretion of the Board. Thus, the BJR is
received as dividends. Not one of the stockholders who relevant because declaration of dividends is usually
formed the majority joined in the suit since they were binding and cannot be reviewed by courts (1986 Bar).
happy with the money they received. When a case was
_led against the Board, the Board of Directors raised the
"Business Judgment Rule." What is the business judgment
rule and does it have any relevance to this case?
161 "A" as owner of a certain number shares of stock in X No. The contention of C is not correct. A trustee in a voting
Corporation, entered into a voting trust agreement with B. trust agreement has legal title over the shares. Section 58
On the basis of the voting trust agreement, B announced of the Revised Corporation Code provides that the stock
his desire to run for a seat in the Board of Directors of X certi_cate of the trustor shall be cancelled and a new
Corporation. C, another stockholder, objected and certi_cate shall be issued in the name of the trustee. The
questioned the eligibility of B to be a director of X books of the corporation shall state that the transfer in the
Corporation. Is C's contention correct? Why? name of the trustee or trustees is made pursuant to the
voting trust agreement. Since legal title is all that is
required, Mr. B is eligible to run for a position in the Board
of Directors.
The Board of Directors of Seiko Corporation, acting on a No, her petition is not tenable. It is true that a stockholder
standing authority of the stockholders to amend the by- has the right to vote and be voted for in the election of
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laws, so amended the by-laws disqualifying any of its directors. However, such right does not mean that a
stockholders, who is also a stockholder and director of a stockholder has vested right to be elected to the board of
competitor, from being elected to the board of directors. directors. The election process prescribed under the
Assunta Estrada, a stockholder holding shares sujcient to Revised Corporation Code should be followed and a
assure her of a seat in the board, _led a petition with the stockholder cannot force other stockholders to elect her
Securities and Exchange Commission for the declaration as director.
of nullity of the amended by-laws. She alleged, among
other things, that as a stockholder she had acquired rights Her contention that the by-laws is null and void is not
inherent in stock ownership such as the right to vote and tenable either. Corporations have the power to make by-
be voted for in the election of directors. Is her petition laws declaring a person employed in the service of a rival
tenable? company ineligible for election to its board of directors. It
is well-settled that a director who is ineligible cannot be
elected as such. In addition, a director is subject to
removal if a ground for disquali_cation exists. One such
ground is a provision that a stockholder is disquali_ed if
his business is in competition with or antagonistic to the
other corporation. (1998 Bar)
At the annual meeting of ABC Corporation for the election E is disquali_ed to continue as director. Section 22 of the
of _ve directors as provided for in the articles of Revised Corporation Code (previously Section 23,
incorporation, A. B, C, D, E, F, and G were nominated. A. B, Corporation Code) provides that every director must own
C, D, and E received the highest number of votes and at least one share of the capital stock of the corporation of
were proclaimed elected. F received ten votes less than E. which he is a director, which share shall stand in his name
Subsequently, E sold all his shares to F. At the next Board in the books of the corporation. Any director who ceases
of Directors' meeting following the transfer of shares in to be the owner of at least one share in the capital stock
the books of the Corporation, both E and F appeared. E of the corporation of which he is a director shall thereby
claimed that notwithstanding the sale of his shares to F, cease to be a director. The requirement of owning at least
he remained a director since the Corporation Code one share is a continuing requirement. E became
provides that directors “shall hold ojce for one rear and disquali_ed when he sold all his shares of the corporation;
until their successors are elected and quali_ed.” On the he thus ceased to be a director.
other hand, F claimed that since he would have been
elected as director had it not been for E’s nomination and F's claim is also untenable because a director should be
election, he (F) should now be considered as a director as duly elected as such and he was not elected to be a
he had not acquired the shares of E. Decide with reasons. director in the annual meeting of ABC Corporation. (1984
174 The incorporators of a proposed stock corporation want to No, the provision is not acceptable. The provisions of the
include the following provision in the Articles of RCC requiring votes of stockholders are always
Incorporation: “Shares are classi_ed as Class “A” shares determined on the basis of the number of shares. Each
and Class “B” shares. Class “A” shares shall be entitled to share is entitled to one vote.
one vote and Class “B” shares shall be entitled to three
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votes. Is the provision legally acceptable?

The incorporators of a proposed stock corporation want to No, the provision is not legally feasible. Section 23 of the
include the following provision in the Articles of Revised Corporation Code provides for the procedure for
Incorporation: Class A shares shall be entitled to vote one the election of directors. Adoption of a manner of electing
director and Class B shares, voting as a separate class, the directors other than what is provided for in the
shall be entitled to vote three directors." Is the provision Revised Corporation Code is prohibited. (Section 46,
legally feasible? RCCP; SEC Opinion May 23, 1994)
187 IAI, Inc. (IAl) by a Stock Purchase Agreement, soId to Al. The position of the Board of IAI is not tenable. An ojcer of
lnc. (AI) for the sum of P19.5 Million all its outstanding a corporation who is authorized to sell the stock of
shares od stocks in “F” Corp. The agreement was signed another corporation has the implied power to perform all
by LG and JV, presidents of lAI and Al respectively. IA1 other obligation arising therefrom, such as securing
expressly warranted in the agreement that the net worth payment of the shares of stock. By allowing its president
of “F" Corp. is Pl2 Million. lAI agreed that if the networth is to sign the Stock Purchase Agreement on it behalf, IAI
less than P12 Million, IAI will pay Al the de_ciency. AI paid clothed him with apparent capacity to perform all acts
lA1 Pl2 Million and retained the amount of P7.5 million to that are expressly provided for or impliedly and inherently
answer for any de_ciency in the net worth. Instead of included in such power to sell.
rewecting a net worth. It turned out that "F' had a
de_ciency of P1.2 Million. Hence, IAl is obligated to
reimburse Al the amount of P13.2 Million (12 Million plus
the de_ciency of Pl.2 Million). However. considering that AI
retained P7.5 Million. the balance to be reimbursed is only
P5.2 Million. Later, LG, the president of lAI proposed in
writing that Al's claim for refund be reduced to P4.09
Million but he promised to pay the cost of certain
superstructure in behalf of AI. AI accepted the proposal.
Later. IAI's Board refused to implement the accepted
proposal on the ground that while the said Board
authorized LG to sell the shares. it did not authorize LG to
make the last proposal. Is the position of IAI's Board
Can the President of a Corporation or the Chairman of its Yes, if he is acting within his express, implied or apparent
Board of Directors bind the corporation? Explain. authority. The president of the corporation and the
chairman of the BOD are both ojcers of the corporation.
So long as either of these two ojcers act within the scope
of their express or apparent authority, their acts would be
binding on the corporation. The rule on agency would
cover the binding force of their acts. (1969 Bar)
Evans, the President of 3D Corporation, wrote a letter to No, there is no binding contract for the 5,000 bags of
Ed o^ering to sell the latter 5,000 bags of fertilizer at fertilizer. First, the facts do not indicate that Evans, the
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P100,000 per bag. Ed signed his conformity to the letter- President of 3D Corporation, was authorized by the Board
o^er, and paid a down payment of P50,000.00. A few days of Directors to enter into the said contract or that he was
later, the Corporate Secretary of 3D informed Ed of the empowered to do so under some provision of the By-Laws
decision of their Board of Directors not to ratify the letter- of 3D Corporation. Secondly, the facts do not also indicate
o^er. However, since Ed had already paid the down that Evans has been clothed with the apparent power to
payment, 3D Corporation delivered 500 bags of fertilizer, execute the contract or agreements similar to it. Lastly,
which Ed accepted. 3D made it clear that the delivery 3D Corporation has speci_cally informed Ed that it has not
should be considered an entirely new transaction. rati_ed the contract for the sale of 5,000 bags of fertilizer
Thereafter, Ed sought enforcement of the letter-o^er. Is and that the delivery to Ed of 500 bags, which Ed
there a binding contract for the 5,000 bags of fertilizer? accepted, is an entirely new transaction. (1996 Bar)
Acme Trading Company, Inc. (Acme), a trading company
wholly owned by foreign stockholders, was persuaded by
Paulo Alva, a Filipino, to invest in 20% of the outstanding
shares of stock of a corporation he is forming which will
engage in the department store business (the
"department store corporation"). Paulo also urged Acme to
invest in 40% of the outstanding shares of stock of the
realty corporation he is putting up to own the land on
which the department store will be built (the "realty a. The right of Acme to invest in the "department
corporation''). store corporation" would depend on the paid-up
capital of said corporation as provided for in
A. May Acme invest in the said department store Republic Act No. 8762 or the Retail Trade
corporation? Explain your answer. Liberalization Act. If the paid up capital of the
"department store corporation" is less than
US$2,500,000.00, Acme may not invest in the
same. If the paid up capital is US$2,500,000.00 or
more, Acme may invest in such activity.

B. May Acme invest in the realty corporation? Discuss b. Yes. The Constitution limits land ownership to
with reasons. Filipino citizens and to companies at least 60% of
whose capital is locally owned. Therefore, Acme
may invest in the "realty corporation" provided that
at least 60% of the capital stock of the latter
corporation belongs to Filipinos.
C. May the President of Acme, a foreigner, sit in the
Board of Directors of the said department store c. No. The Anti Dummy Law allows the election of
corporation? May he be a director of the realty aliens as members of the Board of Directors or
corporation? Discuss with reasons. governing body of corporations or associations
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engaged in partially nationalized activities, in

proportion to their allowable participation or share
in the capital of such entities. As such, with respect
to the "department store" corporation, the President
of Acme may or may not sit in the Board of
Directors depending on whether as per the paid-up
capital of said corporation, Acme is allowed by law
D. May the Treasurer of Acme, another foreigner, to invest in the same. With respect to the "realty
occupy the same position in the said department corporation," the President of Acme may sit in the
store corporation? May he be treasurer of the said Board of Directors.
realty corporation? Explain your answers.
d. The treasurer of Acme may not hold the same
position (or any other ojcer position) either in the
"department store corporation" or in the "realty
corporation" since the Anti-Dummy Law prohibits
the employment of aliens in such nationalized areas
of business except those that call for highly
technical quali_cations. However, in the case of the
"department store corporation", if it can be wholly
owned by foreigners because it is no longer a
nationalized entity as it has paid up capital of more
than $2,500,000, then the treasurer of Acme can
also be the treasurer thereof. (1990 Bar)
189 The purpose of the proposed of X Corporation is the Yes. The extraction and treatment of water can be
extraction and treatment of water. The capital of X considered exploration, development, and utilization of
Corporation is divided as follows: 70% of the outstanding natural resources. Hence, the required Filipino capital is
capital shall be owned by A Corporation, a 60% and 40% 60% under Article XII, Sec 2 of the Constitution. In the
foreign-owned corporation. The remaining 30% shall given problem, 70% of the outstanding capital X
belong to a foreign company. Can X Corporation engage in Corporation shall be owned by A Corporation that is
the proposed purpose or business? considered as a Philippine National because 60% of its
outstanding capita stock belongs to Filipinos. However, it
is necessary that 60% of the members of the Board of the
proposed corporation are also Filipinos.
193 If the minority stockholders in a stock corporation Assurance is provided for under Section 27 of the RCCP
cumulate their votes so that they could be assured of because although removal of a director with or without
being represented in the Board of Directors, what cause is allowed, it contains a proviso to the e^ect that
assurance do they have that the director or directors such removal, if without cause, cannot be used to deprive
representing them would not be removed, considering the minority stockholders of their right to representation
that under the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines through the use of cumulative voting. Therefore, the
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(RCCP), a director may be removed from ojce with or minority stockholders who cumulate their votes to elect a
without cause by the vote of stockholders holding or representative to the Board of Directors can be assured of
representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock? his/her continuance in ojce during his term, unless there
exists just cause for his removal. (1983 Bar)
Assuming that the minority block of the XYZ Corporation is No, I will not allow the majority stockholders to remove
able to elect only one director and therefore, the majority the director. Section 27 of the RCCP is explicit that the
stockholders can always muster a 2/3 vote, would you directors elected by the minority shall be removed only if
allow the majority stockholders to remove the one director there justi_able cause. Thus, without just cause, the
representing the minority? majority cannot deprive the minority of representation in
the board of directors (1991 Bar).
In 1999, Corporation "A" passed a board resolution No. The contention of X is not tenable. The approval of
removing "X" from his position as manager of said stockholders is not necessary for the removal of ojcers.
corporation. The by-laws of "A" corporation provide that Stockholders' approval is necessary only for the removal
the ojcers are the president, vice-president, treasurer of the members of the Board. The vote of the Board of
and secretary. Upon complaint _led with the SEC, it held Directors is sujcient for the removal of an ojcer. (2001
that a manager could be removed by mere resolution of Bar)
the board of directors. On motion for reconsideration, “X”
alleged that he could only be removed by the ajrmative
vote of the stockholders representing 2/3 of the
outstanding capital stock. Is the contention of “X” legally
tenable? Why?
197 There is a proposal in X Corporation to amend its By-Laws The provision is invalid. Sec 28 of the RCCP provides that
so that it will provide that in case of vacancy in the Board the vacancy, may be _lled in an election by the
of Directors, the losing candidate who garnered the stockholders or the directors in certain cases. Automatic
highest number of votes in the immediately preceding replacement is not allowed. Sec 28 cannot be disregarded
election shall be the automatic replacement. Is the because the By-Laws is subordinate thereto.
proposed provision valid?
Primero, Segundo, Tercero, Pedro and Juan are the original No. The election of Tercero as new President is not valid. In
members of the Board of Directors of a stock corporation. the _rst place, the election of the three new members of
The only interest of Primero is that 50% of the the board was not valid because Primero was not validly
corporation’s stocks were pledged to him. Pedro and Juan elected as a director since he was not a stockholder. Upon
died in a vehicular accident. the death of Pedro and Juan only two remained as duly
elected directors namely, Segundo and Tercero. They
Primero, Segundo, and Tercero held an emergency Board could not _ll the vacancies because they do not constitute
meeting to _ll up the vacancy in the board. Primero and a quorum. Hence, any action of the illegally constituted
Tercero were able to push the selection of Cuatro and Board is not valid. (1986 Bar)
Cinco as new directors over the strong objections of
Segundo who, as corporation president, wanted two
others as Board members.
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At another Board meeting, the four members of Primero's

group voted for Seis as the 6th director. When the six-
member Board convened, it decided by a _ve to one vote
to replace President Segundo with Tercero as the new
Was the election of Tercero as new President valid?
The term of the directors of X Corporation expired on June No, the hold-over directors cannot appoint a replacement
1, 2009. However, the annual meeting of stockholder was for Mr. A. The vacancy in the Board already occurred on
postponed, hence, the directors continued to perform their June 1, 2009. In other words, the vacancy was not due to
functions in a hold-over capacity. Before the new resignation but to expiration of the term. Hence, only
scheduled date of the meeting of the stockholders, one of stockholders can elect a replacement under Section 28 of
the hold-over directors, Mr. A, resigned. Can the remaining the Revised Corporation Code. The stockholders must
directors, who still constitute a quorum, appoint a elect the replacement for all the directors in a meeting
replacement for Mr. A? called for such purpose. (Valle Verde Country Club, Inc. v.
Africa, G.R. No. 151969, September 4, 2009)
199 After many dijcult years, which called for a sacri_ces on Yes, the stockholder has valid and legal grounds to object
the part of the company's directors, ABC Manufacturing, to the payment to the directors of a bonus equivalent to
Inc. was _nally earning substantial pro_ts. Thus, the 15% of the company's net income. Section 29 of the
President proposed to the Board of Directors that the Revised Corporation Code provides that the total annual
directors be paid a bonus equivalent to 15% of the compensation of the directors cannot exceed 10% of the
company's net income before tax during the preceding company's net income before income tax during the
year. The President's proposal was unanimously approved preceding year. Moreover, the authority to grant a bonus
by the Board. A stockholder of ABC questioned the bonus. compensation to the directors lies with the stockholders,
Does he have grounds to object? not the directors, pursuant to Section 29 of the RCCP.
(1991 Bar)
208 X subscribed and paid for P10,000.00 worth of shares of No. Even assuming that there was in_delity or breach of
stock Rainbow Mines, Inc. as an incorporator and original trust the corporation cannot take the law in its own hands
subscriber. He was employed as the mine superintendent and con_scate the shares of X. The corporation must _le
and as such, made the design of certain equipment used an action in court and must avail of the appropriate
in its mines. Due to some technical error in the design, the remedy available under the Rules of Court. Con_scation of
corporation su^ered a loss of Pl million. The Board shares is not one of the remedies under the Rules of
accused X of in_delity and breach of trust, and con_scated Court.
his shares. Is the action of the Board legal?
It should be noted that there is no indication in the
problem if Mr. X is a director or a corporate ojcer. If Mr. X
is a director or a corporate ojcer, the action of the Board
is not legal. In the _rst place, it does not appear that there
was gross negligence on the part of X. Mere technical
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error will not make the ojcer liable. Section 30 of the

Revised Corporation Code provides that a director or
trustee can be made liable if he must have voted or
assented to a patently unlawful act, or be guilty of bad
faith or gross negligence, or be in conwict of interest with
the corporation. It is believed that the rule applies to
ojcers. However, such grounds are not the present in this
case. If the position of superintendent is not a corporate
ojce and Mr. X is not a director, then it is also believed
that there is no basis for in_delity and breach of trust.
However, the applicable law is labor law and labor law
does not likewise allow con_scation of shares (1989 Bar).
A, B, and Care shareholders of XYZ Company. A has an I would advise the creditor to _le an action against A for
unpaid subscription of P100,000.00, B's shares are fully the latter's unpaid subscription in the amount of
paid up, while C owns only nominal but fully paid up Pl00,000.00. Since the corporation is insolvent, the unpaid
shares and is a director and ojcer. XYZ Company subscription becomes due without need of call. However,
becomes insolvent, and it is established that the the limit of a stockholder's liability to the creditor is only
insolvency is the result of fraudulent practices within the up to the extent of his unpaid subscription.
company. If you were the counsel for a creditor of XYZ
Company, would you advise legal action against A, B, and I would likewise advise the creditor to _le an action for
C? damages against C in his capacity as director and ojcer
because the corporation's insolvency was the result of
fraudulent practices within the company. Under Section 31
of the Corporation Code (now Section 30 of the RCCP),
directors are liable jointly and severally for damages
sustained by the corporation, stockholders or other
persons resulting from gross negligence or bad faith in
directing the a^airs of the Corporation.

I will however inform the creditor that there is no cause of

action against B because he has already fully paid for his
subscription. Since the stockholder is not an ojcer, his
liability as stockholder is only up to the extent of his
subscription. (1997 Bar)
As a result of perennial business losses, a corporation's A. A corporation may replenish capital by: (1) Issuing
net worth has been wiped out. In fact, it is now in a new shares for subscription; (2) Obtaining advances
negative territory. Nonetheless, the stockholders did not from the stockholders of the corporation; (3)
like to give up. Creditor banks, however, do not share the Demanding payment of unpaid subscriptions by the
con_dence of the stockholders and refuse to grant more stockholders.
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loans. (1) What tools are available to the stockholders to

replenish capital? (2) Assuming that the corporation B. No. A corporation has a personality separate and
continues to operate even with depleted capital, would distinct from that of its stockholders and ojcers.
the stockholders or the managers be solidarily liable for Hence, the stockholders or the managers cannot be
the obligations incurred by the corporation? Explain. held solidarily liable for the obligation incurred by
the corporation. However, under Section 30 of the
Revised Corporation Code, the managers/ojcers
may be held liable for gross negligence or fraud.
(1999 Bar)
Mr. X had been employed as an accountant by Tiwala I would advise Mr. X to institute an action against the
Bank. Through the years of exemplary service, he was corporation, as well as the ojcers who caused his illegal
appointed as bank manager of Laguna Branch, and was dismissal.
given commensurate increase in salary and perquisites.
There is no question that managerial employees should
During his service as bank manager, Mr. X learned of the enjoy the con_dence of top management. This is
top-management of orders regarding the transfer of three especially true in banks where ojcials handle big sums of
of his branch’s tellers. Mr. X made representations to money and engage in con_dential and _duciary
retain the three tellers. Irked by his actuations, ojcers of transactions. However, loss of con_dence should not be
the bank questions Mr. X on alleged unauthorized credit simulated. It should not be used as a subterfuge for
accommodations. In order to remove Mr. X from his post, causes which are improper, illegal, or unjusti_ed. Loss of
the ojcers imposed upon the former the burdensome con_dence may not be arbitrarily asserted in the face of
task of explaining his side within 24 hours. Failure of his overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It must be
part would then constitute as basis for his suspension and genuine, not a mere afterthought to justify earlier action
dismissal. taken in bad faith.

Mr. X having inadequate time to explain his side, was The evidence showed that the ojcers of the corporation
dismissed from ojce on the ground of loss of con_dence. acted jointly in causing the illegal and unjusti_able
He now comes to you seeking legal advice as to his rights dismissal of the plainti^. As such, they should be jointly
and who should be made to answer for his present and severally held liable to him. Clearly the ojcers of the
predicament. If you were the lawyer, what would be your bank acted beyond their authority and against what the
advice to Mr. X? law, particularly Article 1701 in relation to Articles 19, 20,
and 21 of the Civil Code provides. (General Bank & Trust
Co. v. Court of Appeals, · · No. L-42724, April 9, 1985).
211 Leonardo is the Chairman and President, while Rafael is a No. The dealership agreement is voidable at the option of
Director of PL Corporation. On one occasion, PL PL Corporation. The dealership will be considered valid
Corporation represented by Leonardo, and NM Enterprises, only if the following requirements are present: (1) The
a single proprietorship owned by Rafael, entered into a presence of the self-dealing director (Rafael) in the Board
dealership agreement whereby PL Corporation appointed meeting approving the contract was not necessary for
NM Enterprises as exclusive distributor of its products in constituting a quorum for such meeting; (2) The vote of
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Northern Luzon. Is the dealership agreement valid? Rafael at such Board meeting was not necessary for the
Explain. approval of the contract; and (3) The dealership contract
is fair and reasonable under the circumstances. In the
present case, the facts do not indicate that the dealership
contract was approved by the Board of Directors of PL
Corporation before it was signed or, assuming such
approval, that the requirements under the law are
present (1996 Bar).
Pedro owns 70% of the subscribed capital stock of a No. The service contracts are not valid; they are voidable
company which owns an ojce building. Paolo and Juan at the option of ojce building company, in which Paolo
own the remaining stock equally between them. Paolo also has nominal interest (only 15% of the outstanding capital
owns a security agency, a janitorial company, and a stock), as provided in Section 32, in relation to Sec 31 of
catering business. In behalf of the ojce building the RCCP because they are self-dealing transactions
company, Paolo engages his companies to render their and/or transactions between companies with interlocking
services to the ojce building. Are the service contracts directors. While not stated in the facts, since Paolo was
valid? Explain. able to engage the services of his companies, he is
presumably either a Board member or an ojcer of the
building company. As owner of the service companies he
is also presumably a director thereof. Thus, the service
contracts are voidable at the option of the ojce building
company, unless all the following conditions are present:
(1) The presence of Paolo in the Board meeting in
which the contracts were approved was not
necessary to constitute a quorum for such
(2) The vote of Paolo was not necessary for the
approval of the contracts;
(3) The contracts are fair and reasonable under the
circumstances; and
(4) In case Paolo is an ojcer of the ojce building
company, the contracts have been previously
authorized by the Board of Directors. The contracts
may also be rati_ed by the vote of the stockholders
representing at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital
stock of the ojce building company in a meeting
called for the purpose where any of the _rst two
conditions mentioned above is absent, provided
that the contracts are fair and reasonable under
the circumstances and that full disclosure of the
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adverse interest of the director involved is made at

such meeting. (2008 Bar)
213 Chito Santos is a director of both Platinum Corporation
(PLATINUM) and Kwik Silver Corporation (KWIK). He owns
one percent of the outstanding capital stock of PLATINUM
and 40% of KWIK. PLATINUM plans to enter into a contract
with KWIK that will make both companies earn very
substantial pro_ts. The contract is presented at the
respective board meetings of Platinum and KWIK. a. The contract will not be voidable if at the meeting
of the Board of Directors of Platinum to approve the
a) In order that the contract will not be voidable, what contract, (a) the presence of Chito Santos as
conditions will have to be complied with? Explain. director is not necessary to constitute a quorum for
such meeting; (b) his vote is not necessary for the
approval of the contract; and (c) the contract is fair
and reasonable under the circumstances.

b. If the condition relating to quorum and required

b) If these conditions are not met, how may this contract number of votes are not met, the contract may be
be rati_ed? rati_ed by the vote of stockholders of Platinum
representing 2/3 of the OCS in a meeting called for
the purpose. The contract may be rati_ed if the
following conditions are present: (a) there is no
fraud involved; (b) the contract is fair and
reasonable under the circumstances; and (c) there
is full disclosure of the adverse interest of Chito
Santos at the stockholders’ meeting of Platinum in
which the contract is rati_ed.
217 Mr. X, a director of Corporation A is also a director of No. If it is true that Corporation A cannot engage
Corporation B. Mr. X acquired for Corporation B (not for competitively in the subject business because of its
himself) a business opportunity identical to the business alleged policies, then it may not be said that by delivering
of Corporation A. He could not give the business the business opportunity to Corporation B, the director
opportunity to Corporation A allegedly because its policies directly or indirectly competed with the business of or is
strongly impede its chances of winning said business. Is disloyal to Corporation A. A business opportunity ceased
there a violation of Section 34 of the Corporation Code to be a corporate opportunity and transforms into
(now Section 33 of the RCCP)? personal opportunity where the corporation is de_nitely
no longer able to avail itself of the opportunity. (SEC
Opinion, March 4, 1982).
Suppose that the by-laws of "X" Corporation, a mining
_rm, provides that "The directors shall be relieved from all
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liability for any contract entered into by the corporation

with any _rm in which the directors may be interested."
Thus, director "A" acquired claims which overlapped with
"X's" claims and were necessary for the development and
operation of "X 's" mining properties. A. No. The By-Laws must not be contrary to the
provisions of the Revised Corporation Code. The
a) Is the by-law provision valid? Why? subject provision is clearly in violation of Section 33
of the Revised Corporation Code that disallows
directors from taking advantage of corporate
business opportunities.

b) What happens if director "A" is able to consummate his B. Under Sec 23 of the Revised Corporation Code, “A”
mining claims over and above that of the corporation's should account for and refund to the corporation all
claims? the pro_ts that he realized from the transaction.
This is true even if “A” used his own funds in the
business venture. He acquired the business
opportunity to the prejudice of the corporation.
ABC Piggery, Inc. is engaged in raising and selling hogs in I would decide in favor of Mr. De Dios. There is no conwict
the local market. Mr. De Dios, one of its directors, while between the business of ABC Piggery, Inc. and the
traveling abroad, met a leather goods manufacturer who separate company of Mr. De Dios. ABC is engaged in
was interested in buying pig skins from the Philippines. Mr. raising and selling hogs in the local market while the
De Dios set up a separate company and started exporting company of Mr. De Dios is engaged in the export of pig
pig skins to his foreign contract but the pig skins exported skins. It cannot be said that the opportunity to export
were not sourced from ABC. His fellow directors in ABC pigskins belongs to ABC Piggery, Inc., which is only
complained that he should have given this business to engaged in hog raising and selling. (1991 Bar)
ABC. How would you decide this matter?
219 The Board of Directors of X Corporation through a No. The creation of the Executive Committee is not valid.
resolution decided to create an executive committee and The executive committee may be created only if the
to delegate all its powers to the said committee. There is same is provided for in the By-Laws. In addition, even
no provision in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws assuming that there is a provision in the By-Laws, not all
conferring such power. Is the creation of the Executive powers can be conferred to the committee. Section 34 of
Committee valid? the Revised Corporation Code provides that the executive
committee cannot act on the following: (1) approval of
any action for which shareholders' approval is also
required; (2) the _lling of vacancies in the Board; (3) the
amendment or repeal of By-Laws or the adoption of new
By-Laws; (4) the amendment or repeal of any resolution
of the Board which by its express terms is not so
amendable or repealable; and (5) a distribution of cash
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dividends to the shareholders.

447 The Articles of Incorporation of X Jewelers Corporation Yes, jewelry assaying and re_ning activities are implied
(Sec. states: “Second: That the primary purpose of this powers of the corporation. The purpose clause can be
35) corporation is to engage in the business of manufacturing reasonably stretched or construed to cover matter or
goods such as jewelry and to trade the same on objects that could not have been explicitly mentioned at
wholesale.” Is it quali_ed to engage in jewelry assaying the time of incorporation but is closely related to the
and re_ning activities if the same is not expressly expressed corporate purpose or impliedly included
provided for as secondary purpose? encompassing therein. Jewelry manufacturing stated in
the purpose clause is and covers assaying and re_ning
activities. (SEC Opinion dated December 17, 1999)
The primary purpose of Corporation A is to carry mineral No. The corporation cannot engage in crewing business
exploration and exploitation. Can it engage in manning or because the same is not expressly stated and cannot be
crewing business if the same is not stated as a secondary implied from the expressed purposes. It is allowed to own,
purpose? manage, or operate vessels and recruit the crew thereof
only if it is necessary in carrying out its mineral
exploitation and exploration business. (SEC Opinion, Feb.
17, 1994)
The purpose clause of the Articles of Incorporation of XYZ No. The purpose clause does not authorize the
Corporation states: "To engage in and carry on a general corporation to engage in computer maintenance service.
mercantile and commercial business of buying, acquiring, It is well-settled that a corporation has only such express,
holding, assembling, importing and exporting, selling or implied or incidental powers, Computer maintenance
otherwise disposing of and dealing in any goods, service cannot be classi_ed as express, implied or
merchandise, and commodities particularly computer and incidental power. Thus the amendment of the Articles of
its peripherals, electronic, industrial and engineering Incorporation is necessary for such purpose. (SEC
items of every kind, and all kinds of products, natural or Opinion, Dec. 23, 1992)
arti_cial, of the Philippines or other countries, which are or
may become articles of commerce." Can XYZ Corporation
lawfully enter into computer maintenance service
448 The purpose clause of the Articles of incorporation of ABC No. A corporation may only exercise powers that are
Corporation states: “To acquire by purchase, lease, expressly provided for, or that are implied or incidental to
donation, or other modes of acquisition and to own own, its existence. Memorial park business is not expressly
use, improve, develop, sell, mortgage, exchange, lease included in the purpose clause of the Articles of
and hold for investment or otherwise, real estates of all Incorporation of subject corporation. Neither is the
kinds and to build or cause to be any such land owned, activity necessary or incidental in the furtherance of the
held or occupied for management or disposition, buildings, corporation’s present business, which is realty.
houses or other structure with their appurtenances.” Can Accordingly, the corporation cannot, on the basis of its
ABC Corporation engage in the of operating memorial present purpose clause engage in memorial park
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parks? business. Should the corporation desire to undertake said

business, it should amend its Articles of Incorporation to
include it in its purpose clause. (SEC Opinion, September
I, 1993)
The primary purpose of G Corporation stated in its Articles Yes, the sale of cellular phones, accessories and other
of Incorporation is as follows: “That the purpose for which telecommunications equipment can be considered an
the Corporation is formed, is to carry on the business, implied power. They are allowed under Section 35 and
insofar as the same may be now or hereafter permitted by Section 39 of the Revised Corporation Code. Section 35(g)
law, of transmitting and receiving, for itself and for others, authorizes the corporation to purchase, receive, take or
communications of every kind, news, music, messages, grant, hold, convey, sell, lease, pledge, mortgage, and
instruction, entertainment, pictures, advertising, light and otherwise deal with such real and personal property,
energy in any form, by means of electricity, including securities and bonds of other corporations, as
electromagnetic waves, or any other kind of energy, force, the transaction of the lawful business of the corporation
vibrations or impulses, whether conveyed by wires, may reasonably and necessarily require. Section 39 of the
radiated through space, or transmitted through any other Revised Corporation Code provides that a corporation
medium to supply facilities for such purpose; and to may, by a majority vote of its board of directors or
charge and receive compensation therefore for tolls and trustees, sell, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, or
charges. To purchase, hold, operate, use, convey, lease, otherwise dispose of its property and assets, upon such
rent, mortgage, encumber, or otherwise deal in such real terms and conditions and for such consideration, which
and personal property in any part of the Philippines, or may be money, stocks, bonds, or other instruments for
elsewhere as the purposes for which the corporation is the payment of money or other property or consideration,
formed may permit, and as may be convenient or as its board of directors or trustees may deem expedient.
necessary for the transaction of the lawful business of the In this case, the sale of the properties is reasonably
Corporation.” Can G Corporation sell and distribute required by the lawful transaction of its business
cellular phones, accessories, and other related expressed in the purpose clause. The sale of those
telecommunications equipment? products is part of its telecommunication services to the
public. Hence, the sale of cellular phones, accessories
and other telecommunications equipment to the public is
part of the powers of the corporation. (SEC Opinion dated
May 31, 2001)
465 Suppose “X" Corporation has an authorized capital stock Two ways of increasing the Authorized Capital Stock of
(Secs. of Pl million divided into 100,000 shares of stock with par “X” Corporation to P1.5 million are: (1) Increase the
36-37) value of P10.00 each. Give two ways whereby said number of shares while maintaining the par value per
authorized capital stock may be increased to about P1.5 share, that is, increase the shares from 100,000 to
million. 150,000 shares with the same par value of P10.00 each.
(2) Increase the par value while maintaining the number
of shares, that is, increase the par value of the 100,000
shares to P15.00 each. (2001 Bar)
469 “X” Realty, Inc., a corporation engaged in the subdivision Yes, the action of the Board of Directors was correct but it
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(Sec. business, has an authorized capital of P800,000.00, all of is still not sujcient. Section 38 of the Revised
38) which has been fully subscribed. At a special meeting of Corporation Code requires that the resolution of the Board
the board of directors, the majority vote decided on the of Directors be approved by 2/3 of the outstanding capital
basis of the recommendation of its Executive Committee, stock, and further to be approved by the SEC with respect
that the corporation purchase a _ve-hectare property to the valuation of the property under Section 61 of the
o^ered to it because it was ideal for its subdivision RCCP. No approval of the stockholders and the SEC has
business, the price o^ered was lower than the prevailing been obtained. No preemptive right is available if the
market price and John Roque, the owner of the property, stockholders' approval is obtained because Section 38 of
was willing to accept P200,000,00 worth of shares of the RCCP provides that there is no pre-emptive right with
corporation in exchange of, or as payment for his property. respect "to shares issued in good faith with the approval
No cash was involved in the transaction. Thus, the board of the stockholders representing 2/3 of the outstanding
approved a resolution increasing the authorized capital capital stock, in exchange for property needed for
stock from P800,000.00 to P1,000,000,00, stipulating that corporate purposes or in payment of a previously
the additional P200,000.00 worth of shares be issued in contracted debt." (1982 Bar)
exchange for the _ve-hectare property and that the
existing stockholders would have no pre-emptive right to
subscribe to the additional shares as the same were being
issued to pay for the property, Was the action of the Board
of Directors correct?
470 X Corporation is in need of land on which to construct No. Pedro Reyes was not well within his right to claim pre.
additional factory to be used in the expansion of its emptive right. Section 38 of the Revised Corporation Code
business. Jose Cruz owns a piece of land in Taytay, Rizal, provides that all stockholders shall enjoy the pre-emptive
which is ideal for the purpose, and the corporation o^ers right to subscribe to all issues of shares in proportion to
to buy it at a fair price. Jose is willing to part with the land their respective shareholdings. However, Section 38
on condition that he is paid in shares of stocks of the provides that such pre-emptive right does not exist when
corporation. The Board of Directors decided to accept the shares are issued in exchange for property needed for
terms of Jose, but since the authorized capital stock of the corporate purposes, provided stockholders representing
corporation has been fully subscribed, it proposed to 2/3 of the subscribed capital stock approve of such
increase the capital stock so that it can consummate the issuance. Therefore, since more than 2/3 of the
sale of the land. The proposal, including the purchase of outstanding capital stock favored the proposal, Pedro
Jose's land in exchange for the new shares, was submitted Reyes cannot insist on the pre-emptive right. (1983 Bar)
to the stockholders in a meeting called for that purpose.
Pedro Reyes who has 100 shares in the corporation,
alleging that he and all other stockholders have a pre-
emptive right to the new shares insists that the
corporation issue to him his proportionate quota of the
new shares that he o^ers to buy in cash. Holders of 80%
of the outstanding capital stock are in favor of the Proposal
to increase the capital stock, including the exchange of
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Jose's land for new shares of stock. Is Pedro Reyes within

his rights in claiming a pre-emptive right? Explain.
XYZ Corporation has an authorized capital stock of S has a right to subscribe to 1,000 shares. Section 38 of
P100,000,00, divided into 10,000 shares, each with a par the Revised Corporation Code provides that “all
value of P10.00. The subscribed capital stock is stockholders of a stock corporation shall enjoy pre-
P50,000.00 or 5,000 shares. At the time of incorporation, emptive right to subscribe to all issues or disposition of
$ subscribed to 1,000 shares or P10,000.00. In need of shares of any class, in proportion to their respective
additional funds, XYZ Corporation proposes to o^er the shareholdings” subject to several exceptions which are
unsubscribed 5,000 shares to new stock holders at P15.00 not applicable in this case. (1984 Bar)
per share or an aggregate amount of P75,000.00. Explain
whether or not S has the right to subscribe to any of the
5,000 shares, and if so, at what price.
471 ABC Corporation has an authorized capital stock of One Yes. Mr. X has pre-emptive right to the remaining 10,000
Million pesos divided into 50,000 common shares and shares. All stockholders of a stock corporation shall enjoy
50,000 preferred shares. At its inception, the Corporation pre-emptive rights to subscribe to all issues or disposition
o^ered for subscription all the common shares. However, of shares of any class, in proportion to their respective
only 40,000 shares were subscribed. Recently, the shareholdings. (1999 Bar)
directors thought of raising additional capital and decided Note: An alternative answer may be given based on the
to o^er to the public all the authorized shares of the case of Datu Benito v. SEC. There will be no pre-emptive
Corporation at their market value. Would Mr. X a right if the shares were not taken when originally o^ered.
stockholder holding 4,000 shares, have pre-emptive rights However, there is also an opinion to the e^ect that the
to the remaining 10,000 shares? said case is no longer controlling under the Corporation
Suppose that “X” Corporation has already issued the a. Yes, “A” would have a pre-emptive right to 200 of the
1,000 originally authorized shares of the corporation so new issue of 1000 shares. “A” is a stockholder of record
that its Board of Directors and stockholders wish to holding 200 shares in “X” Corporation. Section 39 of the
increase its authorized capital stock. After complying with Corporation Code (now Section 38 of the RCCP) provides
the requirements of the law on increase of capital stock, that each stockholder has the pre-emptive right to all
“X” issued an additional 1,000 shares of the same value. issues of shares made by the corporation in proportion to
the number of shares he holds on record in the
a. Assume that stockholder “A” presently holds 200 corporation.
out of the 1,000 original shares. Would “A” have a pre-
emptive right to 200 of the new issue of 1,000 shares? b. The pre-emptive right may be exercised within the time
Why? prescribed by the Board. Pre-emptive right must be
b. When should stockholder “A” exercise the pre- exercised in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation
emptive right? or the By-laws. When the Articles of Incorporation and the
By-laws are silent, the Board may _x a reasonable time
within which the stockholders may exercise the right.
(2001 Bar)
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483 B Corporation is engaged in selling canned goods on No, The sale in the given problem appears to be a sale in
(Sec. wholesale basis. It is merely renting a bodega and 95% of the regular course of business because B Corporations is
39) its assets consist of stocks of goods. On a given day, Mr. X, engaged in wholesale business. Section 39 of the Revised
a regular customer, purchased all the stocks of B Corporation Code provides that nothing in the law is
Corporation. Is the transaction a sale of substantially all of intended to restrict the power of any corporation, without
the assets of the corporation requiring concurrence of authorization by the stockholders or members, to sell or
stockholders representing 2/3 of the outstanding capital otherwise dispose of any of its property and assets if the
stock? same is necessary in the usual and regular course of
business or if the proceeds of the sale or other disposition
of such property and assets be appropriated for the
conduct of its remaining business. The sale in the given
problem appears to be a sale in the regular course of
business because X corporation is engaged in wholesale
484 X Corporation is engaged in the business of milling or rice. Yes. The sale is sale of substantially all of the assets of X
Around 60% of its assets consist of cash in the bank, 30% corporation. It cannot continue its business without the
rice milling machine and the remaining ojce equipment machine. There is a sale of substantially all of the assets
and supplies. X Corporation sold its machine. Can it be of the corporation if it would be rendered incapable in
considered sale of substantially all of the assets of the continuing its milling business. The fact that the machine
corporation? comprises only 30% of the total assets of the corporation
is immaterial.
C Corporation sold its assets to W, Inc., after complying The suit will not prosper. The sale by C Corporation of its
with the requirements of the Bulk Sales Law. assets to W, Inc., does not result in the transfer of the
Subsequently, one of the creditors of C Corporation tried liabilities of C corporation to, or in the assumption of said
to collect the amount due and they found out that C liabilities by, W, Inc. The facts given do not indicate that
Corporation had no more assets left. The creditors then there was transfer of liabilities or that an assumption of
sued W, Inc., on the theory that the latter is a mere alter liabilities took place or was stipulated upon by the parties
ego of C Corporation. Will the suit prosper? in their agreement. Furthermore, the sale by C
corporation of its assets is a sale of its property. It does
not involve the sale of the shares of stock of the
corporation belonging to its stockholders. There is,
therefore, no merger or consolidation that took place. C
corporation continues to exist and remains liable to its
creditors. (1996 Bar)
15. The Board of Directors of "X" Corporation, with the The sale of substantially all of the corporation’s assets is
unanimous authority and approval of its stockholders in a valid, applying Section 39 of RCCP. The corporation,
meeting called for the purpose, sells to "Y" Corporation for through the authority of the Board of Directors and the
10 million, substantially of the corporation's assets unanimous vote of its stockholders obtained in the
consisting of pieces of machinery, _xtures and equipment meeting for that purpose, in selling substantially all of its
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used in the business of said corporation. "Z" a creditor, assets complied with the requirements of the law. Hence,
now questions the sale as fraudulent, and therefore, null the creditor cannot question the validity of the sale
and void. Decide the case. because it does not per se constitute fraud under the law.
There is no showing that the creditor was defrauded by
the sale of substantially all of the debtor's property. The
creditor has sujcient remedies provided by law for the
recovery of his credit.
485 In the annual meeting of XYZ Corporation, the a. The requirements of the Bulk Sales Law must be
stockholders unanimously adopted a resolution proposed complied with. The seller should deliver to the purchaser
by the Board of Directors to sell substantially all the a list of its creditors, with their addresses and the amount
_xtures and the equipment used in and about its business. owing to each, and the purchaser in turn should notify
the President of the Corporaton approached you and such creditors of the proposed sale at a stipulated time in
asked for legal assistance to e^ect the sale. advance.

a. What step should you take so that the sale may be b. If the sale and transfer is made (a) by a vendor,
valid? mortgagor, transferor or assignor who produces and
b. What are the two instances when the sale, transfer, delivers a written waiver of the provisions of the Bulk
mortgage, or assignment of stock of goods, wares, Sales Law from his creditors as shown by a veri_ed
merchandise, provision or materials otherwise than in the statement; or (b) by a by a vendor, mortgagor, transferor
ordinary course of trade and the regular prosecution of the or assignor who is an executor, administrator, receiver,
business of the vendor are not deemed to be a sale or assignee in insolvency, or public ojcer acting under
transfer in bulk. judicial process, the sale or transfer is not covered by
Bulk Sales Law. (1993 Bar)
488 A corporation executed a pay its President/Director, who a. A stock corporation may only acquire its own shares if
(Sec.4 had tendered his resignation, a a certain sum in payment the following conditions are complied with: (1) The capital
0) of the latter’s shares and interests in the company. The of the corporation must not be impaired: (2) A legitimate
corporation defaulted in paying the full amount so that and proper corporate objective is advanced; (3) The
said former President _led suit for collection of the condition of corporate a^airs warrants it; and (4) The
balance before the SEC. transaction is designed and carried out in good faith.
Also, the corporation should have unrestricted retained
a. Under what condition is a stock corporation earnings in its books to cover the shares to be purchased.
empowered to acquire it’s own shares? b. Yes, the arrangement between the corporation and its
b. Is the arrangement between the corporation and President is covered by the Trust Fund Doctrine. The
its President covered by the Trust Fund Doctrine? corporation cannot return what was paid by a stockholder
Explain your answer briewy. for his shares because the subscribed capital is held in
trust by the corporation for its creditors, (1992 Bar)

489 One of the stockholders of VM Corporation has been to No, under the given circumstances VM Corporation
answer for its commitm its shares in VM Co VM cannot acquire its own shares. Section 40 of RCCP
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Corporation is OP Corporation. advancing money to OP requires the existence of unrestricted retained earnings
Corporation ents. OP Corporation is now o^ering rporation before a corporation can acquires its own shares. The
to pay its advances. Can the VM Corporation acquire its cases does not fall under any of the exceptions to the rule
own shares which are in the name of OP Corporation by that unrestricted retained earnings is required. In
way of dacion en pago despite the presence of negative addition, the de0recognition of receivables without
retained earnings in its books? receiving any cash from the debtor would further
aggravate the liquidity position of the company. If the
acquisition is allowed, the corresponding recognition of
treasury shares would further increase the amount of
negative equity of the company.
Sec. XX, a domestic corporation, owns and operates a sugar The rati_cation by the Board of Directors makes the
41 central. In the year 2000, the President of X invested investment valid and binding. The action of the Board is
P1,000,000.00 of company funds in shares of A, a sujcient to approve such investment because it appears
domestic corporation engaged in the manufacture of that the same is in line with the primary purpose of the
sugar bags out of sugarcane by-product as basic raw corporation, the investment by a sugar company in
material. X became the biggest consumer of the bags another corporation engaged in the manufacture of sacks
produced by A. In 2002, A shutdown its operation due to for sugar does not require the rati_cation by a 2/3 vote of
high costs of production and huge losses already su^ered. the outstanding capital stock, since such was done
Stockholder B of X assailed the investment in A as pursuant to the primary purpose of the investing
violative of the Corporation Code. The Board of Directors corporation. It is only when the purchase of shares of
of X then met and rati_ed the investment made by the another corporation is done solely for investment and not
President. What is the e^ect of the rati_cation by the to accomplish the purpose of its incorporation that the
Board? 2/3 vote of stockholders is required. (See De la Rama vs.
Ma-ao Sugar Central Co., Inc.)
ABC Corporation is engaged in the business of a. M should bring his case before the proper Regional Trial
manufacturing soft drinks. For the past 10 years, it has Court because the case is in the nature of an intra-
bought all its bottles XYZ Corporation. Considering the corporate controversy. The jurisdiction of the SEC to hear
volume of its production, it now _nds that it will be more and decide cases involving controversies arising out of
economical to manufacture its own bottles. The Board of intra-corporate relations between any stockholder and
Directors, after studing and discussing the matter the corporation has been transferred to the courts of
thoroughly, decides to set aside the amount of general jurisdiction by virtue of RA No. 8799.
1,000,000.00 for this project. Most of this amount will go
to the cost of equipment and materials. b. No, the matter does not need the approval of the
M is a stockholder of ABC Corporation and is against the stockholders. The action of the Board is sujcient because
investment in the bottling project and would like to under Section 42 of the Corporation Code (now Section
withdraw from the corporation by exercising his appraisal 41 of the RCCP),stockholder's approval is not necessary if
right if the project goes through. He therefore demands the investment is reasonably necessary to accomplish the
that the project be submitted to the stockholders for corporation's primary purpose. In this case, the
approval, but the board refuses to do so on the ground manufacture of bottles is reasonably necessary for the
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that there is no need for such approval and that the corporation's primary business of manufacturing drinks.
calling of a special stockholder's meeting would entail too (1983 Bar)
many expenses.

M, thus, cannot have the opprotunity to exercise his

appraisal right. He wants to sue the board to compel it to
submit the matter to the stockholders and enjoin it from
pursuing the project until the stockholders shall have
approved it.
a. Before whom M _le his suit? Why?
b. Do you think the matter needs the stockholders'
approval or is the action of the Board of Directors
sujcient? Explain.
21. Stikki Cement Corporation (STIKKI) was organized All the proposed actions require only the approval of the
primarily for cement manufacturing. Anticipating board of directors provided that they are reasonably
substantial pro_ts, its President proposed that STIKKI necessary to accomplish the primary purpose of the
invest in (a) power plant project, (b) concrete roads corporation. A power plant that is meant to cater to the
project, and (c) quarry operations for limestone used in needs of the cement factory is reasonably necessary to
the manufacture of cement. What corporate approvals or accomplish the primary purpose. Moreover, construction
votes are needed for the proposed investments? Explain. of concrete roads leading to the factory or the quarry may
also be deemed necessary for the accomplishment of the
primary purpose. With respect to the quarry operations
for the limestone, the same is an indispensable ingredient
in the manufacture of cement and may therefore, be
considered reasonably necessary to accomplish the
primary purpose of STIKKI. (1995 Bar)
Sec. X Corp., has an authorized capital stock of P500,000 Yes, X Corporation may declare stock dividends. X
42 divided into 50,000 shares with each share having a par Corporation has 20,000 unissued shares and unrestricted
value of P10.00, 30,000 shares of which have been retained earnings amounting to P150,000.00. Thus, it can
subscribed. Total payment of the shares is P200,000 only. declare stock dividends up to 15,000 shares because the
AS of September 30, 2005, the corporation had an par value thereof is equal to the unrestricted retained
unrestricted retained earnings of P150,000. May the earnings that are available. The fact that the shareholders
corporation declare a stock dividend? If so, to what have not yet fully paid their shares is not material
extent? Explain. because they are already entitled to all the rights of
shareholders. (1970 Bar)
Taurus Corporation (TC) commenced operations in 1985. No, the Board of Directors cannot declare cash dividends
During that year TC’s loss from operations amounted to out of the revaluation or appraisal surplus. Generally, the
P500,000,00. In 1986, TC recouped its losses in 1985, revaluation or appraisal surplus cannot be declared as
registering a net after tax pro_t of P500,000.00. In the dividend because the same cannot be considered
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same year, the management of the company discovered earnings of the corporation. The surplus is by nature
that a parcel of land originally acquired in 1985 for subject to wuctuations. In addition, SEC Rules require that
P300,000.00 had at least doubled in value and accordingly dividends should come from income from operations.
the Board of Directors of TC, with the conformity of the (1987 Bar)
external auditors and backed up by a valuation report of a
reputable appraiser, recognized a revaluation or appraisal
surplus of P300,000.00. May the Board of Directors of TC
declare a cash dividend out of this surplus? Explain.
After one year of operation, Safe Realty, Inc., wanted to The dividend declaration is improper. The amount
declare dividends to its stockholders. Ramos, its President, corresponding to the value of property cannot be
asked Santos, its Treasurer, whether this is feasible, declared as dividend because the same cannot be
considering the _nancial standing of the corporation. considered earnings of the corporation. The value of the
Santos reported that the corporation posted a P1,000,000 property is by nature subject to wuctuations. IN addition,
pro_t and its real estate has appreciated in value to the SEC Rules require that dividends should come from
tune of P4,000,000. The Board then declared dividends to income from operations.
its stockholders computed on the basis of 5,000,000
representing pro_ts and appreciation in value of its real
estate. Is the dividend declaration proper?
During the annual stockholders' meeting, Riza, a I would rule against the motion. The resolution declaring
stockholder proposed to the body that a part of the stock dividends should _rst be approved by the Board of
corporation's unreserved earned surplus to be capitalized Directors, and it is only thereafter that the Board action
and stock dividends be distributed to the stockholders, will need to be concurred by 2/3 vote of the outstanding
arguing that as owners of the company, the stockholders, capital stock (Section 43, Corporation C ode; Section 42,
by majority vote, can do anything. As the chairman of the RCCP), The stockholders, by themselves, cannot order the
meeting, how would you rule on the motion to declare distribution of unrestricted retained earnings. (1991 Bar)
stock dividends?
Palmavera Corporation has an authorized capital stock of a. Yes, the resolution of the Board of Directors declaring -
P500,000.00, all subscribed and outstanding as of issuance of stock dividends was valid. However, it still
December 31, 1981. The corporation also has unrestricted insujcient for purposes of declaring stock dividend.
retained earnings in its books amounting to P375,000.00, (Section 42, Corporation Code, now Section 42 of the
Since the corporation needed the cash surplus to carry out RCCP)
its expansion projects, the Board of Directors, in its
meeting held on January 5,1989, approved a resolution b. The resolution of the BOD for the declaration of stock
declaring and ordering the issuance of 50% stock dividends shall still be approved by the stockholders
dividends in lieu of cash dividends. representing not less than 2/3 of the outstanding capital
stock, at a regular or special meeting called for the
a. Was the resolution declaring the issuance of purpose. In addition, there must be increase of the
stock dividends valid? Explain your answer. authorized capital stock at least to accomodate the stock
b. What step or steps need be taken in order dividens to be approved by the SEC, inasmuch as the
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that the decision of the Board could be authorized capital stock of Palmavera Corporation was
implemented? State the required vote. fully subscribed already. (Sections 38 and 43, Corporation
Code, now Sections 37 and 42 of the RCCP) (1982 Bar)
ABC Management, Inc. presented to DEF Mining Corp. the No. I would not approve of a proposed stipulation in the
draft of its proposed Management Contract. As an management contract that the managing corporation, as
incentive, ABC included in the terms of compensation that an additional compensation to it, should be entitled to
ABC would be entitled to 10% of any stock dividend which 10% of any stock dividend that may be declared. Only
DEF may declare during the lifetime of the Management stockholders are entitled to dividends. Instead of giving
Contract. Would you approve of such a provision? If not, dividends, the managing corporation should instead be
what would you suggest as an alternative? given net pro_t participation. They can then use the
money to acquire shares of the corporation. (1991 Bar)
For the past three years of its commercial operation, “X” A. Yes. Corporation “X” is guilty of violating Section 43 of
an oil company, has been earning tremendously in excess the Corporation Code (now Section 42 of the RCCP) for
of 100% of the corporation’s paid-in capital. All of the retaining surplus pro_ts in excess of 100% of its paid-in
stockholders have been claiming that they share in the capital.
pro_ts of the corporation by way of dividends but the
Board of Directors failed to lift its _nger. B.Non-declaration of dividends is justi_ed in any of the
following instances: (1) when justi_ed by de_nite
a. Is Corporation “X” guilty of violating a law? If corporate expansion projects or programs approved by
in the ajrmative, state the basis. the BOD; or (2) when the corporation is prohibited under
b. Are there instances when a corporation shall any loan agreement with any _nancial institution or
not be held liable for not declaring dividends? creditor, whether local or foreign, from declaring
Yes. Corporation “X” is guilty of violating dividends without its or his consent, and such consent
Section 43 of the Corporation Code (now has not yet been secured; or (3) when it can be clearly
Section 42 of the RCCP) for retaining surplus shown that such retention is necessary under special
pro_ts in excess of 100% of its paid-in circumstances obtaining in the corporation, such as when
capital. there is need for special reserve for probable
contingencies. (2001 Bar)
At least 2/3 of the stockholders of Solar Corporation, I will not accept the case. Section 43 of the Corporation
meeting upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, Code now Section 42 of the RCCP states that no stock
declared a 50% stock dividend during their annual dividend shall be issued without the approval of the
meeting. The notice of the annual stockholders' meeting stockholders representing not less than 2/3 of the
did not mention anything about a stock dividend outstanding capital stock at a regular or special meeting
declaration. The matter was taken up only under the item duly called for that purpose. The annual meeting of the
"Other Business" in the agenda of the meeting. C.K. stockholders although not a special one called for the
Senwa, a stockholder, who received his copy of the notice purpose of declaring dividends, is a regular meeting
but did not attend the meeting, subsequently learned contemplated by the Code. As such, the notice of meeting
about the 50% stock dividend declaration, and wishes to must also state that one of the purposes is to declare
retain your services as a lawyer for the purpose. Will you stock dividends.
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accept the case? Discuss with reasons.

Ace Cruz subscribed to 100,000 of JP Development Ace Cruz is entitled to be paid cash dividends for all the
Corporation, which has a par value of P1 per share. He 100,000 shares of stock that was covered by his
paid P25,000.00 and promised to pay the balance before subscription. Section 43 of the Corporation Code (Section
Decent 31, 2008. JP Development Corporation declared a 42 of the RCCP) provides that the dividends are payable
cash dividend on October 15, 2008, payable on December to all stockholders on the basis of outstanding stock held
1, 2008. For how many shares is Ace Cruz entitled to be by them. In addition, Section 72 of the Corporation Code
paid cash dividends? Explain. (Section 71 of the RCCP) states that a shareholder is
entitled to all the rights of a shareholder, including the
right to dividends even if he has not fully paid for his
shares of stock. A delinquent shareholder is even entitled
to dividends provided that the cash dividends shall be
applied _rst to the unpaid balance of the subscription
while stock dividends shall be withheld until full payment
of the subscription.
277 At the annual stockholders' meeting of MS Corporation, I advise GK that he cannot have the disquali_cation
the stockholders unanimously passed a resolution I advise GK
provision in that
the the provisionBy-Laws
amended disqualifying certainprovides that
authorizing the Board of Directors to amend the corporate the SEC has already issued a certi_cationvalid,
individuals in the amended By-Laws remains that as thesame is
By-Laws so as to disqualify any stockholder who is also a inSEC has certified
accordance it tothe
with be inRCCP.
line with
Thethe RCCP. The approval
director or stockholder of a competing business from stockholders' approval of delegating
of the delegation of authority to the Board authority to the
to Board
amend forthe
being elected to the BOD of MS Corporation. The By-Laws By-Law meets
By-laws amendments
the 2/3 fulfills
vote therequirement
required 2/3 vote under
under Secthe48 of
were accordingly amended. GK, a stockholder of MS Corporation
the Code (now
Corporation CodeRCCP).(now Additionally,
Sec 47 it's ofestablished
the RCCP).
Corporation and a majority stockholder of a competitor, Moreover, it is disqualifying
that the provision well-settledstockholders
that the involved
provisionin in the
sought election to the BOD of MS Corporation. His amended
competing By-Laws,
businesses disqualifying
from Board election any is
legally soundwho is
nomination was denied on the ground that he was also a director or stockholder
and not contrary to the Corporation Code. of a competing business
ineligible to run for the position. Seeking a nulli_cation of from being elected to the Board of Director is valid. The
the o^ending disquali_cation provision, GK consults you disquali_cation is not inconsistent with the provisions of
about its validity under the Corporation Code of the the Corporation Code.
Philippines. What would your legal advice be?
The Board of Directors of C Corporation, engaged in the The petition has no merit. The Board amended the By-
manufacture of food products, acting on a standing Laws upon authority of the stockholders. As long as the
authority of the stockholders to amend the By-Laws, authority to amend the By-Laws was delegated to the
on amended the By-Laws so as to disqualify any stockholder, Board by the owners of at least 2/3 of the outstanding
standing who is also a stockholder and director of the competitor, capital stock, the delegation is valid and so is the
from being elected to its Board of Directors. S, a
stockholder holding sujcient shares to assure him a seat
amended By-Laws approved by the Board pursuant to
such delegation. Moreover, the amendment in the By-
STOCK- in the Board _led a petition with the Securities and Laws of C Corporation is reasonable and valid. The
Exchange Commission for the declaration of nullity of the doctrine is based on the principle that a director cannot
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amended By-Laws and the cancellation of the Certi_cate serve two masters so to speak. There is a danger that the
of Filing of amended By-Laws. He alleged, among others, director will give preference to one corporation. The
that as stockholder, he had acquired rights inherent in the disquali_cation is only a measure of self-protection
stock ownership such as the right to vote and be voted against directors who may betray the corporation by
upon in the election of directors. Reason upon the merits giving preference to the other. (See Gokongwei, Jr. u. SEC,
of the stockholder's petition. April 11, 1979, 89 SCRA 336) (1981 Bar, See also 2001
Mr. S worked with PV Corporation as administrator from No, the position of PV Corporation is untenable.
May 1, 1981 to December 31, 1983. His contract of Amendments to the By-Laws cannot impair the obligation
employment was not renewed after it expired but he of existing contracts or any vested right. Petitioner is a
continued working for PV Corporation even without a regular employee who is entitled to security of tenure;
written contract. In 1987, PV amended its By-Laws making hence, his services my only be terminated for causes
the position of an administrator co-terminus with the term provided by law. Such security of tenure cannot be
of the Board of Directors, which appointed him. Mr. S was adversely a^ected by any amendment in the By-Laws.
thereafter terminated allegedly because his term was not
renewed after the same expired. Mr. S _led a complaint for
illegal dismissal and PV resisted the complaint arguing
that Mr. S was validly dismissed pursuant to the amended
By-Laws. Is the position of the PV Corporation tenable?
295 Under the Articles of Incorporation of Manila Industrial a. The Chairman or, in his absence, the President
Corporation, its principal place of business shall be in shall preside at the meeting of the directors, unless
Pasig, Metro Manila. The principal corporate ojces are at the By-Laws provide otherwise (Sec 52, RCCP).
the Ortigas Center, Pasig, Metro Manila. The principal b. Yes. Sec 50 of the RCCP (previously Sec 51 of the
corporate ojces are at the Ortigas Center, Pasig, Metro Corporation Code), provides hat stockholders’
Manila while its factory processing leather products, is in meetings, whether regular or special, shall be held
Manila. The Corporation holds its annual stockholders’ in the principal ojce of the corporation, or, if not
meeting at the Manila Hotel in Manila, and its BOD’s practicable, in the city or municipality where the
meeting at a hotel in Makati, Metro Manila. The By-Laws principal ojce of the corporation is located. The
are silent as to the place of meetings of the stockholders AOI the present case is speci_c that the principal
and directors. place of business of Manila Industrial Corporation is
in Pasig, Metro Manila. Hence, the meeting should
a. Who shall preside at the meeting of directors? be held in the principal ojce or if not practicable,
b. Can Ting, a stockholder, who did not attend the in the city where the principal ojce is located,
stockholders’ meeting in Manila question the which is in Pasig. However, if the corporation shows
validity of the corporate resolutions passed at such that it is not practicable to hold the meeting in the
meeting? principal ojce or m Pasig, then the holding of the
c. Can the same stockholder question the validity of meeting in Manila, which is a city in Metro Manila
the resolutions adopted by the BOD at the meeting like Pasig, is valid also under Section 50.
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held in Makati? c. No. Section 52 of the RCCP (previously Section 53

of the Corporation Code) allows the Board of
Directors to hold its meetings anywhere in or
outside the Philippines. The holding of the Board
meeting in Makati was therefore proper and the
validity of the resolutions adopted by the Board in
that meeting cannot be questioned. (1993 Bar)
304 What is a voting trust and what are the legal limitations of A voting trust is a written agreement duly notarized
the voting trust agreement? whereby one or more stockholders transfer their shares of
stock to a trustee for the purpose of vesting into the
trustee the right to vote and other rights pertaining to the
shares, for a period not exceeding _ve years at any one

The legal limitations on voting trusts are as follows: (1)

they must not exceed the period of _ve years at any
time; (2) In the case of a voting trust speci_cally required
as a condition in a loan agreement, said voting trust may
be for a period exceeding _ve years but shall
automatically expire upon full payment of the loan; (3)
They must be in writing and notarized; and (4) They must
specify the terms and conditions thereof. (1985 Bar)
A distressed company executed a voting trust agreement No. The demand of the Company does not tally with the
for a period of three years over 60% of its outstanding concept of a Voting Trust Agreement. The Voting Trust
paid-up capital shares in favor of a bank to whom it was Agreement does not entitle the trustee to possession and
indebted, with the Bank named as trustee. Additionally, control of the properties of the corporation. Neither does
the Company mortgaged all its properties to the Bank. it vest management of the corporation on the trustee.
Because of the insolvency of the Company the Bank The Voting Trust Agreement merely conveys to the
foreclosed the mortgaged properties, and as the highest trustee the right to vote the shares of grantor/s. (1992
bidder, acquired said properties and assets of the Bar)
Company. The three-year period prescribed in the Voting
Trust Agreement having expired, the Company demanded
the turnover and transfer of all its assets and properties,
including the management and operation of the Company,
claiming that under the VTA, the Bank was constituted as
trustee of the management and operations of the
Company. Does the demand of the Company tally with the
concept of a VTA? Explain briewy your answer.
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306 Q College, Inc. o^ered 200 shares to Ms. DC for a No, the claim will not prosper. There was no perfected
subscription price of P20,000.00. The o^er is stated in a subscription contract. Q College did not accept the term of
subscription letter form that states that initial payment payment suggested by Ms. DC during her lifetime. As Ms.
should be made and the subsequent payment should be in DC's letter is at variance with the terms evidenced in the
accordance with the terms and conditions of the college. form, there was no absolute necessity on the part of the
Later, Ms. DC, instead of sending the subscription form, college to express its agreement to DC’s o^er in order to
sent a letter to the Board of Trustees of Q College which bind the latter. Conversely, said acceptance was essential,
states: "Please enter my subscription to dalawang daan because it would be unfair to immediately obligate the Q
(200) shares of your capital stock with a par value of PlOO College under DC’s promise to pay the price of the
each. Enclosed you will _nd (Babayaran kong lahat subscription after she had caused _sh to be caught. In
pagkatapos na ako ay makapag-pahuli ng isda) pesos as other words, the relation between DC and Q College had
my initial payment and the balance payable in accordance only thus reached preliminary stage. There was no binding
with law and the rules and regulations of the Quezon contract in the absence as in the present case of
College. I hereby agree to shoulder the expenses acceptance by the Q College of the counter o^er of DC.
connected with said shares of stock. I further submit
myself to all lawful demands, decisions or directives of the Indeed, the need for express acceptance on the part of the
Board of Q College and all its duly constituted ojcers or Q College becomes the more imperative, in view of the
authorities (ang nasa itaas ay binasa at ipinaliwanag sa fact that the proposal of DC was to pay the value of the
akin sa wikang tagalog na aking nalalaman)." No reply was subscription after she has harvested _sh. There was a
sent by Q College to Ms. DC. Ms, DC died without having condition that was dependent upon DC’s sole will and,
paid any portion of the subscription price. Thereafter, Q therefore, potestative in nature, rendering the obligation
College presented a claim in Ms. DC's testate proceeding, void under the New Civil Code.
for the collection of the sum of P20,000, representing the
value of the subscription to the capital stock. Will the claim
312 X Corporation was organized by _ve individual Yes, the creditors can recover from the subscribers the
incorporators who subscribed to the whole authorized latter’s unpaid subscription. Condonation of the obligation
capital stock of Pl,000,000.00 and who paid P500,000.00. to pay the subscription price violates the Trust Fund
The incorporators, all members of the Board of Directors, Doctrine because it reduces the amount that is supposed
agreed among themselves that the unpaid balance of their to be held in tryst for them. The same is prejudicial to the
subscription will be paid out of expected cash dividends. rights and interests of the creditors of the corporation.
However, no dividends were ever declared. The BOD
decided to condone and cancel the unpaid subscriptions.
This action of the Board was rati_ed by the stockholders by
unanimous vote of the stockholders at a proper meeting.
The creditors of the corporation sued the subscriber for
their unpaid subscription. Can the creditors recover?
Ms. Z subscribed to 100 shares of stock of 3D Corporation Ms. Z is liable. The unpaid subscription becomes due the
43 | R e v i s e d Corporation Code M o r e n o , Ye l l a h O .
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with par value of Pl00.00 each, paying P2,500.00 on her moment the corporation is declared insolvent. Hence, the
subscription. Subsequently, Ms. Z asked Mr. Y, the assignee of the insolvent corporation is well within his
President of the corporation to release her from her right to collect from Ms. Z the unpaid balance of her
subscription. Mr. Y consented provided that Ms. X forfeits subscription. The release made by the President is invalid,
to the company what she had already paid. Ms. Z agreed because under the Trust Fund Doctrine, the capital stock
and Mr. Y gave her a Certi_cate of Release. Not long of the corporation constitutes a fund to which the creditors
afterwards, 3D Corporation went into insolvency and an have a right to look up to for the satisfaction of their
assignee was appointed. The assignee now seeks to collect claims. Hence, the unpaid subscription is part of the
from Ms. Z the unpaid balance of her subscription. Decide amount that can be used to pay the obligations of the
the dispute with reasons. insolvent corporation. (1979 Bar)
317 Assume that you want to be a participant in the business I may use the chargeable fee as payment for shares in the
independently of your being its legal counsel, and that corporation provided that the corporation rati_es or
more investors are expected after the _rm is formally adopts the agreement for the services that I rendered
organized. Explain briewy with legal reasons. Citing the before incorporation. Section 61 of the RCCP provides that
proper law or laws, how may you lawfully charge your fee consideration for the issuance of stock may be, among
and apply them to the payment of your share in the capital other enumerated items, ''labor performed for or services
of the _rm? actually rendered to the corporation." Compensation for
services actually rendered to the corporation is credit that
is property with ascertainable value. Hence, I can continue
to perform services for the company after its organization
and thereafter ask as payment shares in the corporation.
With respect to the services performed prior to
incorporation, the agreement with the incorporators or
promoters is not necessarily binding on the corporation.
The corporation can however ratify the same. In such a
case, the services can then be used as consideration for
shares in the corporation. (1973 Bar)
325 “A,” stockholder of “X” Corporation, assigns his shares of "C" has the better right. A transfer of shares is not binding
stock to “B” for a valuable consideration. The certi_cate of on the corporation if the same is not registered in the
stock was thereupon delivered to “B.” A few days later, “A” books of the corporation. Thus, the transfer must _rst be
died. The heirs of “A” in a Deed of Extrajudicial Partition registered in the name of the transferee in the books of
adjudicated his shares of stock to his son “C.” In the the corporation before he can maintain an action for
meantime, “X” Corporation declared cash dividends and dividends. (See Section 62, RCCP, previously Section 63,
sent the corresponding notice to “A’s” address, “A,” being Corporation Code)
the registered owner of the shares of stocks in the boos of
the corporation. “C” received the notice and by virtue of However, as between "C" and ''B," the transfer is already
the aforestated Deed of Partition claimed payment of the valid because the transfer is binding on the parties and
dividend. “B” likewise claimed payment, asserting their successors in interest. Thus, "B" can _le an action
ownership of the shares by virtue of the assignment made against "C" to recover the dividends. (1981 Bar)
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by “A.” Who has the better right?

Mr. Cruz purchased from Mr. Guzman shares of stock of a Mr. Malic is entitled to the shares. The transfer to Mr. Cruz
mining corporation, which shares were covered by several is not valid because it was not sanctioned by Mr. Malic.
certi_cates indorsed in blank by Mr. Virgilio Malic in whose Transfer by Mr. Guzman of the shares to Mr. Cruz confers
name the same was registered in the books of the no title because the former has no title to the shares. In
corporation. It was later discovered that the said shares addition, the Corporation Code, now the RCCP, provides
have not been sold or otherwise disposed of by Mr. Virgilio that no transfer of the shares of stock shall be valid,
Malic, but had been stolen from where they were kept. except as between the parties, until the transfer is
Who is entitled to said shares, Mr. Cruz or Mr. Malic? recorded in the books of the corporation. The reasonable
Reason. was not registered in the name of Mr. Cruz; it follows that
the transfer allegedly e^ected by Mr. Guzman to Mr. Cruz,
is not valid even against the corporation.
Ricci has in her name 1,000 shares of the capital stock of The refusal of CORPO to recognize and register Erica’s
CORPO Corporation as evidenced by a stock certi_cate. ownership is justi_ed. For a transfer to be valid and
Eddy delivered the stock certi_cate to Erica, who now binding on the corporation the share must be indorsed by
claims to be the real owner of the shares, having paid for the owner or his agent and the transfer must be recorded
Ricci’s subscription. CORPO Corporation refused to in the books the corporation. The stock certi_cate for the
recognize and register Erica’s ownership. Is the refusal 1,000 shares question is in the name of Ricci and it does
justi_ed? Explain. not appear that the same was duly endorsed by Ricci at
the time it was delivered to Erica. (1996 Bar)
"A" is the registered owner of Stock Certi_cate No. 000011. a. No, A may not claim the shares from "X". A
He entrusted the possession of said certi_cate to his best estopped from questioning the transfer. "A" placed
friend "B" who borrowed the said endorsed certi_cate to "B" in such a position that it appeared to third
support B's application for passport (or for a purpose other parties that he ("B") is the owner of the shares. The
than transfer). But "B" sold the certi_cate to ''X," a bona certi_cate of stock covering said shares was duly
_de purchaser who relied on the endorsed certi_cates and endorsed by "A" and entrusted by him to "B."
believed him to be the owner thereof.
b. No, the answer would not be the same. Article 559
A. Can "A" claim the shares of stocks from "X''? of the New Civil Code provides that one who has
Explain. lost any movable or has been unlawfully deprived
B. Would your answer be the same if "A" lost the stock thereof, may recover it from the person in
certi_cate in question or if it was stolen from him? possession of the same. In the present case, if the
certi_cate of stock was lost or stolen from "A," "A"
has a right to claim the certi_cate of stock from the
thief, or the latter's transferee, who has no right or
title to the same. (2001 Bar)
On October 20, 1994, the Board of Directors of MSC, Inc., No, the action will not prosper. Undeniably, on December
adopted a resolution authorizing the sale of 19 unissued 27, 1995, when M Corporation o^ered for sale one Class
shares at a woor price of P400,000.00 and P450,000.00 per "A" share of stock to MSC for the price of P2,800,000.00
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share for Class A and B, respectively. On July 7, 1995, Mr. H for the latter to exercise its pre-emptive right it legally had
expressed his interest to buy a share and requested that the right to do so since it was already an owner of a Class
his name be included in the waiting list. In November "A" share by virtue of its payment on November 28, 1995,
1995, M Corporation likewise expressed interest in and the Deed of Absolute Share dated December 15,
acquiring a share of MSC and one Class “A” was acquired 1995, notwithstanding the fact that the stock certi_cate
for 1,800,000 through Urban Bank. The certi_cate was was issued only on January 5, 1996. A certi_cate of stock
actually issued only on January 5, 1996. On December 15, is the paper representative or tangible evidence of the
1995, the Deed of Absolute Sale was executed by MSC and stock itself and of the various interests therein. The
M. Corpo for such purpose. On December 27, 1995, M certi_cate is not a stock in the corporation but is merely
Corporation sent a letter to MSC giving notice to its o^er to evidence of the holder's interest and status in the
resell the share and for the MSC to exercise its pre-emptive corporation, his ownership of the share represented
right under the By-Laws. It appears that while the sale thereby. It is not equivalent to ownership under the law. It
between MSC and M Corp was still under negotiations, expresses the contract between the corporation and the
there were negotiations between M Corp and Mr. H for the stockholder, but is not essential to the existence of a
purchase by the latter of a share. On November 24, 1995, share of stock or the nature of the relation of shareholder
Mr. H paid M Corp. 1,400,000. Another payment of to the corporation. M Corp. properly complied with the
1,400,000 was made by Mr. H to Mr. Corp on December 27, requirement of the By-Laws on MSC's pre-emptive rights.
1995, to complete the purchase price of P2,800,000.00. On MSC failed to repurchase the Class "A" share from M Corp.
February 7, 1996, MSC was advised of the sale by M Corp.
to Mr. H. MSC thereafter _led an action for damages Neither can MSC argue that M Corp. was not yet a
alleging that M Corp. should be made to pay the sum of registered owner of the share of stock when the latter
P1,000,000.00 to MSC, representing the amount MSC had o^ered it for resale in order to void the transfer from M
been allegedly defrauded, together with interest and Corp. to Mr. H. The corporation's obligation to register is
damages. Will the action prosper? ministerial upon the buyer's acquisition of ownership of
the share of stock. The corporation, either by its board, its
By-Laws, or the act of its ojcers cannot create restrictions
in stock transfers. (Makati Sports Club, Inc. u. Cecile H.
Cheng, et al., G.R. No. 178523, June 16, 2010
329 Mr. Balimbing signed a written subscription for 100 shares a. Yes. The Corporate Secretary validly refused to
of stock of Laban and Co., paying 25% of the amount issue the stock certi_cate. No certi_cate of stock
thereof. The corporation subsequently became insolvent shall be issued unless the full amount of the
due to a series of _nancial reverses. Mr. Balimbing subscription prince, he cannot demand the issuance
demanded from the Corporate Secretary the stock of the certi_cates.
certi_cates corresponding to 25 shares which he claimed b. No. Mr. Balimbing has no right to refuse the pay the
was already paid. Since the corporation was insolvent, Mr. balance of the subscription prince. The subscribed
Balimbing refused to pay for his remaining unpaid capital is deemed to be held in trust for the
subscription. creditors of the corporation. While as a rule, a call is
A. Can the Corporate Secretary validly refuse to issue necessary to make the obligation to pay due and
stock certi_cates in the name of Mr. Balimbing for 25 demandable, the same is not necessary if the
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shares despite the payment of 25% of the corporation becomes insolvent. The obligation to
subscription of 100 shares? Reasons. pay arises when the corporation becomes insolvent
B. Is Mr. Balimbing correct in refusing to pay for the because the trust fund is now necessary to
remaining shares, the Company being already discharge corporate liabilities.
insolvent. Reasons.
340 Mercy subscribed to 1,000 shares of stock of Rosario Yes. Sec 72 of the Corporation Code (now Sec 71 of the
Corporation. She paid 225% of said subscription. During RCCP) provides the full payment of subscription is not
the stockholders’ meeting, can Mercy vote all her required to make one a stockholder and holders of non-
subscribed shares? Explain your answer. delinquent shares shall have all the rights of a stockholder.
There is no showing in this case that Mercy holds
delinquent shares. Mercy is, thus, entitled to all the rights
of a stockholder upon the perfection of the subscription
agreement, which rights include the right to vote during
the stockholders’ meeting.
A small stockholder of a Bank _led a suit praying for No. A stockholder has the right to _le a derivative suit to
injunction to prevent the approval of the appointments of question the appointments. The directors cannot be
two persons whom he claimed were being appointed to expected to nullify the appointments; hence, a stockholder
their positions only for the purpose of shielding from can bring a derivative suit on behalf of the corporation. It
criminal prosecution the controlling stockholder, alleged to would be futile for the stockholder to ask the Board to
be committing fraud in the bank a^airs. Defendants were bring the suit because said Board was the one responsible
the Board of Directors of the Bank, the two persons, whose for the questioned appointments.
appointments were being questioned, and the controlling
stockholder of the bank. These defendants moved to
dismiss the suit on the ground that a mere stockholder is
not allowed to question the appointments because they
were corporate acts. Should the case be dismissed?
A group of stockholders of Sesame Corporation _led a No. The action will not prosper. The shareholders have no
court suit against the members of the BOD to make good right to the corporate assets until liquidation. Hence, they
to the shareholders, in proportion to their shareholdings, cannot ask for shares in whatever is due to the
the losses incurred by the corporation because of the corporation. Moreover, even if there is a cause of action
defendant BOD’s management. Will the action prosper? against the directors, the proper party to _le the case is
Reasons. the corporation. The shareholders may _le a derivative
suit but the reliefs should be in favor of the corporation.
341 A became stockholder of Prime Real Estate Corporation a. a. 10. It is required for the _ling of a derivative suit
(PREC) in July 10, 1991, when he was given one share by that the person who initiates the suit was a
another stockholder to qualify him as a director. A was not stockholder at the time of the transaction in
re-elected director in July 1, 1992 annual meeting but he question. The transaction in question was entered
continued to be a registered shareholder of PREC. When he into before Mr. A became a shareholder. However, if
was still a director, A discovered that on January 5, 1991, the act complained of is a continuing one, A may
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PREC issued free of charge 10,000 shares to X, a lawyer _le the derivative suit. It does not appear that the
who assisted in a court case involving PREC. act is a continuing one in this case.
a. Can A now bring an action in the name of the b. No. the right to _le a derivative suit pertains to all
corporation to question the issuance of the shares to shareholders. Even a shareholder owning one share
X without receiving any payment? is entitled to such right.
b. Can X question the right of A to sue him in behalf of c. No. Watered shares are those sold by the
the corporation on the ground that A has only one corporation for less than the par or book value. In
share in his name? the instant case, there must be proof that the value
c. Can the shares issued to X be considered watered of the services rendered by X is less than the total
stocks? par value of the shares issued in his name in order
for such shares to be considered as watered stocks.
The Board of Directors of P Corporation approved a No, the action will not prosper. The action of the minority
resolution authorizing the acquisition of up to 100% of the shareholders should be dismissed for being moot and
common stocks of J Corporation. The Board speci_cally academic. Where he issues have become moot and
appointed one of its Directors, Mr. S, to act as attorney-in- academic, there is no justiciable controversy, thereby
fact and proxy who could vote all the shares of P rendering the resolution of the same of no practical use or
Corporation in J Corporation. Mr. S, by virtue of such power, value. Since the resolution of the Board was rati_ed by the
was able to constitute the Board of J Corporation. The stockholders, the acquisition by P Corporation of J
Board of P Corporation likewise approved that the payment Corporation is no longer just the act of the Board but also
of the shares of J Corporation shall be made by transferring o^ the stockholders. By rati_cation, even an unauthorized
the real property of P Corporation to J Corporation. act of an agent becomes the authorized act of the
principal. To declare the resolution null and void will serve
The property to be transferred constitutes substantially all no practical use or value or a^ect any of the rights of the
of the assets of P Corporation. The decision of the Board parties because the approval of the stockholders will still
was later rati_ed by the stockholders representing 74% of remain valid and binding.
the outstanding capital. However, before the stockholder’s
meeting where such rati_cation was made, the minority
stockholders _led a derivative suit asking the Court to
declare null and void the resolution of the Board. Will the
action prosper?
352 A owns 100 out of 10,000 shares in the Manufacturers’ No. A stockholder's right to inspect does not cover
Bank. He _led a suit against B for damages due to an inspection of bank accounts. The Secrecy of Bank Deposits
alleged breach of contract. A secures a favorable judgment Law makes all bank deposits of whatever nature
against B but fails to obtain full satisfaction thereof. A absolutely con_dential in nature and the same may not be
receives a tip that B has a big time deposit with inquired into by any person except under speci_ed
Manufacturers’ Bank. B is not aware that A is stockholder circumstance. The circumstances herein involved do not
in the said bank. A goes to the bank and demands the right fall under any of the exceptions under the Bank Secrecy
to inspect the records of the bank to _nd out whether B Law. Independent of the foregoing, the purpose of the
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has indeed such a time deposit and how much. The bank inspection is likewise not acceptable because it is alien to
manager refuses to accede to his demand. A threatens to all the other rights of the shareholder. (1983 Bar)
sue him on the ground that as a stockholder of the
corporation, he is given by the RCCP the right to inspect all
the books of the corporation. Is A entitled to look at the
bank's records of deposits? Explain.
Petitioner who is a stockholder of Bilmoko Corporation a. The case should be decided in favor of the
wanted to examine the books and records of a foreign petitioner. The right of a stockholder to inspect the
subsidiary wholly owned by Bilmoko Corporation. The book books and records of a corporation extends to a
and records of the foreign subsidiary were in the subsidiary wholly owned by the corporation. It is in
possession of Bilmoko Corporation. The latter's board of consonance with equity, good faith and fair dealing
directors refused to allow the petitioner to examine the if the right of the shareholder will be so extended.
said books and records. contending that the foreign b. The shareholder’s right to inspect the corporate
subsidiary is a separate and distinct corporation domiciled book may be exercised only if the following are
in another country; hence, the petitioner was not within present: (a) when it is exercised at a reasonable
the class of persons having an interest in the operations of hour on business days; (2) when the stockholder
the foreign subsidiary. has not improperly used any information he secured
A. Decide the case. through any previous examination; and (3) when
B. What are the limitations on a stockholder' right to the demand is made in good faith or for a legitimate
inspect corporation books and records? purpose. Hence, absent any of the foregoing, the
corporation can deny the stockholder’s exercise of
the right to inspect corporate books or records.
Don Mariano was able to secure a favorable judgment Yes, the stand of the Bank Manager is legally tenable. A
against Nestor Pe for recovery of a sum of money and the stockholder has the right to inspect the corporate books
said judgment had become _nal and executory. Don under Section 73 of the RCCP. However, the right to
Mariano was informed by someone that Nestor Pe might inspect the books of a corporation is subject to special
have a sizable savings deposit with Xena Commercial law, like Republic Act No. 1405 or the Bank Deposit
Bank, of which Don Mariano was a stockholder, with one Secrecy Law which operates as an exception to the
share registered in his name. Immediately he rushed to the general rule. (1985 Bar)
Bank and demanded from the Bank Manage; that he be
shown the Bank records to see if Nestor Pe really had such
savings deposit. When the Bank Manager refused and
invoked Republic Act No. 1405, Don Mariano cited his right
as a stockholder to inspect corporate records. Is the stand
of the Bank Manager legally tenable? Explain.
364 Two corporations agreed to merge. They then executed an a. No. It is not necessary for the absorbed corporation
agreement specifying the surviving corporation and the to undertake dissolution and winding up procedure.
absorbed corporation. Under the agreement of merger Once the merger is approved by the SEC, the
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dated November 5, 1998, the surviving corporation absorbed corporation is automatically dissolved and
acquired all the rights, properties and liabilities of the its assets and liabilities are acquired and assumed
absorbed corporation. by the surviving corporation.
b. No. The approval of the SEC is the operative act
A. What would happen to the absorbed corporation? that makes the merger e^ective. Before approval by
Must the absorbed corporation undertake dissolution the SEC of the merger, the two corporations
and winding up procedures? Explain your answer. involved in the merger are still separate and distinct
B. Pending the approval of the merger by the SEC, may from each other.
the surviving corporation already institute suits to c. The argument is not meritorious. The receivables
collect all receivables due to the absorbed pertain to the surviving corporation whether or not
corporation from its customers? Explain your the same were incurred by the absorbed
answer. corporation before or after the merger agreement,
C. A case was _led against a customer to collect on the or before or after the approval thereof by the SEC.
promissory note issued by him after the date of the Section 79 of the RCCP does not make any
merger agreement. The customer raised the defense distinction as to the assets and liabilities of the
that while the receivables as of the date of the absorbed corporation that the surviving corporation
merger agreement were transferred to the surviving would inherit. (1999 Bar)
corporation, those receivables which were created
after the merger agreement remained to be owned
by the absorbed corporation. These receivables
would be distributed to the stockholders
conformably with the dissolution and liquidation
procedures under the RCCP. Discuss the merits of
this argument.
371 The Articles of Incorporation of X Corporation provides that No, the appraisal right does not arise each time that the
preferred shares shall earn cumulative dividends of 6% to BOD _xes the terms and conditions of the preferred shares
16% as the Board may determine. Assume that the considering that such authority was given to them at the
delegation of power to the Board is valid. Can a outset and such delegation is not unlimited (if and when
shareholder exercise an appraisal right every time the revised) and would not change or restrict the rights of the
Board declares dividends and _xes the rate thereof within stockholders or class of shares or create preferences in
the limitations provided for in said By-Laws provision? any respect superior to those of the outstanding shares of
any class.
The Board of Directors of P Corporation approved a a. Yes, appraisal right was available. The decision of
resolution authorizing the acquisition of up to 100% of the the Board is in the nature of investment of
common stocks of J Corporation. The Board speci_cally corporate property in another corporation. Sec 42 of
appointed one of its Directors, Mr. S, to act as attorney-in- the Corporation Code, (now Sec 411 of the RCCP)
fact and proxy who could vote all the shares of P expressly provides an appraisal right to all
Corporation in J Corporation. The Board likewise approved dissenting stockholders in actions of such nature. In

Appraisal right- RIGHT TO Dissent anD

Demand Payment
For the Fair value of MeIR shares
* amenyment to the AOI * Mercer / conSoLIDATION

↓ sale, 50Lease
|Revise d C o r p o r a t i ok
, exchange
o n comparate
Code assets Investment of corporate Funds
& M o r e n o , Ye l l a h O .
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that the payment of the share shall be made by addition, the existence of an appraisal right is
transferring the real property of P Corporation. The provided for under paragraph (2) of Section 81 of
property to be transferred constitutes substantially all of the Corporation Code (now Section 80 of the RCCP)
the assets of the corporation. The decision of the Board because of P Corporation decided to transfer
was later rati_ed by the stockholders representing 74% of substantially all of the properties of the corporation.
the outstanding capital. However, before the stockholder' b. No, the contention is not tenable. The minority
meeting where such rati_cation was made, the minority stockholders themselves cause the unavailability of
stockholders _led a derivative suit asking the Court to the appraisal right by _ling their complaint even
declare null and void the resolution of the Board. before the Resolution of the Board could be
a. Was appraisal right available? presented to the stockholders of P Corporation for
b. The minority shareholders claimed that the appraisal approval or rejection.
"T" cannot use the appraisal right. When shares marked as dissenting are transferred
right was not available because appraisal right may and their certificates are canceled, the original owner loses their dissenting
be exercised only by stockholders who had voted shareholder rights, and the new owner gets regular shareholder rights. Also, to use the
against the proposed action. Is the contention appraisal right, the shareholder must have voted against the corporate action, which
tenable? "T" didn't do. Therefore, "T" can't exercise the right of appraisal.
In a stockholders’ meeting, S dissented from the corporate No, T cannot exercise the right of appraisal. Appraisal right
act converting preferred voting shares to non-voting cease. Section 85 of the RCCP provides that if the shares
shares. Thereafter, S submitted his certi_cates of stock for represented by the certi_cates bearing a notation that
notation that his shares are dissenting. The next day, S they are dissenting shares are transferred, and the
transferred his shares to T to whom new certi_cates were certi_cates are consequently cancelled, the rights of the
issued. Now, T demands from the corporation the payment transferor, like S, as a dissenting stockholder shall cease
of the value of his shares. Can T exercise the right of and the transferee, like T, shall have al] the rights of a
appraisal. Reason briewy. regular stockholder; and all dividend distributions that
would have accrued on such shares shall be paid to the
transferee. In addition, 1t is also required that the
appraisal right is exercised by any stockholder who voted
against the proposed corporate action. T was not the one
who voted for the action. (2007 Bar)
386 The members of ABC Corporation, a non-stock corporation, No. The o^setting will amount to distribution of the assets
contributed an amount for a corporate activity. However, of the corporation. The properties of a non-stock
the total amount that was contributed was more than corporation cannot be distributed and the members
sujcient for the activity; hence, a balance of P500,000.00 cannot reduce the corporate capital unless the corporation
was left with the corporation. There is a proposal to o^set is dissolved. Receivables from the members are
the unused contribution against the balance of the considered assets of the corporation and may not
receivables from the members. Is the proposal in therefore be distributed. (SEC Opinion, November 27,
accordance with law? 1985) UNLESS THE CORPORATION IS DISSOLVED .

The AB Memorial Foundation, Inc. was incorporated as a a. Yes, as long as the amount of donation is
non-pro_t, non-stock corporation in order to establish and reasonable, the donation is allowed under Section
51 | R e v i s e d Corporation Code M o r e n o , Ye l l a h O .
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maintain a library and museum in honor of the deceased 35(i) of the RCCP.
parents of the incorporators. Its Articles of Incorporation b. The action is ultra vires. The purposes of the
provides for a Board of Trustees composed of 5 corporation are limited to the establishment and
incorporators, which is authorized to admit new members. maintenance of the library and museum as stated
The AI also allows the foundation to receive donations from in the problem; thus, the foundation cannot operate
members. As of January 30, 1993, 60 members had been a specialty restaurant that caters to the general
admitted by the Board of Trustees. public. However, it may also be possible to establish
a. Can the Foundation use the funds donated to it by that the act of the corporation is justi_ed by
its members the purchase of food and medicine for showing that the restaurant's purpose is to raise
distribution to the victims of the Pinatubo eruption? funds to support the library and museum.> Und Raising

b. Can the Foundation operate a specialty restaurant c. There is no quorum to do business because there
that caters to the general public in order to augment are only two members of the Board of Trustees
its funds? remaining. Consequently, the vacancies will have to
c. One of the original trustees died while two others be _lled up in a special meeting of the members.
resigned because they immigrated to the United (Section 28, RCCP; 1993 Bar)
States. How will the vacancies in the Board of
Trustees be _lled?
395 Ten classmates, all graduates of Class '7 of the Lo Banos a. a. No Gatas Atbp., Inc. is a close corporation, and its
School of Agriculture and Husbandry, decided to form APO can provide that the business of the
Gatas Atbp., Inc.," the principal purpose of which is to corporation be managed by the stockholders rather
produce, package, and sell carabao's milk. The Articles of than by a BOD. Thus under Section 96 of the RCCP,
Incorporation provided, among others, that the business of the provision that makes the stockholders
the corporation shall be managed by the stockholders of managers, precludes Mr. Sakit-ulo from demanding
the corporation rather than by a board of directors and that the stockholders meet m order to elect
restrict the transfer of shares to outsiders. directors of the company.
One of the ten classmates, Mr. Sakit-ulo disgruntled at the b. Yes. Ms. Sakit-tiyan has a cause of action against
way the a^airs of the corporation was being handled, the stockholders. The stockholders who are
demanded that all the ten stockholders meet to elect managers of the close corporation are liable for
directors. Meanwhile, Ms. Sakit-tiyan, sued all the ten corporate torts. Said stockholders are_ made
classmates-stockholders for damages for violation of the personally liable for corporate torts unless the
Food, Drugs Cosmetics Act - a cockroach was found in the corporation has obtained reasonably adequate
milk she drank, the package of which bore the inscription liability insurance. Negligence need not be proven
"produced, packaged, and sold by Gatas Atbp., Inc.” to warrant liability by manufacturers of foodstu^
A. Can Mr. Sakit-ulo demand that a stockholders’ under Article 2187 because the liability under the
meeting be called to elect directors of the same prov1S10n is in the nature of strict liability.
corporation? (1988 Bar)
B. Does Mr. Sakit-tiyan have a cause of action against OMG TORTS
all the ten classmates-stockholders, albeit no
: )
Sec 100 actions taken
. By Directors Close
of a
Corporation wo meeting are considered vaLID

52 | R e v i s e d Corporation Code n o DIRECTORS

o r eThe
It Written Consent IS Obtained FromMALL , Ye l l a h O .
INVOLVED XU College of Law

negligence has been proven? NO APPROVAL BY The BOARD In a meeting CaLLeD FOR SUCH MeeTING

Mr. A, a member of the board of directors of XYZ No. The contract cannot be questioned on such ground.
Corporation, a close corporation, engaged the services of Section 100 of the RCCP provides that any action by the
Mr. X to provide technical service to the corporation. No directors of a close corporation without a meeting shall
meeting was held to approve the contract with Mr. X. nevertheless be deemed valid if, among other cases,
However, all director signed the contract. Can the contract before or after such action is taken, written consent of the
be questioned on the ground that there was no approval by action taken is signed by all the directors. In this case, all
the board in a meeting called for such purpose? the directors signed the contract; hence, the same
partakes of the nature of a written consent that makes a
meeting of the directors no longer necessary.
The stockholders of ABC Corporation, a corporation Yes, the stockholders are liable. The _fth paragraph of
organized as a close corporation, were sued by an Section 99 of the RCCP speci_cally imposes personal
employee, Mr. X, for separation pay. At that time the liability upon the stockholders who are actively managing
stockholders are the ones managing the close corporation. or operating the business and a^airs of the corporation.
The stockholders do not dispute that the separation pay This covers cases involving tort liability. Tort under Sec 99
was unlawfully withheld. However, they invoke the doctrine consists in the violation of a right given or the omission of
to separate personality in support of their position that a duty imposed by law. In this case, there was an omission
they are not liable. Are the stockholders liable? of a duty to pay separation pay. TORT LIABILITY
Rafael inherited from his uncle 10,000 shares of Sta. Ana Yes. In a close corporation, the restriction as to the
Corporation, a close corporation. The shares have a par transfer of shares bas to be stated/annotated in the
value of 10.00 per share. Rafael noti_ed Sta. Ana that he Articles of Incorporation, the By-Laws, and the Certi_cate
was selling his shares at P70 00 per share. There being no of stock. This serves as notice to the person dealing with
takers among the stockholders, Rafael sold the same to his such shares like Rafael in this case. With such notice, be is
cousin Vicente (who is not a stockholder) for 700,000.00. bound by the pricing stated in the By-Laws. (1994 Bar)

The Corporate Secretary refused to transfer the shares in

Vicente's name in the corporate books because Alberto
one of the stockholders, opposed the transfer on the
ground that the same violated the by-laws. Alberto o^ered
to buy the shares at Pl2.50 per share, as _xed by the by-
laws or a total price of P125,000.00 only.

While the by-laws of Sta. Ana provides that the right of _rst
refusal can be exercised "at a price not exceeding 25%
more than the par value of such shares, "the Articles of
Incorporation simply provides that the stockholders of
record” shall have preferential right to purchase said
shares." It is silent as to pricing.
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Is Rafael bound by the pricing proviso under the by-laws of

Sta. Ana Corporation?
Robert, Rey, and Ben executed a joint venture agreement Robert can petition the SEC to arbitrate the dispute. Under
to form a close corporation under the Corporation Code, Sec 103 of the RCCP, if the directors or stockholders are so
the outstanding capital of which the three of them would divided respecting the management of the corporation’s
equally own. They also provided therein that any corporate business and a^airs that the votes required for any
act would need the vote of 70% of the outstanding capital corporate action cannot be obtained, with the
stock. The terms of the agreement were accordingly consequence that the business and a^airs of the
implemented and the corresponding close corporation was corporation can no longer be conducted to the advantage
incorporated. After three years, Robert, Rey, Rey and Ben of the stockholder, the SEC shall have the power to
could not agree on the business in which to invest the arbitrate the dispute. (1995 Bar)
funds of the corporation. Robert wants the deadlock
broken. What are the remedies available to Robert under
the RCCP to break the deadlock? Explain.

426 "X" Corporation brought an action against Y for the No, the defense is not valid. In the _rst place, the SEC has
collection of a sum of money. Y set up the defense that X not yet approved the dissolution. Secondly, even if there
had no legal capacity to sue because it was no longer in was a duly approved dissolution, the corporate existence
existence a week before the suit was _led. The does not automatically cease. The corporation has three
stockholders held a meeting whereat a resolution was years after dissolution to liquidate its a^airs. (1968 Bar)
adopted unanimously dissolving said corporation. Is the
defense valid? Give reasons.
X" Corporation shortened its corporate life by amending its The prime property of "X" Corporation can be liquidated
articles of incorporation. It has no debts but owns a prime among the _ve stockholders through any of the following
property located in Quezon City. How would the said modes: (1) liquidation through the Board of Directors; (2)
property be liquidated among the _ve stockholders of said liquidation through a trustee to whom the properties are
corporation? Discuss two methods of liquidation. conveyed; and (3) liquidation through a receiver. The
board, the trustee, or the receiver as the case may be will
then convey the property and distribute it among the
creditors after paying the corporate debts. It is submitted
that the speci_c property may either be sold and the
proceeds thereof distributed to the stockholders after
paying corporate debts or they may actually physically
divide the property if no creditor will be a^ected. (2001
Bar) Memorize !!
"Acme Corporation" _led a complaint for collection against D’s contention is untenable. If there is still a pending case
"D." While the case was pending, Acme Corporation when the 3 year period to liquidate expired and there is no
amended its OI to shorten its terms of existence up to trustee that is appointed, the counsel of the corporation
December 31, 2015. The SEC approved the amendment. who prosecuted and represented the interest of the
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The trial court, however, was not noti_ed thereof, so that corporation may be considered a trustee of said
the proceedings therein continued until May 5, 2016, when corporation with respect to the same case and he can
“D,” learning of the dissolution, questioned the personality continue to represent the corporation.
of the corporation to continue prosecuting the dissolved,
but had not taken steps to wind up its a^airs and transfer
its assets to a trustee or assignee within the 3-year period
under the law, it had ceased to exist for all purposes.
Decide the case with reasons.
The corporation, once dissolved, thereafter continued to be The _nal settlement can be made through the Board of
a body corporate for three years for purposes of Directors. The members of the Board of Directors can
prosecuting and defending suits by and against it and of continue with the winding of the corporate a^airs until
enabling it to settle and close its a^airs, culminating in the _nal liquidation. They can act as trustees or receivers for
_nal disposition and distribution of its remaining assets. If this purpose.
the three-year extended life expires without a trustee or
receiver being designated by the corporation within that
period and that time (expiry of the three-year extended
term), the corporate liquidation is not yet over, how, if at
all, can a _nal settlement of the corporate a^airs be made?
The Securities and Exchange Commission approved the I will advise them that the cases could be pursued beyond
amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of GHQ the last day of the corporate existence. Although Section
Corporation shortening its corporate life to only 25 years in 139 of the RCCP provides that the corporation continues to
accordance with Section 136 of the RCCP. As shortened, be a body corporate for three years after its dissolution for
the corporation continued its business operations until May the purpose of prosecuting and defending suits by and
30, 2019, the last day of its corporate existence. Prior to against it and for enabling it to settle and close its a^airs,
said date, there were a number of pending civil actions, of the expiration of the said period does not mean that the
varying nature but mostly money claims _led by creditors, pending cases will be terminated. Pending suits upon the
none of which was expected to be completed or resolved expiration of the 3-year period after its dissolution may be
within _ve years from May 30, 2019. If the creditors had prosecuted by the lawyer who is handling the cases and
sought your professional help at that time about whether the latter will act as the trustee for such purpose.
or not their cases could be pursued beyond May 30, 2019,
what would have been your advise?
446 SCEH is a corporation organized in Hong Kong and Yes, SCEH is doing business in the Philippines and
↑am1- operates a network system (referred to as SEN) in several consequently it must secure a license to do business. The
countries. Its servers are in the United States while its applicable rule is the Twin Characterization Text, which
employees are in Hong Kong. SEN is an inline platform that essentially means a foreign corporation is doing business
Rize !!! o^ers various contents and services including online if the transaction is in the pursuit of the main business of
community and gaming system. A person who wants to the foreign corporation and there is an intent to continue
participate must create a SEN account. Hence, even if the same. In the present case, the following indicates that
SCEH has no physical presence in the country, people in SCEH is continuing the substance and body of its business
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the Philippines can also participate by creating accounts. A in the Philippines: (a) funding the online SEN wallet; (b)
SEN account holder can buy content and services from SEC o^ering and selling services; (c) accepting online
only by using funds from an associated SEN online wallet, payments including Philippine currency; (d) marketing or
which can be funded by using a credit, debit or prepaid advertising; € hiring of independent contractors for
card sold in the Philippines through independent advertising or marketing and for selling pre-paid cards.
contractors. SCEH also markets its products through
independent contractors. Is SCEH doing business in the
477 X Corporation is engaged in a scheme whereby an investor Yes, X Corporation is engaged in the business of
is required to become a Business Center Owner (ECO) who distributing securities in the form of investment contract.
must _ll-up and sign its application form. The Terms and To be a security subject to regulation by the SEC, an
Condition printed at the back of the application form investment contract must be proved to be: (1) an
indicate that th: BCO shall mean an independent investment of money, (2) in a common enterprise, (3) with
representative of Power Homes, who is enrolled in the expectation of pro_ts, and (4) primarily from e^orts of
company's referral program and who will ultimately others. In this case, what BCO is really acquiring is the
purchase real property from any accredited real estate possibility of deriving money from the sale of the plans.
developers and as such he is entitled to a referral Once an individual has purchased a Plan, _he turns his
bonus/commission. Paragraph 5 of the same indicates that e^orts toward bringing others into the organization, for
there exists no employer/employee relationship between which he will receive a part of what they pay. His task is to
the BCO and the Power Homes Unlimited, Corp. The BCO is bring prospective purchasers to "Adventure Meetings."
required to pay US$234 as his enrollment fee. His (Power Homes Unlimited Corporation v. Securities and
enrollment entitles him to recruit two investors who should Exchange Commission, G.R. No. 164182, February 26,
pay US$234 each and out of which amount he shall receive 2008; See also 2010 Bar)
US$92. In case the two referrals/enrollees would recruit a
minimum of four (4) persons each recruiting two (2)
persons who become his/her own down lines, the BCO will
receive a total amount of US$147.20 after deducting the
amount of US$36.80 as property fund from the gross
amount ofUS$184. After recruiting 128 persons in a period
of eight (8) months for each Left and Right business groups
or a total of 256 enrollees whether directly referred by the
BCO or through his down lines, the BCO who receives a
total amount of US$11,412.80 after deducting the amount
of US$363. 20 as property fund from the gross amount of
US$1 l , 776, has now an accumulated amount of US$2,
700 constituting as his Property Fund placed in a Property
Fund account with the Chinabank. This accumulated
amount of US$2, 700 is used as partial/full down payment
56 | R e v i s e d Corporation Code M o r e n o , Ye l l a h O .
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for the real property chosen by the BCO from any of

(petitioner's] accredited real estate developers. Is X
Corporation involved in the distribution of securities?
477 W.J. Howey Company Yes, the contracts are investment contracts that are
securities under the law. The companies are o^ering more
than fee simple interests in land, something di^erent from
a farm or orchard coupled with management services.
They are o^ering an opportunity to contribute money and
to share in the pro_ts of a large citrus fruit enterprise
managed and owned by the companies. They are o^ering
this opportunity to persons who reside in di^erent
localities and who lack the equipment and experience
requisite to cultivation, harvesting and marketing of citrus
us products. The respective shares of the purchasers are
evidenced by contracts that are convenient instruments of
determining the shares in the pro_ts. The resulting
transfer of rights in the land is merely incidental.
Consequently, all the elements of a pro_t-seeking
business venture are present. The investor provides the
capital and share in the earnings and pro_ts; the promoter
manages, controls, and operates the enterprise. Thus,
investment contracts are involved regardless of the legal
terminology in which such contracts are clothed.
T Corporation has a business plan under which it will Yes the transactions are investment contracts that are
assign leasehold rights over the lots and condotel units for investment contracts that are under SRC. What is involved
a valuable consideration and the assignees will enroll said is a scheme whereby a person invests his money in the
units und a management contract with T Corporation or its common enterprise and is led to expect pro_ts primarily
authorized condotel operator to undertake the leasing of through the e^orts of others. T Corporation is o^ering
the same wherein the pro_ts will be realized and rem1tte more than leasehold rights but also the opportunity to
tot e assignee on top of the guaranteed aggregate 30-day contribute money and to share in the pro_ts of leasing
use per year of the condotel unit. Does the scheme involve condotel units managed and currently owned by T
investment contracts? Corporation.
ETS sold payphones to the public via independent Yes, the packages that were sold are securities. What is
distributors. The payphones were o^ered packaged with a involved is a scheme whereby a person invests his money
site lease, a 5-year leaseback and management agreement in the common enterprise and is led to expect pro_ts
and a buyback agreement. All but a tiny fraction of primarily through the e^orts of others. In this easer, the
purchasers chose this package although other investments were made on the promise of monthly
management options were o^ered. The purchase price per income on the leaseback agreement. The fact that the
package was US$7,000.00. Under the leaseback and rate of the income is _xed is of no moment. There is no
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management agreement, purchasers received $82 per distinction between _xed and variable returns. Otherwise,
month, a 14% annual return. Purchasers were not involved unscrupulous marketers of investments could evade
in the day-to-day operation of the payphones that they securities laws by simply picking a _xed rate of return.
owned. ETS selected the site for the phone, installed the (Securities and Exchange Commission v. Edwards, No. 02-
equipment, arranged for connection and long-distance 1196, January 13• 2004, 540 U.S. 1)
service, collected coin revenues, and maintained and
repaired the phones. Under the buyback agreement, ETS
promised to refund the full purchase price of the package
at the end of the lease or within 180 days of a purchaser's
request. The payphones did not generate enough revenues
for ETS to make payments required for the leaseback
agreement so the company depended on funds from new
investors to meet its obligations. Are the packages
Philippine Palaces Realty (PPR) has been representing itself The contention of PPR · t k . . is no correct. PPR was
as a registered broker of securities, duly authorized by the engaged in what is known as gun jumping. Section 8.1 of
SEC. In October 6, 2013, PPR sold to spouse Leon and the Securities Regulation Code provides that securities
Carina one timeshare of Palacio del Boracay for shall not be sold or o^ered for sale or distribution within
US$7,500.00. However, its Registration Statement became the Philippines without a registration statement approved
e^ective only on February 11 2014 after the SEC issued a by the SEC. Timeshares are considered securities and prior
resolution declaring was authorized to sell securities, to ful_llment of all the other requirements of the SRC, PPR
including timeshares. On March 30 1998, Leon and Carina 1s absolutely proscribed from dealing with unregistered
wrote PPR rescinding they paid b se agreement and timeshares (Timeshare Realty Corporation v. Cesar Lao, et
demanding the refund of the amount them by they paid, al., G.R. No. 158941, February 11, 2008). (2009 Bar)
because the Palacio del Boracay timeshare was sold to PPR
contended the grant of SEC authority has the e^ect of
ratifying the purchase agreement (with Leon and Carina) of
October 6, 2013. Is the contention of PPR correct? Explain.
492 Grand Gas Corporation, a publicly listed company, A. The directors and key ojcers of GGC violated SRC
discovered after extensive drilling a rich deposit of natural rules on insider trading. The directors and ojcers
gas along the coast of Antique. For _ve months, the are insiders within the contemplation of the SRC,
company did not disclose the discovery so that it could hence, they must comply with the disclosure
quietly and cheaply acquire neighboring land and secure requirement under the said law. Section 27 of the
mining rights to the land. Between the discovery and its SRC provides that it shall be unlawful for an insider
disclosure of the information to the Securities and to sell or buy securities of the issuer, while in
Exchange Commission, all the directors and key ojcers of possession of material information with respect to
the company bought shares in the company at very low the issuer or the security that is not generally
prices. After the disclosure, the price of the shares went available to the public, unless: (a) the insider
up. The directors and ojcers sold their shares at huge proves that the information was not gained from
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pro_ts. such relationship; or (b) if the other part selling to

A. What provision of the Securities Regulation Code or buying from the insider is identi`ed, the insider
(SRC) did they violate, if any? Explain. proves: xxx
B. Assuming that the employees of the establishment B. Yes, the employees of the establishment handling
handling the printing work of Grand Gas Corporation the print' job shall be liable. The obligations
saw the exploration reports which were mistakenly imposed under Section 27: also imposed on the
sent to their establishment together with other same employees. The employees are al insiders
materials to be printed. They too bought shares in because they are persons whose relationship or
the company at low prices and later sold them at form so relationship to the issuer gives or gave him
huge pro_ts. Will they be liable for violation of the access to material information about the issuer or
SRC? Why? the security that 1s not generally available to the
public. (Section 3.8[c], SRC) (2008 Bar)
495 Union Mines, Inc. has total assets of 60 million with 210 Yes, the proposed acquisition by XYZ is subject to
stockholders holding at least 100 shares each. The mandatory tender o^er rule. With 210 shareholders
company has two principal stockholders, ABC which owns holding at least 100 shares each Union Mines is a public
60% of the shares of stock, and XYZ which owns 17%. ABC, company although not listed in the company'. Acquisition
in turn, is owned to the extent of 21.3% by Acme, Inc.; of shares in Union Mines is therefore subject to the tender
29.69% by Golden Boy, Inc., 9% by XYZ; and the rest by o^er rules. SRC Rule 19 provides that there is mandatory
individual stockholders. None of the parties is a publicly- tender o^er if at least 36% of the outstanding shares of a
listed company. XYZ now proposes to buy Acme’s and public company is to be acquired in one transaction or a
Golden Boy’s shares in ABC, which would give it direct series of transaction during a 12-month period or even if
control of ABC and indirect control of Union mines. Is the any acquisition is less than 35% threshold but the result
proposed acquisition by XYZ subject to the mandatory thereof is the ownership of more than 51 % of the total
tender rule? Why or why not? What is a tender o^er and outstanding shares of a public company. If XYZ will acquire
when is it mandatory? of shares of Acme, Inc. and Golden Boy, Inc. in Union
Mines and such shares are added to the existing shares of
XYZ in Union Mines, then XYZ will own more than 51% of
the outstanding capital stock in Union Mines. It should be
noted that the rules apply even if one will acquire the
shares in the corporation that owns the shares of a public
company including a subsidiary. (2010 Bar)

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