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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

Draft Version 3/10/24


For the Lighthouse School to provide the educational and social support to foster students'
talents, skills and collaborations as they become life-long contributors to their community.


Our mission is to provide students and their families with a challenging and creative learning
environment dedicated to academic excellence. Utilizing an eclectic approach to holistic
education, we create an atmosphere in which children can reach their social, creative, and
intellectual potential. The Lighthouse School values and models compassion for all living things,
respect for the environment, and an appreciation for a changing and diverse world. We nurture
the whole child--head, heart, and hands.

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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

The Lighthouse School’s (TLS) Guiding Principles. This is who we are, this is what we do.

1) Student learning experience is holistic and balanced through immersion in the arts, science,
and humanities with a well-rounded and energizing curriculum
a) Curriculum designed to prepare students for high academic achievement in science,
mathematics, language arts, humanities, geography, art, etc. A core premise is that TLS
students ought to meet or exceed grade-level academic standards in literacy, math,
humanities, science, etc., but that the school seeks to achieve this in a way that blends
these elements into an integrated whole. The ideal result would be a competent, confident
person who doesn't necessarily realize that they're reading, calculating, or creating, but
who engages each challenge with their head, heart, and hands working together.
b) Our Waldorf-inspired curriculum is delivered sequentially and is designed for steady
growth and integration of academic skills, self-awareness, creativity, and problem-
solving abilities as students progress from kindergarten to 8th grade. The curriculum is
designed with a progressive expansion of not just academic competence but also
creativity, self-awareness, and social learning. Content is developmentally-appropriate
and fosters the growth of a whole person, situating core scholastic competence within a
rich context that includes music, art, and poetry; science and nature; culture, history, and
society; physical movement from athletics to handwork – everything that makes it worth
knowing how to read and write and do math in the first place.
c) Waldorf-inspired curriculum content nourishes growth of “whole child” through
inclusion of music; drama; foreign languages; visual and performing arts; physical
movement; creative handwork, and exploration and appreciation of the natural world and
cultures from around the world.
d) Instruction is geared to a range of learning styles. A central theme of the TLS student
experience is that instruction respects and cultivates the entire spectrum of learning
styles. We know that each child who comes through the door has their own talents and
challenges, and our educators will help them learn how to use one to navigate the other.
We don't want to teach everyone to do the same things, we want to help everyone learn
their way, and learn at the same time to work with others. At all grade levels, a key goal
is to cultivate self-confidence and resilience in all our students. TLS programs and
curriculum do this in part by teaching children in the context of the talents and
capabilities they bring – addressing multiple intelligences and learning approaches and
respecting every child's abilities.

2) Skilled, empowered staff and educators

a) All staff and educators are oriented and trained in TLS instructional philosophy,
supplementing their formal education with Waldorf training and regular professional
b) Staff and educators are encouraged and supported in the use of creative instructional

3) A supportive learning environment

a) Encourage family and TLS partnership with actively engaged parents in the classrooms,
committees, teams, Lighthouse Parent Organization (LPO), and Friends of Lighthouse
(FOLS) as a part of TLS emphasis on volunteerism. TLS began with parents and has

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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

always engaged families in the classroom and beyond as important participants in their
children's education. This has faded over the years, and almost totally collapsed during
the covid-19 pandemic. We need to redouble our effort to bring families into the school
in constructive ways, not just because teachers need help with tasks or chaperoning field
trips – although these too are important – but because when children see their families are
personally invested in school, it cannot help but enhance their own investment in their
time here.
b) Ensure class sizes support TLS vision and mission.
c) Provide pre-kindergarten opportunity reflecting TLS vision and mission.
d) Strive for clear communication with TLS staff, parents, and broader community.

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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

Goal 1: Supportive learning environment focused on Academic Achievement,

Collaboration and Communication

 Objective: Improve percentage of students meeting or exceeding grade level standards

for academic achievement by creating a stimulating and supportive learning environment

o Strategy: Continue to design and deliver sequential curriculum that prepares

students for high academic achievement in main lessons, science, math, and
language arts.

o Strategy: Develop after-school activities and clubs that cross grade level and
augment regular instruction.

o Strategy: Continue the middle-school rotation amongst science, math, and

language arts teachers.

o Strategy: Continue to provide specialties and elective classes to middle school

students, including a greater variety of focal topics.

o Strategy: Provide a variety of opportunities for middle-grade students to engage

and mentor students from other grades (e.g., reading buddies).

 Objective: Achieve full attendance and enrollment in all grades by promoting growth
opportunities and a sense of belonging for TLS students

o Strategy: Explore additional opportunities for advanced coursework and academic

experiences (current examples include offering 9th grade math curriculum to 8th
graders and Oregon Battle of the Books).

o Strategy: Continue to provide unique field trips designed to augment, compliment,

and emphasize lessons outside of the classroom environment, including exploring
new field trip opportunities.

o Strategy: Increase opportunities for STEAM activities across all grade levels (e.g.,
leverage OR STEM Hub resources, add engineering or robotics elective).

o Strategy: Continue to invite guest speakers and presenters to the school to

enhance curriculum and exposure to a variety of topics.

o Strategy: Encourage greater use in all grades of the outdoor classroom space.
Foster improvements to outdoor classroom.

o Strategy: Improve how TLS publicizes and facilitates students’ participation in

extra-curricular activities (e.g., school sports teams) at hosted and neighboring
school districts.

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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

o Strategy: Facilitate the transition to high school including forecasting for 8th
graders and TLS alumni meetings.

 Objective: Build students’ confidence and capacity to effectively communicate and


o Strategy: Continue to provide regular, diverse, and rewarding opportunities for

achievement, leadership, and collaboration both within and beyond the classroom
(e.g., presentations, group classwork, school performances and festivals, and
cross-grade activities and presentations).

o Strategy: Continue to provide honors programs and electives that embed advocacy
and reward personal interest and achievement (e.g., journalism, photography,
music, dance, and drama).

o Strategy: Facilitate increased student participation and social interactions outside

of the classroom (e.g., community and outreach events such as caroling at the
local mission).

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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

Goal 2: Cultivate skilled, empowered employees (admin, faculty, staff) that develops and
embodies the TLS's mission and vision. TLS works best when faculty and staff have both the
experience working within as well as a long-term commitment to the school's educational
approach. Employees should feel that this school is where they can do their best work.

 Objective: Maintain school staffing in key groups including

o Main Lesson (a.k.a. "grade") teachers, each with primary responsibility for one
grade, provide a home room and cultural hub, while implementing a curricular
framework that integrates core functions – literacy, math, etc. – through main
o Specialty teachers provide coherent, grade-spanning instruction in art, music,
handwork, foreign language, and physical education while also allowing
classroom relief for prep time.
o Intervention specialists for literacy and math bring special skills to engage with
children who need augmented, extensional, or remedial teaching beyond the
classroom spectrum.
o Support staff – classroom aides, custodians, office staff – working directly with
teachers, knowing students and classes and their needs.
o Administrative leadership embodying the school's vision and mission and leading
school policy and culture, reporting to the board and representing the school to the
broader community.

 Objective: Recruit and retain TLS employees

o Strategy: Aspire not merely to hire teachers to implement the school program, but
to recruit skilled and creative professionals as faculty partners with the board,
administration, and families.
 Engage with the faculty as a group of informed, knowledgeable
participants with a vital contribution to not only the daily operation but the
long-term future of the school.
 The faculty should count on a collegial working environment that respects
proficiency and innovation, while valuing diverse strengths – just what we
seek for our student experience.
 Leadership (board and director) must continue to strive for clear
communication and build a culture of support and appreciation.

o Strategy: Continue to develop a curricular framework with accompanying teacher

support resources that answers to state standards while maintaining the Waldorf-
inspired model of integration and the whole-child strategy. Such a framework
informs classroom practice while sequencing core scholastic achievements.
 School leadership, working with engagement from the faculty, must
provide clear frameworks for each grade and sufficient resources for
teachers to implement them.

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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

 Meanwhile, faculty should expect autonomy to run their own classroom,

design and conduct lessons, and choose activities within that framework.

o Strategy: To the maximum extent practicable, the Lighthouse School seeks to

offer competitive salary and benefits to staff.
 It is crucial to achieve this without sacrificing key ingredients of the
school model – specialty teachers and intervention specialists – which
remain important to faculty success just as much as for students.
 Full enrollment in all grades is key to a long-term viability of the school.

o Strategy: Promote work/life balance, manageable workload, and emotional

support; leadership will actively promote collaboration and seek opportunities to
develop support networks for staff both within and beyond the school.

o Strategy: Offer and encourage participation in trainings and professional

development opportunities.

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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

Goal 3: Expand TLS Community Connections

 Objective: To increase parent/family engagement and volunteerism in TLS at all levels

(e.g. LPO, FOLS, Board, committees, in the classroom)

o Strategy: Establish clear and repeated communication of importance, expectations

and many examples of family engagement/volunteerism at TLS.
 Continue information sessions throughout the year (orientation, meet the
teacher, LPO meetings) with multiple opportunities for parents to sign up
for committees/volunteer.
 Hold an annual volunteer fair with information sessions, parents listing
their preferred means of volunteering and sign-up opportunities.
 Support volunteering in the school and classrooms.

o Strategy: Develop clear/easy recording and accountability for the 40hr/family

volunteer commitment.
 An easy online or in-person reporting system, reminders about logging
volunteer hours (in weekly announcements), and some means of checking-
in with families that are struggling to participate (mid and end of school)
to see if there are barriers to their participation.
 Create small incentives for volunteerism (e.g. reserved parking spot,

o Strategy: Establish a family mentoring system to create a community of

volunteerism and inclusion in the school.
 Established families paired with a new incoming family, showing them the
ropes and expectations, checking in on them and inviting them to
volunteer opportunities, LPO meetings, and events.

 Objective: Increase the visibility and footprint of TLS in the broader Coos County
Community through outreach, marketing, and communication.

o Strategy: Craft clear messaging of the vision and mission of TLS to use in
different outreach settings (website, social media, presentations, flyers advertising
for fundraisers and events) that increase our visibility in Coos County.

o Strategy: Increase and modernize our online presence.

 Update and maintain TLS website and social media accounts.
 Create a middle school public relations and outreach elective.

o Strategy: Engage with the broader Coos County community to garner more
support for TLS mission and goals.
 Actively recruit members of the Coos County community serve on TLS
board, committees, and teams.
 More broadly advertise and invite community groups to engage in TLS
performances and fundraising events.

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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

 Give a short welcome and introduction to our school at the start of each
event for the benefit of outside community members.

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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

Goal 4: Ensure location and layout of facility serve TLS vision and mission

 Objective: Provide space for features critical to TLS vision and mission including
o Space for one class per grade from kindergarten through eighth grade, as well as a
pre-kindergarten classroom.
o Spaces dedicated to specialties including art, music, handwork, and Spanish in
addition to upper grade electives and science lessons.
o Outdoor space for gardening and learning in an environment outside of the
o Multipurpose area to function as gym and cafeteria
o Playground area and field space

 Objective: Establish a long-term facility to house TLS

o Strategy: Secure new lease, while exploring longer than 5-year lease option.

o Strategy: Continue building a relationship with the Coos Bay School District
(CBSD) including having a presence on CBSD teams and committees.

o Strategy: Continue improvements to current location of TLS. Examples include

playground, garden, outdoor classroom, parking lot, and outdoor performance

o Strategy: Capitalize on opportunities for energy efficiencies and updates to


o Strategy: Long term, engage with CBSD for TLS to purchase of Bunker Hill

o Strategy: Establish team to develop feasibility plan to construct new facility or

purchase/remodel an existing building to house TLS.

o Strategy: Develop a plan and necessary improvements for the use of the 62858

 Objective: Establish safe and welcoming grounds for TLS

o Strategy: Review previous safety “walk throughs” for improvements and compile
comprehensive campus plan for additional safety needs.

o Strategy: Review facility for accommodations, access, and mobility issues.

o Strategy: Continue maintaining and improving landscaping and beautification of

grounds for welcoming and established location.

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The Lighthouse School Strategic Plan

Goal 5: Governance, Strengthen Organizational Capacity

 Objective: Ensure TLS remains compliant with applicable laws

o Strategy: Pursue training (e.g. Oregon School Board Association (OSBA)) on best
practices & board functions.

o Strategy: Create comprehensive board orientation packet, provide to all existing

and new board members.

o Strategy: Develop or update “job descriptions” for board members and officers.

o Strategy: Capitalize on OSBA resources for TLS board members such as

conferences, online information, and trainings.

o Strategy: Create/update board and staff policy manual.

o Strategy: Create/update purpose and scope for standing committees and teams.

o Strategy: Establish governance committee (consider ad hoc subcommittees) to

review bylaws and recommend updates as needed.

 Objective: Enhance Board Capacity

o Strategy: Recruit diverse board membership.

o Strategy: Enhance board communication to director, staff, and families.

o Strategy: Board to outreach and seek information from other charter school

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