11th ARCBM 2

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11th Annual Regional Convention & Business Meeting

1. Opening Ceremonies
 Opening Prayer
 National Anthem
 ORNAP Hymn

2. Call to Order by President

President: (Rap the Gavel) The annual general membership meeting will come to order. It gives
me great pleasure to welcome our distinguished guests, __________________, Fellow BODs,
National Past Presidents, Chapter officers and past presidents, delegates and members of the
perioperative Registered Nurses Association of the Philippines, Inc. in our general membership

3. Declaration of Quorum

President: Madam Secretary, do we have a quorum?

Secretary: Madam President, the total participants present in this plenary are _____ face to face,
and another ____ virtually at this time. In accordance with the ORNAP bylaws, we have a
majority of the members, thus I declare a quorum for this business meeting. Thank you, Madam

President: Thank you.

4. Approval of the Agenda

President: It is my pleasure to present our agenda for this general membership meeting.
1.1 Call to Order
1.2 Declaration of Quorum
1.3 Approval of the Agenda
1.4 Reading, Correction, and Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
1.5 Officers’ Reports
1.6 Election of Officers
1.7 Adjournment
President: Are there any agenda you want to include in this meeting?
If none, will somebody move for approval of the agenda.
Member 1 – I move for the approval of the agenda.
Member 2 – I second the motion.

5. Reading, Correction and Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting

President: The first business in order is the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Will
the secretary please read the minutes?

Secretary: Minutes of the Meeting for the 10th Annual Regional Convention and Scientific
Meeting with the theme Triumphant Perioperative Nursing Practice; Date: November 12, 2022;
Venue: Asenso Hall, OPD 2 Building of Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro Sr. Medical Center, Ozamiz
City; Time started 1:45 PM; presiding officer: Ms. Mary Anne Luz Bito-on.
Meeting was called to order by Ms. Mary Anne Luz Bito-on. Declaration of quorum by
yours truly & concurred by Ms. Mary Anne Luz Bito-on. There were 41 members physically
present in the plenary and a total of 142 participants.
Presentation of agenda by Ms. Mary Anne Luz Bito-on: call to order, declaration of
quorum, officers’ report: the presidents’ report, audited financial statement or the treasurer's
report. The agenda was moved for approval by Ms. Rosamey Aranjuez and seconded by Ms.
Nova Flor Bagaboyboy.
Officers’ report: President’s report presented by Ms. Mary Anne Luz Bito-on, and the
highlights were as follows: Blood Letting Activity in partnership with MHARS Medical Center’s
Blood Bank Unit on November 13, 2021; Vitamins giving during the COVID pandemic on
February 17, 2022 funded by ORNAP National; ORNAP Misamis Occidental Chapter’s first
webinar entitled “Modified WHO Surgical Safety Checklist: Its impact on the Perioperative
Nursing Practice” on April 2, 2022; Operation Tuli done on May 18, 2022 in partnership with
Misamis Occidental Provincial Hospital; Simultaneous Mangrove Tree Growing Activity on June
15, 2022 at Mialen, Clarin in partnership with the Local Government Unit of Clarin.
Treasurer's report: audited financial report statement was presented by Mr. Jessie Joseph
Cabatuan and moved for adaption by Ms. Andrea Mae Cartajenas and seconded by Ms. Reina Joy
Adjournment: Having no further matters to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30
PM, November 12, 2022, prepared by Ms. Gussie Yvonne Dolloso and attested by Ms. Anna
Margarett Caballar. Thank you.
President: Are there any corrections to the minutes? If none, will somebody please move for the
approval of the minutes of the business meeting last November 2022?

Member 1 (Kamille) – I move for the approval of the minutes of the business meeting without
Member 2 (Anna) – I second the motion.
President: It has been moved and seconded that the minutes of the business meeting be approved
without correction.

6. Officers’ Reports

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