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If I were an expert, it would be my primary work to fill in the blanks and find ways to minimize

the ecological footprint of technology. Currently, the Earth suffers a devastating impact from
constantly increasing innovations, which destroy the planet while improving the state of
technology. Therefore, we must think of other methods that can simultaneously bring forward
progress and safeguard our planet.

My investigation would extend towards the creation of environmentally-sustainable materials

and energy supplies. I will have to find alternate methods of harnessing the power of nature
like wind, sun light and water into something which can be utilized efficiently and made
available to all sections of the society. Besides, I would have to acquaint myself with
sustainable solutions instead of using traditional materials. This means, focusing on
eliminating or reducing the adverse impact of harmful materials such as plastics and

Another area of my research will be the study of technologyʼs impact on society and the
environment which is also another significant aspect. I plan to examine and research the life
cycle of devices as well as the disposal processes. And then attempts to reduce e-waste and
encourage responsible consumption habits. In addition, the social implications of
technological developments would be also my object of study, considering challenges like
the digital gap, personal matters protection and honesty issues related to the machine
learning and automation.

Educating and raising the awareness of the problem also deserved a lot of attention.
Through working with community members and decision makers, I would be able to develop
an education program; the same education program would also include making and use of
environmental protection policies. Through the granting of understanding and gadgets, we
can cultivate a culture that is sustainable and make a brighter future to the next generations.

In summary, my research as a scientist will be powered by twofold interests to make the

world a better place by creating a sustainability bridge over the division of environment and
modernizing products. In addressing hurdles that await today as an amalgamation of
qualified demography, I would be making a step towards a more just and sustainable world.

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