Genessis&Michelle English5 Section#375

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WEEK: _3_

Students name:

Study location:
Headquarters /SPS

Vicenn Johana Sabillon Cruz


Date of delivery:
February 4, 2024
CONVERSATION (go sightseeing) (Rome)

Genessis: Hello Michelle, how are you? I hope it's ok.

Michelle: Hello Genessis, I'm fine enjoying the holidays in France and how have you

Genessis: Excellent, I'm calling you because I plan to go on vacation next month and
I would like to go to Rome.

Michelle: Seriously! Rome is a beautiful place, I highly recommend it, in this place you
can go sightseeing.

Genessis: That's why I'm calling you. I would like you to help me know what clothes I
should wear, what activities are fun, and, above all, what places I can go.

Michelle: You called the right person about the clothes you should wear fresh
clothes since the weather is warm on the day you travel.

Genessis: Should I bring coats?

Michelle: No problem! The weather at night is cool.

Genessis: I’d like to know what activities are carried out in Rome.

Michelle: You can visit different places such as the Colosseum but the best place for
me is the Sistine Chapel.

Genessis: That sounds good! Is it possible to reserve a non-stop flight to Rome?

Michelle: You don't have to take a connecting flight.

Genessis: okay, I'll have to reserve a round trip flight. And ask for a travel

Michelle: If you decide to request a travel arrangement, I can recommend the

person who made my trip.

Genessis: Oh, perfect! You can also help me reserve a hotel and rent a car.

Michelle: They plan all that.

Genessis: Any last recommendations for my trip to Rome?

Michelle: Yes. You shouldn't be so uncovered when you visit places like churches,
it's because of protocol.

Genessis: Do I have to?

Michelle: You must.

Genessis: Okay that's fine. Thanks for all the information, I'm dying to go sightseeing
in Rome!

Michelle: You're welcome. Good luck on your trip, you take lots of photos!

Genessis: Thank you for that when you get back, we'll meet for coffee and talk about
our trips.

Michelle: I would love to see you later. Happy journey.

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