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Hello, good night everyone

I’m ika wahyuningsih, from Political science class

So tonight we will talk about

UN rights panel concerned by extrajudicial killings in Papua

The committee said it welcomed a Supreme Court decision to uphold the conviction of six law
enforcement officers for the premeditated murder of four Papuan people in the city of Timika, but
stressed there was a lack of information on other cases.

The UN Human Rights Committee said on Thursday it was concerned by extrajudicial killings in Papua,
where separatists and Indonesian Military (TNI) troops have been fighting for decades. "The Committee
is concerned by multiple reports of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances of indigenous
peoples in Papua, which have not been investigated despite the state party's commitment to do so," it
said in a report. The committee said it welcomed a Supreme Court decision to uphold the conviction of
six law enforcement officers for the premeditated murder of four Papuan people in the city of Timika,
but stressed there was a lack of information on other cases. The Committee recommended that
Indonesia promptly investigates "all human rights violations, including arbitrary detention, enforced
disappearances, torture and ill-treatment, and extrajudicial killings..." It also called on Indonesia "to
strengthen efforts to end impunity and hold perpetrators accountable for previous violations".

Resource-rich Papua, Indonesia's easternmost region, has experienced violence between armed
separatists and troops since the former Dutch territory was brought under Indonesian control in a vote
overseen by the United Nations in 1969

The conflict has escalated significantly since 2018, with pro-independence fighters mounting deadlier
and more frequent attacks.

Komite tersebut mengatakan pihaknya menyambut baik keputusan Mahkamah Agung yang
menguatkan hukuman terhadap enam aparat penegak hukum atas pembunuhan berencana terhadap
empat orang Papua di kota Timika, namun menekankan bahwa ada kekurangan informasi mengenai
kasus-kasus lain.

Komite Hak Asasi Manusia PBB mengatakan pada hari Kamis bahwa pihaknya prihatin dengan
pembunuhan di luar proses hukum di Papua, tempat kelompok separatis dan pasukan Tentara Nasional
Indonesia (TNI) telah berperang selama beberapa dekade. “Komite prihatin dengan banyaknya laporan
mengenai pembunuhan di luar proses hukum dan penghilangan paksa masyarakat adat di Papua, yang
belum diinvestigasi meskipun negara pihak berkomitmen untuk melakukan hal tersebut,” kata Komite
dalam sebuah laporan. Komite tersebut mengatakan pihaknya menyambut baik keputusan Mahkamah
Agung yang menguatkan hukuman terhadap enam aparat penegak hukum atas pembunuhan berencana
terhadap empat orang Papua di kota Timika, namun menekankan bahwa ada kekurangan informasi
mengenai kasus-kasus lain. Komite merekomendasikan agar Indonesia segera menyelidiki “semua
pelanggaran hak asasi manusia, termasuk penahanan sewenang-wenang, penghilangan paksa,
penyiksaan dan penganiayaan, serta pembunuhan di luar proses hukum…” Laporan ini juga meminta
Indonesia “untuk memperkuat upaya mengakhiri impunitas dan meminta pertanggungjawaban pelaku
atas pelanggaran yang dilakukan sebelumnya”.
Papua yang kaya akan sumber daya alam, wilayah paling timur di Indonesia, telah mengalami kekerasan
antara kelompok separatis bersenjata dan tentara sejak bekas wilayah Belanda tersebut berada di
bawah kendali Indonesia dalam pemungutan suara yang diawasi oleh PBB pada tahun 1969.

Konflik ini telah meningkat secara signifikan sejak tahun 2018, dengan para pejuang pro-kemerdekaan
melancarkan serangan yang lebih mematikan dan lebih sering terjadi.

on Thursday "The Committee is concerned by multiple reports of extrajudicial killings and enforced
disappearances of indigenous peoples in Papua, which have not been investigated despite the state
party's commitment to do so” it said in a report.
Hi everyone, how are u today? I hope u’all have good day

Okey lemme introduce myself I’m ika wahyuningsih from plitical science class

UN rights panel concerned by extrajudicial killings in Papua

Before talk about this article, I will briefly explain the history of the Papuan independence movement we
called OPM.

The ongoing conflict in Papua, a military conflict since 1962, began with the Dutch and Americans
attempting to create a West Papuan independent country. The Indonesian president opposed this,
leading to the UN's decision to stop colonization. Papua was returned to Indonesia with the condition of
a referendum. The conflict has resulted in human rights violations, including attacks on civilians and
imprisonment of those raising the Morning Star flag.

The UN Human Rights Committee said on Thursday it was concerned by extrajudicial killings in Papua,
where separatists and Indonesian Military (TNI) troops have been battling for decades.

‘‘The Committee is concerned by numerous reports of extrajudicial killings and implemented vanishings
of innate people groups in Papua, which have not been explored in spite of the state party`s
commitment to do so,‘‘ it said in a report.

The Committee prescribed that Indonesia expeditiously explores ‘‘all human rights infringement,
counting subjective detainment, implemented vanishings, torment and ill-treatment, and extrajudicial

I agree with the Human Rights Committee's opinion regarding the need for further investigation, but
in the facts on the ground the TNI is not completely at fault because they also experienced violence by
the OPM. In my opinion, this is a form of TNI self-defense, whether we are willing ourselves to be
killed by the rebels. ? Meanwhile, every person in this world has the human right to defend his life.

The UN Human Rights Committee expressed concern over extrajudicial killings in Papua, where
separatists and Indonesian military have been fighting for decades. The Committee recommended
Indonesia to investigate all human rights violations, including subjective detainment, implemented
vanishings, and extrajudicial killings.

So just that I can describe to you, thank u for your attention and your time, see u again

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