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" ' GSI/03/2007

 , ,2006 "

, .
. )( ) (SA
) (PGA ) .( " " " "
) (Site Classes ,

. ) :(
"" " " .20% " "
) ( , " "
) .(
.2-3 ,
, , , .
? .
" ,413
, , .
" .2006


1 ........................................................................
- .1
1... ................................................................ 1.1
2....................................................................................... PGA 1.2
3.............................................................................. 1.3
6...........................................................................PGA - SA - 1.4
7.......................................................................................... 1.5
7................................................................................... - 1.6

10................................................................................... 413 .2
10......................................................................................... 2.1
12................................................................. 2.2

13................................................................................................. .3
13.............................................................. 3.1
14....................................................? 3.2
17......................................................................... 3.3

19............................................................................................................. .4
20....................................................................................................................... .5


.(PSHA) Seismic Hazard Analysis 1 ) :(
) ,(
- ? )(
. . , ,
90% 50 ,
50 - .90% ,
, . . ,
475 - ) 10% 50 ,
, ( . ,

:1 : , , ).(Boore, 2004

PGA .1.2
,(Peak Ground Acceleration) PGA
. ) ,(2
) .(3 )
. ) ,(attenuation functions
/ . )
"( ) " (.

:2 .PGA , ,
. , PGA ).(Julian and Boore, 2004

:3 PGA .
. ) , ,(

; , , .
, , ) .(4
) 5% (
. ) (response function
) 1-5(
) .(5 , ,
. )
) ( .

:4 ) .(Julian and Boore, 2004

. .
" . .
.5% .
. )
( .
. 1 ) 10(
10 -" (peak ground displacement) PGD 1 -.

) PGA ( . 6 0.1 0.5 -
) 1 ( .2.5PGA ,

:5 ) ( PGA
) .(Seed et al., 1976a; Seed et al., 1976b PGA
. ,PGA .

:6 .(ATC, 1978) 5

.1.4 SA - PGA -
. ) (PGA
. ,


(SA) Acceleration " ) .(7

" ,
. ,
" , )
( ) (8 -
1 0.3 .
).(Frankel et al., 2000

:7 5% "
) .(Leyendecker et al., 1995 T=0.3 sec
1 2 .



S =kS




S =kS


Period, seconds


Spectral Response
Acceleration, SA


S =S


:8 0.3 1 - . k 1
).(Leyendecker et al., 1995

) :(
) , ;1989 , (1985 ,
) .(9 , ,6
.10 8-
.10 0.3 , Fa
1 , .Fv
) .(1 6
) (F-A ) .(2
1 ) (E Fa Fv - 3.5 ,2.5 - . ) (B
,SA ) 1 ( , A
) .(0.8
11 0.4g -
, . - )
( ,
. 1 .

:9 ) (1989 .
6 ) Dobry et
(al., 2000

:10 .  ) ( T=1 sec

,T=0.3 sec .8  Fa   Fv
  ).(Dobry et al., 2000

:1 ) .(BSSC, 1995, 1998 A-F 30

:2 30 ).(BSSC, 1998

:11 . ) (1989 ) (1985

, 0.4g
)(Irdiss, 1990, 1991

.2 413
" 413 ) PGA (12
(Shapira, 2002) 2002 .(Boore et al., 1997) 1997 -
. 4 S1 :
S2 , S3 , , S4 - ) .(13
, ) .413( PGA
SA )( .
. ,
" .
) .(


:12 ) (PGA 10% 50 - ) ) Shapira,



:13 " 413 S1 . S2 , S3 ,

, S4 - . ) 5% " .(1998 ,413

, " " " " . PGA
) (12 620'/' )
generic rock site "( . ,
1500 2000'/' .
PGA , .
, Site ) 760-1500 m/s
.(Class B , Site Class A - ,0.8
. , 620'/' , ,

,2 ) (.


" 413 ,
) (site specific .
) (Shapira and Van Eck, 1993
. , ) transfer
(function , ,
, , ) :(
) ,( 30) ,(
. .

) (
) .(Borcherdt, 1970 . ,
. ,
. , , .
Horizontal to Vertical
,(HVSR) Spectral Ratio .

) ( . , , ,
, . ,
) .(14 ,
HVSR , " " ) (Nakamura, 1989
H/V - , .
,HVSR , , , , ,
. H/V ,

) ( . )Lermo and Chavez-) ,

((Garcia, 1993; Field and Jacob, 1995 ,

:14 ) .(Zaslavsky et al., 2004 .

- -; .
3-5 .8

.3.2 ?

0-30 . ,
. , 30 ,
" . ,

. .1985,
, 2 ) (15
) 15-20( . ,
,Site Class F ) .(Site Specific

:15 .(Seed et al., 1988) 1985 , ,

. 0.8g 2.

. 5
) ,(Zaslavsky et al., 2001 ) ,(Zaslavsky et al., 2003 ),(Zaslavsky et al., 2006
) (Zaslavsky et al., 2002 .
. ; ;
- ; - .
) .(Gvirtzman, 2004 16
nRattle ) (Boore, 2000
) ( .
. 30 400/
C 1.2 1.7 - ) 1-
.(2 3.5 5 -
2.5) E .(3.5 - " 413
, .



Vs 1/Q
 B A .C

,213 ,139 ,59.500

Fa , .Fv




.3.3 - :
. 17
- ) .(Avishur et al., 2006 -
PGA 0.2g -
PGA ) .(0.38-0.54g
17 7.5 6 4 - . 18
) 2000/( .
- , ~6 ~5


) ,
( .
800/' .
/ .


0.1g, 0.164g, 0.175g,

.0.284g, 0.384g, 0.545g



:18 - ) (Quake tec ) .(ERRA

2000/ ).(Avishur et al., 2006
6-7 .4-6 -

, 17-18 ,16
. ,
. ,
292/ ) .(Avishur et al., 2006 D
1.6>Fa>1) 1.5<Fv<2.4 - .(1 .18


413 ) ( ,
, :
.1 PGA ) (SA
.2 .
.3 " " SA " " )
.4 ) (
- .
; .
, . ,

, -
30 . .
- .
50-100 .6
- .
, ,2500 ,500



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