Nike Step Forward Together Final Assignment

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Faculty of Languages – International Cultures

"Step Forward Together"
Presented to:
Ms. Hoàng Tô Thư Dung

Prepared by:
Nguyễn Đoàn Hải Anh – 22014199
Phạm Thùy An – 22010693
Lê Nguyễn Đức Anh – 22012048
Trần Phạm Hữu Cảnh – 22003123
Vĩnh Bảo Chi – 22012454
Class: ANH410DE03

December 10, 2023

Table of Contents
I. Executive summary..................................................................................................3

II. Issue/Challenge.....................................................................................................4

1. Issue analysis.....................................................................................................4

2. Nike Inc. SWOT analysis..................................................................................4

 Strengths...............................................................................................................4

 Weaknesses...........................................................................................................4

 Opportunities........................................................................................................5

 Threats..................................................................................................................5

III. Objectives and Goals............................................................................................7

IV. Target Audiences and Stakeholders.....................................................................8

1. Primary Target Audience..................................................................................8

2. Secondary Target Audience..............................................................................8

V. Key Messages.....................................................................................................10

1. Insight..............................................................................................................10

2. Key Messages.................................................................................................10

VI. Communication Channels..................................................................................12

VII. Timeline and Budget.......................................................................................14

1. Timeline.................................................................................................................14

2. Budget....................................................................................................................15

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation.............................................................................17

Table of Tables and Figures
Table 1. Nike Inc. SWOT analysis.................................................................................6

Figure 1. Campaign timeline........................................................................................15

I. Executive summary

Nike's "Just Do It" marketing has long been synonymous with success, embodying
determination and achievement through iconic athletes. However, recent challenges
emerged as Nike faced risks and potential brand damage due to opposition related to
racial discrimination, posing threats to the brand's image, value, and revenue. In
response to these challenges, a strategic shift was conceived, leading to the
introduction of the "Step Forward Together" initiative. This new campaign, born from
a commitment to positive change and unity, aims to navigate the complexities of
public opinion and strengthen Nike's brand equity in the face of evolving societal

II. Issue/Challenge

1. Issue analysis

The crux of Nike's challenge lies in navigating the turbulent waters of public opinion
and potential backlash surrounding the company's stance on social and political issues.
While Nike has a history of successful marketing campaigns, the decision to
champion causes related to racial discrimination sparked opposition. This opposition,
if not effectively managed, could lead to a substantial negative impact on the brand's
image, overall value, and revenue. The challenge is to reconcile Nike's commitment to
social causes with the need to mitigate potential damage to its brand, maintaining a
delicate balance between advocacy and public perception.

2. Nike Inc. SWOT analysis

 Strengths

Strong Global Brand: Nike boasts unparalleled global brand recognition, with its
iconic swoosh symbolizing excellence in athletics and lifestyle. The brand's ubiquity
positions it as a leader in the market.

Proven Marketing Excellence: Nike has consistently demonstrated marketing

prowess, with a history of impactful campaigns that resonate with diverse audiences.
The ability to create compelling narratives has contributed to its enduring success.

Commitment to Social Causes: Nike's commitment to social causes, evidenced by

past campaigns and initiatives, establishes a positive association with societal values
and resonates with socially conscious consumers.

 Weaknesses

Potential Backlash: The risk of facing backlash due to involvement in politically

charged issues is a vulnerability. Public opinions on social issues can be divisive, and
missteps may lead to negative sentiments.

Sensitivity to Public Perception: Nike's success is intricately tied to public
sentiment, making it susceptible to fluctuations in consumer opinions. Any perceived
misalignment with prevailing values poses a challenge to the brand.

 Opportunities

Female Empowerment Movement: The ongoing global movement for female

empowerment presents a significant opportunity for Nike. By authentically supporting
and empowering female athletes, Nike can align itself with this societal shift,
attracting a broader consumer base.

Expanded Market Share: Successfully targeting and supporting female athletes

creates an opportunity for Nike to expand its market share within this demographic.
Meeting the evolving demands of diverse consumer groups can drive long-term

 Threats

Competitor Reactions: Competitors may strategically respond to Nike's campaigns,

influencing market dynamics. Changes in competitors' marketing strategies or
narratives could impact Nike's market position.

Socio-Political Sensitivity: Given the sensitivity of consumer sentiment to socio-

political issues, Nike faces a threat if its initiatives are perceived negatively. Public
reactions to social causes can be unpredictable and impact the brand adversely.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

- Strong Global - Potential - Female - Competitor

Brand Backlash Empowerment Reactions
- Proven Marketing - Sensitivity to - Socio-Political
Excellence Public Perception - Expanded Market Sensitivity
- Commitment to
Social Causes

Table 1. Nike Inc. SWOT analysis

III. Objectives and Goals

The aim of the campaign is to draw attention to female athletes who broke stereotypes
and instead of portraying athletes as physically weak, female athletes were portrayed
from a positive perspective. This ad also encourages generations of athletes to be
inspired to pursue their dreams. Through this strategy, we want to minimize the
negative impact on the brand due to objections and dissatisfaction, thereby increasing
brand awareness, and sales will be increased, creating buzz with audiences, and
inspiring conversations about gender equality in sports.

IV. Target Audiences and Stakeholders

1. Primary Target Audience

Nike builds strong global brand recognition by creating unique advertisements that
resonate with audiences. Our advertising theme is based on the athletes' determination
to win against all odds. The target audience for this ad is women. Issues related to
women captured in the ad include equal opportunity, fair pay, and women's
empowerment. In a world where competition is increasingly widespread, emotions
such as anger and madness are considered reasonable. Most women lose hope in their
dreams because they are not encouraged to make crazy efforts and test their abilities.
In short, Nike consumers have responded positively to the company's focus on
breaking gender stereotypes and empowering women.

2. Secondary Target Audience

The campaign is not only aimed at women, but also at present customers, investors,
and business partners. Nike, as a worldwide brand, seeks to connect with people who
share a passion for sports, athleticism, and thinking beyond boundaries.

 Existing Customers

The campaign aims to inspire and motivate its existing customers. This strategy
encourages customers to associate the brand with qualities like determination,
perseverance, and success. We also seek to strengthen the relationship with existing
customers. The emotional connection generated by inspiring stories can help to
increase long-term brand loyalty.

 Investors

The campaign can prove the strength and positive image of the Nike brand. A
message of empowerment may have positioned Nike as a socially responsible and
forward-thinking company.

 Business Partners

We intend to align with business partners who share similar values and ideals. This
campaign could resonate with partners who value innovation and a progressive
mindset. A positive public perception, driven by the campaign, could have a positive
impact on the overall market appeal of the Nike brand.

V. Key Messages

Nike has faced challenges related to racism in its iconic "Just Do It" campaign, so they
need a nuanced approach to rebuild trust and strengthen its commitment to social
justice. Building on the impact of the "Dream Crazier" campaign, our campaign is
encapsulated in the slogan "Step Forward Together", which outlines a comprehensive
plan to minimize potential brand damage and protect women's power and equality.

1. Insight

This campaign exploits the insight that women always desire to express their
individuality and live for themselves, but they fear the invisible barriers that society
imposes on them. This insight forms the basis of the campaign, which acknowledges
the challenges women face in breaking free from societal expectations.

2. Key Messages

The "Step Forward Together" campaign includes two key messages: empowerment
and equality in sport. First, the "Step Forward Together" campaign promotes
empowerment as its core message. It serves as a call for women to pursue their
passions with resilient confidence, encouraging them to break free from the invisible
constraints imposed by society. The campaign aims to erase societal expectations,
foster a spirit of empowerment that transcends all barriers, and inspire collective
progress. The campaign will highlight inspirational stories of women who have
triumphed over adversity and societal criticism, reinforcing the idea that
empowerment is not just an individual endeavor but a collective journey.

Building on the foundation of the "Dream Crazier" campaign, the "Step Forward
Together" campaign emphasizes Nike's commitment to equality in sports. This
campaign highlights Nike's ongoing efforts to provide unwavering support and ensure
opportunities for women in sports. By showcasing the stories of women who have
defied stereotypes and excelled in sports, this campaign promotes an environment of
equality where all athletes, regardless of gender, everyone can grow and break down

barriers. It also reflects the view that in the field of sports, everyone deserves an equal
chance to shine.

VI. Communication Channels

The “ Step Forward Together” campaign will leverage social media, live events
specifically the Women's World Cup in France, influencer marketing, and introduce a
limited edition product line tied to the campaign to address the challenges faced by the
"Just Do It" campaign and pave the way for the future.

1. Social media

Social media plays an important role in shaping public perception, so we will leverage
platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook as dynamic spaces to engage with
customers. First, we will use an integrated storytelling approach to develop a cohesive
narrative that seamlessly integrates stories of empowerment, overcoming adversity,
and equality in sports. We will then launch user-generated content campaigns to
encourage them to share their stories of empowerment and overcoming adversity.
Content is selected and shared on Nike's official platforms, turning users into
ambassadors for the "Step Forward Together" movement. In addition, each content
posted by users will be accompanied by hashtags, making the campaign easily
shareable promoting community awareness, and ensuring the message reaches a wider
audience. This campaign will transform social media from a mere promotional tool
into an inclusive space that encourages user participation and interaction.

2. Live events

The Women's World Cup in France provides a great opportunity to amplify the " Step
Forward Together" campaign message and expand the brand's reach to diverse
audiences globally. We will host activities that celebrate women in sport, including
interactive exhibits, athlete appearances, and immersive performances, creating great
experiences for fans and athletes. These events will also be live-streamed globally,
ensuring that the campaign resonates not only with on-site attendees but also with
global audiences watching remotely. Sponsoring and partnering with key events
surrounding the FIFA Women's World Cup will not only convey the campaign
message but also reinforce Nike's commitment to equality and empowerment.

3. Influencer Marketing

We will use influencer marketing tactics, choosing Serena Williams - a famous

American female tennis player to represent the campaign. Serena Williams is a Mega
Influencer with more than 11.9 million followers on Instagram. Despite many
injustices in sports, Serena has made the world admire her with 23 Grand Slam titles.
Her personal journey, as an athlete and an individual who has publicly spoken out
against discrimination in sports, will add authenticity and credibility to the campaign.
Serena's participation is more than just an endorsement; she becomes a voice for
empowerment, equality, and solidarity, perfectly aligned with the ethos of the "Step
Forward Together" campaign. We will host live Q&A sessions, exclusive content
collaborations, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into Serena's life to add depth to this
tactic. We will also encourage Serena to actively engage with her followers on social
media. Serena became a bridge to expand the campaign's message to a wider

4. Limited edition products

We will introduce a limited edition product line tied to the "Step Forward Together"
campaign. The limited edition products will be designed to symbolize empowerment
and equality, turning fashion into a powerful tool of advocacy. A portion of the
proceeds will go to support organizations working toward racial equality and
promoting equality in sports. The campaign pledges to clearly communicate the
percentage of proceeds dedicated to these activities, thereby building trust with
consumers and demonstrating real commitment to the cause. This action both helps
reinforce the campaign's commitment to social change and provides customers with a
tangible way to contribute to this purpose

By rolling out this comprehensive plan across a variety of media channels, the "Step
Forward Together" campaign can effectively communicate key messages of
empowerment and equality in sports. This approach ensures the campaign resonates
with diverse audiences globally.

VII. Timeline and Budget

1. Timeline

We will run this campaign from the beginning of 2024 to the end of 2024. In
January, we will plan the "Step Forward Together" campaign. We will meticulously
define our campaign goals, ensuring they align with our overarching vision. At the
same time, we will create key messages that resonate with audiences, emphasizing
empowerment and breaking stereotypes. The target audience will also be identified
and from there, appropriate messages will be delivered. February and March will be
planned for content creation and production. Our team will research and refine the
creative elements that drive the focus of the campaign. This involves developing
engaging video content, eye-catching graphics, and other multimedia materials that
embody the spirit of women's empowerment. Partnering with female athletes and
influencers will also be a priority during this period. When entering April, we will
kick off the excitement with social media teasers. These teasers will serve as glimpses
into the empowering narrative of the "Step Forward Together" campaign, generating
anticipation and curiosity among our target audience. In May, we officially launched
the campaign. We will orchestrate a major event or announcement to unveil the "Step
Forward Together" campaign to the world. Simultaneously, campaign content will be
strategically released across all communication channels, ensuring a widespread and
impactful reach. At the end of May, we plan to launch a limited edition product line
associated with the campaign. In June and July is the time when the Women's World
Cup event occurs. The subsequent two months will see us integrating campaign
elements into the Women's World Cup events. We will integrate activities that
celebrate women in sport globally into advertising campaigns and promote the
campaign widely across social media platforms. August to October marks a period of
continuous engagement and strategic adjustment. We will closely monitor real-time
feedback and engagement metrics across platforms, adapting our strategies based on
performance and audience responses. This flexibility ensures our campaign stays
dynamic and relevant. In November, a comprehensive analysis of the campaign's
impact will be conducted. Key performance indicators such as brand sentiment,
audience engagement, and female athlete participation will be closely examined,
generating insightful reports that inform our future initiatives. As we approach
December, we will take time to reflect on the campaign's successes and challenges.
These reflections will help in developing other strategies in the future, ensuring a
continuous journey toward empowering women and challenging societal norms.

Figure 1. Campaign timeline

2. Budget

Our "Step Forward Together" campaign is not just a vision; it is a meticulously

planned and well-funded initiative aimed at making a lasting impact. With a total
budget of $13 million, we have strategically allocated resources across key areas to
ensure the success of our campaign. In the realm of Creative Development and
Production, we have earmarked $2 million to hire top-notch creatives, invest in high-
quality video production, and enlist skilled graphic designers. This budget will help us
in our work to deliver visually and emotionally engaging content, helping to make
campaign messages more meaningful. Recognizing the influential power of
collaborations, especially with female athletes and influencers, we have allocated $1.5
million. This budget allows us to engage these inspiring individuals, ensuring their
active participation in championing our cause and amplifying our message across
diverse audiences. Social Media Management is a crucial aspect of our campaign
strategy, and we're dedicating $1 million to assemble a dedicated team. This group
will be in charge of posting posts promoting the campaign and answering questions on

social networks about the campaign's message. At the end of May, we expect to
introduce the new product line, which will cost an estimated $2 million. This money
will be used to produce and design the product. During the Women’s World Cup, we
plan to invest 3 million USD in sponsorship and event organization. This distribution
celebrates global women in sport, creating memorable experiences and connections
with our target audience. Paid advertising, both online and offline, is a key factor in
driving the success of our campaigns. We spend $2.5 million on targeted advertising
strategies to promote our message and reach audiences across various channels. We
will set aside $1 million in the Contingency Fund, for unexpected, unforeseeable

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation

By using the social media metrics method, we will be able to analyze Nike's social
media presence during the Women's World Cup events. Eventually, we will constantly
monitor the number of followers, engagement rates, and the sentiment of
conversations related to Nike and the events, and track relevant hashtags and mentions
to gauge the online conversation around Nike and its involvement in the Women's
World Cup.

By monitoring event participation, it is easier to analyze the overall attendance at the

Women's World Cup events where Nike is a sponsor or supporter, and we will
evaluate the level of engagement among spectators during the events, such as crowd
enthusiasm, interaction with promotional activities, and social media posts to evaluate
the level of participation and engagement

The evaluation of the "Step Forward Together" campaign stands as a pivotal element
in our strategic approach, seeking to provide a comprehensive understanding of its
impact on various dimensions of our brand and overarching objectives. To gauge the
campaign's success, we have established a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs),
encompassing metrics such as increased brand sentiment, heightened engagement on
social media platforms, and shifts in market share. These quantifiable benchmarks
serve as a foundation for assessing the effectiveness of our initiatives. Additionally, a
thorough financial impact analysis will be conducted, delving into revenue data, sales
figures, and market share trends during and post-campaign to establish a direct
correlation between the campaign and financial outcomes. Leveraging sentiment
analysis tools, we will delve into changes in brand sentiment across diverse channels,
including social media conversations, customer reviews, and online discussions,
offering nuanced insights into public perception. Direct insights from our audience
will be obtained through post-campaign surveys and feedback forms, providing
qualitative data on audience perceptions and the resonance of our messaging. The
assessment will extend to media coverage analysis, examining news articles, reviews,
and mentions to understand how the campaign is portrayed in the media landscape.

Internal reflections and team discussions will supplement the evaluation, exploring the
campaign's alignment with strategic objectives, lessons learned, and areas for
improvement. A comparative analysis against industry standards, competitors, and
historical data will add contextual depth to our evaluation, allowing us to assess the
campaign's relative success within the broader landscape.

Through this robust and comprehensive evaluation process, blending quantitative and
qualitative methodologies, we aim not only to measure the immediate success of the
"Step Forward Together" campaign but also to derive actionable insights informing
our future marketing strategies and brand initiatives. This commitment to ongoing
evaluation underscores our dedication to agility and adaptability in a dynamic market


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