I Believe The Purposes of Education Are To Inspire Creativit

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Philosophy of Education

I believe the purposes of education are to inspire creativity within a learner. To

allow the mind to think critically and roam the realm of opportunity. I believe the
purpose of education is to open the mind to new experiences and subjects. To excite the
learner and develop themselves into the person they want to be. I believe that learning
should never stop. Create a style of education that makes a learner never want to stop

I believe that students learn best when they are comfortable. I believe that students
learn best when they are engaged and having fun. When they feel that they are supported
and are not scared to ask questions. When the students are connected to each other is
when students learn best. When you inspire students to be them best selves is when they
will be most motivated to learn. Students will learn best when there being themselves.

I believe a good learning environment is one in which students can thrive and be
themselves while reaching their goals and being educated in the process. I believe that the
environment should be welcoming and friendly but also productive. Students should be
able to express their opinions and feelings without backlash. I want the classroom to be
tight knit and the students can build relationships with the teacher and their peers.

I believe that teachers should have the following qualities. I believe that teachers
should have patience, leadership, honesty, welcomeness, and team work traits. I believe
that these are essential qualities to have as a teacher as they allow you to have a fun,
stable, and inspiring classroom. If you demonstrate these traits you will be able to connect
with students and encourage them to push themselves to learn new things and grow not
only in education but as a person.

I believe teachers should assess their practice and strive to improve. I believe that
teachers should evaluate themselves and reflect on the quality of there teaching, the
quality of there lesson plans, and look at how they are able to develop the learner in the
classroom. Teachers should use there test scores to reflect the quality of the lesson that
the students learned. Teachers should hold themselves accountable for imperfections in
the class room and do there best to fix any issues that develop.

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