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Upper & Lower Genitourinary Tract Anomalies

1) During renal development there are two

processes occurring including ..................
A. ascent and medial rotation
B. descend and medial rotation
C. ascent and lateral rotation
D. descend and lateral rotation

2) The presence of potter syndrome is coincident

with .............
A. unilateral renal a genesis
B. horse shoe kidney
C. bilateral renal agenesis
D. ectopic kidney

3) The most common fusion renal anomaly

is ...........
A. renal Hypoplasia
B. horse shoe kidney
C. renal agenesis
D. ectopic kidney

4) The multi cystic kidney is ...........

A. a normal functioning kidney
B. a non functioning kidney
C. cystic disease with innumerable non
communicating cysts
D. best treated by pyeloplasty

5) The true undescended Testis is ............

A. arrested along the normal pathway of descend
B. arrested in abnormal pathway if descend
C. can be pulled to the scrotum
D. has no complications

6) The most important diagnostic modality in

impalpable Testis is .........
A. ultrasound
B. laparoscopy
C. Magnetuc resonance imaging
D. computerized tomography

7) In a boy with urethral meatus in the ventral

surface of the penis the
diagnosis is .............
A. hypospadias
B. epispadias
C. undescended Testis
D. phimosis

8) The optimum age of repair of hypospadias

is ............
A. school age
B. 3 to 4 years
C. 6 to 18 months
D. immediately after birth

9) Compensatory renal growth includes:

A. Both hypertrophy and hyperplasia
B. Only hypertrophy
C. Only hyperplasia

10) Best time of ttt of undescended testis surgery:

A. 6 month
B. 3 month
C. 3 years
D. At school age

11) In neonate child with abnormal urethral

opening , the term
hypospadias applies to:
A. Dorsal urethral meatus opening
B. Ventral urethral meatus opening
C. Absent urethral meatus opening
D. Normal urethral meatus opening

12) In cases of ectopic ureter, the presentation

may be:
A. Incontinence in females
B. Incontinence in males
C. Polyuria
D. Hesitancy

13) Among factors responsible for testicular

descend, the Gubernaculum which is:
A. A ligament extending from lower pole of testis to
base of scrotum
B. A ligament extending from upper pole testis to
the base of scrotum
C. A ligament extending from lower pole of testis to
the kidney

14) The following is correct with regard to retractile

A. Cannot be pulled to the scrotum
B. Can be easily manipulated down to the scrotum
and remain temporarily
C. Can be found in ectopic places

15) During operation for abdominal testis, The

fowler-Stephens technique means:
A. Orchiectomy
B. Clipping of the spermatic vessels
C. Testis aspiration

16) In neonate child with abnormal urethral

opening , the term
Hypospadias applies to .........
A. Ventral urethral meatus opening
B. Absent urethral meatus opening
C. Normal urethral meatus opening

17) During operation for hypospadias, The term

orthoplasty refers to ...................
A. Penile straightening
B. Penile shortening
C. Urethral reconstruction

18) Anderson–Hynes operation is done in ........

A. UPG obstruction
B. Contracted bladder
C. Lower ureteral stricture
D. Mid-ureter stricture

19) Hypoplastic kidney means:

A. Ectopic kidney
B. Absent kidney
C. Small normal shaped kidney
D. Kidney with abnormal vasculature

20) Bilateral Undescsnded tesis

and high penoscorotal
A. Urgent surgical intervention
B. Disorders of sex differentiation ( DSD )
C. Disorders in renal development
D. Nothing and follow - up

21) Which of the following is NOT a feature of

A. Ventral chordee
B. Hooded foreskin
C. Dorsally placed meatus
D. Proximal meatus

22) Hypospadias anomaly includes abnormal

urethral opening in addition to .........
A. Ventral hooded prepuce and dorsal curvature
B. Dorsal hooded prepuce and ventral curvature
C. Urinary incontinence
D. Wide separation of pubic bones

23) Bilateral undescended testis and severe

proximal hypospadias indicates:
A. Urgent surgical intervention
B. Disorders of sex differentiation ( DSD )
C. Disorders in renal development
D. Nothing and follow - up

24) The surgical importance of a horseshoe kidney

is due to its:
A. Abnormal vasculature and stone formation
B. Need to be corrected ASAP
C. Causes ESRD by the age of 30
D. Higher likelihood of developing tumors

25) The management of a retractile testis is:

A. Follow up
B. Immediate surgery
C. Hormonal therapy
D. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG)

26) The best treatment for palpable inguinal

undescended testis in one-year boy is:
A. Medical treatment
B. Orchiopexy
C. Laparoscopy
D. Follow-up

27) The optimal time for hypospadias repair

is ................
A. Between 3-5 years
B. Between 6 and 18 months
C. At school age
D. Between 6 and 18 years

28) Undescended testis should be operated upon

A. First year after delivery.
B. Third year after delivery.
C. Second year after delivery.
D. At any year after delivery.

29) The undescended testis:

A. testis arrested in its normal path of descent
down to the scrotum.
B. A testis arrested outside the normal path of
descent to the scrotum.
C. A testis that can be easily manipulated down to
the Scrotian
D. A testis that needs no further attention

30) The commonest site for ectopic testis is

A. Femoral
B. Inguinal
C. Perineal
D. Contralateral scrotal compartment

31) Regarding hypospadias, select the right

A. The penis is curved upwards
B. Penoscrotal is more common than glanular
C. The scrotum is bifid in the perineal type
D. Circumcision allows free passage of urine


32) Which of the following anomalies are present

in cases of hypospadias?
A. The scrotum is bifid in Penoscrotal variety
B. The meatus is stenosed
C. The prepuce is deficient dorsolateral
D. The shaft is dorsally curved


33) The most common anomalies associated with

hypospadias are
A. Congenital heart disease
B. Renal duplication
C. Gastrointestinal malformations
D. Inguinal hernia and undescended testis

34) The best treatment for palpable inguinal

undescended testis in one-year bay is
A. Medical treatment
B. Orchiopexy
С. Laparoscopy
D. Follow-up

35) Management of PUJ structure is:

A. Nephrectomy
B. Nephropexy
C. Pyeloplasty
D. Partial nephrectomy

36) About polycystic kidney, all the following are

true except:
A. It is an X-linked recessive disease
B. The disease always affects both kidneys
C. The disease is always progressive
D. The disease causing hypertension
E. The disease ultimately causes renal failure

37) Undescended tests:

A. are a feature of the prune-belly syndrome
B. are best corrected at or around puberty
C. are usually bilateral
D. Have no malignant potential
E. Are usually bilateral

38) As regards polycystic kidney all are correct,

A. Hereditary condition.
B. Infantile type is a rare condition inherited as
autosomal recessive.
C. May cause renal hypertension.
D. Cannot be complicated by infections (sterile


39) Adult polycystic kidney:

A. Autosomal recessive.
B. Usually affects one kidney.
C. Usually leads to renal failure.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.


40) The commonest congenital anomaly of the

bladder is:
A. Paraureteric diverticulum.
B. Patent urachus.
C. Urachal cyst.
D. Ectopia vesica


41) Horse Shoe kidney:

A. Level of block is at the level of the superior
mesenteric artery.
B. The renal pelvis lies medially.
C. Isthmectomy is always indicated.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.


42) Horse-shoe kidney:

A. Ascent is arrested by superior mesenteric artery
B. Renal pelvis may lie anteriorly
C. Excision of the isthmus is always indicated
D. All of the above


43) The first step in surgery for penoscrotal

hypospadias is:
A. Circumcision
B. Consent for penile shortening
C. Release of the chordae
D. Suprapubic cystostomy


44) The key steps of hypospadias repair include all

the followings except:
A. Orthoplasty
B. Urethroplasty
C. Incontinence repair
D. Glanuloplasty

45) Male patient with complete duplication of

urinary system may present with all of the
following Complications except:
A. Vesico-ureteric reflux
B. Ureteral obstruction
C. Recurrent epididymitis
D. Incontinence

46) Recommended age of orchiopexy for

undescended testis:
A. Before 1 year
B. 2-3 years.
C. Preschool age
D. Before puberty

47) The degree of malrotation in horse-shoe

A. Orientation of the pelvicalyceal system
B. The site of fusion (at lower or upper poles)
C. Timing of fusion (early or late)
D. None of the above.

48) Regarding hypospadias, select the right

A. The penis is curved upwards
B. Penoscrotal is more common than glandular
C. The scrotum is bifid in the perineal type
D. Circumcision allows free passage of urine


49) Regarding congenital cystic disease of the

kidneys all are correct, except:
A. Is a hereditary disease transmitted by either
B. May be accompanied by similar disease in
pancreas and lung.
C. Is usually unilateral
D. Is commonly complicated by pyelonephritis


50) To maximize fertility potential, orchiopexy for

cryptorchidism should be done before:
A. Age 15 years.
B. Age 12 years.
C. Marriage.
D. Age 2 years.

51) The cardinal features of ectopia vesicae

include the following EXCEPT that:
A. The posterior wall of the bladder is extravasated
through the anterior abdominal wall.
B. The pelvic bones are widely separated.
C.The scrotum is often split.
D. The tests may be undescended.
E. The penis is normally developed.

52) Separation of the symphysis pubis is
associated with this congenital anomaly:
A. Ectopia vesica
B. Posterior urethral valves
C. Hypospadias
D. Bladder diverticulum


53) The following statements regarding ectopic

ureter are correct EXCEPT that it:
A. Is usually the upper member of a double ureter
B. May open into the posterior urethra or seminal
vesicle in the male
C. May open into the urethra or vagina in the
D. Causes urinary incontinence in both sexes E.
May require transplantation into the bladder

Note: In males, the opening is always proximal to

the sphincter, but in females, incontinence may
occur and requires treatment by implantation of
the ectopic ureter into the bladder.

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