The Hindu 12 May

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SUNDAY www.thehindu.

May 12, 2024
Regd. DL(ND)-11/6110/2006-07-08
24 Pages ₹ 15.00 RNI No. UPENG/1986/49939
Vol. 14 앫 No. 19

Printed at » Chennai » Coimbatore » Bengaluru » Hyderabad » Madurai » Noida » Visakhapatnam » Thiruvananthapuram » Kochi » Vijayawada » Mangaluru » Tiruchirapalli » Kolkata » Hubballi » Mohali » Malappuram » Mumbai » Tirupati » Lucknow » Cuttack » Patna


Campaign ends
Will Modi follow his rule, Study shows impact of climate
hazards on women, children
for the fourth
phase of polling retire at 75, asks Kejriwal Maitri Porecha
are at very high risk of
floods, droughts, and cy-
Campaigning ended for
The Delhi CM referred to the ‘rule’ from 2014 of letting BJP leaders retire when they turned 75, clones. Women and chil-
Women and children in Bi- dren’s under-nutrition,
the fourth phase of the suggests that voting for Modi would amount to making Amit Shah the next Prime Minister har, Gujarat, Uttar Pra- teenage pregnancy and
ongoing Lok Sabha election
desh, Maharashtra, Mad- domestic violence indica-
in 96 seats in 10 States and

Jaideep Deo Bhanj Sinha. If this pattern is fol- hya Pradesh, Andhra tors in these hotspots are
Union Territories on Saturday.
NEW DELHI lowed, I would like to ask Pradesh, West Bengal and also very stark.”
» Page 7 the BJP who is their PM Telangana are particularly Overall, 183 districts
ack on the cam- candidate?” vulnerable to climate were vulnerable to hydro-

Rahul Gandhi
B paign trail after be-
ing released from
Tihar Jail on interim bail,
He added that Mr. Modi
was on a “one nation, one
leader” mission to impose
change-related disasters,
reveals an internal study
commissioned by the Mi-
The area of climate-change is
under-researched, notes
meteorological disasters
such as cyclones and
floods, while 349 districts
visits ex-A.P. CM Delhi Chief Minister Arvind “dictatorship”. “If the BJP nistry of Women and Child Soumya Swaminathan. witnessed drought.
Kejriwal on Saturday said wins the Lok Sabha elec- Development. Children ex- The study was able to
YSR’s samadhi that voting for Prime Minis- tion, all Opposition lead- posed to climate hazards son, M.S. Swaminathan Re- generate certain spatial
ter Narendra Modi in the ers, including Mamata Ba- are more likely to be stunt- search Foundation hotspots where high expo-
KADAPA 2024 Lok Sabha election nerjee, Tejashvi Yadav, ed, underweight, and (MSSRF), and former chief sure to hydro-met hazards
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, would amount to voting for M.K. Stalin, Pinarayi Vi- more vulnerable to early scientist of World Health such as floods, cyclones
during his visit to Kadapa on Amit Shah as Prime Minis- In the fray: Arvind Kejriwal during a press conference at the Aam jayan and Uddhav Thacke- pregnancies, it elaborates. Organization, told The Hin- and droughts significantly
Saturday, made it a point to ter as Mr. Modi would be Aadmi Party office in Delhi. SUSHIL KUMAR VERMA ray, will be in jail. They The study exclusively du. Titled “How does cli- co-exists with a higher pre-
visit YSR Samadhi and pay set to retire from politics as won’t even leave leaders accessed by The Hindu mate change impact wo- valence of poor health va-
respects at the former A.P. he turns 75 on September ers should retire at 75. Sug- Mr. Kejriwal took a cue within the BJP as they have identifies climate and men and children across riables such as under-
CM’s grave. » Page 6 17, 2025. gesting a power struggle from Telangana Chief Mi- already finished the ca- health hotspots in order to agro-ecological zones in In- weight women and child
However, responding to within the BJP, Mr. Kejriwal nister Revanth Reddy, who reers of Shivraj Singh specifically understand the dia - A scoping study”, the marriage.
his comments, Union said, “If their [BJP] govern- also questioned if Mr. Modi Chouhan, Vasundhara impact of floods, cyclones study was done by MSSRF. In northern areas of Bi-
Home Minister Shah said ment is formed, they will was ready to retire at 75, Raje, Manohar Lal Khattar and droughts on health of Speaking on the side- har and Gujarat, the geos-
that Mr. Modi would conti- first dispose of [Uttar Pra- and said, “Modiji himself and Raman Singh. The women and children. lines of the WomenLift patial maps show hotspots
nue as Prime Minister for desh Chief Minister] Yogi in 2014 made a rule that next in line is Yogi Aditya- “The issue of climate- Health Global Conference where exposure to
the full term, and the BJP’s Adityanath and then make whoever in the BJP turns nath,” Mr. Kejriwal said. change impact on women 2024 at Dar-es-Salaam, drought, flood, and cy-
constitution did not men- Amit Shah the Prime Minis- 75, they will be made to re- and children is under-re- Tanzania, in April earlier clone coexist with stunting
tion any retirement age. ter of the country. PM Modi tire. First L.K. Advani was CONTINUED ON searched and often over- this year, Ms. Swaminath- and underweight children.
Mr. Kejriwal cited a is asking for votes for Amit made to retire, then Murli » PAGE 7 looked in policy formula- an said, “In our scoping
MAGAZINE 8 PAGES » norm Mr. Modi has en- Shah. Will Amit Shah fulfil Manohar Joshi, Sumitra SEE ALSO tion,” Soumya study we realised that up CONTINUED ON
CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 5 » forced in the BJP that lead- Modi’s guarantee?” Mahajan and Yashwant » PAGE 2 Swaminathan, chairper- to 70% of Indian districts » PAGE 7

‘Cong. should explain
big with why Rahul chose to
Indian not fight from Amethi’
craftsmen Mehul Malpani dice” and the Opposition
MAGAZINE » PAGE 1 UJJAIN party ought to explain it.
In an interview with The
Madhya Pradesh CM Mo- Hindu, he also said that
han Yadav, who is leading when he campaigns in
the BJP’s Lok Sabha cam- States like Uttar Pradesh
paign in the State in the and Bihar, he is an embo-
first elections since diment of the fact that
he assumed of- someone who does
fice, said Rahul not hail from the ma-
Gandhi’s deci- jority caste group can
KKR makes the sion to not con- also become the
test from Amethi Chief Minister.
playoffs in style shows the
“cowar- » PAGE 8

Encroachments, land diversions threaten

Delhi Ridge, the national capital’s lungs
Krishnadas Rajagopal tailed report on the chal-
NEW DELHI lenges faced by the Delhi
Ridge, which include rapid
Over 308 hectares of the urbanisation, manifold in-
ecologically sensitive Delhi crease in the population of
Ridge area have been en- Delhi, and rapacious ex-
croached upon and anoth- ploitation of resources. It
er 183 hectares “diverted” said these factors have re-
for “non-forestry purpos- sulted in slow erosion of a
es”, a Central Empowered natural bounty. Amicus cu-
Committee (CEC) report riae, advocate K. Para-
has informed the Supreme meshwar, is assisting the
Court. The Forest Department has 6,626 hectares of forest land, of which top court in the case.
The Delhi Ridge is the 5% or 308.55 hectares have been encroached upon. FILE PHOTO “The Delhi Ridge, a vital
tail end of the ancient Ara- ecological and geographi-
valis, which is around croachments is also quite tares, which is around four cal feature, stands at a crit-
1,500 million years old and slow with only 91 hectares percent of the total ridge ical juncture marred by a
stretches through Delhi, of encroachment removed area,” the report said. myriad of challenges. Des-
Haryana, Rajasthan, and in the last five years,” the The CEC said the man- pite its significant ecologi-
Gujarat. report noted. agement of the ridge land, cal value, the Ridge faces
The Forest Department called the green lungs of various issues, including
has 6,626 hectares of forest ‘Gradual increase’ the national capital, did encroachments and a tan-
land. Five percent, that is, Similarly, diversion of not “seem to be up to the gled web of ownership dis-
308.55 hectares, have been ridge land for non-forestry mark with five percent [of putes,” the CEC said.
encroached upon. purposes has increased forest land] under en- The report said the dif-
“These are official fi- gradually, the CEC high- croachment, rate of diver- ferent orders passed by
gures and actual encroach- lighted. “In the last five sion on the rise and four multifold committees,
ment can be much more years, it was 183.8841 hec- percent diverted”. authorities, and courts
and can be found out only tares as compared to The report came up be- have led to not only no
after the entire boundary 117.9718 hectares in the ear- fore a Supreme Court progress being made to se-
of Delhi Ridge is secured by lier five-year period. Total Bench headed by Justice cure the ridge but also di-
geo-tagged pillars. The figure from 2015 onwards B.R. Gavai. The CEC told luted the seriousness of the
speed of removal of en- stands at 301.8559 hec- the court it would file a de- issue over the years.
2 Sunday, May 12, 2024

City Delhi

Don’t forget, you are Kejriwal offers prayers at Hanuman temple,

still a graft accused: leads back-to-back roadshows in poll blitz
Meghwal to Delhi CM Satvika Mahajan
Ashna Butani
12.30 p.m. for his party
headquarters at ITO,
where a huge battery of
throughout the evening.
Speaking on the occa-
sion, the CM said, “My only
AAP workers and suppor- fault is that I made good
‘You [CM] have no reason to celebrate; you are returning to jail,’ says BJP Chief Minister Arvind Kejri- ters donning party para- schools for the people of
leader and Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal at a public rally in Delhi wal on Saturday started his phernalia welcomed him Delhi, started Mohalla Clin-
day with prayers at a Hanu- with garlands and flowers. ics, and improved govern-
man temple in the Capital’s ment hospitals. I made
Satvika Mahajan Connaught Place, followed ‘Akin to son’s return’ treatment free for the peo-
NEW DELHI by an election blitzkrieg, in Celebrating the moment, ple of Delhi, but when I
which he addressed Aam an AAP worker, Usha, 64, was in Tihar Jail, they

enior BJP leader and Aadmi Party (AAP) work- said, “It’s like my son is stopped my medicines for
Union Minister of ers and held two back-to- back.” Many chanted, “Jail 15 days.”
State for Law and back roadshows. ke tale tut gaye, Kejriwal Several residents said
Justice Arjun Ram Megh- This was the same tem- chut gaye ( Jail locks broke AAP supporters waving a banner during CM Arvind Kejriwal’s they had been celebrating
wal on Saturday said AAP ple where his wife, Sunita open and Kejriwal got address at the party headquarters on Saturday. SUSHIL KUMAR VERMA ever since the CM’s release
national convener and Del- Kejriwal, had paid obei- freedom)”. from jail on Friday. Md.
hi Chief Minister Arvind sance after his arrest by the The loudest cheers were Following his speech at ted the route of the Azad, 26, an auto driver,
Kejriwal has been celebrat- Enforcement Directorate heard when Mr. Mann took the party office, Mr. Kejri- roadshow. and Md. Shoaib, 24, who
ing ever since he was re- on March 21. a swipe at Prime Minister wal went on to attend two works at a mobile shop,
leased from jail as if he had Mr. Kejriwal, accompa- Narendra Modi, saying, roadshows in the support Supporters clog roads held posters reading, “We
been absolved of all nied by his wife and Pun- “He only has a few words of AAP’s candidates, Sahi The crowd clogged the love you Kejriwal”, and
charges. jab Chief Minister Bhag- while asking for votes — Ram from South Delhi and roads, with a large number “Tiger is back”. “It feels
“Kis baat ka jashn mana want Mann, had invited Muslims, cows, and man- Kuldeep Kumar from East of supporters cheering for like my brother has re-
rahe ho bhai (What are you party supporters to the galsutra. No speeches Delhi. the AAP chief as he waved turned,” Mr. Azad said.
celebrating about)? You are temple to seek blessings of about inflation, poverty The lanes of the Meh- at them from his car. Many A group of daily wage la-

an accused. You still have the deity, prompting the and other issues.” rauli market in South Del- residents came out to their bourers showered flower
the accusation attached to police to step up security Mr. Kejriwal challenged hi, starting from Jahaz Ma- balconies to see him. Folk petals on the CM. However,
your name. You have to re- in the area in anticipation the PM several times. “This hal to Bhool Bhulaiya, were dancers were also part of Vijay, 58, a shop owner,
turn to surrender by June of a large footfall. PM is on a mission to real- smeared with yellow and the roadshows, and the pa- said while he is happy to
2,” Mr. Meghwal said at a He spent around 45 mi- ise the idea of one nation, blue colours. AAP flags, triotic song, Mera Rang de see the CM, many area resi-
public rally in support of nutes there and left around one leader,” he said. banners, and balloons dot- Basanti Chola, played dents will vote for the BJP.
BJP’s West Delhi candidate Arjun Ram Meghwal (left) at an event with BJP’s West Delhi nominee
Kamaljeet Sehrawat in Kamaljeet Sehrawat (right) on Saturday. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT
Dwarka’s Durgapuri.

‘Will win all seats’

“Kejriwal has to be taught a
committed corruption. Ce-
lebration by his supporters
doesn’t mean much as he
about morality.”
“Instead of spreading
confusion among people,
AAP’s South Delhi nominee Sahi Ram Three dead,
23 injured in
lesson. The person who
used to say that he would
send Congress leaders to
has not been absolved of
his crime. The excise poli-
cy was the AAP govern-
he must answer their ques-
tions — when will water be
supplied to all houses in
says he’s prepared for his biggest bout storm-related
jail and would never stay in
government bungalows
ment’s plan to push the ci-
ty’s youth into addiction,”
the Capital? When will the
city’s drains get un- Satvika Mahajan Gujjar upbringing is re-
has been doing just the op- said Delhi BJP chief Viren- clogged? When will its NEW DELHI flected in his eating habits.
posite. The public has un- dra Sachdeva. roads be repaired?” he He still owns cattle which Press Trust of India
derstood what he is up to,” “When Delhi’s people said. Politics can often feel a lot he cares for round the NEW DELHI
the Union Minister said, as- go out to vote, they will Union Minister Hardeep like wrestling. Sahi Ram, clock, and prefers to have
suring party supporters have to choose between a Singh Puri said in a post on 63, is familiar with both. milk from his own farm. Three people, including a
that BJP will win all parlia- corrupt politician and the X, “When Kejriwal first Popularly known as ‘Pehal- His favourite drink is 19-year-old woman, were
mentary seats of Delhi. Modi government whose came to power, he said he wan ji’ among the people home-made badam lassi. killed and 23 injured in
The AAP chief walked development schemes will be an ‘aam aadmi’. in his constituency, the His selection as AAP storm-related incidents in
out of Tihar Jail on Friday have improved people’s Look at him now travelling Aam Aadmi Party’s candi- candidate makes it clear Delhi as strong winds
after the Supreme Court lives in every corner of the big cars and living in a date for the South Delhi that local politics and caste uprooted trees and elec-
granted him interim bail country,” he added. sheesh mahal.” Lok Sabha seat got his nick- equations hold the key in tricity poles and led to por-
until June 1 to campaign for “Kejriwal’s ideology has name from his first pas- this constituency. tions of walls collapsing
the Lok Sabha election. He turned Delhi into the most Terms of release sion, kushti (wrestling), as Having fought almost across the national capital.
was arrested by the Enfor- polluted capital city in the While granting bail to Mr. he grew up in an akhada nine elections, Mr. Sahi Power supply was also
cement Directorate on world. Substandard medi- Kejriwal, the court prohi- (wrestling arena) and went Ram has served Delhi in disrupted in many areas as
March 21 in a money laun- cines have been given to bited him from making any on to become a national various capacities. He a dust storm swept the na-
dering case linked to the patients at Delhi govern- comments with regard to gold medallist in wrestling. started out as a councillor tional capital late on
now-scrapped excise poli- ment hospitals. Corrup- his role in the excise policy Mr. Sahi Ram, who is and went on to become the Friday.
cy and shifted to Tihar Jail tion has happened in the case. The court barred him currently serving his se- Deputy Mayor of the erst- In Shaheen Bagh, 19-
on April 1. health and education sec- from visiting the Chief Mi- cond term as an AAP MLA ignited enough passion in Gujjar community, Mr. Sa- while South Delhi Munici- year-old Shireen Ahmed
Senior leaders of the tors as well,” he said. nister’s office or the Delhi from the Tughlakabad con- him to take on the “might” hi Ram and Mr. Bidhuri re- pal Corporation in 2013. was killed when a portion
BJP’s Delhi unit also took The party’s North East Secretariat. He is also not stituency, grew up on the of the administration. “In present a huge chunk of He was elected as an MLA of a wall of an adjacent
on the Chief Minister, Delhi nominee, Manoj Ti- allowed to sign any official outskirts of the Capital in 1993, there were some de- voters in the constituency for two terms from the building collapsed on her.
terming him “the liquor wari, said, “The person files unless it is required to Tekhand village, which has molition drives in my which is mostly known for Tughlakabad Assembly A case under Sections
scam kingpin”. who went to jail on corrup- obtain the Lieutenant-Go- been home to his family for neighbourhood, which upscale areas. constituency. 304A (causing death by ne-
“He has come out of jail tion charges and has vernor’s approval. generations. Politics, he used to fall under the [Ba- However, following the “If anything is left unfin- gligence) and 288 (negli-
and started lying again. It is stepped out at the mercy of (with inputs from Ankur says, was not in his plans. darpur] Assembly consti- delimitation exercise in ished, there is a drive in me gent conduct with respect
absolutely clear that he the court is now talking Singh) His father was a block pre- tuency of my now oppo- 2008, villages, slums and to find a way to ensure that to pulling down or repair-
sident from the Congress, nent Ramvir Singh resettlement colonies the work gets done some- ing buildings) of the IPC
but he was more interested Bidhuriji. I remember prot- dominate the landscape of how. This is what motiv- was registered against the
in continuing his career as esting against these demo- the parliamentary seat that ates me to continue,” says owner of the top floor of
a pehalwan (wrestler). litions. It was secured Mr. Sahi Ram. the adjacent building, a
Pointing to his ‘cauli- was from by the BJP’s A former BSP member, police officer said.
flower ears’ (a condition there that Ramesh Bid- he switched to AAP ahead In west Delhi's Vikaspu-
caused by friction between my political huri in 2014 of the 2015 Delhi Assembly ri, a man on a two-wheeler
grapplers on the mat), he journey be- and 2019. election. died after a tree branch fell
says, “You can tell I was a gan,” he Tradition- Growing up in one of on him near the Janakpuri
wrestler by looking at says. ally a BJP stronghold, the Delhi’s urban villages, Mr. flyover. The victim, Jaipra-
them.” But it’s wrestling, “People had pinned South Delhi parliamentary Sahi Ram says before the kash, was rushed to Deen
he says, that has also their hopes on me and I seat has 10 Assembly con- colonies came up in these Dayal Upadhyay Hospital,
helped him reach out to a realised that if I want to do stituencies — Bijwasan, Pa- settlements, these areas where he was declared
wider audience as a politi- something for them, I will lam, Mehrauli, Chhatar- were known as Delhi de- dead.
cian. “Many people who have to join politics. In pur, Deoli, Ambedkar hat. In the third incident, a
were fans back then have 1997, I contested my first Nagar, Sangam Vihar, Kal- He says that his wres- 46-year-old labourer, Ha-
joined my campaign now,” election for the post of kaji, Tughlakabad, and Ba- tling days have earned him riom, died after he was
he says. MCD councillor indepen- darpur. Gujjars and Jats goodwill among the peo- trapped under a tree that
Mr. Sahi Ram had his dently and won. And since dominate a number of As- ple. “I’ve worked hard as a fell on him near IB Block at
first brush with politics in then I have been in polit- sembly segments in the councillor and as an MLA K.N. Katju Marg around 11
1993 when a demolition ics,” he said. seat. and will continue to do so, p.m.
drive in his neighbourhood Both belonging to the Mr. Sahi Ram says his if elected an MP,” he says.

Gurugram’s people seek change; BJP govt. has

made only false promises till now: Juhi Babbar
Press Trust of India tor, said his father-in-law
GURUGRAM received unprecedented
support from the residents
Actor Juhi Babbar on Satur- of Gurugram.
day said the people of Gu- The Congress has field-
rugram want a change in ed Mr. Babbar against BJP
the State as the BJP govern- veteran and Union Minis-
ment has made “only false ter Rao Inderjit Singh, who
promises in the name of is seeking a re-election
progress.” from the seat in Haryana.
Ms. Babbar made the The Congress is contest-
comments while cam- ing from nine of Haryana’s
paigning for Raj Babbar, 10 Lok Sabha seats this
her father and Congress election, while one seat –
candidate for the Gurgaon Juhi Babbar, daughter of Congress’s Gurgaon candidate Raj Babbar, Kurukshetra – has been gi-
Lok Sabha seat. She was addressing a press conference with her husband Anup Soni. PTI ven to the Aam Aadmi Par-
accompanied by her hus- ty’s Sushil Gupta as part of
band Anup Soni. are enough to show the will work for the develop- their seat-sharing agree-
“If the public gives him a mirror to the BJP govern- ment of this area by pro- ment.
chance, my father will defi- ment here,” Ms. Babbar viding civic amenities,” she Polling for all seats of
nitely work for the better- said. added. the State will be held in the
ment of Gurugram. Today, “My father is an expe- Her husband Anup So- sixth phase of the general
piles of dirt everywhere rienced politician and he ni, a famous television ac- election, on May 25.
Sunday, May 12, 2024 3

‘Bose should say why he hasn’t Army choppers rescue two Timings

quit after molestation charges’ stranded American tourists

RISE 05:33 SET 19:04
RISE 08:54 SET 23:37

from H.P.’s Churdhar Valley

RISE 05:32 SET 19:04
RISE 09:55 SET 00:00

Bengal Governor released edited CCTV footage to clear his name, alleges Mamata, adds that ‘real TUESDAY, MAY. 14
RISE 05:32 SET 19:05
contents of video were shocking’; won’t go to Raj Bhavan, prefer to meet him on streets: TMC chief Press Trust of India from Nohradhar, after Ms. RISE 10:55 SET 00:20

NAHAN Ratan had some health

Press Trust of India saw the entire footage and problems.
SAPTAGRAM its contents are shocking. Two stranded American He said a team compris-
The truth is yet to come women trekkers of Indian ing officials from the pol-

est Bengal out. I have got another vi- origin were rescued by Ar- ice, Health, and Revenue

W Chief Minister
Mamata Baner-
jee on Saturday criticised
deo,” Ms. Banerjee said,
adding that the Governor’s
conduct was “shameful”.
my choppers on Saturday
morning from the Churd-
har Valley in Himachal’s
departments were rushed
to the spot. The teams pro-
vided immediate medical
Governor C.V. Ananda “I am not going to the Sirmaur district, officials help to the tourists, and la-
Bose over the allegations of Raj Bhavan till he is Gover- said. ter, teams of National and
molestation against him, nor. I prefer to meet him Sirmaur Deputy Com- State Disaster Response
and said he must explain on the streets,” she missioner Sumit Khimta Teams also reached the
why he should not step Mamata Banerjee at a rally in Hooghly on Saturday. PTI asserted. said that two American ci- spot. Two army helicop-
down from his post. tizens, Richa Abhay Sona- ters were requisitioned af-
Addressing a poll rally not work anymore,” the was molested by Mr. Bose ‘Work for masses’ wane and Sonia Ratan, ter the Home Ministry and
here in support of the Tri- Chief Minister said. in the Governor’s house on While campaigning for Ms. were rescued from Teesri Ministry of External Affairs
namool Congress’ Hooghly “Mr. Bose must explain April 24 and May 2. Rachana Banerjee, a form- on the Nohradhar-Churd- The trekkers were airlifted from were informed.
candidate Rachana Baner- why he should not resign The Governor had sub- er television personality, har trek route with the Teesri village. PTI Around 6.30 a.m. on Sa-
jee, Ms. Banerjee said she after such allegations were sequently screened multi- the CM added that the can- help of two Army chop- turday, two army choppers 0
DISCLAIMER: Readers are requested to verify
will not step inside the Raj levelled against him,” she ple tapes of CCTV footage didate was surprised when pers. They have been ad- trict administration got a landed in the area, and the and make appropriate enquiries to satisfy
themselves about the veracity of an advertise-
Bhavan while Mr. Bose re- added. of the Raj Bhavan on May 9 she was asked to debut in mitted in a hospital in phone call from Joginder stranded tourists were res- ment before responding to any published in
this newspaper. THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., the
mains in office. A contractual woman in a bid to clear the air over politics. “I told her that no- Chandigarh. Singh, a resident of Noh- cued with the help of Publisher & Owner of this newspaper, does not
vouch for the authenticity of any advertisement
“The Governor says ‘di- employee of Raj Bhavan the allegations of molesta- body is born a politician, Both the women, who radhar village, late on Fri- NDRF and SDRF jawans or advertiser or for any of the advertiser’s
products and/or services. In no event can the
digiri’ [bullying] will not be had last week lodged a tion brought against him. but becomes one by work- were born in India, are out day evening regarding two who carried them up to the Owner, Publisher, Printer, Editor, Director/s,
Employees of this newspaper/company be held
responsible/liable in any manner whatsoever
tolerated. But I say, Mr. Go- complaint with Kolkata “The Governor had re- ing for the masses,” the of danger, he added. women travellers stuck at helicopters, Mr. Khimta for any claims and/or damages for advertise-
ments in this newspaper.
vernor, your ‘dadagiri’ will Police, alleging that she leased an edited video. I TMC chief said. Mr. Khimta said the dis- Teesri, about 10 km away said.

Maharashtra’s capital is going to transform

into a vibrant, international-class city’
Campaigning in my maiden direct election has given me the chance to experience ground realities, says the Union Minister

What are your views the Gujarat elections. I’m

INTERVIEW on Parivarwad, given proud of my parents, their
that your father, former contribution to the country
Piyush Goyal Union Minister Ved and society. I’m equally
Prakash Goyal, was also proud that I did not get any
in the BJP? privileges with the ‘Goyal’
Purnima Sah surname.
We oppose the reservation
nion Minister Piy- of certain positions or seats There is a perception

U ush Goyal, who has

handled several
portfolios such as Com-
only for a family. We strong-
ly believe that if a person
comes up in public life on
that several big projects
and financial services
are going to Gujarat
merce and Industry, Rail- his own merit, despite hav- instead of Maharashtra
ways, Finance, Consumer ing family members already these days...
Affairs, Food and Public in public life, they are wel-
Distribution, Textiles, and Connecting with the people will help me do my job better, said come. My mother was an That is all a figment of imag-
more, is all set to contest Goyal. EMMANUAL YOGINI MLA for three terms from ination of certain sections
his maiden direct election Matunga. She didn’t lose an of the Opposition. Mumbai
on Monday as the BJP can- Prime Minister Narendra I am hugely excited be- election but chose to retire is a compulsive investment
didate from the Mumbai Modiji thought that many cause for 40 years I have in 2004 as she had crossed destination; a powerhouse
North Lok Sabha seat. The of us who have been in Ra- been working for the party the age of 65 and did not in terms of its various sec-
Hindu caught up with him jya Sabha for two or three in various elections in diffe- want to contest. She didn’t tors where we are predomi-
in the middle of his cam- terms should now look at rent roles, always support- allow me to contest. nant, whether it’s trade or
paign schedule. Excerpts: going to the people’s court, ing other candidates to get My father was in the Ra- commerce.
getting connected directly elected. This is the first jya Sabha till 2008; he The one constraint Mum-
In your with the people and expe- time I am a candidate. It passed away the same year. bai always had was space. It
three-decade-long riencing the ground reali- gives me an opportunity to Till that time, I was a small was only after Devendra
political career, you ties and situation, so that understand candidates’ functionary at the local le- Fadnavis became Chief Mi-
have never contested we can do our job better. psychology. This will help vel in Mumbai. The party in nister that Mr. Modi could
direct elections before. me emerge as a much more their wisdom took me to help Maharashtra create
What made you enter What are your sensitive person, getting on New Delhi as treasurer, world-class infrastructure.
the fray this time? takeaways from the ground, engaging and then made me a Rajya Sab- Mumbai is going to trans-
campaigning as a connecting with day-to-day ha MP. In 2012, Mr. Modi form into a vibrant, interna-
The party leadership and candidate? issues. took me into his team for tional-class city.

Delhi HC grants bail to alleged

operative of banned terror outfit
The Hindu Bureau posed by the trial court, or It argued that although the
NEW DELHI the appellant [Qureshi] at- Centre had banned SIMI by
tempts to threaten or in- September 27, 2001, the
The Delhi High Court has fluence any witness, di- Delhi Police had found him
granted bail to Abdul Sub- rectly or indirectly, or attending a press confe-
han Qureshi, co-founder of attempts to delay the trial, rence on the same night in
the banned terror organi- it would be open to prose- the organisation’s Zakir Na-
sation Indian Mujahideen cution to seek cancellation gar office, where members
(IM), in a terror case. of bail, without any refe- were raising slogans
The court considered rence to this court,” the against the Indian govern-
that Qureshi, who was ar- High Court said. ment for banning the
rested by the Delhi Police Qureshi had challenged outfit.
in 2019, had undergone a trial court’s December Some members of the
around five years of incar- 2023 order which had re- organisation were arrested
ceration. It directed that jected his plea for bail. on the spot, while some
the terms and conditions According to the prose- others, including Qureshi,
of the bail be decided by a cution, Qureshi remained fled, the prosecution said,
trial court. an active member of IM adding that several incrim-
“In case there is any vio- and Students’ Islamic inating items were seized
lation of any condition im- Movement of India (SIMI). from there.
4 Sunday, May 12, 2024

States Delhi

쑽 Adityanath and Akhilesh T.N. police team
arrests YouTuber
issue last-minute appeal from Noida
for respective alliances The Hindu Bureau
Both YouTubers had
reportedly broadcast
While U.P. CM raises spectre of Naxalism and terrorism reviving if the INDIA alliance comes to an interview with the
Felix Gerald, owner of Red-
power, SP chief reiterates that the 2024 polls are a battle to save democracy and the Constitution intention to malign
BJP will hit four and six in pix 24X7 YouTube chan-
nel, cited as second ac- T.N. women police
Himachal: Anurag Thakur Mayank Kumar cused in a recent case filed officers, personnel
LUCKNOW by Tiruchi Cyber Crime
Union Information and Broadcasting Minister Police against YouTuber
Anurag Thakur on Saturday said the BJP will hit a ddressing separate ‘Savukku’ Shankar, for al- trate for a transit warrant
four and six in Himachal Pradesh by winning all
the four Lok Sabha seats and bypolls in six
Assembly constituencies. Mr. Thakur, the BJP
A rallies on the last
day of campaigning
for the fourth phase of the
legedly making derogatory
statements about women
police personnel during an
before being brought by
train to Tiruchi,” V. Varun
Kumar, Superintendent of
candidate from Hamirpur LS seat, said people general election, Uttar Pra- interview to the channel, Police, Tiruchi, said.
were happy with the performance of the BJP-led desh Chief Minister Yogi has been arrested by the The police have filed the
government at the Centre and wanted to make Adityanath and Leader of Tiruchi Police in Noida. case against both Mr. Shan-
Narendra Modi the PM for the third term. “We the Opposition Akhilesh The case was booked on kar and Mr. Jerald under
constructed Ram Mandir. The Congress says it Yadav appealed to voters Final pitch: U.P. CM Yogi Adityanath addressing a rally in Kanpur Dehat, and (right) SP chief Akhilesh a complaint filed by M.A. sections 294 (b), 353 and
will build a mosque. The Opposition parties said on Saturday to stop their Yadav in Kannauj on Saturday. PTI Yasmin, Deputy Superin- 509 of the IPC, section 67
they would crush Sanatan,” he said at a rally at opponents from coming to tendent of Police, Musiri, of the IT Act and section 4
Gandhi Chowk in Hamirpur. PTI power. to scare people. Targeting Mr. Adityanath also ad- a choice for our future, a alleging that Mr. Shankar of the T.N. Prohibition of
While Mr. Adityanath the SP over dynastic polit- dressed a poll rally in Un- choice for generations to had made demeaning com- Harassment of Women Act
raised of spectre of Naxal- ics, he said while politics of nao on Saturday to canvass come,” he said. ments against women pol- for insulting the modesty

ism and terrorism reviving Rambhakts (devotees of for the BJP-led National De- Accusing the BJP of con- ice personnel, consequent- of women, publishing or
Cong. will win Amethi, Rae in the event of the INDIA
alliance coming to power,
Ram) is for the nation, the
Ramdrohis (anti-Ram peo-
mocratic Alliance. spiring to take away all the
rights the Scheduled
ly causing immense mental
agony to them.
transmitting obscene ma-
terial in electronic form
Bareli by ‘big margin’: Baghel Mr. Yadav reiterated that ple) work for own families. Personal touch Castes (SC) and backwards, Mr. Shankar was arrest- and deterring a public ser-
these parliamentary polls “These people can’t think Mr. Yadav, who cam- the SP president claimed ed by Tiruchi Cyber Crime vant from discharging du-
BJP’s Smriti Irani has carved her identity by are a battle to save democ- beyond their family. The paigned in his constituen- that the Centre deliberate- Police on May 8 in connec- ties. Earlier, a statement
opposing Rahul Gandhi, but cannot do so in racy and the Constitution. SP has given tickets to its cy for one last time before ly didn’t undertake the tion with this case. from the Tiruchi Rural Pol-
Amethi this time and will face defeat, Congress In Kanpur, the U.P. CM own family members on it goes to polls on May 13, caste census exercise as “After the Madras High ice said both Mr. Shankar
leader Bhupesh Baghel said in Rae Bareli on hit out at Congress, the five seats,” said Mr. added a personal touch. “I the ruling party is afraid of Court condemned him, and Mr. Jerald had broad-
Saturday. He added his party will win both the principal Opposition party Adityanath. have come to make a re- giving legitimate rights to Mr. Jerald switched off his cast the interview with the
Amethi and Rae Bareli Lok Sabha seats in U.P. by nationally, and Samajwadi Moving to Kannauj, quest for the Samajwadi the marginalised sections. mobile phone, flew to Del- intention to malign Tamil
a “big margin”. Both the constituencies have had Party (SP), his primary op- from where Mr. Yadav is Party and myself. All of “On June 4, a govern- hi and was staying in a Nadu women police offic-
close ties with the Gandhi family. Indira Gandhi ponent in the State. He al- contesting, he claimed that you, please help us this ment of the socialists will lodge in Noida. He was ar- ers and personnel. “Due to
contested from here and then Sanjay Gandhi, leged that the Congress is the SP chief had to enter time. The BJP, which was be formed. Your enthu- rested in Noida by the Tiru- this video, women police
Rajiv Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi spreading the rumour of the fray because the Oppo- in power, increased infla- siasm shows that the BJP chi Cyber Crime team on personnel had faced a se-
have all fought the polls from either of these BJP planning constitutional sition failed to find a candi- tion, unemployment and will be defeated on June 4,” Friday, and will be pro- rious setback in their per-
constituencies, Mr. Baghel said. PTI amendments in an attempt date. looted the farmers. This is he said. duced before a local magis- sonal and social lives.”

Infiltrators posing risk to

Jharkhand tribals: Assam CM
Decision on resignation of 3 In Nandurbar, Priyanka
Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday
expressed his concerns about infiltration from
Independent MLAs by early accuses Modi and BJP of
June, says Himachal Speaker disrespecting tribal mores
Bangladesh, highlighting its impact on the safety
of women in Jharkhand. Addressing a rally in
Ranchi, Mr. Sarma said infiltrators often acquire
land by marrying tribal women and exert control
over their rights. “I’ve witnessed this first hand in
Assam, where 40% of the population comprises Press Trust of India They had voted in turn up, maybe due to Abhinay Deshpande
infiltrators. This situation mirrors that of West SHIMLA electioneering, and the fi- MUMBAI
favour of BJP
Bengal. It’s crucial to prevent a similar scenario nal hearing would be held
in Jharkhand. Also, we must speak up against Himachal Pradesh As-
nominee Harsh in May end or early June, Congress leader Priyanka
forced conversions in Jharkhand. Electing a BJP sembly Speaker Kuldeep Mahajan in the RS he added. Gandhi Vadra on Saturday
government is necessary to address these Singh Pathania on Satur- polls on February 27 Congress leaders Jagat criticised Prime Minister
challenges effectively,” he said. PTI day said the final decision Singh Negi and Harish Ja- Narendra Modi’s poll
regarding the acceptance nartha had on April 24 speeches as mere ‘hollow
of resignations of three In- Three Independent filed a fresh petition with talk’ and urged him to
dependent MLAs and in- MLAs — Hoshiyar Singh, the Speaker for action learn his lessons from the
Two killed, 11 injured in clash itiating action under the
anti-defection law would
Ashish Sharma and K.L.
Thakur — had voted in fa-
against these MLAs under
the anti-defection law.
life of her grandmother
and former Prime Minister Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra arriving for the
over govt. land in M.P. village be taken by the end of May vour of BJP nominee Harsh The Independent MLAs Indira Gandhi. Nyay Sankalp Sabha in Nandurbar on Saturday. ANI
or early June. Mahajan in the Rajya Sab- had also moved the High Addressing a rally in
Two persons were killed and 11 injured when two The conduct of the In- ha polls held on February Court on April 10 for ac- Maharashtra’s tribal-domi- Ayodhya. When it comes to cused,” she said referring
groups clashed in a dispute over government dependent MLAs indicated 27. They had resigned from ceptance of their resigna- nated Nandurbar for the actually giving respect, to Brij Bhushan Sharan
land in Madhya Pradesh’s Bhopal district on that they were under “du- the Assembly on March 22 tions but the case could party candidate Gowaal Modiji backs out,” she Singh.
Saturday, police said. The incident occurred at ress”, and therefore, an in- and joined the BJP the next not be decided as the Divi- Padvi, a day after Mr. Mo- alleged. Drawing on her family’s
Barsora village under Najirabad police station quiry was initiated and an day before their resigna- sion Bench, consisting of di’s rally, she accused the She also questioned Mr. legacy, she spoke about In-
limits in the morning, an officer said. A clash explanation was sought tions were accepted and Chief Justice M.S. Rama- BJP of disregarding the cul- Modi’s sincerity towards is- dira Gandhi’s approach to-
broke out between two groups of villagers who from them, he said. “our Constitution does not chandra Rao and Justice ture and traditions of tri- sues such as women’s safe- wards the welfare of com-
attacked each other with lathis, and two men Later, they were also is- permit Independent MLAs Jyotsna Rewal Dua, ex- bals. “President Droupadi ty and empowerment. mon people.
identified as Jaswant Gurjar and Ranglal Gurjar sued notices when the to join a political party”, pressed divergent views on Murmu, an Adivasi, was “Why didn’t he raise a fin- Invoking her family’s
were killed, he said. Eleven others sustained Congress leaders filed a the Speaker said. whether the court can is- neither allowed to inaugu- ger when women wrestlers old ties with Nandurbar,
injuries, he said. The groups were fighting over fresh petition for action Both the parties (Inde- sue directions to the Speak- rate the new Parliament were on the streets protest- she said her grandmother
the land on which the government had set up a against these MLAs under pendent and Congress le- er in this regard. building nor participate in ing against the harass- Indira Gandhi always be-
silo. The land got vacant recently, and both the anti-defection law, he gislators) were called on The matter will now be the consecration ceremo- ment, but the BJP gave the gan her election cam-
groups were eyeing it, the officer said. PTI added. Saturday but they did not decided by a fresh bench. ny of the Ram temple in ticket to the son of the ac- paigns from this place.

Up for the challenge, wives of ‘bahubalis’ liven up the LS contest in Bihar

bruary 2024, he switched Rajo Singh. the rights to the poor and it is difficult to sift the truth
SPOTLIGHT his loyalty to Kumar and A part of the Other Back- marginalised will be my from urban legend. Howev-
his party Janata Dal (United ward Classes (OBC), Mahto priority,” she adds, with er, the vernacular media
Amarnath Tewary — JD(U). Days after, his had taken a vow not to mar- the ease of a long-time has featured pictures of
PATNA mother got a ticket from ry. “There was no guaran- politician. Bharti beaten black and
the JD(U) to contest the Lok tee of life in the days I was blue, allegedly by him.
Lovely Anand, 57, sits on Sabha election from fighting for the downtrod- Defending to win He was arrested in Fe-
the top floor of the dark, Sheohar. den,” he says of his life in Bima Bharti, 49, who stood bruary 2024 along with his
musty three-storeyed Bihar “Had Anand Mohan his pre-jail days. from Purnea says her hus- younger son allegedly for
Hotel in Sheohar town. Singh been born during the Everywhere she goes to band, Awadhesh Mandal, is travelling with illegal wea-
“My husband is not a bahu- British reign, he would campaign, her husband is in jail, in what she calls a pons. “They were arrested
bali (strongman) but a ka- have been a krantikari (re- by her side. She is pitted “false and flimsy” cases of at Mokama and later sent to
lambali (penman). It is the volutionary). He comes Lovely Anand Bima Bharti Anita Kumari Mahto against two-time MP, who murder and kidnapping, Barh jail when we were on
media that has given the from the family of freedom is also NDA candidate and among others. She is a five- way to Patna to participate
name,” she says of Anand fighters,” says Lovely. gends like Prem Chand, rally. So, where is the chal- proposal she received from former ruling JD(U) presi- time MLA from the JD(U) in the trust vote. We were a
Mohan Singh, 70. While Singh was in Sa- Jaishankar, and Mahadevi lenge?” she asks, her “caste and community dent Rajiv Ranjan Singh, from Rupauli in Purnea, bit late as my husband had
Lovely is contesting the harsa jail, he had written Verma. unflappably. people”. She married Mah- alias Lalan Singh. until February, when she a liver problem,” says Bhar-
2024 Lok Sabha poll from books like Qaid Mein Azad Standing opposite her is to, about whose past she On the day of Id, April 11, joined the RJD, a part of the ti, days after, she joined the
Bihar’s Sheohar consti- Kalam (The Pen is Free in the Lok Sabha election is Bahubali bride had no idea, at a temple in Anita and Mahto and Opposition’s mahagath- RJD.
tuency, from where Singh Even in Captivity), Swadhin Ritu Jaiswal of the RJD. Anita Kumari Mahto, 45, Bakhtiyarpur, about 30 km scores of supporters were bandhan (grand alliance). Back in her party cam-
had been MP twice, in 1996 Abhivyakti (Free Speech), While Lovely is a Rajput, who married Ashok Mahto away from the State capital. campaigning in Idgah area Bharti is up against hea- paign office in Subhas Na-
and 1998, before he served and two more. “He also Jaiswal is from the Vaishya in March this year, is con- Mahto had been in jail of Munger town. Anita re- vyweight Independent can- gar of Purnea town, Bharti
a 16-year jail term for the wrote a story on the life of Other Backward Class testing from Munger, 180 for 17 years before his re- fuses to speak about the didate Rajesh Ranjan, alias responds to allegations that
murder of a District Magis- mountain man Dasrath (OBC) community that con- kilometres east of Patna, lease in November 2023. support of Muslim voters, Pappu Yadav, and NDA can- her husband heads the Fai-
trate. Manjhi titled ‘Parwat-Pu- stitute about 25% of the on an RJD ticket. He was convicted in the responding in English, “I didate who is also sitting zan gang that operates in
Her older son Chetan rush-Dasrath’, which was population here. “I do not Until two months ago, 2000 Apsadh massacre in can’t comment, as I’ve MP, Santosh Kumar the area.
Anand is the Rashtriya Ja- included in the Class VIII want to comment on oth- she had worked as a chief which 12 upper caste peo- come here for prayer. I’m Kushwaha. “My husband has not
nata Dal (RJD) legislator CBSE (Central Board of Se- ers. Prime Minister Naren- pharmacist at the Northern ple were killed, but broke getting the support of eve- Journalists in Kosi region been a gang-lord or a crimi-
from Sheohar, but before condary Education) course dra Modi is the biggest Railway Central hospital in out of the Nawada prison in ryone here across caste tell many stories of Man- nal,” she says.
the Nitish Kumar govern- book,” says Lovely of the leader of the Vaishya com- Delhi for three years. Mar- 2001. He was convicted in and religious lines.” She dal’s interests (dogs and al-
ment sought a trust vote in book that also contains sto- munity, and being a Rajput riages are “fixed from the 2005 murder of five- boards an SUV. “I’m here to cohol) and atrocities (of LINK TO FULL STORY
the State Assembly in Fe- ries from Hindi literary le- I’ll get their support natu- above” she declares, at the time MLA and two-time MP win. Once I do, justice and setting dogs on people) and »
Published by Nirmala Lakshman and Printed by Praveen Someshwar at HT Media Ltd. Plot No.8, Udyog Vihar, Greater Noida Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, U.P.201306, on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT. LTD. Chennai-600002. Editor: Suresh Nambath (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRP Act).
ISSN 0971 - 751X

Sunday, May 12, 2024


DUBAI BASED Nair boy 35. Business THULUVA VELLALA Mudaliar Anusham
Well settled (Divorcee) Seeking Ed- 27/173 CA (Final) 30 Lacs/Pa seeks
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HINDU 45, BBA handsome well set- 9840850716
tled−Coimbatore 1st marriage, di-
DOCTOR TAMIL TAMIL vorcee/widow, CNB seeks bride. 28 YEARS employed in public sector,
8903712843. 172cm, Rs.80K, seeking fair, good
KERALITE HINDU Girl, Doctor MBBS CHETTIAR 29YRS IT Professional looking graduate girl, age b/w 23−
28, fair, working at UK. Professionals Seeking Well Settled Affulent SEEKS LIFE Partner for 75Years Per- 26 yrs. Caste no bar.
family. PG Doctors/ Professionals sett- Groom, Caste No Bar. 9677214361 / son from Kerala, Settled in Chen- CT:9488371116.
led at European countries/ Super Spe- 9840142562 nai. Cast /Age no bar. Cont:
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WhatsApp No.9847325450 TIRUNELVELI HINDU NADAR girl Govt. 16LPA Divorcee well settled
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ily. Bangalore. WA: 9845284089 MUDALIAR, DIVORCEE, PhD, Profes- HINDU NADAR 32/173cm, BE, 300000
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HINDU NADAR Widow 43, IT Job Own ram, Seeks educated unmarried/wid-
House (grownup Son), Chennai. DIVORCEE ow/ Divorcee without child from FC/
Suitable Bride. KA Raman Nadar BALIJA NAIDU 31/172 Star Aswini
Seeks alliance Caste No Bar Ct: 9380791999 B.Tech Working with MNC Good Look-
1964 BORN second divorcee seeking OBC (40−45yrs) No expectation
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AGAMUDI MUDALIAR 32/165 Mirugasim and aspirations. I am open to ex- Completed schooling in abroad,
Raghu in Lagnam PG(HR MNC) Seeks Seeks Bride CNB/Divorcee ok ly Horoscope must subsect no bar
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ploring the possibility of a mean- working in IT, MNC - 33L PA seeks Bri- :8610014920 Ct:9790705800
ingful connection. I would to get
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VANNIYAR 37/168 BE, 1.45L, Vis- NRI Telugu Hindu Australian Rajaka
VANIYA CHETTIAR, M.Sc, 43/157, HINDU , BE / SWE/ 32/ 5.7/Sc − Set- agam4th, Working in TATA Group of

ADIDRAVIDAR DIVORCE −Seeking Child- tled in Bangalore.Belongs to edu- 34 yrs, seeking any south Indian Girl,
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Intercaste Doctor Parents seeks vorced, well educated (B.E) ,45 family.Contact no:9845401461. URDU
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fair soft gentle pleasing manners tact : 8122589004 Thiruvathirai (Clean Horoscope) Un- suitable bride from the same commu-
age 39yrs/162cm, Divorcee, Associate
26/156 cms intercaste parents seek married Chennai Handsome Fair Tee- nity ct−9488921838
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RICH MUDALIYAR 28yrs MBBS MD Elite Bridegrooms working business (MBBS, MD/ MS, DM/ MCh), Kannada/ VELLALAR/PILLAI, 29/170CM, BA.BL Bride. Ct: 9444183814/ 7299248361
ENGINEER business family in Chennai.Seeks Caste Nobar. Ph: 8667278947 Tamil, OBC/ BC, Ph: 8618607705
Suitable Groom 9710093999/ Tamil Muslim, Fair, Gd Looking, 26/ (HONS), Advocate, seeks Bride (sub CHETTIAR, 30YRS, MBA London,
Hindu Maruthuvar born May 95 9710091999 HINDU NADAR, 28/165cm, MBBS, MD, 1 caste no bar) TN. CT:89398 45694 Landlord, Madurai seeks good looking
Software Engineer seeks suitable 160, B.N.Y.S, doing M.D, Seeks Doctor
Lakh per month, Seeks Suitable HINDU SAIVAPILLAI Thanusu Uthi- Bride. Caste No Bar. Ct: 94437 26677,
Groom inland/abroad. Contact MUKULATHOR Kallar 30Yrs/161cm Engineer Professionals Preferably Bride Contact: 9380791999 Email Id:
9025690557. from Tirunelveli & Chennai. Contact: radam 30,174cm BE MBA SoftwareMNC
Psychatrist, Natchathiram - Pooram, 7867044233, 10L/PA Bangalore Seeks Same Caste
Rasi -Simman, seeks suitable Groom. Nair Doctor 31, 183 cm seeks Allian- working Graduate Bride. 9487995548 LIFE PARTNER FOR son, 37, 5ft
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HINDU DEVENDRAKULA Vellalar girl, MAY 94/167 fair SC/PL BE , TCS some MS (USA) Senior SW Engr.USA. ther Hindu, Mother Catholic). He
28 yrs, 5Ft 4inch, 65 KG, B. Chennai, Parents Hindu/CSI. Seeks HINDU TELUGU Naidu Born Aug 1990/ ENGINEER Seeks Bride (Tamil) Fair, Tall has no religious beliefs. Caste no
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IOC, Madurai, Mother−Home maker, 45, 5ft 7inch, Engineer, Banga- USA or willing to move to USA. Ct: RC NADAR Groom, 44 yrs Holding Se-
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US UK Canada All Caste Religion
PVT companies .caste−No bar. Con- HINDU NADAR, 30yrs / 180cm, BE 1st Marriage Remarriage. BUSINESS
tact: 7550307487/ 6379936273 NAIDU, 33/170, Fair girl, MBBS MBA, 33 LPA in MNC, Chennai, Well Ct:8248757840
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groom Rich Family. BC/MBC. Ph: TVG DIXIE Cups in EMI, Buy and
Well Educated Bride From a Similar Back Option Available.
MALAYALAM 99442 53292. Family Background. 9841054900 Ct:9345996003
RE-MARRIAGE CHRISTIAN Chera- HINDU NADAR sisters, August 1994 /
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Ct: 96265 15511
NAIR GIRL 37/162 Palakkad; poo- MUDALIAR 29/170, Handsome,
radam one dhosham; Associate Pro- SBI MANAGER, BE MBA,SC AD Hindu, BE,MS,ML.Engr, AI MNC,165000.USD.
fessor (Ayurvedic) working in Ahmeda- 35yrs, Mesham−Bharani, seeking PA, Afflunet Family,CNB.9043991629,
bad.only daughter of retired parents suitable & qualified Groom. Ph−
(Father Army & Mother Teacher). 8056104103
9043987029 COMMERCIAL
seeks alliance from professionally em- BRIDE WANTED Elite Mudaliyar 25yrs
ployed grooms. 9447408294. NATHAMA UDAYAR, Parkava kulam MBA Own Constructions & Finance,
girl, aged 31 years, Doctor doing Business family 9710093999/
NAIR GIRL 30/190cm, B.Tech, MS in first year M.D seeks suitable 9710091999
Engineering working in USA. Seeks al- groom belonging to either Vel-
liance from professionally employed lalals,Mudaliars or Agamudaiyars HINDU DEVENDIRA kula vellalar
grooms in USA. Contact 9495626761. aged below 36 years, premier insti- M.E., 29/168 Asst. Engg. in PWD
tute or professional with clean seeks suitable bride 8667380725,
HINDU EZHAVA Girl Gynecologist habits Ct:8870699820 8825793743
Working at Kannur Medical College
22.7.95 Uthiradam Upper Middle EMPLOYED GROOM Below 41 Yrs Re- MUDALIYAR 26/165CM, BE, M.Tech, 1
Class Seeks Same Profession Groom quired for a Hindu Nadar Divorcee Lakh per month, Elite Family,
8014205710 36 Yrs Getting Six Digit Pay . Seeks Suitable Bride. Contact:
9443156344 8939691888
MUSLIM GIRL (33,159cm), M.Tech,
Sr. Data Engineer (Techno Park, Tvm), BRIDEGROOM WANTED For 27 Tamil / DIVORCEE REVATHY 38/186 B.E. M.B.A
D/o retd Govt officials with liberal MS (CSE) , USA Software Engr , Sr. Manager Fair Iyer Boy seeks
values. Divorcee, no liabilities. Seattle , WA.Similar profile want- Graduate Brahmin / Veg Girl
9656163623, 9446451249. ed. Parents Inter Hindu & RCC. 9176090042
Email :
KERALA HINDU SC girl Revathy F−PILLAI, M−SENGUNTHAR, 28/153cms, Required Brahmin Girl for a Brahmin
32/147 B.Tech MACL software Engi- Doctor MBBS Preparing for PG, Re- Groom. Age 42 Divorcee Decent job ALL TYPES of Loan from 2Cr.&Above
neer MNC, Hyderabad seeks suitable vathi, Meenam Seeks Suitable Groom Decent salary. Contact: 9841381417 @Low ROI.Against Property,Business,
alliance. 9446467799. BC/ OC/ FC/ MBC only. Ct:
Projects.Rapid Process.
9566230325 TELUGU ENGLISH TAMIL BRAHMIN, N BALAJI 38, MBA, HR Man- Ct:9345012930
NRI ager, 1 Lac PM, Electrosteel pvt
BALIJA NAIDU, 28/152cm, Fair, PG, South Indian Brahmin, Mar1988, MUDALIYAR, KETTAI,38/165, M. Ltd, Kalahasthi, Seeking alliance
MUDALIAR 25/160 Beautiful,BE,SWE,In MNC Chennai Ct: 6380984534/saanvigk 5’11” MSc Engg (UK), never married, Tech.,(Ph.D),HOD, Pvt.Engg.
CHRISTIAN DOCTOR 33/165, seeks God fosys,CH−500000.PA, Well Settled employed or not working, and have
fearing groom, from good Christian working in Vancouver, Canada, seeks College, Pondy. Seeks bride 29 to privilege of bringing her depen-
Family,CNB. 9043991629,9043987029 professionally qualified bride, willing to 36yrs 9442557578
family, preferably professional dent Parents. Contact:
working in UK. Contact: 9442990948 REDDY 39/165 Divorcee Veg empld in relocate. Contact WhatsApp, Ph:
DEVENDRAKULA VELLALAR Thiru- Chennai affluent family seeks is- 9967531921. HINDU NADAR, 34/170, BE, Own Busi- 9962148742, 8056256105
vathirai (4) 26/162 BE CIVIL Jr. Engr. sueless groom below 44. Ct: ness, 5L p/m, Divorcee, Elite fami-
TAMIL Wrkg Southern Railways, Seeks Suita- 9884657084
ble Boy. 94436 86234. HINDI ly. Seeks Suitable Bride IYER MAGAM 40 B.Com 360000 PA
Ct:9047192999 Seeks any Veg. Girl Contact : 80127
TAMIL GOD fearing spinster 1970/ RICH NAIDU, 27yrs, CA, Own Firm, 1985/175CM, 50 Lakhs PA, Never Mar-
165 M.Com, M.Phil Ex−Lecturer RICH MUDALIYAR, 23yrs, MBA, Own Elite Business family. Seeks Suit- ried, Bangalore. WhatsApp: 96290 58006
HINDU NADAR 29/175cm, B.Tech, 1,75,
seeks suitable Tamil Christian god- constructions, Ware Houses & Land- able Groom. Ct: 9710093999/ 12248 000p/m Seeks Suitable Bride Con- HINDU PARKAVAKULAM Uthiradam
ly bachelor/widower. Email: annvex@ lord. Elite business in Chennai. 9710091999 tact: 9380791999 Magaram,officer- Indian Navy Widower COACHING CLASSES Seeks Suitable Groom 9710093999/ MALAYALAM
9710091999 AFFLUENT KAMMA 40 good looking AGAMUDAYA MUDALIYAR, 42 Mirugasiri- 37yrs with Girl Child-3yrs seeks Fair,
TAMIL MUSLIM Bride, 30/159cm, AVP bride M.Sc Psychology seeks well MALAYALI EZHAVA boy 40/182 Anusham dam PhD TN Govt Job Rs 1.35 Lakh P/ Graduate Bride, Unmarried / Divorcee
in MNC at Bengaluru seeks qualified HINDU SC/AD , 40 yrs, BE, Accen- settled handsome qualified groom. IT professional Settled in Chen- M. "No Broker’ Divorced : without Child. CNB. Ct: 99625 11987
COSMOPOLITAN Tamil Muslim Groom working at ture Chennai, kumbam/avittam, nev- Subsect no bar. 9444410207/ nai, looking for an educated under- 7904550883 SC Hindu 1986 Revathi Meenam
Hyderabad/Bengaluru.Ct: 9080501299 er married seeks suitable Groom standing partner from Kerala/ Manager Bank. Contact: 9385842167
NAIR GIRL Aug 1974 US citizen Ct: 9443445388 (Caste no bar) Tamilnadu. Contact: 9940122336/ WANTED PILLAI / Mudaliar bride age
unit manager Chicago caste/lang no CSI CHRISTIAN Nadar Girl, 33 years, KAMMA 25/170 Pretty Smart affluent 9884120895 34 to 37 for groom age 42. BE Com- Gavara Naidu, 28, M.E. Chennai,
bar seeks groom from US residents M.E., MBA seeks alliance from well MUDALIAR POOSAM 25/168 USA Girl. Grooms from Elite business puter Systems, UK. Never married Own Business, Own House, Subsect
only. cont 9895824803 Educated groom with Govt. Central / Citizen, B.Sc. Working IT, seeks Qlfd. or rich IT professionals from Chen- VISHWAKARMA (CARPENTER− Malayalam) before. Affluent. Managing family No Bar. Ph: 9841097110
State or other Professionals, Groom. Whatsapp: +91 7826029997 nai/ Bangalore/Hyderabad , 34/ 5ft 1inch, Punartham, Pri- business. Ct: 95000 85565
Ct:7305010105 vate Company Job in Coimbatore, Hindu / Devendrakula Velalar
DOCTOR Contact: 9443286920
CASTE NO Bar (Divorcee): 33/V.Fair needs suitable bride from same com- ✔ BE MS (CS), 28yrs, 180cm Smart, (Pallan) 28M / 175CM / B.E, PGDM /
FAIR BEAUTIFUL 26/155 Vanniyku- ELITE TAMIL Muslim B.E., 23, Seeks & Beautiful, MBA (UK), Business, RICH NAIDU 27yrs, B.Tech, Elite munity Contact 9442267579 good looking, A Product Architect− Working in Bangalore / 11L PA
Chennai, Elite Family, Seeks Groom Business Family in Chennai.Seeks IT/Successful Entrepreneur & seeks Employed Tamil Bride Phone
lashathriya Girl Chennai Dr. [DNB] qualified, Suitable Groom Contact :
Surgery seeks PG Doctor. Groom 90807 90001
− Unmarried /Divorce− Business / Suitable Groom Ct:9710093999/ NRI Founder of leading FinTech based : 9444450238 / 9840356343
from Same Caste Ct: 9841982227 / Abroad − 8925019776 9710091999 in Chennai earning 70 lacs+/yr. BRAHMIN AGE 55 Widower, Seeks Brah-
NAIDU 29/180CM, Pooratathi, BTech From an educated HINDU THEVAR fami- min Bride below 54yrs old, Unmar-
9841141583 CSI NADAR, 24/168cm, BE, Elite Fam- MUDALIAR: 26/165, Fair&Beautiful, NAIDU GAVARA 24/157cms, Kettai, MS, Working as Research Engr, PR ly, seeking a bride with similar ried, Widow, Divorcee ok. − 93845
ily. Seeks Suitable Groom. Con- B. Tech, MNC, Bangalore,20Lakhs Viruchigam, Architect, MNC, 6.50 of Sweden Contact Father 9566682220
DOCTOR GIRL 30/156 MBBS MD Ge- tact: 9380791999 values from a good family back- 86456
neral Medicine, seeks Doctors/ suita- PA, Well settled Family, seeks LPA, affluent family. Parents ground +91 7845821205
groom− Eng/Business− 9841272503, seeks well settled, professionally PUNJABI Nellai Saiva Pillai 29/175/1994/ 18LPA
ble grooms 9447493034, 9497168001. CHRISTIAN GROOM age 33 to 36 Well
8939012419 qualified groom. Contact: AGE 46, 2nd Marriage, Working in MNBank in Chennai, seeks beautiful IT
qualified from well to do family, 9445045753 Bride wanted for a Hindu handsome Hospital at Qatar. Suitable Bride Girl same / sub caste Contact:
SC AD, 30 yrs, MBBS, Doctor, work- for a well qualified Nadar Chris- boy 38 years, height 5’10”. Delhi based
ing in NHS, UK, Hastham, Kanni tian girl, from well to do family,
VANNIYA KULA KSHATRIYA Bride, 22 who willing to come Qatar. Ct: 9445868954.
Years Old, M.Com, Seeks Groom from BALIJA NAIDU, Thiruvathurai/ Midhu- business family, very well placed, LLB, +97433840227 / 9498328263
seeks groom preferably in UK. working in a reputed international same caste upper middle class. nam/ 27/165/MS / Canda PR/ Well innocent divercee, without issue. No 4 NRI Divorced Hindu Pillai BE M.S,
9003017072 institution in Chennai as Senior mail id: mangalam.leelavathy@ Settled seeks Well qualified & demand for dowry. Southern families PILLAI/SOZHIYA Vellalar, 29Yrs, 81 born, poosam 5'7, looking for suita-
Manager. Parents Contact. Well settled groom from Canada. welcome. Contact +919868129898, 155cm, B.Tech, MBA, Working as ble Bride. Subsects no bar. Contact :
HINDU TAMIL BC PG 26, 5’9" Fair 9790787919. Caste No bar, Ct− 9840224474 Senior HR Executive in a reputed 9894576770.
Modest Seeks Tall Handsome BC PG PILLAI / SOZHIYA Vellalar 29/ Company. Father College Prof (Rtd), Hindu Vysya Chettiyar 58yrs Self Em-
Doctors with Good Habits, Clinical CSI NADAR 25,MBA,VIP, Need:IAS,IPS, 162cm,B.Tech (NIT) (UPSC ASPIRANT) 52yrs Brahmin seeks 56yrs max. Di- TAMIL Mother Agri Officer, Only son. Seeks ployed Rs.6 L.P.A, Pure Veg. Seeks
/ Non Clinical. Ct: 7200365364 IFS, Group1, MBBS,business group, (GROUP−II Services TN on the vorcee/ widower man should relocate suitable Bride. Subsect no bar. Cont: Bride. Caste No Bar. Ct: 94990 14886.
ME,MArch,RC Hindu Nadar Ok anvil) Working as IT Presales, to Hyderabad. Ph: 9032090571 CSI CHRISTIAN NADAR Tamil, US Citi- 94426-29455, 94889-60455.
NADAR GIRL : Fair, 25y, MBBS, 9445286222 Seeks suitable Bridegroom, zen 27/175/B.E.,M.S/Fair, Rich Fam-
Seeks Doctor Alliance. Any Suit- Ct:9443543456 /9442712849 URDU ily, Clean Habits, God Fearing HINDU KALLAR, 33yrs, PG Er. (Civil) TELUGU
abe. Chennai /Any Dist .Contact: MUSLIM SLIM girl BE(CSC), 37 seeks seeks USA/UK/Australia/India Edu- seeks Engineering Bride from Sou- RICH NAIDU, 27yrs, BS(US),Well Edu- VACANCIES
9363570731 qualified, employed, Never married HINDU NADAR, M.E, Age 28/171 Cms, Urdu Muslim, Good looking, Fair, cated God Fearing Girl. Contact : thern District. Same caste only. Ct: cated family background. Seeks VACANCIES
Tamil Muslim Groom. 9444235779 8 LPA, seeks in same caste, em- 22/166, seeks Educated & sett- 9003152133 9123581088 A FAMILY req a dedicated full time
Suitable Bride Ct:9962791888/ Muslim qualified/exp female teach-
PILLAI / Mudaliyar : GIRL, Fair. ployed in government or private led Groom. Contact: 9442600462, CSI CHRISTIAN Nadar, 27, MS, USA 7094991999
25 MBBS. (DGO) Seeks Groom Doctor AD 28/152 Asst Engineer, State with clean habits, good salary and TAMIL MUSLIM 28/172 MS Gen sur- er to undertake the role of gov-
or Any suitable, Chennai or Any Govt. Poosam. Permanent posting seeks fair bride from same communi- gery seeks prof qualified bride Ct: TELUGU IYER Age 32 Thiruvonam-4 erness in our household & responsi-
settled. Contact: 9003234049 ty, willing to relocate to USA.
Place:7824023030 Chennai. Native Thanjavur. Blw 82200 42091 Maths Teacher 5 Lac P.A Working in ble for the Islamic Tarbiyyah &
48/163 MUDALIAR/PILLAI MBA Ct: 9382266099 secular education of our children
33yrs. Ph9443151444
HINDU REDDY 33 Y, 165cms Doctor Seeks professionally Qualifd Unmar- Vanniyakulashatriyar 26/170cm, MS Coimbatore seeks Qualified Girl Caste at Rak, U.A.E. Start Date: Immedi-
Canada. Thulam / Visaham / Ragu no Bar, Prefer Veg. CT: 9943443509.
ARCHITECT, AGE 40, Height 5’6", ate We offer A competitive salary
MBBS, MS. Suitable Never Married TAMIL YADAVA, 28yrs, B.Tech, MBA, ried Below 50 Clean habits CNB Hindu (Reddy), Anusham−3, Chennai
Groom From Chennai CNB Call: 89256 Elite family background.Seeks Suit- 9444837355/9500113136/ anbumatri@ / Bangalore. Seeking Bride Age 31 &Kethu 2nd Place,Employed in Bank@ inclusive of benefits. Accommoda-
40111 able Groom Ct: 9710093999/ to 38 Cast No Bar, Ct: +91 Toronto seeks Educationally Qualified 24 MANI Chettiyar, Star Kettai, tion Provided:This is a live in
9710091999 7708062990 Bride from Decent Family. 9840087405 44/ MBA, 1st Marriage, 40000/PM, position.For details: Makeadifferen
VELLALAR (CNB) Fair 30 MBBS seeks HINDU SC AD, Poorattathi/ Meenam, BUSINESS Seeking Good family Bride.
Doctor Groom. 8056325579 Age 35, M.C.A Working in a MNC com- BALIJA NAIDU, DCE, Age 50, Di- Ct:9383002003
pany, seeking Educated Groom from AGE 37 Handsome, Well Settled AGAMUDAYAR /40 divorce no child, vorced, Own House in Ashok Nagar,
Family in Chennai. Seeks Suitable teetottler Seeks bride age between BRIDE WANTED Rich Kamma Naidu,
Groom. Contact: 9047192999/ a good family background, below 38 Groom seeks VIP Girl and first Mar- 35 to 37.unmarried/divorce with Income−20000/− Call : 9444705068
Years from any Tamil Speaking Com- riage, Remarriage, Divorce. Ct 31yrs,CA,Own firm in Chennai ,Well
8939691888 out child. horoscope must Ct:
munity. Contact: 9840107770, 9597834451 9444261735 OFFICER 50, Govt Dept Separated Educated family. 9710093999/
9952930893. Looking for Independent, Broad 9710091999
PILLAI 30 MBBS MS doing Mch Barani COSMOPOLITAN RC CHRISTIAN, 41yrs/170, B.E. Soft- Minded, Well Settled Woman, 45 +
Chennai seeks Pg Dr Chennai Hindu SC/AD. 36Yrs, BE, Sr. Software ware Engineer, never married, work- With or Without Issues as a Compan- NAIDU 32 B.Tech IT PGDM HR Chennai
Geetham 9884858014 Engineer, TCS Chennai. never married KARKATHAR PILLAI 36, 5ft 7inch, ing for mnc, Chennai. CT− ion Genuine Person. Contact : Seeks Naidu(Any) Bride Well educat-
Seeks suitable Groom Ct: 9952147216 fair and handsome, BE (Telecom), 9500188067 9585245551 ed & employed Cell: 9444753417
TAMIL VISWAKARMA, 36/158, Ph.D, Officer Indian Army IT Branch, 30
Food Technologist WFH/MNC Middle PILLAI / MUDALIAR, 34, MD, Well lacs PA, never married, son of VELLALA MUDALIAR 37/168 Swathi BE, SC AD 28/B.Tech.,MBA.,Asst. Manag- Balija Naidu 30yrs M.Tech,Working in
class Nagercoil seeks educated/ well Settled family seeks Groom aged retd army officer looking for affa- Coaching Centre 60Kp/m Income. er {Wipro}1,30,000/− pm Seeks Medtronic Hyderabad, 16.5L PA seeks
employed Groom in Metro cities. 34-36 yrs, Engineer/ Business/ Doctor. ble and well educated girl. Equal Seeks any graduate Bride CNB Bride. Ph:9444993417 / What- Educated, Gd looking Bride from same
9740091474, 9535289859 Contact: 9345855735 and sub caste no bar. 9448307862. 8939170330 sapp:7397674481 caste, age 24-27yrs. Ct: 98405 65046

6 Sunday, May 12, 2024

States Delhi

Modi will finish his third term as PM: Shah Cong.’s Surat candidate
resurfaces, says party
The BJP leader claims that the party will win more than 200 seats in the first three phases of polling, sweep A.P. and win 10 seats in Telangana;
adds Modi government has fulfilled 92% of the promises made in the previous two polls and clarifies that BJP is against religion-based quotas only betrayed him in 2017
The Hindu Bureau gion be it Hindus, Muslims the electorate is very clear paign for the Parliament Press Trust of India
HYDERABAD or Sikhs can find a place — between corrupt, dynas- polls having become an SURAT
among the OBCs provided tic and vote bank politics of ATM,” he alleged.
nion Home Minis- a proper socio-economic INDIA bloc and the NDA/ Mr. Shah also ques- Suspended Congress lead- I did not want to do this,

U ter and BJP leader

Amit Shah has ex-
uded confidence that the
survey was done to deter-
mine the backwardness of
that particular caste.
BJP led by Mr. Modi against
whom there is not even a
25 paise corruption charge
tioned why the Congress
government has been un-
able to take up farm loan
er Nilesh Kumbhani,
whose nomination form
was rejected over discre-
but my supporters, office
staff and workers were
upset because the party
party would emerge as the during his years as Gujarat waiver, scholarships for pancies leading to the BJP
single largest party in the ‘Fulfilled promises’ Chief Minister and now as youth, and financial assis- winning the Surat Lok Sab- is being run by five
southern States after the Mr. Shah claimed that the PM,” he declared. tance to women and others ha seat in Gujarat unop- self-proclaimed leaders
Lok Sabha election. “After Modi government has ful- Referring to Telangana, after promising to do the posed, resurfaced on Sa- in Surat
the end of three phases of filled 92% of the promises he said both the BRS and same by Sonia Gandhi’s turday after 20 days, and NILESH KUMBHANI
polling for Lok Sabha, I can Poll pitch: Amit Shah and G. Kishan Reddy addressing a press meet made in the previous two the Congress are the same, birthday, after it came to alleged that it was the par- Suspended Congress leader
say that we are going to win in Hyderabad on Saturday. G. RAMAKRISHNA elections and is well on in being corrupt and dy- power in December. ty that had betrayed him
more than 200 seats. The course to take the country nastic and also in bowing He also said the country first in 2017. earlier served as a Con-
fourth phase is critical and Overall, the party is sure there is no confusion in the towards the path of pro- to All India Majlis-E-Itteha- will never give up Pakistan- gress corporator in the Su-
we are receiving good re- to win over 400 seats as party about it,” he assert- gress and development in dul Muslimeen leader (Asa- occupied Kashmir (PoK) ‘Respect for leaders’ rat Municipal Corporation,
ports. We are going to the people of the country ed, when asked if he would all spheres even while en- duddin) Owaisi. “If the BRS even though the Congress Mr. Kumbhani said he was fought the 2022 Assembly
sweep Andhra Pradesh have decided to give Prime take over as PM mid-term. suring the internal and ex- rule had pushed Telangana leaders, whether it is Mani silent all these days be- polls from Kamrej, but lost
along with our allies and al- Minister Narendra Modi Mr. Shah clarified that ternal security is streng- into a huge debt, the Re- Shankar Aiyar or others, cause of his respect for to the BJP.
so win at least 10 seats in another term in office. his party was against reli- thened to deal with vanth Reddy government have a different opinion State party president Shak-
Telangana,” he said a press “Mr. Modi will complete gion-based quotas only. terrorism and extremism. has been funding the en- due to ‘appeasement’ and tisinh Gohil and the party’s Form rejected
conference on Saturday. the third entire term and Any person from any reli- “The choice between tire Congress party cam- ‘vote bank politics’. Rajkot Lok Sabha candi- On April 21, Mr. Kumbha-
date Paresh Dhanani. ni’s nomination form was
“Congress leaders are rejected after his three pro-

accusing me of betrayal. posers submitted affidavits

Council polls: BJP throws Rahul visits ex-CM samadhi, However, it was the Con-
gress which betrayed me
first in the 2017 Assembly
to the District Returning
Officer claiming they had
not signed the document.

a surprise at its ally JD(S) tries to erase ‘anti-YSR’ scar

elections when my ticket The nomination form of
for Kamrej seat in Surat the Congress’ substitute
was cancelled at the last candidate Suresh Padsala
moment. It was the Con- was also rejected, ending
The Hindu Bureau Teachers’ constituency. A.D. Rangarajan gress which made the first the party’s presence in the
BENGALURU/MYSURU The JD(S) was preparing KADAPA mistake, not me,” he said. fray.
to field its former MLC K.T. “I did not want to do On April 22, BJP’s Mu-
Hours after the former Kar- Srikante Gowda from the For the first time in a de- this, but my supporters, of- kesh Dalal was declared
nataka Chief Minister B.S. constituency. cade, the Congress party fice staff and workers were elected unopposed from
Yediyurappa announced in Expressing surprise at has made an overt attempt upset because the party is Surat after all other candi-
Mysuru that the NDA the BJP’s decision to field to not only distance itself being run by five self-pro- dates, including one from
partners — BJP and Janata its candidate in a consti- from the oft-made criti- claimed leaders in Surat, the BSP, withdrew their
Dal (Secular) — will contest tuency held by the JD(S), cism of besmirching the they neither work nor al- nominations. Due to a pre-
four and two seats, respec- party sources said the BJP image of former Andhra low others to work. poll alliance with the Con-
tively, in the upcoming Le- Legislative Council polls will be could be under pressure Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Mending ties: Rahul Gandhi and Andhra Pradesh Congress chief Though AAP and Congress gress, AAP had not fielded
gislative Council election held on June 3. from within to field its can- Rajasekhara Reddy, but al- Y.S. Sharmila in Kadapa on Saturday. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT are part of INDIA alliance, its candidate from Surat.
for six seats, the BJP didate. “However, we are so to drive home the point these leaders raised objec- Mr. Kumbhani had gone
sprung a surprise by nam- would be allowed to con- going to raise the issue and to the voters that it had no madhi at Idupulapaya and cluded in the chargesheet. tions when I used to cam- incommunicado since
ing its candidate to one of test in Karnataka South- we are confident that the role in getting his name in- pay respects at his grave. “The Congress will do paign with AAP leaders April 22. He was later sus-
the two seats that was to be west Teachers’ and Karna- seat will be left to us.” cluded in the CBI chargesh- Addressing a public nothing to damage the rep- here,” he said. pended by the Congress,
left for the regional party. taka South Teachers’ con- The biennial election to eet after his demise. meeting in Kadapa for Con- utation of its own Chief Mi- Asked if this was his “re- which blamed him for the
While JD(S) sources said stituencies that it held, the the Legislative Council will Congress leader Rahul gress candidate Y.S. Shar- nister. It was done by so- venge” on the Congress, rejection of the nomina-
that in all earlier discus- BJP on Saturday an- be held on June 3 and the Gandhi, during his visit to mila, Mr. Gandhi insisted meone who wanted to Mr. Kumbhani refused to tion form and also accused
sions, it had been decided nounced E.C. Ningaraju as last date for filing nomina- Kadapa on Saturday, made that the party was not be- derive some benefit by ad- give a direct reply. him of “connivance with
that the regional party its candidate from South tion is May 16. it a point to visit YSR Sa- hind getting YSR’s name in- ding his name,” he said. Mr. Kumbhani, who had the BJP”.

Man held in Divine tunes BJP leader remanded S.M. Krishna

Kodagu girl continues to
murder case in judicial custody in be stable in
The Hindu Bureau
sexual assault case ICU: hospital
The Hindu Bureau The Hindu Bureau
The Kodagu Police nabbed SHIVAMOGGA BENGALURU
the accused in the murder
of a minor girl in Somwar- Karnataka BJP leader G. Veteran politician and
pet taluk on Saturday. Devaraje Gowda, who was former Karnataka Chief Mi-
The minor girl, who had arrested in Chitradurga nister S.M. Krishna, who
passed the Class 10 exami- district on Friday evening, was hospitalised on April
nation on Thursday, was has been remanded in jud- 29 for treatment of a minor
engaged to Prakash the icial custody for 14 days. ailment, continues to be in
same day. But the family The Karnataka Police ar- G. Devaraje Gowda the ICU under the care of a
was advised against the rested the BJP leader from critical care team.
marriage of the girl as she Hassan and brought him with Mr. Revanna’s family. According to a state-
was a minor which infu- before the Additional Civil In recent months, he ment from Manipal Hospi-
riated him and he severed Judge and JMFC at Holenar- claimed he possessed vide- tals, where the 91-year-old
her head with a weapon. sipur, Mysuru, on Saturday os and photos related to has been admitted, he is on
The police said that Pra- evening. Hassan MP Prajwal Revan- adequate life support and
kash has confessed to the The police have also na. However, when video his condition is stable. He
crime and was in a rage ov- seized his car. clips and photos purport- is being treated under Sa-
er the postponement of Mr. Devaraje Gowda, 49, edly related to Mr. Prajwal tyanarayana Mysore, HoD
the marriage. The police an advocate, contested the went viral through pen and consultant-pulmonol-
said he had plans to kill the Assembly election from drives and messaging ap- ogy and lung transplant
elder sister of the girl as he Holenarsipur on the BJP plications last month physician, and a team of
suspected that she was not ticket in 2023. He lost the ahead of the polling in Has- medical experts. “His con-
only opposed to the mar- election to former Minister san, he alleged that Con- dition is stable and he con-
riage but had informed the H.D. Revanna. Mr. Deva- gress leaders were behind tinues to be under treat-
Child Helpline. Caparisoned elephants lined up for Thalappoli, a procession at the Sri Muneshwara Swamy Temple in Palakkad on Saturday. K.K. MUSTAFAH raje is known for his rivalry the act. ment,” Dr. Mysore said.

Tipplers in Vizag stock up ahead Kerala colleges use reels, videos to attract students
of dry days due to election in A.P. Institutions like CMS College and St. Berchmans College are banking on these innovations in the next academic year’s
The Hindu Bureau queues of tipplers were Friday (May 10), we record- admission drive; social media plays important role in framing perception about colleges, says Principal of CMS College
VISAKHAPATNAM seen till the shops were ed sales worth ₹4.9 crore in
closed at 5 p.m. on the district. There are 139
Tipplers lined up before Saturday. retail shops and 144 bars in Hiran Unnikrishnan Berchmans College, these Confirming the trend,
many government retail The manager of a retail the district. We limited the KOTTAYAM promotional videos offer Varghese C. Joshua,
outlets in Visakhapatnam outlet in Dwarakanagar liquor sale as part of the ef- reassurance to prospective Principal, CMS College
on Saturday to buy liquor said, “We have limited the forts to ensure peaceful aced with a students on the Kottayam, says social
in large quantity as the
shops will not be opened
till the elections are over.
sale of liquor to one or two
bottles per person as per
instructions.” Prohibition
polling and avoid situa-
tions where parties or can-
didates influence voters by
F shrinking
enrolment for the
institution’s academic
quality, academic ranking,
and employment
media play a key role in
framing the student’s
perception of an
At many government re- and Excise Department of- providing alcohol,” Visak- programmes they offer, prospects. institution.
tail outlets, they were told ficials said that all liquor hapatnam District Prohibi- some colleges in Kerala, “It’s a generation that
to buy only one or two li- shops, bars, depots, distil- tion and Excise Officer V. are now taking the battle Positive response uses smartphones to
quor bottles per head clar- leries and breweries have Sudhir told The Hindu. to recruit students into the The positive response has connect with academia,
ifying that the move was remained closed from 5 Overall, the State re- virtual world. Virtual route: CMS College relies on reels for promoting it. prompted the institution and it’s not just students
meant to limit alcohol con- p.m. on Saturday till the corded an average sale of Institutions such as to commission regular who are creating these
sumption during the elec- completion of elections on one lakh cases of liquor CMS College in Kottayam innovations in the international migration, video releases, targeting influential video contents,
tion time. Monday as per the Model and around 40 lakh cases and St. Berchmans College upcoming academic year’s and competition from different student but the academics too are
Dissatisfied with the Code of Conduct. of beer per day. in Changanassery, among student recruitment drive. out-of-State institutions communities across the doing this. Such videos are
move, people thronged Political parties are be- others, are leveraging Various factors such as have created a challenging State. “Colleges are about building closer
shops to buy as many bot- Liquor shops closed lieved to have kept huge reels and short videos for increased demand for landscape for the colleges focussing on platforms relationships with
tles as they want for the “All liquor shops were stocks of liquor in all these promotional campaigns, nursing and allied jobs in the region. where their target students, and the colleges
next two days (Sunday and closed from Saturday even- days to satisfy voters and recognising the post COVID-19, scepticism According to Fr. Reji P. audience spends most of are now getting a lot better
Monday). As a result, large ing to May 13 evening. On party workers. importance of these about traditional courses, Kurien, Principal of St. their time,” he says. at it,” he says.
Sunday, May 12, 2024 7

EC urged to Rahul Gandhi accepts

From Page One
conduct press Surprised EC ignored
invitation to take part
Will Modi follow his
conference on
election day complaints raised by in debate with Modi
rule, asks Kejriwal
Out on interim bail till June 1, Mr. Kejriwal said
The Hindu Bureau
Opposition: Kharge The Hindu Bureau
that he will travel across the country and beg pe-
ople to save India from a “dictatorship”. He said Media associations have Congress stands for the strength and independence of the poll panel, Congress leader and Waya-
that the BJP thought that by getting the top four written to the Chief Elec- says Mallikarjun Kharge, in a letter to the Election Commission nad MP Rahul Gandhi has
leaders of the AAP arrested, they would be able to tion Commissioner de- accepted an invitation by
destroy the party but that plan has backfired. manding that press confe- two prominent jurists and
“They have made a fake case against me and rences be held after each The Hindu Bureau The letter on a senior editor to partici-
thought I would resign as Chief Minister but I did phase of voting and that NEW DELHI pate in a public debate.
not fall for their conspiracy. Even Hemant Soren, the entire poll data, includ-
one hand says Retired Supreme Court
who has been arrested, should not have re- ing “absolute number” of esponding to the the EC respects citizen’s judge Justice Madan B. Lo-
signed,” he said.
Reacting to the statement, Mr. Shah said, “I
would like to tell Arvind Kejriwal and company
votes polled in each phase
and percentage of voting,
be released by next day.
R Election Commis-
sion’s (EC) rebut-
tal, Congress president
rights to ask questions
and on the other hand
threatens citizens in the
kur, former Delhi High
Court Chief Justice Ajit P.
Shah, and former Editor-
Rahul Gandhi

ers to nominate a repre-

and the whole INDIA bloc that there is no need for In a joint letter, the Mallikarjun Kharge on Sa- form of an advise to in-Chief of The Hindu N. sentative for the debate,
you to feel happy that Mr. Modi is turning 75. It is Press Club of India, the In- turday said in a letter to the Ram had on May 9 invited “only if either of [them] is
exercise caution
not written anywhere in the BJP’s constitution dian Women Press Corp, EC that the Congress was Mr. Gandhi and Prime Mi- unable to” attend.
on its side and it was for MALLIKARJUN KHARGE
that you have to retire. Mr. Modi will complete the the Press Association, the Congress president
nister Narendra Modi to a
term and will continue to lead the country. There Foreign Correspondent the officials of the EC to de- public debate that would Healthy democracy
is no confusion in BJP on this.” Club, and the Delhi Union cide where they stood. be “on a non-partisan and The invitation cited “im-
of Journalists expressed The EC on Friday issued zen’s rights to ask ques- ta at aggregate level of a non-commercial portant questions to the
dismay at the Election a public rebuttal to a letter tions and on the other constituency or State”. platform”. core of our constitutional
Commission (EC) not hold- written by Mr. Kharge to hand threatens citizens in “Many voters who are Mr. Gandhi wrote in the democracy”, and raised
the form of an advise to ex-
Study shows impact ing a single press confe-
rence even after the com-
his colleagues in the INDIA
bloc on the alleged “discre- ercise caution,” he said.
deeply interested in the
election would also like to
letter, a copy of which was
released by his party on Sa-
concerns that “we have
heard only allegations and
of climate hazards pancies in the voting data”

see the absolute number of

pletion of three phases of turday, that either he or challenges from either
voting. “Till 2019, holding released by the election pa- ‘Puzzling’ response votes polled to be put out Congress president Malli- side, and not heard any
a press conference after nel, calling it an “attempt Mr. Kharge said he was in the public domain by karjun Kharge would at- meaningful responses”.
In terms of women’s nutritional indicators too, voting in each phase was to push a biased narrative happy that the EC under- the EC directly,” Mr. tend the debate, and that A debate would be
these States need immediate attention, the study the normal practice. India, under the guise of seeking stood that it had the man- Kharge noted. he had discussed the mat- healthy for Indian democ-
says. The northern parts of both States are flood- being one of the largest de- clarifications”. date to conduct smooth, Expressing disappoint- ter with Mr. Kharge before racy, the invitation stated.
prone areas battered by heavy rainfall. mocracies in the world..., Mr. Kharge said it was free, and fair elections un- ment that in the rebuttal, responding to the invita- Mr. Modi and the spo-
The study also points out that the northern the citizens have every “surprising” that the EC der the Constitution, yet the EC failed to make any tion. “As the principal par- kespersons for the Bharati-
plains, including parts of Uttar Pradesh, have hot- right to know what has chose to respond to a letter he found the “lack of ur- assurance that it would ties fighting the election, ya Janata Party (BJP) did
spots for stunting, while parts of north Maharash- happened on the voting addressed to “alliance gency” in taking action work to “safeguard democ- the public deserves to hear not immediately comment
tra and south Madhya Pradesh are hotspots for day,” the letter said. partners” and not to the against “blatantly commu- racy” and “protect” their from their leaders direct- on Saturday evening on Mr.
underweight children. Children are 6% more like- Expressing surprise that commission while ignoring nal and casteist state- own independent func- ly,” Mr. Gandhi’s response Gandhi’s willingness to
ly to be stunted, 24% more likely to be under- the EC had not been releas- several other complaints ments” made by the the tioning, he said, “To make reads. “Please do let us participate in the debate.
weight, experience 35% reduction in minimum ing the “absolute number given directly to it. He also ruling party leaders it more clear, the Congress know if and when the Speaking at an event in
diet diversity, and there is a 12% increase in likeli- of votes polled”, the letter stated that while he had “puzzling”. party is on the side of the Prime Minister agrees to Lucknow on Friday, Mr.
hood of deaths if they are under five years of age said this was not the case “misgivings” about the lan- Equally surprising, even commission and stands for participate, following Gandhi had indicated his
and exposed to drought, the report said. in the past elections. The guage of the EC’s letter, he though factually correct, the strength and indepen- which we can discuss the “100%” readiness to take
“Also, it should be noted that southern India developments had led to would not press on with Mr. Kharge said, was the dence of the commission. details and format of the part in a debate with Mr.
and parts of coastal belts in Odisha have high ex- apprehension in the minds the issue. EC’s comment that it was The officials of the com- debate.” Modi but added that “I
posure scores to hydro-met hazards but perform of people about the fair- “The letter on one hand not “legally bound to pu- mission should now decide The invitation left the know the Prime Minister
better in terms of child stunting and underweight, ness of the election, it said. says the EC respects citi- blish any voter turnout da- where they stand.” option open to both lead- will not debate with me”.
highlighting the role of stronger health systems,”
the study points out.
The study further goes on to identify major hot-
spots in terms of impact on women and young
girls in areas exposed to drought, floods and cy-
clones - northern Bihar and parts of Uttar Pra-
Punjabi poet Surjit Campaign ends for fourth ED arrests 3
in land scam
desh, southern West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and
parts of Telangana, eastern Maharashtra, parts of
northern Madhya Pradesh and southern Uttar
Patar passes away phase of Lok Sabha polls case linked to
“Exposure to drought events increases the like-
at 79 in Ludhiana Hemant Soren
lihood of prevalence of underweight women by The Hindu Bureau
35%, child marriage by 37%, teenage pregnancy The Hindu Bureau NEW DELHI The Hindu Bureau
by 17% and intimate partner violence by up to CHANDIGARH PATNA
50%,” the study states. Campaigning ended for
The climate change hotspots have been identi- Noted Punjabi poet and the fourth phase of the Lok The Enforcement Directo-
fied by spatio-temporal analysis encompassing 50 Padma Shri recipient Surjit Sabha election on 96 seats rate has arrested three
years of data on frequency and intensity of floods, Patar passed away at his re- in 10 States and Union Ter- more people in an alleged
cyclones and droughts and by using district-level sidence in Ludhiana on Sa- ritories on Saturday. land scam involving form-
climate vulnerability exposure scores published turday. He was 79. During the campaign, er Jharkhand Chief Minis-
in 2021 by the Council on Energy, Environment Mr. Patar died in his Prime Minister Narendra ter Hemant Soren, who is
and Water (CEEW). sleep, his family members Modi continued his attacks already in jail in a money
said. He is survived by his against the Opposition, laundering case. So far, 25
Vulnerability to heatwaves wife and two sons. Surjit Patar raising a range of issues, in- Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann people have been arrested
The document submitted to the Ministry states Mr. Patar’s poetic works cluding alleged corrup- during a roadshow in New Delhi on Saturday. SHIV KUMAR PUSHPAKAR as part of the investigation.
that the study’s limitations include reliance on se- include Hawa Vich Likhe Former Union Law Mi- tion, nepotism, and minor- “They have been arrest-
condary data sources, with limited empirical in- Harf, Hanere Vich Sulagdi nister Ashwani Kumar ity appeasement, while the Union Ministers Giriraj lence case, is eyeing a hat- ed for their role in forgery,
sights into the health aspects of women affected Varanmala, Patjhar Di Pa- said, “The passing away of Opposition’s campaign, Singh (Begusarai) and Ni- trick from Kheri, while Tri- tampering and fabrication
by climate change. zeb, Lafzaan Di Dargah, Dr. Surjit Patar, the emi- led by Congress leader Ra- tyanand Rai (Ujiarpur), namool Congress’s Mahua of land records by chang-
The recommendation to the Ministry also and Surzameen. nent and acclaimed Punja- hul Gandhi and others, Congress leader Adhir Moitra is seeking re-elec- ing the nature of lands
states that there is a key gap in evidence, in order Mr. Patar hailed from bi poet, has left a deep void was based on unemploy- Ranjan Chowdhury (Baha- tion from Krishnanagar. which are designated as
to understand differential factors behind chil- Patar Kalan village in Ja- in the world of Punjabi lit- ment, threats to reserva- rampurl), BJP’s Pankaja Polling will be held on non-saleable under Chota
dren’s vulnerability to heatwaves and develop a landhar. He retired as a erature. As a ‘philosopher tion, and economic dis- Munde (Beed), All India Monday in 17 Lok Sabha Nagpur Tenancy Act (CNT
systematic method to measure children’s expo- professor of Punjabi from of the heart’, Dr. Patar kept tress. Majlis-e-Ittehadul Musli- seats in Telangana, 25 in Act), a legislation with ob-
sure to heatwaves, and relatively less research at- Punjab Agricultural Un- alive in his writings our Elections to all the seats meen (AIMIM) president Andhra Pradesh, 13 in Ut- jective to protect the land
tention has been paid to this area of inquiry, par- iversity. He also served as deepest yearnings, ensur- in the Andhra Pradesh As- Asaduddin Owaisi (Hyde- tar Pradesh, five in Bihar, rights of tribal and margi-
ticularly in India. “Excess deaths due to heat are the president of the Punjab ing that private and social sembly, and 28 seats in the rabad) and Andhra Pra- four in Jharkhand, eight in nalized communities,” an
not recognised and every State and city should Arts Council. realities were not kept out- Odisha Assembly, will also desh Congress president Madhya Pradesh, 11 in ED official in Ranchi said.
make a heat action plan to tackle the effects of Several political leaders, side the language of heart. take place on Monday. Y.S. Sharmila (Kadapa). Maharashtra, four in Od- The ED has initiated in-
heatwaves. There should be accountability for including Punjab Chief Mi- It can be said of him that Among the prominent Union Minister Ajay Ku- isha, eight in West Bengal vestigation in five cases of
who is responsible for co-ordination, who will fi- nister Bhagwant Mann, ex- the poet and poetry were candidates in the fray are mar Mishra Teni, whose and one in Jammu and land scam with similar mo-
nance, how will messages be disseminated. It is a pressed grief over the de- revealed in each other.” Samajwadi Party chief Ak- son is an accused in the Kashmir. dus operandi on the basis
multi-sectoral effort,” Ms. Swaminathan said. mise of Mr. Patar. (With PTI inputs) hilesh Yadav (Kannauj), 2021 Lakhimpur Kheri vio- (With PTI inputs) of multiple FIRs.

J&K police
release six
Activist urges Supreme Court-appointed Author Ruskin Bond
sketches of panel to be transparent on elephant transfers awarded Sahitya
guard’s killers Akademi Fellowship
The Hindu Bureau ment officials, and veteri- Transport) Rules of 2024,”
The Hindu Bureau GUWAHATI narians within the region he added. The Hindu Bureau
JAMMU to provide care and treat- Referring to reports, the NEW DELHI
An Assam-based environ- ment to both wild and cap- activist said the transporta-
The J&K police on Saturday ment activist has sought tive elephants in need,” he tion does not seem to sug- Eminent author Ruskin
released six sketches of transparency from a Su- wrote. gest that the elephants had Bond has been awarded
suspects involved in the preme Court-appointed The current transfer valid ownership certifi- the Sahitya Akademi Fel-
killing of a Village Defence panel in matters of long- was in haste without tap- cates and genetic map- lowship, the highest ho-
Guard (VDG) on April 28 in distance movement of ele- ping into the existing net- ping, as mandated by the nour given by the literary
Udhampur. One local from phants and other wild works in the northeast, he 2024 Transfer Rules. “If organisation.
Kathua has been arrested animals. wrote. the elephant was gifted to Due to his ill health, the
for “providing logistic sup- Rohit Choudhury’s let- the temple trust , as has honour was given to him
port” to non-local ter to retired judge Deepak Genetic mapping been the consistent prac- by Sahitya Akademi presi- Ruskin Bond
terrorists. Verma, the chairperson of Representational file image. K.K. MUSTAFAH “The HPC has not consi- tice with previous ele- dent Madhav Kaushik and
“On the basis of several the High-Powered Commit- dered alternate, local op- phants sent to Jamnagar, Sahitya Akademi secretary and has written in various
inputs, we have prepared tee set up by the apex emergency” was based on arid desert,” Mr. Choudhu- tions for treatment that the change of ownership K. Sreenivasarao at his genres of literature.
five to six sketches of the court, followed the “ardu- an order passed by the ry said in his May 9 letter. would have avoided an ar- and transfer come under Mussoorie home, an offi- His notable works in-
suspects. Two sketches ous journey” of an ailing committee. He said the northeast duous journey for a severe- the immediate scrutiny of cial release said. Mr. clude Vagrants in the Val-
look identical. There is a elephant and her calf from “While I respect the ur- has more than 1,000 ele- ly unfit elephant who is the 2024 Transfer Rules. Bond’s son was also pre- ley, Once Upon a Monsoon
possibility that they are Tripura to Gujarat’s Jamna- gency, these two elephants phants in captivity. “Des- still nursing her calf,” he And the absence of a valid sent on the occasion. Time, Angry River, Stran-
two brothers. A reward of gar, more than 3,000 km are now among the 100+ pite limitations of infras- wrote. “...this transfer is certificate and genetic Born on May 19, 1934 in gers in the Night, All Roads
up to ₹10 lakh will be pro- away. captive elephants that have tructure, we have an potentially in breach of the mapping renders this Kasauli, Himachal Pra- Lead to Ganga, Tales of
vided to those who help in The transportation of been transferred from the established network of wil- Wild Life (Protection) Act transfer egregious despite desh, Mr. Bond has been Fosterganj, Leopard on the
neutralising them,” the Pratima, the elephant and northeast, their natural dlife experts, enthusiasts, of 1972 and also the Captive the medical emergency,” active in the world of writ- Mountain and Too Much
police said. her calf “due to a medical habitat, to Jamnagar, a dry activists, Forest Depart- Elephant (Transfer and he wrote. ing for more than 50 years Trouble.
8 Sunday, May 12, 2024

ELECTIONS 2024 Delhi

65.68% turnout In a statement on BJP belittles Leader of the Opposition. 69.93% turnout
Saturday, the EC said 66.89% Addressing a press
recorded in of men, 64.4% of women and Rahul’s pitch for conference, BJP spokesperson in re-election at
third phase: EC 25.2% of the registered debate with PM Sudhanshu Trivedi also took a booth in Gujarat
transgender voters turned up swipe at Mr. Gandhi over his
쑽 at polling stations. In the third 쑽 claim that the Opposition 쑽
phase, 17.24 crore citizens, INDIA bloc would win the Lok
The updated voter turnout including 8.85 crore men and The Bharatiya Janata Party Sabha polls, saying someone You saw it A voter turnout of 69.93% was None of the
figures for the third phase of 8.39 crore women, were (BJP) on Saturday made light who could not file his during the 10 recorded in the repolling held BJP’s old
polling in the Lok Sabha eligible to vote. of Congress leader Rahul nomination from Amethi was at the Parthampura booth
years of UPA rule led by and new theatrics,
election stood at 65.68%, the Voting for the third phase Gandhi’s readiness for a speaking about forming under Dahod Lok Sabha
the Congress how terror constituency in Gujarat on statements and
Election Commission (EC) said was held on May 7 in 93 debate with Prime Minister government at the Centre.
on Saturday. constituencies spread over 11 Narendra Modi as it Mr. Trivedi asked in what attacks were tolerated... Saturday after the Election guarantees will be of
The poll panel had given a States and Union Territories. questioned his knowledge of capacity was Mr. Gandhi proper response was not Commission declared the May any use in the election
similar figure on May 8, a day In phase three of the 2019 Polling officials prepare to seal issues and his standing, looking to debate with Mr. given 7 voting as null and void as a this time
after the third phase of voting parliamentary polls, the voter an EVM at the end of voting in noting that he was neither the Modi as he was merely an MP NIRMALA SITHARAMAN man had live-streamed the MAYAWATI
took place. turnout was 68.4%. PTI Hathras on May 7. PTI president of his party nor the of his party. PTI Union Finance Minister process from this booth. PTI Bahujan Samaj Party chief

‘Congress should explain why Rahul is not

fighting from Amethi; it is their cowardice’

Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister says the BJP’s strength lies in its collective leadership and that Congress leaders have no ideology; he says it is
only in his party that a person who is not from a majority caste group or without family connections in politics can still rise to a top position

Kirti Azad and, right, Yusuf Pathan. PTI himself is an example of The Congress should ex- cian from Pakistan, an
INTERVIEW this as nobody from his fa- plain why he (Rahul Gand- enemy nation that has
mily held any posts like hi) is not fighting (from harmed the people of In-
Two World Mohan Yadav Prime Minister or Chief Mi-
nister. And there are many
Amethi). I only think that it
is their cowardice. This
dia at every step? What
should I comment on such

Cup-winning Mehul Malpani

such examples.

But, Yadavs in Uttar

can also be seen from the
perspective that he has en-
tered politics as part of an
a person?
People of India know
that the Congress is slowly

cricketers test adhya Pradesh

Pradesh have long been
associated with the
inheritance. The lineage of
emperors is gone but what

Bengal poll pitch M Chief


who is leading the BJP

Samajwadi Party. What
are you offering them
when you go there?
is the message that this fa-
mily wants to give? His un-
cle (Sanjay Gandhi) con-
In Madhya Pradesh, one
major issue is that the
youth are angry over

campaign in the State in tested Amethi, his father the state of government
the first election since be- If Chief Ministers, Minis- became the PM after con- job recruitments, exam
Shiv Sahay Singh coming the CM, says that ters, MLAs and MPs come testing the seat. So, first he cancellations and paper
KOLKATA Congress leader Rahul from one family, then how destroyed his father’s seat leaks. They are also
Gandhi’s decision to not success of a film does not men and farmers]. So, it is can they talk about the and now he is destroying angry about how the
s the Lok Sabha election in West contest from Amethi only depend on the hero- wrong to say that I am go- community? I am an exam- his mother’s (Sonia Gand- patwari (revenue

A Bengal turns to its slog overs, two

World Cup-winning cricketers will be
testing the political pitch of the State.
shows “his cowardice”.
Mr. Yadav, in an appa-
rent attack on the Samaj-
heroine but also upon the
director, musician and oth-
ers. How the film is, the
ing across the country only
because I am a Yadav. But
yes, I come from a farmer’s
ple in front of them. I am
not criticising anybody but
I will share the good things
hi) seat.

You have also talked

department staff ) exam
issue was dealt with.

Kirti Azad, 65, who was part of the 1983 wadi Party, asks how a par- timing of its release, all family and poor family, so about the BJP. Modiji him- about the recent We initiated an inquiry by
World Cup winning squad, is contesting from ty, which has had Chief these factors matter. I our journey began from self has said that our BJP statements by Mani a retired judge of the High
Bardhaman-Durgapur, while Yusuf Pathan, Ministers, Ministers, MLAs might be seen on the driv- the very bottom. And if I gives a chance to eve- Shankar Aiyar and Sam Court as soon as questions
41, a member of the Indian cricket team that and MPs from one family, ing seat but our party, our have become the CM of a ryone, like how ‘Mohan Ya- Pitroda. were raised on the patwari
won the World Cup in 2011, is testing the can speak about an entire organisation and ideology State with a population of davji is working in Madhya recruitment process.
political waters from Baharampur seat in community. The Chief Mi- work so deeply that I find 8.5 crore, it is a matter of Pradesh’. So, should this These are really unfortu- When he proved it (the
Murshidabad. nister says that when he vi- my job easier. pride that my party has example be shared or not? nate statements. We are process) fair, the more
Both of them are contesting the polls on sits neighbouring Uttar made me the CM without This is a moment that saying that they (Congress than 9,000 selected candi-
Trinamool Congress ticket and are in contest Pradesh, he takes forward You are also going to asking about the caste. makes the democracy leaders) are zero in terms dates demanded that they
against political heavyweights. Mr. Azad is up the message that someone other States, especially Even in my Assembly con- proud. of ideology. Their roots are be given jobs. So, we gave
against former West Bengal Bharatiya Janata who does not hail from the Uttar Pradesh and stituency (Ujjain-Dakshin), not in this country. They all appointments in one
Party (BJP) president Dilip Ghosh, while Mr. majority caste group in a Bihar. Can we say that my caste group is not in You also visited Amethi are seen in India but their day. Is it wrong to fill the
Pathan is up against five time Congress MP State can also reach a top the BJP has found its the majority. So, we have and attended Smriti roots are in Pakistan and vacancies? There is no an-
Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury. post. Edited excerpts: poster boy for the Yadav made a statement that a Irani’s roadshow. Rahul America. Now the elec- ger. We are giving jobs.
Though their candidatures have been the community? person not from the major- Gandhi, however, has tions are being fought in Apart from this, we are
subject of much debate since the Trinamool Is this the first big test ity community and some- chosen to contest Rae India but they are talking continuously filling vacan-
decided to field candidates from outside the for Mohan Yadav? If you have listened to Mo- one who does not have an Bareli and no Gandhi about American laws. cies. The youth is happy
State — something which the party has diji’s speeches, he has said MP, Minister or Chief Mi- family member will What can be more unfortu- about it. I have personally
accused the BJP of doing — the two cricketers See, we have collective lea- there are only four castes nister in their family can al- contest Amethi. nate than getting a certifi- discussed the issues with
have added much colour to the election dership in our party. The [the poor, the youth, wo- so become an MLA. Modiji Comments? cate of being a good politi- many of them.
campaign this season.
In the industrial township of
Bardhaman-Durgapur, marked by steel
plants, Mr. Azad — who has been both an MP
and an MLA from the BJP before turning to
the Congress and now the Trinamool — has
Madhya Pradesh’s tribal region goes to the polls J&K political
parties allege
been raising the issue of attempts being made
to evict locals from the Durgapur Steel Plant
area. but Indore steals the limelight in fourth phase harassment
“I will die but not let you be evicted from
your land. If Dilip Ghosh has the courage, he
of supporters
should come and say that people will not be Mehul Malpani “hijacking its candidate One of the closest con-
evicted from the land,” Mr. Azad says during INDORE and murdering democra- tests is expected in Ratlam Peerzada Ashiq
his campaign. cy”, has now been organis- where former Union Minis- SRINAGAR
The former right-hand batsman and off The BJP and the Congress ing various events across ter and five-term Congress
spin bowler, in his speeches in Hindi, raises are fighting essentially a the constituency, including MP Kanjilal Bhuria takes Just two days ahead of the
questions on the performance of S.S. two-horse race in the eight marches and door-to-door on BJP candidate and dis- Srinagar Lok Sabha elec-
Ahluwalia, the BJP MP from the constituency. remaining seats of Madhya campaigns. trict council president Ani- tion, the Peoples Demo-
“Were missing posters not put for the BJP MP Pradesh which go to the The BJP, meanwhile, has ta Nagar Singh Chouhan, cratic Party (PDP) and the
here? Was he there when the DSP people polls in the fourth phase of dubbed the Congress’s who is the wife of State Mi- National Conference (NC)
came for eviction?” he says. the Lok Sabha election on campaign as “negative pol- nister Nagar Singh Chou- on Saturday accused the
Monday. itics” and has focused on han. The BJP here denied Jammu and Kashmir admi-
Praise for schemes The eight seats are De- increasing the vote percen- ticket to its sitting MP, Gu- nistration of “bias” and
At Baharampur, Yusuf Pathan who is making was (SC), Ujjain (SC), Rat- tage. It has retained sitting man Singh Damor. “unjust crackdown on par-
a political debut, speaks about the schemes lam (ST), Khargone (ST), MP Shankar Lalwani from The seat, which has ov- ty activists”.
of the Mamata Banerjee government. Dhar (ST), Indore, Mand- Counterattack mode: Workers of the Congress and other INDIA the seat. er 65% tribal voters, is see- Waheed-ur-Rehman
Contesting from a Muslim-dominated saur, and Khandwa. parties campaigning for NOTA in Indore on Saturday. A.M.FARUQUI ing a tussle between the Parra, the PDP candidate
constituency, Mr. Pathan praises the schemes Twenty-one of the total Tribal hotspot two sub-groups of the com- from the Srinagar seat,
of the Trinamool government, particularly 29 seats have already com- ing back Article 370 in Jam- ment Guarantee Scheme The Congress, which had munity — Bhil and Bhilala. sought the intervention of
the honorariums to imams and muezzins. pleted voting in the first mu and Kashmir” and put- (MGNREGS) to ₹400 per secured a handsome man- While Mr. Bhuria hails the Prime Minister’s Office
“I remember my father [who served as three phases. ting a “Babri lock” on Ram day. date from the Malwa-Ni- from the Bhil community and the Union Home Mi-
imam] had a salary of ₹3,000 and he took All the eight seats that temple in Ayodhya. Apart from the issues of mar region in the 2018 As- that has about 10 lakh vo- nistry against officials.
care of us. The initiative by Mamata Banerjee fall under the Malwa-Ni- Apart from Mr. Modi’s Ram temple and Article sembly polls, lost its ters, Ms. Chouhan is from According to the PDP,
giving honorarium to imams and muezzins is mar region are currently rallies in Dhar and Khar- 370, Mr. Modi targeted the ground in the region in the the Bhilala group with a around 50 supporters of
very praiseworthy,” he says. During his being held by the BJP. gone, Congress leader Ra- Congress, accusing it of 2019 Lok Sabha and 2023 voting population of over the party, including its
campaign, the former pinch hitter The Indore constituen- hul Gandhi had also cam- wanting to give reservation Assembly elections. 2.5 lakh. polling agents, have been
emphasises the importance of madrasas in cy throws up a unique pro- paigned in the State, on religious lines. The party, however, has Chief Minister Mohan arrested.
shaping the life of the youth. position, with the Con- holding rallies in Ratlam been attempting to reach Yadav’s home constituen- PDP president Mehboo-
“I have been sent here by Mamata gress urging the electorate and Khargone. Call for NOTA out to the tribal communi- cy Ujjain will also be voting ba Mufti accused the admi-
Banerjee and Abhishek Banerjee. I hope that to opt for the “None of the Both leaders, in their The Congress has uniquely ty of the region, mainly in the fourth phase. Mr. Ya- nistration of imposing Sec-
you all will be with me in Khela Hobe [Game Above” (NOTA) option af- speeches, have tried to focused its campaign in the with the claims that if the dav has put his might to en- tion 144 “in an attempt to
will be played—a slogan of the Trinamool],” ter its official candidate draw the support of the tri- Indore Lok Sabha segment BJP returns to power, it will sure the party’s victory target our workers”.
Mr. Pathan says, often referring to sports withdrew his nomination bal people as three seats for NOTA as the party’s of- “throw away the Constitu- here. The BJP has retained NC president Farooq
during his campaign. Keeping up his relent- are reserved for the com- ficial candidate Akshay tion”. Mr. Gandhi, in Khar- its sitting MP Anil Firojiya Abdullah also alleged that
Both cricketers are occasionally seen less push for winning 400 munity that also has a size- Kanti Bam withdrew his gone, had also said: “If the in the seat. the police were “instilling
playing cricket with youngsters during their seats in the election, Prime able population in others. nomination. The party Constitution gets finished, Dhar constituency is al- fear among voters”.
campaign. Connection with the youth on the Minister Narendra Modi In his rallies, Mr. Gandhi workers have been run- all the rights you have got so expected to witness an “The L-G must stop the
issue of sports has been a crucial part of their had remarked in Dhar that also announced that the ning an extensive cam- will disappear. Your jal, za- interesting contest follow- harassment of people. The
election campaign. the National Democratic Congress, if voted to pow- paign asking people to vote meen aur jungle (water, ing the Archaeological Sur- police are calling elders
Both Baharampur and Alliance (NDA) needed to er, will increase the wages for NOTA and “teach the land and forest), and reser- vey of India’s survey of the and youth and then telling
Bardhaman-Durgapur go to the polls on May emerge victorious to stop under the Mahatma Gand- BJP a lesson”. The party, vation and the public sec- Bhojshala-Kamal Maula them they are with Hurri-
13, in the fourth phase of polling. the Congress from “bring- hi National Rural Employ- which accused the BJP of tor will all disappear.” complex. yat and others,” he said.
Sunday, May 12, 2024 9

Shadow of Maratha quota agitation,

Pawar vs Pawar battle loom large
Eleven constituencies of Maharashtra, including high-profile seats of Beed and Pune, go to the polls in the fourth phase; quota activist Manoj
Jarange-Patil’s protests help galvanise the push for Maratha reservation, resulting in a sharp Maratha versus OBC division in the Marathwada region
Bhajan Lal (left) and Bansi Lal. THE HINDU ARCHIVES

division among voters. the Pune seat is set for a

Waning legacy of ‘Lal Shoumojit Banerjee
PUNE The mortal combat bet-
ween Uddhav Thackeray’s
fascinating contest: the BJP
(Mahayuti) has fielded
families’ marks change he spectre of the Shiv Sena (UBT) and Chief former city Mayor Murlid-

in Haryana’s politics T Maratha quota agi-

tation hovers over
several electoral battles as
Minister Eknath Shinde’s
Shiv Sena faction is playing
out most prominently in
har Mohol against the Con-
gress’ Ravindra Dhangekar,
an MLA who was given the
11 key seats in Maharashtra the neighbouring Sambha- parliamentary ticket after
goes to polls in phase four jinagar seat, which is see- his resounding win in the
Ashok Kumar dragarh Lok Sabha MP, of the general election on ing a three-cornered con- Kasba by-election last year.
GURUGRAM have mostly remained pol- May 13. test with the incumbent The Pune seat, long a
itically confined to the fa- The seats that are locat- MP, Imtiaz Jaleel of the Asa- bastion of the Congress
For more than four de- mily’s traditional strong- ed in the State’s arid, eco- duddin Owaisi-led AIMIM since 1951, has slipped out
cades after Haryana was hold of Bhiwani. nomically backward Ma- ranged against the Shiv Se- of the party’s hands with
carved out of Punjab on Known for his political rathwada region, the na (Shinde faction) candi- the drift into political obli-
November 1, 1966, the pol- acumen, Bhajan Lal too prosperous western part date Sandipan Bhumre and vion of Congressman Su-
itics of the agrarian State floated his own party in and north Maharashtra, former Aurangabad MP resh Kalmadi. The BJP has
largely revolved around its 2007, the Haryana Janhit will also feel the effect of and Sena (UBT) candidate reigned supreme here
three famous Lals — Congress, after the Con- the splits in the Shiv Sena Chandrakant Khaire. since the 2014 general elec-
Chaudhary Devi Lal, Bansi gress preferred Bhupinder ( June 2022) and the Na- range-Patil’s agitation has NCP faction over to his determine whether Ms. Mr. Jaleel, who had the tion, consolidating its hold
Lal, and Bhajan Lal — be- Singh Hooda over him for tionalist Congress Party resulted in a sharp Maratha side. Munde is the true legatee support of Prakash Am- over Pune with a clean

fore the trio passed away in the chief ministership in ( July 2023) as the Pawar fa- versus Other Backward While clan rivalries and of her father, the late BJP bedkar’s Vanchit Bahujan sweep in subsequent As-
the first decade of the pre- 2005. Eventually, his son mily tussle between Sha- Classes (OBC) division in family splits marked the stalwart Gopinath Munde, Aghadi (VBA) in the 2019 sembly and civic body
sent century, leaving be- Kuldeep Bishnoi merged rad Pawar and his nephew the Marathwada region. third phase of polling, par- who, along with Pramod general election, will now elections.
hind a rich political legacy. the party with the Con- Ajit Pawar plays out by According to observers, ticularly Baramati, a para- Mahajan, was instrumental lack the Ambedkarite Besides Pune, two other
Though none of the gress in 2016, but joined proxy in these seats. the activist’s pull among dox in the Beed Lok Sabha in leading the saffron ex- votes. He will also face a di- seats in Pune district — Shi-
three political families the BJP in 2022 after he However, the shadow of the Maratha community is constituency is that es- pansion in Maharashtra by vision in his core Muslim rur and Maval — promise to
could match the charisma was overlooked for the the Maratha quota agita- set to determine the fates tranged cousins have come welding together the OBCs vote-bank given that a sec- be humdingers: In Shirur,
of the trio, who ruled the post of party’s State presi- tion looms large over the of both ruling Mahayuti together in the form of Ms. as a cohesive BJP tion of minority voters Sharad Pawar and his ne-
State several times and also dent. Contesting on the constituencies of Beed, Jal- and opposition Maha Vikas Munde and Dhananjay vote-bank. have moved towards Udd- phew Ajit are locked in a
left a mark in national pol- Congress’ symbol, Mr. na and Sambhajinagar (for- Aghadi (MVA) candidates Munde, who is with the Ms. Munde has had a hav Thackeray, which is ex- bitter war by proxy as Pa-
itics, it is for the first time Bishnoi’s son Bhavya Bish- merly Aurangabad) where in these three seats. ruling Ajit Pawar-led NCP stormy relationship with pected to benefit Mr. war senior’s candidate,
that the families of Bansi noi, who is the BJP’s Adam- the contests are expected The ruling Bharatiya Ja- faction. Deputy Chief Minister and Khaire. NCP (SP) leader Dr. Amol
Lal and Bhajan Lal have pur MLA, finished a distant to go down to the wire. nata Party (BJP) has fielded Like the Pawars in Bara- BJP leader Devendra Fad- However, owing to the Kolhe is pitted against the
been pushed out of the third in the Hisar Lok Sab- former State Minister Pan- mati, the prestige of the in- navis while her relations dizzying political align- former MP of Shirur, busi-
electoral contest after be- ha election in 2019. Bhajan Quota activism kaja Munde in Beed, argua- fluential OBC Munde clan with the party top brass in ments in the State, Mr. nessman Shivajirao-Adhal-
ing denied tickets by their Lal’s second son, Chander Like a twisted Shakespea- bly the most intensely con- is at stake in Beed. Delhi have been notably Khaire will now be bereft rao Patil, who is Ajit Pawar
respective parties in the Mohan, who made hea- rean play, the tempest of tested seat in this phase. For Ms. Pankaja Munde, frigid owing to impolitic of the BJP’s Hindu votes. and the Mahayuti’s
ongoing Lok Sabha poll. dlines for changing his reli- the Maratha agitation, She is pitted against the who has been given a ticket statements made by her. Mr. Bhumre, on his part, candidate.
The Congress has de- gion and marrying advo- which aggravated caste MVA’s Bajrang Sonawane in lieu of her sister Pritam Finally given a ticket as faces the wrath of the Shiv In 2019, Dr. Kolhehad
nied a ticket to the late cate Anuradha Bali alias tensions in Marathwada of the Sharad Pawar-led Munde — the sitting MP of Beed’s candidate, Ms. Sena cadre which has not emerged as a ‘giant killer’
Bansi Lal’s granddaughter Fiza, is with the Congress. during much of last year, NCP (SP). In a masterful Beed — it is a trial by fire as Munde faces an uphill task taken kindly to Mr. in Shirur by trouncing Mr.
Shruti Choudhry, its State has found its ‘Caliban’ in move, the 83-year-old Sha- the election will determine owing to the heightened Shinde’s revolt against Mr. Adhalrao-Patil, who was
working president, from The Chautalas the form of quota activist rad Pawar wooed Mr. Sona- her political future. social tensions in the form Thackeray. then with the undivided
the family’s traditional Bhi- Struggling to remain rele- Manoj Jarange-Patil. Mr. Ja- wane from Ajit Pawar’s The outcome will also of the Maratha versus OBC In western Maharashtra, Shiv Sena.
wani-Mahendragarh Lok vant in the State politics
Sabha seat. The BJP has following the split in Indian
chosen Chaudhary Devi National Lok Dal (INLD)
Lal’s son Ranjit Chautala
over former Lok Sabha MP
Kuldeep Bishnoi, son of
and the formation of Jan-
nayak Janta Party ( JJP) in
2018, the Chautalas, the
Congress is trying to terrify its own Modi will not be the
the late Bhajan Lal, for the
Hisar Lok Sabha seat.
Bansi Lal, a two-time
political heirs of Chaud-
hary Devi Lal, are confined
to only two Lok Sabha country, harm people’s spirit: PM Prime Minister this
Congress Chief Minister,
who also served as Defence
seats. Making it a contest
within the family, the JJP’s time, says Kharge
Minister from December Naina Chautala and the Satyasundar Barik action is taken against ter-
1975 to March 1977, floated INLD’s Sunaina Chautala, BHUBANESWAR rorist organisations, their Amarnath Tewary
the Haryana Vikas Party in who are sisters-in-law, are vote-bank would get an- PATNA
1996 and became the CM up against their father-in- Prime Minister Narendra gry.”
for the third time with the law Mr. Ranjit Chautala in Modi on Saturday A day ahead of Prime Mi-
promise to prohibit alco- the Hisar Lok Sabha seat. slammed the grand old Attack on Patnaik nister Narendra Modi’s
hol. In 2004, however, he INLD’s secretary-general party and accused the Throwing his weight be- roadshow in Patna, Oppo-
returned to the Congress’ and the party’s lone MLA, mindset of the Congress hind the BJP’s push for sition Mahagathbandhan
fold, and breathed his last Abhay Chautala, grandson tries to terrify its own change in regime in Od- leaders on Saturday
in March 2006. Credited of Chaudhary Devi Lal, is country. isha, Mr. Modi also claimed that after three
with the electrification and caught in a triangular fight “The Atal Bihari Vaj- launched a frontal attack phases of the Lok Sabha
expansion of the road and in Kurukshetra with AAP’s payee government had daring Chief Minister Na- elections involving 285 Mallikarjun Kharge
railway networks in the Sushil Gupta, a joint candi- conducted a nuclear test in Decision time: Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives for a public veen Patnaik to name dis- seats, it had become clear
State, Mr. Bansi Lal is date of the INDIA bloc, and Pokhran. I remember meeting in Bargarh on Saturday. BJP tricts and their headquar- it would be “very difficult war) and Uddhav Thacke-
known as the architect of the BJP’s Naveen Jindal. when nuclear test was car- ters towns without reading for Modi to form govern- ray should come to us (the
modern Haryana. One of Rajendra Sharma, Head, ried out, the Indian com- kistan has atom bomb. stead of teaching terrorists out from the paper. ment” and that “Modi will BJP) to fulfil their needs.
his two sons, Surender Department of Political munity settled across the These scared people hurt a lesson, these people “Can the Chief Minister not be the Prime Minister” Can a Prime Minister say
Singh, then Minister in the Science, Maharishi Daya- globe felt proud and for the the country’s spirit. It has [Congress] were holding understand your distress this time. Congress chief all this?” Mr. Kharge said.
State government, died in nand University, said the first time, people started to always been nature of Con- meetings with terror who cannot even name Mallikarjun Kharge also al- “The BJP-led NDA go-
a helicopter crash in 2005. political decline of the look at India with respect,” gress,” Mr. Modi asserted. organisations.” districts without paper? leged that “the Modi go- vernment has waived debt
Mr. Singh’s wife Kiran three Lal families had be- Mr. Modi remarked while Attacking the Congress, Mr. Modi, “After the 26/ Can you trust him for the vernment is a government worth 16 lakh crore rupees
Choudhry, a two-time Ha- gun long back, but the de- addressing a public meet- Mr. Modi said, “It was this 11 Mumbai attack, they children’s future?” he of speaking lies”. of rich people but not of
ryana Cabinet Minister and nial of Lok Sabha tickets to ing in Kandhamal district. weakness of Congress for [Congress] could not mus- asked. He raked up this is- “There is huge resent- poor people. Earlier, when
former Congress Legisla- the families of Bansi Lal and “On the other hand, the which the people of Kash- ter the courage to take ac- sue as State BJP leaders ment among the people the Manmohan Singh go-
tive Party leader, and the Bhajan Lal marked the end mindset of Congress tries mir suffered from terro- tion against patrons of the were critical of the Odisha against the BJP and this vernment was in power, it
couple’s daughter, Shruti, of their political influence to terrify its own country. rism for 60 years. India terrorists. Congress and CM’s ‘struggle’ to deliver NDA government at the had waived ₹72,000 crore
a former Bhiwani-Mahen- in the State’s politics. Congress cautions that Pa- should never forget that in- the INDIA bloc thought if extempore speeches. Centre. Unemployment debt of farmers,” Mr.
and rising inflation are the Kharge said.
pressing issues for the peo- “RSS people, who work
ple, which have become an only for rich people, are
쑽 My goal is to ensure representation unbearable load on them,”
Mr. Kharge said.
“I have not seen a Prime
being trained these days
and brought in to join in
this government on key
Minister creating so much posts at the level of Joint
for 90% of population, says Rahul division in society. He [Mr.
Modi] only loves the word
‘M’ — Muslim, mutton,
Secretary. This govern-
ment runs on a daily wage
and contract basis. To stop
mangalsutra and machhali them and to defeat them,
Sobhana K. Nair Congress will not allow it, (fish),” Mr. Kharge said in a we are working hard, and
NEW DELHI asserted Mr. Gandhi. “Re- reference to Mr. Modi’s nowhere it appears that
servation is the voice of speaking of them in his Modi and his party are go-
With reservation occupy- 90% of India,” he said. poll meetings. ing to win,” he said.
ing the centre stage in the He branded Prime Mi- When asked if various
2024 general election, nister Narendra Modi as a ‘Harassing people’ cases lodged against mem-
former Congress president “21st century monarch” “He [Mr. Modi] does not bers of the Opposition
Rahul Gandhi accelerated who works according to his answer people’s queries. would be withdrawn if the
his campaign for caste cen- whim without paying heed They [the BJP] harass farm- Congress government
sus saying he has the clari- to Parliament, his Cabinet ers, women, labourers and came to power, Mr. Kharge
ty that he is not in pursuit or the Constitution. He youth of the country and said “We will work as per
of power. Instead, he is Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh reiterated that Mr. Modi now they are harassing the law and Constitution.”
working to ensure repre- Yadav wave to supporters in Kannauj on Friday. ANI will not return as Prime Mi- them in this election,” he At the press interaction,
sentation for 90% of the In- nister. added. Mr. Kharge was also asked
dian population. At the Gandhi said, has been a nomically weaker sections “Political leaders stum- “The only thing they re- who would be made Prime
Solution to yesterday’s Sudoku
same time, he chided the success but not an ove- among the forward castes ble through their lives sort to is Hindu-Muslim Minister if the Opposition
Congress for making mis- rarching one. It has failed still do not have a corres- chasing power, spending [rhetoric] to continue their alliance came to power.
takes in the past, exhorting to fulfil the expectations of ponding share of represen- every minute how to gain politics and divide people, “Mahagathbandhan will
his party to transform its its founding members tation in the media, judici- it, but without attaining but people this time have choose the leader togeth-
politics. since its benefits are not ex- ary, bureaucracy or clarity of political thought. understood that this is not er,” he said.
Mr. Gandhi was speak- tended uniformly to all the corporate world. In I have got the clarity that I good for the country and On former Indian Over-
ing in Lucknow on Friday groups. this backdrop, the caste have to work to ensure re- they (the BJP) are doing all seas Congress chief Sam Pi-
at the Rashtriya Samvid- “95% of the Indian pop- census only seeks to esta- presentation for the 90% this only for votes,” Mr. troda’s controversial re-
han Sammelan organised ulation that falls under the blish “Hindustan ki sachai” of our population. And this Kharge said. marks and subsequent
by the Samruddha Bharat categories of backward (India’s truth). The BJP battle has to be fought with “Yesterday, in Maha- resignation, Mr. Kharge
Foundation. communities, Dalits, Tri- leaders are saying they will love, respect and rashtra, he [Mr. Modi] said said: “We have accepted
The Constitution, Mr. bals, minorities and eco- end reservation but the strength”. Pawar saheb (Sharad Pa- his resignation. That’s all.”
10 Sunday, May 12, 2024

Business Delhi

쑽 FPIs dump Indian Union Bank Q4 net rises 18%
equities in May amid helped by lower provisions
election uncertainty Press Trust of India
gets would be reviewed
midway through the year.
Non-interest income de-
State-owned Union Bank of clined by over 10% to
Equity outflows of FPIs touch ₹17,083 crore so far in May; Market volatility India on Saturday reported ₹4,707 crore, primarily due
18.4% growth in consolidat- to halving of recoveries
rises with the fear gauge India VIX touching 18.4, its highest level this year ed net profit for the March from written off accounts.
TVS Srichakra Q4 standalone K.R. Srivats
quarter to ₹3,328 crore,
helped by lower
For FY25, the bank is
targeting overall recoveries
net rises 17% to ₹26 crore NEW DELHI provisions. to come at ₹16,000 crore
For FY24, the lender re- against over ₹18,000 crore

Tyre manufacturer TVS Srichakra Ltd.’s oreign Portfolio In- ported a consolidated net in FY24.
standalone net profit for the quarter ended vestors (FPIs) have profit of ₹13,797 crore gin (NIM) to 3.1% from The overall provisions
March rose 17% YoY to ₹26 crore on higher sales turned aggressive against ₹8,512 crore in the 2.97% in Q4 FY23. declined to ₹3,222 crore
volume. Revenue from operations increased to sellers in Indian equities in year-earlier period. MD and CEO A. Mani- from ₹4,041 crore in the
₹703 crore from ₹647 crore. Cost of materials May 2024, largely spooked Fourth-quarter standa- mekhalai told reporters year-earlier period.
consumed grew by ₹37 crore to ₹386 crore. The by the uncertainty over the lone net profit rose to that for FY25, the bank was The fresh slippages in-
result included exceptional items of ₹7.58 crore, outcome of general elec- ₹3,311 crore, from ₹2,782 aiming for credit growth of creased to ₹3,202 crore
the tyre major said in a regulatory filing. tions. They now favour the crore a year earlier. 11-13% and deposit growth from ₹2,687 crore a year
The company’s board declared a dividend of ‘Sell India, Buy China’ Core net interest in- to be between 9-11% com- earlier, but the final stock
₹47.34 per share. trade due to cheaper val- come (NII) grew 14.4% to pared with 9.3% in FY24. of gross NPAs was lower
uations in Chinese and Pivot to China: FPIs opt for ‘Sell India, Buy China’ trade on cheaper ₹9,437 crore on 11.7% It, however, expects a because of help coming in
Hong Kong markets, said valuations in Chinese, Hong Kong markets, says analysts. FILE PHOTO growth in advances and wi- fall in NIM to 2.8-3%, she on recoveries, upgradation
market analysts. dening of net interest mar- said, adding that the tar- and write-offs.
JSW crude steel output stays FPIs have net sold In-
dian equities to the tune of
in 2024) this past week as
equity benchmarks saw
tion in the near-term,” Mr.
Singh said.
almost flat at 21.21 lakh tonnes ₹17,083 crore so far in the sharp corrections in both Mr. Vijayakumar said

JSW Steel’s consolidated crude steel production
seven trading sessions in
May 2024, taking their ov-
benchmark indices and
broader markets. So far in
that the divergence in insti-
tutional activity is becom- Khanij Bidesh India IIHL receives
in April remained almost flat at 21.21 lakh tonnes erall outflows in equities May, Nifty50 has slid 2.5%, ing stark this month.“FIIs
IRDAI’s nod to
(LT). Consolidated output was 21.13 LT in April
2023, the company said in a filing on Saturday. In
from India this calendar
year to ₹14,861 crore, data
falling about 500 points.
Tarun Singh, MD of
have turned sustained sell-
ers and DIIs have turned
may acquire lithium buy Reliance
India, the company produced 20.55 LT crude with depositories showed. Highbrow Securities, said sustained buyers in all
steel against 20.33 LT a year earlier. The
production of JSW Steel USA - Ohio fell to 0.66 LT
V.K. Vijayakumar, Chief
Investment Strategist at
market volatility, reflected
by the India VIX, under-
trading days of this month,
so far, with cumulative FII
asset in Australia: Rao Capital
in April from 0.80 LT in the year-earlier period. Geojit Financial Services, scores the selling pressure, selling of ₹24,975 crore and
JSW Steel is the flagship business of the 23-billion said FIIs’ sales in the cash primarily affecting overva- cumulative DII buying of Press Trust of India sure that during this The Hindu Bureau
JSW Group. PTI market in May was much lued large-cap stocks. ₹19,410 crore,” he said. NEW DELHI financial year, we target MUMBAI
higher at ₹24,975 crore. “The temperament of Mr. Vijayakumar added one more asset,” Mr. Rao
FPIs, largely speculative FPIs were aggressively sell- Khanij Bidesh India Ltd. observed. IndusInd International
VIX at peak and focused on ephemeral ing Indian equities mainly (KABIL) hopes to acquire a But unlike Argentina, Holdings Ltd. (IIHL) said it
Zydus gets U.S. FDA nod to He said that the situation
could change dramatically
gains, overlooks the broad-
er, long-term growth narra-
due to Indian equity mar-
kets underperforming
lithium block in Australia
this year, Mines Secretary
Australia would be a bit
costly so the paid-up capi-
had received approval
from the IRDAI on May 10
market arthritis drug in U.S. once clarity emerged on tives of economies like In- while Shanghai Composite V. L. Kantha Rao said on tal of KABIL will have to be for the acquisition of Re-
the election outcome. “If dia or Hong Kong. Despite and Hang Seng were out- Saturday. increased. KABIL has a liance Capital Ltd.
Zydus Lifesciences on Saturday said it had the election results turn current valuations render- performing by 3.96% and KABIL, a joint venture of paid-up capital of ₹100 “The approval is subject
received approval from the U.S. health regulator out to be favourable from ing India’s market relative- 10.9%, respectively, in the three PSUs to scout for crore at present. to certain ‘regulatory, stat-
to market a generic medication for arthritis and the market perspective, ag- ly expensive, forthcoming last one month. “The FPI mineral assets overseas, Lithium is the most im- utory, and judicial’ clea-
other conditions in the American market. The gressive buying by DIIs, re- electoral outcomes hold strategy is to sell India has been working in Aus- portant mineral for the rances/compliances,” a
company has received final approval from the tail and HNIs can push the the potential to recalibrate which is expensive and tralia for the last year, he energy transition, a funda- company spokesperson
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to market sharply up,” Mr. Vi- foreign investor interest. buy China which is very added. “KABIL has the res- mental component of lithi- said on Saturday.
market Dexamethasone tablets (1mg), the drug jayakumar noted. The vola- This adjustment could fos- cheap, mainly through ponsibility to look at other um-ion batteries, which IIHL “aims to close this
maker said in a statement. Dexamethasone is tility index (VIX) — also ter a decrease in market Hong Kong,” he added. countries. We have to in- power electric vehicles transaction by the NCLT’s
used to treat conditions like arthritis, known as a fear gauge — volatility, anticipated to re- (The writer is with The crease our efforts in Aus- and battery energy storage stipulated date of May 27,”
blood/hormone disorders and eye problems. PTI touched 18.4 (the highest flect in the VIX’s stabilisa- Hindu businessline) tralia. We will have to en- systems. the spokesperson added.

‘Bridgestone to unveil Adoption of

Gen AI faster
Eicher Motors sets aside Measures in place to
market expansion than PCs, capex of ₹2,200 cr. for FY25 meet peak power
strategy to push next smartphones, N. Anand
demand in May, June
says Oracle
10 years of growth’ CHENNAI

Eicher Motors Ltd. (EML)

Press Trust of India
GW during day-time and
235 GW during evening
Mini Tejaswi has set aside a capex of hours for June 2024, it said
Mini Tejaswi BENGALURU ₹1,200 crore for Royal En- The government has taken in the statement.
BENGALURU field and ₹1,000 crore for adequate measures to The power ministry has
Adoption of Generative AI VE Commercial Vehicles meet the estimated 235 estimated around 260 GW
Bridgestone India, a whol- (Gen AI) is happening at a (VECV), for the current fis- GW peak power demand in of peak demand during
ly owned subsidiary of faster pace than smart- cal year, top company ex- May and 240 GW in June, this summer season.
Bridgestone Corporation, phones or PCs, said Ora- ecutives said on Saturday. according to an official Elaborating on the mea-
Japan, is currently prepar- cle, a technology firm “For the current fiscal, statement. “With various sures, the ministry said
ing a 10-year strategy to based in Austin, Texas. we have set aside a capex New offerings: Royal Enfield will be rolling out one or two products measures, we have been section 11 directions have
spearhead market expan- “If one compares the of ₹1,200 crore mainly for in all the platforms, said CEO B. Govindarajan. BIJOY GHOSH able to successfully meet been issued to gas-based
sions across India. first four years of many re- development of new pro- the peak evening power power plants besides coal-
“India has been identi- cent technologies, it is evi- ducts including electric Besides, it has made a de- nue increased by ₹275 demand of 224 GW during based units to make full ca-
fied as a growth market dent that adoption of Gen vehicles and international but in Turkey and esta- crore to ₹6,275 crore. The April 2024,” the Ministry of pacity available for elec-
and focus market for Brid- AI is happening at a faster growth,” said Royal Enfield blished a wholly owned board declared a final divi- Power on Friday. tricity generation. The op-
gestone globally,” Rajarshi The strategy will also pace than smartphones or CEO B. Govindarajan. subsidiary in the Nether- dend of ₹51 per share. The power demand is timisation of hydropower
Moitra, Chief Commercial address India’s PCs,” said Chris Chelliah, “This will be financed lands to cater to evolving “We had a remarkable projected to peak at 235 generation has made avail-
Officer, Bridgestone India, positioning in the global senior vice president, through internal accruals consumers in the Euro- year at EML and have re- GW during the day-time able an additional 4 GW for
told The Hindu. “We are Technology and Customer and debt,” he said during pean Union (EU). ported exceptional perfor- and 225 GW during even- meeting the demand dur-
market for Bridgestone
working on a new business Strategy, Oracle, Japan & an interaction. mance across both Royal ing hours for May and 240 ing May and June.
strategy that will spear- RAJARSHI MOITRA, APAC. The CEO also said that Q4 profit rises 18% Enfield and VE Commer-
Chief Commercial Officer,
head the next orbit of our Bridgestone India According to him, Gen the company was making EML’s consolidated net cial Vehicles,” EML MD &
growth in the country. Our AI is at the forefront of ma- substantial progress in de- profit for the quarter end- CEO Siddhartha Lal said at
new India strategy for 10 ny conversations of enter- velopment of electric mo- ed March rose 18% YoY to a press meet.
years will kick in from ca- segment had done a “low prises globally and has also torcycles that would be un- ₹1,070 crore on higher Asked about EVs, Mr.
lendar 2025,” he said. single-digit”, while the af- changed the way Oracle veiled during FY25. sales volume. Revenue Lal said that as far as VECV
According to Mr. Moitra, ter-market segment had had developed its new Besides, Royal Enfield will from operations rose 12% was concerned, it had
India is the fastest growing been flattish, he said. products. be rolling out one or two to ₹4,256 crore. commenced sales of EV
and stable market for Brid- “In the short term, the “Today, not only is Ora- products in all the plat- The company sold 2.28 trucks and had the global
gestone and the company industry is seeing some cle Generative AI support- forms, he said. lakh motorcycles against unveiling of the new elec-
has made strong invest- pressure. But long-term ing customers, it is also According to Mr. Govin- 2.15 lakh in the year-earlier tric-first small commercial
ments here in the last over outlook is quite bullish as changing how Oracle itself darajan, Royal Enfield has period. Mr. Govindarajan vehicle. VECV MD & CEO
25 years, including the lat- the macro economic sce- develops new products,” expanded its international said that FY24 saw EML’s Vinod Aggarwal said the
est chunk of $300 million it nario continues to be quite he said. footprint by setting up its best ever performance. It electric small commercial
announced. “The new stra- positive in terms of GDP According to Saravanan fifth completely knocked also surpassed pre-COVID vehicle showcased at Bha-
tegy will be aimed at build- growth and government in- Palanivel, Vice President, down (CKD) assembly unit levels of growth. rat Mobility Global Expo
ing the market further and vestment,” he said. Cloud Engineering, Oracle outside India in Nepal, VECV’s net profit con- “will mark a new growth
to continue to be a strong ‘‘As per our internal esti- India, AI’s capability is while the next one will tracted to ₹242 crore from segment for VECV in the
player in the premium tyre mate, we expect the indus- growing rapidly as it is come up in Bangladesh. ₹315 crore, while total reve- 2.5-3.5 tonne category.”
segment in the country. try, in the long term to “getting better and faster.”
The strategy will also ad- grow 5-6% in after-market For instance, it took ov-
dress India’s positioning in and 4-5% in the OEM seg- er a decade for AI’s hand-
the global market for Brid- ment in the next five writing recognition to be as
gestone,” he added. years,” he added. good as the average hu-
On the market scenario, “It also indicates that man, but the learning
Mr. Moitra said post the the auto sector will conti- curve for AI models to
pandemic, Bridgestone nue to remain positive,” reach human parity for
had seen robust growth in Mr. Moitra said. More than reading comprehension
India. The company’s reve- 46 million units of tyres and language understand-
nue grew 9% year-on-year (for passenger car and ing has gotten significantly
during calendar 2023. SUVs) were sold in 2023 steeper.
However, the industry with after-market and “For speech recognition
in general saw subdued OEMs forking out an al- it took 17 years, handwrit-
sales volumes in the last most equal share in the in- ing recognition 14 years,
couple of quarters. dustry. In this calendar, image recognition 6 years,
In the first quarter of the industry is expected to reading comprehension 2
CY24, the Original Equip- sell 48 million units of years… to reach human
ment Manufacturer (OEM) tyres, he said. parity,” Mr. Palanivel said.
Sunday, May 12, 2024 11

30-year study links ultra-processed food to risk of early death SNAPSHOTS

The Hindu Bureau their findings “provide Health Study (1984-2018) 34-year follow-up period, cluding an 8% higher risk groups, with meat, poul-
support for limiting con- and 39,501 male health the researchers identified of neurodegenerative try, and seafood based rea-
Higher consumption of sumption of certain types professionals from all 50 48,193 deaths, including deaths. dy-to-eat products show-
most ultra-processed foods of ultra-processed food for U.S. states in the Health 13,557 deaths due to can- No associations were ing the strongest and most
is linked to a slightly higher long term health”. Mount- Professionals Follow-up cer, 11,416 deaths due to found for deaths due to consistent associations,
risk of death, with ready- ing evidence links ultra- Study (1986-2018) with no cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular diseases, followed by sugar swee-
to-eat meat, poultry, and processed foods to higher history of cancer, cardio- 3,926 deaths due to respi- cancer, or respiratory dis- tened and artificially swee-
seafood based products, risks of obesity, heart dis- vascular diseases, or dia- ratory diseases, and 6,343 eases. In absolute num- tened beverages, dairy
sugary drinks, dairy based ease, diabetes and bowel betes at study enrolment. deaths due to neurodegen- bers, the rate of death from based desserts, and ultra-
desserts, and highly pro- cancer, but few long term Every two years partici- erative diseases. any cause among partici- processed breakfast
cessed breakfast foods studies have examined pants provided informa- Compared with partici- pants in the lowest and food. The association was
showing the strongest as- links to all causes and tion on their health and lif- pants in the lowest quarter highest quarter of ultra- less pronounced after over-
sociations, finds a 30-year cause specific deaths, es- estyle habits, and every of ultra-processed food in- processed food intake was all dietary quality was ta-
U.S. observational study.
The results were published
pecially due to cancer.
To address this know-
four years they completed
a detailed food question-
take (average three serv-
ings per day), those in the
1,472 and 1,536 per
100,000 person years,
ken into account, suggest-
ing that dietary quality has
Early clinical trial sheds light
in the journal The BMJ. ledge gap, researchers naire. Overall dietary qual- highest quarter (average respectively. a stronger influence on on regulatory T cell therapies
The researchers say not tracked the long-term ity was also assessed using seven servings per day) The association bet- long term health than ul-
all ultra-processed food health of 74,563 female re- the Alternative Healthy had a 4% higher risk of to- ween ultra-processed food tra-processed food con- Results from a new clinical trial shed light on the
products should be univer- gistered nurses from 11 Eating Index-2010 (AHEI) tal deaths and a 9% higher intake and death varied sumption, note the auth- performance of infusions of immune-calming
sally restricted, but that States in the Nurses’ score. During an average risk of other deaths, in- across specific food ors. regulatory T cells for children with type 1
diabetes. The trial shows that a single dose of the
cells can transfer over efficiently in children but
does not show signs of preserving

Will cattle be the next lab for

insulin-releasing cells in the pancreas,
highlighting the need for further research.
Researchers have theorized that supporting
regulatory T cell activity – or even infusing these
cells – could treat autoimmune disorders.

flu host-switching?

The co-expression of both human and avian receptors in the mammary glands of cows indicate susceptibility to viruses
of both swine/human and avian origin

R. Prasad ceptors seen in pigs.

“One of the key changes
attle have so far required for avian flu to

C not been asso-

ciated with being

cattle have not been well

large-scale, and as a result,
transmit effectively in hu-
mans involves flu’s hemag-
glutinin (HA) host cell re-
ceptor preference,” Dr.
Scarpino said in another
studied as domestic hosts tweet. “Currently the cell
Areas at risk for malaria in
for influenza A virus spe-
cies. In contrast to the no-
surface receptor that in-
fluenza uses in birds is sub-
Africa may decline: study
tion that cattle are consi- tly different from the one Areas at risk for malaria transmission in Africa
dered to be almost in the human upper-respi- may decline more than previously expected
resistant to infection with ratory tract”. But when because of climate change in the 21st century,
influenza A virus, H5N1 vi- pigs get infected with hu- suggests an ensemble of environmental and
rus, which was first detect- man and avian influenza hydrologic models. The combined models
ed in dairy cattle in Texas viruses at the same time, predicted that the total area of suitable malaria
in late March, has rapidly the viruses can potentially transmission will start to decline in Africa after
spread to 37 herds in nine undergo reassortment, 2025 through 2100, including in West Africa and
States in the U.S. as of May wherein small segments of as far east as South Sudan. The new study’s
7. their genomes get approach captures hydrologic features that are
On April 24, the U.S. swapped. The swapping missed with predictive models of transmission.
FDA said that in a national- might sometimes help the
ly representative commer- avian flu viruses to become
cial milk sampling study of better adapted to bind to
pasteurised milk, about human receptors and
one in five of the retail sam- hence spread from birds to
ples tested positive for bird humans more easily. The
flu viral fragments. A grea- H1N1 pandemic of 2009
ter proportion of positive One reason for dairy tract. The high concentra- The abundance of hu- was due to the reassort-
results were in milk from cattle milk containing high tion of H5N1 virus frag- man and duck receptors in ment of the virus in pig
areas with infected herds. concentrations of H5N1 vi- ments in milk from H5N1- the mammary glands and populations.
An NIH-funded study had rus fragments could be the infected cows could be due the large presence of hu- “The co-expression of
found an absence of infec- propensity of the virus to to local viral replication in man, chicken and duck re- both human and avian re-
tious virus in milk samples. infect the mammary the mammary glands of ceptors in the lung alveolar ceptors in the mammary
The April 23 report of the glands of cows as a pre- cows as H5N1 has a high af- cells of cows provides a glands indicate susceptibil-
FAO noted that the H5N1 vi- vious study had found. On finity for the receptor, the perfect environment for ity to viruses of both
rus was detected in “high evaluating the expression authors say. the evolution of H5N1 vi- swine/human and avian
concentrations in milk of H5N1 receptors in the The study found that ruses that can easily origin. The co-expression
from infected dairy cattle mammary gland, respira- the chicken receptor was spread from animals to hu- of both receptors can make
Fragment of human cerebral
and at levels greater than
that seen in respiratory
tory tract and cerebrum of
cattle, the authors found
expressed on the surface of
the respiratory epithelium
mans. The reason why pigs
are called the “evolution-
bovines to behave like a
mixing vessel for new in-
cortex reconstructed
samples”. That the concen- both the human and the in the upper respiratory ary lab for flu host switch- fluenza A virus with in- Using more than 1.4 petabytes of electron
tration was less in the res- duck receptors to be highly tract and upper part of the ing” is precisely due to the creased zoonotic potential, microscopy imaging data, researchers have
piratory samples of the in- expressed in the mam- lower respiratory tract, presence of both the hu- the authors write. generated a nanoscale-resolution reconstruction
fected cows compared mary glands. In the mam- while human and duck re- man-flu and avian-flu host With the mammary of a millimeter-scale fragment of the human
with the milk samples mary gland, the human re- ceptors were either lacking cell receptors in their up- glands of cows harbouring cerebral cortex, providing an unprecedented
strongly suggests that the ceptors and the duck or very limited in expres- per-respiratory tract, says receptors for both human- view into the structural organisation of brain
pathogenesis of the H5N1 receptors were found to be sion. However, in the lung Dr. Sam Scarpino from flu and avian-flu, “dairy tissue. The data reveal underappreciated aspects
virus in cattle differs from widely distributed in the alveolar cells, the research- Northeastern University in cattle may have similar po- of the human temporal cortex, including the
other mammals, says a stu- alveoli but not in the ducts. ers found all the receptors a tweet. The latest study tential as pigs to serve as disproportionate number of glia over neurons
dy posted as a preprint; Chicken-type influenza re- of humans, chickens and has found that cow mam- evolutionary intermediar- and existence of powerful axonal inputs.
preprints are yet to be ceptors were common in ducks being abundantly mary glands contain the ies between avian and hu-
peer-reviewed. the cow respiratory expressed. same kind of mixed flu re- man flu”.

The magpies of the Himalayas

rance, or that some of the vel, you can see or hear young. As the nursery
Question Corner
most flamboyant species nearly 60 individual birds rhyme says, two for joy.

are found

From Kashmir to Myan-

the in a five-minute time inter-
val. The yellow-billed blue
magpie is very often a part
The blue magpie and
the red-billed magpie are
very similar in appearance
Strange trigger
SCIENCE mar, a few closely related of this chorus. The body of too, though a little smaller. Can heavy snowfall and not be unique to
D. Balasubramanian blue magpie species are a the bird is about the size of The blue magpie is less of a rain contribute to some Japan. Since late 2020,
common sight. The gold- a pigeon, but with a 45- forest bird, and more often earthquakes? hundreds of small
Magpies belong to the Cor- billed magpie, Urocissa fla- centimeter-long tail, ad- seen around villages. All earthquakes — earthquake
vidae family of birds that virostris, also called the ding up to an overall size of the species can be spotted A recent study has found swarms — have shaken up
includes crows, jays and ra- yellow-billed blue magpie, 66 cm. While foraging for as solitary birds, in pairs, that episodes of heavy Japan’s Noto Peninsula, in
vens. Birds of this family has mischief in its eyes and worms on the ground, the or noisy flocks of 8-10 snowfall and rain likely 2020 changes in seismic
are generally considered to occupies the high altitude tail is pointed upward; birds. contributed to a swarm of velocity appeared to be
be noisy, inquisitive birds zone between 2000 and while picking berries in As human presence in earthquakes over the past synchronised with the
that in folklore from 3000 meters above sea le- trees, the tail swoops forests increases, there are several years in northern seasons. When it rains or
around the world have of- vel. At slightly lower downward. The flight is worries about how well the Japan. This is the first time snows, that adds weight,
ten been associated with heights we find the red- High above: Gold-billed magpies occupy the high altitude zone characteristic too: a few birds can cope. The color- that climate conditions which increases pore
omens, good or bad. In billed magpie, and the blue between 2,000 and 3,000 meters above sea level. GETTY IMAGES quick wing beats, followed ful flowers of rhododen- have been found to initiate pressure, which allows
some European cultures, magpie is found at lower al- by long gliding drons attract tourists. To some quakes. The seismic seismic waves to travel
they accompany witches. titudes where humans live the Kanchenjunga from forests whose canopies movements. support tourists, villagers activity in the region was through slower. When the
An English rhyme, “One in larger numbers. near the Goche La pass at close in over you, and an The yellow-billed blue often resort to forest re- surprisingly found to seismic velocity
for sorrow, two for joy; about 4,700 metres above astonishing diversity and magpie builds its nests at sources such as firewood. synchronise with certain observations and the
three for a girl, four for a Trekking corridors sea level. The journey density of birds. the forks of branches in It is hoped that just like changes in underground model of excess pore
boy; Five for silver, six for Best sightings of the yellow takes you from tropical Field studies by zoolo- rhododendron trees. The agriculture, tourism will al- pressure, and those pressure were overlapped,
gold; Seven for a secret and red-billed varieties are moist broad-leaf forests at gists at the Sikkim Govern- nest itself appears to be a so learn to be a sustainable changes were influenced they fit extremely well.
never to be told,” suggests in the trekking corridor in the lower altitudes through ment College have docu- hurried job of twigs, with a trade. by seasonal patterns of
that spotting a lone magpie Western Sikkim that leads high sub-Alpine forests to a mented that over 250 soft lining of grass in which (The article was written snowfall and precipitation.
brings bad news. But no from the town of Yuksom, treeless Alpine landscape species of birds are found three-six eggs are laid in in collaboration with Sushil Scientists suspect that this
Readers may send their questions /
one will deny that the mag- at 1,780 metres above sea of juniper bushes. So- in this zone, and at around May or June. Both parents Chandani, who works in new connection between answers to
pies are striking in appea- level, to fabulous sights of mewhere in the middle are 2,500 metres above sea le- take part in raising the molecular modelling) quakes and climate may
12 Sunday, May 12, 2024


What are the The Karnataka HC ruling on EPF benefits

rules on On what grounds has a 15-year-old amendment to the law been struck down? How will rational basis for this classification nor there is

contesting seats? withdrawing employees’ provident fund benefits affect international workers in India, and Indian
workers abroad? What is the response from the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation?
reciprocity that compels to classify foreign
employees from non-SSA countries as
international workers. The respondents neither
have stated whether the Indian employees
How many seats can a candidate working in non-SSA countries [are] required to
Aaratrika Bhaumik ‘The law of PF accumulations by international workers contribute their entire pay without statutory
contest? When were the based in India is permitted only upon retirement limit towards PF of that country. In the absence
was never
guidelines amended? The story so far: designed to from service in the establishment at any time of parity and also in the absence of reciprocity,
he Karnataka High Court recently after the attainment of 58 years of age; upon there is no justification to demand a

struck down a 15-year-old amendment retirement on account of permanent incapacity contribution on the entire pay of a foreign
Sreeparna Chakrabarty to the law which permits the extend PF for work due to bodily or mental incapacity and employee from a non-SSA country.”
incorporation of foreign workers in benefits to pursuant to any stipulations under existing
The story so far: the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF). employees Social Security Agreements (SSAs). How has the EPFO responded?
hen Congress leader Rahul Gandhi Accordingly, it quashed the special provisions irrespective The Ministry of Labour and Employment

W announced that he would contest

from Rae Bareli in Uttar Pradesh,
questions were raised on why he took the
for international workers under paragraph 83 of
the Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme, 1952
(EPF Scheme) and paragraph 43A of the
of the
drawn by
What are Social Security Agreements?
They are bilateral instruments executed to
protect the social security interests of workers
through the EPFO has issued a statement saying
that it was “actively evaluating the future course
of action.” An official told The Hindu, “The
decision after the Kerala election was over — he Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995 (EP Scheme) posted in a foreign country. Indian employees appeal is being prepared and the argument will
is a contestant from Wayanad too. According to for being “unconstitutional and arbitrary.” them’ who are posted in other countries by their be based on special provisions in the scheme
the Representation of the People Act (RPA), 1951, Indian employers continue to make social that are drafted with specific purposes of
a candidate is permitted to contest an election What are EPF benefits for foreign workers? security contributions in India as per domestic protecting the interests of Indian workers
from up to two constituencies, but he or she can The Employees’ Provident Funds and law. They may also be required to make similar abroad. The EPFO is also consulting
hold only one seat at a time if elected from both. Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 is India’s contributions under the host country’s laws. representatives of employers and employees to
pivotal social security legislation and regulates However, due to restrictions on withdrawals and clear apprehensions”.
Is there a cap? three main schemes — the EPF Scheme, the EP stipulations relating to their duration of stay, Referring to the SSAs executed with 21
A sub-section, 33 (7), of the RPA, allowing a Scheme and the Employees’ Deposit-Linked such employees rarely reap benefits from PF countries so far, the EPFO’s press release said,
candidate to contest from two seats, was Insurance Scheme, 1976. It is administered contributions made outside India. As a result, “These agreements aim to guarantee the

introduced through an amendment in 1996, through a statutory body — the Employees’ SSAs are executed to avoid such double coverage uninterrupted social security coverage of
prior to which there was no bar on the number Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO). An — coverage under the social security laws of both employees during international employment.
of constituencies from which a candidate could establishment with a minimum of 20 employees the domestic as well as the host countries. India These agreements are very important for India
contest. However, Section 70 of the same Act is required to register with the EPFO and make has SSAs with 21 countries. for promoting international mobility and
stipulates that a candidate can hold only one Provident Fund (PF) contributions for eligible leverage the demographic dividend.”
seat at a time, regardless of whether he or she employees. In 2008, the 1952 Act was amended What does the ruling say?
has been elected from more than one seat. Thus, to bring international workers or expatriates The Court highlighted that the primary aim of What are the implications?
if a candidate wins from two seats, a byelection within the fold of the statute. As per the the 1952 Act was to safeguard industrial workers Pooja Ramchandani, partner and head of the
is necessary from the seat he or she vacates. amendment, international workers employed in by offering them an alternative to pensions. employment law practice at Shardul Amarchand
Former Chief Election Commissioner N. India for a minimum period of six months are However, it clarified that the law was never Mangaldas, told The Hindu that while the High
Gopalaswami said the opposition to a candidate mandated to make PF contributions which designed to universally extend PF benefits to Court’s ruling may have a persuasive value
contesting from many seats was basically due to include 12% of the employee’s total salary. A employees irrespective of the salaries drawn by before the Courts outside of Karnataka, PF
the fact that many byelections had to be matching contribution is made by the employer them. “The EPF & MP Act was (1952 Act) enacted authorities can still enforce these provisions in
conducted after polls were over. Since then, the for each of these workers. However, contrary to with a view to see that those in lower salary other States in the interim period. This might
Election Commission of India and the Law their domestic counterparts, the wage ceiling of brackets get retirement benefits and by no result in employers having to continue with
Commission have both ₹15,000 per month for availing PF benefits does stretch of the imagination, could it be said that provident fund compliances for international
The Election proposed that the RPA not apply to international workers. Withdrawal the employees who draw lakhs of rupees per workers in certain regions. “The question is not
Commission of Act should be further month should be given the benefit under the whether international workers should be
India and the Law amended to allow one enactment,” the Court asserted. extended provident fund benefits on account of
person to contest from Justice K.S. Hemalekha pointed out that an their limited period of employment, it is
Commission have
only one seat, given that Indian employee working in a foreign country whether there is a rationale for classification of
both proposed a candidate cannot hold which has an SSA with India continues to make foreign employees from non-SSA countries (as)
that the two seats at the same PF contributions on a meagre sum of ₹15,000; different from Indian employees in terms of the
Representation of time. Mr. Gopalaswami however, a foreign worker is made to contribute rate of contribution,” Ms. Ramchandani said.
the People Act said this was proving to PF on his entire salary even though both are She also pointed out that India should consider
should be further be difficult as “no international workers. Deeming this disparity introducing amendments to ensure that expats
amended to allow politician would like to unconstitutional, she observed, “The are treated at par with domestic workers with
reduce it to one from Government of India is unable to substantiate respect to provident fund benefits to attract
one person to
two, and laws are made any nexus with the object sought to be achieved, foreign investments. Highlighting that the ruling
contest from only by parliamentarians.” para 83 is clearly discriminatory in treating the is also likely to have an impact on India’s
one seat Moreover, a person international workers of Indian origin and existing SSAs with other countries, she added,
has to be a voter in a foreign origin differently and thus violative of “If the Karnataka High Court judgment is upheld
particular State to contest Assembly polls from Article 14 of the Constitution of India.” by the Supreme Court, it remains to be seen
there. But to contest in a Lok Sabha election, a Dismissing the government’s contention that what amendments it [India] will bring about in
person can be registered as a voter in any special benefits were extended to international the law to continue the reciprocal arrangements
constituency of the country. If a person is a workers as a result of existing international enshrined in the SSAs.”
registered voter in any constituency, he or she ISTOCKPHOTO obligations, the judge reasoned, “There is no (With inputs by A.M. Jigeesh)
can contest from any seat in India, except
Assam, Lakshadweep and Sikkim.

What is the minimum age to contest?

The minimum age for a person to contest Lok
Sabha and Assembly polls is 25 years, while one
can become a member of the Rajya Sabha or the
How is India streamlining the pharma sector?
State Legislative Council only at 30 years. There
is no minimum educational qualification needed Why has the drug regulator tweaked norms for exports? Where does India stand as a drugs markets. It will help to bring uniformity in
to contest general elections in India. Candidates manufacturer? Does the change follow allegations of sub-standard medicines being exported? protocols, achieve the target of reaching $450
must be citizens of India, registered in some billion by 2047,” he adds.
constituency of the country as a valid voter and Will a centralising authority help, with several important drugs set to go off the patent list?
must not have been convicted of any offence What about the quality of manufacturing?
punishable by more than two years. An article in the British Medical Journal titled,
Bindu Shajan Perappadan Local had noted in a submission in Parliament. ‘Indian government cracks down on 18 drug
How can a candidate be disqualified? regulators companies for poor quality manufacturing’,
A person shall be disqualified from being chosen The story so far: will have to What will be the impact? noted that the Indian government had cancelled
as or being a member of either House if he holds ndia’s drug regulator, the Central Drugs India is a key player in the international generic the licences of over 10 pharmaceutical

hand over
any office of profit under the Government of Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO), medicine market and any change in policy has a companies as part of a crackdown on poor
India or the Government of any State; if he or has withdrawn powers delegated to State details of all direct impact on manufacturers and importers, quality manufacturing. The action last March
she is of unsound mind and stands so declared licensing authorities to issue NOCs (no approvals say industry insiders. The centralising of the came after an inspection of 76 drug firms across
by a competent court; if he or she is an objection certificates) for manufacture of given from licensing authority is significant, they point out, 20 States. “The government is also understood
undischarged insolvent; if he or she is not a unapproved, banned or new drugs for export August 2018 because according to a study conducted by the to have given notices to a further 26 companies
citizen of India or has voluntarily acquired the purposes. This latest announcement covering to May Department of Pharmaceuticals, India needs to for not complying with good manufacturing
citizenship of a foreign state. drugs for export comes at a time when India has 2024 to the get ready to take advantage of drug sales worth processes. The Indian pharmaceutical industry
Under the RPA Act, if a person is convicted of been under scrutiny for allegations of supplying $251 billion going off-patent this coming decade. has an estimated 10,500 companies, with drug
central drug
any offence and sentenced to an imprisonment substandard drugs causing health concerns in The study notes: “In the years between 2022 exports having more than doubled in the past
of two years or more, this will lead to his several countries. The CDSCO is now the sole regulator and 2030, the pharmaceutical sector in India decade. But the industry has faced a series of
disqualification to contest elections. Even if this authority for issuing manufacturing licences for will undergo landmark changes as several drugs scandals of late, including a World Health
person is out on bail, after the conviction and drugs meant for export. are expected to go off-patent and provide an Organization investigation into four
his appeal is pending for disposal, he or she is opportunity for the entry of generic products. contaminated cough syrups that caused acute
disqualified from contesting an election. For What is India’s role in the pharma market? Expiry of patents is very promising for the kidney injuries and were linked to the deaths of
some categories of serious offences, one may India ranks third worldwide as a producer of Indian generic drug market as it is expected to 66 children in the Republic of the Gambia last
incur disqualification for any conviction, drugs and pharmaceuticals by volume, expand and grow further with inclusion of these year,” it added.
regardless of the quantum of punishment. exporting to around 200 countries/territories. new drugs. With ongoing developments, India In what seems like an effort to keep a strict
The Indian pharmaceutical industry supplies has started focusing on self-reliance at a large watch, the latest order by CDSCO states that
Over the years, what are some of the changes 62% of the global demand for vaccines and is a scale. Hence, it is imperative to identify these pharmaceutical companies will have to get their
undertaken by the ECI regarding candidates? leading supplier of DPT (diphtheria, pertussis drugs beforehand, draft and implement NOCs from the zonal offices of CDSCO online
The ECI has amended the rules for political and tetanus), BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, strategies which help in their timely entry into before applying for manufacturing licences from
party funding during elections. The new used primarily against tuberculosis), and the market by promoting generic drug their respective State/UT drug regulators. The
regulations include decreasing the cash measles vaccines. At least 70% of WHO’s manufacturing.” Drugs Controller General of India, Rajeev Singh
donation limit from ₹20,000 to ₹2,000. The vaccines (as per the essential immunisation Raghuvanshi, said the decision was taken to
Electoral Bond Scheme, notified in January, schedule) are sourced from India, the Centre What are the challenges? facilitate the application process. In 2018, the
2018, allowing anonymous contributions to limit India is dealing with several challenges, CDSCO had permitted State and UTs’ drug
use of cash, was scrapped by the Supreme Court including tackling intellectual property rights, licensing authorities to grant permissions to
in 2024. For the 2024 polls, the ECI has banned lack of research and development etc. The study export some specific drugs. As per the new
cash transportation in bank vehicles after points out that understanding the political, order, local regulators will have to hand over the
sunset. The Commission is also monitoring economic, sociocultural, technological, details of all the approvals they have given from
non-scheduled chartered flights for cash, liquor, environmental, and legal factors is vital for August 2018 to May 2024 to CDSCO.
and drug movement. ADR founder member assessing the opportunities and challenges in The centralisation of powers hasn’t come as
Jagdeep Chokkar says there have been many the pharmaceutical market in India. “The an overnight development, says an industry
interventions, but the desired effect has not industry must adapt to changes in these external expert. The Central government’s advisory
come about as parties have found a way to factors, navigate regulatory requirements, group on drugs had earlier this year noted that
circumvent it. leverage technology advancements, and align getting NOCs from local drug regulators for
Mr. Gopalaswami points out that no law has their strategies with the evolving needs of the pharmaceutical products is a tedious process,
been brought in with regard to muscle power of pharmaceutical industry to succeed in the global leading to delays. Says Harish K. Jain, president,
candidates. “That falls under criminal law which market,” it noted. Speaking about the change, Federation of Pharma Entrepreneurs: “We don’t
are enacted by politicians themselves,” he says. Raheel Shah, business development director, anticipate any major impact as far as costing or
But he adds that the presence of central BDR Pharmaceuticals, says the move is welcome delays with this latest move. Export of goods is
paramilitary forces has been able to put a stop to as the centralisation of NOCs will formalise the on the Union List. Also, the central authority
practices like booth-capturing, a point strongly Indian pharma industry. “This will result in the was always the Central government; the power
rebutted by Prof. Chokkar who says the “use of efficiency of the overall process along with to hand out licences for export of drugs was
para-military forces is a shame in a democracy.” GETTY IMAGES bolstering pharma exports to key international delegated to States a few years ago.”
Sunday, May 12, 2024 13

Opening the gates of hell

Despite international warnings and pleas, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, seems determined to invade the southern Gaza city where 1.5 million
Palestinians, most of them refugees, are living in filthy overcrowded shelters, streets and beaches
Stanly Johny Hamas would survive. This is the THE GIST
dilemma the Israel faces. 쑽

he pre-war population of Earlier, Biden administration After the 1948 Arab-Israeli war,
Rafah, the southernmost officials had said Hamas was the major triggered by the declaration of
city of the Gaza strip sharing stumbling block for a ceasefire. the state of Israel in the
a border with Egypt’s Sinai Secretary of State Antony Blinken historical Palestine, Rafah
Peninsula, was 1,70,000. Today, seven stated on May 4 that “the only thing came under Egyptian rule
months after Israel launched its war on standing between the people of Gaza along with other parts of the
Gaza, following Hamas’s October 7, and a ceasefire is Hamas”. Two days Gaza Strip
2023 crossborder attack in which at later, however, Hamas’s Doha-based
least 1,200 people were killed, as many leader Ismail Haniyeh said the group 쑽
as 1.5 million people are living in had accepted the ceasefire proposal During the Suez Crisis, Rafah
Rafah. Many of them are camping on suggested by the mediators in Cairo. was attacked when the Israeli
the streets and beaches, while others The Hamas announcement came troops were marching towards
are packed into filthy, overcrowded hours after the IDF ordered at least Sinai through Gaza. On
makeshift shelters. Rafah is now a 1,00,000 people to evacuate from November 12, 1956, the IDF
“gigantic refugee camp”, Jan Egeland, Rafah. Mr. Netanyahu’s government raided a refugee camp in
Secretary-General of the Norwegian immediately rejected the Hamas offer, Rafah, killing at least 111
Refugee Council, said in February. saying it did not meet Israel’s core Palestinians
According to a doctor who served in demands. He later said Israel would
Rafah, the city is a “closed jail” with never agree to end the war in Gaza as 쑽

faecal matter running through streets part of a deal with Hamas. In other After the Six Day War of 1967,
so crowded that there is barely space words, the Israelis seemed determined the entire Gaza, including
for medics’ vehicles to pass, Reuters to go ahead with the Rafah attack plan. Rafah, came under Israel’s
reported. Medics are struggling to direct military occupation.
supply even basic aid and prevent the Tensions with U.S. Israel would retain its direct
outbreak and spread of diseases. Mr. Netanyahu’s tough line on Rafah control over the enclave until
According to Action Aid, every single The U.S.clearly warned Israel against launching a full-scale invasion of Rafah, arguing that such an attack would kill more Palestinian civilians. AP has created tensions in Israel’s ties 2005
person in Gaza, a majority of whose with the U.S. Earlier, President Biden
population is now jammed in Rafah, direct control over the enclave until though many of them are feared dead. full IDF withdrawal from Gaza. had said a full-scale attack on Rafah
“is hungry and people have just 1.5 to 2 2005. After the latest war began on There are growing protests in Israel, Israel says no to both Hamas without a proper plan to protect
litres of unsafe water per day to meet October 7, Israel ordered over 1 million asking the government to strike deal demands. IDF troops have been civilians would be a redline for him.
all their needs”. Palestinians living in northern Gaza to with Hamas to bring the hostages deployed in northern and central Last week, he announced that the U.S.
Israel wants to launch a full-scale evacuate. Most of them fled their back. Israel and Hamas, helped by Gaza, effectively carving the northern would not supply offensive weapons to
invasion on this Rafah. homes and moved to southern cities mediators such as the U.S., Egypt and tip of the strip as a buffer zone Israel if it goes ahead with the attack
Rafah has always been a flashpoint such as Khan Younis and Rafah. When Qatar have held multiple rounds of between Israel proper and Gaza’s plan. The United Nations has
in the Israel-Palestine conflict, given its Khan Younis was attacked, there was talks in Cairo for a ceasefire deal. population (who have been pushed to repeatedly warned that any attack on
territorial proximity to Egypt. After the another exodus of refugees towards While the finer details of the the south). If Israeli troops withdraw the overcrowded Rafah would lead to a
1948 Arab-Israeli war, triggered by the the south. Today, the lion’s share of ceasefire proposal are yet to be made from Gaza, Israeli officials say, “humanitarian catastrophe”.
declaration of the state of Israel in Rafah’s population are internally public, reports in Egyptian and Saudi Palestinians as well as Hamas militants If Mr. Netanyahu abandons the plan
historical Palestine, Rafah came under displaced Palestinians. media suggest that the mediators have would return to areas close to the to attack Rafah and cuts a deal with
Egyptian rule along with other parts of proposed a three-phase deal that border. And if Israel agrees to a lasting Hamas for hostages, his government
the Gaza Strip. Tens of thousands of War and talks would see the release of all hostages ceasefire, the remaining Hamas could fall as his far-right allies such as
Palestinians, who were displaced from The past week saw dramatic and Palestinian prisoners and battalions (Israeli officials say four Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich
their homes when the Jewish state was developments in the Gaza war. The eventually bring the war to an end. In Hamas brigades are present in Rafah) have already warned against such a
created, were settled in Gaza. During U.S.clearly warned Israel against the first phase, Israel is expected to would survive. move. If he goes ahead with the plan,
the Suez Crisis, Rafah came under launching a full-scale invasion of cease fire for 40 days and free When Israel launched the war on more Palestinian civilians would be
attack when the Israeli troops were Rafah, arguing that such an attack Palestinian prisoners in return for the October 7, it made its twin objectives killed, Israel would further be isolated
marching towards Sinai through Gaza. would kill more Palestinian civilians. release of 33 hostages. In the second public: dismantle Hamas and release globally and tensions would rise with
On November 12, 1956, the Israeli But Prime Minister Benjamin phase, the ceasefire would be the hostages. Seven months after the the U.S. But Mr. Netanyahu does not
Defence Forces (IDF) raided a refugee Netanyahu has vowed that Israel extended by 42 more days, while all war, in which roughly 35,000 seem to bother. “If Israel has to stand
camp in Rafah, killing at least 111 would go ahead with the plan to the remaining living hostages would be Palestinians have been killed, Israel alone, it will stand alone,” he said on
Palestinians, which came to be known invade Rafah, defying international released. The third phase of the has not met either of the objectives. May 10, less than a month after
as the ‘Rafah massacre’. pressure, warnings and pleas. But Mr. proposals are the most contentious, One practical solution to the hostage American, British, French and
After the Six-Day War of 1967, the Netanyahu is also under pressure to according to Arab media. Israel wants crisis is to strike a deal with Hamas. Jordanian defence systems, along with
entire Gaza, including Rafah, came bring the remaining hostages back. Hamas to release the bodies of all But Hamas would release the hostages the IDF, shot down most of the drones
under Israel’s direct military Israel says 128 hostages abducted on hostages and Hamas wants a only in return for a ceasefire. And if and cruise and ballistic missiles
occupation. Israel would retain its October 7 are still in Hamas captivity, comprehensive, lasting ceasefire and Mr. Netanyahu agrees to a ceasefire, launched by Iran towards Israel.

Rebel prince The gradualist

Dushyant Chautala John Swinney
The former BJP ally, who has offered support to the Congress to form an alternative government The SNP leader takes on the role of First Minister of Scotland at a tremulous time, when the party
in Haryana, is fighting to keep his party legislators together faces internal divisions, frustrated allies and a weakened economy
Vikas Vasudeva ago, amid differences over Joan Sony Cherian Swinney has stated that ef-
seat-sharing for the general forts towards indepen-

n May 8, 60-year- dence would be focussed

aryana is in politi- election.
cal turmoil after In the run-up to the old John Ramsay on winning a majority in
three indepen- polls, the JJP, which draws Swinney, a veteran the forthcoming elections.
dent MLAs withdrew their its support largely from the of the Scottish National He believes only through
support for the ruling Bha- agrarian class (primarily Party (SNP), was sworn in good governance and a
ratiya Janata Party (BJP) go- the Jat community), found as Scotland’s First Minister. strong economic policy
vernment, and its former itself at the receiving end of Mr. Swinney takes up the will the public have faith in
coalition partner, the Jan- farmers’ anger as many reins from Humza Yousaf, an independent Scotland
nayak Janta Party ( JJP), of- farmer organisations con- the former First Minister divorced from the British
fered support to the Con- fronted party leaders while who stepped down follow- Union.
gress to form an alternative they were visiting villages ing a threat of no-confi- He scrapped the posi-
government. Singh Saini, appears to be tion government in during the election cam- dence vote against him, af- hold the position. In 2016, ers in 1999 after a nation- tion of Minister of indepen-
As the State continues to in a minority with only 43 Haryana. paign. ter he ripped up his party’s he was appointed Cabinet wide referendum. De- dence, in charge of com-
witness breakneck politi- MLAs by its side, two short After the split, the INLD coalition agreement with Secretary for Education volved powers mandate missioning white papers
cal developments, 36-year- of majority. But BJP leaders and its breakaway faction Aggressive stance the Scottish Greens over and Skills, a role in which that Scotland can form le- on how Scotland will func-
old Dushyant Chautala, assert that their govern- fought to claim the politi- Of late, Mr. Chautala has climate change commit- he was widely criticised. gislation on issues such as tion as an independent na-
leader of the JJP who be- ment is under ‘no threat’ cal legacy of its founder, been taking an aggressive ments. This left the SNP In 2020, he was subject health, transport and edu- tion, so that immediate
came the Deputy Chief Mi- and that if there be any Chaudhary Devi Lal, a stance against the BJP. The with only 63 seats in the to a no-confidence vote af- cation while the power to concerns such as the cost
nister of Haryana in 2019, need, “other MLAs“ will former Deputy Prime Mi- attempt was aimed at re- Holyrood (Scottish parlia- ter he was accused of legislate on defence, fo- of living crisis and the im-
is now facing a stiff task of support them, an indicator nister and a noted farmer claiming the party’s core ment), that is, two seats bringing in an exam sys- reign policy, trade, immi- plications of Brexit can be
keeping his flock of 10 le- of potential support from leader. In the 2019 As- support base, which short of a majority. Mr. tem that unfairly penalised gration, and currency is re- given priority. Refuting al-
gislators together, and disgruntled JJP MLAs. sembly elections, Mr. seemed to have taken a Swinney was able to hold students from deprived served with Westminster. legations of undermining
fighting to stay relevant in Chautala proved his mettle beating after the year-long the party in power by win- areas. Even though he won Mr. Swinney joined the the goal of Scottish inde-
the State’s politics. His pol- Disgruntled MLAs by winning 10 seats. The farmers’ agitation against ning the support of 64 the motion, in 2021 he SNP at the age of 15 for its pendence, the new First
itical acumen and leader- At least three disgruntled INLD saw a near washout the BJP government at the members of parliament stepped down as Educa- aspiration of indepen- Minister reiterated that,
ship skills are at the test in MLAs of the JJP, annoyed as the party could win only Centre. As the BJP faced and by the abstention of tion Secretary and took ov- dence. While he started his “independence is going to
the midst of the Lok Sabha over Mr. Chautala’s ‘style one seat. The 2018 split in farmers’ wrath over the the Scottish Greens. er the responsibility of parliamentary career at be front and centre of our
election and in the run-up of working’, have met the the INLD followed a bitter now repealed agricultural Being the third First Mi- post-COVID recovery. By Westminster in 1997, he mission — it always has
to the Assembly election, senior BJP leader and power struggle between laws and demand for high- nister since Scotland’s last 2023, Mr. Swinney had re- was also elected to the first been — and the work will
which is due to be held in former Chief Minister, Ma- two brothers — Ajay Chau- er support price, the JJP, election in 2021, after Nico- signed from his Cabinet Scottish parliament in continue."
October-November this nohar Lal Khattar, fuelling tala, who was then serving the BJP’s ally in the state, la Sturgeon and Mr. Yousaf, roles and taken a backseat 1999. Mr. Swinney is part of Other than the divide on
year. speculation that they may a 10-year jail sentence in a also faced the heat. Mr. Swinney said the ap- in the party until the call what is called the gradual- how independence should
To bring down the go- switch sides, and even ex- case related to a teacher re- As the JJP is going pointment was “something for a new leadership arose. ist faction within the SNP, be achieved, the power-
vernment led by his old al- plore legal possibilities of cruitment scam, and Ab- through a rough patch, Mr. of a surprise” but an “ex- where he believes that in- sharing agreement with
ly, the BJP, Mr. Chautala splitting the JJP. At this hay Chautala, who was Chautala has twin pro- traordinary privilege”. Fight for independence dependence is a gradual the Greens and policies on
has offered support for the juncture, Mr. Chautala, the then the leader of Opposi- blems at hand — one to Mr. Swinney has held Mr. Swinney assumes of- goal with devolution of gender affirming care have
Congress from “outside”. co-founder of the JJP, is tion in the Haryana As- curb the apparent rebel- many a political office in fice in the week that marks powers being one of the polarised members of the
He has also asked Gover- staring at a crisis as he is sembly and was running lion within the party and his long career. He was the 25th anniversary of the steps towards complete au- SNP much further.
nor Bandaru Dattatreya to trying to secure his party, the party since 2013. Amid the other to offset the re- head of the SNP from 2001 devolution of the Scottish tonomy. However, the oth- While Mr. Swinney has
call for an immediate ‘floor which was formed in 2018, the family feud, Ajay and sentment among farmer to 2004 as opposition lead- parliament. Scotland has er faction, known as the pitched himself as a man
test’ to determine the ma- after breaking away from his son Dushyant floated groups. Almost five years er and has held Cabinet po- had a long-standing de- fundamentalists, are scep- able to “listen to other peo-
jority of the government. the Indian National Lok the JJP. ago, he led the party to be sitions under Alex Sal- mand for independence tical of devolution and con- ple’s perspectives” and
In the 90-member State Dal (INLD). Four and half years after a kingmaker in Haryana’s mond and Ms. Sturgeon. from Britain, which rings sider it a smokescreen to heal divides, he has his
Assembly, which currently His party won 10 seats the government was politics. Today, he is fight- He also served as Deputy strong to this day. It is out deter and delay full inde- hands full with a weakened
has an effective strength of in the 2019 Assembly elec- formed in the State, the ing not to let the party he First Minister under Ms. of this demand for self-go- pendence. party, a divided parliament
88, the BJP government, tions, and it played a key BJP-JJP alliance broke co-founded end up as a Sturgeon, and is the lon- vernance that Scotland Keeping in line with the and an economy reeling
led by Chief Minister Nayab role in forming the coali- down a couple of months fringe group. gest serving member to was granted devolved pow- gradualist tradition, Mr. under inflation.
14 Sunday, May 12, 2024

World Delhi


First ‘extreme’ solar storm in 20 Pakistan’s Deputy Prime Minister Maldives says 76 Indian military Poland PM vows to strengthen
years brings spectacular auroras Ishaq Dar to visit China next week personnel replaced by civilians security at EU border with Belarus


Earth was set to be struck by powerful solar storms on Saturday, a Pakistan’s newly-appointed Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar will Maldives Minister of Foreign Affairs Moosa Zameer on Saturday said Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk travelled to the country’s border
day after the most extreme events in two decades triggered embark on a three-day official visit to China on Monday, during 76 Indian military personnel were replaced by civilian employees of with Belarus, which is also the European Union’s external border
spectacular celestial light shows and threatened possible which he will meet top Chinese leaders and review bilateral the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited which manufactured the two with the autocratic state, and pledged to do more to strengthen
disruptions to satellites and power grids. The first of several coronal relations, including the upgradation of the multi-billion dollar helicopters gifted by India, thus ending the suspense over the exact security along its entire eastern frontier. Mr. Tusk accused Belarus,
mass ejections (CMEs) came just after 2130 IST on Friday. AFP China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project. PTI number of those repatriated at the insistence of Male. PTI Russia’s ally, of encouraging migrants to try to cross into the EU. AP

U.S. slams
Israel’s use Israel expands operation UAE slams Netanyahu for saying
Gulf state could help run Gaza
of American
in overcrowded Rafah city Reuters za after the war. appear to have become

CAIRO/DUBAI The prominent and in- frayed.
Tel Aviv orders new evacuations in Gaza’s southern city of Rafah forcing tens of thousands to fluential Gulf state, is one Foreign Minister Sheikh
Agence France-Presse move; more than 1.4 million Palestinians, half of Gaza’s population, are sheltering in Rafah The UAE hit out at Israeli of few Arab states with offi- Abdullah bin Zayed Al Na-
RAFAH Prime Minister Benjamin cial diplomatic ties to Is- hyan rebuked Mr. Netanya-
Netanyahu on Saturday af- rael, which it has main- hu in an early morning
The United States has is- Associated Press U.S. said there was “rea- ter he said the Gulf state tained through Israel’s post on X, saying Abu Dha-
sued a stunning criticism RAFAH sonable” evidence that Is- could be involved in aiding more than six-month war bi denounced the Israeli
of Israel’s use of American rael had breached interna- a future government in Ga- in Gaza, although relations leader’s comments.

weapons in the Gaza war, srael ordered new tional law protecting
after Israeli forces intensi- evacuations in Gaza’s civilians in the way it con-
fied operations around the southern city of Rafah ducted its war against Ha-
southern city of Rafah. on Saturday, forcing tens of mas — the strongest state-
Israel’s main interna- thousands more people to ment yet that the Biden
tional ally said in a report move as it prepares to ex- administration has made
released on Friday that it pand its military operation on the matter.
was “reasonable to assess” closer to the heavily popu- In response to the U.S.
that Israel has used wea- lated central area, in de- report, Ophir Falk, foreign
pons in ways inconsistent fiance of growing pressure policy adviser to Israel’s
with international humani- from close ally the United Prime Minister, said that Is-
tarian law. But the State States and others. rael acts in compliance
Department report said it Israel’s military also said with the laws of armed
could not reach “conclu- it was moving into an area No respite: Palestinians evacuate after Israeli launched a ground conflict and the Army
sive findings” and stopped of devastated northern Ga- and air operation in the eastern part of Rafah on Saturday. REUTERS takes extensive measures
short of blocking weapons za where it asserted that to avert civilian casualties,
shipments. the Hamas militant group planned full-scale Rafah in- affected. Israeli troops including alerting people
Relations between the has regrouped. vasion would cripple hu- have captured the Gaza to military operations via
two allies slumped after Israel has now evacuat- manitarian operations and side of the Rafah crossing, phone calls and text
U.S. President Joe Biden ed the eastern third of Ra- cause a disastrous surge in forcing it to shut down. messages.
said he would halt some fah, which is considered civilian casualties. Rafah U.S. President Joe Biden More than 1.4 million
arms deliveries if Israel the last refuge in Gaza. The borders Egypt near the has said he will not provide Palestinians — half of Ga-
went ahead with a full- United Nations and others main aid entry points, offensive weapons to Israel za’s population — have
scale assault on Rafah. have warned that Israel’s which already have been for Rafah. On Friday, the been sheltering in Rafah.

Flash floods kill more than Russia takes five

300 people in Afghanistan villages in Ukraine’s
Kharkiv region
Associated Press
ISLAMABAD Reuters Russian troops have
MOSCOW also taken over the
Flash floods from unusual- village of Keramik in
ly heavy seasonal rains in Russia said on Saturday the Donetsk region
Afghanistan have killed that its forces had taken
further south
more than 300 people and five border villages in Uk-
destroyed over 1,000 hous- raine’s Kharkiv region,
es, the UN food agency said where Russia launched an
on Saturday. offensive on Friday, ex- ing the longtime Ukrainian
The World Food Pro- ploiting its increasing ad- stronghold of Avdiivka in
gram said it was distribut- vantage on the battlefields February.
ing fortified biscuits to the of eastern Ukraine.
survivors of one of the ma- An Afghan boy shovels mud from the courtyard of a house following In its briefing on Satur- New offensive
ny floods that hit Afghanis- flash floods after heavy rainfall in Baghlan province on Saturday. AFP day, the Defence Ministry Ukrainian officials said on
tan over the last few weeks, said that Russian forces Friday that Russia had
mostly the northern pro- ed on the social media plat- nificant financial losses.” had taken the villages of launched a new cross-bor-
vince of Baghlan, which form X that “hundreds ... The Taliban Defence Mi- Pletenivka, Ohirtseve, Bo- der offensive against Khar-
bore the brunt of the de- have succumbed to these nistry said in a statement rysivka, Pylna and Strilech- kiv region, which is
luges on Friday. calamitous floods, while a on Saturday that the coun- na, all of which are directly centred around Kharkiv ci-
In the neighbouring substantial number have try’s air force has already on the Russian border. ty, Ukraine’s second
Takhar province, state- sustained injuries.” begun evacuating people The briefing also said largest.
owned media outlets re- Mujahid identified the in Baghlan and has rescued that Russian troops had ta- Russia kept up its at-
ported the floods killed at provinces of Badakhshan, a large number of people ken the village of Keramik tacks in the Kharkiv region
least 20 people. Baghlan, Ghor and Herat stuck in flooded areas and in the Donetsk region on Saturday and was trying
Zabihullah Mujahid, the as the worst hit. He added transported 100 injured further south, where Mos- to advance further, Khar-
chief spokesman for the that “the extensive devas- people to military hospi- cow has made slow but kiv Governor Oleh Synie-
Taliban government, post- tation” has resulted in “sig- tals in the region. steady advances since seiz- hubov said.

Panama mulls closing its ‘transit’ migrant route

Associated Press president on July 1. from the U.S. government,
PANAMA CITY As he had suggested imposed visa restrictions
during his campaign, the on various nationalities in-
Panama is on the verge of a 64-year-old lawyer and cluding Venezuelans and
dramatic change to its im- former Security Minister just this week Peruvians in
migration policy that could said he would try to end an attempt to stop mi-
reverberate from the dense “the Darien odyssey that grants flying into the coun-
Darien jungle to the U.S. does not have a reason to try just to continue on to
border. exist.” the U.S. border.
President-elect José But masses of people
Raúl Mulino says he will Exponential growth took the challenge and set
shut down a migration The migrant route through out on foot through the
route used by more than the narrow isthmus grew jungle-clad Colombian-Pa-
5,00,000 people last year. Tough luck: Until now, Panama has helped speedily bus migrants exponentially in populari- namanian border. A cross-
Until now, Panama has across its territory so they can continue their journey north. AP ty in recent years with the ing that initially could take
helped speedily bus the help of organised crime in a week or more eventually
migrants across its territo- lated region with little go- It is our border,” Mr. Muli- Colombia, making it an af- was whittled down to two
ry so they can continue vernment presence re- no said after his victory fordable, if dangerous, or three days as the path
their journey north. mains to be seen, experts with 34% of the vote in land route for hundreds of became more established
Whether Mr. Mulino is say. Sunday’s election was for- thousands. and entrepreneurial locals
able to reduce migration “Panama and our Da- malised on Thursday even- It grew as countries like established a range of sup-
through a sparsely popu- rien are not a transit route. ing. He will take over as Mexico, under pressure port services.
Sunday, May 12, 2024 15
It was a great innings, says GT’s Gujarat Titans captain Gill fined Sometimes, you have to doff the ‘Jake would have been surprised to
Sai Sudharsan on his century ₹ 24 lakh for slow over rate cap and say well played: Fleming be named in Australia T20 squad’


Gujarat Titans batter Sai Sudharsan talked about his 51-ball 103 GT captain Shubman Gill has been fined ₹ 24 lakh for maintaining CSK coach Stephen Fleming said his side was shell-shocked by the Ricky Ponting said Jake Fraser-McGurk was not disappointed about
scored against CSK. “It was a great innings, very happy to execute slow over rate during the match against CSK. It was his side’s assault from GT openers Shubman Gill and B. Sai Sudharsan, who his omission from Australia’s T20 squad. “Only a few weeks ago he
(the plans) in this game. I think the wicket was great to bat on. It second over rate offence of the season, and subsequently rest of the scored brilliant centuries. “It was the batting of high calibre. turned up here as a replacement player. The farthest thing in his mind
was great to watch Gill bat, learning things from him,” Sai playing XI members, including the Impact Player, were individually Sometimes, you have to doff the cap and say well played, and on would have been the World Cup. He has been electrifying for us [DC].
Sudharsan said. fined either ₹ six lakh or 25 per cent of their respective match fees. this occasion, I thought those two were great.” But he would have been more surprised to be named than left out.”

Knight Riders punch their ticket for the playoffs

A disciplined bowling performance helps the home side clinch an 18-run win over Mumbai Indians in a rain-hit contest after Venkatesh’s 21-ball 42 and lower-order hitting take KKR to 157

IPL-17 쑽
KOLKATA KNIGHT RIDERS 32 (17b, 5x4, 1x6), Hardik Pandya
Amitabha Das Sharma Phil Salt c Kamboj b Thushara 6 c Arora b Varun 2 (4b), Tim David c
(5b, 1x6), Sunil Narine b Bumrah 0 Shreyas b Russell 0 (3b), Nehal
(1b), Venkatesh Iyer c Wadhera run out 3 (3b), Naman
Suryakuymar b Chawla 42 (21b, Dhir c Rinku b Harshit 17 (6b, 1x4,
olkata Knight Rid-

K ers realised a play-

off berth with a
convincing 18-run win over
6x4, 2x6), Shreyas Iyer b Kamboj 7
(10b, 1x4), Nitish Rana run out 33
(23b, 4x4, 1x6), Andre Russell c
Kamboj b Chawla 24 (14b, 2x4,
2x6), Anshul Kamboj (not out) 2
(2b), Piyush Chawla (not out) 1
(2b); Extras (b-4, lb-2, nb-1, w-5):
12; Total (for eight wkts. in 16
Mumbai Indians in a rain- 2x6), Rinku Singh c Kishan b overs): 139.
truncated IPL fixture at the Bumrah 20 (12b, 2x6), Ramandeep FALL OF WICKETS
Eden Gardens on Saturday. Singh (not out) 17 (8b, 1x4, 1x6), 1-65 (Kishan, 6.5), 2-67 (Rohit, 7.5),
This was the ninth victory Mitchell Starc (not out) 2 (2b); 3-87 (Suryakumar, 10.5), 4-91
for KKR, which tallied 18 Extras (lb-3, w-3): 6; Total (for (Hardik, 11.4), 5-92 (David, 12.1),
seven wkts. in 16 overs): 157. 6-117 (Wadhera, 13.6), 7-136 (Dhir,
points from 12 matches to
FALL OF WICKETS 15.1), 8-137 (Tilak, 15.3).
remain on top of the KNIGHT RIDERS BOWLING
1-6 (Salt, 0.5 overs), 2-10 (Narine,
standings. 1.1), 3-40 (Shreyas, 4.1), 4-77 Arora (Impact Player in place of
The Knight Riders post- (Venkatesh, 8.1), 5-116 (Rana, Nitish Rana) 2-0-16-0, Starc
ed a challenging 157 for se- 11.6), 6-125 (Russell, 12.6), 7-148 1-0-11-0, Harshit 3-0-34-2, Narine
ven after MI opted to field. (Rinku, 15.2). 3-0-21-1, Varun 4-0-17-2, Russell
With rain forcing the MUMBAI INDIANS BOWLING 3-0-34-2.
match to start an hour and Thushara 3-0-31-1, Bumrah Toss: Mumbai Indians; PoM:
45 minutes late, the game 4-0-39-2, Kamboj 3-0-24-1, Hardik Varun.
was reduced to 16 overs a 3-0-32-0, Chawla 3-0-28-2. KKR won by 18 runs.
Ishan Kishan c Rinku b Narine 40
In reply, MI failed to
(22b, 5x4, 2x6), Rohit Sharma
consolidate on a fine start (Impact Player in place of
and finished at 139 for Thushara) c Narine b Varun 19
eight. (24b, 1x4, 1x6), Suryakumar Yadav
c Ramandeep b Russell 11 (14b,
Domination 1x4), Tilak Varma c Salt b Harshit
KKR, which beat MI in a V for Victory: Venkatesh and Varun’s efforts highlighted Kolkata Knight Riders’ win. K.R. DEEPAK
previous fixture at the lat-
ter’s home by 24 runs, thus (Impact Player) – struck a Narine and Varun Chakara- 5x4, 2x6) in the seventh ov- hereafter as the rest of its enough for the visitor to Salt back to the dugout in na (33), Andre Russell (24),
completed its dominance nice partnership and varthy sent back the two er before Rohit (19 in 24 batting folded up offering taste success. the first seven balls. and Rinku Singh (20) pro-
over the five-time cham- scored 59 in the PowerPlay batters. balls), who was struggling little resistance. Earlier, MI got the ideal Venkatesh Iyer stabil- vided a rear charge to take
pion in the current season. while tearing apart the Narine got the vital with his shot making, got Tilak Varma put in his start, sending the other- ised the KKR innings with a the KKR total past 150,
MI openers — Ishan KKR pace attack. breakthrough by dismis- out to Varun. bit with a stroke-filled 17- wise explosive KKR open- quick-fire 42 (21 balls, 6x4, which proved enough in
Kishan and Rohit Sharma The spin duo of Sunil sing Kishan 40 (22 balls, MI’s chase lost direction ball 32 but that was not ing pair of Narine and Phil 2x6) and later on Nitish Ra- the end.

Royals will
look to open
Super Kings face the heat Capitals, in Pant’s absence, I am sure Axar
will lead the
qualification in a crucial contest have their task cut out team really
door this time well: Ponting
S. Dipak Ragav
against Royal Challengers
Tarun Shastry N. Sudarshan
CHENNAI As Chennai Super Kings N. Sudarshan BENGALURU
prepares to take on Rajas- BENGALURU
Rajasthan Royals’ cam- than Royals in its final Delhi Capitals head coach
paign has been impressive home league match at the Rishabh Pant’s absence Ricky Ponting backed Axar
in this edition, with eight M.A. Chidambaram Stadi- will loom large when Delhi Patel to come good as cap-
wins out of its 11 matches so um here on Sunday, the at- Capitals and Royal Challen- tain in the absence of the
far. Knocking on the doors mosphere will be feverish gers Bengaluru spar in a suspended Rishabh Pant
of qualification, it suffered for more than one reason. must-win clash at the M. for the tie against Royal
defeats — against SRH and First, it is an afternoon Chinnaswamy Stadium Challengers Bengaluru
DC — in its last two games. game in the middle of peak here on Sunday. here on Sunday.
On Sunday, Sanju Sam- summer here, and the The DC skipper has “He has been vice-cap-
son’s men will look to get mercury has been soaring been suspended for one tain for the last couple of
back to winning ways for a while now. More im- match after his team main- seasons and he is very sen-
against an inconsistent CSK portantly, CSK is facing the tained a slow over-rate Up for the challenge: Axar Patel, who will lead in Pant’s absence, sible and understands the
and seal a spot in the heat after its 35-run loss to against Rajasthan Royals has been one of DC’s standout players. K. MURALI KUMAR game really well,” said
playoffs. Gujarat Titans on Friday on May 7. It was Pant’s Ponting, on match-eve.
“We should have quali- and might need to win its third such penalty, trigger- “And he is really excit-
fied earlier but our last two remaining two games to Rising temperature: The mercury level may have an impact on the ing the ban. ed. We started talking
games were really close. qualify for the Playoffs. players’ performance. B. JOTHI RAMALINGAM With five wins out of the about it a couple of days
The second half is probably But beyond these con- last seven games, fifth- ago when there was a pos-
the most important and we siderations, the stakes are placed DC, riding on the sibility that Rishabh might
have set it up nicely by win- high because there is a batting might of Pant, Jake be banned. So, he has got
ning a lot of games in the sense of foreboding sur- Fraser-McGurk, Abishek his head around it. I am
first half. We don’t want to rounding this clash. It is a Porel et al., was looking sure he will lead the team
leave it too late and put question that is on every- good for the playoffs. But really well.”
pressure on ourselves,” body’s lips. Could this be the side will now have to
said Royals all-rounder Do- M.S. Dhoni’s last time in do without its maverick Best batter
novan Ferreira at a media Chennai? A few years ago, batter and top-scorer Pant Apart from being the lead-
interaction here on Satur- the former India skipper (413 runs at SR 156.43). er, Pant has been his side’s
day. had said he wanted to end Axar Patel will lead in best batter. With David
“If we can win this his T20 career in Chennai. his absence and it helps Warner’s fitness still wob-
game, it gives us a better With the city set to host that the left-arm spinner bly — he has missed the last
chance of finishing in the the last two playoff games has been one of DC’s stan- four matches — DC will
top two. Playing against (Qualifier-2 and Final), fans dout players. need to dip into its
Chennai is always big, they will hope it won’t be the In 12 games this season, reserves.
are a good team. It can go case. A win for CSK bright- the 30-year-old has bowled eight matches, but have ma and left-armer Swapnil “Rishabh has been one
either way, but if we play ens its chances of finishing 40 miserly overs at an eco- strung together four suc- Singh. of the best players this IPL
our brand of cricket, then it in the top four and gives helped, and the defending last two games against Sun- nomy rate 7.32, an aston- cessive wins to still have a However, the weather and not having him is a
will go our way. the fans another opportun- champion will hope the risers Hyderabad and Del- ishing number in an IPL shot at the playoffs. could prove a spoiler. After loss. But it is also a great
“I think the team that as- ity to see their favourite players can raise their le- hi Capitals. While the lack where totals in excess of A settled batting line-up a scorching summer, the opportunity for others.
sesses the conditions cricketer. vels and sign off in style at of runs from the middle-or- 240 have become par for led by the in-form Virat parched souls in the Gar- “We have to think about
quickly and adapts well will However, it will be chal- home. der is a concern, Royals the course. Kohli has been instrumen- den City have joyously wel- an Indian middle-order
emerge on top. Being an lenging for the misfiring Meanwhile, Sanju Sam- has enough firepower with But in a rejuvenated tal in this turnaround, and comed evening showers player. David Warner has
away game, we want to Super Kings against a son’s side, which needed bat and ball to extend its RCB, DC will find a tough so has the blossoming of this past week. But for trained really strongly. We
adapt fast and execute our strong Royals. The con- just one win to seal its qual- four-match winning streak opponent. Faf du Plessis’ the spin-combination in- once, they will want the hope he is available for se-
plans,” he said. stant changes haven’t ification, stumbled in the against CSK. men lost seven of their first volving leggie Karn Shar- rain to stay away. lection.”
16 Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sport Delhi


Neeraj’s return will be Domestic season
set for a revamp
the biggest highlight by the BCCI
Besides the Asian Games gold medallist, local favourite Jena will be another star attraction;
the National Anti-Doping Agency is expected to be active during the event CRICKET

Other major suggestions
Toss to be done away for C.K.
Amol Karhadkar Nayudu, visiting team to choose
Rutuja-Paige pair claims FEDERATION CUP Inter-state MUMBAI bat or field first

doubles title in Fukuoka Y.B. Sarangi meet to be The Board of Control for
Revised points system with
additional batting and bowling
points to be tried out in C.K.
Rutuja Bhosale and Paige Hourigan beat Haruna
a mandatory Cricket in India (BCCI) is
set to reinvent the domes- Nayudu Trophy
Depending on the feedback, the
Arakawa and Aoi Ito 3-6, 6-3, [10-6] in the orld and Olym- event tic season.
doubles final off the $60,000 ITF women’s tennis
tournament in Fukuoka, Japan, on Saturday. It
was the second successive doubles title for Rutuja
W pic champion
javelin thrower
Neeraj Chopra’s return to a Sports Bureau
A four-member working
group formed for the pur-
pose has suggested split-
changes to be incorporated into
Ranji Trophy in 2025-26
The teams for the women’s
inter-zonal tournaments to be
and Paige, who had won in China last month. It domestic event after his BHUBANESWAR ting the Ranji Trophy into picked by national selectors
was the 24th doubles crown in the professional historic performance in two halves and restructur-
circuit for the 28-year-old Rutuja. the Tokyo Games three The AFI has said the Na- ing the Duleep Trophy for
Other results: $15,000 ITF men, Monastir: Singles years ago will be the big- tional inter-state cham- the forthcoming season. place with at least four
(quarterfinals): Kris Van Wyk (RSA) bt Karan Singh 5-7, 7-5 gest highlight of the Na- pionships at Panchkula The four-member group days gap between match-
(retired). tional Federation athletics All in readiness: India chief coach Radhakrishnan Nair, centre, said from June 27 to 30 will be a — including India men’s es. The limited-overs tour-
Doubles (semifinals): Aleksandr Lobanov & Alexey Nesterov meet, starting on Sunday. he was looking forward to javelin competition. BISWARANJAN ROUT mandatory event for all the head coach Rahul Dravid, naments will then be
bt Niklas Schell (Ger) & Karan Singh 4-1 (retired). Besides Asian Games athletes barring some ex- NCA chief V.V.S. Laxman, played to enable IPL fran-
gold medallist Neeraj, sil- petition, which would also lag but chose to participate ceptions, including Neeraj men’s chief selector Ajit chises to scout for talent
ver medallist and local fa- feature D.P. Manu and in the event. Chopra who will compete Agarkar and former India ahead of the auction. The
vourite Kishore Jena will be Shivpal Singh. However, several top in Europe closer to the Pa- pacer Abey Kuruvilla, BCCI last two league rounds and
Gvardiol double puts ris Olympics. The National the Ranji knockouts will

another big attraction as Apart from the two names, including steeple- general manager (domestic
fans will get a chance to see Olympic qualified throw- chaser Avinash Sable, Pa- Inter-state meet will be the cricke) — met last week and then be scheduled from
Manchester City on top both of them in action after ers, Asiad gold medallist rul Chaudhary, quarter- last domestic competition finalised its proposals that mid-January till early
watching them on televi- shot putter Tajinderpal milers National record hol- for the athletes to qualify have been submitted to March.
Manchester City hit the top of the Premier sion during their season- Singh Toor, long jumper der Muhammad Anas, for the Olympics. BCCI secretary Jay Shah. It is also proposed to do
League with one week of the season left when opening performances in Jeswin Aldrin, triple jum- Arokia Rajeev, Rajesh Ra- “The last date to qualify “The recommendations away with the zonal format
two goals by Josko Gvardiol and one each from Doha Diamond League. pers Praveen Chitravel, Ab- mesh and Noah Nirmal for the Olympics is June 30. of the working group will for the Duleep Trophy, in-
Phil Foden and Julian Alvarez sealed a 4-0 As per Athletics Federa- dulla Aboobacker, and the Tom, long jumper Ancy So- Suppose we have four jave- be implemented in domes- stead starting the domestic
demolition of Fulham on Saturday. tion of India (AFI) rules, 4x400m relay team mem- jan, 800m Asian Games lin throwers who have tic cricket, subject to ap- season with the tourna-
Important results: Premier League: Fulham 0 lost to the athletes who have bers, including Amoj Ja- medallist Harmilan Bains, qualified, but we can only proval by the Apex Coun- ment “featuring four
Manchester City 4 (Gvardiol 13, 71, Foden 59, Alvarez 90-pen); crossed 75m will directly cob, Muhammad Ajmal, will miss the event due to send three. It is mandatory cil,” Shah said. teams, selected by the na-
Tottenham 2 (Porro 32, Micky van de Ven 82) bt Burnley 1 participate in the javelin fi- Dandi Jyothika Sri, and various reasons. to participate in Panchkula tional selectors”.
(Larsen 25). Serie A: Frosinone 0 lost to Inter Milan 5 (Frattesi nal on Wednesday. Three Subha Venkatesan, will be In view of some big to prove themselves,” chief October start The working group has
19, Arnautovic 60, Buchanan 77, Martinez 80, Thuram 84). will make it to the final some of the well known names failing dope tests coach Radhakrishnan Nair According to the proposal, made an attempt to ad-
through the qualifying athletes competing here. this year ahead of the said on Saturday. the Ranji Trophy will start dress major grievances
round. Jacob, who ran the an- Olympics, the National An- But AFI may consider in October second week that were aired during the
India chief coach Rad- chor leg in the Olympic ti-Doping Agency is expect- some exceptions for world soon after Irani Cup con- domestic season by va-
Karnataka denies a knock-out hakrishnan Nair looked
forward to the javelin com-
qualifier in Bahamas, said
he was yet to overcome jet
ed to be active during the
standard athletes like Nee-
raj, said Nair.
cludes and the first five
league matches will take
rious captains and coaches
across the domestic arena.
spot for Kerala girls
Karnataka beat Kerala 65-63 to deny a knock-out
berth in the women’s section of the 74th National
junior basketball championship in Indore.
The results (league): Men: Group-A: Uttar Pradesh 94
I feel I could have pushed more SNAPSHOTS

(Jatin 25, Vedansh Ranot 21, Harshit Tomar 21, Kunal Kumar
Singh 18) bt Delhi 79 (Harsh 26, Sahil Dhaka 24, Anshuman
Singh 18); Punjab 72 (Sahibjit Singh 25) bt Kerala 65 (Niyukth
even in the last throw: Neeraj Anderson to retire after
Lord’s Test against WI
gained a stranglehold over
the top spot in 25m rapid
Tyagi won the doubles
title in the J300 ITF junior
Salil 18); Chandigarh 98 (Gaurav Kumar 32, Ravinder Kaushik England’s James Anderson fire pistol with 587 in the tennis tournament in
23) bt Delhi 73 (Anshuman Singh 17, Kismat 16). Group-B: least three or four more will retire from Tests after Olympic shooting trials in Nonthaburi, beating
Tamil Nadu 100 (Harish Aravind 18, Abhimanyu 16, Mithunvel DOHA DIAMOND LEAGUE the first match, his 188th, Bhopal on Saturday. Kuan-Shou Chen and Ke
competitions before Paris
15) bt Andhra Pradesh 42; Rajasthan 68 (Ajay Kumar 15) bt but such contests help us of the series against West The results (qualification): Hau Hung of Taiwan
Odisha 26. Uthra Ganesan push each other,” he Indies at Lord’s in July, Men: 25m rapid fire pistol: 1. 7-6(4), 6-1 in the final.
Women: Group-A: Karnataka 65 (Aadhya Gowda 15, ending a 21-year career in Anish Bhanwala 587; 2. Vijayveer
DOHA insisted.
Tanusree Tarun 14, Aditi Subramaniam 14) bt Kerala 63 Sidhu 580; 3. Ankur Goel 579; 4. Uttam, Anandita triumph
which he became the most
(Amanda Rocha 20); Madhya Pradesh 83 (Gunvi Agarwal 30, Bhavesh Shekhawat 577; 5.
Kushpal Singh 23) bt Tamil Nadu 71 (Theja Sri 22, Juana Two centimetres. That’s Better effort successful pacer ever. Uttam Karthik and
Adarsh Singh 572. Women: 25m
Chrisolin 16, Antheya Daisy16). Group-B: Gujarat 92 (Aahana less than an inch, 1/3rd of The one thing Neeraj The 41-year-old has taken sports pistol: 1. Rhythm Anandita Upadhyay won
George 29, Niyathiba Gohel 24, Archi Patel 22) bt Punjab 79 an average index finger. wasn’t happy about was 700 wickets, behind only Sangwan 586; 2. Simranpreet the titles in AITA National
(Komalpreet Kaur 26, Nadar Dhillon 16); Uttar Pradesh 66 That was the margin of vic- his effort, which by his Muttiah Muralitharan Kaur Brar 585; 3. Manu Bhaker series junior tennis in
(Sakshi Saini 20, Anushka Chouhan 16) bt Chhattisgarh 43 tory for Jakub Vadlejch in own admission was less (800) and Shane Warne 585; 4. Esha Singh 579; 5. Jhajjar on Saturday.
(Ishika Singh 14, Komaldeep Kaur 11); Maharashtra 84 the Doha Diamond League than optimum. “I am satis- (708) on the all-time list. Abhidnya Patil 575.
(Aananya Bhavsar 38) bt Uttar Pradesh 71. The results (finals): U-16 boys:
on Friday night, the Czech fied with my performance Uttam Karthik bt Kushagra Arora
javelin thrower pushing Neeraj. AFP but perhaps not with my Anish stays on top Rethin & Kriish win 6-2, 6-4; Girls: Anandita
Olympic and world cham- effort, I feel I could have Anish Bhanwala (587) Rethin Pranav and Kriish Upadhyay bt Swasti Singh 6-0, 6-3.
pion Neeraj Chopra to se- raj has been keen to main-
Ireland posts maiden T20I cond spot. tain even though he admit-
pushed more even in the
last throw. It’s good that
win over Pakistan In the previous edition ted he didn’t feel great out this is the first competition
here, Neeraj had pipped on the field, for reasons of the season, there is still
Andrew Balbirnie’s 77 helped Ireland to its first Vadlejch by 4cm for top unknown. “Overall I time. Now we know what
Twenty20 International victory over Pakistan as spot. He had done the thought it could have been to do, we will work on it,”
the hosts won by five wickets with just a ball to same at the 2022 World better but the best thing is he admitted.
spare in Dublin on Friday. The dramatic Championships, this time the consistency. My warm- Jakub, meanwhile, was
encounter gave Ireland a 1-0 lead in a taking silver. up throw was really good more forthcoming. “I think
three-match series. but the first throw went we are rivals but also, I
The scores: Pakistan 182/6 in 20 overs (Babar Azam 57) lost At the forefront bad. More importantly, the hope, good friends. To-
to Ireland 183/5 in 19.5 overs (Andrew Balbirnie 77). And while the likes of An- body didn’t feel very good, day’s 2cm victory is a little
derson Peters have mas- I don’t know why, but I still revenge for the previous
sive throws against their managed an 88m-plus year. But the main goal is
LIVE TELECAST names, it’s these two who throw,” he reflected after Paris. Next up will be Gol-
have been at the forefront the event. den Spike (in Ostrava),
쑽 of the world javelin for the The 27-year old, howev- next chance to try and beat
Bangladesh vs Zimbabwe: 5th T20I, FanCode, 9.30 a.m. past few years, their con- er, isn’t too perturbed go- him,” he laughed.
IPL: Star Sports 1 (SD & HD) & JioCinema, 3.30 & 7.30 p.m. sistency separating them ing forward. “We will pre- It’s a challenge Neeraj is
Serie A: Sports 18-1 (SD & HD) & JioCinema, 4, 6.30, 9.30 p.m. from the rest. pare better for future more than willing to ac-
& 12.15 a.m. (Monday) On Friday too, Vadlejch competitions. But if I could cept. “Challenge accepted,
LaLiga: Sports 18-1 (SD & HD) & JioCinema, 5.30, 7.45, 10, had four throws over 84m throw 88m without feeling I am always ready for a
12.30 a.m. (Monday) with two fouls. Neeraj had too good, I want to test my- good battle. Next time, it
Bundesliga: Sony Sports Ten 2 (SD & HD) & LIV, 7, 9 & 11 p.m. the same, except with one self and see how much I won’t be just 2cm but
Ireland vs Pakistan: 2nd T20I, FanCode, 7.30 p.m. foul and one 82m mark. It’s can manage when everyth- much more, in our favour,”
Premier League: SS Select 1 (SD & HD) & Hotstar, 9 p.m. this consistency that Nee- ing is right. There will be at he signed off.

Nadal falls to
Hurkacz in
Rome Open
second round
Agence France-Presse

Rafael Nadal was knocked

out of the Rome Open in
the second round on Satur-
day with a 6-1, 6-3 loss to
Poland's Hubert Hurkacz.

Other results: Men: Second

round: Medjedovic bt Davidovich
Fokina 7-6(4), 6-4; Etcheverry bt
Seyboth Wild 6-3, 7-5; Jarry bt
Arnaldi 6-2, 7-6(6); Paul bt
Karatsev 6-4, 6-2. Women: Third
round: Swiatek bt Putintseva 6-3,
6-4; Badosa bt Shnaider 5-7, 6-4,
6-4; Kerber bt Sasnovich 6-3,
7-6(4); Osaka bt Kasatkina 6-3, 6-3.
Sunday, May 12, 2024 I
News in Frames

Unsafe environment: Children play in a pit being filled up with rice husk to be mixed with clay to bake bricks at a kiln. Raw material: Migrant workers load carts with clay to be pressed into brick moulds.


Crack of dawn: Work begins early at a brick kiln near Anandapuram village in Andhra Pradesh.

Slow burning lives

Workers along with their families travel from villages to work in the brick kilns of
Andhra Pradesh after the agricultural season, toiling more than 12 hours a day amidst
scorching temperatures and dust, for sums as meagre as ₹10,000 per month

he merciless sun blazes over a brick month. The physical strain, extreme weather and
kiln located between the exposure to brick dust bring a host of health
Anandapuram and Padmanabham problems.
villages of Visakhapatnam district in Children of brick kiln workers are often forced
Andhra Pradesh. A group of over 100 workers to accompany their parents to work instead of
labour tirelessly, shaping and moulding bricks attending school. In the harsh environment at the
with practised hands. kiln, childhood is a luxury they cannot afford.
At the break of dawn every day, the men and Sasmita, a teenager, has come to the kiln this
K.R. Deepak women start filling mould after mould with clay season to earn some money for her education
and stack them in a row to dry. Faces are expenses. "This is how I spend my summer
smeared with sweat and clay as the day stretches vacation. Life is very tough here, but the income
on. The radiating heat from the furnaces is supports my college fee,” she said.
scorching and the summer temperatures soar Andhra Pradesh Labour Department officials
beyond 40 degrees Celsius in this part of the say it is heartwrenching when they find children
State. For several years now, families have been aged below 10 working in some of these sites.
travelling from their villages in neighbouring Last year, the rescued children were readmitted
Odisha to the brick kiln to make a living when the in schools. Efforts are on to set up schools in
agricultural season is over. The men and women worksites to accommodate children and keep X
toil over 12 hours a day for about ₹10,000 per families together. Painstaking process: Women fill moulds with clay to make bricks, one at a time.
II Sunday, May 12, 2024

News in Frames Delhi

No vacation: When families migrate to the brick kilns for work, children accompany their parents to the site. Balancing act: Dried bricks are stacked in piles before they are baked with fire.


Curious eyes: Children watch the progress of work at a brick kiln. Many of them come along with their parents to the kilns during the summer holidays but, at times, drop out of school if the work stretches on.

Heat hazard: A worker applies cow dung paste to a pile of bricks as they are roasted in a low fire. Temporary shelter: Migrant workers with infants in their makeshift home.
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