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To: Mary

Subject: Hard decisions

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your email. I hope you're doing well.

Choosing a course in university can be decisive for our future, but it can
also be very hard.

In your email, you said that you are taking a science course and you want
to stay in that area which is a good starting point. It's great to know what
we like to do and what we desire to do for the future. However, you said
you are very attached to your loved ones and you don't want to leave them.
University is the place you go to chase your dreams and it seems that you
have a clear idea of what yours are. Your family and friends will always be
there for you, even if you are far away. If you miss then you can always
call them and visit them on weekends.

You've also said that money might be a problem. Loans are a good and
practical way to dodge those financial problems. If you don't want to bother
with those types of solutions you can always take a part-time job while in
university. With this, you can both gain money to pay your university bill
and work experience to help you in the future.
Don't worry about your university applications starting next month. The
decision that matters is always yours and if you think that you need more
time, then don't apply now and wait a year or two to rearrange the ideas in
your head.

Always remember, never stop chasing your dreams and keep pushing to
achieve your objectives.

Take care,
Your secret Teenline friend.

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