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“We promise to stand with you, everything you

Pambansang Awit have promised to do will also be done to you by
Panunumpa sa Watawat the grace of God.”
Opening Prayer CONFIRMATION: (By the Central Office
“Having complied the basic requirements set by
CD: Friends we are gathered here in SFGN-CLFC and is present today to declare
the sight of God these to witness the publicly your pledge of loyalty. By the Authority
vow of this friends to the club. After vested on me as ____ I now declare that all of you
thorough evaluation they stand worthy candidates here in (City) today (Date of
to become part of Shalom Friendship acceptance) ____ are now full members of SFGN-
CLFC. May you continue to seek to grow in our
Global Network – Campus Light friendship journey.
Friendship Club.
CD: (To the candidates) Do you believe
that the Bible is the written word of God CANDLE LIGHTING
our only basis for our principles and
practices? “SHINE JESUS SHINE”
Candidates: With all my heart I do. Lord the Light or Your Love is shining, In the midst
CD: Do you accept and believe that of the darkness shining, Jesus light of the world
Jesus is Lord and apart from Him shine upon us, Set us free by the truth You now
there is no other? bring us, Shine on me, Shine on me.
Candidates: With all my heart I do.
CD: Do you promise to abide with Refrain
SFGN-CLFC’s Principles and Values Shine Jesus shine; Fill this land with the Father's
as written in our Handbook? glory; Blaze, Spirit blaze; Set our hearts on fire;
Candidates: By the grace of God I do. Flow, river flow; Flood the nations with grace and
CD: Do you promise to be a friend to all mercy; Send forth Your word; Lord and let there
be light.
the members of CLFC? Do you promise
to Accept, Protect and be Identified with
Lord I come to Your awesome presence; From
all of us in good and in bad times?
the shadows into Your radiance; By the blood I
Candidates: By the grace of God I do
may enter Your brightness; Search me, try me,
consume all my darkness; Shine on me, Shine on
I_____ the son/daughter of Mr. &
As we gaze on your kindly brightness; So our
Mrs. ____ of ____ make this solemn
faces display your likeness; Ever changing from
pledge before God and before men that
glory to glory; Mirrored here may our lives tell
from this time onward my loyalty be first to Your story; Shine on me, Shine on me.
God (Jesus Christ) who gives me life,
loves ad saves me from my sin and death; AFFIRMATION & DECLARATION
to my beloved Family: parents, sisters and
brothers: to the Shalom Friendship Global “As a CLFCian I affirm and declare...“
Network-Campus Light Friendship Club I believe, stand and obey what the Bible says.
my real friends, to my beloved country the I believe and accept Jesus Christ as my
Philippines. personal Savior and Lord and apart from Him
there is no other.
I also promise to you my fellow I trust wholly the power of the Holy Spirit and
members that I will do my best to uphold the Grace of God so that I could . . .
the Purpose, Principles and Objectives as Be loyal and loving to my family and friends.
written in the Shalom Friendship Global Submit to all God ordained authorities
Network-CLFC’s handbook. To be ready Obey the existing laws, rules and regulations in the
community where I live.
at all times to protect, accept and identify Be a person who is quick to listen and slow to
with all of you my co-members in good speak.
and in bad times. Be punctual at all times.
I am weak by my own so help me God. Be honest in everything.
Be friend to all the people in our society regardless
of tribe, language, color, culture and beliefs.
Not compromise my principles with the unbiblical
and unbecoming practices of people in our society. Green – Symbolizes life. Everything that haw
Keep all of my surroundings clean and presentable life will continue to grow. We will continue to
by disposing my garbage properly. grow when we Eat, Drink, Breath, Exercise, Release-
Protect and prevent the environment from any Dispose. Same with our spiritual life we need to Eat
harm. and Drink from the Word of God-the Bible. Breath in
Prayer and Worship, Exercise through works of service
Patronize Philippine made product. and Release and Dispose through sharing, witnessing
Attend all Shalom Friendship Global Network- and disciple-making. (Matthew 4:4, John 6:35,
CLFC meeting and fellowship and support its Ephesians 4:11-14, Hebrews 10:22-25, Matthew 28:18-
activities. 20).
Do my best to win many friends to the Lord and
bring them to the fold – the Shalom Friendship
Global Network-CLFC. Singing for the Theme Song
I am proud to be a Filipino.
I am proud to be a follower of Jesus Christ. “FRIENDS”
(These following lines will be included for
Packing up the dreams God planted
Campus Light Friendship Club only)
Obey the counsel of my parents that flows from the In the fertile soil of you
Word of God Can't believe the hopes He's granted
Respect my teachers knowing that they are Means a chapter in your life is through
striving to impart to me what is good and
beneficial. But we'll keep you close as always
Strive to be a better student by using my time It won't even seem you've gone
wisely and studying diligently. 'Cause our hearts in big and small ways
Fully support school programs that promote and Will keep the love that keeps us strong
enhance good Filipino and Biblical values.
Never compromise with the unbecoming practices Chorus:
of some teachers, staff and fellow students. And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
Instruction for CLFC 'Cause the welcome will not end
Password/Greetings Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long to live as friends
SHALOM – “Peace, well-being, good health,
reconciliation be with you always.” With the faith and love God's given
Springing from the hope we know
MIZPAH – “May GOD keep watch between you We will pray the joy you'll live in
and me as we depart from each other.” Is the strength that now you show

Instruction for Friendship Bonds

The Symbols and Meaning of the Five
Our Motto
Black – Symbolizes our very nature we are all
sinners separated from the glory of GOD. We commit “Be A Light, Live In The Light, Share The Light To
sins because we are all sinners. Romans 3:23 Everybody, Everywhere and All The Time”

Red – Symbolizes the BLOOD OF JESUS Our Slogan

shed on the cross to pay the penalty of our
sins. For “without the shedding of “WHERE IMPERFECT PERSONS ARE
blood there is no remission of sins” Hebrews 9:22. PERFECTLY WELCOME”
Romans 5:8 “But GOD demonstrates His own love
towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ
died for us.” Our Handshake
“Friends though we are in minority and
White – Symbolizes the heart and life that is
weak, together we will lift up JESUS the light and
cleansed by the blood of Jesus. This is the life of a
child of God received through faith in Christ Jesus.
reach out for others by GOD’s Spirit and grace.”
When a person repents and believes on the complete
redeeming work of Christ on the cross. John 1:12,
Romans 9:9-10.

Yellow – Symbolizes Gold – Heaven – Eternity

– Eternal life. When a person believes he has now
eternal life. No condemnation for him. He is free from
judgement. He is bound for heaven. John 5:24, Romans
8:1, John 3:36, 1John 5:13, Revelations 21:18-27.

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