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ITT-116 network configuration

Platforms and Network Technologies (Grand Canyon University)

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Name: Mireille Beutamboh

Course: ITT-116

Date: April 18, 2021.

Instructor: Dr. Geondrell Jackson

Network Configuration

1. How many network connections are available by default on this system?

As a default on the system, we have three network connections available.

2. Which ones are used by the operating system to connect to the host?

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The operating system connects to the host using VMnet1 and VMnet8.

3. What is the difference between the host system and the virtualized system?
Host operating system is a software that is installed on a computer to interact with the hardware.

Meanwhile, a virtualized system is a software installed in a virtual machine.

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4. If you need to isolate this virtualized system in order to create an air gapped system, what
might you do?
I will disable network adapters to prevent the virtualized system from communicating with
the host Operating System.
5. What is the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the system?
The Virtualized system has as its IP address

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6. What is the IP address of the host system?

The host system has as its IP address.

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7. What are the other address details for each system?

a) Host system;
IPv6 address: 2600:1702:46a5:260::43
Link Local IPv6 address: fe80::f1b9:387c:92cd:367a%12
IPv6 DNS Servers: 2600:1702:46a5:260::1
IPv4 DNS Servers:
Physical Address (MAC): 68-14-01-BC-BA-7B

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b) VM:
Physical Address: 00-0C-29-6B-BD-70
IPv4 Address:
IPv4 Subnet Mask:
IPv4 Default Gateway:
IPv4 DHCP Server:
IPv4 DNS Server:
IPv4 WINS Server:

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8. Explain what a Domain Name Server (DNS) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) are.
 A Domain Name System (DNS) is a list of names that are assigned numerical values. The
numbers in this case are IP addresses that computers use in communicating with one
another (Shaw, and Fruhlinger, 2020).

 According to Kerravala (2018), “DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a

network protocol for IP networks in which a DHCP server assigns each host on the
network, an IP address and other information so that they can communicate with other
endpoints efficiently.”
9. Identify the MAC address for each system. What is the MAC address?
Each computer or network device on a computer network is given a MAC address, which is a
physical address and hardware address with a number that is specifically configured in
hexadecimal format (Computer Hope, 2019).
Host MAC: 68-14-01-BC-BA-7B
VM MAC: 00:0C:29:6B:BD:70

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Computer Hope. (2019). MAC. Retrieved from

Kerravala, Z. (2018). DHCP defined and how it works. Network World. Retrieved from

Shaw, K. and Fruhlinger, J. (2020). What is DNS and how does it work? Network World. Retrieved from

TechTerms. (n.d). MAC Address. Retrieved from

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