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Flow of Recording and Reporting of Morbidity and Mortality data-Ethiopian Simplified Version (ESV)-

International Classification of Diseases (ICD)


Patient/case encounter to a
health facility

Death Notification form

1. Immediate cause INVEA
2. Intermediate cause offices
3. Underlying cause

Inpatient Departments (IPDs) Basic recording and reporting tools

1. Patient form/card
2. IPD register
3. Tally sheet Death
4. Death notification form

1. Open Dx for patient management purposes Tools/options to identify Diagnosis based ESV-ICD
2. ‘Main Dx” for reporting based on ESV-ICD 11, CAPITAL 11 list
LETTER 1. NHDD Mobile pocket
3. Categorization of ‘New’ and ‘Repeat ” based on the
Patient form 2. Printed ESV-ICD 11 editions
definition of the implementation guideline
4. Single ‘main diagnosis’ 3. ESV-ICD 11 list in other electronic formats (
Clinician ( physician, HO, Nurse) 5. Cause of death ( Immediate, intermediate and Excel, PDF)
underlying) 4. Common disease posted in units based on

1. “Transcription” of ‘Main Diagnosis’ from patient form/card to 1. Tally from the IPD registers to ESV-ICD 11 tally
Nurse assistant, IPD coordinator or Clinician sheet
IPD registers
2. Copy ‘New’ and ‘Repeat ” status of ‘main diagnosis’ on 2. Tally only ‘New episodes’ from the registers to
‘New’ and ‘Repeat’ or remark column of IPD register the tally sheet
3. Death: Transcribe only underlying cause of death 3. Only underlying cause of death

Health Information Technician (HIT)

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