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The City School

Computing Mid-Year Examination – December 2023 Class 6

Mark Scheme

Section A Objective Marks: 10

Q1. Choose the best answer. [__/5]

(a) What does the browser history feature allow you to do?

A Delete all your internet history

B View a list of previously visited websites
C Block access to specific websites
D Download web content for offline use

(b) Which protocol is used to send and receive web pages and files on the internet?


(c) What does FTP stand for?

A File Transmission Protocol

B Fast Transfer Protocol
C File Transfer Protocol
D File Transport Protocol

(d) Which online suite includes applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint?

A Adobe Creative Suite

B Google Workspace
C Microsoft Office 365
D Dropbox Paper Suite

(e) How do computer worms affect a computer system?

A They make the computer system faster

B They self-replicate themselves within the computer system

C They clean up junk files.

D They protect the computer from viruses.

Q2. Fill in the blanks [__/5]
(a)A web browser allows you to find and view websites on the Internet
(b)Bookmarks are a great way to save and organize specific websites so you can revisit them
again and again.
(c)Check the authenticity of any news or person from reliable sources.
(d)A wiki is a database of pages that people can edit/modify while connected to the Internet.
(e)Your browser will also keep a history of every site you visit

Section B Subjective Marks: 40

Q3. [__/4]

Scenario: Imagine you have a spreadsheet with sales data for different months of the year. The
spreadsheet currently looks like this:

Month Sales Amount

January $5
February $6
March $48

a: Your manager asks you to insert a new column between "Month" and "Sales Amount" to
include the "Expenses" for each month. Write three steps to insert the new column. [3]

Answer: To insert a new column between "Month" and "Sales Amount" to include "Expenses,"
follow these steps:

1. Select the Column: Click on the lettered header (Alphabet name) of the column to the
right of where you want to insert the new column. In this case, click on the header of the
"Sales Amount" column (usually the letter B).
2. Right-click and Insert: Right-click on the selected column header and choose the
"Insert" option from the context menu. This action will insert a new column to the left of
the selected column (in this case, to the left of the "Sales Amount" column).
3. Label the New Column: In the newly inserted column, which is now between "Month"
and "Sales Amount," label the header as "Expenses."

[1 mark for each step] [Accept relevant answers]

b: How will you bold the newly inserted Header? [1]


 Select the header/first cell and click bold.

Q4. Which operator will be used to filter job applicants who meet specific criteria, such as
having at least 3 years of relevant experience and certification status, when managing a
database of job applicants, write the formula to fulfill the above condition. [__/4]
Considering the years of experience are in column A and certification status is in column B
Write the output for Row 2 only (either in Column C or space provided under the table).
1 Experience Certification Result
2 5 Yes True
3 3 No False
4 6 Yes True

1. AND operator
2. =AND(A2>=3,B2="Yes") or


 A2>=3 checks if the candidate has at least 3 years of experience.

 B2="Yes" checks if the candidate holds a certification.

Formula will return true if both conditions are fulfilled and false if either of it is false.

[1 mark for operator, 3 marks for formula/explanation (1 mark for operator and 1 mark
for meeting each criterion)]
Q5 Match the function in column A with the correct explanation in column B and write your
answer in column C. [__/6]
Column A Column B Column C
(a) AND (i) This function is used to determine if at least one of the
specified conditions is TRUE. It returns TRUE if at least one (a) (iii)
condition is met; otherwise, it returns FALSE.
(b) OR (ii) This function is used to extract a specific portion of text from
within a larger text string based on a given starting position (b) (i)
and the number of characters to extract.
(c) NOT (iii) Out of syllabus question. Teacher to award 1 mark to all
(c) (vi
students for this part

(d) MID (iv) This function is used to calculate the number of cells that
contain numbers, this function ignores the text values (d) (ii)
between the cells and only calculates numeric values.
(e) Count (v) An Excel function to count cells in a range that meets a
single condition. It can be used to count cells that contain (e) (iv)
dates, numbers, and text.
(f) CountIF (vi) This function is used to reverse the logical value of a
condition. It returns TRUE if the condition is FALSE, and vice (f) (v)
(vii) This function returns the first character or characters in a
text string, based on the numbers of characters you specify

Q6 Match the icon in column A with the correct explanation in column B and write your
answer in column C. [__/3]
Column A Column B Column C
(a) (i) It is the default layout and the one you see most often (a) (iii)

(b) (ii) suitable if you are designing a web page in Word. This (b) (i)
view shows how your document will look like a web page.

(c) (iii) It is optimized for reading a document on the computer (c) (ii)

(iv) A useful tool that allows you to produce multiple letters

using information stored in list
Q7. [__/4]


Out of syllabus question. Teacher to award 2 marks to all students for this part [2]

b: Which function in Excel updates the data in a worksheet every time it's opened?
What is its benefit? [2]
 TODAY function
 It returns the current date
[1 mark for the function, 1 mark for its purpose]
Q8. [__/4]
a: Out of syllabus question. Teacher to award 2 marks to all students for this part [2]

b: Ali is making a science report on “Pollution” using MS Word. Will he use Page border or
border art for his report?
Give one reason for your answer. [2]

 Page borders in Word are primarily used to enhance the visual appearance of your
document, provide structure, and separate content from the margins.
 Border art, in the context of Word, is more decorative and used to add creative elements
to your document, making it visually appealing.
[1 mark for the reason]
Q9. [__/4]

a: What is Mail Merge? What is the process to get names and email addresses in Mail Merge?


Answer: Mail Merge is a useful tool that allows you to produce multiple letters, labels,
envelopes, name tags, and more using information stored in a list, database, or spreadsheet.

When performing a Mail Merge, you will need a Word document (you can start with an existing
one or create a new one) and a recipient list, which is typically an Excel workbook.

b: What are the two ways in which the Find and Replace feature helps you? [2]

 Word can automatically search your document using the Find feature
 It allows you to quickly change words or phrases using Replace.

[1 mark for each feature]

[Accept relevant answers]

Q10. [__/4]

a: What is the function of Header and Footer used in MS Word? [2]


1. Header: The header is a section of the document that appears in the top margin.
2. Footer: The Footer is a section of the document that appears in the bottom margin.
Header and Footer are used to display the Author and Title on the Top and the Page number at
the bottom
[1 mark each feature]

b: Imagine you're planning a school event, and you need to send personalized invitation letters to
all the students in your class. There are 30 students in your class, and you want to make sure
each invitation letter includes the student's name and the event details. [2]
 Identify the tool will you use?
 Write the process to send the individual invitation letters.


 Tool: You will use Microsoft Word to create the invitation template and perform the mail
 Process: Creating the Excel sheet (database) and storing student information (names and
email addresses) of all 30 students first, and then importing the Excel sheet in Mail Merge
makes the task easier to send individual invitation letters.

[1 mark for the tool, 1 mark for the brief explanation] [Accept relevant answers]

Q11. You are a student in the sixth grade, and your teacher has introduced you to Edraw Max.


a: What is the main purpose of Edraw Max? [1]

Answer: The main purpose of Edraw Max is to create diagrams, charts, and visual
presentations to help convey information in a clear and organized manner.

b: How can you make your diagram aesthetically appealing in Edraw Max? [1]
Answer: You can make your diagram aesthetically appealing by working with themes, styles,
and effects available in Edraw Max. These options allow you to change the overall look and
feel of your diagram.

c: Which tool you can use in Edraw Max to ensure consistency in your diagram's design?

Answer: To ensure consistency, you can use a grid and rulers in Edraw Max. They help align
elements precisely and maintain a consistent layout.

[Accept relevant answers]

Q12. You want to create an informative and visually appealing diagram to explain the water
cycle. You decide to use Edraw Max, a versatile diagramming software, to create the diagram.
You will use Layer and Libraries in Edraw Max. [__/4]

a: Explain the role of the tools listed below. [2]

 Layer
 Libraries
Layer: It helps in dealing with different groups of shapes.
Libraries: It gives access to a wide range of assets. You can search for different shapes for your
design through the Search feature in the library section.

b: Differentiate between open and closed shapes in Edraw Max by giving one example each.



 Open shape: A shape such as a line, arc, or zigzag is called an open shape.
 Closed shape: A shape that is surrounded by a continuous outline, such as a rectangle or
circle is called a closed shape.

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