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You have been assigned the task of developing a Microsoft Access database for a travel agency that
specializes in organizing guided tours. The database needs to store information about tour packages,
including details about destinations, tour dates, pricing, and customer feedback. The agency also wants
to keep track of the availability of tour guides for each package.


Describe how you would utilize the short text, long text, number, and date/time data types in Microsoft
Access to create tables for storing the following information:

1. Destination Details: Include the name of the destination (short text), a detailed description of the
location (long text), and any relevant notes.

2. Tour Packages: Store information such as the package name (short text), pricing (number), and a brief
overview of the itinerary (long text).

3. Tour Dates: Keep track of the start and end dates of each tour package (date/time).

4. Customer Feedback: Allow customers to provide feedback on their tour experience, including
comments (long text), ratings (number), and the date when the feedback was submitted (date/time).

5. Tour Guides Availability: Record information about the availability of tour guides, specifying their
names (short text) and the dates they are available for guiding tours (date/time).

Ensure that the chosen data types align with the nature of the data being stored and promote efficient
data entry, retrieval, and reporting within the context of a travel agency database


You've recently joined a small publishing company, and your first task is to create a Microsoft Access
database to manage information about authors, books, and sales. The company is looking for a well-
organized database structure to streamline their operations.


Walk me through the process of creating tables in Microsoft Access for the publishing company's
database. Specifically, focus on designing tables to store the following information:

1. Authors: Include details such as author ID (auto-incremented number), author name (short text), bio
(long text), and contact information (short text).

2. Books: Store information about each book, including ISBN (short text), title (short text), publication
date (date/time), genre (short text), and the author ID (foreign key) to establish a relationship with the
Authors table.
3. Sales: Design a table to track sales transactions, including sales ID (auto-incremented number), book
ISBN (foreign key), quantity sold (number), sale date (date/time), and total revenue (number).

Ensure that you define appropriate data types, relationships between tables, and any necessary
constraints to maintain data integrity. Additionally, discuss how you would set up primary and foreign
keys to establish relationships between tables in Microsoft Access.


Imagine you and your classmates are working on a fun project to organize information about your
favorite books and the genres they belong to. Your teacher has introduced you to Microsoft Access and
asked you to create a database to keep everything organized. Here are the entities involved in your

1. Books: Contains information like book ID (unique number), title (short text), author (short text), and
publication year (number).

2. Genres: Holds details about different book genres, including genre ID (unique number), genre name
(short text), and a brief description (long text).

3. Students: You and your classmates, each identified by a student ID (unique number), name (short
text), and grade level (number).

4. Ratings: A table to record your personal ratings for each book, including rating ID (unique number),
student ID (foreign key), book ID (foreign key), and your rating (number).


Using the entities mentioned above, describe how you would set up relationships between the tables in
Microsoft Access for your book project. Specifically, explain:

1. How would you connect the Books and Genres tables to organize information about each book's

2. What kind of relationship would you establish between the Students and Ratings tables to keep track
of everyone's ratings for different books?

3. Why is it important to have relationships between these tables in your database, and how does it help
in organizing and managing information effectively?
Feel free to use simple terms and examples to help your classmates understand the concept of
relationships in tables in Microsoft Access.


Let's imagine you and your friends are organizing a big school event, and you've been given the task of
creating a list of participants and their chosen activities using Microsoft Access. Here are the entities
involved in your project:

1. Participants: Contains information like participant ID (unique number), name (short text), grade level
(number), and contact information (short text).

2. Activities: Holds details about the various activities available for the event, including activity ID
(unique number), activity name (short text), and the date it takes place (date/time).

3. Sign-ups: A table to record which participants have signed up for which activities. This includes sign-up
ID (unique number), participant ID (foreign key), activity ID (foreign key), and any special notes (long


Now that you have set up your tables in Microsoft Access for the school event, how would you use
queries to find specific information? Explain the following scenarios:

1. **List of Participants:** Create a query to display a list of all participants, including their names, grade
levels, and contact information.

2. **Activity Schedule:** Generate a query to show the schedule of activities, including the activity
name and the date it takes place.

3. **Participant Sign-ups:** Design a query to find out which participants have signed up for a specific
activity, along with any special notes they might have mentioned.

4. **Available Activities:** Use a query to identify activities that still have open slots for more
participants to sign up.

Explain to your classmates why queries are helpful in extracting specific information from a large
database and how they make organizing events like this much more manageable.

Imagine you and your classmates are running a school library and want to find specific books quickly
using a computer program called Microsoft Access. Your teacher has introduced you to the concept of
queries to help you search for information in your library database. Here are the tables in your

1. **Books:** Includes information like book ID (unique number), title (short text), author (short text),
and genre (short text).

2. **Borrowers:** Contains details about students who borrowed books, such as borrower ID (unique
number), student name (short text), book ID (foreign key), and return date (date/time).

3. **Genres:** Holds information about different book genres, including genre ID (unique number) and
genre name (short text).


Your teacher has asked you to create queries in Microsoft Access to find specific information in your
library database. Explain how you would use queries for the following scenarios:

1. **Find All Science Fiction Books:**

- Create a query to display a list of all books that belong to the "Science Fiction" genre.

2. **Check Overdue Books:**

- Design a query to identify books that are currently checked out and overdue. Include the title of the
book, the borrower's name, and the expected return date.

3. **Favorite Genre Statistics:**

- Formulate a query to find out which genre is the most popular among students. Display the genre
name along with the count of books in that genre.

Help your classmates understand how queries in Microsoft Access can make tasks easier and more
organized in your school library.
Q: Look at this program which uses different conditional statements

Explain the working of this program. Mention how many events need to occur for the entire program to
complete successfully?




Q: For this task, you need to get Edison to drive a straight track. You need to write a program so that
Edison can drive the track. Start Edison on the outline and have the robot stop at after it crosses the
finish line.

You can code a solution for this task using just one block! Which block will work? Fill out the block below
to match what you will use in your successful one-block program.

Q: Fill in this chart. If the information is in the program, write the value of that input in the "value"
column. For example, the value of 'distance' is the answer to the question how far is this program telling
the robot to go?
Information In the program Value



Distance Unit


Q: Does this program give the robot all the information it needs?
Fill in this chart. If the information is in the program, write the value of that input

Information In the program Value



Distance Unit


Q: Look at the following programs and answer the questions about what is going to happen in program.
1. In program, how many times will the right LED turn on?


2. In program, which will finish first: all of the beeps or all of the LED flashes?


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