Polis Diraja Malaysia - Translated

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Royal Malaysian Police


Ticket Id : RMP.013216 Type of Feedback : Feedback/Complaint

Send Date : 21/07/2019 00:24:36

Malaysian Government > Federal Department > Ministry of

Complaints Against:Home Affairs > Agencies > Royal Malaysian Police > POLICE
HEADQUARTERS >Criminal Investigation Department

Personal Information : Inthumathi Govindasamy (NRIC No. 810628075134)

Email: ginthu28@gmail.com

Dissatisfied with service / action

I was tortured by my husband and his family in the perception of 'Gender-Based

Online Violence' (revenge porn) which is one form of sexual violence in cyberspace.
sexual violence since 2015, still continues even though a police complaint (>6 times)
has been made and requested for action but the officers not only ignore the
complaint but deliberately force / persuade / scare me with various 'false stories'. So I
have prepared a complete complaint letter to be sent to Bukit Aman PDRM on
18/7/2019. However, I have experienced the torture of 'voyeurism' and arrived at
Sungai Bakap Hospital, the district opposite Perai Selatan at approximately 8:00 am
alone. In fact, I registered myself at the emergency unit with a clear statement that, 'I
can't stand the punishment of pornography and want to do a health check and report
to the police because of my husband's insistence on suicide. In fact, I was examined
(heart rate, blood was taken, a syringe was attached to the arm and asked to sit in
the outpatient waiting area until 2.00 pm. The feeling of insecurity and the pain was
uncontrollable, so I returned home after giving the next of kin information, the next of
kin's phone number and the number of the smartphone me. Immediately, my mother
arrived at the hospital to visit me. Since she could not find me, my mother tried to get
information from
customer counter. The clerk at the counter informed my mother that there was no
patient with that name in the hospital. My mother came home worried.

I waited until I received a call from the hospital. An officer from Simpingampat Police
Station called my number at 8.00pm. Ask me to go to the hospital and I'll be in the
emergency unit the next day. I was not admitted to the ward for examination and was
even asked to see a Psychiatrist at Kulim Hospital. I am very dissatisfied with the
actions of medical officers. This is because the same action was taken by the medical
officer who treated me in 2015 when I was subjected to physical punishment. Where
it was abused by my husband every time I was abused (insanity perception). Where I
just showed up as a regular outpatient and asked for treatment and sick leave for not
coming to school with a cut on my lip. A teacher's work is not just operating a
machine, it is a service and treatment given to customers (students and parents). The
wound was deep and clearly visible.

So I explained it to the medical officer. Without considering the situation, my career,

the officer said that sick leave cannot be shared and continued to end the treatment
with a Pcykatrik appointment (BukitMertajam). I still don't understand the officer's
perception because not all women will be traumatized by violence. Where I was
accused of trespassing and stealing and was injured when forcibly removed from the
house. What is my need for counseling, say 'Major Depreressive Disorder with
psychosis'. What are the symptoms that make the officer assess my situation as a
female teacher with facial injuries? where I think that it is just a concern. But the
consequences are bad. It's a shame where a teacher is often called 'not normal'.
Because I feel very disappointed with the actions of the officers where it gives the
impression of 'collusion'. This punishment has been carried out since 2015 until now,
because I found out about the cyber criminal activities done by my husband, possibly
since 2008. Selling pornographic videos, pornographic pictures which were recorded
and edited by myself. The initial treatment / decision of the medical officer was a
great support for him. every time I tried to tell the 'truth' to escape from 'revenge
pornography' I failed and was humiliated by 'this treatment'. I contacted Dr. Director of
Kulim Hospital and met him. I feel relieved, after getting Ms. Director Ms. Fauziah
understands the abnormal activities (Stated in the PDRM letter) attached. Even
though I have made Ms. Director understand the real problem which is my husband
doing 'revenge sex' with the purpose of torture and revenge. Obviously I informed
the real thing in order to get the right and fair path. However, I am still the victim of
treatment in the psychiatric unit. I hope you understand the situation and the
problem. I as a victim should be saved from 'E-crime'. SELL VIDEOS, BE CAM
husband misused id, email, bank account for this E-Criminal activity. (Evidence:
Bank Statement)

For Ticket Complaint Review Id :

RMP.013216 Document Id : NRIC No.
810628075134 Password :

Thank you for your feedback. We will respond to your feedback within 3 working days.

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