Business Feasibility Midterm Project

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Elisabeth Renata / 21.J2.0001

Business Overview:

QUEENTANG is a company that creates foods and snacks with potatoes as the main

Business Description:
In order to ensure that clients are happy and satisfied with the services offered at
QUEENTANG, staff members must serve customers warmly and amiably, provide food and
potato-based snacks, and uphold the quality and hygienic standards of the ingredients used

1. Business Goals:

a. Ensure cleanliness and excellence qualities to customers

b. Promoting the brand to a large audience to increase its recognition
c. Ensure that the location is welcoming, aesthetically pleasing, and comfortable for
d. Establish positive relationship with customers and gain their trust
e. Hire workers who are trustworthy, amiable, and receptive
f. Earn substantial earning
2. Business Main Idea:
Potato cultivation started near Cimahi in 1794, according to early records in Indonesia,
and the crop has been around ever since. Since then, Priangan and Mount Tengger have also
grown potatoes. Potatoes were popular and for sale in Kedu in 1812. The plant was known in
Sumatra a year earlier, in 1811, nevertheless. On humus-rich soil, potatoes thrive in the
highlands at elevations of 1000 to 2000 meters. It is preferred to use soil from previous
volcanic eruptions having a crumb structure.
People identify potatoes as a staple food in other countries. This is due to the carbs
included in potatoes. Potatoes are still viewed as a posh vegetable only in Indonesia.
However, potatoes are a delightful and incredibly nourishing food. It is also known to contain
a variety of vitamins, including folic acid, B-complex, C, and A. Additional nutrients include
vitamins, proteins, carbs, carotenoids, and polyphenols. This potato contains solanine, a
compound that has sedative, anti-convulsant, antifungal, and insecticide properties. 100
grams of potatoes provide 17 milligrams of vitamin C. Iron, phosphorus, and potassium are
among the minerals it provides in addition to carbs and fiber.
Records from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) show that 1.36 million tons of potatoes
produced in Indonesia in 2021. From 1.28 million tons the year before, potato production has
climbed 6.1%. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, production of potatoes decreased in 202. With
a potato production of 324.34 thousand tons and a harvested area of 15.6 thousand hectares,
East Java Province contributed 23.83% to the country's total production. Potato output in
Central Java, which covered a harvested area of 16.39 thousand hectares and 277.73 thousand
tonnes, made up 20.4% of the total. West Java, on the other hand, provided 17.67%, with a
harvest area of 10.8 thousand hectares and a yield of 240.48 thousand tons of potatoes

The picture of potato production data in Indonesia 2020

Consequently, QUEENTANG observes the issues that exist in the potato sector,
including potato use in Indonesian society, marketing and processing methods. As a result,
people will no longer view potatoes as a very upscale vegetable but rather as processed foods
and snacks that are incredibly distinctive, delectable, and acceptable to everyone. This is
where potatoes can be processed into an innovation in the field of food and snacks that are
very different from usual. Can also compete internationally and can be accepted by all social
The name QUEENTANG is a combination of the terms "queen" and "kentang
(potato)," and it denotes the establishment of Indonesia's first potato-based food and snack
company that will appeal to consumers of all ages. This business idea originated come from
Elisabeth, the owner and also the founder of “QUEENTANG”
As we previously discussed, potatoes are the fourth most common staple in the world,
behind corn, rice, and wheat. The Latin name of potato is Solanum Tuberosum. In addition,
tropical nations like Indonesia can easily grow potatoes. As a result, the owner wants the
public to be more aware of potatoes as a food and snack with a very creative touch of
innovation, rather than just as a vegetable. The objective is to grow potato sales in Indonesia
by making these potato-based foods and snacks more widely recognized and competitive on
the global scale

Market Analysis:
This is the picture of countries that eats the most potatoes in 2020

a. Product That We Sell:

Potato steaks, potato noodles, and potato toast are the goods we will provide for sale to
the general public

b. Supply and Demand:

Everyone desires fresh inventions, including those in food. We will therefore concentrate
on developing potato-based snacks and foods. We will collaborate with regional farmers from
all of Indonesia for the supply itself

c. Selling Product:
We will charge the following pricing for our goods. It costs 20,000 Rupiahs for potato
steak, 10,000 Rupiahs for potato noodles, and 15,000 Rupiahs for potato toast

The diagram of Indonesian population based on sex and ages in 2020

All current demographic components, such as six ages children, adults of any gender,
people of any race or ethnicity, people of any religion, and people from the lower middle
class to the upper middle class are all included in QUEENTANG. Anybody can enjoy
QUEENTANG. QUEETANG is currently concentrating on the area of Central Java,
particularly in the cities of Semarang and Kudus
Market Segmentation:

The diagram of potatoes production in the world and United State from 2009 –

Market Growth:

Food innovation will increase significantly over time, just like QUEENTANG.
QUEENTANG will keep coming up with new ideas for potato-based foods and snacks of
course, that will be well-liked by many people and have pricing that everyone can afford
without sacrificing the quality of the food and snacks. After becoming successful in both
cities, Semarang and Kudus, QUEENTANG will open another outlets in many cities as well

Target Market:

This company will be based in Kudus, Central Java. Its target market is all
demographics, and it focuses on offering a welcoming environment in addition to high-
quality meals and snacks. Because there will be many visitors, particularly young people in
the 20 to 30 age bracket, if there is a comfortable and attractive location to converse and rest,
they will go to QUEENTANG and experience the feeling of a unique and comfortable setting
and delicious food, after which they will invite friends, family, and coworkers to experience
the happiness that offered by QUEENTANG
Location: A location with good and easy accessibility and strategic enough
Genders: All of genders
Ages: All ages categories, minimum 6 years old
Career: People with lower income, medium income, and high income
Education: All education background
Lifestyle: Small and Big city urban
Occupation: All occupations


Food and snacks that are both delicious and healthful are produced by
QUEENTANG. Because it is composed entirely of potatoes and does not include any
preservatives, QUEENTANG is not only filling but also healthful for customers

Vision and Mission:

Our top concern is making sure that our customers are satisfied and have a comfortable
environment with hygienic meals

1. Providing customers with wholesome meals and snacks
2. Reducing the negative connotations that society has about potatoes, which can be
prepared to make extremely nutritious meals and snacks rather of merely being an
expensive and opulent vegetable
3. Make QUEENTANG can compete in international world


QUEENTANG creates three top-selling items that are entirely comprised of potatoes and free
of preservatives. These goods consist of:
1. Potato Steak
2. Potato Noodles
3. Potato Toast

Porter’s Five Forces:

The picture of Porter’s 5 Forces

When launching a firm, there are five major hurdles that must be overcome. These are
the difficulties:

1. Competitive Rivalry

Eat Toast - Totu Potato, Daesang Chung Jung, and The Steak Box are
QUEENTANG's main rivals; they engage in fierce competition. Prices, the usage of
ads, and the services offered to customers all face competition. This is done in an
effort to get customers to keep buying their goods

2. Threat of New Entrants

Newcomers frequently consider how they might compete with their rivals by offering
products at lower prices while investing less money but making more money. The
four primary areas on which new competitors hope to influence their rivals are as
follows. These elements relate to the cost, the variety of goods sold, and the cost of
acquiring raw materials from suppliers
a. Cost

The price being discussed here is the decrease in manufacturing costs for each
individual piece. For instance, QUEENTANG can make 100 portions in a single
day using materials that are simple to obtain from nearby farmers, but Daesang
Chung Jung may also make 100 portions in a single day but occasionally needs to
wait for some items to arrive first since they are imported from abroad and arrive
at various locations days later. QUEENTANG shines in this instance

b. Variety of Goods Sold

QUEENTANG makes food and snacks made of potatoes that are entirely natural
and free of preservatives. Other competitors employ preservatives in their
products, therefore when they attempt to compete with QUEENTANG, they will
find it difficult to balance the items they use with those that do not. In this
instance, QUEENTANG is superior than its rivals by a wide margin

c. The Cost of Acquiring Raw Materials from Suppliers

Because local farmers source the potatoes used by QUEENTANG, they can
provide very low prices for raw materials. due to their relationship with
QUEENTANG; nevertheless, if they sell raw materials to other businesses, they
will double the price and only apply once

3. Power of Suppliers

If we are successful in negotiating and enticing cooperation from potato suppliers,

particularly from local farmers, we will obtain cheap and plentiful raw materials

4. Power of Buyers

One of the most crucial factors in business is the customer. Similar to other
businesses, QUEENTANG's business depends on how appealing promotions and
commercials are to consumers. The more consumers buy QUEENTANG products, the
more likely they are to do so again and to recommend QUEENTANG products to
their friends and other acquaintances

5. Threat of Substitute

If a product has been around for a while and is well-known, people will typically find
it simpler to recognize the brand. For newcomers like QUEENTANG, this turns into
one of the obstacles. QUEENTANG must choose the best approach to help customers
remember and continue to associate the QUEENTANG brand with its products. The
more individuals who are aware of QUEENTANG, the more likely they are to
continue purchasing its goods

Product Description

Product Details:

1. Potato Steak
is a top-selling steak dish at QUEENTANG with a potato base

2. Potato Noodles
is QUEENTANG's second-best seller. It is a type of noodle made from potatoes

3. Potato Toast
is a processed toast produced from potatoes and is the third top selling from
Small Information about Nutrients of Potato:
The equivalent of 1 medium potato, or 100 grams, contains about 88 calories and the
following nutrients:
 20 grams of carbs
 1.9 grams of proteins
 1.8 grams of fiber
 380 mg of potassium
 0.3 milligrams of zinc
 13 milligrams of vitamin C


1. Potato Steak


No Name of Tools
1 Grill
2 Plate
3 Spoon
4 Fork
5 Gas
6 Bowl
7 Knife
8 Spatula
9 Dish soap
10 Wastafel

No Ingredients
1 Potatoes
2 Wheat flour
3 Carrot
4 Chili Sauce, BBQ Sauce, Tomato Sauce
5 Baking soda
6 Salt

2. Potato Noodles


No Name of Tools
1 Plate
2 Bowl
3 Pan
4 Stove
5 Gas
6 Spoon
7 Fork
8 Noodle filter


No Ingredients
1 Potatoes
2 Egg
3 Baking Soda
4 Wheat flour
5 Salt
6 Sugar
7 Garlic powder
8 White pepper

3. Potato Toast


No Name of Tools
1 Toast maker
2 Plate
3 Knife
4 Fork


No Ingredients
1 Potatoes
2 Egg
3 Wheat flour
4 Sugar
5 Butter
6 Salt
7 Baking soda
8 Vanilla syrup
9 Milk


1. Distributors:
a. Local potatoes farmer from near Semarang and Kudus
b. ADA Swalayan for ingredients and tools
2. Packaging:
a. Plates, bowls, knifes, forks, spoons: ADA Swalayan
b. Take away package:
I. Lily store Semarang (Jln. Citarum No. 23)
II. Plastic Agung Jaya Store (Jln. Sunan Kudus No. 122)

Competitive Advantages:
1. The price is affordable
2. All ingredients that we used without preservatives
3. Product that can be enjoyed by everyone
4. Ingredients that we used are different than the others, we used basic material is
5. We give the best service to our customer, like place that comfortable, food and
snack that has high taste but affordable, hygiene, and healthy
6. We have a unique brand that makes our customers always remember about us
because it is easy to remind

SWOT Analysis:
SWOT analysis is a framework for identifying and analyzing an organization's
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. These words make up the SWOT acronym.
The primary goal of SWOT analysis is to increase awareness of the factors that go into
making a business decision or establishing a business strategy

1. Has things for snacks and food that are unique from others
2. Features a logo that many people find to be highly straightforward and memorable
3. The essential ingredients are accessible
4. Offer top quality products at reasonable prices that are also quite hygienic
5. Customer service at its highest level
6. Have comfortable and aesthetic place

1. Attracting many people's attention is challenging
2. Have many competitors
3. Hired new staffs

1. The possibility of developing new concepts in the area of snacks and food
2. Enlarge the company's geographic reach
3. The essential components, tools, and other materials are readily available

1. Ignorance about QUEENTANG among the general public
2. Startups are competing to capture QUEENTANG's target market


1. Potato Steak
The picture of Potato Steak: For Dine In

The picture of Potato Steak: For Take Away

2. Potato Noodles
The picture of Potato Noodles: For Dine In

The picture of Potato Noodles: For Take Away

3. Potato Toast

The picture of Potato Toast: For Dine In

The picture of Potato Toast: For Take Away

Marketing Strategy:
1. Using Social Media (such as Instagram, Twitter, etc)
2. Using poster
3. Join Online Shop
4. Using digital advertisement
5. Join an event
6. Using mouth to mouth strategy
7. Give a tester to friend, family, and siblings

Logo and Phylosophy

The name QUEENTANG is a combination of the terms "queen" and "kentang
(potato)," and it denotes the establishment of Indonesia's first potato-based food and snack
company that will appeal to consumers of all ages. There is a picture of a potato with a crown
inside this logo. This represents all foods and snacks created using potatoes as the primary
ingredient. Red, gold, and brown are the colors used in this logo. The brown hue itself stands
in for the original color of the potato, while the gold color denotes upscale dining that is
nevertheless reasonably priced, and the red color denotes the joy of customers who have
enjoyed the meals and snacks as well as the locations in QUEENTANG

Promotion to Increase Brand Awareness:

1. Share the product tester in the grand opening of QUEENTANG
2. Content marketing, such as creating your own website page which will later show a
business profile, product excellence, best seller product and so on
3. Utilizing social media namely posting pictures in the form of product types and product
excellence so the community will know and understand about QUEENTANG's business
4. Hold events at least once a year or a month in special moment
5. Make pamphlets, posters, banner stands, or MMT to notify about company identity
6. Make a company profile video to show the public about QUEENTANG which will be
uploaded in YouTube and TikTok
7. Participate in big events to be able to collaborate in establishing food stands when there are
certain events

Survey Competitors:
No The Competitors Price
1 The Steak Box Semarang Rp 31.000,00/box
2 Eat Toast – Totu Potato Rp 20.000,00/portion
3 Daesang Chung Jung Rp 36.000,00/portion

Setting Selling Price:

1. Potato Steak

Rp 20.000,00/portion
2. Potato Noodles

Rp 15.000,00/portion

3. Potato Toast

Rp 10.000,00/portion

Customer Relationship:
After all business ideas designed by QUEENTANG, QUEENTANG will plan to
launch something new where customers can share information about the world of health in
the field of food and snacks. The name is MY QUEENTANG. MY QUEENTANG is a
website page that can be accessed by all QUEENTANG customers and can get information
in the form of:

1. Healthy and easy food recipes with potato basic ingredients

2. The social media from QUEENTANG and also the location where QUEENTANG open
3. Special promos that given by QUEENTANG for QUEENTANG’s beloved customers

And from this too, QUEENTANG will get benefits from:

1. Have space for the promotion arena.
2. Have space to be able to discuss and sharing idea about new concept for food and snacks
with customers

QUEENTANG will set up shop at a highly visible location where plenty of people
pass by. QUEENTANG intends to open stores near companies, colleges, schools, and other

Structure Organizations:

1. Owner
The restaurant owner and at the same time the leader for all parts or employees of the

2. Manager
Someone who has been appointed as operational head. Keep an eye on daily
operations at QUEENTANG and make creative design ideas "in order to increase
QUEENTANG's financial income, provide training to employees. Oversee costs or
expenses and must be in accordance with the presentation of the standard costs set by

3. Supervisor
Someone who has been appointed as operational head. Keep an eye on daily
operations at QUEENTANG so that you can always provide maximum service quality
and maintain service standards in accordance with the regulations that have been set
Other supervisor's duties include checking employee attendance, checking order lists,
checking inventory and materials, checking menu quality standards, and so on
4. Cashier
Someone who works in finance, manages and calculates the entry and exit of
money or income
5. Production /chef
Someone responsible for production operations at QUEENTANG. The duties
and responsibilities include: Managing the kitchen, arranging the menu, making
orders and orders monitoring the operation of the kitchen, and so on
6. Waiter/waitress
A group of people in charge of serving the needs of restaurant guest orders. The duties
and responsibilities include: presenting food and snacks orders in an efficient and
polite way to get guest satisfaction and in accordance with established procedures,
maintain neat tables, chairs and equipment all the time, do other tasks determined by
management policies or their leaders and so on

Values Added:

1. Services
a. Customer service:
- Quick and reliable
- Friendly service
b. Warranties of hygienic and quality of the food and snacks

2. Persona approach
- Understanding customer needs
- Know their buying pattern
- High level of professionalism
- Always show smiley face to the customers

3. Dedicated and profesional personnel

4. Free Wi-Fi


1. Bundling and packaging

2. Recognition and rewards (especially for frequent buyer)
3. Delivery orders

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