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Fall 2023
Final Take-Home Essays

(1) Please submit an argumentative essay (2500-3000 words)

(2) Submit an abstract (250 words)
(3) All answers must be double-spaced and typed in Times Roman 12 font;
(4) This is an open-book assignment. You can consult your course readings, lectures, and
class notes to write your essays.
(5) You will be graded on your mastery of the course materials, and your own independent
and critical thinking. Please provide citations of any texts that you quote from the
readings or outside source.
(6) Any evidence of plagiarism from readings, outside sources, or another student’s answers
will be penalized;
(7) The take-home assignment will have to be submitted by 11: 59 PM on 13th December
2023, in the Turnitin software. Note that Turnitin will not accept any submission at any
time after this deadline.

SECTION A: Answer the following question (2500-3000 words)

1. Consider the terms and ideas like: authority, burial rights, duty ethics, legitimacy, and
Can states have any roles in the rituals associated with death, mourning, burial, and funerals?
What sorts of roles generally the women play in the burial rites. Evaluate the approach of
Antigone regarding the burial of her brother in contrast to her other sister, Ismene.

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