Marmee Ruana.1

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6.5 mm Knitting Needles – I used 40 and 24 inch interchangeable needles.
Yarn Needle
Worsted weight yarn – about 1375 yards

I used about 5 and a half balls of Caron Simply Soft in the Off-White Tweed color.


CO: Cast On
K: knit
P: Purl
YO: Yarn Over
K2tog: Knit 2 Together
PM: Place Stitch Marker
SM: Stitch Marker
BO: Bind Off
RS: Right Side
WS: Wrong Side
St(s): Stitche(s)
*: Repeat from * to *

14 stitches
20 rows
This garment measures 40inches wide and 65inches long (from bottom of the front to the bottom of the back)

Co 140 sts (onto 40” interchangeables)
Row 1. Ws, k
Row 2. Rs, k
Row 3. Ws, k
Row 4. k4, yo, k2tog, k4 pm, k120, pm, k4 yo k2tog, k4 (this makes eyelets on each end. You will make eyelet on
the edge of every 4th row)
Rows 5-7. K
Row 8. repeat row 4
Rows 9-11. K
Row 12. K4 yo, k2tog, k4, k1, p1, *k3, p1* continue to sm, after sm k4 yo, k2tog, k4.
Row 13. K10, p120, k10
Row 14. K10, *k3, p1* continue to sm, after sm k10
Row 15. Repeat row 13 (every odd row will be repeating row 13)
Rows 16-150 Repeat rows 12-15
Row 151. K10, p50, pm, k20, pm, p50, k10
Row 152. K4, yo, k2tog, k4, k texture pattern to sm, k20, k texture pattern to sm, k4, yo, k2tog, k4.
Row 153, Repeat row 151
Row 154. K10, k texture pattern to sm, k20, k texture pattern to sm, k10
Rows 155-163 repeat rows 151-154
Row 164. K4, yo, k2tog, k4, k texture pattern to sm k4, yo, k2tog, k4.
Now take a piece of scrap yarn and place your other 70 sts on hold. I now switch my working yarn onto 24”
interchangeables. (70 working sts and 70 on hold) Continue with working sts. This is the split for the neck.
Row 165. K10, p to sm k10
Row 166. K10, k texture to sm, k10
Row 167. Repeat row 165
Rows 168-316 repeat rows 164-167
Row 317. K across the whole row (70sts)
Rows 318-319. Repeat row 317
Row 320. K4, yo, k2tog, k4, k to sm, K4, yo, k2tog, k4
Rows 321-328 repeat rows 317-320
Row 329. Bo
Go back and place the sts on hold back on your needles. Now repeat the panel you just finished. Rows 164-329.
Sew in the ends

Make sure you test your gauge before you start.

This is a One Size fits all pattern!

Instead of placing half of your sts on hold at the neck, you could work both front panels at the same time by having
two balls of yarn going and working them at the same time. (like working two socks or sleeves at the same time)

For a simpler look you can eliminate the eyelets in the garter sections.

Texture stitch (RS knitting)

About the Pattern

This is a gift I knit up for my mom for Christmas. One of her
favorite movies (and mine) is Little Women, and I was inspired
by Marmee for this pattern. I can see her sitting by the fire
knitting sock for her husband bundled up in this cozy Ruana. It
was a fun knit and my mother loves it, which makes it even
Pattern designed, created and written by me, Sarah Bronske of Denim and Rain. You may not resell this pattern, or
share publicly, it is for your use only. If you would like to sell product you have made from this pattern you may do
so. You may not use my photos for your product as they belong to me, and it would be dishonest to your
customers. I ask that you please credit the pattern design to me for any items you have made to sell using my
pattern. I also ask that you make sure you price your product according to your material costs and your time spent.
If you have any pricing questions, please feel free to reach out to me, I would love to help you. Also, if you have any
questions regarding the pattern please contact me.
Instagram: @denim.and.rain.fibers

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