Laporan Praktik Lapangan Penjualan Kronju Cheese Snack-22.J2.0003

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Sales Report Of Kronju Cheese Snack

Sunday,30th October 2022

 This report is made from the result of research selling Kronju cheese snack produced
by Ummia Kitchen Semarang. The purpose of implementing the practice is to train
and introduce the situation of selling directly with buyers and to analyzing how the
price gap between same common product that sale can affect costumers interest .
1. Target Price :
Based the situation selling the product was not successful as our predictable we decide to sell
the product with the original price which is Rp.45.000,00
2. Target Buyers:
The target buyer is everyone who like snack and cheese specially children and teenager.


The research we do due to analyzing how price can affect customer interest and also how
people thought about the way student selling product. Based from situation that happen
research show that many people interesting when we wear the collage uniform and said that
the sales is due to project learning in collage. It because the uniform same like branding the
product and the seller. People used to trust the quality of a brand that famous and have good
product in this case UNIKA is known as one of the famous university in Semarang and many
people know the quality and the achievement of this university that create a trust that
UNIKA’s student have a great quality such as the learn that they give to the students.
It becomes different when we not wearing the uniform cause people just thought that it will
be the same product like other even worse that they will easy to underestimate the quality of
the product or even the seller. It can be happen cause the product have higher price than other
competitor which also sale the same kind of product at Depok street. That also shown as
customer always looking the best quality with low price and without branding you can’t have
convince that your product can satisfy the costumer. Else the product we sale is not include
important needs and not needed in urgent time, that may affect people to think that no need to
buy something that not really important cause you need to save your expendicture.


1. from the research that we do I think it will so hard to sale the snack that is not include in
need product, so it should be give a cheaper price from the original price and when you
already have much costumer you can make the price higher slowly to keep customer.
2. cause the product is common sale at Depok street so it should be sale at another place that
have lot of crowded and many young people or family vacation destination so it easily to
branding the product and the seller.

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