OVMSA User Manual

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OVMSA Module User Manual

16 April 2012

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2. Key Principles ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. OVMSA Document Contents ........................................................................................................ 4
2.2. OVMSA Document Processing..................................................................................................... 5
2.3. Distribution Policy.......................................................................................................................... 6
3. Overview of Key Workflows ................................................................................................................ 7
3.1. Changing the Distribution Policy (Operators) ........................................................................... 7
3.2. Requesting Access to OVMSA Documents (Members) ............................................................ 8
4. Workflow Behaviour: Operators .......................................................................................................... 9
4.1. Creating a New OVMSA Document ............................................................................................ 9
4.2. Using the OVMSA Document Editor......................................................................................... 11
4.3. Publishing an OVMSA Document ............................................................................................. 13
4.4. Archiving an OVMSA Document .............................................................................................. 15
4.5. Creating a Document Distribution Policy ................................................................................. 16
4.6. Viewing Document Analytics ..................................................................................................... 19
4.7. Viewing / Editing Notes .............................................................................................................. 21
4.8. Viewing the Current Distribution Policy .................................................................................. 23
4.9. Viewing Archived Distribution Policies.................................................................................... 24
4.10. Viewing the Operator Audit Log ........................................................................................... 26
4.11. Configuring Notification Email Addresses........................................................................... 27
5. Workflow Behaviour: Members ......................................................................................................... 28
5.1. Requesting Access To An Operator’s OVMSA Document ..................................................... 28
5.2. Viewing Distribution Policy Requests ....................................................................................... 31
5.3. Viewing Operators Publication History .................................................................................... 32
5.4. Configuring Notification Email Addresses .............................................................................. 33
6. Screen Behaviour: Temporary Screen ................................................................................................ 34
6.1. Beta Feedback ................................................................................................................................ 34
1. Introduction

OVMSA (Offshore Vessel Management Self-Assessment) is a new module within the OVID
Database whose key behaviours are:

- Vessel Operators:
o Complete a managerial self-assessment questionnaire (OVMSA Document);
o Maintain a historical archive of OVMSA Documents;
o Share Document[s] with OCIMF Members, controlled via a request work-flow
o View analytics / BI reports on OVMSA Documents.

- OCIMF Members:
o View current and historical OVMSA Documents for Vessel Operators;
o Request access to OVMSA Documents via a work-flow mechanism;
o Retrieve data via a web-services interface.

OVMSA is based on the same principles as the established OCIMF TMSA Programme

The vast majority of OVMSA functionality (with the exception of web-services) is available
through the existing OVID Web Application at www.ocimf-ovid.com.
2. Key Principles

2.1. OVMSA Document Contents

The OVMSA Document is comprised of a series of Elements, which in turn are composed of 1 or
more KPIs (effectively questions).

The whole of the OVMSA document is optional; an author can complete any part of the document
in any order and publish at any point in time. The OVMSA concept is based upon continuous
improvement processes, e.g. it is encouraging the author to improve over time and release ever
better OVMSA documents to the OCIMF members.

The OVMSA question is referred to as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI). These can be thought of
as Questions.

All KPIs have associated Best Practice Guidance (BPG) in the same way as other OCIMF
applications have guidance to assist the author. Every KPI has a simple Yes/No response and an
optional comments memo. Certain KPIs are flagged by OCIMF in the OVMSA publication as
optional. If a KPI is optional a further UI element for “Not Applicable” will be shown.

Every element is broken down into 4 stages. KPIs in stage 1 are easier to answer yes than KPIs in
stage 4. All the KPIs over the 4 stages point in the same direction but have different strengths of
meaning, e.g.

- Example stage 1 KPI: “Management commitment is clearly defined in documentation that

includes mission and vision statements, policies and procedures.”
- Example stage 4 KPI: “All vessel and shore personnel demonstrate their commitment to
safety and environmental excellence.”

The theory is over time an author will be able to answer more stage 4 KPIs yes and this provides
the continuous improvement angle.
2.2. OVMSA Document Processing

When an OVMSA document is created it receives a unique report number that can be tracked. The
vessel operator completes the document to whatever stage they wish and then publishes it. They
may only have one published document at any one time.

At the point of publication, appropriate members are notified via email.

The operator can no longer edit that document and must start a new one.

When the operator starts a new document they can choose to clone their current existing document
or start from scratch. This new document is a separate entity and receives a new unique report
number. This is because a recipient will score a document and need to see the improvement over
time. For this reason, the published document must remain static. In order to publish a document
the operator must first archive their current published document.
2.3. Distribution Policy

Operators elect whether Documents can be viewed by:

1. All members, or;

2. A list of explicitly chosen Members (opt-in rather than opt-out)

At any time, the current rules are known as the current Distribution Policy, and apply to the
currently published Document (if any).

At the point of publication, all members in the Distribution Policy are notified of the newly
released Document.

At the point of archiving a Document, a ‘snapshot’ of the Distribution Policy is taken.

Members can only see a Document if they were in the distribution policy at the time of Archiving.
3. Overview of Key Workflows

3.1. Changing the Distribution Policy (Operators)

The Distribution Policy for OVMSA Reports can be changed by an Operator in a number of ways:

- Clicking add / remove within the Distribution Policy screen;

- Changing the policy between ‘visible to all’ and ‘visible to certain members’ within the
Distribution Policy screen;
- Processing a pending request.

As soon as the Distribution Policy is changed, all Members who are included (either explicitly or
implicitly) in the current Distribution Policy will have access to the Current Published Document.

If a new Member is added to the OVID (thus OVMSA) system after a Report has been published,
they will be able to access all historic OVMSA Reports that were available to all Members.

Where Reports are only available to a subset of Members, downloads are tracked on a per-member

Note that if a Member is removed from the distribution policy of an Operator whilst a Published
Report is available, that Report will be removed from the Publication Log of the Member.

There are security mechanisms in place to ensure Report access is secure and restricted only to
those who have been given permission.

Key events related to Distribution Policy changes are logged to the Operator Audit Log:

- Whenever access is changed between ‘Visible to all’ and ‘Visible only to certain members’,
an entry is logged.
- Whenever access is explicitly granted to (or removed from) a Member, an entry is logged.
3.2. Requesting Access to OVMSA Documents (Members)

Members can request access to Operator OVMSA Documents if they do not already have it via a
screen within the Member view (OVMSA > Operator Details > Request Access).
At the point of requesting access, an e-mail is sent to the Operator letting them know that the
Member has requested permission. The e-mail will be sent to all addresses specified by the
Operator within the ‘E-mail Configuration’ page.
Operators can review these requests within the Distribution Policy page.
At the point of making a decision, the Member is notified of the Operator decision via e-mail
(again, via the e-mail addresses specified within the E-mail Configuration page, which is also
available to Members).
4. Workflow Behaviour: Operators

4.1. Creating a New OVMSA Document

If the Operator has not yet created an OVMSA document, the OVMSA > Home page will look as

Click the ‘Create’ button to create a new OVMSA document. You will then be prompted to enter
any creation notes you may wish to store against the document (for internal use only):-

Click the ‘Create OVMSA Document’ button to create your new document. You will then be
redirected into the OVMSA Document Editor.
Cloning From The Most Recent Published OVMSA Document
The operator may choose to create a new OVMSA document by cloning from the most recent
published one. If a previously archived document exists when the ‘Create’ button is clicked, the
user is redirected to the OVMSA Document Creation screen. The user is prompted if they wish to
clone from the most recent published document.
If ‘Yes’ is selected and the Operator is the only Operator in their account, the details of the
document to clone will be displayed:-

If ‘Yes’ is selected and the Operator has one or more other Operators in their account, then a list of
all Operators will be shown, with details of their most recent published report (if any). For
operators with an existing published report, a link will be shown allowing the operator’s
published report to be selected as the source of cloning:-

The user should click the appropriate ‘Clone this Report’ link to select which document is to be
cloned. When the ‘Create OVMSA Document’ button is clicked, all responses and comments from
the cloned document are used to prepopulate the new one and the user is redirected into the
OVMSA Document Editor.
4.2. Using the OVMSA Document Editor

The user is automatically redirected into the Document Editor when first creating a document, but
for all future editing sessions the Document Editor can be accessed by clicking the ‘Edit’ button on
the Operator’s homepage at OVMSA > Home:-

The main Document Editor screen consists of the following features:-

1. Title bar displaying currently edited element.

2. ‘Toggle Elements’ button to control visibility of Elements list (see 8).
3. ‘Toggle Menu Layout’ button to expand / collapse stages not currently being edited for the
current element in the KPI list (see 9).
4. ‘Toggle AIM’ button to control visibility of AIM bar (see 7).
5. ‘View OVMSA PDF’ button to view / save a PDF rendition of the currently edited
6. ‘Close Editor’ button closes the Document Editor and returns to the Operator’s OVMSA
7. AIM bar displays the aim of the current Element.
8. Elements list displays in list of Elements in the OVMSA document.
9. KPI list displays KPIs in the current/all stages for the current document Element.
10. Question area displays current question text, response and comments areas and any
guidance for the current question. The ‘Clear Response’ button allows the user to quickly
completely clear the response for the current KPI.
11. Percentage complete bar, when hovered over also displays completion information on each
Stage within an Element. An Element may also be clicked on the popup to navigate to that
specific Element.

The OVMSA document is automatically saved at the following points:-

 Whilst navigating between KPIs
 After five minutes of inactivity
 When exiting the Editor
4.3. Publishing an OVMSA Document

When an operator wishes to publish their current in-definition document they should do the
following on the OVMSA > Home page, after first archiving the current published document if
necessary (see section ‘Archiving an OVMSA Document’:-

Click the ‘Publish’ button, which will then redirect to the Document Publication page:-

This page displays key data on the document and it’s distribution, including a list of all members
in the current distribution policy. At this stage you are also asked to confirm that you wish to
publish the document and you may also enter any publication notes to be stored against the
document. Click the ‘Publish OVMSA Document’ button to complete the Publication process and
be redirected back to the Operator homepage. An e-mail will be sent to all Members included in
the current Distribution Policy with details of the newly published document and a download link,
provided the Member has indicated they wish to receive notification of published reports and has
supplied the relevant email addresses.
Once publication is complete, the OVMSA document cannot be re-edited.
4.4. Archiving an OVMSA Document

If an Operator wishes to publish a current in-definition OVMSA document, they must first archive
their current published document if applicable. To do this, they must do the following on the
OVMSA > Home page:-

Click the ‘Archive Published Document’ button, which will then redirect to the Archive Report

At this stage you are asked to confirm that you wish to archive the document and you may also
enter any archive notes to be stored against the document. Click the ‘Archive OVMSA Document’
button to complete the Archive process and be redirected back to the Operator homepage.
The newly archived Report will be available in the list of all OVMSA Documents on the Operator’s
Home page, and its PDF can still be downloaded.
4.5. Creating a Document Distribution Policy

The Operator’s current Distribution Policy screen can be accessed on the OVMSA > Distribution
Policy page. The page allows the user to select via a dropdown list whether the distribution policy
should be:-
1. Visible to all – the operators OVMSA document will be visible to all Members.
2. Visible to only certain Members.
If [1] is selected, upon saving, the screen will revert to the below:-

However if [2] is selected, the screen will look as follows:-

To allow a specific member access to the OVMSA document, the user should click the ‘Allow
Access’ link, similarly clicking ‘Remove Access’ will do the opposite.
Dealing with Member Requests for OVMA Document Access
If a Member has specifically requested access to an Operator’s OVMSA document, the Operator
should receive an email notification and a link titled ‘Process Pending Request’ is shown alongside
details of when the request was sent as shown below:-

When a Member has requested access, the link to ‘Process Pending Request’ replaces the ‘Allow
Access’ link, forcing the decision to be made in the context of the request.
Clicking the ‘Process Pending Request’ link will take the user to a decision making screen as show

Details of the Member making the request, and their request message are displayed. The user
should select whether they wish to allow access from the Yes/No dropdown list, and optionally
include any Response notes which will be seen by the Member. When the ‘Make Decision’ button
is clicked the Operator Distribution Policy will be updated accordingly, notification email(s) are
sent to the Member, and the user is redirected back to the Distribution Policy page. If the decision
was taken to grant access, the Member will now be able to view a PDF rendition of the Operator’s
current OVMSA document (if any), and will be notified of all future publications.
On the Distribution Policy page, the user will notice that the Request History value has been
updated for the Member in question:-

When the link is clicked the user will be redirected to the Member Request History page which
lists all historic access requests and the decision that was made:-
The user may drill down for further detail by clicking the magnifier icon to be redirected to the
4.6. Viewing Document Analytics

On Operator may view Document Analytics for any of their documents from the OVMSA > Home
page by clicking on the ‘View Analytics’ icon for the document in question:-

This will take the user to the ‘Document Analytics’ page which shows summary information and
key analytics for the document in question. The analytics shown are all focused on a per-element /
stage basis, as shown below:-

Three views are provided:-

 Completion - Which stages have been completed irrespective of whether the answer was
“Yes” or “No”. Green stages are 100% complete, orange stages show their proportional
 Cumulative Performance - Only considers “Yes” answers. In order to include the results of
a stage all preceding stages must also be fully answered “Yes”.
 Raw Performance - Only considers “Yes” answers in all stages, irrespective of previous
Clicking on a cell within the table (i.e. a permutation of Element / Stage) will show a pop-up with
all responses for that Stage of the chosen Element:-

By design, this popup page will not display any ‘Comments’ as they could be up to 1000 characters
in length.
4.7. Viewing / Editing Notes

On Operator may view notes on any of their documents from the OVMSA > Home page by
clicking on the ‘View Notes’ icon for the document in question:-

This pops up a window showing the notes captured against the relevant Document:-

There are 3 kinds of notes – Creation, Publication and Archive, which are captured at the point of
performing the relevant action.
The pop-up window only shows the notes that have been captured thus far – so for a Published
document, only Creation and Publication notes would be shown, and so on.
Users with the ‘Edit OVMSA’ permission will be able to edit the available notes fields via the ‘Edit’
Notes are entirely optional, are internal only and are not used in any work-flow processes.
4.8. Viewing the Current Distribution Policy

The Operators current Distribution Policy can be viewed on the ‘Current Member Access’ tab at
OVID > Home:-
4.9. Viewing Archived Distribution Policies

On Operator may view the distribution policy for any of their archived documents from the
OVMSA > Home page by clicking on the ‘View Archived Distribution Policy’ icon for the
document in question:-

A popup window is then displayed showing the snapshot of the Distribution Policy that was taken
at the point of publication:-

The window will indicate that either:

1. All Members were allowed to view the Report;
2. An explicitly selected list of members was allowed to view the Report.
The Distribution Policy will continue to be applied for this Report in terms of the Members that are
allowed to see it. So:
- If the Operator had selected ‘Visible to all’, then all Members – including Members
created after the Report was archived – will be able to view the PDF Rendition of the
- If the Operator had selected ‘Visible to Only Certain Members’, then only those Members
explicitly included in the list will be able to view the PDF Rendition of the Report.
4.10. Viewing the Operator Audit Log

The Operator’s Audit Log screen can be accessed on the OVMSA > Distribution Policy page:-

This page shows a log of all OVMSA activity events that have occurred for the Operator.
4.11. Configuring Notification Email Addresses

A user with appropriate permissions can specify up to 5 e-mail addresses that are used for
notifications related to OVMSA Activity at OVMSA > E-mail Configuration:-

As an Operator, these notifications are limited to requests for access from Members.
5. Workflow Behaviour: Members

5.1. Requesting Access to an Operator’s OVMSA Document

The Member’s current OVMSA status can be viewed from the OVMSA > Homepage:-

A list of OVMSA Operators is displayed, together with:-

 Whether or not the Member is currently in the Operator’s Distribution Policy (no
differentiation is made between whether the Operator has stated visible to all / visible to
only some)
 The number of archived reports for the Operator
 A download link to the Operator’s currently published document, if available (note: a
report is available if both (1) it exists and (2) the Member is in the current distribution
policy. If either of these is false, then ‘not available’ is shown.)

Clicking on the Operator’s name will redirect to the Operator’s Details page. If the Member is not
currently included in the Operator’s Distribution Policy and there is no Distribution Request
pending, the ‘Request Document Access’ button will be visible:-
Clicking this button redirects to the Request Document Access page:-

On this page, the Member can submit their Access Request, together with an optional request
message they may wish to send to the operator. Once the request has been submitted, the user is
redirected back to the Operator Details page. Once an Access Request has been made and is
pending, another request cannot be created – a message is shown explaining a request is currently
Other Features of The Operator Details Page
The Operator Details page also displays information on the Operator’s OVMSA Documents, and
the Member’s Distribution Policy Request History with that Operator:-
 ‘All OVMSA Documents’ tab - this tab contains a list of all OVMSA Documents for the
chosen Operator. A PDF download link will be available for any Reports for which either:
- The Member was in the distribution policy at the time of archiving (for Archived reports)
- The Member is in the current distribution policy (for the Published Report)
For example in the screen capture below, the Member is not in the current distribution
policy, but was in the distribution policy when one of the older documents was archived,
so access is enabled for the published document PDF:-

 ‘Distribution Policy Request History tab - this tab shows a list of all historic (and, if
applicable, pending) distribution policy requests. For each request, clicking on the
magnifier will show details of the request. The request view will differ between those for
which no decision has been made, and those for which a decision has been made
(additional fields will be shown):-
5.2. Viewing Distribution Policy Requests

A list of all historic access requests made by the Member across all Operators is available at
OVMSA > Distribution Policy Requests:-

Clicking on the magnifier icon will show the details of the specific request:-
5.3. Viewing Operators Publication History

The page at OVMSA > Publication History shows a list of all Reports that have been published by
Operators for which the Member was in the Distribution policy either:
1. At the time of publication, or;
2. Subsequently to publication, but whilst the Report was still current (Published).

For each of these Reports, a download link is shown, together with a link to the relevant
Operator’s Details page. Please note that if a Member is removed from the distribution policy of an
Operator whilst a Published Report is available, that Report will be removed from the Publication
5.4. Configuring Notification Email Addresses

A user with appropriate permissions can specify up to 5 e-mail addresses that are used for
notifications related to OVMSA Activity at OVMSA > E-mail Configuration:-

These notifications include responses from Operators related to requests for access, and optionally,
whether or not OVMSA Publication notifications should be received (by default, this is set to Yes).
6. Screen Behaviour: Temporary Screen

6.1. Beta Feedback

How to reach OVMSA Tab > Beta Feedback

User[s] All Operator Users.
All Member Users.
Behaviour This form shall be available for the duration of the OVMSA Beta roll-out, and invites
users to submit their comments:

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