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1. Using the ElGamal Scheme, let α = 5, p =11, XA= 2. Predict the value of YA.
2. Interpret the meaning of padding? And, why padding is required?
3. Sketch functional diagram of RSA based Digital Signature.
4. Summarize the applications of Cryptographic hash functions.
5. Discuss the types of attacks addressed by message authentication.
6. Compute the value of ϕ( 37) and ϕ (21).
7. Compare different Threats of Web Security
8. List out the Requirements of Kerberos Authentication Protocol.
9. Illustrate, how confidentiality is obtained using encapsulating security payload?

10. Compare knowledge factor, possession factor and inherence authentication factors.

11. Sketch the structure of HMAC.

12. Define primitive root.

13. Distinguish hash function and message authentication code.

14. Calculate Euler’s Totient function φ(101).

15. Identify the requirements for the hash functions.

16. Sketch the design of digital signature system with Hash function.

17. Identify the authenticator used in ATM machine and connect the same with means of
Compare IPSec and SSL.

19. Illustrate the authentication dialogue exchanged between a user and authentication server
in Kerberos.
20. List the design goals of firewalls.

21. Sketch the relative location of security facilities in the TCP/IP protocol stack.

22. Discover the various TLS record protocol operations.

23. Differentiate a misfeasor with clandestine user.

24. Identify the different types of viruses.

25. Cite the seven major security concerns for mobile devices.

26. Review the distributed denial of service attacks.

27. List the requirements of a digital signature.

28. Define hash function.

29. Compare a Virus with Spyware.

30. Mention any three environmental shortcomings of Kerberos version 4.

31. Discuss the need for message authentication? List various techniques used
for authentication
32. Explain hash function. Illustrate a variety of ways in which hash code can be used to provide
message authentication.
33. List the applications of cryptographic hash function?

34. Compare virus with spyware

35. Discuss about intrusion detection system.

36. List the requirements that are defined by Kerberos?

37. List the types of viruses.

Discover the denial of service attacks.

39. List the security concerns for mobile devices.

40. Review the TLS Protocol operations.

1. illustrate the process of deriving eighty 64-bit words from the 1024-bits for processing
of a single block and also discuss single round function in SHA-512 algorithm
2. Explain procedure SHA 3 authentication in detail.

3. Apply ElGamal Signature scheme to generate Signature S1,S2 and verify the same at
the receiver side by calculating V1 and V2 with following specification: q =19 and
assume XA= 10 and m=22.
4. Apply Kerberos authentication mechanism for accessing a file from a remote server
and explain with a suitable diagram.
5. Draw IPSec Authentication Header and write short notes on each element of the
6. Illustrate Transport Layer Security (TSL) Architecture and discover how Change
Cipher Spec Protocol and Alert Protocol are used for imprudent of security.
7. Infer the Kerberos Version 5 message exchanges.

8. Illustrate the various intrusion detection techniques.

9. Apply the concept of DSA with key generation and verification for a bank statement
10. Illustrate different means of authentication.

11. Illustrate the protocols involved in Secure Shell (SSH)

12. Explain in details about the techniques involved in wireless and Mobile device
13. Briefly explain MAC requirements and security, MACs based on Hash Functions and
MACs based on Block Ciphers with neat diagram.
14. Explain in details about four SSL Protocols with proper diagram.

15. Explain the technical details of firewall and describe any three types of firewalls with
neat diagram.
16. Illustrate in detail about the message authentication code and its requirements.
Develop the HMAC Design Objectives and build its structure
17. Explain Elgamal Cryptographic system with suitable example.

18. Illustrate different means of authentication.

19. Discover how the Kerberos versions are used for distribution of keys in real-time
20. With a neat sketch, explain the Elliptic curve cryptography with an example.

21. Illustrate the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Architecture with suitable diagram.

22. Discuss examples from real life, where the following security objectives are:
 Confidentiality
 Integrity
 Non-Repudiation

Suggest suitable security mechanisms to achieve them.

23. Apply ElGamal Signature scheme to generate Signature S1,S2 and verify the same at
the receiver side by calculating V1 and V2 with following specification:
q =19 and assume XA= 10 and m=22.
24. Explain in details about Schnorr Digital Signatures.

25. Alice and Bob use the Diffie – Hellman key exchange technique with a common prime
number 11 and a primitive root of 2. If Alice and Bob choose distinct secret integers
as 9 and 3, respectively, then compute the shared secret key.
26. With the help of a neat diagram, explain wired and wireless TLS architecture.

27. Consider a banking application that is expected to provide cryptographic

functionalities. Assume that this application is running on top of another application
wherein the end customers can perform a single task of fund transfer. The application
requires cryptographic requirements based on the
amount of transfer.
Transfer amount Cryptography functions required
1 – 2000 Message digest
2001 – 5000 Digital signature
5000 and above Digital signature and encryption

Suggest the security scheme to be adopted in client and server side to accommodate
the above requirements and justify your recommendations.
28. Explain in details about 3 remote user authentication principles with neat diagram.
With a neat Sketch explain the Elliptic curve cryptography with an example.

30. Establish the need for a firewall and explain in detail the different types of firewalls.

31. Review the applications of cryptographic hash functions

32. Discuss the Kerberos Version 5 message exchanges.

33. Describe the process of deriving eighty 64-bit words from the 1024-bits for processing
of a single block and also discuss single round function in SHA-512 algorithm
34. Trace the structure of HMAC and illustrate the overall operation.

35. Review the different types of malicious software.

36. Apply EIGamal Signature scheme to generate Signature S1, S2 and verify the same
at the receiver side by calculating V1 and V2 with following specification: q = 19, a
=10, XA= 16,K = 5, M = 14.
37. Identify the need for a firewall and explain in detail the different types of firewalls.

38. Describe Schnorr Digital Signature Scheme with suitable example.

39. Illustrate the features of transport layer security such as TLS Architecture, TLS record
protocol, and TLS handshake protocol.
40. Examine the various intrusion detection techniques.

41. Illustrate the security threats of mobile devices and outline the principal elements in a
mobile device security strategy.
42. Explain the various security threats and its countermeasures for wireless networks.

43. Examine in detail ElGamal Digital Signature scheme with an example.

44. Outline the Secure hash Algorithm in detail.

45. Illustrate the features of transport layer security such as TLS Architecture, TLS record
protocol, and TLS handshake protocol.
46. Examine the various intrusion detection techniques.

47. Illustrate the security threats of mobile devices and outline the principal elements in a
mobile device security strategy.
48. Explain the various security threats and its countermeasures for wireless networks.
49. Examine in detail ElGamal Digital Signature scheme with an example.

50. Outline the Secure hash Algorithm in detail.

51. Consider prime field q=19, it has primitive roots {2, 3, 10, 13, 14, 15}, if suppose
α=10. Then write key generation by she choose XA=16. And also sign with hash
m=14 and Alice choose secret no K=5. Verify the signature using Elgamal digital
Signature Scheme
52. Discover any one method of efficient implementation of HMAC

53. Explain the various security threats and its countermeasures for wireless networks.

54. Explain the concept of TLS-Handshake in detail.

55. Explain about the implementation of distributed denial of service attack.

56. Discuss about the various malicious software that attack

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