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Philosophy of Education

I believe education's purpose is to further the minds of what a person can believe. Take

the learning and create it to knowledge of one to keep forever. To take in the ideas from

everywhere Ranging from what others learned in the past, present, as well for the future. So that

you as the person who is learning and being educated now. Will be able to keep that wheel going

for now and forever.

I believe a student learns best when they work in a classroom together as compared to

solo. Being able to learn with others can help enhance the ideas from one another. Doing this

creates a warmer environment rather than one where students feel like they are competing and

isolated. That is the opposite of where students should be, it would create a separation between

students. Causing even less involvement int he class, like raising hands and asking questions in

front of everyone.

A good learning environment is one in which the learner and teacher are at unison peace.

More so, where the learner can take all the content in with no distractions and fear of learning

more. Where the learner is motivated and comfortable to participate fully with a group and

individually to the fullest potential. As well as an environment where everyone is involved and a

sense of responsibility to learn.

I believe that teachers should have the following qualities that include being patient. I

think this because it could be very frustrating to teach something you know to someone who

doesn't know. So having the quality of patience can take you a long way at being able to teach

the best of your ability. Another quality a teacher should do is being genuine. These two aspects

can bring a great way of teaching just from an aura in a sense. To give a lesson from your heart

not being fake.

I believe teachers should assess their practice and strive to improve by creating check

points a long the way before the big assessment. I believe by doing so it helps you understand

what you don't understand. Which could help you emphasis on that to become stronger. With this

could also be included a repetition on material you already know. To not forget it along the way

and have it engraved. In a way like working out, getting stronger with practice.

Ways teachers should assess their practices, work to improve by speaking with the

students one on one and in front of the classroom. I think communication is one of the keyways

to keep the students in check. Knowing what they need help on before the assessment is

something that can lead you to success. Then if you talk to the whole class you get a good idea of

what they need help on and can help everyone.

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