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Pillai HOC College of

and Technology Engineering Date:

Dene puning Explain alpha and bcta
is a aith an eaanple
rihm's such technique
as minma
used în search
aigrithm, to
Tuce number nades hat necd to the
ecplod this techniaues învalwes cutings
parts oF searh tree hat as cleard
unlikely to level qood Sauhon
1D Alpha heta pr
pning hot nning isa specike Fam
pning that is cahmany anls used în gome
ll +deksy maintaining tso alues alpha
and beta hich casent maxiaumlo
caer hound and minimum upper ound
an Scoe hat can be cchieyed at each
B min o.)y
d maxoy4
4) Max
2 |2 Temina
’ Node.

Q.2)ct aut fnFomed Seach alganhm and explain

the A* alaonthm oith examples
P) BESiTDA "DHiL imbing ) simulaed
annaing Page No.
Pillai HOC College of Engineering Date
and Technology

Z hintormed seah algontoraalso k a e

las blend seaxch alaorinma
Search algothms hat Cxplats he Scax
coihaut any KnoLoledae abaut prcedus ah
than prablem dekniion
A ’ .c

4. MaKe node A aS visited and add it to stock

9: pop nde A hom Stack and esamine ts
nelghbour k{ and C Make thenm aswisfed
and add them to Stacls
pop node C brom Stack ad exomine
neighbOu Fand Cd Make than as viated
ant addhon to sAack
Pap node f Fom Stack nd baCstacs h
node E
pp node T bom Stack and back truc ta

all agonthms atording to their pnpe
TaFomed Search algomihms, also kngn as
Heutstic Search algorikhmarr tpe o
Searsh algonthm hat uSeS pmbiem-speez
Ee KnoLaledge to guide he Sarch touads
he Page No.
Pillai HOCCollege of Engineering
and Technology Date:

10 These algarithns use a heunshc Ancion to

eskmate he cost oF $ maching gnal rn
Cunent Sta tes.
) Some ok Commany used inFned Search
are bst - Prst Se0rch edy
lsearh and A% Seach
algonhm isa popular n Fsnrn cd searh
alganhm that Com hines advantagcs aF bah
badh-Erst Search and greey Serch
H algonithm ausays explarts node alth
louyesotal cost ohere est + Sum oF
actual Cad and esiDaed cost

R.42| HaLo lacal Aerch algorithm oorkexplain Hhe

Cancept oF hill climbing aaomthm and Si muloked
annsaung agoninm
BES:- 0his alganlhm explares
T p h level heart moving to nea
Aepth level, g+ ls quaented shoctest
guarened tato ind
path ta he goa
DES Hhis algorthm e<plores as Far as
eoch branch heEore hack tra
|less memy
BS and equires
DVCS This alonthm expinres nodes in oder
oF Tncreasing cost, whcr cost is sum aF
iss aimal and"guarcnd to
t ind shaxsest
Page No.
Pillai HOCCollege of Engineering Date:
and Technology

his algonthm is similar to DES, but it imits

he dépth oF Searh to cerain Level I+is
Faster and cquires less memory Hhan BES
and ce
5)that fs an adyersanal Search alganthm and
me playing algonhmdeçcrnbed FrieA,,9
| Local Search algmhms are apimizahon
algorthns that start coin an Înihal Soluian
andLiteatey tmpmue Souian kt masin Smal
changes to
popular local search algoathms
Climbing cnd simulaked Ann aing
) H?UL CciÇmbing Algorithmsi
The hil
hlL cimbiog agorithm s a local sears
algsrithm that Stars cuitn nital Selubon.
ard iberaiveyy mpncess Saluhan by
makig Smai Changas to t
Annealíng alaorthm
_imulaed chnealing alsnhm Can.
escape hom local ophimaland
orse Sauions coih certain
How euex, algoriHhms equires pmbablty
Hed Cading schcdue to nsure hat temp
ertu derases at an apprniake rak

Page No.
Pillai HOC College of Engineering
and Technology

Y9ekne he tenms chrMmosumeitncss hunchan

Cnssaver and mutahian as ised în genehe ag
mknm and haa ConrkS exalain coih an ea
n he Cantext oF geneht algorinmsa chms
me is candidate Soluian tD he amhlem
Salued THS typlcally rcpresened aa
mbals or Nalues cohem each

E+ness uncian
T+ isa Ãunchan that guaíGjes he pphlem beina
aT Soluhan Ps caith espect to
close a. Sauh'on s to
Salved Tt eVauakes hac
he opËmal solukan.
iP) COSS oVeri
an Selected
Ae perm çMSsayeroperahans oEFsprinq
parent chomosames to ctate neo
Pu) Muta han:
a nstonce, c miaht mndom-change
oF Fhegenes in an oEEsprng chramaSame
ecplace ne egions oF he Souhan space.
Maximizig aAnchion

cahers x PG a real number betieen aond o


Parent 1 Aec DE EalH

Roseak 9EAHAD|BE|A
Page No.
Pillai HOCCollege of Engineering
and Technology Date:

PApply d-p puning an the iaaing given

Pn Heure. consideng the
the rst pad
FrSt nade as max

11 8

Here cansidering LarßVat each node

Fnr MAx Nodes, V= max (diB4 d
Fr mTN Nod es,V= nin (di) &B > = 0

Concider the graph gien In haioging belac

assume that he nihal tae ie S and he
Skate is G Shoco hoca A Search cwould
create a
Searh tree t ind a path hom Hhe faiial Stake
h aoalstaBe.
Page No.
Pillai HOC College of
and Technology Engineering Date:.

State hin n)+hcn ) 1+7=8

L3 En)
+ hín=3+9: 12Cholc

u En): )thín) =l0+ll 2) ChoLd

Fn)= gn)+hín)= t) =9


Page No.
Coi2)css Ca41


\414 Hax

Pillai H0C College of Engineering Date:
and Technology

y bounded agorithms
Explain SAm qsthm
-haunded algonhms a r agonthms
desianed to oparat
eoihin alimited
aF msmas making them Suitable oF coithout
ents corh Sing memom conStraints
auining excescive eded
SmACmpífcd Mema Alaonhm)
R) TDAC Tteralive - Deepening Alasnthm)
Memany- Baunded Alph-Beta Seoch
in Dancing Línks CDLK

) Lassy Cauning algonitnm

viD Memog Consraínt Dnamie pDgmmig
GA agorihmi
SAm stnrage Adapive A) s an alaorhm desi
aned ãr saling seach prablensonstraint:
cohile apeming coithin a memong
bTEdnamiay adapts its behaviour based on
eHecfuey explae lage
allouaing tt to
spaces coitot

exceedig he memony imit:

Starts colth an
empy pnoniy queue
and Pniialízes other neoeSso data Stauctes
d)T+ Selecte an expanda he nades hom He
aPEN priony Queue unil a Soluion s Fund
Lar fhe' memoy limit Ps reoched

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